Class GoogleCloudAiplatformV1beta1SchemaTrainingjobDefinitionAutoMlImageObjectDetectionInputs
Assembly: Google.Apis.Aiplatform.v1beta1.dll
public class GoogleCloudAiplatformV1beta1SchemaTrainingjobDefinitionAutoMlImageObjectDetectionInputs : IDirectResponseSchema
The training budget of creating this model, expressed in milli node hours i.e. 1,000 value in this field
means 1 node hour. The actual metadata.costMilliNodeHours will be equal or less than this value. If further
model training ceases to provide any improvements, it will stop without using the full budget and the
metadata.successfulStopReason will be model-converged
. Note, node_hour = actual_hour *
number_of_nodes_involved. For modelType cloud
(default), the budget must be between 20,000 and 900,000
milli node hours, inclusive. The default value is 216,000 which represents one day in wall time, considering
9 nodes are used. For model types mobile-tf-low-latency-1
, mobile-tf-versatile-1
the training budget must be between 1,000 and 100,000 milli node hours,
inclusive. The default value is 24,000 which represents one day in wall time on a single node that is used.
public virtual long? BudgetMilliNodeHours { get; set; }
Property Value
Use the entire training budget. This disables the early stopping feature. When false the early stopping
feature is enabled, which means that AutoML Image Object Detection might stop training before the entire
training budget has been used.
public virtual bool? DisableEarlyStopping { get; set; }
Property Value
public virtual string ETag { get; set; }
Property Value
public virtual string ModelType { get; set; }
Property Value
Trainer type for Vision TrainRequest.
public virtual GoogleCloudAiplatformV1beta1SchemaTrainingjobDefinitionAutomlImageTrainingTunableParameter TunableParameter { get; set; }
Property Value
The ID of base
model for upTraining. If it is specified, the new model will be upTrained based on the
model for upTraining. Otherwise, the new model will be trained from scratch. The base
model for
upTraining must be in the same Project and Location as the new Model to train, and have the same modelType.
public virtual string UptrainBaseModelId { get; set; }
Property Value