StatusOr< ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo > | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::ParseServiceAccountCredentials (std::string const &content, std::string const &source, std::string const &default_token_uri=GoogleOAuthRefreshEndpoint()) |
| Parses the contents of a JSON keyfile into a ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo. More...
StatusOr< ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo > | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::ParseServiceAccountP12File (std::string const &source, std::string const &default_token_uri=GoogleOAuthRefreshEndpoint()) |
| Parses the contents of a P12 keyfile into a ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo. More...
StatusOr< RefreshingCredentialsWrapper::TemporaryToken > | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::ParseServiceAccountRefreshResponse (storage::internal::HttpResponse const &response, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) |
| Parses a refresh response JSON string and uses the current time to create a TemporaryToken. More...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::AssertionComponentsFromInfo (ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo const &info, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) |
| Splits a ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo into header and payload components and uses the current time to make a JWT assertion. More...
std::string | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::MakeJWTAssertion (std::string const &header, std::string const &payload, std::string const &pem_contents) |
| Given a key and a JSON header and payload, creates a JWT assertion string. More...
std::string | google::cloud::storage::oauth2::CreateServiceAccountRefreshPayload (ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo const &info, std::string const &grant_type, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) |
| Uses a ServiceAccountCredentialsInfo and the current time to construct a JWT assertion. More...