
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const stream_1 = require("stream");
const through2 = require("through2");
const url_1 = require("url");
const backoff_1 = require("./backoff");
const convert_1 = require("./convert");
const document_1 = require("./document");
const logger_1 = require("./logger");
const path_1 = require("./path");
const pool_1 = require("./pool");
const reference_1 = require("./reference");
const reference_2 = require("./reference");
const serializer_1 = require("./serializer");
const timestamp_1 = require("./timestamp");
const transaction_1 = require("./transaction");
const util_1 = require("./util");
const validate_1 = require("./validate");
const write_batch_1 = require("./write-batch");
const firestore_client_config_json_1 = require("./v1/firestore_client_config.json");
const serviceConfig = firestore_client_config_json_1.interfaces['google.firestore.v1.Firestore'];
var reference_3 = require("./reference");
exports.CollectionReference = reference_3.CollectionReference;
exports.DocumentReference = reference_3.DocumentReference;
exports.QuerySnapshot = reference_3.QuerySnapshot;
exports.Query = reference_3.Query;
var document_2 = require("./document");
exports.DocumentSnapshot = document_2.DocumentSnapshot;
exports.QueryDocumentSnapshot = document_2.QueryDocumentSnapshot;
var field_value_1 = require("./field-value");
exports.FieldValue = field_value_1.FieldValue;
var write_batch_2 = require("./write-batch");
exports.WriteBatch = write_batch_2.WriteBatch;
exports.WriteResult = write_batch_2.WriteResult;
var transaction_2 = require("./transaction");
exports.Transaction = transaction_2.Transaction;
var timestamp_2 = require("./timestamp");
exports.Timestamp = timestamp_2.Timestamp;
var document_change_1 = require("./document-change");
exports.DocumentChange = document_change_1.DocumentChange;
var path_2 = require("./path");
exports.FieldPath = path_2.FieldPath;
var geo_point_1 = require("./geo-point");
exports.GeoPoint = geo_point_1.GeoPoint;
var logger_2 = require("./logger");
exports.setLogFunction = logger_2.setLogFunction;
const libVersion = require('../../package.json').version;
 * @namespace google.protobuf
 * @namespace google.rpc
 * @namespace google.longrunning
 * @namespace google.firestore.v1
 * @namespace google.firestore.v1beta1
 * @namespace google.firestore.admin.v1
 * @see v1
let v1; // Lazy-loaded in `_runRequest()`
 * @see v1beta1
let v1beta1; // Lazy-loaded upon access.
 * HTTP header for the resource prefix to improve routing and project isolation
 * by the backend.
const CLOUD_RESOURCE_HEADER = 'google-cloud-resource-prefix';
 * The maximum number of times to retry idempotent requests.
 * The default number of idle GRPC channel to keep.
 * The maximum number of concurrent requests supported by a single GRPC channel,
 * as enforced by Google's Frontend. If the SDK issues more than 100 concurrent
 * operations, we need to use more than one GAPIC client since these clients
 * multiplex all requests over a single channel.
 * Document data (e.g. for use with
 * [set()]{@link DocumentReference#set}) consisting of fields mapped
 * to values.
 * @typedef {Object.<string, *>} DocumentData
 * Update data (for use with [update]{@link DocumentReference#update})
 * that contains paths (e.g. 'foo' or 'foo.baz') mapped to values. Fields that
 * contain dots reference nested fields within the document.
 * @typedef {Object.<string, *>} UpdateData
 * An options object that configures conditional behavior of
 * [update()]{@link DocumentReference#update} and
 * [delete()]{@link DocumentReference#delete} calls in
 * [DocumentReference]{@link DocumentReference},
 * [WriteBatch]{@link WriteBatch}, and
 * [Transaction]{@link Transaction}. Using Preconditions, these calls
 * can be restricted to only apply to documents that match the specified
 * conditions.
 * @example
 * const documentRef = firestore.doc('coll/doc');
 * documentRef.get().then(snapshot => {
 *   const updateTime = snapshot.updateTime;
 *   console.log(`Deleting document at update time: ${updateTime.toDate()}`);
 *   return documentRef.delete({ lastUpdateTime: updateTime });
 * });
 * @property {string} lastUpdateTime The update time to enforce (specified as
 * an ISO 8601 string).
