Class: Google::Apis::RemotebuildexecutionV2::BuildBazelRemoteExecutionV2Action

  • Object
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Core::Hashable, Core::JsonObjectSupport
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An Action captures all the information about an execution which is required to reproduce it. Actions are the core component of the [Execution] service. A single Action represents a repeatable action that can be performed by the execution service. Actions can be succinctly identified by the digest of their wire format encoding and, once an Action has been executed, will be cached in the action cache. Future requests can then use the cached result rather than needing to run afresh. When a server completes execution of an Action, it MAY choose to cache the result in the ActionCache unless do_not_cache is true. Clients SHOULD expect the server to do so. By default, future calls to Execute the same Action will also serve their results from the cache. Clients must take care to understand the caching behaviour. Ideally, all Actions will be reproducible so that serving a result from cache is always desirable and correct.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Core::JsonObjectSupport


Methods included from Core::Hashable

process_value, #to_h

Constructor Details

#initialize(**args) ⇒ BuildBazelRemoteExecutionV2Action

Returns a new instance of BuildBazelRemoteExecutionV2Action

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 134

def initialize(**args)

Instance Attribute Details


A content digest. A digest for a given blob consists of the size of the blob and its hash. The hash algorithm to use is defined by the server, but servers SHOULD use SHA-256. The size is considered to be an integral part of the digest and cannot be separated. That is, even if the hash field is correctly specified but size_bytes is not, the server MUST reject the request. The reason for including the size in the digest is as follows: in a great many cases, the server needs to know the size of the blob it is about to work with prior to starting an operation with it, such as flattening Merkle tree structures or streaming it to a worker. Technically, the server could implement a separate metadata store, but this results in a significantly more complicated implementation as opposed to having the client specify the size up-front (or storing the size along with the digest in every message where digests are embedded). This does mean that the API leaks some implementation details of (what we consider to be) a reasonable server implementation, but we consider this to be a worthwhile tradeoff. When a Digest is used to refer to a proto message, it always refers to the message in binary encoded form. To ensure consistent hashing, clients and servers MUST ensure that they serialize messages according to the following rules, even if there are alternate valid encodings for the same message:

  • Fields are serialized in tag order.
  • There are no unknown fields.
  • There are no duplicate fields.
  • Fields are serialized according to the default semantics for their type. Most protocol buffer implementations will always follow these rules when serializing, but care should be taken to avoid shortcuts. For instance, concatenating two messages to merge them may produce duplicate fields. Corresponds to the JSON property commandDigest

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 76

def command_digest

#do_not_cacheBoolean Also known as: do_not_cache?

If true, then the Action's result cannot be cached. Corresponds to the JSON property doNotCache


  • (Boolean)

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 81

def do_not_cache


A content digest. A digest for a given blob consists of the size of the blob and its hash. The hash algorithm to use is defined by the server, but servers SHOULD use SHA-256. The size is considered to be an integral part of the digest and cannot be separated. That is, even if the hash field is correctly specified but size_bytes is not, the server MUST reject the request. The reason for including the size in the digest is as follows: in a great many cases, the server needs to know the size of the blob it is about to work with prior to starting an operation with it, such as flattening Merkle tree structures or streaming it to a worker. Technically, the server could implement a separate metadata store, but this results in a significantly more complicated implementation as opposed to having the client specify the size up-front (or storing the size along with the digest in every message where digests are embedded). This does mean that the API leaks some implementation details of (what we consider to be) a reasonable server implementation, but we consider this to be a worthwhile tradeoff. When a Digest is used to refer to a proto message, it always refers to the message in binary encoded form. To ensure consistent hashing, clients and servers MUST ensure that they serialize messages according to the following rules, even if there are alternate valid encodings for the same message:

  • Fields are serialized in tag order.
  • There are no unknown fields.
  • There are no duplicate fields.
  • Fields are serialized according to the default semantics for their type. Most protocol buffer implementations will always follow these rules when serializing, but care should be taken to avoid shortcuts. For instance, concatenating two messages to merge them may produce duplicate fields. Corresponds to the JSON property inputRootDigest

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 113

def input_root_digest


A timeout after which the execution should be killed. If the timeout is absent, then the client is specifying that the execution should continue as long as the server will let it. The server SHOULD impose a timeout if the client does not specify one, however, if the client does specify a timeout that is longer than the server's maximum timeout, the server MUST reject the request. The timeout is a part of the Action message, and therefore two Actions with different timeouts are different, even if they are otherwise identical. This is because, if they were not, running an Action with a lower timeout than is required might result in a cache hit from an execution run with a longer timeout, hiding the fact that the timeout is too short. By encoding it directly in the Action, a lower timeout will result in a cache miss and the execution timeout will fail immediately, rather than whenever the cache entry gets evicted. Corresponds to the JSON property timeout


  • (String)

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 132

def timeout

Instance Method Details

#update!(**args) ⇒ Object

Update properties of this object

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 139

def update!(**args)
  @command_digest = args[:command_digest] if args.key?(:command_digest)
  @do_not_cache = args[:do_not_cache] if args.key?(:do_not_cache)
  @input_root_digest = args[:input_root_digest] if args.key?(:input_root_digest)
  @timeout = args[:timeout] if args.key?(:timeout)