As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for

# Copyright 2017 Google LLC All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Classes for representing queries for the Google Cloud Firestore API.

A :class:`` can be created directly from
a :class:`` and that can be
a more common way to create a query than direct usage of the constructor.
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import copy
import math
import warnings
from typing import (

from google.api_core import retry as retries
from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2

from import firestore_v1
from import _helpers, document
from import field_path as field_path_module
from import transforms

# Types needed only for Type Hints
from import DocumentSnapshot
from import DistanceMeasure
from import Order
from import (
from import Vector

    from import AsyncStreamGenerator
    from import BaseVectorQuery
    from import FieldPath
    from import ExplainOptions
    from import QueryResultsList
    from import StreamGenerator

_EQ_OP: str
_operator_enum: Any

_EQ_OP = "=="
_operator_enum = StructuredQuery.FieldFilter.Operator
    "<": _operator_enum.LESS_THAN,
    "<=": _operator_enum.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
    _EQ_OP: _operator_enum.EQUAL,
    "!=": _operator_enum.NOT_EQUAL,
    ">=": _operator_enum.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
    ">": _operator_enum.GREATER_THAN,
    "array_contains": _operator_enum.ARRAY_CONTAINS,
    "in": _operator_enum.IN,
    "not-in": _operator_enum.NOT_IN,
    "array_contains_any": _operator_enum.ARRAY_CONTAINS_ANY,
# set of operators that don't involve equlity comparisons
# will be used in query normalization
_BAD_OP_STRING = "Operator string {!r} is invalid. Valid choices are: {}."
_BAD_OP_NAN_NULL = 'Only an equality filter ("==") can be used with None or NaN values'
_INVALID_WHERE_TRANSFORM = "Transforms cannot be used as where values."
_BAD_DIR_STRING = "Invalid direction {!r}. Must be one of {!r} or {!r}."
_INVALID_CURSOR_TRANSFORM = "Transforms cannot be used as cursor values."
    'The "order by" field path {!r} is not present in the cursor data {!r}. '
    "All fields sent to ``order_by()`` must be present in the fields "
    "if passed to one of ``start_at()`` / ``start_after()`` / "
    "``end_before()`` / ``end_at()`` to define a cursor."

    "Attempting to create a cursor with no fields to order on. "
    "When defining a cursor with one of ``start_at()`` / ``start_after()`` / "
    "``end_before()`` / ``end_at()``, all fields in the cursor must "
    "come from fields set in ``order_by()``."
_MISMATCH_CURSOR_W_ORDER_BY = "The cursor {!r} does not match the order fields {!r}."

_not_passed = object()

QueryType = TypeVar("QueryType", bound="BaseQuery")

[docs]class BaseFilter(abc.ABC): """Base class for Filters""" @abc.abstractmethod def _to_pb(self): """Build the protobuf representation based on values in the filter"""
[docs]class FieldFilter(BaseFilter): """Class representation of a Field Filter.""" def __init__(self, field_path, op_string, value=None): self.field_path = field_path self.value = value if value is None: if op_string != _EQ_OP: raise ValueError(_BAD_OP_NAN_NULL) self.op_string = StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter.Operator.IS_NULL elif _isnan(value): if op_string != _EQ_OP: raise ValueError(_BAD_OP_NAN_NULL) self.op_string = StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter.Operator.IS_NAN elif isinstance(value, (transforms.Sentinel, transforms._ValueList)): raise ValueError(_INVALID_WHERE_TRANSFORM) else: self.op_string = op_string def _to_pb(self): """Returns the protobuf representation, either a StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter or a StructuredQuery.FieldFilter""" if self.value is None or _isnan(self.value): filter_pb = query.StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=self.field_path), op=self.op_string, ) else: filter_pb = query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=self.field_path), op=_enum_from_op_string(self.op_string), value=_helpers.encode_value(self.value), ) return filter_pb
[docs]class BaseCompositeFilter(BaseFilter): """Base class for a Composite Filter. (either OR or AND).""" def __init__( self, operator=StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter.Operator.OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED, filters=None, ): self.operator = operator if filters is None: self.filters = [] else: self.filters = filters def __repr__(self): repr = f"op: {self.operator}\nFilters:" for filter in self.filters: repr += f"\n\t{filter}" return repr def _to_pb(self): """Build the protobuf representation based on values in the Composite Filter.""" filter_pb = StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter( op=self.operator, ) for filter in self.filters: if isinstance(filter, BaseCompositeFilter): fb = query.StructuredQuery.Filter(composite_filter=filter._to_pb()) else: fb = _filter_pb(filter._to_pb()) filter_pb.filters.append(fb) return filter_pb
[docs]class Or(BaseCompositeFilter): """Class representation of an OR Filter.""" def __init__(self, filters): super().__init__( operator=StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter.Operator.OR, filters=filters )
