Retry implementation for Google API client libraries.
- class google.api_core.retry.AsyncRetry(predicate: typing.Callable[[Exception], bool] = <function if_exception_type.<locals>.if_exception_type_predicate>, initial: float = 1.0, maximum: float = 60.0, multiplier: float = 2.0, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = 120.0, on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Exception], typing.Any]] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any)[source]¶
Exponential retry decorator for async coroutines.
This class is a decorator used to add exponential back-off retry behavior to an RPC call.
Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions.
- Parameters
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable that should return
if the given exception is retryable.initial (float) – The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This must be greater than 0.
maximum (float) – The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds.
multiplier (float) – The multiplier applied to the delay.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – A function to call while processing a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED use
instead. If set it willparameter. (override timeout) –
- __call__(func: Callable[..., Awaitable[_R]], on_error: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = None) Callable[_P, Awaitable[_R]] [source]¶
Wrap a callable with retry behavior.
- Parameters
func (Callable) – The callable or stream to add retry behavior to.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the wrapped function. Any error raised by this function will not be caught. If on_error was specified in the constructor, this value will be ignored.
- Returns
- A callable that will invoke
with retry behavior.
- A callable that will invoke
- Return type
- class google.api_core.retry.AsyncStreamingRetry(predicate: typing.Callable[[Exception], bool] = <function if_exception_type.<locals>.if_exception_type_predicate>, initial: float = 1.0, maximum: float = 60.0, multiplier: float = 2.0, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = 120.0, on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Exception], typing.Any]] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any)[source]¶
Exponential retry decorator for async streaming rpcs.
This class returns an AsyncGenerator when called, which wraps the target stream in retry logic. If any exception is raised by the target, the entire stream will be retried within the wrapper.
Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions.
Important Note: when a stream is encounters a retryable error, it will silently construct a fresh iterator instance in the background and continue yielding (likely duplicate) values as if no error occurred. This is the most general way to retry a stream, but it often is not the desired behavior. Example: iter([1, 2, 1/0]) -> [1, 2, 1, 2, …]
There are two ways to build more advanced retry logic for streams:
- Wrap the target
Use a
that maintains state between retries, and creates a different generator on each retry call. For example, you can wrap a grpc call in a function that modifies the request based on what has already been returned:async def attempt_with_modified_request(target, request, seen_items=[]): # remove seen items from request on each attempt new_request = modify_request(request, seen_items) new_generator = await target(new_request) async for item in new_generator: yield item seen_items.append(item) retry_wrapped = AsyncRetry(is_stream=True,...)(attempt_with_modified_request, target, request, [])
- Wrap the retry generator
Alternatively, you can wrap the retryable generator itself before passing it to the end-user to add a filter on the stream. For example, you can keep track of the items that were successfully yielded in previous retry attempts, and only yield new items when the new attempt surpasses the previous ones:
async def retryable_with_filter(target): stream_idx = 0 # reset stream_idx when the stream is retried def on_error(e): nonlocal stream_idx stream_idx = 0 # build retryable retryable_gen = AsyncRetry(is_stream=True, ...)(target) # keep track of what has been yielded out of filter seen_items = [] async for item in retryable_gen: if stream_idx >= len(seen_items): yield item seen_items.append(item) elif item != previous_stream[stream_idx]: raise ValueError("Stream differs from last attempt")" stream_idx += 1 filter_retry_wrapped = retryable_with_filter(target)
- Parameters
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable that should return
if the given exception is retryable.initial (float) – The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This must be greater than 0.
maximum (float) – The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds.
multiplier (float) – The multiplier applied to the delay.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – A function to call while processing a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
is_stream (bool) – Indicates whether the input function should be treated as a stream function (i.e. an AsyncGenerator, or function or coroutine that returns an AsyncIterable). If True, the iterable will be wrapped with retry logic, and any failed outputs will restart the stream. If False, only the input function call itself will be retried. Defaults to False. To avoid duplicate values, retryable streams should typically be wrapped in additional filter logic before use.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED use
instead. If set it willparameter. (override timeout) –
- __call__(func: Callable[..., AsyncIterable[_Y] | Awaitable[AsyncIterable[_Y]]], on_error: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = None) Callable[_P, Awaitable[AsyncGenerator[_Y, None]]] [source]¶
Wrap a callable with retry behavior.
- Parameters
func (Callable) – The callable or stream to add retry behavior to.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the wrapped function. Any error raised by this function will not be caught. If on_error was specified in the constructor, this value will be ignored.
- Returns
- A callable that will invoke
with retry behavior.
