Class | Description |
Account |
Account data.
AccountAddress |
Model definition for AccountAddress.
AccountAdsLink |
Model definition for AccountAdsLink.
AccountAutomaticImprovements |
The automatic improvements of the account can be used to automatically update items, improve
images and shipping.
AccountBusinessIdentity |
The [business identity attributes]( can be
used to self-declare attributes that let customers know more about your business.
AccountBusinessInformation |
Model definition for AccountBusinessInformation.
AccountConversionSettings |
Settings for conversion tracking.
AccountCredentials |
Credentials allowing Google to call a partner's API on behalf of a merchant.
AccountCustomerService |
Model definition for AccountCustomerService.
AccountGoogleMyBusinessLink |
Model definition for AccountGoogleMyBusinessLink.
AccountIdentifier |
Model definition for AccountIdentifier.
AccountIdentityType |
The account identity type used to specify attributes.
AccountImageImprovements |
This improvement will attempt to automatically correct submitted images if they don't meet the
[image requirements](, for example, removing
AccountImageImprovementsSettings |
Settings for the Automatic Image Improvements.
AccountIssue |
An issue affecting specific merchant.
AccountIssueImpact |
Overall impact of the issue.
AccountItemUpdates |
Turning on [item updates]( allows Google to
automatically update items for you.
AccountItemUpdatesSettings |
Settings for the Automatic Item Updates.
AccountLabel |
Label assigned by CSS domain or CSS group to one of its sub-accounts.
AccountReturnCarrier |
The return carrier information.
AccountsAuthInfoResponse |
Model definition for AccountsAuthInfoResponse.
AccountsClaimWebsiteResponse |
Model definition for AccountsClaimWebsiteResponse.
AccountsCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for AccountsCustomBatchRequest.
AccountsCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accounts request.
AccountsCustomBatchRequestEntryLinkRequest |
Model definition for AccountsCustomBatchRequestEntryLinkRequest.
AccountsCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for AccountsCustomBatchResponse.
AccountsCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accounts response.
AccountShippingImprovements |
Not available for MCAs [accounts](
AccountsLinkRequest |
Model definition for AccountsLinkRequest.
AccountsLinkResponse |
Model definition for AccountsLinkResponse.
AccountsListLinksResponse |
Model definition for AccountsListLinksResponse.
AccountsListResponse |
Model definition for AccountsListResponse.
AccountStatus |
The status of an account, that is, information about its products, which is computed offline and
not returned immediately at insertion time.
AccountStatusAccountLevelIssue |
Model definition for AccountStatusAccountLevelIssue.
AccountstatusesCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for AccountstatusesCustomBatchRequest.
AccountstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accountstatuses request.
AccountstatusesCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for AccountstatusesCustomBatchResponse.
AccountstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accountstatuses response.
AccountstatusesListResponse |
Model definition for AccountstatusesListResponse.
AccountStatusItemLevelIssue |
Model definition for AccountStatusItemLevelIssue.
AccountStatusProducts |
Model definition for AccountStatusProducts.
AccountStatusStatistics |
Model definition for AccountStatusStatistics.
AccountsUpdateLabelsRequest |
Model definition for AccountsUpdateLabelsRequest.
AccountsUpdateLabelsResponse |
Model definition for AccountsUpdateLabelsResponse.
AccountTax |
The tax settings of a merchant account.
AccounttaxCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for AccounttaxCustomBatchRequest.
AccounttaxCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accounttax request.
AccounttaxCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for AccounttaxCustomBatchResponse.
AccounttaxCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch accounttax response.
AccounttaxListResponse |
Model definition for AccounttaxListResponse.
AccountTaxTaxRule |
Tax calculation rule to apply in a state or province (US only).
AccountUser |
Model definition for AccountUser.
AccountYouTubeChannelLink |
Model definition for AccountYouTubeChannelLink.
Action |
An actionable step that can be executed to solve the issue.