[docs]class And(BaseCompositeFilter): """Class representation of an AND Filter.""" def __init__(self, filters): super().__init__( operator=StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter.Operator.AND, filters=filters )
[docs]class BaseQuery(object): """Represents a query to the Firestore API. Instances of this class are considered immutable: all methods that would modify an instance instead return a new instance. Args: parent (:class:``): The collection that this query applies to. projection (Optional[:class:`\ query.StructuredQuery.Projection`]): A projection of document fields to limit the query results to. field_filters (Optional[Tuple[:class:`\ query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter`, ...]]): The filters to be applied in the query. orders (Optional[Tuple[:class:`\ query.StructuredQuery.Order`, ...]]): The "order by" entries to use in the query. limit (Optional[int]): The maximum number of documents the query is allowed to return. limit_to_last (Optional[bool]): Denotes whether a provided limit is applied to the end of the result set. offset (Optional[int]): The number of results to skip. start_at (Optional[Tuple[dict, bool]]): Two-tuple of : * a mapping of fields. Any field that is present in this mapping must also be present in ``orders`` * an ``after`` flag The fields and the flag combine to form a cursor used as a starting point in a query result set. If the ``after`` flag is :data:`True`, the results will start just after any documents which have fields matching the cursor, otherwise any matching documents will be included in the result set. When the query is formed, the document values will be used in the order given by ``orders``. end_at (Optional[Tuple[dict, bool]]): Two-tuple of: * a mapping of fields. Any field that is present in this mapping must also be present in ``orders`` * a ``before`` flag The fields and the flag combine to form a cursor used as an ending point in a query result set. If the ``before`` flag is :data:`True`, the results will end just before any documents which have fields matching the cursor, otherwise any matching documents will be included in the result set. When the query is formed, the document values will be used in the order given by ``orders``. all_descendants (Optional[bool]): When false, selects only collections that are immediate children of the `parent` specified in the containing `RunQueryRequest`. When true, selects all descendant collections. recursive (Optional[bool]): When true, returns all documents and all documents in any subcollections below them. Defaults to false. """ ASCENDING = "ASCENDING" """str: Sort query results in ascending order on a field.""" DESCENDING = "DESCENDING" """str: Sort query results in descending order on a field.""" def __init__( self, parent, projection=None, field_filters=(), orders=(), limit=None, limit_to_last=False, offset=None, start_at=None, end_at=None, all_descendants=False, recursive=False, ) -> None: self._parent = parent self._projection = projection self._field_filters = field_filters self._orders = orders self._limit = limit self._limit_to_last = limit_to_last self._offset = offset self._start_at = start_at self._end_at = end_at self._all_descendants = all_descendants self._recursive = recursive def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ( self._parent == other._parent and self._projection == other._projection and self._field_filters == other._field_filters and self._orders == other._orders and self._limit == other._limit and self._limit_to_last == other._limit_to_last and self._offset == other._offset and self._start_at == other._start_at and self._end_at == other._end_at and self._all_descendants == other._all_descendants ) @property def _client(self): """The client of the parent collection. Returns: :class:``: The client that owns this query. """ return self._parent._client
[docs] def select(self: QueryType, field_paths: Iterable[str]) -> QueryType: """Project documents matching query to a limited set of fields. See :meth:`` for more information on **field paths**. If the current query already has a projection set (i.e. has already called :meth:``), this will overwrite it. Args: field_paths (Iterable[str, ...]): An iterable of field paths (``.``-delimited list of field names) to use as a projection of document fields in the query results. Returns: :class:``: A "projected" query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added projection. Raises: ValueError: If any ``field_path`` is invalid. """ field_paths = list(field_paths) for field_path in field_paths: field_path_module.split_field_path(field_path) new_projection = query.StructuredQuery.Projection( fields=[ query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=field_path) for field_path in field_paths ] ) return self._copy(projection=new_projection)
