As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for db_dtypes

# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Pandas Data Types for SQL systems (BigQuery, Spanner)

import datetime
import re
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy
import packaging.version
import pandas
import pandas.api.extensions
from pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime
import pyarrow
import pyarrow.compute

from db_dtypes.version import __version__
from db_dtypes import core

date_dtype_name = "dbdate"
time_dtype_name = "dbtime"
_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
_NPEPOCH = numpy.datetime64(_EPOCH)
_NP_DTYPE = "datetime64[ns]"

# Numpy converts datetime64 scalars to datetime.datetime only if microsecond or
# smaller precision is used.
# TODO( Keep
# nanosecond precision when boxing scalars.
_NP_BOX_DTYPE = "datetime64[us]"

pandas_release = packaging.version.parse(pandas.__version__).release

[docs]@pandas.api.extensions.register_extension_dtype class TimeDtype(core.BaseDatetimeDtype): """ Extension dtype for time data. """ name = time_dtype_name type = datetime.time
[docs] def construct_array_type(self): return TimeArray
[docs] @staticmethod def __from_arrow__( array: Union[pyarrow.Array, pyarrow.ChunkedArray] ) -> "TimeArray": """Convert to dbtime data from an Arrow array. See: """ # We can't call combine_chunks on an empty array, so short-circuit the # rest of the function logic for this special case. if len(array) == 0: return TimeArray(numpy.array([], dtype="datetime64[ns]")) # We can't cast to timestamp("ns"), but time64("ns") has the same # memory layout: 64-bit integers representing the number of nanoseconds # since the datetime epoch (midnight 1970-01-01). array = pyarrow.compute.cast(array, pyarrow.time64("ns")) # ChunkedArray has no "view" method, so combine into an Array. if isinstance(array, pyarrow.ChunkedArray): array = array.combine_chunks() array = array.view(pyarrow.timestamp("ns")) np_array = array.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False) return TimeArray(np_array)
[docs]class TimeArray(core.BaseDatetimeArray): """ Pandas array type containing time data """ # Data are stored as datetime64 values with a date of Jan 1, 1970 dtype = TimeDtype() @classmethod def _datetime( cls, scalar, match_fn=re.compile( r"\s*(?P<hours>\d+)" r"(?::(?P<minutes>\d+)" r"(?::(?P<seconds>\d+)" r"(?:\.(?P<fraction>\d*))?)?)?\s*$" ).match, ) -> Optional[numpy.datetime64]: if isinstance(scalar, numpy.datetime64): return scalar # Convert pyarrow values to datetime.time. if isinstance(scalar, (pyarrow.Time32Scalar, pyarrow.Time64Scalar)): scalar = ( scalar.cast(pyarrow.time64("ns")) .cast(pyarrow.int64()) .cast(pyarrow.timestamp("ns")) .as_py() ) if pandas.isna(scalar): return numpy.datetime64("NaT") if isinstance(scalar, datetime.time): return pandas.Timestamp( year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=scalar.hour, minute=scalar.minute, second=scalar.second, microsecond=scalar.microsecond, ).to_datetime64() elif isinstance(scalar, pandas.Timestamp): return scalar.to_datetime64() elif isinstance(scalar, str): # iso string parsed = match_fn(scalar) if not parsed: raise ValueError(f"Bad time string: {repr(scalar)}") hour ="hours") minute ="minutes") second ="seconds") fraction ="fraction") nanosecond = int(fraction.ljust(9, "0")[:9]) if fraction else 0 return pandas.Timestamp( year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=int(hour), minute=int(minute) if minute else 0, second=int(second) if second else 0, microsecond=nanosecond // 1000, nanosecond=nanosecond % 1000, ).to_datetime64() else: raise TypeError("Invalid value type", scalar) def _box_func(self, x): if pandas.isna(x): return pandas.NaT try: return x.astype(_NP_BOX_DTYPE).item().time() except AttributeError: x = numpy.datetime64( x, "ns" ) # Integers are stored with nanosecond precision. return x.astype(_NP_BOX_DTYPE).item().time() __return_deltas = {"timedelta", "timedelta64", "timedelta64[ns]", "<m8", _NP_DTYPE}
