Class: Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventTicketClass
- Inherits:
- Object
- Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventTicketClass
- Includes:
- Core::Hashable, Core::JsonObjectSupport
- Defined in:
- lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb,
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#allow_multiple_users_per_object ⇒ Boolean
(also: #allow_multiple_users_per_object?)
#app_link_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::AppLinkData
Optional app or website link that will be displayed as a button on the front of the pass.
#callback_options ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::CallbackOptions
Callback options to be used to call the issuer back for every save/delete of an object for this class by the end-user.
#class_template_info ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::ClassTemplateInfo
Template information about how the class should be displayed.
#confirmation_code_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the confirmation code value (
eventTicketObject. reservationInfo.confirmationCode
) on the card detail view. -
#country_code ⇒ String
Country code used to display the card's country (when the user is not in that country), as well as to display localized content when content is not available in the user's locale.
#custom_confirmation_code_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the confirmation code value (
eventTicketObject. reservationInfo.confirmationCode
) on the card detail view. -
#custom_gate_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the gate value (
) on the card detail view. -
#custom_row_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the row value (
) on the card detail view. -
#custom_seat_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the seat value (
) on the card detail view. -
#custom_section_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the section value (
eventTicketObject.seatInfo. section
) on the card detail view. -
#date_time ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventDateTime
The date & time information of the event.
#enable_smart_tap ⇒ Boolean
(also: #enable_smart_tap?)
Identifies whether this class supports Smart Tap.
#event_id ⇒ String
The ID of the event.
#event_name ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
#fine_print ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
The fine print, terms, or conditions of the ticket.
#gate_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the gate value (
) on the card detail view. -
#hero_image ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images.
#hex_background_color ⇒ String
The background color for the card.
#homepage_uri ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Uri
The URI of your application's home page.
#id ⇒ String
#image_modules_data ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::ImageModuleData>
Image module data.
#info_module_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::InfoModuleData
#issuer_name ⇒ String
#kind ⇒ String
Identifies what kind of resource this is.
#links_module_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LinksModuleData
Links module data.
#localized_issuer_name ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
Translated strings for the issuer_name.
#locations ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LatLongPoint>
Note: This field is currently not supported to trigger geo notifications.
#logo ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images.
#messages ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Message>
An array of messages displayed in the app.
#multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status ⇒ String
Identifies whether multiple users and devices will save the same object referencing this class.
#redemption_issuers ⇒ Array<Fixnum>
Identifies which redemption issuers can redeem the pass over Smart Tap.
#review ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Review
The review comments set by the platform when a class is marked
. -
#review_status ⇒ String
#row_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the row value (
) on the card detail view. -
#seat_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the seat value (
) on the card detail view. -
#section_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the section value (
) on the card detail view. -
#security_animation ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::SecurityAnimation
Optional information about the security animation.
#text_modules_data ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::TextModuleData>
Text module data.
#venue ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventVenue
Event venue details.
#version ⇒ Fixnum
Deprecated Corresponds to the JSON property
. -
#view_unlock_requirement ⇒ String
View Unlock Requirement options for the event ticket.
#wide_logo ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images.
#word_mark ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(**args) ⇒ EventTicketClass
A new instance of EventTicketClass.
#update!(**args) ⇒ Object
Update properties of this object.
Constructor Details
#initialize(**args) ⇒ EventTicketClass
Returns a new instance of EventTicketClass.
1778 1779 1780 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1778 def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#allow_multiple_users_per_object ⇒ Boolean Also known as: allow_multiple_users_per_object?
Deprecated. Use multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus
Corresponds to the JSON property allowMultipleUsersPerObject
1461 1462 1463 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1461 def allow_multiple_users_per_object @allow_multiple_users_per_object end |
#app_link_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::AppLinkData
Optional app or website link that will be displayed as a button on the front
of the pass. If AppLinkData is provided for the corresponding object that will
be used instead.
Corresponds to the JSON property appLinkData
1469 1470 1471 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1469 def app_link_data @app_link_data end |
#callback_options ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::CallbackOptions
Callback options to be used to call the issuer back for every save/delete of
an object for this class by the end-user. All objects of this class are
eligible for the callback.
Corresponds to the JSON property callbackOptions
1476 1477 1478 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1476 def @callback_options end |
#class_template_info ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::ClassTemplateInfo
Template information about how the class should be displayed. If unset, Google
will fallback to a default set of fields to display.
Corresponds to the JSON property classTemplateInfo
1482 1483 1484 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1482 def class_template_info @class_template_info end |
#confirmation_code_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the confirmation code value (eventTicketObject.
