As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.provenance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2  # type: ignore
import proto  # type: ignore

__protobuf__ = proto.module(

[docs]class BuildProvenance(proto.Message): r"""Provenance of a build. Contains all information needed to verify the full details about the build from source to completion. Attributes: id (str): Required. Unique identifier of the build. project_id (str): ID of the project. commands (MutableSequence[grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Command]): Commands requested by the build. built_artifacts (MutableSequence[grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Artifact]): Output of the build. create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Time at which the build was created. start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Time at which execution of the build was started. end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Time at which execution of the build was finished. creator (str): E-mail address of the user who initiated this build. Note that this was the user's e-mail address at the time the build was initiated; this address may not represent the same end-user for all time. logs_uri (str): URI where any logs for this provenance were written. source_provenance (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Source): Details of the Source input to the build. trigger_id (str): Trigger identifier if the build was triggered automatically; empty if not. build_options (MutableMapping[str, str]): Special options applied to this build. This is a catch-all field where build providers can enter any desired additional details. builder_version (str): Version string of the builder at the time this build was executed. """ id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) project_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) commands: MutableSequence["Command"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message="Command", ) built_artifacts: MutableSequence["Artifact"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="Artifact", ) create_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) start_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=6, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) end_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=7, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) creator: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=8, ) logs_uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=9, ) source_provenance: "Source" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=10, message="Source", ) trigger_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=11, ) build_options: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.STRING, number=12, ) builder_version: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=13, )
[docs]class Source(proto.Message): r"""Source describes the location of the source used for the build. Attributes: artifact_storage_source_uri (str): If provided, the input binary artifacts for the build came from this location. file_hashes (MutableMapping[str, grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.FileHashes]): Hash(es) of the build source, which can be used to verify that the original source integrity was maintained in the build. The keys to this map are file paths used as build source and the values contain the hash values for those files. If the build source came in a single package such as a gzipped tarfile (.tar.gz), the FileHash will be for the single path to that file. context (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SourceContext): If provided, the source code used for the build came from this location. additional_contexts (MutableSequence[grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SourceContext]): If provided, some of the source code used for the build may be found in these locations, in the case where the source repository had multiple remotes or submodules. This list will not include the context specified in the context field. """ artifact_storage_source_uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) file_hashes: MutableMapping[str, "FileHashes"] = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message="FileHashes", ) context: "SourceContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message="SourceContext", ) additional_contexts: MutableSequence["SourceContext"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="SourceContext", )
[docs]class FileHashes(proto.Message): r"""Container message for hashes of byte content of files, used in source messages to verify integrity of source input to the build. Attributes: file_hash (MutableSequence[grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.Hash]): Required. Collection of file hashes. """ file_hash: MutableSequence["Hash"] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="Hash", )
[docs]class Hash(proto.Message): r"""Container message for hash values. Attributes: type_ (str): Required. The type of hash that was performed, e.g. "SHA-256". value (bytes): Required. The hash value. """ type_: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) value: bytes = proto.Field( proto.BYTES, number=2, )
[docs]class Command(proto.Message): r"""Command describes a step performed as part of the build pipeline. Attributes: name (str): Required. Name of the command, as presented on the command line, or if the command is packaged as a Docker container, as presented to ``docker pull``. env (MutableSequence[str]): Environment variables set before running this command. args (MutableSequence[str]): Command-line arguments used when executing this command. dir_ (str): Working directory (relative to project source root) used when running this command. id (str): Optional unique identifier for this command, used in wait_for to reference this command as a dependency. wait_for (MutableSequence[str]): The ID(s) of the command(s) that this command depends on. """ name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) env: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=2, ) args: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=3, ) dir_: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=4, ) id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=5, ) wait_for: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=6, )