 * @typedef {Object} Precondition
 * An options object that configures the behavior of
 * [set()]{@link DocumentReference#set} calls in
 * [DocumentReference]{@link DocumentReference},
 * [WriteBatch]{@link WriteBatch}, and
 * [Transaction]{@link Transaction}. These calls can be
 * configured to perform granular merges instead of overwriting the target
 * documents in their entirety by providing a SetOptions object with
 * { merge : true }.
 * @property {boolean} merge Changes the behavior of a set() call to only
 * replace the values specified in its data argument. Fields omitted from the
 * set() call remain untouched.
 * @property {Array<(string|FieldPath)>} mergeFields Changes the behavior of
 * set() calls to only replace the specified field paths. Any field path that is
 * not specified is ignored and remains untouched.
 * It is an error to pass a SetOptions object to a set() call that is missing a
 * value for any of the fields specified here.
 * @typedef {Object} SetOptions
 * An options object that can be used to configure the behavior of
 * [getAll()]{@link Firestore#getAll} calls. By providing a `fieldMask`, these
 * calls can be configured to only return a subset of fields.
 * @property {Array<(string|FieldPath)>} fieldMask Specifies the set of fields
 * to return and reduces the amount of data transmitted by the backend.
 * Adding a field mask does not filter results. Documents do not need to
 * contain values for all the fields in the mask to be part of the result set.
 * @typedef {Object} ReadOptions
 * The Firestore client represents a Firestore Database and is the entry point
 * for all Firestore operations.
 * @see [Firestore Documentation]{@link}
 * @class
 * @example <caption>Install the client library with <a
 * href="">npm</a>:</caption> npm install --save
 * @google-cloud/firestore
 * @example <caption>Import the client library</caption>
 * var Firestore = require('@google-cloud/firestore');
 * @example <caption>Create a client that uses <a
 * href="">Application
 * Default Credentials (ADC)</a>:</caption> var firestore = new Firestore();
 * @example <caption>Create a client with <a
 * href="">explicit
 * credentials</a>:</caption> var firestore = new Firestore({ projectId:
 * 'your-project-id', keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
 * });
 * @example <caption>include:samples/quickstart.js</caption>
 * region_tag:firestore_quickstart
 * Full quickstart example:
class Firestore {
     * @param {Object=} settings [Configuration object](#/docs).
     * @param {string=} settings.projectId The project ID from the Google
     * Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check the
     * environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID.  Can be omitted in
     * environments that support
     * {@link Application Default
     * Credentials}
     * @param {string=} settings.keyFilename Local file containing the Service
     * Account credentials as downloaded from the Google Developers Console. Can
     * be omitted in environments that support
     * {@link Application Default
     * Credentials}. To configure Firestore with custom credentials, use
     * `settings.credentials` and provide the `client_email` and `private_key` of
     * your service account.
     * @param {{client_email:string=, private_key:string=}=} settings.credentials
     * The `client_email` and `private_key` properties of the service account
     * to use with your Firestore project. Can be omitted in environments that
     * support {@link Application
     * Default Credentials}. If your credentials are stored in a JSON file, you
     * can specify a `keyFilename` instead.
     * @param {string=} The host to connect to.
     * @param {boolean=} settings.ssl Whether to use SSL when connecting.
     * @param {number=} settings.maxIdleChannels  The maximum number of idle GRPC
     * channels to keep. A smaller number of idle channels reduces memory usage
     * but increases request latency for clients with fluctuating request rates.
     * If set to 0, shuts down all GRPC channels when the client becomes idle.
     * Defaults to 1.
    constructor(settings) {
         * The configuration options for the GAPIC client.
         * @private
        this._settings = {};
         * Whether the initialization settings can still be changed by invoking
         * `settings()`.
         * @private
        this._settingsFrozen = false;
         * The serializer to use for the Protobuf transformation.
         * @private
        this._serializer = null;
         * The project ID for this client.
         * The project ID is auto-detected during the first request unless a project
         * ID is passed to the constructor (or provided via `.settings()`).