) on the card detail view. Each available
option maps to a set of localized strings, so that translations are shown to
the user based on their locale. Both confirmationCodeLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will
default to "Confirmation Code", localized. If the confirmation code field is
unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property confirmationCodeLabel
1493 1494 1495 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1493 def confirmation_code_label @confirmation_code_label end |
#country_code ⇒ String
Country code used to display the card's country (when the user is not in that
country), as well as to display localized content when content is not
available in the user's locale.
Corresponds to the JSON property countryCode
1500 1501 1502 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1500 def country_code @country_code end |
#custom_confirmation_code_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the confirmation code value (eventTicketObject.
) on the card detail view. This should only
be used if the default "Confirmation Code" label or one of the
options is not sufficient. Both confirmationCodeLabel
and customConfirmationCodeLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label
will default to "Confirmation Code", localized. If the confirmation code field
is unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property customConfirmationCodeLabel
1511 1512 1513 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1511 def custom_confirmation_code_label @custom_confirmation_code_label end |
#custom_gate_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the gate value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.gate
on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Gate" label
or one of the gateLabel
options is not sufficient. Both gateLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "
Gate", localized. If the gate field is unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property customGateLabel
1520 1521 1522 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1520 def custom_gate_label @custom_gate_label end |
#custom_row_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the row value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.row
) on
the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Row" label or
one of the rowLabel
options is not sufficient. Both rowLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "
Row", localized. If the row field is unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property customRowLabel
1529 1530 1531 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1529 def custom_row_label @custom_row_label end |
#custom_seat_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the seat value (
on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "Seat" label
or one of the seatLabel
options is not sufficient. Both seatLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default to "
Seat", localized. If the seat field is unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property customSeatLabel
1538 1539 1540 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1538 def custom_seat_label @custom_seat_label end |
#custom_section_label ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
A custom label to use for the section value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.
) on the card detail view. This should only be used if the default "
Section" label or one of the sectionLabel
options is not sufficient. Both
and customSectionLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the
label will default to "Section", localized. If the section field is unset,
this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property customSectionLabel
1548 1549 1550 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1548 def custom_section_label @custom_section_label end |
#date_time ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventDateTime
The date & time information of the event.
Corresponds to the JSON property dateTime
1553 1554 1555 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1553 def date_time @date_time end |
#enable_smart_tap ⇒ Boolean Also known as: enable_smart_tap?
Identifies whether this class supports Smart Tap. The redemptionIssuers
object level smartTapRedemptionLevel
fields must also be set up correctly in
order for a pass to support Smart Tap.
Corresponds to the JSON property enableSmartTap
1560 1561 1562 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1560 def enable_smart_tap @enable_smart_tap end |
#event_id ⇒ String
The ID of the event. This ID should be unique for every event in an account.
It is used to group tickets together if the user has saved multiple tickets
for the same event. It can be at most 64 characters. If provided, the grouping
will be stable. Be wary of unintentional collision to avoid grouping tickets
that should not be grouped. If you use only one class per event, you can
simply set this to the classId
(with or without the issuer ID portion). If
not provided, the platform will attempt to use other data to group tickets (
potentially unstable).
Corresponds to the JSON property eventId
1573 1574 1575 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1573 def event_id @event_id end |
#event_name ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
Required. The name of the event, such as "LA Dodgers at SF Giants".
Corresponds to the JSON property eventName
1578 1579 1580 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1578 def event_name @event_name end |
#fine_print ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
The fine print, terms, or conditions of the ticket.
Corresponds to the JSON property finePrint
1583 1584 1585 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1583 def fine_print @fine_print end |
#gate_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the gate value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.gate
) on the
card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so
that translations are shown to the user based on their locale. Both gateLabel
and customGateLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will
default to "Gate", localized. If the gate field is unset, this label will not
be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property gateLabel
1593 1594 1595 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1593 def gate_label @gate_label end |
#hero_image ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images. Next ID: 7
Corresponds to the JSON property heroImage
1598 1599 1600 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1598 def hero_image @hero_image end |
#hex_background_color ⇒ String
The background color for the card. If not set the dominant color of the hero
image is used, and if no hero image is set, the dominant color of the logo is
used. The format is #rrggbb where rrggbb is a hex RGB triplet, such as #
. You can also use the shorthand version of the RGB triplet which is #
rgb, such as #fc0
Corresponds to the JSON property hexBackgroundColor
1607 1608 1609 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1607 def hex_background_color @hex_background_color end |
#homepage_uri ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Uri
The URI of your application's home page. Populating the URI in this field
results in the exact same behavior as populating an URI in linksModuleData (
when an object is rendered, a link to the homepage is shown in what would
usually be thought of as the linksModuleData section of the object).