[docs]class Artifact(proto.Message): r"""Artifact describes a build product. Attributes: checksum (str): Hash or checksum value of a binary, or Docker Registry 2.0 digest of a container. id (str): Artifact ID, if any; for container images, this will be a URL by digest like ````. names (MutableSequence[str]): Related artifact names. This may be the path to a binary or jar file, or in the case of a container build, the name used to push the container image to Google Container Registry, as presented to ``docker push``. Note that a single Artifact ID can have multiple names, for example if two tags are applied to one image. """ checksum: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) names: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.STRING, number=3, )
[docs]class SourceContext(proto.Message): r"""A SourceContext is a reference to a tree of files. A SourceContext together with a path point to a unique revision of a single file or directory. This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members. .. _oneof: Attributes: cloud_repo (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.CloudRepoSourceContext): A SourceContext referring to a revision in a Google Cloud Source Repo. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``context``. gerrit (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.GerritSourceContext): A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``context``. git (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.GitSourceContext): A SourceContext referring to any third party Git repo (e.g., GitHub). This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``context``. labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): Labels with user defined metadata. """ cloud_repo: "CloudRepoSourceContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, oneof="context", message="CloudRepoSourceContext", ) gerrit: "GerritSourceContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, oneof="context", message="GerritSourceContext", ) git: "GitSourceContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, oneof="context", message="GitSourceContext", ) labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.STRING, number=4, )
[docs]class AliasContext(proto.Message): r"""An alias to a repo revision. Attributes: kind (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.AliasContext.Kind): The alias kind. name (str): The alias name. """
[docs] class Kind(proto.Enum): r"""The type of an alias. Values: KIND_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unknown. FIXED (1): Git tag. MOVABLE (2): Git branch. OTHER (4): Used to specify non-standard aliases. For example, if a Git repo has a ref named "refs/foo/bar". """ KIND_UNSPECIFIED = 0 FIXED = 1 MOVABLE = 2 OTHER = 4
kind: Kind = proto.Field( proto.ENUM, number=1, enum=Kind, ) name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, )
[docs]class CloudRepoSourceContext(proto.Message): r"""A CloudRepoSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a Google Cloud Source Repo. This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members. .. _oneof: Attributes: repo_id (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.RepoId): The ID of the repo. revision_id (str): A revision ID. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``revision``. alias_context (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.AliasContext): An alias, which may be a branch or tag. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``revision``. """ repo_id: "RepoId" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="RepoId", ) revision_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, oneof="revision", ) alias_context: "AliasContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, oneof="revision", message="AliasContext", )
[docs]class GerritSourceContext(proto.Message): r"""A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project. This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members. .. _oneof: Attributes: host_uri (str): The URI of a running Gerrit instance. gerrit_project (str): The full project name within the host. Projects may be nested, so "project/subproject" is a valid project name. The "repo name" is the hostURI/project. revision_id (str): A revision (commit) ID. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``revision``. alias_context (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.AliasContext): An alias, which may be a branch or tag. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``revision``. """ host_uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) gerrit_project: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) revision_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, oneof="revision", ) alias_context: "AliasContext" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, oneof="revision", message="AliasContext", )
[docs]class GitSourceContext(proto.Message): r"""A GitSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a third party Git repository (e.g., GitHub). Attributes: url (str): Git repository URL. revision_id (str): Git commit hash. """ url: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) revision_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, )
[docs]class RepoId(proto.Message): r"""A unique identifier for a Cloud Repo. This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members. .. _oneof: Attributes: project_repo_id (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.ProjectRepoId): A combination of a project ID and a repo name. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``id``. uid (str): A server-assigned, globally unique identifier. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``id``. """ project_repo_id: "ProjectRepoId" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, oneof="id", message="ProjectRepoId", ) uid: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, oneof="id", )
[docs]class ProjectRepoId(proto.Message): r"""Selects a repo using a Google Cloud Platform project ID (e.g., winged-cargo-31) and a repo name within that project. Attributes: project_id (str): The ID of the project. repo_name (str): The name of the repo. Leave empty for the default repo. """ project_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) repo_name: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, )
__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))