All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortedException |
Exception thrown when the operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue like
sequencer check failures, transaction aborts, etc.
AbstractFixedSizeCollection<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT extends AbstractPage<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT>,CollectionT extends AbstractFixedSizeCollection<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT,CollectionT>> |
AbstractPage<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT extends AbstractPage<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT>> |
AbstractPagedListResponse<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT extends AbstractPage<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT>,CollectionT extends AbstractFixedSizeCollection<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT,PageT,CollectionT>> |
AccumulatingBatchReceiver<T> |
A simple ThresholdBatchReceiver that just accumulates batches.
AlreadyExistsException |
Exception thrown when some entity that we attempted to create (e.g., file or directory) already
ApiCallContext |
Context for an API call.
ApiCallContext.Key<T> |
Key for api call context options key-value pair.
ApiCallContextOptions |
ApiCallContextOptions encapsulates additional call options to pass in a ApiCallContext
ApiClientHeaderProvider |
Implementation of HeaderProvider that provides headers describing the API client library making
API calls.
ApiClientHeaderProvider.Builder |
ApiException |
Represents an exception thrown during an RPC call.
ApiExceptionFactory |
A factory class that returns the corresponding type of exception class from the given status
ApiExceptions |
ApiMethodDescriptor<RequestT,ResponseT> |
ApiMethodDescriptor.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
ApiMethodDescriptor.MethodType |
ApiStreamObserver<V> |
Receives notifications from an observable stream of messages.
ApiTracer |
Implementations of this class trace the logical flow of a google cloud client.
ApiTracer.Scope |
ApiTracerFactory |
A factory to create new instances of ApiTracer s.
ApiTracerFactory.OperationType |
The type of operation the ApiTracer is tracing.
AsyncPage<ResourceT> |
An AsyncPage extends a Page object with a getNextPageAsync method.
AsyncTaskException |
This exception is used to preserve the caller's stacktrace when invoking an async task in a sync
BackgroundResource |
Represents a resource running in the background that needs to be shut down for resources to be
BackgroundResourceAggregation |
Treats a collection of background resources as a single background resource.
BaseApiTracer |
A base implementation of ApiTracer that does nothing.
BaseApiTracerFactory |
Base factory that will build ApiTracer s that do nothing.
BaseBackgroundResource |
A Background resource that does nothing.
BasicResultRetryAlgorithm<ResponseT> |
Batch<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A Batch contains a collection of requests that are to be batched into a single API call.
BatchedFuture<ResponseT> |
An ApiFuture to be used with batching.
BatchedRequestIssuer<ResponseT> |
BatchedRequestIssuer receives a response or an exception and waits to set the given batchedFuture
until sendResult() is called.
BatchEntry<ElementT,ElementResultT> |
This class contains the element and its corresponding unresolved future, which would be resolved
when batch is successful or failed .
Batcher<ElementT,ElementResultT> |
Represents a batching context where individual elements will be accumulated and flushed in a
large batch request at some point in the future.
BatcherFactory<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A Factory class which, for each unique partitionKey, creates a trio including a ThresholdBatcher,
BatchExecutor, and ThresholdBatchingForwarder.
BatcherImpl<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT> |
Queues up the elements until BatcherImpl.flush() is called; once batching is over, returned future
BatchingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A UnaryCallable which will batch requests based on the given BatchingDescriptor and
BatchingCallSettings<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT> |
BatchingCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A settings class to configure a UnaryCallable for calls to an API method that supports
BatchingCallSettings.Builder<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT> |
BatchingCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
BatchingDescriptor<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT> |
An adapter that packs and unpacks the elements in and out of batch requests and responses.
BatchingDescriptor<RequestT,ResponseT> |
Interface which represents an object that transforms request/response data for the purposes of
BatchingException |
Represents exception occurred during batching.
BatchingFlowController<T> |
BatchingRequestBuilder<ElementT,RequestT> |
Adapter to pack individual elements into a larger batch request.
BatchingSettings |
Represents the batching settings to use for an API method that is capable of batching.
BatchingSettings.Builder |
See the class documentation of BatchingSettings for a description of the different
values that can be set.
BatchingThreshold<E> |
The interface representing a threshold to be used in ThresholdBatcher.
