


An interface that describes the available options for creating a span in general.




name: string
Type : string
skipFrames: number
Type : number

The number of stack frames to skip when collecting call stack information for the span, starting from the top; this should be set to avoid including frames in the plugin. Defaults to 0.

import {EventEmitter} from 'events';

import {Constants, SpanType} from './constants';
import {StackdriverTracerConfig} from './trace-api';
import {TraceLabels} from './trace-labels';
import {TraceContext} from './util';

export {TraceContext};

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type Func<T> = (...args: any[]) => T;

// Defines an interface for storing Trace-Agent related data on patched modules.
export interface TraceAgentExtension {
  _google_trace_patched: boolean;

 * Represents a trace span.
export interface Span {
   * Gets the current trace context, or null if it can't be retrieved.
   * @return The trace context.
  getTraceContext(): TraceContext | null;

   * Adds a key-value pair as a label to the trace span. The value will be
   * converted to a string if it is not already, and both the key and value may
   * be truncated according to the user's configuration.
   * @param key The label's key.
   * @param value The label's value.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  addLabel(key: string, value: any): void;

   * The current span type. See `SpanType` for more information.
  readonly type: SpanType;

   * Ends the span. This method should only be called once.
   * @param timestamp A custom span end time; defaults to the time when endSpan
   * was called if not provided.
  endSpan(timestamp?: Date): void;

 * Represents the root span within a trace.
export interface RootSpan extends Span {
   * Creates and starts a child span under this root span.
   * If the root span is a real span (type = ROOT), the child span will be as
   * well (type = CHILD).
   * Otherwise, if the root span's type is UNTRACED or UNCORRELATED, the child
   * span will be of the same type.
   * @param options Options for creating the child span.
   * @returns A new Span object.
  createChildSpan(options?: SpanOptions): Span;

 * An interface that describes the available options for creating a span in
 * general.
export interface SpanOptions {
  /* The name to apply to the span. */
  name: string;
   * The number of stack frames to skip when collecting call stack information
   * for the span, starting from the top; this should be set to avoid including
   * frames in the plugin. Defaults to 0.
  skipFrames?: number;

 * An interface that describes the available options for creating root spans.
export interface RootSpanOptions extends SpanOptions {
  /* A URL associated with the root span, if applicable. */
  url?: string;
  /* A Method associated with the root span, if applicable. */
  method?: string;
   * An existing trace context, if it exists.
  traceContext?: TraceContext | null;

export interface Tracer {
   * Gets the value of enhancedDatabaseReporting in the trace agent's
   * configuration object.
   * @returns A boolean value indicating whether the trace agent was configured
   * to have an enhanced level of reporting enabled.
  enhancedDatabaseReportingEnabled(): boolean;

   * Gets the current configuration, or throws if it can't be retrieved
   * because the Trace Agent was not disabled.
  getConfig(): StackdriverTracerConfig;

   * Runs the given function in a root span corresponding to an incoming
   * request, passing it an object that exposes an interface for adding
   * labels and closing the span.
   * @param options An object that specifies options for how the root
   * span is created and propagated.
   * @param fn A function that will be called exactly
   * once. If the incoming request should be traced, a root span will be
   * created, and this function will be called with a Span object exposing
   * functions operating on the root span; otherwise, it will be called with
   * a phantom Span object.
   * @returns The return value of calling fn.
  runInRootSpan<T>(options: RootSpanOptions, fn: (span: RootSpan) => T): T;

   * Gets the active root span for the current context. This method is
   * guaranteed to return an object with the surface of a RootSpan object, but
   * it may not represent a real root span if we are not in one. Use isRealSpan
   * or check the `type` field to determine whether this is a real or phantom
   * span.
   * @returns An object that represents either a real or phantom root span.
  getCurrentRootSpan(): RootSpan;

   * Returns a unique identifier for the currently active context. This can be
   * used to uniquely identify the current root span. If there is no current,
   * context, or if we have lost context, this will return null. The structure
   * and the length of the returned string should be treated opaquely - the only
   * guarantee is that the value would unique for every root span.
   * @returns an id for the current context, or null if there is none
  getCurrentContextId(): string | null;

   * Returns the projectId that was either configured or auto-discovered by the
   * TraceWriter.
  getProjectId(): Promise<string>;

   * Returns the projectId that was either configured or auto-discovered by the
   * TraceWriter. Note that the auto-discovery is done asynchronously, so this
   * may return falsey until the projectId auto-discovery completes.
  getWriterProjectId(): string | null;

   * Creates and returns a new Span object nested within the current root
   * span, which is detected automatically.
   * If the root span is a phantom span or doesn't exist, the child span will
   * be a phantom span as well.
   * @param options Options for creating the child span.
   * @returns A new Span object.
  createChildSpan(options?: SpanOptions): Span;

   * Returns whether a given span is real or not by checking its SpanType.
  isRealSpan(span: Span): boolean;

   * Generates a trace context object that should be set as the trace
   * context header in a response to an incoming web request. This value is
   * based on the trace context header value in the corresponding incoming
   * request, as well as the result from the local trace policy on whether this
   * request will be traced or not.
   * @param incomingTraceContext The trace context that was attached to
   * the incoming web request, or null if the incoming request didn't have one.
   * @param isTraced Whether the incoming request was traced. This is determined
   * by the local tracing policy.
   * @returns If the response should contain the trace context within its
   * header, the context object to be serialized as this header's value.
   * Otherwise, null.
    incomingTraceContext: TraceContext | null,
    isTraced: boolean
  ): TraceContext | null;

   * Binds the trace context to the given function.
   * This is necessary in order to create child spans correctly in functions
   * that are called asynchronously (for example, in a network response
   * handler).
   * @param fn A function to which to bind the trace context.
  wrap<T>(fn: Func<T>): Func<T>;

   * Binds the trace context to the given event emitter.
   * This is necessary in order to create child spans correctly in event
   * handlers.
   * @param emitter An event emitter whose handlers should have
   * the trace context binded to them.
  wrapEmitter(emitter: EventEmitter): void;

  /** Well-known constant values used by the Trace Agent. */
  readonly constants: typeof Constants;
  /** Well-known label keys for spans. */
  readonly labels: typeof TraceLabels;
  /** An enumeration of possible SpanType values. */
  readonly spanTypes: typeof SpanType;
  /** A collection of functions for encoding and decoding trace context. */
  readonly traceContextUtils: {
    encodeAsByteArray: (ctx: TraceContext) => Buffer;
    decodeFromByteArray: (buf: Buffer) => TraceContext | null;
   * A collection of functions for dealing with trace context in HTTP headers.
  readonly propagation: Propagation;

export type GetHeaderFunction = (
  key: string
) => string[] | string | null | undefined;
export type SetHeaderFunction = (key: string, value: string) => void;
export interface Propagation {
  extract: (getHeader: GetHeaderFunction) => TraceContext | null;
  inject: (
    setHeader: SetHeaderFunction,
    traceContext: TraceContext | null
  ) => void;

export interface Monkeypatch<T> {
  file?: string;
  versions?: string;
  patch: (module: T, agent: Tracer) => void;
  unpatch?: (module: T) => void;

export interface Intercept<T> {
  file?: string;
  versions?: string;
  intercept: (module: T, agent: Tracer) => T;

export type Patch<T> = Monkeypatch<T> | Intercept<T>;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type Plugin = Array<Patch<any>>;

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