         * @private
        this._projectId = undefined;
        /** @private */
        this._lastSuccessfulRequest = 0;
        const libraryHeader = {
            libName: 'gccl',
        if (settings && settings.firebaseVersion) {
            libraryHeader.libVersion += ' fire/' + settings.firebaseVersion;
        if (process.env.FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST) {
            validate_1.validateHost('FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST', process.env.FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST);
            const emulatorSettings = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, settings), libraryHeader), { host: process.env.FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST, ssl: false });
            // If FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST is set, we unset `servicePath` and `apiEndpoint` to
            // ensure that only one endpoint setting is provided.
            delete emulatorSettings.servicePath;
            delete emulatorSettings.apiEndpoint;
            // Manually merge the Authorization header to preserve user-provided headers
            emulatorSettings.customHeaders = Object.assign({}, emulatorSettings.customHeaders, { Authorization: 'Bearer owner' });
        else {
            this.validateAndApplySettings(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, settings), libraryHeader));
        const retryConfig = serviceConfig.retry_params.default;
        this._backoffSettings = {
            initialDelayMs: retryConfig.initial_retry_delay_millis,
            maxDelayMs: retryConfig.max_retry_delay_millis,
            backoffFactor: retryConfig.retry_delay_multiplier,
        // GCF currently tears down idle connections after two minutes. Requests
        // that are issued after this period may fail. On GCF, we therefore issue
        // these requests as part of a transaction so that we can safely retry until
        // the network link is reestablished.
        // The environment variable FUNCTION_TRIGGER_TYPE is used to detect the GCF
        // environment.
        this._preferTransactions = process.env.FUNCTION_TRIGGER_TYPE !== undefined;
        this._lastSuccessfulRequest = 0;
        if (this._preferTransactions) {
            logger_1.logger('Firestore', null, 'Detected GCF environment');
        const maxIdleChannels = this._settings.maxIdleChannels === undefined
            : this._settings.maxIdleChannels;
        this._clientPool = new pool_1.ClientPool(MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_CLIENT, maxIdleChannels, 
        /* clientFactory= */ () => {
            let client;
            if (this._settings.ssl === false) {
                const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
                const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createInsecure();
                client = new module.exports.v1(Object.assign({ sslCreds }, this._settings));
            else {
                client = new module.exports.v1(this._settings);
            logger_1.logger('Firestore', null, 'Initialized Firestore GAPIC Client');
            return client;
        /* clientDestructor= */ client => client.close());
        logger_1.logger('Firestore', null, 'Initialized Firestore');
     * Specifies custom settings to be used to configure the `Firestore`
     * instance. Can only be invoked once and before any other Firestore method.
     * If settings are provided via both `settings()` and the `Firestore`
     * constructor, both settings objects are merged and any settings provided via
     * `settings()` take precedence.
     * @param {object} settings The settings to use for all Firestore operations.
    settings(settings) {
        validate_1.validateObject('settings', settings);
        validate_1.validateString('settings.projectId', settings.projectId, { optional: true });
        if (this._settingsFrozen) {
            throw new Error('Firestore has already been initialized. You can only call ' +
                'settings() once, and only before calling any other methods on a ' +
                'Firestore object.');
        const mergedSettings = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._settings), settings);
        this._settingsFrozen = true;
    validateAndApplySettings(settings) {
        if (settings.projectId !== undefined) {
            validate_1.validateString('settings.projectId', settings.projectId);
            this._projectId = settings.projectId;
        if ( !== undefined) {
            if (settings.servicePath !== undefined) {
                throw new Error('Cannot set both "" and "settings.servicePath".');
            if (settings.apiEndpoint !== undefined) {
                throw new Error('Cannot set both "" and "settings.apiEndpoint".');
            const url = new url_1.URL(`http://${}`);
            settings.servicePath = url.hostname;
            if (url.port !== '' && settings.port === undefined) {
                settings.port = Number(url.port);
            // We need to remove the `host` setting, in case a user calls `settings()`,
            // which will again enforce that `host` and `servicePath` are not both
            // specified.
        if (settings.ssl !== undefined) {
            validate_1.validateBoolean('settings.ssl', settings.ssl);
        if (settings.maxIdleChannels !== undefined) {
            validate_1.validateInteger('settings.maxIdleChannels', settings.maxIdleChannels, {
                minValue: 0,
        this._settings = settings;
        this._serializer = new serializer_1.Serializer(this);
     * Returns the Project ID for this Firestore instance. Validates that
     * `initializeIfNeeded()` was called before.
