Class: Google::Apis::RemotebuildexecutionV2::GoogleDevtoolsRemoteexecutionV1testActionResult

  • Object
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Core::Hashable, Core::JsonObjectSupport
Defined in:


An ActionResult represents the result of an Action being run.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Core::JsonObjectSupport


Methods included from Core::Hashable

process_value, #to_h

Constructor Details

#initialize(**args) ⇒ GoogleDevtoolsRemoteexecutionV1testActionResult

Returns a new instance of GoogleDevtoolsRemoteexecutionV1testActionResult

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2876

def initialize(**args)

Instance Attribute Details


The exit code of the command. Corresponds to the JSON property exitCode


  • (Fixnum)

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2718

def exit_code


The output directories of the action. For each output directory requested in the output_directories field of the Action, if the corresponding directory existed after the action completed, a single entry will be present in the output list, which will contain the digest of a Tree message containing the directory tree, and the path equal exactly to the corresponding Action output_directories member. As an example, suppose the Action had an output directory a/b/dir and the execution produced the following contents in a/b/dir: a file named bar and a directory named foo with an executable file named baz. Then, output_directory will contain (hashes shortened for readability):

// OutputDirectory proto:
path: "a/b/dir"
tree_digest: `
hash: "4a73bc9d03...",
size: 55
// Tree proto with hash "4a73bc9d03..." and size 55:
root: `
files: [
name: "bar",
digest: `
hash: "4a73bc9d03...",
size: 65534
directories: [
name: "foo",
digest: `
hash: "4cf2eda940...",
size: 43
children : `
// (Directory proto with hash "4cf2eda940..." and size 43)
files: [
name: "baz",
digest: `
hash: "b2c941073e...",
size: 1294,
is_executable: true

Corresponds to the JSON property outputDirectories

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2779

def output_directories


The output files of the action. For each output file requested in the output_files field of the Action, if the corresponding file existed after the action completed, a single entry will be present in the output list. If the action does not produce the requested output, or produces a directory where a regular file is expected or vice versa, then that output will be omitted from the list. The server is free to arrange the output list as desired; clients MUST NOT assume that the output list is sorted. Corresponds to the JSON property outputFiles

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2790

def output_files


A content digest. A digest for a given blob consists of the size of the blob and its hash. The hash algorithm to use is defined by the server, but servers SHOULD use SHA-256. The size is considered to be an integral part of the digest and cannot be separated. That is, even if the hash field is correctly specified but size_bytes is not, the server MUST reject the request. The reason for including the size in the digest is as follows: in a great many cases, the server needs to know the size of the blob it is about to work with prior to starting an operation with it, such as flattening Merkle tree structures or streaming it to a worker. Technically, the server could implement a separate metadata store, but this results in a significantly more complicated implementation as opposed to having the client specify the size up-front (or storing the size along with the digest in every message where digests are embedded). This does mean that the API leaks some implementation details of (what we consider to be) a reasonable server implementation, but we consider this to be a worthwhile tradeoff. When a Digest is used to refer to a proto message, it always refers to the message in binary encoded form. To ensure consistent hashing, clients and servers MUST ensure that they serialize messages according to the following rules, even if there are alternate valid encodings for the same message.

  • Fields are serialized in tag order.
  • There are no unknown fields.
  • There are no duplicate fields.
  • Fields are serialized according to the default semantics for their type. Most protocol buffer implementations will always follow these rules when serializing, but care should be taken to avoid shortcuts. For instance, concatenating two messages to merge them may produce duplicate fields. Corresponds to the JSON property stderrDigest

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2821

def stderr_digest


The standard error buffer of the action. The server will determine, based on the size of the buffer, whether to return it in raw form or to return a digest in stderr_digest that points to the buffer. If neither is set, then the buffer is empty. The client SHOULD NOT assume it will get one of the raw buffer or a digest on any given request and should be prepared to handle either. Corresponds to the JSON property stderrRaw NOTE: Values are automatically base64 encoded/decoded in the client library.


  • (String)

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2832

def stderr_raw


A content digest. A digest for a given blob consists of the size of the blob and its hash. The hash algorithm to use is defined by the server, but servers SHOULD use SHA-256. The size is considered to be an integral part of the digest and cannot be separated. That is, even if the hash field is correctly specified but size_bytes is not, the server MUST reject the request. The reason for including the size in the digest is as follows: in a great many cases, the server needs to know the size of the blob it is about to work with prior to starting an operation with it, such as flattening Merkle tree structures or streaming it to a worker. Technically, the server could implement a separate metadata store, but this results in a significantly more complicated implementation as opposed to having the client specify the size up-front (or storing the size along with the digest in every message where digests are embedded). This does mean that the API leaks some implementation details of (what we consider to be) a reasonable server implementation, but we consider this to be a worthwhile tradeoff. When a Digest is used to refer to a proto message, it always refers to the message in binary encoded form. To ensure consistent hashing, clients and servers MUST ensure that they serialize messages according to the following rules, even if there are alternate valid encodings for the same message.

  • Fields are serialized in tag order.
  • There are no unknown fields.
  • There are no duplicate fields.
  • Fields are serialized according to the default semantics for their type. Most protocol buffer implementations will always follow these rules when serializing, but care should be taken to avoid shortcuts. For instance, concatenating two messages to merge them may produce duplicate fields. Corresponds to the JSON property stdoutDigest

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2863

def stdout_digest


The standard output buffer of the action. The server will determine, based on the size of the buffer, whether to return it in raw form or to return a digest in stdout_digest that points to the buffer. If neither is set, then the buffer is empty. The client SHOULD NOT assume it will get one of the raw buffer or a digest on any given request and should be prepared to handle either. Corresponds to the JSON property stdoutRaw NOTE: Values are automatically base64 encoded/decoded in the client library.


  • (String)

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2874

def stdout_raw

Instance Method Details

#update!(**args) ⇒ Object

Update properties of this object

# File 'generated/google/apis/remotebuildexecution_v2/classes.rb', line 2881

def update!(**args)
  @exit_code = args[:exit_code] if args.key?(:exit_code)
  @output_directories = args[:output_directories] if args.key?(:output_directories)
  @output_files = args[:output_files] if args.key?(:output_files)
  @stderr_digest = args[:stderr_digest] if args.key?(:stderr_digest)
  @stderr_raw = args[:stderr_raw] if args.key?(:stderr_raw)
  @stdout_digest = args[:stdout_digest] if args.key?(:stdout_digest)
  @stdout_raw = args[:stdout_raw] if args.key?(:stdout_raw)