As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Reading Tables

Use the pandas_gbq.read_gbq() function to run a BigQuery query and download the results as a pandas.DataFrame object.

import pandas_gbq

# TODO: Set project_id to your Google Cloud Platform project ID.
# project_id = "my-project"

sql = """
SELECT country_name, alpha_2_code
FROM `bigquery-public-data.utility_us.country_code_iso`
WHERE alpha_2_code LIKE 'A%'
df = pandas_gbq.read_gbq(sql, project_id=project_id)


A project ID is optional if it can be inferred during authentication, but it is required when authenticating with user credentials. You can find your project ID in the Google Cloud console.

You can define which column from BigQuery to use as an index in the destination DataFrame as well as a preferred column order as follows:

data_frame = pandas_gbq.read_gbq(
    'SELECT * FROM `test_dataset.test_table`',
    columns=['col1', 'col2'])

Querying with legacy SQL syntax

The dialect argument can be used to indicate whether to use BigQuery’s 'legacy' SQL or BigQuery’s 'standard' SQL. The default value is 'standard'.

sql = """
SELECT country_name, alpha_2_code
FROM [bigquery-public-data:utility_us.country_code_iso]
WHERE alpha_2_code LIKE 'Z%'
df = pandas_gbq.read_gbq(
    # Set the dialect to "legacy" to use legacy SQL syntax. As of
    # pandas-gbq version 0.10.0, the default dialect is "standard".

Inferring the DataFrame’s dtypes

The read_gbq() method infers the pandas dtype for each column, based on the BigQuery table schema.

BigQuery Data Type











dbdate or object


datetime64[ns] or object


datetime64[ns, UTC] or object

If any DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP value is outside of the range of pandas.Timestamp.min (1677-09-22) and pandas.Timestamp.max (2262-04-11), the data type maps to the pandas object dtype.

Improving download performance

Use the BigQuery Storage API to download large (>125 MB) query results more quickly (but at an increased cost) by setting use_bqstorage_api to True.

  1. Enable the BigQuery Storage API on the project you are using to run queries.

    Enable the API.

  2. Ensure you have the bigquery.readsessions.create permission. to create BigQuery Storage API read sessions. This permission is provided by the bigquery.user role.

  3. Install the google-cloud-bigquery-storage and pyarrow


    With pip:

    pip install --upgrade google-cloud-bigquery-storage pyarrow
  4. Set use_bqstorage_api to True when calling the read_gbq() function. As of the google-cloud-bigquery package, version 1.11.1 or later,the function will fallback to the BigQuery API if the BigQuery Storage API cannot be used, such as with small query results.

Advanced configuration

You can specify the query config as parameter to use additional options of your job. Refer to the JobConfiguration REST resource reference for details.

configuration = {
   'query': {
     "useQueryCache": False
data_frame = read_gbq(
    'SELECT * FROM `test_dataset.test_table`',