ActionFlow |
Flow that can be selected for an action.
ActionInput |
Input provided by the merchant.
ActionReason |
A single reason why the action is not available.
Address |
Model definition for Address.
AlternateDisputeResolution |
The Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) that may be available to merchants in some regions.
AttributionSettings |
Represents attribution settings for conversion sources receiving pre-attribution data.
AttributionSettingsConversionType |
Message representing a types of conversion events
BestSellers |
Fields related to the [Best sellers
Brand |
Brand fields.
Breakdown |
A detailed impact breakdown for a group of regions where the impact of the issue on different
shopping destinations is the same.
BreakdownRegion |
Region with code and localized name.
BuiltInSimpleAction |
Action that is implemented and performed in (your) third-party application.
BuiltInSimpleActionAdditionalContent |
Long text from external source.
BuiltInUserInputAction |
Action that is implemented and performed in (your) third-party application.
BusinessDayConfig |
Model definition for BusinessDayConfig.
Callout |
An important message that should be highlighted.
CarrierRate |
Model definition for CarrierRate.
CarriersCarrier |
Model definition for CarriersCarrier.
CheckoutSettings |
`CheckoutSettings` for a specific merchant ID.
CloudExportAdditionalProperties |
Product property for the Cloud Retail API.
Collection |
The collection message.
CollectionFeaturedProduct |
The message for FeaturedProduct.
CollectionStatus |
The collectionstatus message.
CollectionStatusDestinationStatus |
Destination status message.
CollectionStatusItemLevelIssue |
Issue associated with the collection.
CompetitiveVisibility |
Fields related to [competitive visibility reports]
ConversionSource |
Represents a conversion source owned by a Merchant account.
Css |
Information about CSS domain.
CustomAttribute |
A message that represents custom attributes.
CutoffTime |
Model definition for CutoffTime.
Datafeed |
Datafeed configuration data.
DatafeedFetchSchedule |
The required fields vary based on the frequency of fetching.
DatafeedFormat |
Model definition for DatafeedFormat.
DatafeedsCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for DatafeedsCustomBatchRequest.
DatafeedsCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch datafeeds request.
DatafeedsCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for DatafeedsCustomBatchResponse.
DatafeedsCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch datafeeds response.
DatafeedsFetchNowResponse |
Model definition for DatafeedsFetchNowResponse.
DatafeedsListResponse |
Model definition for DatafeedsListResponse.
DatafeedStatus |
The status of a datafeed, that is, the result of the last retrieval of the datafeed computed
asynchronously when the feed processing is finished.
DatafeedStatusError |
An error occurring in the feed, like "invalid price".
DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchRequest.
DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch datafeedstatuses request.
DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchResponse.
DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch datafeedstatuses response.
DatafeedstatusesListResponse |
Model definition for DatafeedstatusesListResponse.
DatafeedStatusExample |
An example occurrence for a particular error.
DatafeedTarget |
Model definition for DatafeedTarget.
Date |
Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
DateTime |
Represents civil time (or occasionally physical time).
DeliveryArea |
A delivery area for the product.
DeliveryAreaPostalCodeRange |
A range of postal codes that defines the delivery area.
DeliveryTime |
Model definition for DeliveryTime.
Distance |
Distance represented by an integer and unit.
ECommercePlatformLinkInfo |
Additional information required for E_COMMERCE_PLATFORM link type.
Error |
An error returned by the API.
Errors |
A list of errors returned by a failed batch entry.
ExternalAction |
Action that is implemented and performed outside of the third-party application.
FreeListingsProgramStatus |
Response message for GetFreeListingsProgramStatus.
FreeListingsProgramStatusRegionStatus |
Status of program and region.
FreeListingsProgramStatusReviewIneligibilityReasonDetails |
Additional details for review ineligibility reasons.
FreeShippingThreshold |
Conditions to be met for a product to have free shipping.
GenerateRecommendationsResponse |
Response containing generated recommendations.
