using | SpannerPolicyOptionList = OptionList< spanner::SpannerRetryPolicyOption, SpannerBackoffPolicyOption, SpannerPollingPolicyOption > |
| List of all "policy" options. More...
using | SessionPoolOptionList = OptionList< SessionPoolMinSessionsOption, SessionPoolMaxSessionsPerChannelOption, SessionPoolMaxIdleSessionsOption, SessionPoolActionOnExhaustionOption, SessionPoolKeepAliveIntervalOption, SessionPoolLabelsOption > |
| List of all SessionPool options. More...
using | RequestOptionList = OptionList< RequestPriorityOption, RequestTagOption > |
| List of all Request options. More...
using | RetryPolicy = ::google::cloud::internal::TraitBasedRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeGrpcRetry > |
| The base class for retry policies. More...
using | LimitedTimeRetryPolicy = ::google::cloud::internal::LimitedTimeRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeGrpcRetry > |
| A retry policy that limits based on time. More...
using | LimitedErrorCountRetryPolicy = google::cloud::internal::LimitedErrorCountRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeGrpcRetry > |
| A retry policy that limits the number of times a request can fail. More...
using | TransactionRerunPolicy = ::google::cloud::internal::TraitBasedRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeTransactionRerun > |
| The base class for transaction rerun policies. More...
using | LimitedTimeTransactionRerunPolicy = google::cloud::internal::LimitedTimeRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeTransactionRerun > |
| A transaction rerun policy that limits the duration of the rerun loop. More...
using | LimitedErrorCountTransactionRerunPolicy = google::cloud::internal::LimitedErrorCountRetryPolicy< spanner_internal::SafeTransactionRerun > |
| A transaction rerun policy that limits the number of failures. More...
using | ConnectionOptions = google::cloud::ConnectionOptions< ConnectionOptionsTraits > |
| The options for Cloud Spanner connections. More...
template<typename Duration > |
using | sys_time = std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, Duration > |
| Convenience alias. More...
using | ListDatabaseRange = ::google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::spanner::admin::database::v1::Database > |
| An input range to stream all the databases in a Cloud Spanner instance. More...
using | ListBackupOperationsRange = google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::longrunning::Operation > |
| An input range to stream backup operations in Cloud Spanner instance. More...
using | ListDatabaseOperationsRange = google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::longrunning::Operation > |
| An input range to stream database operations in Cloud Spanner instance. More...
using | ListBackupsRange = ::google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::spanner::admin::database::v1::Backup > |
| An input range to stream backups in Cloud Spanner instance. More...
using | BackoffPolicy = ::google::cloud::internal::BackoffPolicy |
| The base class for backoff policies. More...
using | ExponentialBackoffPolicy = google::cloud::internal::ExponentialBackoffPolicy |
| A truncated exponential backoff policy with randomized periods. More...
using | PollingPolicy = ::google::cloud::PollingPolicy |
template<typename Retry = LimitedTimeRetryPolicy, typename Backoff = ExponentialBackoffPolicy> |
using | GenericPollingPolicy = ::google::cloud::GenericPollingPolicy< Retry, Backoff > |
using | ListInstancesRange = ::google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::spanner::admin::instance::v1::Instance > |
| An input range to stream all the instances in a Cloud project. More...
using | ListInstanceConfigsRange = ::google::cloud::internal::PaginationRange< google::spanner::admin::instance::v1::InstanceConfig > |
| An input range to stream all the instance configs in a Cloud project. More...
using | Key = std::vector< Value > |
| A Key is a collection of Value objects where the i'th value corresponds to the i'th component of the table or primary index key. More...
using | Mutations = std::vector< Mutation > |
| An ordered sequence of mutations to pass to Client::Commit() or return from the Client::Commit() mutator. More...
using | InsertMutationBuilder = spanner_internal::WriteMutationBuilder< spanner_internal::InsertOp > |
| A helper class to construct "insert" mutations. More...
using | UpdateMutationBuilder = spanner_internal::WriteMutationBuilder< spanner_internal::UpdateOp > |
| A helper class to construct "update" mutations. More...
using | InsertOrUpdateMutationBuilder = spanner_internal::WriteMutationBuilder< spanner_internal::InsertOrUpdateOp > |
| A helper class to construct "insert_or_update" mutations. More...
using | ReplaceMutationBuilder = spanner_internal::WriteMutationBuilder< spanner_internal::ReplaceOp > |
| A helper class to construct "replace" mutations. More...
using | DeleteMutationBuilder = spanner_internal::DeleteMutationBuilder |
| A helper class to construct "delete" mutations. More...
using | Date = ::absl::CivilDay |
| Represents a date in the proleptic Gregorian calendar as a triple of year, month (1-12), and day (1-31). More...