BatchingThresholds |
Factory methods for general-purpose batching thresholds.
BatchMerger<B> |
BidiStream<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A wrapper around a bidirectional stream.
BidiStreamingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A BidiStreamingCallable is an immutable object which is capable of making RPC calls to
bidirectional streaming API methods.
BidiStreamObserver<RequestT,ResponseT> |
Callables |
Class with utility methods to create callable objects using provided settings.
CancelledException |
The exception thrown when the operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).
ChannelFactory |
This interface represents a factory for creating one ManagedChannel
ChannelPoolSettings |
Settings to control ChannelPool behavior.
ChannelPoolSettings.Builder |
ChannelPrimer |
An interface to prepare a ManagedChannel for normal requests by priming the channel
ClientContext |
Encapsulates client state, including executor, credentials, and transport channel.
ClientContext.Builder |
ClientSettings<SettingsT extends ClientSettings<SettingsT>> |
A base settings class to configure a client class.
ClientSettings.Builder<SettingsT extends ClientSettings<SettingsT>,B extends ClientSettings.Builder<SettingsT,B>> |
ClientStream<RequestT> |
A wrapper used to send requests to the server.
ClientStreamingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A ClientStreamingCallable is an immutable object which is capable of making RPC calls to client
streaming API methods.
ClientStreamReadyObserver<V> |
A callback used to report that the ClientStream is ready to send more messages.
ContextAwareMetadataJson |
Data class representing context_aware_metadata.json file.
CredentialsProvider |
Provides an interface to hold and acquire the credentials that will be used to call the service.
DataLossException |
Exception thrown due to unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
DeadlineExceededException |
Exception thrown when deadline expired before operation could complete.
DirectRetryingExecutor<ResponseT> |
The retry executor which executes attempts in the current thread, potentially causing the current
thread to sleep for the specified amount of time before execution.
Distribution |
Distribution records values from 0 (inclusive) to endValue (exclusive) and
computes their percentiles.
DynamicFlowControlSettings |
Settings for dynamic flow control
DynamicFlowControlSettings.Builder |
ElementCounter<E> |
Interface representing an object that provides a numerical count given an object of the
parameterized type.
EnvironmentProvider |
Provides an interface to provide the environment variable values.
ErrorDetails |
This class contains a list of standard error messages that returns from server.
ErrorDetails.Builder |
ExecutorAsBackgroundResource |
ExecutorAsBackgroundResource wraps an ExecutorService so that it can be used as a BackgroundResource .
ExecutorProvider |
Provides an interface to either build a ScheduledExecutorService or provide a fixed
ScheduledExecutorService that will be used to make calls to a service.
ExponentialPollAlgorithm |
The timed poll algorithm which uses jittered exponential backoff factor for calculating the next
poll execution time and throws PollException in case if total timeout or total number of
attempts is reached.
ExponentialRetryAlgorithm |
The timed retry algorithm which uses jittered exponential backoff factor for calculating the next
attempt execution time.
FailedPreconditionException |
Exception thrown when the operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required
for the operation's execution.
FieldsExtractor<RequestT,ParamsT> |
A functional interface to be implemented for each request message to extract specific fields from
FixedCredentialsProvider |
FixedCredentialsProvider is a CredentialsProvider which always provides the same credentials.
FixedExecutorProvider |
FixedExecutorProvider is an ExecutorProvider which always returns the same executor.
FixedHeaderProvider |
An instance of HeaderProvider that always provides the same headers.
FixedSizeCollection<ResourceT> |
A FixedSizeCollection object wraps multiple API list method responses into a single collection
with a fixed number of elements.
FixedTransportChannelProvider |
An instance of TransportChannelProvider that always provides the same TransportChannel.
FixedWatchdogProvider |
A watchdog provider which always returns the same watchdog instance provided to the provider
during construction.
FlowControlEventStats |
Record the statistics of flow control events.
FlowControlEventStats.FlowControlEvent |
A flow control event.
FlowController |
Provides flow control capability.
FlowController.FlowControlException |
Base exception that signals a flow control state.
FlowController.FlowControlRuntimeException |
Runtime exception that can be used in place of FlowControlException when an unchecked exception
is required.
FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior |
Enumeration of behaviors that FlowController can use in case the flow control limits are
FlowController.MaxOutstandingElementCountReachedException |
Exception thrown when client-side flow control is enforced based on the maximum number of
outstanding in-memory elements.
FlowController.MaxOutstandingRequestBytesReachedException |
Exception thrown when client-side flow control is enforced based on the maximum number of
unacknowledged in-memory bytes.
FlowControlSettings |
FlowControlSettings.Builder |
ForwardingHttpJsonClientCall<RequestT,ResponseT> |
ForwardingHttpJsonClientCall.SimpleForwardingHttpJsonClientCall<RequestT,ResponseT> |
ForwardingHttpJsonClientCallListener<ResponseT> |
ForwardingHttpJsonClientCallListener.SimpleForwardingHttpJsonClientCallListener<ResponseT> |
GaxGrpcProperties |
Provides properties of the GAX-GRPC library.
GaxHttpJsonProperties |
Provides properties of the GAX-HTTPJSON library.
GaxProperties |
Provides properties of the GAX library.
GoogleCredentialsProvider |
GoogleCredentialsProvider acquires credentials using Application Default Credentials.
GoogleCredentialsProvider.Builder |
GrpcCallableFactory |
Class with utility methods to create grpc-based direct callables.
GrpcCallContext |
GrpcCallContext encapsulates context data used to make a grpc call.
GrpcCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
Grpc-specific settings for creating callables.
GrpcCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
GrpcHeaderInterceptor |
An interceptor to handle custom headers.
GrpcInterceptorProvider |
Provider of custom gRPC ClientInterceptors.
GrpcOperationsCallableFactory |
gRPC callable factory implementation for Google Long Running Operations API.
GrpcOperationsStub |
gRPC stub implementation for Google Long Running Operations API.
GrpcRawCallableFactory |
Class with utility methods to create low level grpc-based direct callables.
GrpcResponseMetadata |
GrpcResponseMetadata provides a mechanism to access the headers and trailers returned by a gRPC
client method.
GrpcStatusCode |
A failure code specific to a gRPC call.
GrpcStubCallableFactory |
GrpcTransportChannel |
Implementation of TransportChannel based on gRPC.
GrpcTransportChannel.Builder |
HeaderProvider |
Provider of headers to put on http requests.
Headers |
HttpHeadersUtils |
This class is for internal use only and is public for technical reasons.
HttpJsonCallableFactory |
Class with utility methods to create http/json-based direct callables.
HttpJsonCallContext |
HttpJsonCallContext encapsulates context data used to make an http-json call.
HttpJsonCallOptions |
Options for an http-json call, including deadline and credentials.
HttpJsonCallOptions.Builder |
HttpJsonCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
HTTP-specific settings for creating callables.
HttpJsonCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
HttpJsonChannel |
HttpJsonChannel contains the functionality to issue http-json calls.
HttpJsonClientCall<RequestT,ResponseT> |
An instance of a call to a remote method.
HttpJsonClientCall.Listener<T> |
Callbacks for receiving metadata, response messages and completion status from the server.
HttpJsonClientInterceptor |
Interface for intercepting outgoing calls before they are dispatched by a HttpJsonChannel .
HttpJsonHeaderEnhancer |
Interface for functionality to enhance headers for an http-json call.
HttpJsonHeaderEnhancers |
HttpJsonInterceptorProvider |
Provider of custom REST ClientInterceptors.
HttpJsonLongRunningClient<RequestT,OperationT> |
Implementation of LongRunningClient based on REST transport.
HttpJsonMetadata |
HttpJsonOperationsCallableFactory |
REST callable factory implementation for the Operations service API.
HttpJsonOperationSnapshot |
Implementation of OperationSnapshot based on REST transport.
HttpJsonOperationSnapshot.Builder |
HttpJsonOperationSnapshotCallable<RequestT,OperationT> |
A UnaryCallable that wraps a UnaryCallable returning an Operation and returns an
OperationSnapshot instead.
HttpJsonOperationsStub |
REST stub implementation for the Operations service API.
HttpJsonStatusCode |
A failure code specific to an HTTP call.
