applyPattern |
applyPattern(pattern: string, fieldValue: string)
Returns :
string | undefined
buildQueryStringComponents | ||||||||||||
buildQueryStringComponents(request: JSONObject, prefix: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
deepCopyWithoutMatchedFields | ||||||||||||||||
deepCopyWithoutMatchedFields(request: JSONObject, fieldsToSkip: Set, fullNamePrefix: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
deleteField | |||||||||
deleteField(request: JSONObject, field: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
encodeWithoutSlashes | ||||||
encodeWithoutSlashes(str: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
encodeWithSlashes | ||||||
encodeWithSlashes(str: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
escapeRegExp | ||||||
escapeRegExp(str: string)
Parameters :
fieldToCamelCase | ||||||
fieldToCamelCase(field: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
flattenObject | ||||||
flattenObject(request: JSONObject)
Parameters :
Returns :
getField | ||||||||||||||||
getField(request: JSONObject, field: string, allowObjects)
Parameters :
Returns :
JSONValue | undefined
isProto3OptionalField | ||||||
isProto3OptionalField(field: Field)
Parameters :
match | |||||||||
match(request: JSONObject, pattern: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
MatchResult | undefined
overrideHttpRules | |||||||||
overrideHttpRules(httpRules: Array, protoJson)
Parameters :
transcode | |||||||||
transcode(request: JSONObject, parsedOptions: ParsedOptionsType)
Parameters :
Returns :
TranscodedRequest | undefined
at | ||||||||||||
at(obj, field: string)
Given an object field path that may contain dots, dig into the obj and find the value at the given path.
Parameters :
Example :
computeBundleId | ||||||||||||
computeBundleId(obj: RequestType, discriminatorFields)
Compute the identifier of the
Parameters :
camelToSnakeCase | ||||||
camelToSnakeCase(str: string)
Converts a given string from camelCase (used by protobuf.js and in JSON) to snake_case (normally used in proto definitions).
Parameters :
capitalize | ||||||
capitalize(str: string)
Capitalizes the first character of the given string.
Parameters :
lowercase | ||||||
lowercase(str: string)
Converts the first character of the given string to lower case.
Parameters :
toCamelCase | ||||||
toCamelCase(str: string)
Converts a given string from snake_case (normally used in proto definitions) or PascalCase (also used in proto definitions) to camelCase (used by protobuf.js). Preserves capitalization of the first character.
Parameters :
toLowerCamelCase | ||||||
toLowerCamelCase(str: string)
Converts a given string to lower camel case (forcing the first character to be in lower case).
Parameters :
words | ||||||||||||
words(str: string, normalize)
Copyright 2020 Google LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Parameters :
constructSettings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
constructSettings(serviceName: string, clientConfig: ClientConfig, configOverrides: ClientConfig, retryNames, otherArgs?)
Constructs a dictionary mapping method names to CallSettings. The
Parameters :
createBackoffSettings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
createBackoffSettings(initialRetryDelayMillis: number, retryDelayMultiplier: number, maxRetryDelayMillis: number, initialRpcTimeoutMillis, rpcTimeoutMultiplier, maxRpcTimeoutMillis, totalTimeoutMillis)
Parameters to the exponential backoff algorithm for retrying.
Parameters :
Returns :
a new settings. |
createByteLengthFunction | ||||
Parameters :
createDefaultBackoffSettings |
createMaxRetriesBackoffSettings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
createMaxRetriesBackoffSettings(initialRetryDelayMillis: number, retryDelayMultiplier: number, maxRetryDelayMillis: number, initialRpcTimeoutMillis: number, rpcTimeoutMultiplier: number, maxRpcTimeoutMillis: number, maxRetries: number)
Parameters to the exponential backoff algorithm for retrying. This function is unsupported, and intended for internal use only.
Parameters :
Returns :
a new settings. |
createRetryOptions | ||||||||||||
createRetryOptions(retryCodes, backoffSettings: BackoffSettings)
Per-call configurable settings for retrying upon transient failure.
Parameters :
Returns :
A new RetryOptions object. |
createApiCall | ||||||||||||||||||||
createApiCall(func, settings: CallSettings, descriptor?: Descriptor, _fallback?)
Converts an rpc call into an API call governed by the settings. In typical usage, The result is a function which manages the API call with the given settings and the options on the invocation.
Parameters :
Returns :
func - a bound method on a request stub used to make an rpc call. |
createApiCall | ||||||||||||||||||||
createApiCall(func, settings, descriptor?: Descriptor, _fallback?)
gRPC-fallback version of createApiCall Converts an rpc call into an API call governed by the settings. In typical usage, The result is a function which manages the API call with the given settings and the options on the invocation. Throws exception on unsupported streaming calls
Parameters :
Returns :
func - a bound method on a request stub used to make an rpc call. |
lro | ||||||
lro(options: GrpcClientOptions)
gRPC-fallback version of lro
Parameters :
createAPICaller | |||||||||
createAPICaller(settings: CallSettings, descriptor)
Parameters :
Returns :
decodeResponse | ||||||||||||
decodeResponse(rpc, ok: boolean, response)
Parameters :
Returns :
literal type
encodeRequest | |||||||||||||||||||||
encodeRequest(rpc, protocol: string, servicePath: string, servicePort: number, request, numericEnums: boolean)
Parameters :
Returns :
execFileAsync | |||||||||
execFileAsync(command: string, args)
Parameters :
Returns :
readFileAsync | ||||||
readFileAsync(path: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
fromParams | ||||
Helpers for constructing routing headers. These headers are used by Google infrastructure to determine how to route requests, especially for services that are regional. Generally, these headers are specified as gRPC metadata.
Parameters :
Returns :
generateServiceStub | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
generateServiceStub(rpcs, protocol: string, servicePath: string, servicePort: number, authClient: AuthClient, requestEncoder, responseDecoder, numericEnums: boolean)
Parameters :
hasAbortController |
hasWindowFetch |
isNodeJS |
lro | ||||||
lro(options: GrpcClientOptions)
Parameters :
noop |
operation | ||||||||||||||||||||
operation(op: LROOperation, longrunningDescriptor: LongRunningDescriptor, backoffSettings: BackoffSettings, callOptions?: CallOptions)
Method used to create Operation objects.
Parameters :
rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode | ||||||
rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode(httpStatusCode: number)
Parameters :
Returns :
splitPathTemplate | ||||||
splitPathTemplate(data: string)
Split the path template by
Parameters :
Returns :
warn |
warn(code: string, message: string, warnType?: string)