npm history
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- dfareporting: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- backupdr: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (cf90cc5)
- alloydb: update the API (a65f1c6)
- androidmanagement: update the API (5366254)
- androidpublisher: update the API (39227ab)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (4a6bb6a)
- backupdr: update the API (42f5614)
- batch: update the API (3d92a17)
- chat: update the API (24087bb)
- cloudasset: update the API (2f72369)
- cloudkms: update the API (d790478)
- compute: update the API (07afb29)
- connectors: update the API (e313580)
- containeranalysis: update the API (f67b2f1)
- container: update the API (c798230)
- customsearch: update the API (b0db98e)
- dataflow: update the API (1f67690)
- dataplex: update the API (ed2ce18)
- dfareporting: update the API (f690620)
- dialogflow: update the API (7e85135)
- discoveryengine: update the API (a71fc00)
- displayvideo: update the API (64a72df)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (8f190a1)
- firebaseml: update the API (b6ef740)
- gkeonprem: update the API (c344788)
- healthcare: update the API (f267f00)
- looker: update the API (96cf760)
- merchantapi: update the API (f9aa1e5)
- migrationcenter: update the API (1c2cc5f)
- networkmanagement: update the API (3c4d5be)
- networkservices: update the API (08c6b8f)
- notebooks: update the API (80ae519)
- privateca: update the API (1601667)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (f26a373)
- redis: update the API (98cd830)
- regenerate index files (ecd017c)
- run: update the API (008997a)
- searchads360: update the API (44d0e72)
- servicenetworking: update the API (e673e80)
- solar: update the API (36d8685)
- sqladmin: update the API (fe2dacf)
- storage: update the API (cae4993)
- translate: update the API (841a829)
- vmmigration: update the API (614baa2)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (7e5f42a)
- workflows: update the API (467b748)
- workstations: update the API (4b60597)
- youtube: update the API (3d838e7)
Bug Fixes
- analyticsadmin: update the API (90c32f5)
- androidenterprise: update the API (bc97b0e)
- artifactregistry: update the API (3702a0d)
- bigquery: update the API (2aca035)
- chromemanagement: update the API (71a65a8)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (5ed5388)
- cloudtasks: update the API (ab3a2bc)
- cloudtrace: update the API (e6d9ca4)
- datastream: update the API (73a27e5)
- dlp: update the API (52cf151)
- drive: update the API (d1f9ef2)
- gkehub: update the API (75d45d7)
- retail: update the API (2179668)
- secretmanager: update the API (144ba15)
- spanner: update the API (ccac052)
- texttospeech: update the API (c9e1e37)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- ondemandscanning: This release has breaking changes.
- networkservices: This release has breaking changes.
- merchantapi: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseml: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseappdistribution: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- dataplex: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- androidpublisher: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (781656c)
- aiplatform: update the API (871bcdd)
- alloydb: update the API (bad964c)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (87ff45f)
- androidenterprise: update the API (36ecebf)
- androidmanagement: update the API (6be2941)
- androidpublisher: update the API (c2f3397)
- apim: update the API (6255dee)
- appengine: update the API (73ba053)
- artifactregistry: update the API (972cc2a)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (27cae80)
- backupdr: update the API (b615276)
- beyondcorp: update the API (f926c3d)
- bigquerydatapolicy: update the API (9ccae46)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (2bc0468)
- bigquery: update the API (e4d60b1)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (121f40d)
- certificatemanager: update the API (057b9bd)
- cloudasset: update the API (1c506b6)
- cloudbuild: update the API (dc3327a)
- cloudchannel: update the API (2bdaaca)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (27bcf4f)
- clouddeploy: update the API (4ed8aa1)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (533205d)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (ca534ba)
- composer: update the API (ede4837)
- compute: update the API (91e92db)
- connectors: update the API (2a34ce1)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (268ebb1)
- containeranalysis: update the API (0701168)
- container: update the API (932f143)
- content: update the API (b288a2e)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (c77ac78)
- dataform: update the API (388813d)
- datafusion: update the API (8bca4c5)
- datamigration: update the API (7c055eb)
- dataplex: update the API (1ef86c5)
- dialogflow: update the API (f622257)
- discoveryengine: update the API (6915c82)
- displayvideo: update the API (8c45506)
- dlp: update the API (15ef883)
- dns: update the API (6443ce5)
- docs: update the API (0736162)
- documentai: update the API (2564050)
- domains: update the API (173b9c0)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (9476919)
- file: update the API (7366a6c)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (f7e83d0)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (b26b96b)
- firebaseml: update the API (4e23281)
- firestore: update the API (ac3d526)
- games: update the API (3bffea5)
- gkehub: update the API (43b15cf)
- healthcare: update the API (9fc351d)
- iam: update the API (83f9f25)
- logging: update the API (92a6cc5)
- manufacturers: update the API (ce9add6)
- merchantapi: update the API (441cd11)
- metastore: update the API (b99fe0a)
- migrationcenter: update the API (aad0bed)
- monitoring: update the API (8cbfaf6)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (00f2938)
- networkmanagement: update the API (b0bb3c5)
- networksecurity: update the API (238ef95)
- networkservices: update the API (a4725af)
- notebooks: update the API (177b423)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (a99f13a)
- playintegrity: update the API (53b92b7)
- pubsub: update the API (4237ab0)
- realtimebidding: update the API (f257e7d)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (5159cf2)
- redis: update the API (0897dfe)
- regenerate index files (3330ab2)
- retail: update the API (dab474d)
- run: update the API (139a179)
- securitycenter: update the API (6ff4ea6)
- servicecontrol: update the API (8b55b29)
- serviceusage: update the API (1d34029)
- sheets: update the API (056784e)
- spanner: update the API (23ee6cd)
- sqladmin: update the API (e20497e)
- storage: update the API (d42b431)
- sts: update the API (6e5182c)
- tagmanager: update the API (9a00120)
- translate: update the API (a9c6028)
- vault: update the API (8ffa3d0)
- vmmigration: update the API (5eabdc7)
- vmwareengine: update the API (e3a7451)
- walletobjects: update the API (9378da2)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (a436bad)
- workloadmanager: update the API (09ceeaf)
- workstations: update the API (2cabd9e)
Bug Fixes
- acmedns: update the API (aa0bf10)
- addressvalidation: update the API (c24f578)
- admin: update the API (bcfefa5)
- adsenseplatform: update the API (0103455)
- analyticsdata: update the API (baab34e)
- analyticshub: update the API (e9532e0)
- apikeys: update the API (6fd74d0)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (9e69b4c)
- batch: update the API (1ead4f5)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (19900d5)
- calendar: update the API (3193f6b)
- chat: update the API (205a16c)
- chromemanagement: update the API (0680dd2)
- chromepolicy: update the API (2beeb74)
- classroom: update the API (954c1fd)
- cloudkms: update the API (0ad2e1f)
- cloudtrace: update the API (ea38ab2)
- config: update the API (70cf27d)
- css: update the API (05d00ac)
- domainsrdap: update the API (a20aa36)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (c0965f3)
- drive: update the API (23195fa)
- gkebackup: update the API (347d47e)
- keep: update the API (8c0a0be)
- meet: update the API (cfbd697)
- places: update the API (f607d7c)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (be39375)
- pollen: update the API (f387e2b)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (09af98e)
- servicemanagement: update the API (8db81c1)
- servicenetworking: update the API (6065c0d)
- transcoder: update the API (c1833ab)
- workflows: update the API (447c5f3)
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- workstations: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- policysimulator: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- metastore: This release has breaking changes.
