As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.slsa_provenance_zero_two

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

from google.protobuf import struct_pb2  # type: ignore
from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2  # type: ignore
import proto  # type: ignore

__protobuf__ = proto.module(

[docs]class SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo(proto.Message): r"""See full explanation of fields at Attributes: builder (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaBuilder): build_type (str): invocation (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaInvocation): build_config (google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct): metadata (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaMetadata): materials (MutableSequence[grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaMaterial]): """
[docs] class SlsaBuilder(proto.Message): r"""Identifies the entity that executed the recipe, which is trusted to have correctly performed the operation and populated this provenance. Attributes: id (str): """ id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, )
[docs] class SlsaMaterial(proto.Message): r"""The collection of artifacts that influenced the build including sources, dependencies, build tools, base images, and so on. Attributes: uri (str): digest (MutableMapping[str, str]): """ uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) digest: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.STRING, number=2, )
[docs] class SlsaInvocation(proto.Message): r"""Identifies the event that kicked off the build. Attributes: config_source (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaConfigSource): parameters (google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct): environment (google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct): """ config_source: "SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaConfigSource" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message="SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaConfigSource", ) parameters: struct_pb2.Struct = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=struct_pb2.Struct, ) environment: struct_pb2.Struct = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=struct_pb2.Struct, )
[docs] class SlsaConfigSource(proto.Message): r"""Describes where the config file that kicked off the build came from. This is effectively a pointer to the source where buildConfig came from. Attributes: uri (str): digest (MutableMapping[str, str]): entry_point (str): """ uri: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) digest: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( proto.STRING, proto.STRING, number=2, ) entry_point: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=3, )
[docs] class SlsaMetadata(proto.Message): r"""Other properties of the build. Attributes: build_invocation_id (str): build_started_on (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): build_finished_on (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): completeness (grafeas.grafeas_v1.types.SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaCompleteness): reproducible (bool): """ build_invocation_id: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=1, ) build_started_on: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=2, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) build_finished_on: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, ) completeness: "SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaCompleteness" = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message="SlsaProvenanceZeroTwo.SlsaCompleteness", ) reproducible: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=5, )
[docs] class SlsaCompleteness(proto.Message): r"""Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be complete. Attributes: parameters (bool): environment (bool): materials (bool): """ parameters: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=1, ) environment: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=2, ) materials: bool = proto.Field( proto.BOOL, number=3, )
builder: SlsaBuilder = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=SlsaBuilder, ) build_type: str = proto.Field( proto.STRING, number=2, ) invocation: SlsaInvocation = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=3, message=SlsaInvocation, ) build_config: struct_pb2.Struct = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=4, message=struct_pb2.Struct, ) metadata: SlsaMetadata = proto.Field( proto.MESSAGE, number=5, message=SlsaMetadata, ) materials: MutableSequence[SlsaMaterial] = proto.RepeatedField( proto.MESSAGE, number=6, message=SlsaMaterial, )
__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest))