


Parameter to configure bundling behavior. the bundled request will be sent once the count of outstanding elements in the repeated field reaches this value. represents a hard limit on the number of elements in the repeated field of the bundle; if adding a request to a bundle would exceed this value, the bundle is sent and the new request is added to a fresh bundle. It is invalid for a single request to exceed this limit. the bundled request will be sent once the count of bytes in the request reaches this value. Note that this value is pessimistically approximated by summing the bytesizes of the elements in the repeated field, and therefore may be an under-approximation. represents a hard limit on the size of the bundled request; if adding a request to a bundle would exceed this value, the bundle is sent and the new request is added to a fresh bundle. It is invalid for a single request to exceed this limit. Note that this value is pessimistically approximated by summing the bytesizes of the elements in the repeated field, with a buffer applied to correspond to the resulting under-approximation. the bundled request will be sent this amount of time after the first element in the bundle was added to it.




delayThreshold: number
Type : number
elementCountLimit: number
Type : number
elementCountThreshold: number
Type : number
requestByteLimit: number
Type : number
requestByteThreshold: number
Type : number
import {Status} from '../status';

import {SimpleCallbackFunction} from '../apitypes';
import {GoogleError} from '../googleError';
import {warn} from '../warnings';

import {BundleDescriptor} from './bundleDescriptor';
import {computeBundleId} from './bundlingUtils';
import {Task, TaskCallback} from './task';

function noop() {}

 * Parameter to configure bundling behavior.
 * @typedef {Object} BundleOptions
 * @property {number} elementCountThreshold -
 *   the bundled request will be sent once the count of outstanding elements
 *   in the repeated field reaches this value.
 * @property {number} elementCountLimit -
 *   represents a hard limit on the number of elements in the repeated field
 *   of the bundle; if adding a request to a bundle would exceed this value,
 *   the bundle is sent and the new request is added to a fresh bundle. It is
 *   invalid for a single request to exceed this limit.
 * @property {number} requestByteThreshold -
 *   the bundled request will be sent once the count of bytes in the request
 *   reaches this value. Note that this value is pessimistically approximated
 *   by summing the bytesizes of the elements in the repeated field, and
 *   therefore may be an under-approximation.
 * @property {number} requestByteLimit -
 *   represents a hard limit on the size of the bundled request; if adding
 *   a request to a bundle would exceed this value, the bundle is sent and
 *   the new request is added to a fresh bundle. It is invalid for a single
 *   request to exceed this limit. Note that this value is pessimistically
 *   approximated by summing the bytesizes of the elements in the repeated
 *   field, with a buffer applied to correspond to the resulting
 *   under-approximation.
 * @property {number} delayThreshold -
 *   the bundled request will be sent this amount of time after the first
 *   element in the bundle was added to it.
export interface BundleOptions {
  elementCountLimit?: number;
  requestByteLimit?: number;
  elementCountThreshold?: number;
  requestByteThreshold?: number;
  delayThreshold?: number;

 * BundleExecutor stores several timers for each bundle (calls are bundled based
 * on the options passed, each bundle has unique ID that is calculated based on
 * field values). Each timer fires and sends a call after certain amount of
 * time, and if a new request comes to the same bundle, the timer can be
 * restarted.
export class BundleExecutor {
  _options: BundleOptions;
  _descriptor: BundleDescriptor;
  _tasks: {[index: string]: Task};
  _timers: {[index: string]: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>};
  _invocations: {[index: string]: string};
  _invocationId: number;
   * Organizes requests for an api service that requires to bundle them.
   * @param {BundleOptions} bundleOptions - configures strategy this instance
   *   uses when executing bundled functions.
   * @param {BundleDescriptor} bundleDescriptor - the description of the bundling.
   * @constructor
    bundleOptions: BundleOptions,
    bundleDescriptor: BundleDescriptor
  ) {
    this._options = bundleOptions;
    this._descriptor = bundleDescriptor;
    this._tasks = {};
    this._timers = {};
    this._invocations = {};
    this._invocationId = 0;

