As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.intoto_provenance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

from google.protobuf import any_pb2  # type: ignore
from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2  # type: ignore
import proto  # type: ignore

__protobuf__ = proto.module(

[docs]class Recipe(proto.Message): r"""Steps taken to build the artifact. For a TaskRun, typically each container corresponds to one step in the recipe. Attributes: type_ (str): URI indicating what type of recipe was performed. It determines the meaning of recipe.entryPoint, recipe.arguments, recipe.environment, and materials. defined_in_material (int): Index in materials containing the recipe steps that are not implied by recipe.type. For example, if the recipe type were "make", then this would point to the source containing the Makefile, not the make program itself. Set to -1 if the recipe doesn't come from a material, as zero is default unset value for int64. entry_point (str): String identifying the entry point into the build. This is often a path to a configuration file and/or a target label within that file. The syntax and meaning are defined by recipe.type. For example, if the recipe type were "make", then this would reference the directory in which to run make as well as which target to use. arguments (MutableSequence[google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any]): Collection of all external inputs that influenced the build on top of recipe.definedInMaterial and recipe.entryPoint. For example, if the recipe type were "make", then this might be the flags passed to make aside from the target, which is captured in recipe.entryPoint. Since the arguments field can greatly vary in structure, depending on the builder and recipe type, this is of form "Any". environment (MutableSequence[google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any]): Any other builder-controlled inputs necessary for correctly evaluating the recipe. Usually only needed for reproducing the build but not evaluated as part of policy. Since the environment field can greatly vary in structure, depending on the builder and recipe type, this is of form "Any". """ type_: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) defined_in_material: int = proto.Field( proto.INT64, number=2, ) entry_point: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, ) arguments: MutableSequence[any_pb2.Any] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message=any_pb2.Any, ) environment: MutableSequence[any_pb2.Any] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message=any_pb2.Any, )
[docs]class Completeness(proto.Message): r"""Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be complete. Attributes: arguments (bool): If true, the builder claims that recipe.arguments is complete, meaning that all external inputs are properly captured in the recipe. environment (bool): If true, the builder claims that recipe.environment is claimed to be complete. materials (bool): If true, the builder claims that materials are complete, usually through some controls to prevent network access. Sometimes called "hermetic". """ arguments: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=1, ) environment: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=2, ) materials: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=3, )
[docs]class Metadata(proto.Message): r"""Other properties of the build. Attributes: build_invocation_id (str): Identifies the particular build invocation, which can be useful for finding associated logs or other ad-hoc analysis. The value SHOULD be globally unique, per in-toto Provenance spec. build_started_on (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The timestamp of when the build started. build_finished_on (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The timestamp of when the build completed. completeness (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Completeness): Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be complete. reproducible (bool): If true, the builder claims that running the recipe on materials will produce bit-for-bit identical output. """ build_invocation_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) build_started_on: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) build_finished_on: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) completeness: "Completeness" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="Completeness", ) reproducible: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=5, )
[docs]class BuilderConfig(proto.Message): r""" Attributes: id (str): """ id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs]class InTotoProvenance(proto.Message): r""" Attributes: builder_config (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.BuilderConfig): required recipe (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Recipe): Identifies the configuration used for the build. When combined with materials, this SHOULD fully describe the build, such that re-running this recipe results in bit-for-bit identical output (if the build is reproducible). metadata (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Metadata): materials (MutableSequence[str]): The collection of artifacts that influenced the build including sources, dependencies, build tools, base images, and so on. This is considered to be incomplete unless metadata.completeness.materials is true. Unset or null is equivalent to empty. """ builder_config: "BuilderConfig" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="BuilderConfig", ) recipe: "Recipe" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="Recipe", ) metadata: "Metadata" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message="Metadata", ) materials: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=4, )
__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))