Corresponds to the JSON property homepageUri
1615 1616 1617 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1615 def homepage_uri @homepage_uri end |
#id ⇒ String
Required. The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all
classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID.
identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you.
Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_',
or '-'.
Corresponds to the JSON property id
1624 1625 1626 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1624 def id @id end |
#image_modules_data ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::ImageModuleData>
Image module data. The maximum number of these fields displayed is 1 from
object level and 1 for class object level.
Corresponds to the JSON property imageModulesData
1630 1631 1632 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1630 def image_modules_data @image_modules_data end |
#info_module_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::InfoModuleData
Deprecated. Use textModulesData instead.
Corresponds to the JSON property infoModuleData
1635 1636 1637 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1635 def info_module_data @info_module_data end |
#issuer_name ⇒ String
Required. The issuer name. Recommended maximum length is 20 characters to
ensure full string is displayed on smaller screens.
Corresponds to the JSON property issuerName
1641 1642 1643 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1641 def issuer_name @issuer_name end |
#kind ⇒ String
Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "
Corresponds to the JSON property kind
1647 1648 1649 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1647 def kind @kind end |
#links_module_data ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LinksModuleData
Links module data. If links module data is also defined on the object, both
will be displayed.
Corresponds to the JSON property linksModuleData
1653 1654 1655 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1653 def links_module_data @links_module_data end |
#localized_issuer_name ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LocalizedString
Translated strings for the issuer_name. Recommended maximum length is 20
characters to ensure full string is displayed on smaller screens.
Corresponds to the JSON property localizedIssuerName
1659 1660 1661 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1659 def localized_issuer_name @localized_issuer_name end |
#locations ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::LatLongPoint>
Note: This field is currently not supported to trigger geo notifications.
Corresponds to the JSON property locations
1664 1665 1666 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1664 def locations @locations end |
#logo ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images. Next ID: 7
Corresponds to the JSON property logo
1669 1670 1671 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1669 def logo @logo end |
#messages ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Message>
An array of messages displayed in the app. All users of this object will
receive its associated messages. The maximum number of these fields is 10.
Corresponds to the JSON property messages
1675 1676 1677 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1675 def @messages end |
#multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status ⇒ String
Identifies whether multiple users and devices will save the same object
referencing this class.
Corresponds to the JSON property multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus
1681 1682 1683 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1681 def multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status @multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status end |
#redemption_issuers ⇒ Array<Fixnum>
Identifies which redemption issuers can redeem the pass over Smart Tap.
Redemption issuers are identified by their issuer ID. Redemption issuers must
have at least one Smart Tap key configured. The enableSmartTap
and object
level smartTapRedemptionLevel
fields must also be set up correctly in order
for a pass to support Smart Tap.
Corresponds to the JSON property redemptionIssuers
1690 1691 1692 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1690 def redemption_issuers @redemption_issuers end |
#review ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Review
The review comments set by the platform when a class is marked approved
Corresponds to the JSON property review
1696 1697 1698 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1696 def review @review end |
#review_status ⇒ String
Required. The status of the class. This field can be set to draft
using the insert, patch, or update API calls. Once the review
state is changed from draft
it may not be changed back to draft
. You
should keep this field to draft
when the class is under development. A
class cannot be used to create any object. You should set this field to
when you believe the class is ready for use. The platform will
automatically set this field to approved
and it can be immediately used to
create or migrate objects. When updating an already approved
class you
should keep setting this field to underReview
Corresponds to the JSON property reviewStatus
1709 1710 1711 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1709 def review_status @review_status end |
#row_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the row value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.row
) on the
card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so
that translations are shown to the user based on their locale. Both rowLabel
and customRowLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will default
to "Row", localized. If the row field is unset, this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property rowLabel
1718 1719 1720 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1718 def row_label @row_label end |
#seat_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the seat value (
) on the
card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized strings, so
that translations are shown to the user based on their locale. Both seatLabel
and customSeatLabel
may not be set. If neither is set, the label will
default to "Seat", localized. If the seat field is unset, this label will not
be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property seatLabel
1728 1729 1730 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1728 def seat_label @seat_label end |
#section_label ⇒ String
The label to use for the section value (eventTicketObject.seatInfo.section
on the card detail view. Each available option maps to a set of localized
strings, so that translations are shown to the user based on their locale.
Both sectionLabel
and customSectionLabel
may not be set. If neither is set,
the label will default to "Section", localized. If the section field is unset,
this label will not be used.
Corresponds to the JSON property sectionLabel
1738 1739 1740 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1738 def section_label @section_label end |
#security_animation ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::SecurityAnimation
Optional information about the security animation. If this is set a security
animation will be rendered on pass details.
