As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.discovery

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2  # type: ignore
from google.rpc import status_pb2  # type: ignore
import proto  # type: ignore

from grafeas.grafeas_v1.types import common

__protobuf__ = proto.module(

[docs]class DiscoveryNote(proto.Message): r"""A note that indicates a type of analysis a provider would perform. This note exists in a provider's project. A ``Discovery`` occurrence is created in a consumer's project at the start of analysis. Attributes: analysis_kind (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.NoteKind): Required. Immutable. The kind of analysis that is handled by this discovery. """ analysis_kind: common.NoteKind = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=1, enum=common.NoteKind, )
[docs]class DiscoveryOccurrence(proto.Message): r"""Provides information about the analysis status of a discovered resource. Attributes: continuous_analysis (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.DiscoveryOccurrence.ContinuousAnalysis): Whether the resource is continuously analyzed. analysis_status (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.DiscoveryOccurrence.AnalysisStatus): The status of discovery for the resource. analysis_completed (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.DiscoveryOccurrence.AnalysisCompleted): analysis_error (MutableSequence[google.rpc.status_pb2.Status]): Indicates any errors encountered during analysis of a resource. There could be 0 or more of these errors. analysis_status_error (google.rpc.status_pb2.Status): When an error is encountered this will contain a LocalizedMessage under details to show to the user. The LocalizedMessage is output only and populated by the API. cpe (str): The CPE of the resource being scanned. last_scan_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The last time this resource was scanned. archive_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The time occurrences related to this discovery occurrence were archived. sbom_status (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.DiscoveryOccurrence.SBOMStatus): The status of an SBOM generation. """
[docs] class ContinuousAnalysis(proto.Enum): r"""Whether the resource is continuously analyzed. Values: CONTINUOUS_ANALYSIS_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unknown. ACTIVE (1): The resource is continuously analyzed. INACTIVE (2): The resource is ignored for continuous analysis. """ CONTINUOUS_ANALYSIS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 ACTIVE = 1 INACTIVE = 2
[docs] class AnalysisStatus(proto.Enum): r"""Analysis status for a resource. Currently for initial analysis only (not updated in continuous analysis). Values: ANALYSIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unknown. PENDING (1): Resource is known but no action has been taken yet. SCANNING (2): Resource is being analyzed. FINISHED_SUCCESS (3): Analysis has finished successfully. COMPLETE (3): Analysis has completed. FINISHED_FAILED (4): Analysis has finished unsuccessfully, the analysis itself is in a bad state. FINISHED_UNSUPPORTED (5): The resource is known not to be supported. """ _pb_options = {"allow_alias": True} ANALYSIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 PENDING = 1 SCANNING = 2 FINISHED_SUCCESS = 3 COMPLETE = 3 FINISHED_FAILED = 4 FINISHED_UNSUPPORTED = 5
[docs] class AnalysisCompleted(proto.Message): r"""Indicates which analysis completed successfully. Multiple types of analysis can be performed on a single resource. Attributes: analysis_type (MutableSequence[str]): """ analysis_type: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs] class SBOMStatus(proto.Message): r"""The status of an SBOM generation. Attributes: sbom_state (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.DiscoveryOccurrence.SBOMStatus.SBOMState): The progress of the SBOM generation. error (str): If there was an error generating an SBOM, this will indicate what that error was. """
[docs] class SBOMState(proto.Enum): r"""An enum indicating the progress of the SBOM generation. Values: SBOM_STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default unknown state. PENDING (1): SBOM scanning is pending. COMPLETE (2): SBOM scanning has completed. """ SBOM_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 PENDING = 1 COMPLETE = 2
sbom_state: "DiscoveryOccurrence.SBOMStatus.SBOMState" = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=1, enum="DiscoveryOccurrence.SBOMStatus.SBOMState", ) error: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, )
continuous_analysis: ContinuousAnalysis = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=1, enum=ContinuousAnalysis, ) analysis_status: AnalysisStatus = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=2, enum=AnalysisStatus, ) analysis_completed: AnalysisCompleted = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=7, message=AnalysisCompleted, ) analysis_error: MutableSequence[status_pb2.Status] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=8, message=status_pb2.Status, ) analysis_status_error: status_pb2.Status = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=status_pb2.Status, ) cpe: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=4, ) last_scan_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) archive_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=6, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) sbom_status: SBOMStatus = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=9, message=SBOMStatus, )
__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))