- jobs: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseml: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- dfareporting: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- contactcenteraiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- clouddeploy: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (dc57f63)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (62e106a)
- aiplatform: update the API (b376bff)
- alloydb: update the API (b7e93ac)
- androidmanagement: update the API (99de1ae)
- androidpublisher: update the API (a97a9fe)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (ed7eec0)
- batch: update the API (cc2573d)
- beyondcorp: update the API (34648c3)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (de243d6)
- bigquery: update the API (80f27f2)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (e8e193e)
- chat: update the API (183c982)
- civicinfo: update the API (0c4524a)
- classroom: update the API (0830254)
- cloudbuild: update the API (f3b391a)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (207a2ce)
- clouddeploy: update the API (2b0186c)
- cloudidentity: update the API (56888a3)
- cloudkms: update the API (dc5b5f2)
- compute: update the API (d891f41)
- connectors: update the API (d9c65f6)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (939b273)
- containeranalysis: update the API (433e2e8)
- dataform: update the API (396775c)
- datafusion: update the API (eba93e9)
- dataplex: update the API (393e29f)
- dataproc: update the API (a3b46a3)
- datastream: update the API (9d37521)
- dfareporting: update the API (9f7f76d)
- discoveryengine: update the API (08736b6)
- displayvideo: update the API (1ee2703)
- dlp: update the API (8bf3a16)
- dns: update the API (a8a77e7)
- domains: update the API (4572fe3)
- file: update the API (c80852b)
- firebaseml: update the API (2453e53)
- firestore: update the API (2bfb8aa)
- games: update the API (360f01f)
- healthcare: update the API (0ed510f)
- iap: update the API (e0d0bce)
- jobs: update the API (43eff01)
- kmsinventory: update the API (b67b72a)
- memcache: update the API (8207223)
- metastore: update the API (ba9ee0a)
- migrationcenter: update the API (405e4c0)
- monitoring: update the API (801c824)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (99b5af7)
- networkmanagement: update the API (001dc73)
- notebooks: update the API (ae50ea9)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (f9fcce4)
- policysimulator: update the API (b195208)
- pubsub: update the API (904f72d)
- regenerate index files (fceb3f2)
- retail: update the API (09a4398)
- run the generator (#3510) (c16d5c8)
- run the generator (#3511) (957bc85)
- securitycenter: update the API (ff25286)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (b33d34d)
- spanner: update the API (e8db575)
- sqladmin: update the API (f59dfc0)
- storage: update the API (8820658)
- vault: update the API (4688167)
- vmmigration: update the API (d450bd8)
- walletobjects: update the API (4ad37a1)
- workloadmanager: update the API (26a7e73)
- workstations: update the API (9757a61)
Bug Fixes
- add in api name and version to grab apis (0e587eb)
- admin: update the API (ab1c80b)
- airquality: update the API (641c04f)
- androidenterprise: update the API (9aa218d)
- apim: update the API (cba4864)
- artifactregistry: update the API (038c1f6)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (c31033c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (0fff09a)
- cloudasset: update the API (663abb4)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (e7c1bfb)
- content: update the API (ac953c4)
- dialogflow: update the API (a14a072)
- documentai: update the API (539970a)
- fcmdata: update the API (1425415)
- groupssettings: update the API (d591adc)
- iam: update the API (3fbbed4)
- looker: update the API (9c58a00)
- managedidentities: update the API (a70baa7)
- meet: update the API (19d2205)
- merchantapi: update the API (a81ec3c)
- networkservices: update the API (e608c36)
- oslogin: update the API (1a450f6)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (b2ce29f)
- pollen: update the API (a460f9b)
- privateca: update the API (66f4593)
- redis: update the API (7becab5)
- run: update the API (60ffb13)
- servicecontrol: update the API (d92fe63)
- serviceusage: update the API (0b25f87)
- sourcerepo: update the API (839c56f)
- storagetransfer: update the API (c6c298f)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (77e9abf)
- workflows: update the API (a8bfc68)
Bug Fixes
- contactcenterinsights: This release has breaking changes.
- contactcenteraiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: update the API (4a1d591)
- chromemanagement: update the API (c395939)
- cloudsearch: update the API (a153fd8)
- compute: update the API (8071314)
- connectors: update the API (99eb514)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (24d15c3)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (feba7ae)
- dialogflow: update the API (7c43481)
- discoveryengine: update the API (e03a113)
- documentai: update the API (5f15542)
- fcmdata: update the API (093cadc)
- games: update the API (1d0f489)
- iam: update the API (a796571)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (16a4ff8)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (96053d3)
- redis: update the API (bef75f0)
- regenerate index files (5112f2e)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (fdc42e4)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (e928bdf)
- marketingplatformadmin: update the API (dffd6b4)
- osconfig: update the API (30e4778)
- servicemanagement: update the API (2c38426)
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- orgpolicy: This release has breaking changes.
- migrationcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- gmail: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseml: This release has breaking changes.
- dataplex: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudkms: This release has breaking changes.
- backupdr: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: update the API (f8bbfb0)
- alloydb: update the API (74d7df5)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c58f445)
- analyticsdata: update the API (0d709cc)
- androidmanagement: update the API (aebb92a)
- androidpublisher: update the API (7b7a59e)
- artifactregistry: update the API (cc1225e)
- backupdr: update the API (99d7cd3)
- batch: update the API (754dc37)
- beyondcorp: update the API (4776e27)
- chromemanagement: update the API (764b8b4)
- cloudbuild: update the API (d353940)
- clouddeploy: update the API (8ddf976)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (d7df5cf)
- cloudkms: update the API (ea4648c)
- composer: update the API (b973cb8)
- compute: update the API (3b89812)
- connectors: update the API (28688f6)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (3d2ec02)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a7ae38a)
- content: update the API (f36f6e2)
- datamigration: update the API (663287e)
- dataplex: update the API (f65ce61)
- datastream: update the API (b8cc0e6)
- dialogflow: update the API (86ecf3c)
- discoveryengine: update the API (02437ec)
- dlp: update the API (a4218e5)
- drive: update the API (82c1aef)
- fcmdata: update the API (4a1b444)
- file: update the API (59e20b8)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (b27c80a)
- firebaseml: update the API (e0ed8eb)
- firestore: update the API (4cf0ea6)
- gkebackup: update the API (5421e28)
- gkehub: update the API (ca13d15)
- gmail: update the API (68cef12)
- healthcare: update the API (aac166a)
- ids: update the API (a45e553)
- metastore: update the API (c0555e1)
- migrationcenter: update the API (eea5046)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (2346e1a)
- networkmanagement: update the API (15751e2)
- networksecurity: update the API (710dd33)
- networkservices: update the API (865f8da)
- orgpolicy: update the API (5711ec6)
- osconfig: update the API (c4a42e8)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (4cfbdc1)
- places: update the API (ee15b8c)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (1f91904)
- redis: update the API (4a3fbc5)
- regenerate index files (0e9f93a)
- run: update the API (ee8a219)
- securitycenter: update the API (44291b7)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (60dcea6)
- spanner: update the API (b36ab02)
- sqladmin: update the API (7ba611c)
- storage: update the API (fd1ec98)
- tasks: update the API (a493ffb)
- versionhistory: update the API (64d9c06)
- walletobjects: update the API (9beb4ac)
- webfonts: update the API (a4bfeb4)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (95cf4a7)
- workflows: update the API (8975d1e)
- workstations: update the API (cbba066)
- youtube: update the API (2860943)
Bug Fixes
- admob: update the API (48eced2)
- adsense: update the API (6ee2a91)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (a9db9c5)
- bigquery: update the API (bb98a47)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (fdbccf7)
- calendar: update the API (d81ae21)
- chat: update the API (ed0f102)
- cloudbilling: update the API (84c9409)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (926643b)
- developerconnect: update the API (b6eb3e0)
- displayvideo: update the API (0c441a6)
- domains: update the API (e24433d)
- eventarc: update the API (a138181)
- fcm: update the API (bd19c99)
- iam: update the API (9e3fd89)
- iap: update the API (0fe384d)
- marketingplatformadmin: update the API (e38347f)
- monitoring: update the API (e515965)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (b75ecf2)
- retail: update the API (e3f9c59)
- sasportal: update the API (ec31b98)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d4fb56f)
- sheets: update the API (f4ea2dc)
- sourcerepo: update the API (1ac4bf6)
- storagetransfer: update the API (c05c5d8)
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- networkmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- migrationcenter: update the API (75aec49)
- safebrowsing: update the API (b11bfcb)
- sts: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (9307046)
- aiplatform: update the API (925c9eb)
- artifactregistry: update the API (2c2b2f8)
- beyondcorp: update the API (739d6c2)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (423100f)
- cloudkms: update the API (b6b24c6)
- compute: update the API (0ef7bad)
- config: update the API (4e10242)
- dataform: update the API (8f3478b)
- discoveryengine: update the API (32bea90)
- documentai: update the API (7fa01b6)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (a82f599)
- firebaseml: update the API (2f8891d)
- gkehub: update the API (70f9e09)
- monitoring: update the API (e3d8b22)
- regenerate index files (fae0ca1)
- retail: update the API (86a26cb)
- run: update the API (df2306a)
- servicecontrol: update the API (a366d52)
- servicemanagement: update the API (9c2242b)
- spanner: update the API (e7a0d9a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (5a509c1)
- sts: update the API (9f4b7de)
- youtube: update the API (f596fa7)
Bug Fixes
- calendar: update the API (2510e81)
- dlp: update the API (38e8e22)
- logging: update the API (0492f02)
- recommender: update the API (d6be70f)
- safebrowsing: update the API (1cd8913)
- sqladmin: update the API (975e692)
- workloadmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- securitycenter: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- networkmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- dataportability: This release has breaking changes.
- dataplex: This release has breaking changes.
