Source code for google.api_core.exceptions

# Copyright 2014 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

"""Exceptions raised by Google API core & clients.

This module provides base classes for all errors raised by libraries based
on :mod:`google.api_core`, including both HTTP and gRPC clients.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six
from six.moves import http_client

    import grpc
except ImportError:  # pragma: NO COVER
    grpc = None

# Lookup tables for mapping exceptions from HTTP and gRPC transports.
# Populated by _APICallErrorMeta

[docs]class GoogleAPIError(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions raised by Google API Clients.""" pass
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class RetryError(GoogleAPIError): """Raised when a function has exhausted all of its available retries. Args: message (str): The exception message. cause (Exception): The last exception raised when retring the function. """ def __init__(self, message, cause): super(RetryError, self).__init__(message) self.message = message self._cause = cause @property def cause(self): """The last exception raised when retrying the function.""" return self._cause def __str__(self): return "{}, last exception: {}".format(self.message, self.cause)
class _GoogleAPICallErrorMeta(type): """Metaclass for registering GoogleAPICallError subclasses.""" def __new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict) if cls.code is not None: _HTTP_CODE_TO_EXCEPTION.setdefault(cls.code, cls) if cls.grpc_status_code is not None: _GRPC_CODE_TO_EXCEPTION.setdefault(cls.grpc_status_code, cls) return cls
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible @six.add_metaclass(_GoogleAPICallErrorMeta) class GoogleAPICallError(GoogleAPIError): """Base class for exceptions raised by calling API methods. Args: message (str): The exception message. errors (Sequence[Any]): An optional list of error details. response (Union[requests.Request, grpc.Call]): The response or gRPC call metadata. """ code = None """Optional[int]: The HTTP status code associated with this error. This may be ``None`` if the exception does not have a direct mapping to an HTTP error. See """ grpc_status_code = None """Optional[grpc.StatusCode]: The gRPC status code associated with this error. This may be ``None`` if the exception does not match up to a gRPC error. """ def __init__(self, message, errors=(), response=None): super(GoogleAPICallError, self).__init__(message) self.message = message """str: The exception message.""" self._errors = errors self._response = response def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.code, self.message) @property def errors(self): """Detailed error information. Returns: Sequence[Any]: A list of additional error details. """ return list(self._errors) @property def response(self): """Optional[Union[requests.Request, grpc.Call]]: The response or gRPC call metadata.""" return self._response
[docs]class Redirection(GoogleAPICallError): """Base class for for all redirection (HTTP 3xx) responses."""
[docs]class MovedPermanently(Redirection): """Exception mapping a ``301 Moved Permanently`` response.""" code = http_client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY
[docs]class NotModified(Redirection): """Exception mapping a ``304 Not Modified`` response.""" code = http_client.NOT_MODIFIED
[docs]class TemporaryRedirect(Redirection): """Exception mapping a ``307 Temporary Redirect`` response.""" code = http_client.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
[docs]class ResumeIncomplete(Redirection): """Exception mapping a ``308 Resume Incomplete`` response. .. note:: :attr:`http_client.PERMANENT_REDIRECT` is ``308``, but Google APIs differ in their use of this status code. """ code = 308
[docs]class ClientError(GoogleAPICallError): """Base class for all client error (HTTP 4xx) responses."""
[docs]class BadRequest(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``400 Bad Request`` response.""" code = http_client.BAD_REQUEST
[docs]class InvalidArgument(BadRequest): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class FailedPrecondition(BadRequest): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class OutOfRange(BadRequest): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.OUT_OF_RANGE` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.OUT_OF_RANGE if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class Unauthorized(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``401 Unauthorized`` response.""" code = http_client.UNAUTHORIZED
[docs]class Unauthenticated(Unauthorized): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class Forbidden(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``403 Forbidden`` response.""" code = http_client.FORBIDDEN
[docs]class PermissionDenied(Forbidden): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class NotFound(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``404 Not Found`` response or a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND` error.""" code = http_client.NOT_FOUND grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class MethodNotAllowed(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``405 Method Not Allowed`` response.""" code = http_client.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
[docs]class Conflict(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``409 Conflict`` response.""" code = http_client.CONFLICT
[docs]class AlreadyExists(Conflict): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class Aborted(Conflict): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.ABORTED` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.ABORTED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class LengthRequired(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``411 Length Required`` response.""" code = http_client.LENGTH_REQUIRED