Corresponds to the JSON property securityAnimation
1744 1745 1746 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1744 def security_animation @security_animation end |
#text_modules_data ⇒ Array<Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::TextModuleData>
Text module data. If text module data is also defined on the class, both will
be displayed. The maximum number of these fields displayed is 10 from the
object and 10 from the class.
Corresponds to the JSON property textModulesData
1751 1752 1753 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1751 def text_modules_data @text_modules_data end |
#venue ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::EventVenue
Event venue details.
Corresponds to the JSON property venue
1756 1757 1758 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1756 def venue @venue end |
#version ⇒ Fixnum
Corresponds to the JSON property version
1761 1762 1763 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1761 def version @version end |
#view_unlock_requirement ⇒ String
View Unlock Requirement options for the event ticket.
Corresponds to the JSON property viewUnlockRequirement
1766 1767 1768 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1766 def view_unlock_requirement @view_unlock_requirement end |
#wide_logo ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images. Next ID: 7
Corresponds to the JSON property wideLogo
1771 1772 1773 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1771 def wide_logo @wide_logo end |
#word_mark ⇒ Google::Apis::WalletobjectsV1::Image
Wrapping type for Google hosted images. Next ID: 7
Corresponds to the JSON property wordMark
1776 1777 1778 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1776 def word_mark @word_mark end |
Instance Method Details
#update!(**args) ⇒ Object
Update properties of this object
1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 |
# File 'lib/google/apis/walletobjects_v1/classes.rb', line 1783 def update!(**args) @allow_multiple_users_per_object = args[:allow_multiple_users_per_object] if args.key?(:allow_multiple_users_per_object) @app_link_data = args[:app_link_data] if args.key?(:app_link_data) @callback_options = args[:callback_options] if args.key?(:callback_options) @class_template_info = args[:class_template_info] if args.key?(:class_template_info) @confirmation_code_label = args[:confirmation_code_label] if args.key?(:confirmation_code_label) @country_code = args[:country_code] if args.key?(:country_code) @custom_confirmation_code_label = args[:custom_confirmation_code_label] if args.key?(:custom_confirmation_code_label) @custom_gate_label = args[:custom_gate_label] if args.key?(:custom_gate_label) @custom_row_label = args[:custom_row_label] if args.key?(:custom_row_label) @custom_seat_label = args[:custom_seat_label] if args.key?(:custom_seat_label) @custom_section_label = args[:custom_section_label] if args.key?(:custom_section_label) @date_time = args[:date_time] if args.key?(:date_time) @enable_smart_tap = args[:enable_smart_tap] if args.key?(:enable_smart_tap) @event_id = args[:event_id] if args.key?(:event_id) @event_name = args[:event_name] if args.key?(:event_name) @fine_print = args[:fine_print] if args.key?(:fine_print) @gate_label = args[:gate_label] if args.key?(:gate_label) @hero_image = args[:hero_image] if args.key?(:hero_image) @hex_background_color = args[:hex_background_color] if args.key?(:hex_background_color) @homepage_uri = args[:homepage_uri] if args.key?(:homepage_uri) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @image_modules_data = args[:image_modules_data] if args.key?(:image_modules_data) @info_module_data = args[:info_module_data] if args.key?(:info_module_data) @issuer_name = args[:issuer_name] if args.key?(:issuer_name) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @links_module_data = args[:links_module_data] if args.key?(:links_module_data) @localized_issuer_name = args[:localized_issuer_name] if args.key?(:localized_issuer_name) @locations = args[:locations] if args.key?(:locations) @logo = args[:logo] if args.key?(:logo) @messages = args[:messages] if args.key?(:messages) @multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status = args[:multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status] if args.key?(:multiple_devices_and_holders_allowed_status) @redemption_issuers = args[:redemption_issuers] if args.key?(:redemption_issuers) @review = args[:review] if args.key?(:review) @review_status = args[:review_status] if args.key?(:review_status) @row_label = args[:row_label] if args.key?(:row_label) @seat_label = args[:seat_label] if args.key?(:seat_label) @section_label = args[:section_label] if args.key?(:section_label) @security_animation = args[:security_animation] if args.key?(:security_animation) @text_modules_data = args[:text_modules_data] if args.key?(:text_modules_data) @venue = args[:venue] if args.key?(:venue) @version = args[:version] if args.key?(:version) @view_unlock_requirement = args[:view_unlock_requirement] if args.key?(:view_unlock_requirement) @wide_logo = args[:wide_logo] if args.key?(:wide_logo) @word_mark = args[:word_mark] if args.key?(:word_mark) end |