- A callable that will invoke
- Return type
- class google.api_core.retry.Retry(predicate: typing.Callable[[Exception], bool] = <function if_exception_type.<locals>.if_exception_type_predicate>, initial: float = 1.0, maximum: float = 60.0, multiplier: float = 2.0, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = 120.0, on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Exception], typing.Any]] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any)[source]¶
Exponential retry decorator for unary synchronous RPCs.
This class is a decorator used to add retry or polling behavior to an RPC call.
Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions.
There are two important concepts that retry/polling behavior may operate on, Deadline and Timeout, which need to be properly defined for the correct usage of this class and the rest of the library.
Deadline: a fixed point in time by which a certain operation must terminate. For example, if a certain operation has a deadline “2022-10-18T23:30:52.123Z” it must terminate (successfully or with an error) by that time, regardless of when it was started or whether it was started at all.
Timeout: the maximum duration of time after which a certain operation must terminate (successfully or with an error). The countdown begins right after an operation was started. For example, if an operation was started at 09:24:00 with timeout of 75 seconds, it must terminate no later than 09:25:15.
Unfortunately, in the past this class (and the api-core library as a whole) has not been properly distinguishing the concepts of “timeout” and “deadline”, and the
parameter has meanttimeout
. That is whydeadline
has been deprecated andtimeout
should be used instead. If thedeadline
parameter is set, it will override thetimeout
parameter. In other words,retry.deadline
should be treated as just a deprecated alias forretry.timeout
.Said another way, it is safe to assume that this class and the rest of this library operate in terms of timeouts (not deadlines) unless explicitly noted the usage of deadline semantics.
It is also important to understand the three most common applications of the Timeout concept in the context of this library.
Usually the generic Timeout term may stand for one of the following actual timeouts: RPC Timeout, Retry Timeout, or Polling Timeout.
RPC Timeout: a value supplied by the client to the server so that the server side knows the maximum amount of time it is expected to spend handling that specific RPC. For example, in the case of gRPC transport, RPC Timeout is represented by setting “grpc-timeout” header in the HTTP2 request. The timeout property of this class normally never represents the RPC Timeout as it is handled separately by the
module of this library.Retry Timeout: this is the most common meaning of the
property of this class, and defines how long a certain RPC may be retried in case the server returns an error.Polling Timeout: defines how long the client side is allowed to call the polling RPC repeatedly to check a status of a long-running operation. Each polling RPC is expected to succeed (its errors are supposed to be handled by the retry logic). The decision as to whether a new polling attempt needs to be made is based not on the RPC status code but on the status of the returned status of an operation. In other words: we will poll a long-running operation until the operation is done or the polling timeout expires. Each poll will inform us of the status of the operation. The poll consists of an RPC to the server that may itself be retried as per the poll-specific retry settings in case of errors. The operation-level retry settings do NOT apply to polling-RPC retries.
With the actual timeout types being defined above, the client libraries often refer to just Timeout without clarifying which type specifically that is. In that case the actual timeout type (sometimes also referred to as Logical Timeout) can be determined from the context. If it is a unary rpc call (i.e. a regular one) Timeout usually stands for the RPC Timeout (if provided directly as a standalone value) or Retry Timeout (if provided as
property of the unary RPC’s retry config). ForOperation
in general Timeout stands for Polling Timeout.- Parameters
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable that should return
if the given exception is retryable.initial (float) – The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This must be greater than 0.
maximum (float) – The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds.
multiplier (float) – The multiplier applied to the delay.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying, in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Callable[Exception]) – A function to call while processing a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED: use timeout instead. For backward compatibility, if specified it will override the
- __call__(func: Callable[_P, _R], on_error: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = None) Callable[_P, _R] [source]¶
Wrap a callable with retry behavior.
- Parameters
func (Callable) – The callable to add retry behavior to.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the wrapped function. Any error raised by this function will not be caught. If on_error was specified in the constructor, this value will be ignored.
- Returns
- A callable that will invoke
with retry behavior.
- A callable that will invoke
- Return type
- class google.api_core.retry.RetryFailureReason(value)[source]¶
The cause of a failed retry, used when building exceptions
- class google.api_core.retry.StreamingRetry(predicate: typing.Callable[[Exception], bool] = <function if_exception_type.<locals>.if_exception_type_predicate>, initial: float = 1.0, maximum: float = 60.0, multiplier: float = 2.0, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = 120.0, on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Exception], typing.Any]] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any)[source]¶
Exponential retry decorator for streaming synchronous RPCs.
This class returns a Generator when called, which wraps the target stream in retry logic. If any exception is raised by the target, the entire stream will be retried within the wrapper.
Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions.
Important Note: when a stream encounters a retryable error, it will silently construct a fresh iterator instance in the background and continue yielding (likely duplicate) values as if no error occurred. This is the most general way to retry a stream, but it often is not the desired behavior. Example: iter([1, 2, 1/0]) -> [1, 2, 1, 2, …]
There are two ways to build more advanced retry logic for streams:
- Wrap the target
Use a
that maintains state between retries, and creates a different generator on each retry call. For example, you can wrap a network call in a function that modifies the request based on what has already been returned:def attempt_with_modified_request(target, request, seen_items=[]): # remove seen items from request on each attempt new_request = modify_request(request, seen_items) new_generator = target(new_request) for item in new_generator: yield item seen_items.append(item) retry_wrapped_fn = StreamingRetry()(attempt_with_modified_request) retryable_generator = retry_wrapped_fn(target, request)
- Wrap the retry generator
Alternatively, you can wrap the retryable generator itself before passing it to the end-user to add a filter on the stream. For example, you can keep track of the items that were successfully yielded in previous retry attempts, and only yield new items when the new attempt surpasses the previous ones:
def retryable_with_filter(target): stream_idx = 0 # reset stream_idx when the stream is retried def on_error(e): nonlocal stream_idx stream_idx = 0 # build retryable retryable_gen = StreamingRetry(...)(target) # keep track of what has been yielded out of filter seen_items = [] for item in retryable_gen(): if stream_idx >= len(seen_items): seen_items.append(item) yield item elif item != seen_items[stream_idx]: raise ValueError("Stream differs from last attempt") stream_idx += 1 filter_retry_wrapped = retryable_with_filter(target)
- Parameters
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable that should return
if the given exception is retryable.initial (float) – The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This must be greater than 0.
maximum (float) – The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds.
multiplier (float) – The multiplier applied to the delay.
timeout (float) – How long to keep retrying, in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Callable[Exception]) – A function to call while processing a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED: use timeout instead. For backward compatibility, if specified it will override the
- __call__(func: Callable[_P, Iterable[_Y]], on_error: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = None) Callable[_P, Generator[_Y, Any, None]] [source]¶
Wrap a callable with retry behavior.
- Parameters
func (Callable) – The callable to add retry behavior to.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the wrapped function. Any error raised by this function will not be caught. If on_error was specified in the constructor, this value will be ignored.
- Returns
- A callable that will invoke
with retry behavior.
- A callable that will invoke
- Return type
- google.api_core.retry.build_retry_error(exc_list: list[Exception], reason: google.api_core.retry.retry_base.RetryFailureReason, timeout_val: float | None, **kwargs: Any) tuple[Exception, Exception | None] [source]¶
Default exception_factory implementation.
Returns a RetryError if the failure is due to a timeout, otherwise returns the last exception encountered.
- Parameters
exc_list (-) – list of exceptions that occurred during the retry
reason (-) – reason for the retry failure. Can be TIMEOUT or NON_RETRYABLE_ERROR
timeout_val (-) – the original timeout value for the retry (in seconds), for use in the exception message
- Returns
a tuple of the exception to be raised, and the cause exception if any
- Return type
- google.api_core.retry.exponential_sleep_generator(initial: float, maximum: float, multiplier: float = 2.0)[source]¶
Generates sleep intervals based on the exponential back-off algorithm.
This implements the Truncated Exponential Back-off algorithm.
- google.api_core.retry.if_exception_type(*exception_types: type[Exception]) Callable[[Exception], bool] [source]¶
Creates a predicate to check if the exception is of a given type.
- Parameters
exception_types (Sequence[
]) – The exception types to check for.- Returns
- A predicate that returns True if the provided
exception is of the given type(s).
- Return type
- google.api_core.retry.if_transient_error(exception: Exception) bool ¶
Bound predicate for checking an exception type.
- google.api_core.retry.retry_target(target: Callable[[], _R], predicate: Callable[[Exception], bool], sleep_generator: Iterable[float], timeout: float | None = None, on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] | None = None, exception_factory: Callable[[list[Exception], RetryFailureReason, float | None], tuple[Exception, Exception | None]] = <function build_retry_error>, **kwargs)[source]¶
Call a function and retry if it fails.
This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you’ll use the higher-level retry helper
.- Parameters
target (Callable) – The function to call and retry. This must be a nullary function - apply arguments with functools.partial.
