As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

API Reference


class sqlalchemy_bigquery.geography.GEOGRAPHY[source]


Use this to define BigQuery GEOGRAPHY columns:

class Lake(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'lakes'

    name = Column(String)
    geog = column(GEOGRAPHY)


class sqlalchemy_bigquery.geography.WKB(data)[source]

Well-Known-Binary data wrapper.

WKB objects hold geographic data in a binary format known as “Well-Known Binary”, <>. These objects are returned from queries and can be used in insert and queries.

The WKB class is a subclass of the Geoalchemy2 WKBElement class customized for working with BigQuery.

property wkt

Return the WKB object as a WKT object.

class sqlalchemy_bigquery.geography.WKT(data)[source]

Well-Known-Text data wrapper.

WKT objects hold geographic data in a text format known as “Well-Known Text”, <>.

You generally shouldn’t need to create WKT objects directly, as text arguments to geographic functions and inserts to GEOGRAPHY columns are automatically coerced to geographic data.

The WKT class is a subclass of the Geoalchemy2 WKTElement class customized for working with BigQuery.

property wkb

Return the WKT object as a WKB object.