def _copy( self: QueryType, *, projection: Optional[query.StructuredQuery.Projection] = _not_passed, field_filters: Optional[Tuple[query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter]] = _not_passed, orders: Optional[Tuple[query.StructuredQuery.Order]] = _not_passed, limit: Optional[int] = _not_passed, limit_to_last: Optional[bool] = _not_passed, offset: Optional[int] = _not_passed, start_at: Optional[Tuple[dict, bool]] = _not_passed, end_at: Optional[Tuple[dict, bool]] = _not_passed, all_descendants: Optional[bool] = _not_passed, recursive: Optional[bool] = _not_passed, ) -> QueryType: return self.__class__( self._parent, projection=self._evaluate_param(projection, self._projection), field_filters=self._evaluate_param(field_filters, self._field_filters), orders=self._evaluate_param(orders, self._orders), limit=self._evaluate_param(limit, self._limit), limit_to_last=self._evaluate_param(limit_to_last, self._limit_to_last), offset=self._evaluate_param(offset, self._offset), start_at=self._evaluate_param(start_at, self._start_at), end_at=self._evaluate_param(end_at, self._end_at), all_descendants=self._evaluate_param( all_descendants, self._all_descendants ), recursive=self._evaluate_param(recursive, self._recursive), ) def _evaluate_param(self, value, fallback_value): """Helper which allows `None` to be passed into `copy` and be set on the copy instead of being misinterpreted as an unpassed parameter.""" return value if value is not _not_passed else fallback_value
[docs] def where( self: QueryType, field_path: Optional[str] = None, op_string: Optional[str] = None, value=None, *, filter=None, ) -> QueryType: """Filter the query on a field. See :meth:`` for more information on **field paths**. Returns a new :class:`` that filters on a specific field path, according to an operation (e.g. ``==`` or "equals") and a particular value to be paired with that operation. Args: field_path (Optional[str]): A field path (``.``-delimited list of field names) for the field to filter on. op_string (Optional[str]): A comparison operation in the form of a string. Acceptable values are ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>=``, ``>``, ``in``, ``not-in``, ``array_contains`` and ``array_contains_any``. value (Any): The value to compare the field against in the filter. If ``value`` is :data:`None` or a NaN, then ``==`` is the only allowed operation. Returns: :class:``: A filtered query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added filter. Raises: ValueError: If * ``field_path`` is invalid. * If ``value`` is a NaN or :data:`None` and ``op_string`` is not ``==``. * FieldFilter was passed without using the filter keyword argument. * `And` or `Or` was passed without using the filter keyword argument . * Both the positional arguments and the keyword argument `filter` were passed. """ if isinstance(field_path, FieldFilter): raise ValueError( "FieldFilter object must be passed using keyword argument 'filter'" ) if isinstance(field_path, BaseCompositeFilter): raise ValueError( "'Or' and 'And' objects must be passed using keyword argument 'filter'" ) field_path_module.split_field_path(field_path) new_filters = self._field_filters if field_path is not None and op_string is not None: if filter is not None: raise ValueError( "Can't pass in both the positional arguments and 'filter' at the same time" ) warnings.warn( "Detected filter using positional arguments. Prefer using the 'filter' keyword argument instead.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if value is None: if op_string != _EQ_OP: raise ValueError(_BAD_OP_NAN_NULL) filter_pb = query.StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=field_path), op=StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter.Operator.IS_NULL, ) elif _isnan(value): if op_string != _EQ_OP: raise ValueError(_BAD_OP_NAN_NULL) filter_pb = query.StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=field_path), op=StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter.Operator.IS_NAN, ) elif isinstance(value, (transforms.Sentinel, transforms._ValueList)): raise ValueError(_INVALID_WHERE_TRANSFORM) else: filter_pb = query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=field_path), op=_enum_from_op_string(op_string), value=_helpers.encode_value(value), ) new_filters += (filter_pb,) elif isinstance(filter, BaseFilter): new_filters += (filter._to_pb(),) else: raise ValueError( "Filter must be provided through positional arguments or the 'filter' keyword argument." ) return self._copy(field_filters=new_filters)
@staticmethod def _make_order(field_path, direction) -> StructuredQuery.Order: """Helper for :meth:`order_by`.""" return query.StructuredQuery.Order( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path=field_path), direction=_enum_from_direction(direction), )
[docs] def order_by( self: QueryType, field_path: str, direction: str = ASCENDING ) -> QueryType: """Modify the query to add an order clause on a specific field. See :meth:`` for more information on **field paths**. Successive :meth:`` calls will further refine the ordering of results returned by the query (i.e. the new "order by" fields will be added to existing ones). Args: field_path (str): A field path (``.``-delimited list of field names) on which to order the query results. direction (Optional[str]): The direction to order by. Must be one of :attr:`ASCENDING` or :attr:`DESCENDING`, defaults to :attr:`ASCENDING`. Returns: :class:``: An ordered query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "order by" constraint. Raises: ValueError: If ``field_path`` is invalid. ValueError: If ``direction`` is not one of :attr:`ASCENDING` or :attr:`DESCENDING`. """ field_path_module.split_field_path(field_path) # raises order_pb = self._make_order(field_path, direction) new_orders = self._orders + (order_pb,) return self._copy(orders=new_orders)
