Enum MetricType
A metric's value type.
Namespace: Google.Analytics.Data.V1Beta
Assembly: Google.Analytics.Data.V1Beta.dll
public enum MetricType
Name | Description |
TypeCurrency | An amount of money; a special floating point type. |
TypeFeet | A length in feet; a special floating point type. |
TypeFloat | Floating point type. |
TypeHours | A duration in hours; a special floating point type. |
TypeInteger | Integer type. |
TypeKilometers | A length in kilometers; a special floating point type. |
TypeMeters | A length in meters; a special floating point type. |
TypeMiles | A length in miles; a special floating point type. |
TypeMilliseconds | A duration in milliseconds; a special floating point type. |
TypeMinutes | A duration in minutes; a special floating point type. |
TypeSeconds | A duration of seconds; a special floating point type. |
TypeStandard | A custom metric of standard type; a special floating point type. |
Unspecified | Unspecified type. |