Google Cloud Storage
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Google Cloud Storage is an Internet service to store data in Google's cloud. It allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data and at any time, taking advantage of Google's own reliable and fast networking infrastructure to perform data operations in a cost effective manner.
The goal of google-cloud is to provide an API that is comfortable to Rubyists. Your authentication credentials are detected automatically in Google Cloud Platform (GCP), including Google Compute Engine (GCE), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google App Engine (GAE), Google Cloud Functions (GCF) and Cloud Run. In other environments you can configure authentication easily, either directly in your code or via environment variables. Read more about the options for connecting in the Authentication Guide.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = project_id: "my-project", credentials: "/path/to/keyfile.json" ) bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket" file = bucket.file "path/to/my-file.ext"
To learn more about Cloud Storage, read the Google Cloud Storage Overview .
Retrieving Buckets
A Bucket instance is a container for your data. There is no limit on the number of buckets that you can create in a project. You can use buckets to organize and control access to your data. For more information, see Working with Buckets.
Each bucket has a globally unique name, which is how they are retrieved: (See Project#bucket)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app"
You can also retrieve all buckets on a project: (See Project#buckets)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = all_buckets = storage.buckets
If you have a significant number of buckets, you may need to fetch them in multiple service requests.
Iterating over each bucket, potentially with multiple API calls, by invoking Bucket::List#all with a block:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = buckets = storage.buckets buckets.all do |bucket| puts end
Limiting the number of API calls made:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = buckets = storage.buckets buckets.all(request_limit: 10) do |bucket| puts end
See Bucket::List for details.
Creating a Bucket
A unique name is all that is needed to create a new bucket: (See Project#create_bucket)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.create_bucket "my-todo-app-attachments"
Retrieving Files
A File instance is an individual data object that you store in Google Cloud Storage. Files contain the data stored as well as metadata describing the data. Files belong to a bucket and cannot be shared among buckets. There is no limit on the number of files that you can create in a bucket. For more information, see Working with Objects.
Files are retrieved by their name, which is the path of the file in the bucket: (See Bucket#file)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png"
You can also retrieve all files in a bucket: (See Bucket#files)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" all_files = bucket.files
Or you can retrieve all files in a specified path:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" avatar_files = bucket.files prefix: "avatars/"
If you have a significant number of files, you may need to fetch them in multiple service requests.
Iterating over each file, potentially with multiple API calls, by invoking File::List#all with a block:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" files = storage.files files.all do |file| puts end
Limiting the number of API calls made:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = files = storage.files files.all(request_limit: 10) do |file| puts end
See File::List for details.
Creating a File
A new file can be uploaded by specifying the location of a file on the local file system, and the name/path that the file should be stored in the bucket. (See Bucket#create_file)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" bucket.create_file "/var/todo-app/avatars/heidi/400x400.png", "avatars/heidi/400x400.png"
Files can also be created from an in-memory StringIO object:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" bucket.create_file"Hello world!"), "hello-world.txt"
Customer-supplied encryption keys
By default, Google Cloud Storage manages server-side encryption keys on your
behalf. However, a customer-supplied encryption
key can be
provided with the encryption_key
option. If given, the same key must be
provided to subsequently download or copy the file. If you use customer-supplied
encryption keys, you must securely manage your keys and ensure that they are not
lost. Also, please note that file metadata is not encrypted, with the exception
of the CRC32C checksum and MD5 hash. The names of files and buckets are also not
encrypted, and you can read or update the metadata of an encrypted file without
providing the encryption key.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" # Key generation shown for example purposes only. Write your own. cipher = "aes-256-cfb" cipher.encrypt key = cipher.random_key bucket.create_file "/var/todo-app/avatars/heidi/400x400.png", "avatars/heidi/400x400.png", encryption_key: key # Store your key and hash securely for later use. file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png", encryption_key: key
Use File#rotate to rotate customer-supplied encryption keys.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" # Old key was stored securely for later use. old_key = "y\x03\"\x0E\xB6\xD3\x9B\x0E\xAB*\x19\xFAv\xDEY\xBEI..." file = bucket.file "path/to/my-file.ext", encryption_key: old_key # Key generation shown for example purposes only. Write your own. cipher = "aes-256-cfb" cipher.encrypt new_key = cipher.random_key file.rotate encryption_key: old_key, new_encryption_key: new_key
Downloading a File
Files can be downloaded to the local file system. (See File#download)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png" "/var/todo-app/avatars/heidi/400x400.png"
Files can also be downloaded to an in-memory StringIO object:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "hello-world.txt" downloaded = downloaded.rewind #=> "Hello world!"
Download a public file with an anonymous, unauthenticated client. Use
to avoid errors retrieving non-public bucket and file metadata.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = Google::Cloud::Storage.anonymous bucket = storage.bucket "public-bucket", skip_lookup: true file = bucket.file "path/to/public-file.ext", skip_lookup: true downloaded = downloaded.rewind #=> "Hello world!"
