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A client to Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API.

See: Description

Package Description

A client to Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API.

The interfaces provided are listed below, along with usage samples.

================ CloudRedisClient ================

Service Description: Configures and manages Cloud Memorystore for Redis instances

Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis v1beta1

The `` service implements the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API and defines the following resource model for managing Redis instances: * The service works with a collection of cloud projects, named: `/projects/*` * Each project has a collection of available locations, named: `/locations/*` * Each location has a collection of Redis instances, named: `/instances/*` * As such, Redis instances are resources of the form: `/projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/instances/{instance_id}`

Note that location_id must be refering to a GCP `region`; for example: * `projects/redpepper-1290/locations/us-central1/instances/my-redis`

Sample for CloudRedisClient:

 try (CloudRedisClient cloudRedisClient = CloudRedisClient.create()) {
   InstanceName name = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[INSTANCE]");
   Instance response = cloudRedisClient.getInstance(name);
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