[docs] def limit(self: QueryType, count: int) -> QueryType: """Limit a query to return at most `count` matching results. If the current query already has a `limit` set, this will override it. .. note:: `limit` and `limit_to_last` are mutually exclusive. Setting `limit` will drop previously set `limit_to_last`. Args: count (int): Maximum number of documents to return that match the query. Returns: :class:``: A limited query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "limit" filter. """ return self._copy(limit=count, limit_to_last=False)
[docs] def limit_to_last(self: QueryType, count: int) -> QueryType: """Limit a query to return the last `count` matching results. If the current query already has a `limit_to_last` set, this will override it. .. note:: `limit` and `limit_to_last` are mutually exclusive. Setting `limit_to_last` will drop previously set `limit`. Args: count (int): Maximum number of documents to return that match the query. Returns: :class:``: A limited query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "limit" filter. """ return self._copy(limit=count, limit_to_last=True)
def _resolve_chunk_size(self, num_loaded: int, chunk_size: int) -> int: """Utility function for chunkify.""" if self._limit is not None and (num_loaded + chunk_size) > self._limit: return max(self._limit - num_loaded, 0) return chunk_size
[docs] def offset(self: QueryType, num_to_skip: int) -> QueryType: """Skip to an offset in a query. If the current query already has specified an offset, this will overwrite it. Args: num_to_skip (int): The number of results to skip at the beginning of query results. (Must be non-negative.) Returns: :class:``: An offset query. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "offset" field. """ return self._copy(offset=num_to_skip)
def _check_snapshot(self, document_snapshot) -> None: """Validate local snapshots for non-collection-group queries. Raises: ValueError: for non-collection-group queries, if the snapshot is from a different collection. """ if self._all_descendants: return if document_snapshot.reference._path[:-1] != self._parent._path: raise ValueError("Cannot use snapshot from another collection as a cursor.") def _cursor_helper( self: QueryType, document_fields_or_snapshot: Union[DocumentSnapshot, dict, list, tuple], before: bool, start: bool, ) -> QueryType: """Set values to be used for a ``start_at`` or ``end_at`` cursor. The values will later be used in a query protobuf. When the query is sent to the server, the ``document_fields_or_snapshot`` will be used in the order given by fields set by :meth:``. Args: document_fields_or_snapshot (Union[:class:``, dict, list, tuple]): a document snapshot or a dictionary/list/tuple of fields representing a query results cursor. A cursor is a collection of values that represent a position in a query result set. before (bool): Flag indicating if the document in ``document_fields_or_snapshot`` should (:data:`False`) or shouldn't (:data:`True`) be included in the result set. start (Optional[bool]): determines if the cursor is a ``start_at`` cursor (:data:`True`) or an ``end_at`` cursor (:data:`False`). Returns: :class:``: A query with cursor. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "start at" cursor. """ if isinstance(document_fields_or_snapshot, tuple): document_fields_or_snapshot = list(document_fields_or_snapshot) elif isinstance(document_fields_or_snapshot, document.DocumentSnapshot): self._check_snapshot(document_fields_or_snapshot) else: # NOTE: We copy so that the caller can't modify after calling. document_fields_or_snapshot = copy.deepcopy(document_fields_or_snapshot) cursor_pair = document_fields_or_snapshot, before query_kwargs = { "projection": self._projection, "field_filters": self._field_filters, "orders": self._orders, "limit": self._limit, "offset": self._offset, "all_descendants": self._all_descendants, } if start: query_kwargs["start_at"] = cursor_pair query_kwargs["end_at"] = self._end_at else: query_kwargs["start_at"] = self._start_at query_kwargs["end_at"] = cursor_pair return self._copy(**query_kwargs)
[docs] def start_at( self: QueryType, document_fields_or_snapshot: Union[DocumentSnapshot, dict, list, tuple], ) -> QueryType: """Start query results at a particular document value. The result set will **include** the document specified by ``document_fields_or_snapshot``. If the current query already has specified a start cursor -- either via this method or :meth:`` -- this will overwrite it. When the query is sent to the server, the ``document_fields`` will be used in the order given by fields set by :meth:``. Args: document_fields_or_snapshot (Union[:class:``, dict, list, tuple]): a document snapshot or a dictionary/list/tuple of fields representing a query results cursor. A cursor is a collection of values that represent a position in a query result set. Returns: :class:``: A query with cursor. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "start at" cursor. """ return self._cursor_helper(document_fields_or_snapshot, before=True, start=True)