Creating and downloading gzip-encoded files
When uploading a gzip-compressed file, you should pass content_encoding:
if you want the file to be eligible for decompressive
transcoding when it is later
downloaded. In addition, giving the gzip-compressed file a name containing the
original file extension (for example, .txt
) will ensure that the file's
metadata is set correctly. (You can also set the file's
metadata explicitly with the content_type
require "zlib" require "google/cloud/storage" storage = gz = "" z = gz z.write "Hello world!" z.close data = gz.string bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket" bucket.create_file data, "path/to/gzipped.txt", content_encoding: "gzip" file = bucket.file "path/to/gzipped.txt" # The downloaded data is decompressed by default. "path/to/downloaded/hello.txt" # The downloaded data remains compressed with skip_decompress. "path/to/downloaded/gzipped.txt", skip_decompress: true
Using Signed URLs
Access without authentication can be granted to a file for a specified period of time. This URL uses a cryptographic signature of your credentials to access the file. (See File#signed_url)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png" shared_url = file.signed_url method: "GET", expires: 300 # 5 minutes from now
Controlling Access to a Bucket
Access to a bucket is controlled with Bucket#acl. A bucket has owners, writers, and readers. Permissions can be granted to an individual user's email address, a group's email address, as well as many predefined lists. See the Access Control guide for more.
Access to a bucket can be granted to a user by appending "user-"
to the email
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" email = "" bucket.acl.add_reader "user-#{email}"
Access to a bucket can be granted to a group by appending "group-"
to the
email address:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" email = "" bucket.acl.add_reader "group-#{email}"
Access to a bucket can also be granted to a predefined list of permissions:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" bucket.acl.public!
Controlling Access to a File
Access to a file is controlled in two ways, either by the setting the default permissions to all files in a bucket with Bucket#default_acl, or by setting permissions to an individual file with File#acl.
Access to a file can be granted to a user by appending "user-"
to the email
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png" email = "" file.acl.add_reader "user-#{email}"
Access to a file can be granted to a group by appending "group-"
to the email
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png" email = "" file.acl.add_reader "group-#{email}"
Access to a file can also be granted to a predefined list of permissions:
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-todo-app" file = bucket.file "avatars/heidi/400x400.png" file.acl.public!
Assigning payment to the requester
The requester pays feature enables the owner of a bucket to indicate that a client accessing the bucket or a file it contains must assume the transit costs related to the access.
Assign transit costs for bucket and file operations to requesting clients with
the requester_pays
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket" bucket.requester_pays = true # API call # Clients must now provide `user_project` option when calling # Project#bucket to access this bucket.
Once the requester_pays
flag is enabled for a bucket, a client attempting to
access the bucket and its files must provide the user_project
option to
Project#bucket. If the argument given
is true
, transit costs for operations on the requested bucket or a file it
contains will be billed to the current project for the client. (See
Project#project for the ID of the
current project.)
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "other-project-bucket", user_project: true files = bucket.files # Billed to current project
If the argument is a project ID string, and the indicated project is authorized for the currently authenticated service account, transit costs will be billed to the indicated project.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.bucket "other-project-bucket", user_project: "my-other-project" files = bucket.files # Billed to "my-other-project"
Configuring Pub/Sub notification subscriptions
You can configure notifications to send Google Cloud Pub/Sub messages about changes to files in your buckets. For example, you can track files that are created and deleted in your bucket. Each notification contains information describing both the event that triggered it and the file that changed.
You can send notifications to any Cloud Pub/Sub topic in any project for which your service account has sufficient permissions. As shown below, you need to explicitly grant permission to your service account to enable Google Cloud Storage to publish on behalf of your account. (Even if your current project created and owns the topic.)
require "google/cloud/pubsub" require "google/cloud/storage" pubsub = storage = topic = pubsub.create_topic "my-topic" topic.policy do |p| p.add "roles/pubsub.publisher", "serviceAccount:#{storage.service_account_email}" end bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket" notification = bucket.create_notification
Configuring retries and timeout
You can configure how many times API requests may be automatically retried. When
an API request fails, the response will be inspected to see if the request meets
criteria indicating that it may succeed on retry, such as 500
and 503
codes or a specific internal error code such as rateLimitExceeded
. If it meets
the criteria, the request will be retried after a delay. If another error
occurs, the delay will be increased before a subsequent attempt, until the
limit is reached.
You can also set the request timeout
value in seconds.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = retries: 10, timeout: 120
The library by default retries all API requests which are always idempotent on a "transient" error.
For API requests which are idempotent only if the some conditions are satisfied (For ex. a file has the same "generation"), the library retries only if the condition is specified.
Rather than using this default behaviour, you may choose to disable the retries on your own.
You can pass retries
as 0
to disable retries for all operations regardless
of their idempotencies.
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = retries: 0
You can also disable retries for a particular operation by passing retries
in the options
require "google/cloud/storage" storage = service = storage.service service.get_bucket bucket_name, options: {retries: 0}
For those API requests which are never idempotent, the library passes retries=0 by default, suppressing any retries.
See the Storage status and error codes for a list of error conditions.
Additional information
Google Cloud Storage can be configured to use logging. To learn more, see the Logging guide.