- dataform: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (88f6ef5)
- admin: update the API (b6fff85)
- adsense: update the API (5349cf9)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (9c37105)
- aiplatform: update the API (56cde03)
- alertcenter: update the API (10d8698)
- alloydb: update the API (51ad37e)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (8b4c314)
- analyticshub: update the API (d06ce46)
- androidmanagement: update the API (bb2dc2d)
- androidpublisher: update the API (f58a3c8)
- appengine: update the API (543b45e)
- apphub: update the API (e9a8db0)
- artifactregistry: update the API (5a5e4aa)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (351c7ed)
- backupdr: update the API (9796834)
- beyondcorp: update the API (7f20c02)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (0e56135)
- bigquery: update the API (72b5d21)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (ad68d8c)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (7f0503c)
- chat: update the API (0810516)
- cloudasset: update the API (4eb45be)
- cloudbuild: update the API (d20db7b)
- clouddeploy: update the API (cd5014b)
- cloudsupport: update the API (ceb5503)
- compute: update the API (f84e98a)
- connectors: update the API (478d8c6)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (862d69b)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (c1974c4)
- container: update the API (8cd9863)
- content: update the API (76546b8)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (aa28685)
- dataflow: update the API (ddd9231)
- dataform: update the API (a43ddce)
- datamigration: update the API (f0e692d)
- dataplex: update the API (20e701c)
- dataportability: update the API (50c5d63)
- datastream: update the API (57a62ef)
- dialogflow: update the API (ddfc789)
- discoveryengine: update the API (ec40fe5)
- discovery: update the API (8d42dab)
- displayvideo: update the API (90937cd)
- dlp: update the API (88f0a64)
- dns: update the API (4688a5e)
- documentai: update the API (b07b1aa)
- domains: update the API (d34c2a0)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (0e6990d)
- eventarc: update the API (0c28816)
- factchecktools: update the API (bd8d187)
- firestore: update the API (6d67fed)
- games: update the API (99d63c1)
- gkebackup: update the API (e90fb98)
- gkehub: update the API (d4c3244)
- gmail: update the API (a4d9319)
- iam: update the API (2e9117f)
- iap: update the API (db72cb3)
- logging: update the API (4317a72)
- marketingplatformadmin: update the API (ff87055)
- metastore: update the API (57b1763)
- migrationcenter: update the API (3f91b3a)
- monitoring: update the API (b601933)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (bb6e8ff)
- networkmanagement: update the API (3c9d201)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (9efea7e)
- orgpolicy: update the API (9abcb3a)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (5c6228e)
- privateca: update the API (c8bed74)
- pubsub: update the API (985ba9b)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (cd6af58)
- redis: update the API (2896261)
- regenerate index files (7cbd403)
- retail: update the API (5c3af10)
- run: update the API (4adbdec)
- searchads360: update the API (03ca122)
- securitycenter: update the API (8b08aa2)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (8878e94)
- servicecontrol: update the API (763243a)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d481dce)
- serviceusage: update the API (41b76ee)
- sheets: update the API (74b2d05)
- spanner: update the API (2d2e0f6)
- sqladmin: update the API (7cc6d5e)
- tpu: update the API (d6658ff)
- trafficdirector: update the API (69f9252)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (33544fc)
- workloadmanager: update the API (855fab4)
- workstations: update the API (867515f)
- youtube: update the API (7452149)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (dfd4aa1)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (9b0387c)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (413c833)
- acmedns: update the API (4199c73)
- addressvalidation: update the API (3c51f3f)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (ec9384a)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (8932647)
- admob: update the API (7b699f5)
- adsensehost: update the API (e4373ed)
- analyticsdata: update the API (9c8dcf8)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (4b2a5bd)
- analytics: update the API (f7f9cc4)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (47d89cd)
- androidenterprise: update the API (293c247)
- apigateway: update the API (7d02f2d)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (f627870)
- apikeys: update the API (f2ab501)
- area120tables: update the API (ba9d3e6)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (3dc3798)
- batch: update the API (10727a4)
- biglake: update the API (ebfd8c6)
- bigquerydatapolicy: update the API (4871975)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (05b9fc8)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (9f226a3)
- billingbudgets: update the API (1190847)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (a5ad874)
- blogger: update the API (285aa94)
- books: update the API (b95f9af)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (92abfea)
- calendar: update the API (a040e6d)
- certificatemanager: update the API (32dd53e)
- checks: update the API (37cb793)
- chromemanagement: update the API (2a9f611)
- chromepolicy: update the API (5f2b01b)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (c7af220)
- civicinfo: update the API (74c8d7b)
- classroom: update the API (2183745)
- cloudbilling: update the API (f8baaac)
- cloudchannel: update the API (a65c068)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (5a7437b)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (4c557f5)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (fc21faf)
- cloudidentity: update the API (3d288c6)
- cloudkms: update the API (93e0687)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (d11e9e4)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (76f0f51)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (94305b7)
- cloudsearch: update the API (e6de73d)
- cloudshell: update the API (f399b75)
- cloudtasks: update the API (31dbbe2)
- cloudtrace: update the API (212d697)
- composer: update the API (75304a0)
- config: update the API (07be765)
- containeranalysis: update the API (90afb7b)
- customsearch: update the API (dc6b156)
- datacatalog: update the API (64c1abc)
- datafusion: update the API (6aff1d8)
- datalabeling: update the API (797471f)
- datapipelines: update the API (e108596)
- dataproc: update the API (abbcb61)
- datastore: update the API (fe99c43)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (87fda2a)
- dfareporting: update the API (4cec666)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (abe8c25)
- docs: update the API (5c28cc5)
- domainsrdap: update the API (f3678df)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (f6e9c9a)
- driveactivity: update the API (63563b6)
- drivelabels: update the API (44db39e)
- drive: update the API (5f88b3e)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (6bc249f)
- fcmdata: update the API (da072ae)
- fcm: update the API (c2043ed)
- file: update the API (4bbf0b9)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (851d463)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (96163b7)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (3d96170)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (1122f63)
- firebasehosting: update the API (6abce84)
- firebaseml: update the API (eef0dfe)
- firebaserules: update the API (d02b49c)
- firebasestorage: update the API (b303956)
- firebase: update the API (38f0247)
- fitness: update the API (bd72df1)
- forms: update the API (e06cd96)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (b26b164)
- gamesManagement: update the API (c056dbb)
- gkeonprem: update the API (50b340a)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (2d1dd45)
- groupsmigration: update the API (2d5dfc8)
- groupssettings: update the API (81f7c45)
- healthcare: update the API (4dcb153)
- homegraph: update the API (709f585)