[docs]class PreconditionFailed(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``412 Precondition Failed`` response.""" code = http_client.PRECONDITION_FAILED
[docs]class RequestRangeNotSatisfiable(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``416 Request Range Not Satisfiable`` response.""" code = http_client.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE
[docs]class TooManyRequests(ClientError): """Exception mapping a ``429 Too Many Requests`` response.""" # http_client does not define a constant for this in Python 2. code = 429
[docs]class ResourceExhausted(TooManyRequests): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class Cancelled(ClientError): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED` error.""" # This maps to HTTP status code 499. See #\ # /code.proto code = 499 grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class ServerError(GoogleAPICallError): """Base for 5xx responses."""
[docs]class InternalServerError(ServerError): """Exception mapping a ``500 Internal Server Error`` response. or a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL` error.""" code = http_client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.INTERNAL if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class Unknown(ServerError): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.UNKNOWN` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.UNKNOWN if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class DataLoss(ServerError): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.DATA_LOSS` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.DATA_LOSS if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class MethodNotImplemented(ServerError): """Exception mapping a ``501 Not Implemented`` response or a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED` error.""" code = http_client.NOT_IMPLEMENTED grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class BadGateway(ServerError): """Exception mapping a ``502 Bad Gateway`` response.""" code = http_client.BAD_GATEWAY
[docs]class ServiceUnavailable(ServerError): """Exception mapping a ``503 Service Unavailable`` response or a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE` error.""" code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE if grpc is not None else None
[docs]class GatewayTimeout(ServerError): """Exception mapping a ``504 Gateway Timeout`` response.""" code = http_client.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
[docs]class DeadlineExceeded(GatewayTimeout): """Exception mapping a :attr:`grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` error.""" grpc_status_code = grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED if grpc is not None else None
[docs]def exception_class_for_http_status(status_code): """Return the exception class for a specific HTTP status code. Args: status_code (int): The HTTP status code. Returns: :func:`type`: the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`. """ return _HTTP_CODE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(status_code, GoogleAPICallError)
[docs]def from_http_status(status_code, message, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`GoogleAPICallError` from an HTTP status code. Args: status_code (int): The HTTP status code. message (str): The exception message. kwargs: Additional arguments passed to the :class:`GoogleAPICallError` constructor. Returns: GoogleAPICallError: An instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`. """ error_class = exception_class_for_http_status(status_code) error = error_class(message, **kwargs) if error.code is None: error.code = status_code return error
[docs]def from_http_response(response): """Create a :class:`GoogleAPICallError` from a :class:`requests.Response`. Args: response (requests.Response): The HTTP response. Returns: GoogleAPICallError: An instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`, with the message and errors populated from the response. """ try: payload = response.json() except ValueError: payload = {"error": {"message": response.text or "unknown error"}} error_message = payload.get("error", {}).get("message", "unknown error") errors = payload.get("error", {}).get("errors", ()) message = "{method} {url}: {error}".format( method=response.request.method, url=response.request.url, error=error_message ) exception = from_http_status( response.status_code, message, errors=errors, response=response ) return exception
[docs]def exception_class_for_grpc_status(status_code): """Return the exception class for a specific :class:`grpc.StatusCode`. Args: status_code (grpc.StatusCode): The gRPC status code. Returns: :func:`type`: the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`. """ return _GRPC_CODE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(status_code, GoogleAPICallError)
[docs]def from_grpc_status(status_code, message, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`GoogleAPICallError` from a :class:`grpc.StatusCode`. Args: status_code (grpc.StatusCode): The gRPC status code. message (str): The exception message. kwargs: Additional arguments passed to the :class:`GoogleAPICallError` constructor. Returns: GoogleAPICallError: An instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`. """ error_class = exception_class_for_grpc_status(status_code) error = error_class(message, **kwargs) if error.grpc_status_code is None: error.grpc_status_code = status_code return error
[docs]def from_grpc_error(rpc_exc): """Create a :class:`GoogleAPICallError` from a :class:`grpc.RpcError`. Args: rpc_exc (grpc.RpcError): The gRPC error. Returns: GoogleAPICallError: An instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`GoogleAPICallError`. """ if isinstance(rpc_exc, grpc.Call): return from_grpc_status( rpc_exc.code(), rpc_exc.details(), errors=(rpc_exc,), response=rpc_exc ) else: return GoogleAPICallError(str(rpc_exc), errors=(rpc_exc,), response=rpc_exc)