[docs] def astype(self, dtype, copy=True): deltas = self._ndarray - _NPEPOCH stype = str(dtype) if stype in self.__return_deltas: return deltas elif stype.startswith("timedelta64[") or stype.startswith("<m8["): return deltas.astype(dtype, copy=False) else: return super().astype(dtype, copy=copy)
[docs] def __arrow_array__(self, type=None): """Convert to an Arrow array from dbtime data. See: """ array = pyarrow.array(self._ndarray, type=pyarrow.timestamp("ns")) # ChunkedArray has no "view" method, so combine into an Array. array = ( array.combine_chunks() if isinstance(array, pyarrow.ChunkedArray) else array ) # We can't cast to time64("ns"), but timestamp("ns") has the same # memory layout: 64-bit integers representing the number of nanoseconds # since the datetime epoch (midnight 1970-01-01). array = array.view(pyarrow.time64("ns")) return pyarrow.compute.cast( array, type if type is not None else pyarrow.time64("ns"), )
[docs]@pandas.api.extensions.register_extension_dtype class DateDtype(core.BaseDatetimeDtype): """ Extension dtype for time data. """ name = date_dtype_name type =
[docs] def construct_array_type(self): return DateArray
[docs] @staticmethod def __from_arrow__( array: Union[pyarrow.Array, pyarrow.ChunkedArray] ) -> "DateArray": """Convert to dbdate data from an Arrow array. See: """ array = pyarrow.compute.cast(array, pyarrow.timestamp("ns")) np_array = array.to_numpy() return DateArray(np_array)
[docs]class DateArray(core.BaseDatetimeArray): """ Pandas array type containing date data """ # Data are stored as datetime64 values with a date of Jan 1, 1970 dtype = DateDtype() @staticmethod def _datetime( scalar, match_fn=re.compile(r"\s*(?P<year>\d+)-(?P<month>\d+)-(?P<day>\d+)\s*$").match, ) -> Optional[numpy.datetime64]: # Convert pyarrow values to if isinstance(scalar, (pyarrow.Date32Scalar, pyarrow.Date64Scalar)): scalar = scalar.as_py() if pandas.isna(scalar): return numpy.datetime64("NaT") elif isinstance(scalar, numpy.datetime64): dateObj = pandas.Timestamp(scalar) elif isinstance(scalar, dateObj = pandas.Timestamp( year=scalar.year, month=scalar.month, ) elif isinstance(scalar, str): match = match_fn(scalar) if not match: raise ValueError(f"Bad date string: {repr(scalar)}") year = int("year")) month = int("month")) day = int("day")) dateObj = pandas.Timestamp( year=year, month=month, day=day, ) else: raise TypeError("Invalid value type", scalar) # TODO(#64): Support larger ranges with other units. if pandas.Timestamp.min < dateObj < pandas.Timestamp.max: return dateObj.to_datetime64() else: # pragma: NO COVER # TODO(#166): Include these lines in coverage when pandas 2.0 is released. raise OutOfBoundsDatetime("Out of bounds", scalar) # pragma: NO COVER def _box_func(self, x): if pandas.isna(x): return pandas.NaT try: return x.astype(_NP_BOX_DTYPE).item().date() except AttributeError: x = numpy.datetime64( x, "ns" ) # Integers are stored with nanosecond precision. return x.astype(_NP_BOX_DTYPE).item().date()
[docs] def astype(self, dtype, copy=True): stype = str(dtype) if stype.startswith("datetime"): if stype == "datetime" or stype == "datetime64": dtype = self._ndarray.dtype return self._ndarray.astype(dtype, copy=copy) elif stype.startswith("<M8"): if stype == "<M8": dtype = self._ndarray.dtype return self._ndarray.astype(dtype, copy=copy) return super().astype(dtype, copy=copy)
[docs] def __arrow_array__(self, type=None): """Convert to an Arrow array from dbdate data. See: """ array = pyarrow.array(self._ndarray, type=pyarrow.timestamp("ns")) return pyarrow.compute.cast( array, type if type is not None else pyarrow.date32(), )
def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, pandas.DateOffset): return self.astype("object") + other if isinstance(other, TimeArray): return (other._ndarray - _NPEPOCH) + self._ndarray return super().__add__(other) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, pandas.DateOffset): return self.astype("object") - other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._ndarray - other._ndarray return super().__sub__(other)
__all__ = [ "__version__", "DateArray", "DateDtype", "TimeArray", "TimeDtype", ]