Class ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
SpannerEntityProcessor, SpannerEntityWriter,<Object,>,<Object,MultipleValueBinder>

public class ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor extends Object implements SpannerEntityProcessor
The primary class for writing entity objects to Spanner and creating entity objects from rows stored in Spanner.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor

      public ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor(SpannerMappingContext spannerMappingContext)
    • ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor

      public ConverterAwareMappingSpannerEntityProcessor(SpannerMappingContext spannerMappingContext, Collection<org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter> writeConverters, Collection<org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter> readConverters)
  • Method Details

    • mapToList

      public <T> List<T> mapToList( resultSet, Class<T> entityClass)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Converts a set of Spanner ResultSet into a list of objects.
      Specified by:
      mapToList in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      resultSet - the Spanner results to convert. The ResultSet will be exhausted and closed.
      entityClass - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      a list of objects.
    • mapToList

      public <T> List<T> mapToList( resultSet, Class<T> entityClass, Set<String> includeColumns, boolean allowMissingColumns)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Converts a Spanner ResultSet into a list of objects.
      Specified by:
      mapToList in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      resultSet - the Spanner results to convert. The ResultSet will be exhausted and closed.
      entityClass - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      includeColumns - the Set of columns to read. If this param is null then all columns will be read.
      allowMissingColumns - if true, then properties with no corresponding column are not mapped. If false, then an exception is thrown.
      a list of objects.
    • mapToList

      public <T> List<T> mapToList( resultSet, Class<T> entityClass, String... includeColumns)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Converts a set of Spanner ResultSet into a list of objects.
      Specified by:
      mapToList in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      resultSet - the Spanner results to convert. The ResultSet will be exhausted and closed.
      entityClass - the type of the objects the Spanner results represent.
      includeColumns - the columns to read. If none are provided then all columns are read.
      a list of objects.
    • getCorrespondingSpannerJavaType

      public Class<?> getCorrespondingSpannerJavaType(Class originalType, boolean isIterableInnerType)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Gets the type that will work for both read and writes with Spanner directly.
      Specified by:
      getCorrespondingSpannerJavaType in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      originalType - the original type that is possibly convertable by this converter.
      isIterableInnerType - true if the given type refers to an inner type. This is significant because Spanner does not support the same types as singular items and as array elements.
      the Java type that works directly with Spanner.
    • write

      public void write(Object source, MultipleValueBinder sink)
      Writes each of the source properties to the sink.
      Specified by:
      write in interface<Object,MultipleValueBinder>
      source - entity to be written
      sink - the stateful multiple-value-binder as a target for writing.
    • write

      public void write(Object source, MultipleValueBinder sink, Set<String> includeColumns)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityWriter
      Writes an object's properties to the sink.
      Specified by:
      write in interface SpannerEntityWriter
      source - the object to write
      sink - the sink to which to write
      includeColumns - the properties/columns to write. If null, then all columns are written.
    • convertToKey

      public convertToKey(Object key)
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityWriter
      Convert a given object to a Cloud Spanner key.
      Specified by:
      convertToKey in interface SpannerEntityWriter
      key - the object containing the key values. This can already be a Cloud Spanner key, a single key component, or an array of key components.
      the Cloud Spanner key.
    • getSpannerWriteConverter

      public SpannerWriteConverter getSpannerWriteConverter()
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityWriter
      Get the SpannerWriteConverter used to convert types into Cloud Spanner compatible types.
      Specified by:
      getSpannerWriteConverter in interface SpannerEntityWriter
      a SpannerWriteConverter
    • read

      public <R> R read(Class<R> type, source, Set<String> includeColumns, boolean allowMissingColumns)
    • getWriteConverter

      public SpannerWriteConverter getWriteConverter()
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Get the write converter used by this processor.
      Specified by:
      getWriteConverter in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      the write converter.
    • getReadConverter

      public SpannerReadConverter getReadConverter()
      Description copied from interface: SpannerEntityProcessor
      Get the read converter used by this processor.
      Specified by:
      getReadConverter in interface SpannerEntityProcessor
      the read converter.
    • read

      default <R> R read(Class<R> type, source)
      Specified by:
      read in interface<Object,>