- iamcredentials: update the API (0610412)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (99534fb)
- ids: update the API (5ad0d0b)
- indexing: update the API (3c4e15a)
- jobs: update the API (7687e7b)
- kgsearch: update the API (5a54be2)
- kmsinventory: update the API (3ac181b)
- language: update the API (91caf34)
- libraryagent: update the API (50b72ef)
- licensing: update the API (b6f27e9)
- lifesciences: update the API (fcc9aae)
- localservices: update the API (ca0c8d7)
- looker: update the API (0c067fa)
- managedidentities: update the API (1f430c5)
- manufacturers: update the API (d55ac4f)
- memcache: update the API (39c011c)
- ml: update the API (bf42196)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (ce386e4)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (cdaeb3b)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (34eda38)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (ae38037)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (c9f5ea0)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (9d43c1e)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (60bdbd2)
- networksecurity: update the API (b4ab725)
- networkservices: update the API (0cf9456)
- notebooks: update the API (71b9980)
- oauth2: update the API (db72d5d)
- osconfig: update the API (fc51160)
- oslogin: update the API (d814cb9)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (ea4b6e3)
- people: update the API (d2f704e)
- places: update the API (7dd5993)
- playcustomapp: update the API (301c3ad)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (7e73906)
- playgrouping: update the API (9753005)
- playintegrity: update the API (78dfca2)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (703ab7b)
- policysimulator: update the API (4a7be29)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (a556194)
- poly: update the API (12d5e41)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (5dfac38)
- publicca: update the API (e7906c5)
- pubsublite: update the API (f06ab43)
- rapidmigrationassessment: update the API (3fe4f53)
- readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking: update the API (c2996fa)
- realtimebidding: update the API (e05daef)
- recommendationengine: update the API (7b4553c)
- recommender: update the API (827d7fc)
- reseller: update the API (3b0d62c)
- resourcesettings: update the API (b499612)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (f4f60c4)
- safebrowsing: update the API (ec3ca1a)
- sasportal: update the API (a6a96bc)
- script: update the API (582352f)
- searchconsole: update the API (25ad1ff)
- secretmanager: update the API (0d6d936)
- servicedirectory: update the API (a550687)
- servicemanagement: update the API (74cb0a2)
- siteVerification: update the API (a0d8969)
- slides: update the API (3e4be4b)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (6ec4bd9)
- solar: update the API (4377037)
- sourcerepo: update the API (0889507)
- speech: update the API (504c8d0)
- storagetransfer: update the API (aee9c44)
- storage: update the API (cd03772)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (3a0401c)
- sts: update the API (bce176a)
- tagmanager: update the API (594c354)
- tasks: update the API (4203139)
- testing: update the API (5d373cc)
- texttospeech: update the API (366a3fc)
- toolresults: update the API (ad28679)
- transcoder: update the API (1799ca0)
- translate: update the API (6ef599c)
- travelimpactmodel: update the API (be498cd)
- vault: update the API (cb9bc44)
- versionhistory: update the API (0e4d78e)
- videointelligence: update the API (8139c6a)
- vision: update the API (c6585c7)
- vmmigration: update the API (2664ee2)
- vmwareengine: update the API (fcdd0d9)
- vpcaccess: update the API (fe1b7f5)
- walletobjects: update the API (58fe19c)
- webfonts: update the API (bd5115d)
- webrisk: update the API (e227c8e)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (3e1d63b)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (3329041)
- workflows: update the API (b75aa48)
- workspaceevents: update the API (78acf6b)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (5fdf519)
- youtubereporting: update the API (87c5dcc)
- add API version to request (b0fe3c6)
- This release has breaking changes.
- storagetransfer: This release has breaking changes.
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- looker: This release has breaking changes.
- logging: This release has breaking changes.
- language: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- dataform: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (939730c)
- aiplatform: update the API (bee5953)
- alloydb: update the API (811596d)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (6a12917)
- analyticshub: update the API (620e881)
- appengine: update the API (363be51)
- apphub: update the API (6acbca7)
- artifactregistry: update the API (f660310)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (ce3b9d9)
- beyondcorp: update the API (7912c1c)
- bigquery: update the API (bb0336c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (2ffb49d)
- chat: update the API (2ac1b12)
- chromemanagement: update the API (131c12a)
- cloudbilling: update the API (b7cf2f0)
- cloudbuild: update the API (5ed8cc6)
- clouddeploy: update the API (7537bf0)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (d94398d)
- cloudidentity: update the API (ba88c53)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (de01fce)
- composer: update the API (0893491)
- compute: update the API (65016d0)
- connectors: update the API (d81f31d)
- containeranalysis: update the API (26dd897)
- container: update the API (0642926)
- content: update the API (6a26ecc)
- dataform: update the API (ad1b4a6)
- dataplex: update the API (14a6f0e)
- dataportability: update the API (28a4af4)
- dialogflow: update the API (3d7fb88)
- discoveryengine: update the API (e5ab8e6)
- dlp: update the API (37c56f8)
- dns: update the API (ab06b13)
- file: update the API (ff74297)
- gkehub: update the API (105445d)
- language: update the API (1972ea6)
- logging: update the API (2df1a80)
- looker: update the API (36a47c8)
- metastore: update the API (805d5a3)
- networkmanagement: update the API (c98987c)
- networksecurity: update the API (4187916)
- places: update the API (6eba24a)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (49b07d6)
- redis: update the API (5163287)
- regenerate index files (ce9aead)
- retail: update the API (bf50f07)
- run the generator (#3456) (a865e81)
- run: update the API (7c08e19)
- secretmanager: update the API (a9269af)
- serviceusage: update the API (b9c0c7c)
- slides: update the API (2f1749c)
- spanner: update the API (420bebb)
- sqladmin: update the API (f17c99a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (e2ad916)
- storage: update the API (7c5e1b3)
- tasks: update the API (0ea6252)
- workloadmanager: update the API (d8ded70)
- workstations: update the API (e26e7bc)
- youtube: update the API (b0cfa8e)
Bug Fixes
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (f3a175e)
- cloudsupport: update the API (ae1260a)
- cloudtasks: update the API (aeed97f)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (318ae1a)
- dataproc: update the API (25dc88c)
- displayvideo: update the API (0a0acce)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (d0ec267)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (cc3dda9)
- firestore: update the API (1e04a1a)
- gkeonprem: update the API (1da4ff6)
- iamcredentials: update the API (0970e64)
- marketingplatformadmin: update the API (0fd37f9)
- migrationcenter: update the API (dceb089)
- monitoring: update the API (98f0bb0)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (069adea)
- networkservices: update the API (6354932)
- notebooks: update the API (4793392)
- pubsub: update the API (3422f11)
- walletobjects: update the API (fb7c2ce)
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (05c5eb7)
- change packageJson sideEffects to boolean (#3435) (e9aabeb), closes #3428
- cloudidentity: update the API (f35c89f)
- cloudtasks: update the API (1415619)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (55a5a31)
- notebooks: update the API (c0cafa8)
- walletobjects: This release has breaking changes.
