Google Cloud Storage C++ Client  1.42.0
A C++ Client Library for Google Cloud Storage
Example: Mocking GCS C++ Client

Mocking GCS bucket read and write

It is possible to mock GCS bucket read and write using gmock framework, this is specially useful for developer using GCS C++ client library.

Mocking Successful call of ReadObject()

Mocking of ReadObject can be achieved by mocking ObjectReadSource. The following code snippet explains this

TEST(StorageMockingSamples, MockReadObject) {
namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;
std::shared_ptr<gcs::testing::MockClient> mock =
auto client = gcs::testing::ClientFromMock(mock);
std::string const text = "this is a mock http response";
std::size_t offset = 0;
// Simulate a Read() call in the MockObjectReadSource object created below
auto simulate_read = [&text, &offset](void* buf, std::size_t n) {
auto const l = (std::min)(n, text.size() - offset);
std::memcpy(buf, + offset, l);
offset += l;
return gcs::internal::ReadSourceResult{
l, gcs::internal::HttpResponse{200, {}, {}}};
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, ReadObject)
.WillOnce([&](gcs::internal::ReadObjectRangeRequest const& request) {
EXPECT_EQ(request.bucket_name(), "mock-bucket-name") << request;
std::unique_ptr<gcs::testing::MockObjectReadSource> mock_source(
new gcs::testing::MockObjectReadSource);
::testing::InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, IsOpen()).WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, Read).WillOnce(simulate_read);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, IsOpen()).WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
gcs::ObjectReadStream stream =
client.ReadObject("mock-bucket-name", "mock-object-name");
// Reading the payload of http response stored in stream
std::string actual{std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream), {}};
EXPECT_EQ(actual, text);
StatusOr< T > make_status_or(T rhs)

Mocking Failed call of ReadObject()

Mocking of ReadObject can be achieved by mocking ObjectReadSource. The following code snippet explains this

TEST(StorageMockingSamples, MockReadObjectFailure) {
namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;
std::shared_ptr<gcs::testing::MockClient> mock =
auto client = gcs::testing::ClientFromMock(mock);
std::string text = "this is a mock http response";
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, ReadObject)
.WillOnce([](gcs::internal::ReadObjectRangeRequest const& request) {
EXPECT_EQ(request.bucket_name(), "mock-bucket-name") << request;
auto* mock_source = new gcs::testing::MockObjectReadSource;
::testing::InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, IsOpen).WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, Read)
"Invalid Argument")));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_source, IsOpen).WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
std::unique_ptr<gcs::internal::ObjectReadSource> result(mock_source);
return google::cloud::make_status_or(std::move(result));
gcs::ObjectReadStream stream =
client.ReadObject("mock-bucket-name", "mock-object-name");

Mocking Successful call of WriteObject()

Mocking of ReadObject can be achieved by mocking ObjectWriteStreambuf. The following code snippet explains this

TEST(StorageMockingSamples, MockWriteObject) {
namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;
std::shared_ptr<gcs::testing::MockClient> mock =
auto client = gcs::testing::ClientFromMock(mock);
gcs::ObjectMetadata expected_metadata;
using gcs::internal::CreateResumableUploadResponse;
using gcs::internal::QueryResumableUploadResponse;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, CreateResumableUpload)
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, UploadChunk)
auto stream = client.WriteObject("mock-bucket-name", "mock-object-name");
stream << "Hello World!";

Mocking Failed call of WriteObject()

Mocking of ReadObject can be achieved by mocking ObjectWriteStreambuf. The following code snippet explains this

TEST(StorageMockingSamples, MockWriteObjectFailure) {
namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;
std::shared_ptr<gcs::testing::MockClient> mock =
auto client = gcs::testing::ClientFromMock(mock);
using gcs::internal::CreateResumableUploadResponse;
using gcs::internal::QueryResumableUploadResponse;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, CreateResumableUpload)
EXPECT_CALL(*mock, UploadChunk)
auto stream = client.WriteObject("mock-bucket-name", "mock-object-name");
stream << "Hello World!";

The documentation for each member function in the Client class includes short snippets on how to call the function. The snippets for ReadObject(), WriteObject(), ListObjects(), and DeleteObject() are good places to continue learning about the library.