using | ExecutionPlan = ::google::spanner::v1::QueryPlan |
| Contains a hierarchical representation of the operations the database server performs in order to execute a particular SQL statement. More...
using | EncryptionConfig = absl::variant< DefaultEncryption, GoogleEncryption, CustomerManagedEncryption > |
| Specify the encryption configuration for any of the following operations: More...
using | IamUpdater = ::google::cloud::IamUpdater |
| Type alias for google::cloud::IamUpdater. More...
using | TracingOptions = ::google::cloud::TracingOptions |
| The configuration parameters for RPC/protobuf tracing. More...
bool | operator== (Backup const &a, Backup const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Backup const &a, Backup const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Backup const &bu) |
StatusOr< Backup > | MakeBackup (std::string const &full_name) |
| Constructs a Backup from the given full_name . More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Bytes const &bytes) |
constexpr int | VersionMajor () |
| The Cloud spanner C++ Client major version. More...
constexpr int | VersionMinor () |
| The Cloud spanner C++ Client minor version. More...
constexpr int | VersionPatch () |
| The Cloud spanner C++ Client patch version. More...
constexpr int | Version () |
| A single integer representing the Major/Minor/Patch version. More...
std::string | VersionString () |
| The version as a string, in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH+gitrev format. More...
std::shared_ptr< spanner::Connection > | MakeConnection (spanner::Database const &db, Options opts={}) |
| Returns a Connection object that can be used for interacting with Spanner. More...
std::shared_ptr< Connection > | MakeConnection (Database const &db, ConnectionOptions const &connection_options, SessionPoolOptions session_pool_options=SessionPoolOptions()) |
| Returns a Connection object that can be used for interacting with Spanner. More...
std::shared_ptr< Connection > | MakeConnection (Database const &db, ConnectionOptions const &connection_options, SessionPoolOptions session_pool_options, std::unique_ptr< RetryPolicy > retry_policy, std::unique_ptr< BackoffPolicy > backoff_policy) |
| Returns a Connection object that can be used for interacting with Spanner. More...
Transaction | MakeReadOnlyTransaction (Transaction::ReadOnlyOptions opts={}) |
| Create a read-only transaction configured with opts . More...
Transaction | MakeReadWriteTransaction (Transaction::ReadWriteOptions opts={}) |
| Create a read-write transaction configured with opts . More...
Transaction | MakeReadWriteTransaction (Transaction const &txn, Transaction::ReadWriteOptions opts={}) |
| Create a read-write transaction configured with opts , and sharing lock priority with txn . More...
bool | operator== (Database const &a, Database const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Database const &a, Database const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Database const &db) |
StatusOr< Database > | MakeDatabase (std::string const &full_name) |
| Constructs a Database from the given full_name . More...
StatusOr< Timestamp > | MakeTimestamp (absl::Time) |
| Construct a Timestamp from an absl::Time . More...
StatusOr< Timestamp > | MakeTimestamp (protobuf::Timestamp const &) |
| Construct a Timestamp from a google::protobuf::Timestamp . More...
template<typename Duration > |
StatusOr< Timestamp > | MakeTimestamp (sys_time< Duration > const &tp) |
| Construct a Timestamp from a std::chrono::time_point on the system clock. More...
std::shared_ptr< spanner::DatabaseAdminConnection > | MakeDatabaseAdminConnection (Options opts={}) |
| Returns a DatabaseAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
std::shared_ptr< DatabaseAdminConnection > | MakeDatabaseAdminConnection (ConnectionOptions const &options) |
| Returns a DatabaseAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
std::shared_ptr< DatabaseAdminConnection > | MakeDatabaseAdminConnection (ConnectionOptions const &options, std::unique_ptr< RetryPolicy > retry_policy, std::unique_ptr< BackoffPolicy > backoff_policy, std::unique_ptr< PollingPolicy > polling_policy) |
| Returns a DatabaseAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
bool | operator== (Instance const &a, Instance const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Instance const &a, Instance const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Instance const &in) |
StatusOr< Instance > | MakeInstance (std::string const &full_name) |
| Constructs an Instance from the given full_name . More...
std::shared_ptr< spanner::InstanceAdminConnection > | MakeInstanceAdminConnection (Options opts={}) |
| Returns an InstanceAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminConnection > | MakeInstanceAdminConnection (ConnectionOptions const &options) |
| Returns an InstanceAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
std::shared_ptr< InstanceAdminConnection > | MakeInstanceAdminConnection (ConnectionOptions const &options, std::unique_ptr< RetryPolicy > retry_policy, std::unique_ptr< BackoffPolicy > backoff_policy, std::unique_ptr< PollingPolicy > polling_policy) |
| Returns an InstanceAdminConnection object that can be used for interacting with Cloud Spanner's admin APIs. More...
