Class Range<T,R extends Range<T,R>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Filters.QualifierRangeFilter, Filters.TimestampRangeFilter, Filters.ValueRangeFilter, Range.ByteStringRange, Range.TimestampRange

@InternalExtensionOnly public abstract class Range<T,R extends Range<T,R>> extends Object implements Serializable
Range API.

This base class represents the API for all ranges in the Cloud Bigtable client. Please note this mutable type. It's intended to support fluent DSLs.For example:

 // A Range that encloses all strings

 // Range that includes all strings including "begin" up until "end"
 ByteStringRange.unbounded().of("start", "end");

 // Create a Bytestring range with an unbounded start and the inclusive end "end"

 // Ranges are mutable, so take care to clone them to get a new instance
 ByteStringRange r1 = ByteStringRange.of("a", "z");
 ByteStringRange r2 = r1.clone().endUnbounded();
See Also: