As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Python Client for Google BigQuery Storage API

stable pypi versions

Google BigQuery Storage API:

Quick Start

In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps:

  1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project.

  2. Enable billing for your project.

  3. Enable the Google BigQuery Storage API.

  4. Setup Authentication.


Install this library in a virtual environment using venv. venv is a tool that creates isolated Python environments. These isolated environments can have separate versions of Python packages, which allows you to isolate one project’s dependencies from the dependencies of other projects.

With venv, it’s possible to install this library without needing system install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system dependencies.

Code samples and snippets

Code samples and snippets live in the samples/ folder.

Supported Python Versions

Our client libraries are compatible with all current active and maintenance versions of Python.

Python >= 3.7

Unsupported Python Versions

Python <= 3.6

If you are using an end-of-life version of Python, we recommend that you update as soon as possible to an actively supported version.


python3 -m venv <your-env>
source <your-env>/bin/activate
pip install google-cloud-bigquery-storage


py -m venv <your-env>
pip install google-cloud-bigquery-storage

Next Steps


Because this client uses grpc library, it is safe to share instances across threads. In multiprocessing scenarios, the best practice is to create client instances after the invocation of os.fork() by multiprocessing.pool.Pool or multiprocessing.Process.

Example Usage

from import BigQueryReadClient, types

# TODO(developer): Set the project_id variable.
# project_id = 'your-project-id'
# The read session is created in this project. This project can be
# different from that which contains the table.

client = BigQueryReadClient()

# This example reads baby name data from the public datasets.
table = "projects/{}/datasets/{}/tables/{}".format(
    "bigquery-public-data", "usa_names", "usa_1910_current"

requested_session = types.ReadSession()
requested_session.table = table
# This API can also deliver data serialized in Apache Arrow format.
# This example leverages Apache Avro.
requested_session.data_format = types.DataFormat.AVRO

# We limit the output columns to a subset of those allowed in the table,
# and set a simple filter to only report names from the state of
# Washington (WA).
requested_session.read_options.selected_fields = ["name", "number", "state"]
requested_session.read_options.row_restriction = 'state = "WA"'

# Set a snapshot time if it's been specified.
if snapshot_millis > 0:
    snapshot_time = types.Timestamp()
    requested_session.table_modifiers.snapshot_time = snapshot_time

parent = "projects/{}".format(project_id)
session = client.create_read_session(
    # We'll use only a single stream for reading data from the table. However,
    # if you wanted to fan out multiple readers you could do so by having a
    # reader process each individual stream.
reader = client.read_rows(session.streams[0].name)

# The read stream contains blocks of Avro-encoded bytes. The rows() method
# uses the fastavro library to parse these blocks as an iterable of Python
# dictionaries. Install fastavro with the following command:
# pip install google-cloud-bigquery-storage[fastavro]
rows = reader.rows(session)

# Do any local processing by iterating over the rows. The
# google-cloud-bigquery-storage client reconnects to the API after any
# transient network errors or timeouts.
names = set()
states = set()

# fastavro returns EOFError instead of StopIterationError starting v1.8.4.
# See
    for row in rows:
except EOFError:

print("Got {} unique names in states: {}".format(len(names), ", ".join(states)))

API Reference

Migration Guide

See the guide below for instructions on migrating to the 2.x release of this library.