HttpJsonStatusRuntimeException |
HTTP status code in RuntimeException form, for propagating status code information via
HttpJsonStubCallableFactory<OperationT,OperationsStub extends BackgroundResource> |
HttpJsonTransportChannel |
Implementation of TransportChannel based on http/json.
HttpJsonTransportChannel.Builder |
HttpRequestFormatter<MessageFormatT> |
Interface for classes that create parts of HTTP requests from a parameterized message.
HttpResponseParser<MessageFormatT> |
Interface for classes that parse parts of HTTP responses into the parameterized message type.
InstantiatingExecutorProvider |
InstantiatingChannelProvider is an ExecutorProvider which constructs a new
ScheduledExecutorService every time getExecutor() is called.
InstantiatingExecutorProvider.Builder |
InstantiatingGrpcChannelProvider |
InstantiatingGrpcChannelProvider is a TransportChannelProvider which constructs a gRPC
ManagedChannel with a number of configured inputs every time getChannel(...) is called.
InstantiatingGrpcChannelProvider.Builder |
InstantiatingHttpJsonChannelProvider |
InstantiatingHttpJsonChannelProvider is a TransportChannelProvider which constructs a ManagedHttpJsonChannel with a number of configured inputs every time getChannel(...) is called.
InstantiatingHttpJsonChannelProvider.Builder |
InstantiatingWatchdogProvider |
A watchdog provider which instantiates a new provider on every request.
InternalException |
Exception thrown due to internal errors.
InvalidArgumentException |
Exception thrown when client specified an invalid argument.
LongRunningClient |
Implementation-agnostic interface for managing long-running operations.
ManagedHttpJsonChannel |
Implementation of HttpJsonChannel which can issue http-json calls.
ManagedHttpJsonChannel.Builder |
MtlsProvider |
Provider class for mutual TLS.
MtlsProvider.MtlsEndpointUsagePolicy |
The policy for mutual TLS endpoint usage.
NativeImageUtils |
Internal class offering helper methods for registering methods/classes for reflection.
NoCredentialsProvider |
NoCredentialsProvider is a CredentialsProvider which always returns null.
NoHeaderProvider |
Implementation of HeaderProvider that provides empty headers.
NonCancellableFuture<ResponseT> |
A future which cannot be cancelled from the external package.
NotFoundException |
Exception thrown when some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not found.
NumericThreshold<E> |
A threshold which accumulates a count based on the provided ElementCounter.
OpencensusTracer |
Implementation of ApiTracer that uses OpenCensus.
OpencensusTracerFactory |
OperationCallable<RequestT,ResponseT,MetadataT> |
An OperationCallable is an immutable object which is capable of initiating RPC calls to
long-running API methods and returning an OperationFuture to manage the polling of the
Operation and getting the response.
OperationCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT,MetadataT> |
A settings class to configure an OperationCallable for calls to initiate, resume, and
cancel a long-running operation.
OperationCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT,MetadataT> |
OperationFuture<ResponseT,MetadataT> |
An ApiFuture which tracks polling of a service.
OperationFutureImpl<ResponseT,MetadataT> |
An ApiFuture which tracks polling of a service.
OperationFutures |
OperationResponsePollAlgorithm |
OperationsClient |
Service Description: Manages long-running operations with an API service.
OperationsClient |
Service Description: Manages long-running operations with an API service.
OperationsClient.ListOperationsFixedSizeCollection |
OperationsClient.ListOperationsFixedSizeCollection |
OperationsClient.ListOperationsPage |
OperationsClient.ListOperationsPage |
OperationsClient.ListOperationsPagedResponse |
OperationsClient.ListOperationsPagedResponse |
OperationSnapshot |
A snapshot of a long-running operation.
OperationSnapshotFactory<RequestT,OperationT> |
A factory which creates an OperationSnapshot from an initial request message (the one
which started a long running operation) and an operation response (which may be either initial
request response or the polling request response).
OperationsSettings |
OperationsSettings |
OperationsSettings.Builder |
Builder for OperationsSettings.
OperationsSettings.Builder |
Builder for OperationsSettings.
OperationsStub |
Base stub class for the Operations service API.
OperationsStub |
Base stub class for Google Long Running Operations API.
OperationsStubSettings |
OperationsStubSettings |
OperationsStubSettings.Builder |
Builder for OperationsStubSettings.
