public static final class AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder> implements AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
The response message for [Participants.AnalyzeContent][].Protobuf type
getAllFields, getField, getFieldBuilder, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getParentForChildren, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldBuilder, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, getUnknownFieldSetBuilder, hasField, hasOneof, internalGetMapField, internalGetMutableMapField, isClean, markClean, mergeUnknownLengthDelimitedField, mergeUnknownVarintField, newBuilderForField, onBuilt, onChanged, parseUnknownField, setUnknownFieldSetBuilder, setUnknownFieldsProto3
findInitializationErrors, getInitializationErrorString, internalMergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException, toString
addAll, addAll, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom
public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clear()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageOrBuilder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse getDefaultInstanceForType()
in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
in interface MessageOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse build()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
public AnalyzeContentResponse buildPartial()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clone()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeFrom(Message other)
in interface Message.Builder
in class AbstractMessage.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeFrom(AnalyzeContentResponse other)
public final boolean isInitialized()
in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws IOException
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class AbstractMessage.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public String getReplyText()
The output text content. This field is set if the automated agent responded with text to show to the user.
string reply_text = 1;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public ByteString getReplyTextBytes()
The output text content. This field is set if the automated agent responded with text to show to the user.
string reply_text = 1;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setReplyText(String value)
The output text content. This field is set if the automated agent responded with text to show to the user.
string reply_text = 1;
- The replyText to set.public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearReplyText()
The output text content. This field is set if the automated agent responded with text to show to the user.
string reply_text = 1;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setReplyTextBytes(ByteString value)
The output text content. This field is set if the automated agent responded with text to show to the user.
string reply_text = 1;
- The bytes for replyText to set.public boolean hasReplyAudio()
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public OutputAudio getReplyAudio()
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setReplyAudio(OutputAudio value)
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setReplyAudio(OutputAudio.Builder builderForValue)
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeReplyAudio(OutputAudio value)
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearReplyAudio()
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
public OutputAudio.Builder getReplyAudioBuilder()
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
public OutputAudioOrBuilder getReplyAudioOrBuilder()
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. This field is set if: - `reply_audio_config` was specified in the request, or - The automated agent responded with audio to play to the user. In such case, `reply_audio.config` contains settings used to synthesize the speech. In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. reply_audio = 2;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public boolean hasAutomatedAgentReply()
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AutomatedAgentReply getAutomatedAgentReply()
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setAutomatedAgentReply(AutomatedAgentReply value)
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setAutomatedAgentReply(AutomatedAgentReply.Builder builderForValue)
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeAutomatedAgentReply(AutomatedAgentReply value)
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearAutomatedAgentReply()
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
public AutomatedAgentReply.Builder getAutomatedAgentReplyBuilder()
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
public AutomatedAgentReplyOrBuilder getAutomatedAgentReplyOrBuilder()
Only set if a Dialogflow automated agent has responded. Note that: [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio][] and [AutomatedAgentReply.detect_intent_response.output_audio_config][] are always empty, use [reply_audio][] instead. automated_agent_reply = 3;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public boolean hasMessage()
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public Message getMessage()
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setMessage(Message value)
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setMessage(Message.Builder builderForValue)
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeMessage(Message value)
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearMessage()
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
public Message.Builder getMessageBuilder()
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
public MessageOrBuilder getMessageOrBuilder()
Message analyzed by CCAI. message = 5;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public List<SuggestionResult> getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsList()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public int getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsCount()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public SuggestionResult getHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResults(SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResults(SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addAllHumanAgentSuggestionResults(Iterable<? extends SuggestionResult> values)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearHumanAgentSuggestionResults()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder removeHumanAgentSuggestionResults(int index)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public SuggestionResult.Builder getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public SuggestionResultOrBuilder getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsOrBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public List<? extends SuggestionResultOrBuilder> getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsOrBuilderList()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public SuggestionResult.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResultsBuilder()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public SuggestionResult.Builder addHumanAgentSuggestionResultsBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public List<SuggestionResult.Builder> getHumanAgentSuggestionResultsBuilderList()
The suggestions for most recent human agent. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.human_agent_suggestion_config][]. Note that any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated human_agent_suggestion_results = 6;
public List<SuggestionResult> getEndUserSuggestionResultsList()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public int getEndUserSuggestionResultsCount()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public SuggestionResult getEndUserSuggestionResults(int index)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setEndUserSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setEndUserSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResults(SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult value)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResults(SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResults(int index, SuggestionResult.Builder builderForValue)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder addAllEndUserSuggestionResults(Iterable<? extends SuggestionResult> values)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearEndUserSuggestionResults()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder removeEndUserSuggestionResults(int index)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public SuggestionResult.Builder getEndUserSuggestionResultsBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public SuggestionResultOrBuilder getEndUserSuggestionResultsOrBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public List<? extends SuggestionResultOrBuilder> getEndUserSuggestionResultsOrBuilderList()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public SuggestionResult.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResultsBuilder()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public SuggestionResult.Builder addEndUserSuggestionResultsBuilder(int index)
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public List<SuggestionResult.Builder> getEndUserSuggestionResultsBuilderList()
The suggestions for end user. The order is the same as [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.SuggestionConfig.feature_configs][] of [HumanAgentAssistantConfig.end_user_suggestion_config][]. Same as human_agent_suggestion_results, any failure of Agent Assist features will not lead to the overall failure of an AnalyzeContent API call. Instead, the features will fail silently with the error field set in the corresponding SuggestionResult.
repeated end_user_suggestion_results = 7;
public boolean hasDtmfParameters()
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public DtmfParameters getDtmfParameters()
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setDtmfParameters(DtmfParameters value)
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setDtmfParameters(DtmfParameters.Builder builderForValue)
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeDtmfParameters(DtmfParameters value)
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
public AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder clearDtmfParameters()
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
public DtmfParameters.Builder getDtmfParametersBuilder()
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
public DtmfParametersOrBuilder getDtmfParametersOrBuilder()
Indicates the parameters of DTMF. dtmf_parameters = 9;
in interface AnalyzeContentResponseOrBuilder
public final AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
public final AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<AnalyzeContentResponse.Builder>
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