Google Cloud C++ Client
C++ Client Library for Google Cloud Platform
This is the complete list of members for google::cloud::CompletionQueue, including all inherited members.
AsyncWaitConnectionReady(std::shared_ptr< grpc::Channel > channel, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | |
CancelAll() | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
CompletionQueue() | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | |
CompletionQueue(std::shared_ptr< internal::CompletionQueueImpl > impl) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inlineexplicit |
MakeDeadlineTimer(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
MakeRelativeTimer(std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > duration) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
MakeStreamingReadRpc(AsyncCallType &&async_call, Request const &request, std::unique_ptr< grpc::ClientContext > context, OnReadHandler &&on_read, OnFinishHandler &&on_finish) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
MakeUnaryRpc(AsyncCallType async_call, Request const &request, std::unique_ptr< grpc::ClientContext > context) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
Run() | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
RunAsync(Functor &&functor) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
RunAsync(Functor &&functor) | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |
Shutdown() | google::cloud::CompletionQueue | inline |