OperationsStubSettings.Builder |
Builder for OperationsStubSettings.
OperationTimedPollAlgorithm |
Operation timed polling algorithm, which uses exponential backoff factor for determining when the
next polling operation should be executed.
OutOfRangeException |
Exception thrown when the operation was attempted past the valid range.
Page<ResourceT> |
A Page object wraps an API list method response.
PageContext<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT> |
The context for a page call.
PagedCallable<RequestT,ResponseT,PagedListResponseT> |
A UnaryCallable which provides page streaming functionality for unary calls.
PagedCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT,PagedListResponseT> |
A settings class to configure a UnaryCallable for calls to an API method that supports
page streaming.
PagedCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT,PagedListResponseT> |
PagedListDescriptor<RequestT,ResponseT,ResourceT> |
An interface which provides the functionality to extract data from requests and inject data into
requests for the purposes of page streaming.
PagedListResponse<ResourceT> |
Response for paged results from a list API method
PagedListResponseFactory<RequestT,ResponseT,PagedListResponseT> |
Interface for constructing futures which return PagedListResponse objects.
Pages |
PartitionKey |
PermissionDeniedException |
Exception thrown when the caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.
PollException |
PollException is thrown when polling algorithm exceeds total timeout or total number of
PollingRequestFactory<RequestT> |
A factory which creates a subsequent polling request from a compund operation id.
ProtocolBufferParsingException |
Exception thrown when parsing protocol buffer message failed
ProtoMessageRequestFormatter<RequestT extends> |
Creates parts of a HTTP request from a protobuf message.
ProtoMessageRequestFormatter.Builder<RequestT extends> |
ProtoMessageResponseParser<ResponseT extends> |
ProtoMessageResponseParser.Builder<ResponseT extends> |
ProtoOperationTransformers |
Public for technical reasons; intended for use by generated code.
ProtoOperationTransformers |
Public for technical reasons; intended for use by generated code.
ProtoOperationTransformers.MetadataTransformer<MetadataT extends> |
ProtoOperationTransformers.MetadataTransformer<MetadataT extends> |
ProtoOperationTransformers.ResponseTransformer<ResponseT extends> |
ProtoOperationTransformers.ResponseTransformer<ResponseT extends> |
ProtoRestSerializer<RequestT extends> |
This class serializes/deserializes protobuf Message for REST interactions.
QuotaProjectIdHidingCredentials |
QuotaProjectIdHidingCredentials is intended to be used to wrap a Credentials to
hide quota project id
RequestBuilder<RequestT> |
RequestParamsBuilder |
This builder class builds a request params map that will be used by autogenerated implementation
of RequestParamsExtractor .
RequestParamsEncoder<RequestT> |
A request params encoder takes a request object and encodes some (or all) of its
parameters in a string form following specific parameter extraction and string encoding rules,
defined by concrete implementations of this interface.
RequestParamsExtractor<RequestT> |
A request params extractor takes a request message, extracts specific field values from
it, converts them in strings and returns them as key-value pairs, where a key is a request field
name and a value is a string representation of a field value.
RequestUrlParamsEncoder<RequestT> |
The request params encoder, which encodes URL-encoded parameters in one URL parameters string.
ResourceCloseException |
An exception occurs when some background resource is not able to close properly.
ResourceExhaustedException |
Exception thrown when some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the
entire file system is out of space.
ResponseMetadataHandler |
An interface to handle metadata returned from an RPC.
ResponseObserver<V> |
Receives notifications from server-streaming calls.
RestSerializationException |
An exception thrown when a protobuf message cannot be serialized/deserialized for REST
ResultRetryAlgorithm<ResponseT> |
ResultRetryAlgorithmWithContext<ResponseT> |
A result retry algorithm is responsible for the following operations (based on the response
returned by the previous attempt or on the thrown exception):
Accepting a task for retry so another attempt will be made.
RetryAlgorithm<ResponseT> |
The retry algorithm, which makes decision based either on the thrown exception or the returned
response, and the execution time settings of the previous attempt.
RetryingContext |
Context for a retryable operation.
RetryingExecutor<ResponseT> |
A retrying executor is responsible for the following operations:
Creating first attempt RetryingFuture , which acts as a facade, hiding from client
code the actual execution of scheduled retry attempts.