     * @private
    get projectId() {
        if (this._projectId === undefined) {
            throw new Error('INTERNAL ERROR: Client is not yet ready to issue requests.');
        return this._projectId;
     * Returns the root path of the database. Validates that
     * `initializeIfNeeded()` was called before.
     * @private
    get formattedName() {
        return `projects/${this.projectId}/databases/${path_1.DEFAULT_DATABASE_ID}`;
     * Gets a [DocumentReference]{@link DocumentReference} instance that
     * refers to the document at the specified path.
     * @param {string} documentPath A slash-separated path to a document.
     * @returns {DocumentReference} The
     * [DocumentReference]{@link DocumentReference} instance.
     * @example
     * let documentRef = firestore.doc('collection/document');
     * console.log(`Path of document is ${documentRef.path}`);
    doc(documentPath) {
        path_1.validateResourcePath('documentPath', documentPath);
        const path = path_1.ResourcePath.EMPTY.append(documentPath);
        if (!path.isDocument) {
            throw new Error(`Value for argument "documentPath" must point to a document, but was "${documentPath}". Your path does not contain an even number of components.`);
        return new reference_2.DocumentReference(this, path);
     * Gets a [CollectionReference]{@link CollectionReference} instance
     * that refers to the collection at the specified path.
     * @param {string} collectionPath A slash-separated path to a collection.
     * @returns {CollectionReference} The
     * [CollectionReference]{@link CollectionReference} instance.
     * @example
     * let collectionRef = firestore.collection('collection');
     * // Add a document with an auto-generated ID.
     * collectionRef.add({foo: 'bar'}).then((documentRef) => {
     *   console.log(`Added document at ${documentRef.path})`);
     * });
    collection(collectionPath) {
        path_1.validateResourcePath('collectionPath', collectionPath);
        const path = path_1.ResourcePath.EMPTY.append(collectionPath);
        if (!path.isCollection) {
            throw new Error(`Value for argument "collectionPath" must point to a collection, but was "${collectionPath}". Your path does not contain an odd number of components.`);
        return new reference_1.CollectionReference(this, path);
     * Creates and returns a new Query that includes all documents in the
     * database that are contained in a collection or subcollection with the
     * given collectionId.
     * @param {string} collectionId Identifies the collections to query over.
     * Every collection or subcollection with this ID as the last segment of its
     * path will be included. Cannot contain a slash.
     * @returns {Query} The created Query.
     * @example
     * let docA = firestore.doc('mygroup/docA').set({foo: 'bar'});
     * let docB = firestore.doc('abc/def/mygroup/docB').set({foo: 'bar'});
     * Promise.all([docA, docB]).then(() => {
     *    let query = firestore.collectionGroup('mygroup');
     *    query = query.where('foo', '==', 'bar');
     *    return query.get().then(snapshot => {
     *       console.log(`Found ${snapshot.size} documents.`);
     *    });
     * });
    collectionGroup(collectionId) {
        if (collectionId.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid collectionId '${collectionId}'. Collection IDs must not contain '/'.`);
        return new reference_1.Query(this, reference_1.QueryOptions.forCollectionGroupQuery(collectionId));
     * Creates a [WriteBatch]{@link WriteBatch}, used for performing
     * multiple writes as a single atomic operation.
     * @returns {WriteBatch} A WriteBatch that operates on this Firestore
     * client.
     * @example
     * let writeBatch = firestore.batch();
     * // Add two documents in an atomic batch.
     * let data = { foo: 'bar' };
     * writeBatch.set(firestore.doc('col/doc1'), data);
     * writeBatch.set(firestore.doc('col/doc2'), data);
     * writeBatch.commit().then(res => {
     *   console.log(`Added document at ${res.writeResults[0].updateTime}`);
     * });
    batch() {
        return new write_batch_1.WriteBatch(this);
    snapshot_(documentOrName, readTime, encoding) {
        // TODO: Assert that Firestore Project ID is valid.
        let convertTimestamp;
        let convertFields;
        if (encoding === undefined || encoding === 'protobufJS') {
            convertTimestamp = data => data;
            convertFields = data => data;
        else if (encoding === 'json') {
            // Google Cloud Functions calls us with Proto3 JSON format data, which we
            // must convert to Protobuf JS.