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- gkeonprem: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- datastore: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: update the API (33b061d)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (1a70202)
- cloudbuild: update the API (b6dd51c)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (810608a)
- compute: update the API (e40a7e7)
- datastore: update the API (a1aed54)
- dfareporting: update the API (75e5da7)
- discoveryengine: update the API (64f2232)
- firestore: update the API (f9334eb)
- gkeonprem: update the API (5ee6ff1)
- healthcare: update the API (901e2cc)
- networkmanagement: update the API (5e03b81)
- networksecurity: update the API (5aa936f)
- regenerate index files (fcb3574)
- retail: update the API (4140165)
- run: update the API (10c815f)
- sasportal: update the API (db1e629)
- securitycenter: update the API (9d85876)
- spanner: update the API (b648ca3)
- storage: update the API (170e77b)
- tpu: update the API (b8f2e27)
- transcoder: update the API (f32737d)
- walletobjects: update the API (675ee54)
- workloadmanager: update the API (d0ec5c2)
- workstations: update the API (a4c4be0)
Bug Fixes
- backupdr: update the API (bd59c17)
- batch: update the API (e36b7d9)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (312541e)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (60e6665)
- dataform: update the API (dec07de)
- datamigration: update the API (059747e)
- dataplex: update the API (ad3a394)
- dlp: update the API (81466f2)
- domains: update the API (c13b48f)
- monitoring: update the API (34714a3)
- networkservices: update the API (7a5dbfc)
- notebooks: update the API (f0122fe)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (9160807)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (379b164)
- privateca: update the API (5b49543)
- sts: update the API (cf2b371)
- vmwareengine: update the API (9fa40ca)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (33809c3)
- vmwareengine: This release has breaking changes.
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- script: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- blockchainnodeengine: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: update the API (cba6496)
- alertcenter: update the API (4149165)
- alloydb: update the API (46e2226)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (88bd2db)
- androidmanagement: update the API (80c827b)
- androidpublisher: update the API (990f7dc)
- apphub: update the API (93e48d3)
- artifactregistry: update the API (19c744c)
- batch: update the API (afcbf80)
- bigquery: update the API (489bf2f)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (05611d8)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (ec5ff13)
- calendar: update the API (70b4f02)
- chat: update the API (9025eed)
- chromepolicy: update the API (57109aa)
- cloudasset: update the API (c1e4ab0)
- clouddeploy: update the API (862139c)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (608ff76)
- cloudidentity: update the API (1217ce4)
- cloudsupport: update the API (663b770)
- composer: update the API (e4d1687)
- compute: update the API (014e200)
- connectors: update the API (102625b)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (076984f)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (c4aa133)
- container: update the API (ac3a11c)
- dataflow: update the API (83ba2b6)
- dataform: update the API (ba04837)
- datastore: update the API (8287f11)
- datastream: update the API (a5d1c9c)
- dialogflow: update the API (e8db16f)
- discoveryengine: update the API (ce0ec76)
- displayvideo: update the API (d50a81a)
- dlp: update the API (c32baf0)
- documentai: update the API (24d2893)
- drive: update the API (3862e92)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (34aea86)
- firestore: update the API (ccbb1f0)
- gkehub: update the API (c7e634b)
- healthcare: update the API (f968248)
- logging: update the API (ce04723)
- migrationcenter: update the API (d374bff)
- networkmanagement: update the API (48d5fd8)
- notebooks: update the API (f0fd05d)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (78e1410)
- policysimulator: update the API (499a27d)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (869d102)
- pubsub: update the API (a84da31)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (abe83f6)
- recommender: update the API (0879e9a)
- regenerate index files (d69ca14)
- retail: update the API (a681493)
- sasportal: update the API (c979d58)
- script: update the API (1c78889)
- secretmanager: update the API (74282ab)
- securitycenter: update the API (1f28c20)
- spanner: update the API (7c371a3)
- speech: update the API (d77180a)
- sqladmin: update the API (a80b25a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (43173f6)
- storage: update the API (5bc62e5)
- texttospeech: update the API (1464272)
- tpu: update the API (02ec90d)
- vmwareengine: update the API (8f0ad46)
- walletobjects: update the API (47a7c9a)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (22dabc5)
- workloadmanager: update the API (a399523)
- workstations: update the API (5d55518)
- youtube: update the API (dc515e2)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (aa12f37)
- analyticsdata: update the API (5847c48)
- analyticshub: update the API (7df077f)
- apigateway: update the API (6bb703f)
- beyondcorp: update the API (4cd4b2c)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (9a7ce77)
- bigquerydatapolicy: update the API (7b84678)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (e242588)
- cloudbilling: update the API (576eded)
- cloudbuild: update the API (7c89f36)
- cloudchannel: update the API (6dbfcbe)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (effed14)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (c2fba36)
- cloudtasks: update the API (4099041)
- containeranalysis: update the API (478d5c9)
- content: update the API (6715e9e)
- datacatalog: update the API (6f7a6cc)
- datafusion: update the API (5d11c89)
- datamigration: update the API (d4a6afd)
- dataplex: update the API (2ed8677)
- dataportability: update the API (f7f9bae)
- dataproc: update the API (d983519)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (3a175ff)
- dns: update the API (fde40df)
- domains: update the API (3ab647b)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (22efec1)
- eventarc: update the API (da2e5a6)
- gkebackup: update the API (55025a0)
- iam: update the API (c67391f)
- iap: update the API (8bcea17)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (9b113bd)
- looker: update the API (f9609d8)
- managedidentities: update the API (8136966)
- memcache: update the API (7c5efc3)
- metastore: update the API (b720258)
- ml: update the API (5fb7d7c)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (9cc489f)
- networksecurity: update the API (d16ebd1)
- networkservices: update the API (e97d268)
- osconfig: update the API (aaaf733)
- places: update the API (14129bb)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (820160f)
- privateca: update the API (5b06ea2)
- redis: update the API (1b34fef)
- run: update the API (d6e4c9e)
- servicedirectory: update the API (f3bec00)
- servicemanagement: update the API (01229e3)
- sourcerepo: update the API (3dad20b)
- sts: update the API (b0d4b75)
- translate: update the API (dd89550)
- vmmigration: update the API (5ae80ff)
- workflows: update the API (57e6cd8)
- workspaceevents: update the API (ef0420c)
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- playintegrity: This release has breaking changes.