[docs] def start_after( self: QueryType, document_fields_or_snapshot: Union[DocumentSnapshot, dict, list, tuple], ) -> QueryType: """Start query results after a particular document value. The result set will **exclude** the document specified by ``document_fields_or_snapshot``. If the current query already has specified a start cursor -- either via this method or :meth:`` -- this will overwrite it. When the query is sent to the server, the ``document_fields_or_snapshot`` will be used in the order given by fields set by :meth:``. Args: document_fields_or_snapshot (Union[:class:``, dict, list, tuple]): a document snapshot or a dictionary/list/tuple of fields representing a query results cursor. A cursor is a collection of values that represent a position in a query result set. Returns: :class:``: A query with cursor. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "start after" cursor. """ return self._cursor_helper( document_fields_or_snapshot, before=False, start=True )
[docs] def end_before( self: QueryType, document_fields_or_snapshot: Union[DocumentSnapshot, dict, list, tuple], ) -> QueryType: """End query results before a particular document value. The result set will **exclude** the document specified by ``document_fields_or_snapshot``. If the current query already has specified an end cursor -- either via this method or :meth:`` -- this will overwrite it. When the query is sent to the server, the ``document_fields_or_snapshot`` will be used in the order given by fields set by :meth:``. Args: document_fields_or_snapshot (Union[:class:``, dict, list, tuple]): a document snapshot or a dictionary/list/tuple of fields representing a query results cursor. A cursor is a collection of values that represent a position in a query result set. Returns: :class:``: A query with cursor. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "end before" cursor. """ return self._cursor_helper( document_fields_or_snapshot, before=True, start=False )
[docs] def end_at( self: QueryType, document_fields_or_snapshot: Union[DocumentSnapshot, dict, list, tuple], ) -> QueryType: """End query results at a particular document value. The result set will **include** the document specified by ``document_fields_or_snapshot``. If the current query already has specified an end cursor -- either via this method or :meth:`` -- this will overwrite it. When the query is sent to the server, the ``document_fields_or_snapshot`` will be used in the order given by fields set by :meth:``. Args: document_fields_or_snapshot (Union[:class:``, dict, list, tuple]): a document snapshot or a dictionary/list/tuple of fields representing a query results cursor. A cursor is a collection of values that represent a position in a query result set. Returns: :class:``: A query with cursor. Acts as a copy of the current query, modified with the newly added "end at" cursor. """ return self._cursor_helper( document_fields_or_snapshot, before=False, start=False )
def _filters_pb(self) -> Optional[StructuredQuery.Filter]: """Convert all the filters into a single generic Filter protobuf. This may be a lone field filter or unary filter, may be a composite filter or may be :data:`None`. Returns: :class:``: A "generic" filter representing the current query's filters. """ num_filters = len(self._field_filters) if num_filters == 0: return None elif num_filters == 1: filter = self._field_filters[0] if isinstance(filter, query.StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter): return query.StructuredQuery.Filter(composite_filter=filter) else: return _filter_pb(filter) else: composite_filter = query.StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter( op=StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter.Operator.AND, ) for filter_ in self._field_filters: if isinstance(filter_, query.StructuredQuery.CompositeFilter): composite_filter.filters.append( query.StructuredQuery.Filter(composite_filter=filter_) ) else: composite_filter.filters.append(_filter_pb(filter_)) return query.StructuredQuery.Filter(composite_filter=composite_filter) @staticmethod def _normalize_projection(projection) -> StructuredQuery.Projection: """Helper: convert field paths to message.""" if projection is not None: fields = list(projection.fields) if not fields: field_ref = query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path="__name__") return query.StructuredQuery.Projection(fields=[field_ref]) return projection def _normalize_orders(self) -> list: """Helper: adjust orders based on cursors, where clauses.""" orders = list(self._orders) _has_snapshot_cursor = False if self._start_at: if isinstance(self._start_at[0], document.DocumentSnapshot): _has_snapshot_cursor = True if self._end_at: if isinstance(self._end_at[0], document.DocumentSnapshot): _has_snapshot_cursor = True if _has_snapshot_cursor: # added orders should use direction of last order last_direction = orders[-1].direction if orders else BaseQuery.ASCENDING order_keys = [order.field.field_path for order in orders] for filter_ in self._field_filters: # FieldFilter.Operator should not compare equal to # UnaryFilter.Operator, but it does if isinstance(filter_.op, StructuredQuery.FieldFilter.Operator): field = filter_.field.field_path # skip equality filters and filters on fields already ordered if filter_.op in _INEQUALITY_OPERATORS and field not in order_keys: orders.append(self._make_order(field, last_direction)) # add __name__ if not already in orders if "__name__" not in [order.field.field_path for order in orders]: orders.append(self._make_order("__name__", last_direction)) return orders def _normalize_cursor(self, cursor, orders) -> Optional[Tuple[Any, Any]]: """Helper: convert cursor to a list of values based on orders.""" if cursor is None: return None if not orders: raise ValueError(_NO_ORDERS_FOR_CURSOR) document_fields, before = cursor order_keys = [order.field.field_path for order in orders] if isinstance(document_fields, document.DocumentSnapshot): snapshot = document_fields document_fields = snapshot.to_dict() document_fields["__name__"] = snapshot.reference if isinstance(document_fields, dict): # Transform to list using orders values = [] data = document_fields # It isn't required that all order by have a cursor. # However, we need to be sure they are specified in order without gaps for order_key in order_keys[: len(data)]: try: if order_key in data: values.append(data[order_key]) else: values.append( field_path_module.get_nested_value(order_key, data) ) except KeyError: msg = _MISSING_ORDER_BY.format(order_key, data) raise ValueError(msg) document_fields = values if document_fields and len(document_fields) > len(orders): msg = _MISMATCH_CURSOR_W_ORDER_BY.format(document_fields, order_keys) raise ValueError(msg) _transform_bases = (transforms.Sentinel, transforms._ValueList) for index, key_field in enumerate(zip(order_keys, document_fields)): key, field = key_field if isinstance(field, _transform_bases): msg = _INVALID_CURSOR_TRANSFORM raise ValueError(msg) if key == "__name__" and isinstance(field, str): document_fields[index] = self._parent.document(field) return document_fields, before def _to_protobuf(self) -> StructuredQuery: """Convert the current query into the equivalent protobuf. Returns: :class:``: The query protobuf. """ projection = self._normalize_projection(self._projection) orders = self._normalize_orders() start_at = self._normalize_cursor(self._start_at, orders) end_at = self._normalize_cursor(self._end_at, orders) query_kwargs = { "select": projection, "from_": [ query.StructuredQuery.CollectionSelector(, all_descendants=self._all_descendants ) ], "where": self._filters_pb(), "order_by": orders, "start_at": _cursor_pb(start_at), "end_at": _cursor_pb(end_at), } if self._offset is not None: query_kwargs["offset"] = self._offset if self._limit is not None: query_kwargs["limit"] = wrappers_pb2.Int32Value(value=self._limit) return query.StructuredQuery(**query_kwargs) def find_nearest( self, vector_field: str, query_vector: Vector, limit: int, distance_measure: DistanceMeasure, *, distance_result_field: Optional[str] = None, distance_threshold: Optional[float] = None, ) -> BaseVectorQuery: raise NotImplementedError def count( self, alias: str | None = None ) -> Type["firestore_v1.base_aggregation.BaseAggregationQuery"]: raise NotImplementedError def sum( self, field_ref: str | FieldPath, alias: str | None = None ) -> Type["firestore_v1.base_aggregation.BaseAggregationQuery"]: raise NotImplementedError def avg( self, field_ref: str | FieldPath, alias: str | None = None ) -> Type["firestore_v1.base_aggregation.BaseAggregationQuery"]: raise NotImplementedError def get( self, transaction=None, retry: Optional[retries.Retry] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, *, explain_options: Optional[ExplainOptions] = None, ) -> ( QueryResultsList[DocumentSnapshot] | Coroutine[Any, Any, QueryResultsList[DocumentSnapshot]] ): raise NotImplementedError def _prep_stream( self, transaction=None, retry: Optional[retries.Retry] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, explain_options: Optional[ExplainOptions] = None, ) -> Tuple[dict, str, dict]: """Shared setup for async / sync :meth:`stream`""" if self._limit_to_last: raise ValueError( "Query results for queries that include limit_to_last() " "constraints cannot be streamed. Use Query.get() instead." ) parent_path, expected_prefix = self._parent._parent_info() request = { "parent": parent_path, "structured_query": self._to_protobuf(), "transaction": _helpers.get_transaction_id(transaction), } if explain_options is not None: request["explain_options"] = explain_options._to_dict() kwargs = _helpers.make_retry_timeout_kwargs(retry, timeout) return request, expected_prefix, kwargs def stream( self, transaction=None, retry: Optional[retries.Retry] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, *, explain_options: Optional[ExplainOptions] = None, ) -> ( StreamGenerator[document.DocumentSnapshot] | AsyncStreamGenerator[DocumentSnapshot] ): raise NotImplementedError def on_snapshot(self, callback) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def recursive(self: QueryType) -> QueryType: """Returns a copy of this query whose iterator will yield all matching documents as well as each of their descendent subcollections and documents. This differs from the `all_descendents` flag, which only returns descendents whose subcollection names match the parent collection's name. To return all descendents, regardless of their subcollection name, use this. """ copied = self._copy(recursive=True, all_descendants=True) if copied._parent and original_collection_id = "/".join(copied._parent._path) # Reset the parent to nothing so we can recurse through the entire # database. This is required to have # `CollectionSelector.collection_id` not override # `CollectionSelector.all_descendants`, which happens if both are # set. copied._parent = copied._get_collection_reference_class()("") copied._parent._client = self._parent._client # But wait! We don't want to load the entire database; only the # collection the user originally specified. To accomplish that, we # add the following arcane filters. REFERENCE_NAME_MIN_ID = "__id-9223372036854775808__" start_at = f"{original_collection_id}/{REFERENCE_NAME_MIN_ID}" # The backend interprets this null character is flipping the filter # to mean the end of the range instead of the beginning. nullChar = "\0" end_at = f"{original_collection_id}{nullChar}/{REFERENCE_NAME_MIN_ID}" copied = ( copied.order_by(field_path_module.FieldPath.document_id()) .start_at({field_path_module.FieldPath.document_id(): start_at}) .end_at({field_path_module.FieldPath.document_id(): end_at}) ) return copied