            convertTimestamp = convert_1.timestampFromJson;
            convertFields = convert_1.fieldsFromJson;
        else {
            throw new Error(`Unsupported encoding format. Expected "json" or "protobufJS", ` +
                `but was "${encoding}".`);
        const document = new document_1.DocumentSnapshotBuilder();
        if (typeof documentOrName === 'string') {
            document.ref = new reference_2.DocumentReference(this, path_1.QualifiedResourcePath.fromSlashSeparatedString(documentOrName));
        else {
            document.ref = new reference_2.DocumentReference(this, path_1.QualifiedResourcePath.fromSlashSeparatedString(;
            document.fieldsProto = documentOrName.fields
                ? convertFields(documentOrName.fields)
                : {};
            document.createTime = timestamp_1.Timestamp.fromProto(convertTimestamp(documentOrName.createTime, 'documentOrName.createTime'));
            document.updateTime = timestamp_1.Timestamp.fromProto(convertTimestamp(documentOrName.updateTime, 'documentOrName.updateTime'));
        if (readTime) {
            document.readTime = timestamp_1.Timestamp.fromProto(convertTimestamp(readTime, 'readTime'));
     * Executes the given updateFunction and commits the changes applied within
     * the transaction.
     * You can use the transaction object passed to 'updateFunction' to read and
     * modify Firestore documents under lock. Transactions are committed once
     * 'updateFunction' resolves and attempted up to five times on failure.
     * @param {function(Transaction)} updateFunction The function to execute
     * within the transaction context.
     * @param {object=} transactionOptions Transaction options.
     * @param {number=} transactionOptions.maxAttempts - The maximum number of
     * attempts for this transaction.
     * @returns {Promise} If the transaction completed successfully or was
     * explicitly aborted (by the updateFunction returning a failed Promise), the
     * Promise returned by the updateFunction will be returned here. Else if the
     * transaction failed, a rejected Promise with the corresponding failure
     * error will be returned.
     * @example
     * let counterTransaction = firestore.runTransaction(transaction => {
     *   let documentRef = firestore.doc('col/doc');
     *   return transaction.get(documentRef).then(doc => {
     *     if (doc.exists) {
     *       let count =  doc.get('count') || 0;
     *       if (count > 10) {
     *         return Promise.reject('Reached maximum count');
     *       }
     *       transaction.update(documentRef, { count: ++count });
     *       return Promise.resolve(count);
     *     }
     *     transaction.create(documentRef, { count: 1 });
     *     return Promise.resolve(1);
     *   });
     * });
     * counterTransaction.then(res => {
     *   console.log(`Count updated to ${res}`);
     * });
    runTransaction(updateFunction, transactionOptions) {
        validate_1.validateFunction('updateFunction', updateFunction);
        const defaultAttempts = 5;
        const tag = util_1.requestTag();
        let attemptsRemaining;
        if (transactionOptions) {
            validate_1.validateObject('transactionOptions', transactionOptions);
            validate_1.validateInteger('transactionOptions.maxAttempts', transactionOptions.maxAttempts, { optional: true, minValue: 1 });
            attemptsRemaining = transactionOptions.maxAttempts || defaultAttempts;
        else {
            attemptsRemaining = defaultAttempts;
        return this.initializeIfNeeded(tag).then(() => this._runTransaction(updateFunction, { requestTag: tag, attemptsRemaining }));
    _runTransaction(updateFunction, transactionOptions) {
        const requestTag = transactionOptions.requestTag;
        const attemptsRemaining = transactionOptions.attemptsRemaining;
        const previousTransaction = transactionOptions.previousTransaction;
        const transaction = new transaction_1.Transaction(this, requestTag, previousTransaction);
        let result;
        return transaction
            .then(() => {
            const promise = updateFunction(transaction);
            result =
                promise instanceof Promise
                    ? promise
                    : Promise.reject(new Error('You must return a Promise in your transaction()-callback.'));
            return result.catch(err => {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.runTransaction', requestTag, 'Rolling back transaction after callback error:', err);
                // Rollback the transaction and return the failed result.
                return transaction.rollback().then(() => {
                    return result;
            .then(() => {
            return transaction
                .then(() => result)
                .catch(err => {
                if (attemptsRemaining > 1) {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore.runTransaction', requestTag, `Retrying transaction after error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}.`);
                    return this._runTransaction(updateFunction, {
                        previousTransaction: transaction,
                        attemptsRemaining: attemptsRemaining - 1,
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.runTransaction', requestTag, 'Exhausted transaction retries, returning error: %s', err);
                return Promise.reject(err);
     * Fetches the root collections that are associated with this Firestore
     * database.