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable used to determine if an exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. It should return True to retry or False otherwise.
sleep_generator (Iterable[float]) – An infinite iterator that determines how long to sleep between retries.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying the target. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the target. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
exception_factory – A function that is called when the retryable reaches a terminal failure state, used to construct an exception to be raised. It takes a list of all exceptions encountered, a retry.RetryFailureReason enum indicating the failure cause, and the original timeout value as arguments. It should return a tuple of the exception to be raised, along with the cause exception if any. The default implementation will raise a RetryError on timeout, or the last exception encountered otherwise.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED: use
instead. For backward compatibility, if specified it will overridetimeout
- Returns
the return value of the target function.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the sleep generator stops yielding values.
Exception – a custom exception specified by the exception_factory if provided. If no exception_factory is provided: google.api_core.RetryError: If the timeout is exceeded while retrying. Exception: If the target raises an error that isn’t retryable.
- async google.api_core.retry.retry_target_async(target: Callable[[], Awaitable[_R]], predicate: Callable[[Exception], bool], sleep_generator: Iterable[float], timeout: float | None = None, on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] | None = None, exception_factory: Callable[[list[Exception], RetryFailureReason, float | None], tuple[Exception, Exception | None]] = <function build_retry_error>, **kwargs)¶
Await a coroutine and retry if it fails.
This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you’ll use the higher-level retry helper
.- Parameters
target (Callable[[], Any]) – The function to call and retry. This must be a nullary function - apply arguments with functools.partial.
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable used to determine if an exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. It should return True to retry or False otherwise.
sleep_generator (Iterable[float]) – An infinite iterator that determines how long to sleep between retries.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying the target, in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the target. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
exception_factory – A function that is called when the retryable reaches a terminal failure state, used to construct an exception to be raised. It takes a list of all exceptions encountered, a retry.RetryFailureReason enum indicating the failure cause, and the original timeout value as arguments. It should return a tuple of the exception to be raised, along with the cause exception if any. The default implementation will raise a RetryError on timeout, or the last exception encountered otherwise.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED use
instead. For backward compatibility, if set it will override thetimeout
- Returns
the return value of the target function.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the sleep generator stops yielding values.
Exception – a custom exception specified by the exception_factory if provided. If no exception_factory is provided: google.api_core.RetryError: If the timeout is exceeded while retrying. Exception: If the target raises an error that isn’t retryable.
- google.api_core.retry.retry_target_stream(target: Callable[_P, Iterable[_Y]], predicate: Callable[[Exception], bool], sleep_generator: Iterable[float], timeout: Optional[float] = None, on_error: Optional[Callable[[Exception], None]] = None, exception_factory: Callable[[List[Exception], RetryFailureReason, Optional[float]], Tuple[Exception, Optional[Exception]]] = <function build_retry_error>, init_args: tuple = (), init_kwargs: dict = {}, **kwargs) Generator[_Y, Any, None] [source]¶
Create a generator wrapper that retries the wrapped stream if it fails.
This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you’ll use the higher-level retry helper
.- Parameters
target – The generator function to call and retry.
predicate – A callable used to determine if an exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. It should return True to retry or False otherwise.
sleep_generator – An infinite iterator that determines how long to sleep between retries.
timeout – How long to keep retrying the target. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the target. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
exception_factory – A function that is called when the retryable reaches a terminal failure state, used to construct an exception to be raised. It takes a list of all exceptions encountered, a retry.RetryFailureReason enum indicating the failure cause, and the original timeout value as arguments. It should return a tuple of the exception to be raised, along with the cause exception if any. The default implementation will raise a RetryError on timeout, or the last exception encountered otherwise.
init_args – Positional arguments to pass to the target function.
init_kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to the target function.
- Returns
A retryable generator that wraps the target generator function.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the sleep generator stops yielding values.
Exception – a custom exception specified by the exception_factory if provided. If no exception_factory is provided: google.api_core.RetryError: If the timeout is exceeded while retrying. Exception: If the target raises an error that isn’t retryable.
- async google.api_core.retry.retry_target_stream_async(target: Callable[_P, AsyncIterable[_Y] | Awaitable[AsyncIterable[_Y]]], predicate: Callable[[Exception], bool], sleep_generator: Iterable[float], timeout: float | None = None, on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] | None = None, exception_factory: Callable[[list[Exception], RetryFailureReason, float | None], tuple[Exception, Exception | None]] = <function build_retry_error>, init_args: tuple = (), init_kwargs: dict = {}, **kwargs) AsyncGenerator[_Y, None] ¶
Create a generator wrapper that retries the wrapped stream if it fails.