def _comparator(self, doc1, doc2) -> int: _orders = self._orders # Add implicit sorting by name, using the last specified direction. if len(_orders) == 0: lastDirection = BaseQuery.ASCENDING else: if _orders[-1].direction == 1: lastDirection = BaseQuery.ASCENDING else: lastDirection = BaseQuery.DESCENDING orderBys = list(_orders) order_pb = query.StructuredQuery.Order( field=query.StructuredQuery.FieldReference(field_path="id"), direction=_enum_from_direction(lastDirection), ) orderBys.append(order_pb) for orderBy in orderBys: if orderBy.field.field_path == "id": # If ordering by document id, compare resource paths. comp = Order()._compare_to(doc1.reference._path, doc2.reference._path) else: if ( orderBy.field.field_path not in doc1._data or orderBy.field.field_path not in doc2._data ): raise ValueError( "Can only compare fields that exist in the " "DocumentSnapshot. Please include the fields you are " "ordering on in your select() call." ) v1 = doc1._data[orderBy.field.field_path] v2 = doc2._data[orderBy.field.field_path] encoded_v1 = _helpers.encode_value(v1) encoded_v2 = _helpers.encode_value(v2) comp = Order().compare(encoded_v1, encoded_v2) if comp != 0: # 1 == Ascending, -1 == Descending return orderBy.direction * comp return 0
def _enum_from_op_string(op_string: str) -> int: """Convert a string representation of a binary operator to an enum. These enums come from the protobuf message definition ``StructuredQuery.FieldFilter.Operator``. Args: op_string (str): A comparison operation in the form of a string. Acceptable values are ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>=`` and ``>``. Returns: int: The enum corresponding to ``op_string``. Raises: ValueError: If ``op_string`` is not a valid operator. """ try: return _COMPARISON_OPERATORS[op_string] except KeyError: choices = ", ".join(sorted(_COMPARISON_OPERATORS.keys())) msg = _BAD_OP_STRING.format(op_string, choices) raise ValueError(msg) def _isnan(value) -> bool: """Check if a value is NaN. This differs from ``math.isnan`` in that **any** input type is allowed. Args: value (Any): A value to check for NaN-ness. Returns: bool: Indicates if the value is the NaN float. """ if isinstance(value, float): return math.isnan(value) else: return False def _enum_from_direction(direction: str) -> int: """Convert a string representation of a direction to an enum. Args: direction (str): A direction to order by. Must be one of :attr:`` or :attr:``. Returns: int: The enum corresponding to ``direction``. Raises: ValueError: If ``direction`` is not a valid direction. """ if isinstance(direction, int): return direction if direction == BaseQuery.ASCENDING: return StructuredQuery.Direction.ASCENDING elif direction == BaseQuery.DESCENDING: return StructuredQuery.Direction.DESCENDING else: msg = _BAD_DIR_STRING.format( direction, BaseQuery.ASCENDING, BaseQuery.DESCENDING ) raise ValueError(msg) def _filter_pb(field_or_unary) -> StructuredQuery.Filter: """Convert a specific protobuf filter to the generic filter type. Args: field_or_unary (Union[\ query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter,\ firestore.v1.query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter]): A field or unary filter to convert to a generic filter. Returns:\ StructuredQuery.Filter: A "generic" filter. Raises: ValueError: If ``field_or_unary`` is not a field or unary filter. """ if isinstance(field_or_unary, query.StructuredQuery.FieldFilter): return query.StructuredQuery.Filter(field_filter=field_or_unary) elif isinstance(field_or_unary, query.StructuredQuery.UnaryFilter): return query.StructuredQuery.Filter(unary_filter=field_or_unary) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected filter type", type(field_or_unary), field_or_unary) def _cursor_pb(cursor_pair: Tuple[list, bool]) -> Optional[Cursor]: """Convert a cursor pair to a protobuf. If ``cursor_pair`` is :data:`None`, just returns :data:`None`. Args: cursor_pair (Optional[Tuple[list, bool]]): Two-tuple of * a list of field values. * a ``before`` flag Returns: Optional[]: A protobuf cursor corresponding to the values. """ if cursor_pair is not None: data, before = cursor_pair value_pbs = [_helpers.encode_value(value) for value in data] return query.Cursor(values=value_pbs, before=before) def _query_response_to_snapshot( response_pb: RunQueryResponse, collection, expected_prefix: str ) -> Optional[document.DocumentSnapshot]: """Parse a query response protobuf to a document snapshot. Args: response_pb (\ firestore.RunQueryResponse): A collection (:class:``): A reference to the collection that