public static final class ProductSearchResults.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder> implements ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
Results for a product search request.Protobuf type
getAllFields, getField, getFieldBuilder, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getParentForChildren, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldBuilder, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, getUnknownFieldSetBuilder, hasField, hasOneof, internalGetMapField, internalGetMutableMapField, isClean, markClean, mergeUnknownLengthDelimitedField, mergeUnknownVarintField, newBuilderForField, onBuilt, onChanged, parseUnknownField, setUnknownFieldSetBuilder, setUnknownFieldsProto3
findInitializationErrors, getInitializationErrorString, internalMergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException, toString
addAll, addAll, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom
public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clear()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageOrBuilder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults getDefaultInstanceForType()
in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
in interface MessageOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults build()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
public ProductSearchResults buildPartial()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clone()
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder mergeFrom(Message other)
in interface Message.Builder
in class AbstractMessage.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder mergeFrom(ProductSearchResults other)
public final boolean isInitialized()
in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public ProductSearchResults.Builder mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws IOException
in interface Message.Builder
in interface MessageLite.Builder
in class AbstractMessage.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public boolean hasIndexTime()
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public Timestamp getIndexTime()
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setIndexTime(Timestamp value)
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setIndexTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder mergeIndexTime(Timestamp value)
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clearIndexTime()
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
public Timestamp.Builder getIndexTimeBuilder()
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
public TimestampOrBuilder getIndexTimeOrBuilder()
Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the product set and products removed from the product set after this time are not reflected in the current results.
.google.protobuf.Timestamp index_time = 2;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public List<ProductSearchResults.Result> getResultsList()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public int getResultsCount()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.Result getResults(int index)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.Result value)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder builderForValue)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addResults(ProductSearchResults.Result value)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.Result value)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addResults(ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder builderForValue)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder builderForValue)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addAllResults(Iterable<? extends ProductSearchResults.Result> values)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clearResults()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder removeResults(int index)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder getResultsBuilder(int index)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.ResultOrBuilder getResultsOrBuilder(int index)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public List<? extends ProductSearchResults.ResultOrBuilder> getResultsOrBuilderList()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder addResultsBuilder()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder addResultsBuilder(int index)
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public List<ProductSearchResults.Result.Builder> getResultsBuilderList()
List of results, one for each product match.
repeated results = 5;
public List<ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult> getProductGroupedResultsList()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public int getProductGroupedResultsCount()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult getProductGroupedResults(int index)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setProductGroupedResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult value)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder setProductGroupedResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder builderForValue)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addProductGroupedResults(ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult value)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addProductGroupedResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult value)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addProductGroupedResults(ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder builderForValue)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addProductGroupedResults(int index, ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder builderForValue)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder addAllProductGroupedResults(Iterable<? extends ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult> values)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder clearProductGroupedResults()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.Builder removeProductGroupedResults(int index)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder getProductGroupedResultsBuilder(int index)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.GroupedResultOrBuilder getProductGroupedResultsOrBuilder(int index)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public List<? extends ProductSearchResults.GroupedResultOrBuilder> getProductGroupedResultsOrBuilderList()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
in interface ProductSearchResultsOrBuilder
public ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder addProductGroupedResultsBuilder()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder addProductGroupedResultsBuilder(int index)
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public List<ProductSearchResults.GroupedResult.Builder> getProductGroupedResultsBuilderList()
List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry corresponds to one bounding polygon in the query image, and contains the matching products specific to that region. There may be duplicate product matches in the union of all the per-product results.
repeated product_grouped_results = 6;
public final ProductSearchResults.Builder setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
public final ProductSearchResults.Builder mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
in interface Message.Builder
in class GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ProductSearchResults.Builder>
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