As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2  # type: ignore
import proto  # type: ignore

from import data

__protobuf__ = proto.module(

[docs]class CreateRecurringAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to create a new recurring audience list. Attributes: parent (str): Required. The parent resource where this recurring audience list will be created. Format: ``properties/{property}`` recurring_audience_list ( Required. The recurring audience list to create. """ parent: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) recurring_audience_list: "RecurringAudienceList" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="RecurringAudienceList", )
[docs]class RecurringAudienceList(proto.Message): r"""A recurring audience list produces new audience lists each day. Audience lists are users in an audience at the time of the list's creation. A recurring audience list ensures that you have audience list based on the most recent data available for use each day. .. _oneof: Attributes: name (str): Output only. Identifier. The recurring audience list resource name assigned during creation. This resource name identifies this ``RecurringAudienceList``. Format: ``properties/{property}/recurringAudienceLists/{recurring_audience_list}`` audience (str): Required. The audience resource name. This resource name identifies the audience being listed and is shared between the Analytics Data & Admin APIs. Format: ``properties/{property}/audiences/{audience}`` audience_display_name (str): Output only. The descriptive display name for this audience. For example, "Purchasers". dimensions (MutableSequence[]): Required. The dimensions requested and displayed in the audience list response. active_days_remaining (int): Optional. The number of remaining days that a recurring audience export will produce an audience list instance. This counter decreases by one each day, and when it reaches zero, no new audience lists will be created. Recurring audience list request for Analytics 360 properties default to 180 days and have a maximum of 365 days. Requests for standard Analytics properties default to 14 days and have a maximum of 30 days. The minimum value allowed during creation is 1. Requests above their respective maximum will be coerced to their maximum. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_active_days_remaining``. audience_lists (MutableSequence[str]): Output only. Audience list resource names for audience list instances created for this recurring audience list. One audience list is created for each day, and the audience list will be listed here. This list is ordered with the most recently created audience list first. webhook_notification ( Optional. Configures webhook notifications to be sent from the Google Analytics Data API to your webhook server. Use of webhooks is optional. If unused, you'll need to poll this API to determine when a recurring audience list creates new audience lists. Webhooks allow a notification to be sent to your servers & avoid the need for polling. Two POST requests will be sent each time a recurring audience list creates an audience list. This happens once per day until a recurring audience list reaches 0 active days remaining. The first request will be sent showing a newly created audience list in its CREATING state. The second request will be sent after the audience list completes creation (either the ACTIVE or FAILED state). This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_webhook_notification``. """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) audience: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) audience_display_name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, ) dimensions: MutableSequence["AudienceDimension"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="AudienceDimension", ) active_days_remaining: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=5, optional=True, ) audience_lists: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=6, ) webhook_notification: "WebhookNotification" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=8, optional=True, message="WebhookNotification", )
[docs]class WebhookNotification(proto.Message): r"""Configures a long-running operation resource to send a webhook notification from the Google Analytics Data API to your webhook server when the resource updates. Notification configurations contain private values & are only visible to your GCP project. Different GCP projects may attach different webhook notifications to the same long-running operation resource. .. _oneof: Attributes: uri (str): Optional. The web address that will receive the webhook notification. This address will receive POST requests as the state of the long running operation resource changes. The POST request will contain both a JSON version of the long running operation resource in the body and a ``sentTimestamp`` field. The sent timestamp will specify the unix microseconds since the epoch that the request was sent; this lets you identify replayed notifications. An example URI is ````. The URI must use HTTPS and point to a site with a valid SSL certificate on the web server. The URI must have a maximum string length of 128 characters & use only the allowlisted characters from `RFC 1738 <>`__. When your webhook server receives a notification, it is expected to reply with an HTTP response status code of 200 within 5 seconds. A URI is required to use webhook notifications. Requests to this webhook server will contain an ID token authenticating the service account ````. To learn more about ID tokens, see For Google Cloud Functions, this lets you configure your function to require authentication. In Cloud IAM, you will need to grant the service account permissions to the Cloud Run Invoker (``roles/run.invoker``) & Cloud Functions Invoker (``roles/cloudfunctions.invoker``) roles for the webhook post request to pass Google Cloud Functions authentication. This API can send webhook notifications to arbitrary URIs; for webhook servers other than Google Cloud Functions, this ID token in the authorization bearer header should be ignored if it is not needed. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_uri``. channel_token (str): Optional. The channel token is an arbitrary string value and must have a maximum string length of 64 characters. Channel tokens allow you to verify the source of a webhook notification. This guards against the message being spoofed. The channel token will be specified in the ``X-Goog-Channel-Token`` HTTP header of the webhook POST request. A channel token is not required to use webhook notifications. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_channel_token``. """ uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, optional=True, ) channel_token: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, optional=True, )
[docs]class GetRecurringAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to retrieve configuration metadata about a specific recurring audience list. Attributes: name (str): Required. The recurring audience list resource name. Format: ``properties/{property}/recurringAudienceLists/{recurring_audience_list}`` """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs]class ListRecurringAudienceListsRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to list all recurring audience lists for a property. Attributes: parent (str): Required. All recurring audience lists for this property will be listed in the response. Format: ``properties/{property}`` page_size (int): Optional. The maximum number of recurring audience lists to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 200 recurring audience lists will be returned. The maximum value is 1000 (higher values will be coerced to the maximum). page_token (str): Optional. A page token, received from a previous ``ListRecurringAudienceLists`` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to ``ListRecurringAudienceLists`` must match the call that provided the page token. """ parent: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) page_size: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=2, ) page_token: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, )
[docs]class ListRecurringAudienceListsResponse(proto.Message): r"""A list of all recurring audience lists for a property. .. _oneof: Attributes: recurring_audience_lists (MutableSequence[]): Each recurring audience list for a property. next_page_token (str): A token, which can be sent as ``page_token`` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_next_page_token``. """ @property def raw_page(self): return self recurring_audience_lists: MutableSequence[ "RecurringAudienceList" ] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="RecurringAudienceList", ) next_page_token: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, optional=True, )
[docs]class GetAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to retrieve configuration metadata about a specific audience list. Attributes: name (str): Required. The audience list resource name. Format: ``properties/{property}/audienceLists/{audience_list}`` """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs]class ListAudienceListsRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to list all audience lists for a property. Attributes: parent (str): Required. All audience lists for this property will be listed in the response. Format: ``properties/{property}`` page_size (int): Optional. The maximum number of audience lists to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 200 audience lists will be returned. The maximum value is 1000 (higher values will be coerced to the maximum). page_token (str): Optional. A page token, received from a previous ``ListAudienceLists`` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to ``ListAudienceLists`` must match the call that provided the page token. """ parent: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) page_size: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=2, ) page_token: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, )
[docs]class ListAudienceListsResponse(proto.Message): r"""A list of all audience lists for a property. .. _oneof: Attributes: audience_lists (MutableSequence[]): Each audience list for a property. next_page_token (str): A token, which can be sent as ``page_token`` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_next_page_token``. """ @property def raw_page(self): return self audience_lists: MutableSequence["AudienceList"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="AudienceList", ) next_page_token: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, optional=True, )
[docs]class CreateAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to create a new audience list. Attributes: parent (str): Required. The parent resource where this audience list will be created. Format: ``properties/{property}`` audience_list ( Required. The audience list to create. """ parent: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) audience_list: "AudienceList" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="AudienceList", )
[docs]class AudienceList(proto.Message): r"""An audience list is a list of users in an audience at the time of the list's creation. One audience may have multiple audience lists created for different days. .. _oneof: Attributes: name (str): Output only. Identifier. The audience list resource name assigned during creation. This resource name identifies this ``AudienceList``. Format: ``properties/{property}/audienceLists/{audience_list}`` audience (str): Required. The audience resource name. This resource name identifies the audience being listed and is shared between the Analytics Data & Admin APIs. Format: ``properties/{property}/audiences/{audience}`` audience_display_name (str): Output only. The descriptive display name for this audience. For example, "Purchasers". dimensions (MutableSequence[]): Required. The dimensions requested and displayed in the query response. state ( Output only. The current state for this AudienceList. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_state``. begin_creating_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Output only. The time when CreateAudienceList was called and the AudienceList began the ``CREATING`` state. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_begin_creating_time``. creation_quota_tokens_charged (int): Output only. The total quota tokens charged during creation of the AudienceList. Because this token count is based on activity from the ``CREATING`` state, this tokens charged will be fixed once an AudienceList enters the ``ACTIVE`` or ``FAILED`` states. row_count (int): Output only. The total number of rows in the AudienceList result. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_row_count``. error_message (str): Output only. Error message is populated when an audience list fails during creation. A common reason for such a failure is quota exhaustion. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_error_message``. percentage_completed (float): Output only. The percentage completed for this audience export ranging between 0 to 100. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_percentage_completed``. recurring_audience_list (str): Output only. The recurring audience list that created this audience list. Recurring audience lists create audience lists daily. If audience lists are created directly, they will have no associated recurring audience list, and this field will be blank. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_recurring_audience_list``. webhook_notification ( Optional. Configures webhook notifications to be sent from the Google Analytics Data API to your webhook server. Use of webhooks is optional. If unused, you'll need to poll this API to determine when an audience list is ready to be used. Webhooks allow a notification to be sent to your servers & avoid the need for polling. Either one or two POST requests will be sent to the webhook. The first POST request will be sent immediately showing the newly created audience list in its CREATING state. The second POST request will be sent after the audience list completes creation (either the ACTIVE or FAILED state). If identical audience lists are requested in quick succession, the second & subsequent audience lists can be served from cache. In that case, the audience list create method can return an audience list is already ACTIVE. In this scenario, only one POST request will be sent to the webhook. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_webhook_notification``. """
[docs] class State(proto.Enum): r"""The AudienceList currently exists in this state. Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified state will never be used. CREATING (1): The AudienceList is currently creating and will be available in the future. Creating occurs immediately after the CreateAudienceList call. ACTIVE (2): The AudienceList is fully created and ready for querying. An AudienceList is updated to active asynchronously from a request; this occurs some time (for example 15 minutes) after the initial create call. FAILED (3): The AudienceList failed to be created. It is possible that re-requesting this audience list will succeed. """ STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 CREATING = 1 ACTIVE = 2 FAILED = 3
name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) audience: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) audience_display_name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, ) dimensions: MutableSequence["AudienceDimension"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="AudienceDimension", ) state: State = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=5, optional=True, enum=State, ) begin_creating_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=6, optional=True, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) creation_quota_tokens_charged: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=7, ) row_count: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=8, optional=True, ) error_message: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=9, optional=True, ) percentage_completed: float = proto.Field( proto.DOUBLE, number=11, optional=True, ) recurring_audience_list: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=12, optional=True, ) webhook_notification: "WebhookNotification" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=13, optional=True, message="WebhookNotification", )
[docs]class AudienceListMetadata(proto.Message): r"""This metadata is currently blank."""