initiated the query. expected_prefix (str): The expected prefix for fully-qualified document names returned in the query results. This can be computed directly from ``collection`` via :meth:`_parent_info`. Returns: Optional[:class:``]: A snapshot of the data returned in the query. If ``response_pb.document`` is not set, the snapshot will be :data:`None`. """ if not response_pb._pb.HasField("document"): return None document_id = _helpers.get_doc_id(response_pb.document, expected_prefix) reference = collection.document(document_id) data = _helpers.decode_dict(response_pb.document.fields, collection._client) snapshot = document.DocumentSnapshot( reference, data, exists=True, read_time=response_pb.read_time, create_time=response_pb.document.create_time, update_time=response_pb.document.update_time, ) return snapshot def _collection_group_query_response_to_snapshot( response_pb: RunQueryResponse, collection ) -> Optional[document.DocumentSnapshot]: """Parse a query response protobuf to a document snapshot. Args: response_pb (\ firestore.RunQueryResponse): A collection (:class:``): A reference to the collection that initiated the query. Returns: Optional[:class:``]: A snapshot of the data returned in the query. If ``response_pb.document`` is not set, the snapshot will be :data:`None`. """ if not response_pb._pb.HasField("document"): return None reference = collection._client.document( data = _helpers.decode_dict(response_pb.document.fields, collection._client) snapshot = document.DocumentSnapshot( reference, data, exists=True, read_time=response_pb._pb.read_time, create_time=response_pb._pb.document.create_time, update_time=response_pb._pb.document.update_time, ) return snapshot
[docs]class BaseCollectionGroup(BaseQuery): """Represents a Collection Group in the Firestore API. This is a specialization of :class:`.Query` that includes all documents in the database that are contained in a collection or subcollection of the given parent. Args: parent (:class:``): The collection that this query applies to. """ _PARTITION_QUERY_ORDER = ( BaseQuery._make_order( field_path_module.FieldPath.document_id(), BaseQuery.ASCENDING, ), ) def __init__( self, parent, projection=None, field_filters=(), orders=(), limit=None, limit_to_last=False, offset=None, start_at=None, end_at=None, all_descendants=True, recursive=False, ) -> None: if not all_descendants: raise ValueError("all_descendants must be True for collection group query.") super(BaseCollectionGroup, self).__init__( parent=parent, projection=projection, field_filters=field_filters, orders=orders, limit=limit, limit_to_last=limit_to_last, offset=offset, start_at=start_at, end_at=end_at, all_descendants=all_descendants, recursive=recursive, ) def _validate_partition_query(self): if self._field_filters: raise ValueError("Can't partition query with filters.") if self._projection: raise ValueError("Can't partition query with projection.") if self._limit: raise ValueError("Can't partition query with limit.") if self._offset: raise ValueError("Can't partition query with offset.") def _get_query_class(self): raise NotImplementedError def _prep_get_partitions( self, partition_count, retry: Optional[retries.Retry] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: self._validate_partition_query() parent_path, expected_prefix = self._parent._parent_info() klass = self._get_query_class() query = klass( self._parent, orders=self._PARTITION_QUERY_ORDER, start_at=self._start_at, end_at=self._end_at, all_descendants=self._all_descendants, ) request = { "parent": parent_path, "structured_query": query._to_protobuf(), "partition_count": partition_count, } kwargs = _helpers.make_retry_timeout_kwargs(retry, timeout) return request, kwargs def get_partitions( self, partition_count, retry: Optional[retries.Retry] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _get_collection_reference_class() -> Type["BaseCollectionGroup"]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class QueryPartition: """Represents a bounded partition of a collection group query. Contains cursors that can be used in a query as a starting and/or end point for the collection group query. The cursors may only be used in a query that matches the constraints of the query that produced this partition. Args: query (BaseQuery): The original query that this is a partition of. start_at (Optional[]): Cursor for first query result to include. If `None`, the partition starts at the beginning of the result set. end_at (Optional[]): Cursor for first query result after the last result included in the partition. If `None`, the partition runs to the end of the result set. """ def __init__(self, query, start_at, end_at): self._query = query self._start_at = start_at self._end_at = end_at @property def start_at(self): return self._start_at @property def end_at(self): return self._end_at
[docs] def query(self): """Generate a new query using this partition's bounds. Returns: BaseQuery: Copy of the original query with start and end bounds set by the cursors from this partition. """ query = self._query start_at = ([self.start_at], True) if self.start_at else None end_at = ([self.end_at], True) if self.end_at else None return type(query)( query._parent, all_descendants=query._all_descendants, orders=query._PARTITION_QUERY_ORDER, start_at=start_at, end_at=end_at, )