GmbAccounts |
Model definition for GmbAccounts.
GmbAccountsGmbAccount |
Model definition for GmbAccountsGmbAccount.
GoogleAnalyticsLink |
"Google Analytics Link" sources can be used to get conversion data from an existing Google
Analytics property into the linked Merchant Center account.
Headers |
A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table.
HolidayCutoff |
Model definition for HolidayCutoff.
HolidaysHoliday |
Model definition for HolidaysHoliday.
InputField |
Input field that needs to be available to the merchant.
InputFieldCheckboxInput |
Checkbox input allows merchants to provide a boolean value.
InputFieldChoiceInput |
Choice input allows merchants to select one of the offered choices.
InputFieldChoiceInputChoiceInputOption |
A choice that merchant can select.
InputFieldTextInput |
Text input allows merchants to provide a text value.
InputValue |
Input provided by the merchant for input field.
InputValueCheckboxInputValue |
Value for checkbox input field.
InputValueChoiceInputValue |
Value for choice input field.
InputValueTextInputValue |
Value for text input field.
InsertCheckoutSettingsRequest |
Request message for the `InsertCheckoutSettings` method.
Installment |
Details of a monthly installment payment offering.
LabelIds |
The IDs of labels that should be assigned to the CSS domain.
LiaAboutPageSettings |
Model definition for LiaAboutPageSettings.
LiaCountrySettings |
Model definition for LiaCountrySettings.
LiaInventorySettings |
Model definition for LiaInventorySettings.
LiaOmnichannelExperience |
Omnichannel experience details.
LiaOnDisplayToOrderSettings |
Model definition for LiaOnDisplayToOrderSettings.
LiaPosDataProvider |
Model definition for LiaPosDataProvider.
LiaSettings |
Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings.
LiasettingsCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for LiasettingsCustomBatchRequest.
LiasettingsCustomBatchRequestEntry |
Model definition for LiasettingsCustomBatchRequestEntry.
LiasettingsCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsCustomBatchResponse.
LiasettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry |
Model definition for LiasettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry.
LiasettingsGetAccessibleGmbAccountsResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsGetAccessibleGmbAccountsResponse.
LiasettingsListPosDataProvidersResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsListPosDataProvidersResponse.
LiasettingsListResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsListResponse.
LiasettingsRequestGmbAccessResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsRequestGmbAccessResponse.
LiasettingsRequestInventoryVerificationResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsRequestInventoryVerificationResponse.
LiasettingsSetInventoryVerificationContactResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsSetInventoryVerificationContactResponse.
LiasettingsSetPosDataProviderResponse |
Model definition for LiasettingsSetPosDataProviderResponse.
LinkedAccount |
Model definition for LinkedAccount.
LinkService |
Model definition for LinkService.
ListAccountLabelsResponse |
Response message for the `ListAccountLabels` method.
ListAccountReturnCarrierResponse |
Response for listing account return carriers.
ListCollectionsResponse |
Response message for the ListCollections method.
ListCollectionStatusesResponse |
Response message for the ListCollectionStatuses method.
ListConversionSourcesResponse |
Response message for the ListConversionSources method.
ListCssesResponse |
The response message for the `ListCsses` method
ListMethodQuotasResponse |
Response message for the ListMethodQuotas method.
ListPromotionResponse |
Response message for Promotions.List method.
ListRegionsResponse |
Response message for the `ListRegions` method.
ListReturnPolicyOnlineResponse |
Response message for the `ListReturnPolicyOnline` method.
LocalInventory |
Local inventory resource.
LocalinventoryCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for LocalinventoryCustomBatchRequest.
LocalinventoryCustomBatchRequestEntry |
Batch entry encoding a single local inventory update request.
LocalinventoryCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for LocalinventoryCustomBatchResponse.
LocalinventoryCustomBatchResponseEntry |
Batch entry encoding a single local inventory update response.
LocationIdSet |
Model definition for LocationIdSet.