   * Schedule a method call.
   * @param {function} apiCall - the function for an API call.
   * @param {Object} request - the request object to be bundled with others.
   * @param {APICallback} callback - the callback to be called when the method finished.
   * @return {function()} - the function to cancel the scheduled invocation.
    apiCall: SimpleCallbackFunction,
    request: {[index: string]: Array<{}> | string},
    callback?: TaskCallback
  ) {
    const bundleId = computeBundleId(
    callback = (callback || noop) as TaskCallback;
    if (bundleId === undefined) {
        'The request does not have enough information for request bundling. ' +
          `Invoking immediately. Request: ${JSON.stringify(request)} ` +
          `discriminator fields: ${this._descriptor.requestDiscriminatorFields}`
      return apiCall(request, callback);
    if (request[this._descriptor.bundledField] === undefined) {
        `Request does not contain field ${this._descriptor.bundledField} that must present for bundling. ` +
          `Invoking immediately. Request: ${JSON.stringify(request)}`
      return apiCall(request, callback);

    if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {
      this._tasks[bundleId] = new Task(
    let task = this._tasks[bundleId]; = String(this._invocationId++);
    this._invocations[] = bundleId;

    const bundledField = request[this._descriptor.bundledField] as Array<{}>;
    const elementCount = bundledField.length;
    let requestBytes = 0;
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
    const self = this;
    bundledField.forEach(obj => {
      requestBytes += this._descriptor.byteLengthFunction(obj);

    const countLimit = this._options.elementCountLimit || 0;
    const byteLimit = this._options.requestByteLimit || 0;

    if (
      (countLimit > 0 && elementCount > countLimit) ||
      (byteLimit > 0 && requestBytes >= byteLimit)
    ) {
      let message;
      if (countLimit > 0 && elementCount > countLimit) {
        message =
          'The number of elements ' +
          elementCount +
          ' exceeds the limit ' +
      } else {
        message =
          'The required bytes ' +
          requestBytes +
          ' exceeds the limit ' +
      const error = new GoogleError(message);
      error.code = Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
      return {
        cancel: noop,

    const existingCount = task.getElementCount();
    const existingBytes = task.getRequestByteSize();

    if (
      (countLimit > 0 && elementCount + existingCount >= countLimit) ||
      (byteLimit > 0 && requestBytes + existingBytes >= byteLimit)
    ) {
      this._tasks[bundleId] = new Task(
      task = this._tasks[bundleId];

    task.extend(bundledField, requestBytes, callback);
    const ret = {
      cancel() {

    const countThreshold = this._options.elementCountThreshold || 0;
    const sizeThreshold = this._options.requestByteThreshold || 0;
    if (
      (countThreshold > 0 && task.getElementCount() >= countThreshold) ||
      (sizeThreshold > 0 && task.getRequestByteSize() >= sizeThreshold)
    ) {
      return ret;

    if (!(bundleId in this._timers) && this._options.delayThreshold! > 0) {
      this._timers[bundleId] = setTimeout(() => {
        delete this._timers[bundleId];
      }, this._options.delayThreshold) as unknown as NodeJS.Timeout;

    return ret;

   * Clears scheduled timeout if it exists.
   * @param {String} bundleId - the id for the task whose timeout needs to be
   *   cleared.
   * @private
  private _maybeClearTimeout(bundleId: string) {
    if (bundleId in this._timers) {
      const timerId = this._timers[bundleId];
      delete this._timers[bundleId];

   * Cancels an event.
   * @param {String} id - The id for the event in the task.
   * @private
  private _cancel(id: string) {
    if (!(id in this._invocations)) {
    const bundleId = this._invocations[id];
    if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {

    const task = this._tasks[bundleId];
    delete this._invocations[id];
    if (task.cancel(id)) {
      delete this._tasks[bundleId];

   * Invokes a task.
   * @param {String} bundleId - The id for the task.
   * @private
  _runNow(bundleId: string) {
    if (!(bundleId in this._tasks)) {
      warn('bundle_runnow_bundleid_unknown', `No such bundleid: ${bundleId}`);
    const task = this._tasks[bundleId];
    delete this._tasks[bundleId]; => {
      delete this._invocations[id];

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