     * @returns {Promise.<Array.<CollectionReference>>} A Promise that resolves
     * with an array of CollectionReferences.
     * @example
     * firestore.listCollections().then(collections => {
     *   for (let collection of collections) {
     *     console.log(`Found collection with id: ${}`);
     *   }
     * });
    listCollections() {
        const rootDocument = new reference_2.DocumentReference(this, path_1.ResourcePath.EMPTY);
        return rootDocument.listCollections();
     * Retrieves multiple documents from Firestore.
     * The first argument is required and must be of type `DocumentReference`
     * followed by any additional `DocumentReference` documents. If used, the
     * optional `ReadOptions` must be the last argument.
     * @param {...DocumentReference|ReadOptions} documentRefsOrReadOptions The
     * `DocumentReferences` to receive, followed by an optional field mask.
     * @returns {Promise<Array.<DocumentSnapshot>>} A Promise that
     * contains an array with the resulting document snapshots.
     * @example
     * let docRef1 = firestore.doc('col/doc1');
     * let docRef2 = firestore.doc('col/doc2');
     * firestore.getAll(docRef1, docRef2, { fieldMask: ['user'] }).then(docs => {
     *   console.log(`First document: ${JSON.stringify(docs[0])}`);
     *   console.log(`Second document: ${JSON.stringify(docs[1])}`);
     * });
    getAll(...documentRefsOrReadOptions) {
        validate_1.validateMinNumberOfArguments('Firestore.getAll', arguments, 1);
        const { documents, fieldMask } = transaction_1.parseGetAllArguments(documentRefsOrReadOptions);
        const tag = util_1.requestTag();
        return this.initializeIfNeeded(tag).then(() => this.getAll_(documents, fieldMask, tag));
     * Internal method to retrieve multiple documents from Firestore, optionally
     * as part of a transaction.
     * @private
     * @param docRefs The documents to receive.
     * @param fieldMask An optional field mask to apply to this read.
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier for this request.
     * @param transactionId The transaction ID to use for this read.
     * @returns A Promise that contains an array with the resulting documents.
    getAll_(docRefs, fieldMask, requestTag, transactionId) {
        const requestedDocuments = new Set();
        const retrievedDocuments = new Map();
        for (const docRef of docRefs) {
        const request = {
            database: this.formattedName,
            transaction: transactionId,
            documents: Array.from(requestedDocuments),
        if (fieldMask) {
            const fieldPaths = => fieldPath.formattedName);
            request.mask = { fieldPaths };
        const self = this;
        return self
            .requestStream('batchGetDocuments', request, requestTag)
            .then(stream => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    .on('error', err => {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore.getAll_', requestTag, 'GetAll failed with error:', err);
                    .on('data', (response) => {
                    try {
                        let document;
                        if (response.found) {
                            logger_1.logger('Firestore.getAll_', requestTag, 'Received document: %s',;
                            document = self.snapshot_(response.found, response.readTime);
                        else {
                            logger_1.logger('Firestore.getAll_', requestTag, 'Document missing: %s', response.missing);
                            document = self.snapshot_(response.missing, response.readTime);
                        const path = document.ref.path;
                        retrievedDocuments.set(path, document);
                    catch (err) {
                        logger_1.logger('Firestore.getAll_', requestTag, 'GetAll failed with exception:', err);
                    .on('end', () => {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore.getAll_', requestTag, 'Received %d results', retrievedDocuments.size);
                    // BatchGetDocuments doesn't preserve document order. We use
                    // the request order to sort the resulting documents.
                    const orderedDocuments = [];
                    for (const docRef of docRefs) {
                        const document = retrievedDocuments.get(docRef.path);
                        if (document !== undefined) {
                        else {
                            reject(new Error(`Did not receive document for "${docRef.path}".`));
     * Terminates the Firestore client and closes all open streams.