- chromepolicy: update the API (8429e3c)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (6d52abb)
- customsearch: update the API (1169e4c)
- dialogflow: update the API (4b1e073)
- displayvideo: update the API (45b61b5)
- oslogin: update the API (cfc90e7)
- playintegrity: update the API (767af5f)
- regenerate index files (4246fd1)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (a68206a)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (845c716)
- admin: update the API (4664d6b)
- backupdr: update the API (19b0192)
- calendar: update the API (0ca9bbc)
- cloudbuild: update the API (31158a2)
- cloudidentity: update the API (22610b3)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (2c5cbc4)
- cloudtrace: update the API (2a811d5)
- iap: update the API (ec596c1)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (7181840)
- servicenetworking: update the API (50c7dbd)
- spanner: update the API (0e40d67)
- networksecurity: This release has breaking changes.
- metastore: This release has breaking changes.
- gmail: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- drivelabels: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- batch: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- advisorynotifications: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (26d496e)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (31c0066)
- admin: update the API (79ce913)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (0f44091)
- aiplatform: update the API (66739ce)
- alloydb: update the API (590f835)
- analyticsdata: update the API (25d0b67)
- analyticshub: update the API (8279edf)
- androidpublisher: update the API (c6d69a0)
- artifactregistry: update the API (6fda22c)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (41debeb)
- backupdr: update the API (1018945)
- batch: update the API (9ef21e0)
- bigquery: update the API (f1deeab)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (07ac2e7)
- chat: update the API (88428f0)
- checks: update the API (2d78a72)
- cloudbilling: update the API (857a51e)
- cloudbuild: update the API (ddf4c10)
- cloudchannel: update the API (aecac6b)
- clouddeploy: update the API (62d7fd6)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (c5aae9a)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (2933bff)
- cloudsupport: update the API (feb88b5)
- composer: update the API (53b83d6)
- compute: update the API (ffbf00b)
- connectors: update the API (f433bd6)
- container: update the API (cac432f)
- content: update the API (c0dd4c0)
- datacatalog: update the API (a939d7e)
- dataflow: update the API (9721cda)
- dataform: update the API (d2bfeab)
- datafusion: update the API (413c94e)
- dataplex: update the API (8da4b12)
- dataproc: update the API (5a60626)
- dialogflow: update the API (8829da4)
- discoveryengine: update the API (567c02d)
- dlp: update the API (7cbdc6a)
- dns: update the API (f783244)
- documentai: update the API (01cc7b5)
- drivelabels: update the API (50a1b75)
- drive: update the API (c07f193)
- file: update the API (324d0f6)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (c8fb050)
- firebaserules: update the API (2a44570)
- gkehub: update the API (044e086)
- gkeonprem: update the API (6c9398e)
- gmail: update the API (c7698bd)
- healthcare: update the API (d34ee61)
- metastore: update the API (6887f67)
- migrationcenter: update the API (e890439)
- monitoring: update the API (738848d)
- networkmanagement: update the API (d8a3556)
- networksecurity: update the API (166232f)
- networkservices: update the API (076de17)
- notebooks: update the API (a08d104)
- orgpolicy: update the API (5c8f8c7)
- oslogin: update the API (f1475c5)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (d79cf5a)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (6ef5718)
- policysimulator: update the API (58e6545)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (99b92fe)
- pubsub: update the API (f17fac3)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (7952baa)
- recommender: update the API (76b9501)
- redis: update the API (fd4636b)
- regenerate index files (33f2d78)
- retail: update the API (0aa095b)
- run: update the API (48a19bf)
- sasportal: update the API (2459cce)
- script: update the API (0520e5e)
- securitycenter: update the API (74c634a)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (0552119)
- servicemanagement: update the API (429940b)
- servicenetworking: update the API (42a1422)
- serviceusage: update the API (c2ad070)
- storage: update the API (c0609c9)
- translate: update the API (77a0522)
- vault: update the API (db163fd)
- vision: update the API (77a0a91)
- vpcaccess: update the API (8db5275)
- workloadmanager: update the API (4c49597)
- workstations: update the API (174cd20)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (227915d)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (b858170)
- androidmanagement: update the API (35f8862)
- apphub: update the API (e5a7c92)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (7f20317)
- calendar: update the API (e6ba462)
- chromepolicy: update the API (a5a5351)
- classroom: update the API (9d2ed12)
- cloudasset: update the API (20a91d5)
- cloudidentity: update the API (5155e11)
- cloudkms: update the API (90bab2c)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (2c7b902)
- cloudtasks: update the API (a8d66db)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (828c5d3)
- datamigration: update the API (56a65a8)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (b48abef)
- displayvideo: update the API (299cf97)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (b102fcc)
- gkebackup: update the API (30ca612)
- iam: update the API (4e12124)
- iap: update the API (65c644e)
- language: update the API (77252e1)
- logging: update the API (1b4dc67)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (5e4c0fe)
- places: update the API (6bbdf72)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (ad18f3b)
- privateca: update the API (b230959)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (0dfe961)
- secretmanager: update the API (a202268)
- servicedirectory: update the API (ddc06a2)
- sourcerepo: update the API (1965102)
- spanner: update the API (ce99980)
- sqladmin: update the API (de59e8d)
- storagetransfer: update the API (d6081de)
- videointelligence: update the API (9d377f5)
- vmmigration: update the API (68a1d5f)
- walletobjects: update the API (920ddc7)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (6553987)
- testing: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- playintegrity: This release has breaking changes.