RetryingExecutorWithContext<ResponseT> |
RetryingFuture<ResponseT> |
Represents a retrying future.
RetrySettings |
Holds the parameters for retry or poll logic with jitter, timeout and exponential
RetrySettings.Builder |
ScheduledRetryingExecutor<ResponseT> |
The retry executor which uses ScheduledExecutorService to schedule an attempt tasks.
ServerStream<V> |
A blocking Iterable-style wrapper around server stream responses.
ServerStreamingAttemptException |
A wrapper exception thrown by ServerStreamingAttemptCallable to communicate additional
context to the StreamingRetryAlgorithm and to pass the original cancellation stack trace
to RetryingServerStreamingCallable .
ServerStreamingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A ServerStreamingCallable is an immutable object which is capable of making RPC calls to server
streaming API methods.
ServerStreamingCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
ServerStreamingCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
SimpleStreamResumptionStrategy<RequestT,ResponseT> |
SpanName |
A value class to represent the name of the operation in an ApiTracer .
StateCheckingResponseObserver<V> |
StatusCode |
Transport-specific status code.
StatusCode.Code |
StreamController |
StreamingCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A settings class to configure a streaming callable object for calls to a streaming API method.
StreamingCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
StreamingRetryAlgorithm<ResponseT> |
The streaming retry algorithm, which makes decision based either on the thrown exception and the
execution time settings of the previous attempt.
StreamResumptionStrategy<RequestT,ResponseT> |
This is part of the server streaming retry api.
StubSettings<SettingsT extends StubSettings<SettingsT>> |
A base settings class to configure a client stub class.
StubSettings.Builder<SettingsT extends StubSettings<SettingsT>,B extends StubSettings.Builder<SettingsT,B>> |
ThresholdBatcher<E> |
Queues up elements until either a duration of time has passed or any threshold in a given set of
thresholds is breached, and then delivers the elements in a batch to the consumer.
ThresholdBatcher.Builder<E> |
Builder for a ThresholdBatcher.
ThresholdBatchReceiver<BatchT> |
Interface representing an object that receives batches from a ThresholdBatcher and takes action
on them.
TimedAttemptSettings |
Timed attempt execution settings.
TimedAttemptSettings.Builder |
TimedRetryAlgorithm |
TimedRetryAlgorithmWithContext |
A timed retry algorithm is responsible for the following operations, based on the previous
attempt settings and current time:
Creating first attempt TimedAttemptSettings .
TracedBatchingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
This callable wraps a batching callable chain in a ApiTracer .
TracedBidiCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A wrapper callable that will wrap a callable chain in a trace.
TracedClientStreamingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A wrapper callable that will wrap a callable chain in a trace.
TracedOperationCallable<RequestT,ResponseT,MetadataT> |
TracedOperationInitialCallable<RequestT> |
Traces the initial RPC of a long running operation.
TracedServerStreamingCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A wrapper callable that will wrap a callable chain in a trace.
TracedUnaryCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
This callable wraps a callable chain in a ApiTracer .
TranslatingUnaryCallable<InnerRequestT,InnerResponseT,OuterRequestT,OuterResponseT> |
A UnaryCallable that translates request types and response types using the given transformers.
TransportChannel |
Class whose instances can issue RPCs on a particular transport.
TransportChannelProvider |
Provides an interface to either build a TransportChannel or provide a fixed TransportChannel that
will be used to make calls to a service.
UnaryCallable<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A UnaryCallable is an immutable object which is capable of making RPC calls to non-streaming API
UnaryCallSettings<RequestT,ResponseT> |
A base settings class to configure a UnaryCallable.
UnaryCallSettings.Builder<RequestT,ResponseT> |
UnauthenticatedException |
Exception thrown when the request does not have valid authentication credentials for the
UnavailableException |
Exception thrown when the service is currently unavailable.
UnimplementedException |
Exception thrown when the operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled in this service.
UnknownException |
Exception thrown due to an unknown error.
Watchdog |
Prevents the streams from hanging indefinitely.
WatchdogProvider |
WatchdogTimeoutException |
The marker exception thrown when a timeout is exceeded.