bool | operator== (KeyBound const &a, KeyBound const &b) |
bool | operator== (KeySet const &a, KeySet const &b) |
template<typename... Ts> |
Key | MakeKey (Ts &&... ts) |
| Constructs a Key from the given arguments. More...
template<typename... Ts> |
KeyBound | MakeKeyBoundClosed (Ts &&... ts) |
| Returns a "closed" KeyBound with a Key constructed from the given arguments. More...
template<typename... Ts> |
KeyBound | MakeKeyBoundOpen (Ts &&... ts) |
| Returns an "open" KeyBound with a Key constructed from the given arguments. More...
template<typename T > |
Value | MakeNullValue () |
| Factory to construct a "null" Value of the specified type T . More...
bool | operator== (Mutation const &lhs, Mutation const &rhs) |
void | PrintTo (Mutation const &m, std::ostream *os) |
template<typename... Ts> |
Mutation | MakeInsertMutation (std::string table_name, std::vector< std::string > columns, Ts &&... values) |
| Creates a simple insert mutation for the values in values . More...
template<typename... Ts> |
Mutation | MakeUpdateMutation (std::string table_name, std::vector< std::string > columns, Ts &&... values) |
| Creates a simple update mutation for the values in values . More...
template<typename... Ts> |
Mutation | MakeInsertOrUpdateMutation (std::string table_name, std::vector< std::string > columns, Ts &&... values) |
| Creates a simple "insert or update" mutation for the values in values . More...
template<typename... Ts> |
Mutation | MakeReplaceMutation (std::string table_name, std::vector< std::string > columns, Ts &&... values) |
| Creates a simple "replace" mutation for the values in values . More...
Mutation | MakeDeleteMutation (std::string table_name, KeySet keys) |
| Creates a simple "delete" mutation for the values in keys . More...
StatusOr< Numeric > | MakeNumeric (std::string s) |
| Construction from a string, in decimal fixed- or floating-point formats. More...
StatusOr< Numeric > | MakeNumeric (double d) |
| Construction from a double. More...
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer, int >::type = 0> |
StatusOr< Numeric > | MakeNumeric (T i, int exponent=0) |
| Construction from an integer i , scaled by 10^exponent . More...
double | ToDouble (Numeric const &n) |
| Conversion to the closest double value, with possible loss of precision. More...
bool | operator== (PartitionOptions const &a, PartitionOptions const &b) |
bool | operator!= (PartitionOptions const &a, PartitionOptions const &b) |
bool | operator== (QueryPartition const &a, QueryPartition const &b) |
StatusOr< std::string > | SerializeQueryPartition (QueryPartition const &query_partition) |
| Serializes an instance of QueryPartition to a string of bytes. More...
StatusOr< QueryPartition > | DeserializeQueryPartition (std::string const &serialized_query_partition) |
| Deserializes the provided string into a QueryPartition . More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Json const &json) |
| Outputs a JSON-formatted string to the provided stream. More...
bool | operator== (ReadOptions const &lhs, ReadOptions const &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (ReadOptions const &lhs, ReadOptions const &rhs) |
StatusOr< std::string > | SerializeReadPartition (ReadPartition const &read_partition) |
| Serializes an instance of ReadPartition to a string of bytes. More...
StatusOr< ReadPartition > | DeserializeReadPartition (std::string const &serialized_read_partition) |
| Deserializes the provided string into a ReadPartition . More...
bool | operator== (ReadPartition const &lhs, ReadPartition const &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (ReadPartition const &lhs, ReadPartition const &rhs) |
Row | MakeTestRow (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, Value >> pairs) |
| Creates a Row with the specified column names and values. More...
template<typename... Ts> |
Row | MakeTestRow (Ts &&... ts) |
| Creates a Row with Value s created from the given arguments and with auto-generated column names. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename RowRange > |
TupleStream< Tuple > | StreamOf (RowRange &&range) |
| A factory that creates a TupleStream<Tuple> by wrapping the given range . More...
template<typename RowRange > |
auto | GetSingularRow (RowRange &&range) -> typename std::decay< decltype(*std::forward< RowRange >(range).begin())>::type |
| Returns the only row from a range that contains exactly one row. More...
bool | operator== (Row const &a, Row const &b) |
bool | operator== (RowStreamIterator const &a, RowStreamIterator const &b) |
bool | operator!= (RowStreamIterator const &a, RowStreamIterator const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, SqlStatement const &stmt) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Timestamp ts) |
bool | operator== (Value const &a, Value const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Value const &v) |
Contains all the Cloud Spanner C++ client types and functions.