This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you’ll use the higher-level retry helper
.- Parameters
target – The generator function to call and retry.
predicate – A callable used to determine if an exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. It should return True to retry or False otherwise.
sleep_generator – An infinite iterator that determines how long to sleep between retries.
timeout – How long to keep retrying the target. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the target. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
exception_factory – A function that is called when the retryable reaches a terminal failure state, used to construct an exception to be raised. It takes a list of all exceptions encountered, a retry.RetryFailureReason enum indicating the failure cause, and the original timeout value as arguments. It should return a tuple of the exception to be raised, along with the cause exception if any. The default implementation will raise a RetryError on timeout, or the last exception encountered otherwise.
init_args – Positional arguments to pass to the target function.
init_kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to the target function.
- Returns
A retryable generator that wraps the target generator function.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the sleep generator stops yielding values.
Exception – a custom exception specified by the exception_factory if provided. If no exception_factory is provided: google.api_core.RetryError: If the timeout is exceeded while retrying. Exception: If the target raises an error that isn’t retryable.
Retry in AsyncIO¶
- class google.api_core.retry_async.AsyncRetry(predicate: typing.Callable[[Exception], bool] = <function if_exception_type.<locals>.if_exception_type_predicate>, initial: float = 1.0, maximum: float = 60.0, multiplier: float = 2.0, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = 120.0, on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[Exception], typing.Any]] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any)[source]
Exponential retry decorator for async coroutines.
This class is a decorator used to add exponential back-off retry behavior to an RPC call.
Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions.
- Parameters
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable that should return
if the given exception is retryable.initial (float) – The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This must be greater than 0.
maximum (float) – The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds.
multiplier (float) – The multiplier applied to the delay.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – A function to call while processing a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED use
instead. If set it willparameter. (override timeout) –
- __call__(func: Callable[..., Awaitable[_R]], on_error: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = None) Callable[_P, Awaitable[_R]] [source]
Wrap a callable with retry behavior.
- Parameters
func (Callable) – The callable or stream to add retry behavior to.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the wrapped function. Any error raised by this function will not be caught. If on_error was specified in the constructor, this value will be ignored.
- Returns
- A callable that will invoke
with retry behavior.
- A callable that will invoke
- Return type
- google.api_core.retry_async.exponential_sleep_generator(initial: float, maximum: float, multiplier: float = 2.0)[source]
Generates sleep intervals based on the exponential back-off algorithm.
This implements the Truncated Exponential Back-off algorithm.
- google.api_core.retry_async.if_exception_type(*exception_types: type[Exception]) Callable[[Exception], bool] [source]
Creates a predicate to check if the exception is of a given type.
- Parameters
exception_types (Sequence[
]) – The exception types to check for.- Returns
- A predicate that returns True if the provided
exception is of the given type(s).
- Return type
- google.api_core.retry_async.if_transient_error(exception: Exception) bool
Bound predicate for checking an exception type.
- async google.api_core.retry_async.retry_target(target: Callable[[], Awaitable[_R]], predicate: Callable[[Exception], bool], sleep_generator: Iterable[float], timeout: float | None = None, on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] | None = None, exception_factory: Callable[[list[Exception], RetryFailureReason, float | None], tuple[Exception, Exception | None]] = <function build_retry_error>, **kwargs)[source]
Await a coroutine and retry if it fails.
This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you’ll use the higher-level retry helper
.- Parameters
target (Callable[[], Any]) – The function to call and retry. This must be a nullary function - apply arguments with functools.partial.
predicate (Callable[Exception]) – A callable used to determine if an exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. It should return True to retry or False otherwise.
sleep_generator (Iterable[float]) – An infinite iterator that determines how long to sleep between retries.
timeout (Optional[float]) – How long to keep retrying the target, in seconds. Note: timeout is only checked before initiating a retry, so the target may run past the timeout value as long as it is healthy.
on_error (Optional[Callable[Exception]]) – If given, the on_error callback will be called with each retryable exception raised by the target. Any error raised by this function will not be caught.
exception_factory – A function that is called when the retryable reaches a terminal failure state, used to construct an exception to be raised. It takes a list of all exceptions encountered, a retry.RetryFailureReason enum indicating the failure cause, and the original timeout value as arguments. It should return a tuple of the exception to be raised, along with the cause exception if any. The default implementation will raise a RetryError on timeout, or the last exception encountered otherwise.
deadline (float) – DEPRECATED use
instead. For backward compatibility, if set it will override thetimeout
- Returns
the return value of the target function.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the sleep generator stops yielding values.
Exception – a custom exception specified by the exception_factory if provided. If no exception_factory is provided: google.api_core.RetryError: If the timeout is exceeded while retrying. Exception: If the target raises an error that isn’t retryable.