[docs]class QueryAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to list users in an audience list. Attributes: name (str): Required. The name of the audience list to retrieve users from. Format: ``properties/{property}/audienceLists/{audience_list}`` offset (int): Optional. The row count of the start row. The first row is counted as row 0. When paging, the first request does not specify offset; or equivalently, sets offset to 0; the first request returns the first ``limit`` of rows. The second request sets offset to the ``limit`` of the first request; the second request returns the second ``limit`` of rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. limit (int): Optional. The number of rows to return. If unspecified, 10,000 rows are returned. The API returns a maximum of 250,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. ``limit`` must be positive. The API can also return fewer rows than the requested ``limit``, if there aren't as many dimension values as the ``limit``. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) offset: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=2, ) limit: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=3, )
[docs]class QueryAudienceListResponse(proto.Message): r"""A list of users in an audience list. .. _oneof: Attributes: audience_list ( Configuration data about AudienceList being queried. Returned to help interpret the audience rows in this response. For example, the dimensions in this AudienceList correspond to the columns in the AudienceRows. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_audience_list``. audience_rows (MutableSequence[]): Rows for each user in an audience list. The number of rows in this response will be less than or equal to request's page size. row_count (int): The total number of rows in the AudienceList result. ``rowCount`` is independent of the number of rows returned in the response, the ``limit`` request parameter, and the ``offset`` request parameter. For example if a query returns 175 rows and includes ``limit`` of 50 in the API request, the response will contain ``rowCount`` of 175 but only 50 rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_row_count``. """ audience_list: "AudienceList" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, optional=True, message="AudienceList", ) audience_rows: MutableSequence["AudienceRow"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="AudienceRow", ) row_count: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=3, optional=True, )
[docs]class SheetExportAudienceListRequest(proto.Message): r"""A request to export users in an audience list to a Google Sheet. Attributes: name (str): Required. The name of the audience list to retrieve users from. Format: ``properties/{property}/audienceLists/{audience_list}`` offset (int): Optional. The row count of the start row. The first row is counted as row 0. When paging, the first request does not specify offset; or equivalently, sets offset to 0; the first request returns the first ``limit`` of rows. The second request sets offset to the ``limit`` of the first request; the second request returns the second ``limit`` of rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. limit (int): Optional. The number of rows to return. If unspecified, 10,000 rows are returned. The API returns a maximum of 250,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. ``limit`` must be positive. The API can also return fewer rows than the requested ``limit``, if there aren't as many dimension values as the ``limit``. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) offset: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=2, ) limit: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=3, )
[docs]class SheetExportAudienceListResponse(proto.Message): r"""The created Google Sheet with the list of users in an audience list. .. _oneof: Attributes: spreadsheet_uri (str): A uri for you to visit in your browser to view the Google Sheet. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_spreadsheet_uri``. spreadsheet_id (str): An ID that identifies the created Google Sheet resource. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_spreadsheet_id``. row_count (int): The total number of rows in the AudienceList result. ``rowCount`` is independent of the number of rows returned in the response, the ``limit`` request parameter, and the ``offset`` request parameter. For example if a query returns 175 rows and includes ``limit`` of 50 in the API request, the response will contain ``rowCount`` of 175 but only 50 rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see `Pagination <>`__. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_row_count``. audience_list ( Configuration data about AudienceList being exported. Returned to help interpret the AudienceList in the Google Sheet of this response. For example, the AudienceList may have more rows than are present in the Google Sheet, and in that case, you may want to send an additional sheet export request with a different ``offset`` value to retrieve the next page of rows in an additional Google Sheet. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_audience_list``. """ spreadsheet_uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, optional=True, ) spreadsheet_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, optional=True, ) row_count: int = proto.Field( proto.INT32, number=3, optional=True, ) audience_list: "AudienceList" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, optional=True, message="AudienceList", )
[docs]class AudienceRow(proto.Message): r"""Dimension value attributes for the audience user row. Attributes: dimension_values (MutableSequence[]): Each dimension value attribute for an audience user. One dimension value will be added for each dimension column requested. """ dimension_values: MutableSequence["AudienceDimensionValue"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="AudienceDimensionValue", )
[docs]class AudienceDimension(proto.Message): r"""An audience dimension is a user attribute. Specific user attributed are requested and then later returned in the ``QueryAudienceListResponse``. Attributes: dimension_name (str): Optional. The API name of the dimension. See the `API Dimensions <>`__ for the list of dimension names. """ dimension_name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs]class AudienceDimensionValue(proto.Message): r"""The value of a dimension. .. _oneof: Attributes: value (str): Value as a string if the dimension type is a string. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``one_value``. """ value: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, oneof="one_value", )