     * @return A Promise that resolves when the client is terminated.
    terminate() {
        return this._clientPool.terminate();
     * Initializes the client if it is not already initialized. All methods in the
     * SDK can be used after this method completes.
     * @private
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier that caused this
     * initialization.
     * @return A Promise that resolves when the client is initialized.
    async initializeIfNeeded(requestTag) {
        this._settingsFrozen = true;
        if (this._projectId === undefined) {
            try {
                this._projectId = await, gapicClient => gapicClient.getProjectId());
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.initializeIfNeeded', null, 'Detected project ID: %s', this._projectId);
            catch (err) {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.initializeIfNeeded', null, 'Failed to detect project ID: %s', err);
                return Promise.reject(err);
     * Returns GAX call options that set the cloud resource header.
     * @private
    createCallOptions() {
        return {
            otherArgs: {
                headers: Object.assign({ [CLOUD_RESOURCE_HEADER]: this.formattedName }, this._settings.customHeaders),
     * A function returning a Promise that can be retried.
     * @private
     * @callback retryFunction
     * @returns {Promise} A Promise indicating the function's success.
     * Helper method that retries failed Promises.
     * If 'delayMs' is specified, waits 'delayMs' between invocations. Otherwise,
     * schedules the first attempt immediately, and then waits 100 milliseconds
     * for further attempts.
     * @private
     * @param methodName Name of the Veneer API endpoint that takes a request
     * and GAX options.
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier for this request.
     * @param func Method returning a Promise than can be retried.
     * @returns  - A Promise with the function's result if successful within
     * `attemptsRemaining`. Otherwise, returns the last rejected Promise.
    async _retry(methodName, requestTag, func) {
        const backoff = new backoff_1.ExponentialBackoff();
        let lastError = undefined;
        for (let attempt = 0; attempt < MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES; ++attempt) {
            if (lastError) {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore._retry', requestTag, 'Retrying request that failed with error:', lastError);
            try {
                await backoff.backoffAndWait();
                const result = await func();
                this._lastSuccessfulRequest = new Date().getTime();
                return result;
            catch (err) {
                lastError = err;
                if (util_1.isPermanentRpcError(err, methodName, serviceConfig)) {
        logger_1.logger('Firestore._retry', requestTag, 'Request failed with error:', lastError);
        return Promise.reject(lastError);
     * Waits for the provided stream to become active and returns a paused but
     * healthy stream. If an error occurs before the first byte is read, the
     * method rejects the returned Promise.
     * @private
     * @param backendStream The Node stream to monitor.
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier for this request.
     * @param request If specified, the request that should be written to the
     * stream after opening.
     * @returns A guaranteed healthy stream that should be used instead of
     * `backendStream`.
    _initializeStream(backendStream, requestTag, request) {
        const resultStream = new stream_1.PassThrough({ objectMode: true });
         * Whether we have resolved the Promise and returned the stream to the
         * caller.
        let streamInitialized = false;
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            function streamReady() {
                if (!streamInitialized) {
                    streamInitialized = true;
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Releasing stream');
            function streamEnded() {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Received stream end');
            backendStream.on('data', () => streamReady());
            backendStream.on('end', () => streamEnded());
            backendStream.on('close', () => streamEnded());
            backendStream.on('error', err => {
                if (!streamInitialized) {
                    // If we receive an error before we were able to receive any data,
                    // reject this stream.
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Received initial error:', err);
                else {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Received stream error:', err);
                    // We execute the forwarding of the 'error' event via setImmediate() as
                    // V8 guarantees that the Promise chain returned from this method
                    // is resolved before any code executed via setImmediate(). This
                    // allows the caller to attach an error handler.
                    setImmediate(() => {
                        resultStream.emit('error', err);
                    }, 0);
            if (request) {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Sending request: %j', request);
                backendStream.write(request, 'utf-8', () => {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore._initializeStream', requestTag, 'Marking stream as healthy');
     * A funnel for all non-streaming API requests, assigning a project ID where
     * necessary within the request options.
     * @private
     * @param methodName Name of the Veneer API endpoint that takes a request
     * and GAX options.
     * @param request The Protobuf request to send.
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier for this request.