LoyaltyProgram |
Allows the setting up of loyalty program benefits (for example price or points).
MerchantCenterDestination |
"Merchant Center Destination" sources can be used to send conversion events from a website using
a Google tag directly to a Merchant Center account where the source is created.
MethodQuota |
The quota information per method in the Content API.
Metrics |
Performance metrics.
MinimumOrderValueTable |
Model definition for MinimumOrderValueTable.
MinimumOrderValueTableStoreCodeSetWithMov |
A list of store code sets sharing the same minimum order value.
OrderTrackingSignal |
Represents a merchant trade from which signals are extracted, e.g.
OrderTrackingSignalLineItemDetails |
The line items of the order.
OrderTrackingSignalShipmentLineItemMapping |
Represents how many items are in the shipment for the given shipment_id and line_item_id.
OrderTrackingSignalShippingInfo |
The shipping information for the order.
PaymentServiceProviderLinkInfo |
Additional information required for PAYMENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER link type.
PickupCarrierService |
Model definition for PickupCarrierService.
PickupServicesPickupService |
Model definition for PickupServicesPickupService.
PosCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for PosCustomBatchRequest.
PosCustomBatchRequestEntry |
Model definition for PosCustomBatchRequestEntry.
PosCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for PosCustomBatchResponse.
PosCustomBatchResponseEntry |
Model definition for PosCustomBatchResponseEntry.
PosDataProviders |
Model definition for PosDataProviders.
PosDataProvidersPosDataProvider |
Model definition for PosDataProvidersPosDataProvider.
PosInventory |
The absolute quantity of an item available at the given store.
PosInventoryRequest |
Model definition for PosInventoryRequest.
PosInventoryResponse |
Model definition for PosInventoryResponse.
PosListResponse |
Model definition for PosListResponse.
PosSale |
The change of the available quantity of an item at the given store.
PosSaleRequest |
Model definition for PosSaleRequest.
PosSaleResponse |
Model definition for PosSaleResponse.
PosStore |
Store resource.
PostalCodeGroup |
Model definition for PostalCodeGroup.
PostalCodeRange |
Model definition for PostalCodeRange.
Price |
Model definition for Price.
PriceAmount |
The price represented as a number and currency.
PriceCompetitiveness |
Price competitiveness fields requested by the merchant in the query.
PriceInsights |
Price insights fields requested by the merchant in the query.
Product |
Required product attributes are primarily defined by the product data specification.
ProductCertification |
Product [certification](, introduced for EU
energy efficiency labeling compliance using the [EU
EPREL]( database.
ProductCluster |
Product cluster fields.
ProductDeliveryTime |
The estimated days to deliver a product after an order is placed.
ProductDeliveryTimeAreaDeliveryTime |
A pairing of `DeliveryArea` associated with a `DeliveryTime` for this product.
ProductDeliveryTimeAreaDeliveryTimeDeliveryTime |
A delivery time for this product.
ProductDimension |
Model definition for ProductDimension.
ProductId |
The Content API ID of the product.
ProductIssue |
An issue affecting specific product.
ProductIssueImpact |
Overall impact of product issue.
ProductProductDetail |
Model definition for ProductProductDetail.
ProductsCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for ProductsCustomBatchRequest.
ProductsCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch products request.
ProductsCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for ProductsCustomBatchResponse.
ProductsCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch products response.
ProductShipping |
Model definition for ProductShipping.
ProductShippingDimension |
Model definition for ProductShippingDimension.
ProductShippingWeight |
Model definition for ProductShippingWeight.
ProductsListResponse |
Model definition for ProductsListResponse.
ProductStatus |
The status of a product, that is, information about a product computed asynchronously.
ProductStatusDestinationStatus |
Model definition for ProductStatusDestinationStatus.
ProductstatusesCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for ProductstatusesCustomBatchRequest.
ProductstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch productstatuses request.
ProductstatusesCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for ProductstatusesCustomBatchResponse.
ProductstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch productstatuses response.
ProductstatusesListResponse |
Model definition for ProductstatusesListResponse.
ProductStatusItemLevelIssue |
Model definition for ProductStatusItemLevelIssue.
ProductStructuredDescription |
Structured description, for algorithmically (AI)-generated descriptions.
ProductStructuredTitle |
Structured title, for algorithmically (AI)-generated titles.
ProductSubscriptionCost |
Model definition for ProductSubscriptionCost.
ProductSustainabilityIncentive |
Information regarding sustainability related incentive programs such as rebates or tax relief.
ProductTax |
Model definition for ProductTax.
ProductUnitPricingBaseMeasure |
Model definition for ProductUnitPricingBaseMeasure.
ProductUnitPricingMeasure |
Model definition for ProductUnitPricingMeasure.
ProductView |
Product fields.
ProductViewItemIssue |
Item issue associated with the product.
ProductViewItemIssueIssueSeverityPerDestination |
Issue severity for all affected regions in a destination.
ProductViewItemIssueItemIssueSeverity |
Severity of an issue per destination in a region, and aggregated severity.
ProductViewItemIssueItemIssueType |
Type of the item issue.
ProductWeight |
Model definition for ProductWeight.
Promotion |
Represents a promotion.
PromotionPromotionStatus |
The status of the promotion.
PromotionPromotionStatusDestinationStatus |
The destination status of the promotion.
PromotionPromotionStatusPromotionIssue |
The issue associated with the promotion.
PubsubNotificationSettings |
Settings for Pub/Sub notifications, all methods require that the caller is a direct user of the
merchant center account.
RateGroup |
Model definition for RateGroup.
Recommendation |
Recommendations are suggested ways to improve your merchant account's performance.
RecommendationCallToAction |
Call to action (CTA) that explains how a merchant can implement this recommendation
RecommendationCreative |
Creative is a multimedia attachment to recommendation that can be used on the frontend.
RecommendationDescription |
Google-provided description for the recommendation.
Region |
Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and
`ShippingSettings` services.
RegionalInventory |
Regional inventory resource.
RegionalinventoryCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for RegionalinventoryCustomBatchRequest.
RegionalinventoryCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch regional inventory request.
RegionalinventoryCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for RegionalinventoryCustomBatchResponse.
RegionalinventoryCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch regional inventory response.
RegionGeoTargetArea |
A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
RegionPostalCodeArea |
A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
RegionPostalCodeAreaPostalCodeRange |
A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
RenderAccountIssuesRequestPayload |
The payload for configuring how the content should be rendered.
RenderAccountIssuesResponse |
Response containing support content and actions for listed account issues.
RenderProductIssuesRequestPayload |
The payload for configuring how the content should be rendered.
RenderProductIssuesResponse |
Response containing support content and actions for listed product issues.
ReportInteractionRequest |
Request to report interactions on a recommendation.
ReportRow |
Result row returned from the search query.
RequestPhoneVerificationRequest |
Request message for the RequestPhoneVerification method.
RequestPhoneVerificationResponse |
Response message for the RequestPhoneVerification method.
RequestReviewFreeListingsRequest |
Request message for the RequestReviewFreeListings Program method.
RequestReviewShoppingAdsRequest |
Request message for the RequestReviewShoppingAds program method.
ReturnAddress |
Return address resource.
ReturnAddressAddress |
Model definition for ReturnAddressAddress.
ReturnaddressCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for ReturnaddressCustomBatchRequest.
ReturnaddressCustomBatchRequestEntry |
Model definition for ReturnaddressCustomBatchRequestEntry.
ReturnaddressCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for ReturnaddressCustomBatchResponse.
ReturnaddressCustomBatchResponseEntry |
Model definition for ReturnaddressCustomBatchResponseEntry.
ReturnaddressListResponse |
Model definition for ReturnaddressListResponse.
ReturnPolicy |
Return policy resource.
ReturnpolicyCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for ReturnpolicyCustomBatchRequest.
ReturnpolicyCustomBatchRequestEntry |
Model definition for ReturnpolicyCustomBatchRequestEntry.
ReturnpolicyCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for ReturnpolicyCustomBatchResponse.
ReturnpolicyCustomBatchResponseEntry |
Model definition for ReturnpolicyCustomBatchResponseEntry.
ReturnpolicyListResponse |
Model definition for ReturnpolicyListResponse.
ReturnPolicyOnline |
Return policy online object.
ReturnPolicyOnlinePolicy |
The available policies.
ReturnPolicyOnlineRestockingFee |
The restocking fee.
ReturnPolicyOnlineReturnReasonCategoryInfo |
The return reason category info wrapper.
ReturnPolicyOnlineReturnShippingFee |
The return shipping fee.
ReturnPolicyPolicy |
Model definition for ReturnPolicyPolicy.
ReturnPolicySeasonalOverride |
Model definition for ReturnPolicySeasonalOverride.
Row |
Model definition for Row.
SearchRequest |
Request message for the ReportService.Search method.
SearchResponse |
Response message for the ReportService.Search method.
Segments |
Dimensions according to which metrics are segmented in the response.
Service |
Model definition for Service.
ServiceStoreConfig |
Stores that provide local delivery.
ServiceStoreConfigCutoffConfig |
Time local delivery ends for the day based on the local timezone of the store.
ServiceStoreConfigCutoffConfigLocalCutoffTime |
Time in hours and minutes in the local timezone when local delivery ends.
ShippingSettings |
The merchant account's shipping settings.
ShippingsettingsCustomBatchRequest |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsCustomBatchRequest.
ShippingsettingsCustomBatchRequestEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch shippingsettings request.
ShippingsettingsCustomBatchResponse |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsCustomBatchResponse.
ShippingsettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry |
A batch entry encoding a single non-batch shipping settings response.
ShippingsettingsGetSupportedCarriersResponse |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsGetSupportedCarriersResponse.
ShippingsettingsGetSupportedHolidaysResponse |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsGetSupportedHolidaysResponse.
ShippingsettingsGetSupportedPickupServicesResponse |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsGetSupportedPickupServicesResponse.
ShippingsettingsListResponse |
Model definition for ShippingsettingsListResponse.
ShoppingAdsProgramStatus |
Response message for GetShoppingAdsProgramStatus.
ShoppingAdsProgramStatusRegionStatus |
Status of program and region.
ShoppingAdsProgramStatusReviewIneligibilityReasonDetails |
Additional details for review ineligibility reasons.
Table |
Model definition for Table.
TextWithTooltip |
Block of text that may contain a tooltip with more information.
TimePeriod |
A message that represents a time period.
TimeZone |
Represents a time zone from the [IANA Time Zone Database](
TopicTrends |
Topic trends fields requested by the merchant in the query.
TransitTable |
Model definition for TransitTable.
TransitTableTransitTimeRow |
Model definition for TransitTableTransitTimeRow.
TransitTableTransitTimeRowTransitTimeValue |
Model definition for TransitTableTransitTimeRowTransitTimeValue.
TriggerActionPayload |
The payload for the triggered action.
TriggerActionResponse |
Response informing about the started action.
UndeleteConversionSourceRequest |
Request message for the UndeleteConversionSource method.
UrlSettings |
Specifications related to the `Checkout` URL.
Value |
The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell.
VerifyPhoneNumberRequest |
Request message for the VerifyPhoneNumber method.
VerifyPhoneNumberResponse |
Response message for the VerifyPhoneNumber method.
Warehouse |
A fulfillment warehouse, which stores and handles inventory.
WarehouseBasedDeliveryTime |
Model definition for WarehouseBasedDeliveryTime.
WarehouseCutoffTime |
Model definition for WarehouseCutoffTime.
Weight |
Model definition for Weight.
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