[docs]class RunFunnelReportRequest(proto.Message): r"""The request for a funnel report. Attributes: property (str): Optional. A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn more, see `where to find your Property ID <>`__. Within a batch request, this property should either be unspecified or consistent with the batch-level property. Example: properties/1234 date_ranges (MutableSequence[]): Optional. Date ranges of data to read. If multiple date ranges are requested, each response row will contain a zero based date range index. If two date ranges overlap, the event data for the overlapping days is included in the response rows for both date ranges. funnel ( Optional. The configuration of this request's funnel. This funnel configuration is required. funnel_breakdown ( Optional. If specified, this breakdown adds a dimension to the funnel table sub report response. This breakdown dimension expands each funnel step to the unique values of the breakdown dimension. For example, a breakdown by the ``deviceCategory`` dimension will create rows for ``mobile``, ``tablet``, ``desktop``, and the total. funnel_next_action ( Optional. If specified, next action adds a dimension to the funnel visualization sub report response. This next action dimension expands each funnel step to the unique values of the next action. For example a next action of the ``eventName`` dimension will create rows for several events (for example ``session_start`` & ``click``) and the total. Next action only supports ``eventName`` and most Page / Screen dimensions like ``pageTitle`` and ``pagePath``. funnel_visualization_type ( Optional. The funnel visualization type controls the dimensions present in the funnel visualization sub report response. If not specified, ``STANDARD_FUNNEL`` is used. segments (MutableSequence[]): Optional. The configurations of segments. Segments are subsets of a property's data. In a funnel report with segments, the funnel is evaluated in each segment. Each segment specified in this request produces a separate row in the response; in the response, each segment identified by its name. The segments parameter is optional. Requests are limited to 4 segments. limit (int): Optional. The number of rows to return. If unspecified, 10,000 rows are returned. The API returns a maximum of 250,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. ``limit`` must be positive. The API can also return fewer rows than the requested ``limit``, if there aren't as many dimension values as the ``limit``. dimension_filter ( Optional. Dimension filters allow you to ask for only specific dimension values in the report. To learn more, see `Creating a Report: Dimension Filters <>`__ for examples. Metrics cannot be used in this filter. return_property_quota (bool): Optional. Toggles whether to return the current state of this Analytics Property's quota. Quota is returned in `PropertyQuota <#PropertyQuota>`__. """
[docs] class FunnelVisualizationType(proto.Enum): r"""Controls the dimensions present in the funnel visualization sub report response. Values: FUNNEL_VISUALIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified type. STANDARD_FUNNEL (1): A standard (stepped) funnel. The funnel visualization sub report in the response will not contain date. TRENDED_FUNNEL (2): A trended (line chart) funnel. The funnel visualization sub report in the response will contain the date dimension. """ FUNNEL_VISUALIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 STANDARD_FUNNEL = 1 TRENDED_FUNNEL = 2
property: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) date_ranges: MutableSequence[data.DateRange] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=data.DateRange, ) funnel: data.Funnel = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=data.Funnel, ) funnel_breakdown: data.FunnelBreakdown = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message=data.FunnelBreakdown, ) funnel_next_action: data.FunnelNextAction = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message=data.FunnelNextAction, ) funnel_visualization_type: FunnelVisualizationType = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=6, enum=FunnelVisualizationType, ) segments: MutableSequence[data.Segment] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=7, message=data.Segment, ) limit: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=9, ) dimension_filter: data.FilterExpression = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=10, message=data.FilterExpression, ) return_property_quota: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=12, )
[docs]class RunFunnelReportResponse(proto.Message): r"""The funnel report response contains two sub reports. The two sub reports are different combinations of dimensions and metrics. Attributes: funnel_table ( The funnel table is a report with the funnel step, segment, breakdown dimension, active users, completion rate, abandonments, and abandonments rate. The segment dimension is only present in this response if a segment was requested. The breakdown dimension is only present in this response if it was requested. funnel_visualization ( The funnel visualization is a report with the funnel step, segment, date, next action dimension, and active users. The segment dimension is only present in this response if a segment was requested. The date dimension is only present in this response if it was requested through the ``TRENDED_FUNNEL`` funnel type. The next action dimension is only present in the response if it was requested. property_quota ( This Analytics Property's quota state including this request. kind (str): Identifies what kind of resource this message is. This ``kind`` is always the fixed string "analyticsData#runFunnelReport". Useful to distinguish between response types in JSON. """ funnel_table: data.FunnelSubReport = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=data.FunnelSubReport, ) funnel_visualization: data.FunnelSubReport = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=data.FunnelSubReport, ) property_quota: data.PropertyQuota = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=data.PropertyQuota, ) kind: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=4, )
__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))