     * @returns A Promise with the request result.
    request(methodName, request, requestTag) {
        const callOptions = this.createCallOptions();
        return, async (gapicClient) => {
            try {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.request', requestTag, 'Sending request: %j', request);
                const [result] = await gapicClient[methodName](request, callOptions);
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.request', requestTag, 'Received response: %j', result);
                this._lastSuccessfulRequest = new Date().getTime();
                return result;
            catch (err) {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.request', requestTag, 'Received error:', err);
                return Promise.reject(err);
     * A funnel for streaming API requests, assigning a project ID where necessary
     * within the request options.
     * The stream is returned in paused state and needs to be resumed once all
     * listeners are attached.
     * @private
     * @param methodName Name of the streaming Veneer API endpoint that
     * takes a request and GAX options.
     * @param request The Protobuf request to send.
     * @param requestTag A unique client-assigned identifier for this request.
     * @returns A Promise with the resulting read-only stream.
    requestStream(methodName, request, requestTag) {
        const callOptions = this.createCallOptions();
        const bidrectional = methodName === 'listen';
        const result = new util_1.Deferred();, gapicClient => {
            // While we return the stream to the callee early, we don't want to
            // release the GAPIC client until the callee has finished processing the
            // stream.
            const lifetime = new util_1.Deferred();
            this._retry(methodName, requestTag, async () => {
                logger_1.logger('Firestore.requestStream', requestTag, 'Sending request: %j', request);
                const stream = bidrectional
                    ? gapicClient[methodName](callOptions)
                    : gapicClient[methodName](request, callOptions);
                const logStream = through2.obj(function (chunk, enc, callback) {
                    logger_1.logger('Firestore.requestStream', requestTag, 'Received response: %j', chunk);
                stream.on('close', lifetime.resolve);
                stream.on('end', lifetime.resolve);
                stream.on('finish', lifetime.resolve);
                stream.on('error', lifetime.resolve);
                const resultStream = await this._initializeStream(stream, requestTag, bidrectional ? request : undefined);
                resultStream.on('end', () => stream.end());
            }).catch(err => {
            return lifetime.promise;
        return result.promise;
exports.Firestore = Firestore;
 * A logging function that takes a single string.
 * @callback Firestore~logFunction
 * @param {string} Log message
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-default-export
 * The default export of the `@google-cloud/firestore` package is the
 * {@link Firestore} class.
 * See {@link Firestore} and {@link ClientConfig} for client methods and
 * configuration options.
 * @module {Firestore} @google-cloud/firestore
 * @alias nodejs-firestore
 * @example <caption>Install the client library with <a
 * href="">npm</a>:</caption> npm install --save
 * @google-cloud/firestore
 * @example <caption>Import the client library</caption>
 * var Firestore = require('@google-cloud/firestore');
 * @example <caption>Create a client that uses <a
 * href="">Application
 * Default Credentials (ADC)</a>:</caption> var firestore = new Firestore();
 * @example <caption>Create a client with <a
 * href="">explicit
 * credentials</a>:</caption> var firestore = new Firestore({ projectId:
 * 'your-project-id', keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
 * });
 * @example <caption>include:samples/quickstart.js</caption>
 * region_tag:firestore_quickstart
 * Full quickstart example:
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-default-export
exports.default = Firestore;
// Horrible hack to ensure backwards compatibility with <= 17.0, which allows
// users to call the default constructor via
// `const Fs = require(`@google-cloud/firestore`); new Fs()`;
const existingExports = module.exports;
module.exports = Firestore;
module.exports = Object.assign(module.exports, existingExports);
 * {@link v1beta1} factory function.
 * @private
 * @name Firestore.v1beta1
 * @see v1beta1
 * @type {function}
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'v1beta1', {
    // The v1beta1 module is very large. To avoid pulling it in from static
    // scope, we lazy-load and cache the module.
    get: () => {
        if (!v1beta1) {
            v1beta1 = require('./v1beta1');
        return v1beta1;
 * {@link v1} factory function.
 * @private
 * @name Firestore.v1
 * @see v1
 * @type {function}
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'v1', {
    // The v1 module is very large. To avoid pulling it in from static
    // scope, we lazy-load and cache the module.
    get: () => {
        if (!v1) {
            v1 = require('./v1');
        return v1;