- places: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinesslodging: This release has breaking changes.
- identitytoolkit: This release has breaking changes.
- gkeonprem: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- datastream: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (6707adf)
- admin: update the API (c484af2)
- admob: update the API (85a30b8)
- aiplatform: update the API (e8bc0fc)
- alloydb: update the API (9d9e14d)
- alloydb: update the API (64fe305)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (134dc22)
- analyticsdata: update the API (a4be20b)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (d6c01fb)
- androidpublisher: update the API (c553ef1)
- appengine: update the API (8308a3e)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (8596cf4)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (307e972)
- backupdr: update the API (93d43c1)
- batch: update the API (049653c)
- beyondcorp: update the API (041e014)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (2689b8b)
- billingbudgets: update the API (a83496f)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (58c2f27)
- calendar: update the API (1678bfc)
- chromemanagement: update the API (1414b5c)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (7516e23)
- cloudbilling: update the API (f90c297)
- cloudbuild: update the API (547e115)
- cloudbuild: update the API (b537726)
- clouddeploy: update the API (8523b8e)
- clouddeploy: update the API (08c66db)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (7b11fee)
- cloudtasks: update the API (fa52790)
- compute: update the API (ff34fa6)
- compute: update the API (dcaa0c0)
- connectors: update the API (863f64f)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (8a9ad40)
- container: update the API (4ea00b4)
- content: update the API (9330380)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (0f7b040)
- dataflow: update the API (2f7ff38)
- dataform: update the API (4af6170)
- datafusion: update the API (409ff96)
- datamigration: update the API (c590116)
- dataplex: update the API (e44128d)
- dataproc: update the API (9ab8a14)
- datastream: update the API (79e2484)
- dialogflow: update the API (4c4d968)
- dialogflow: update the API (5ad2704)
- discoveryengine: update the API (914320d)
- displayvideo: update the API (d57965b)
- dlp: update the API (029d391)
- documentai: update the API (26935fe)
- domains: update the API (057bd85)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (0e42b21)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (4c400b6)
- firestore: update the API (1068dd8)
- gkehub: update the API (473e4e0)
- gkeonprem: update the API (f47bbad)
- gmail: update the API (1fe47cf)
- healthcare: update the API (1abe817)
- iam: update the API (39e347f)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (4ee26fb)
- logging: update the API (7df359a)
- manufacturers: update the API (a39d751)
- metastore: update the API (1a19ff2)
- migrationcenter: update the API (57ae0b7)
- migrationcenter: update the API (51cc57b)
- monitoring: update the API (905f3c0)
- monitoring: update the API (300fa23)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (5d7ee5b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (99aaab8)
- networkmanagement: update the API (568ac52)
- notebooks: update the API (54a6e56)
- notebooks: update the API (5dedc3d)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (7a9c8b0)
- places: update the API (9035a56)
- playintegrity: update the API (86682a9)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (9e3d6fe)
- pubsub: update the API (3164361)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (8f175c8)
- redis: update the API (c893e66)
- regenerate index files (3136f52)
- regenerate index files (dc214c6)
- run the generator (#3371) (d3fd980)
- run: update the API (5c8c879)
- sasportal: update the API (a9cf649)
- searchads360: update the API (ec1b88c)
- securitycenter: update the API (0795694)
- servicenetworking: update the API (a62a335)
- serviceusage: update the API (df393c3)
- spanner: update the API (19c8a5e)
- speech: update the API (df1dd4f)
- sqladmin: update the API (dcc2567)
- sqladmin: update the API (bd12b1a)
- storage: update the API (7bdec60)
- testing: update the API (fb01dcd)
- texttospeech: update the API (12a90cf)
- tpu: update the API (b6ee2fd)
- vmmigration: update the API (79663be)
- vmwareengine: update the API (0707583)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (158153d)
- workstations: update the API (1702358)
Bug Fixes
- analyticsadmin: update the API (4c62556)
- androidenterprise: update the API (e73bea9)
- androidenterprise: update the API (8565c09)
- androidmanagement: update the API (65b65d9)
- artifactregistry: update the API (f9d68af)
- biglake: update the API (755d707)
- bigquerydatapolicy: update the API (1ba82f1)
- chat: update the API (0346dfe)
- cloudasset: update the API (286e6c7)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (47c451a)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7bf4c10)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (6f17787)
- looker: update the API (f918fd8)
- managedidentities: update the API (7ea644f)
- networkservices: update the API (029d25c)
- playintegrity: update the API (77a4bbb)
- realtimebidding: update the API (551ba9a)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (9e8c431)
- recommender: update the API (e4f8194)
- retail: update the API (943be6c)
- testing: update the API (3a057bd)
- trafficdirector: update the API (472bb5b)
- places: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- adsense: This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- androidmanagement: update the API (9f25909)
- cloudasset: update the API (889ee6d)
- datamigration: update the API (7518af9)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (7edbc0d)
- gkebackup: update the API (6bc61e1)
- iap: update the API (972d221)
- logging: update the API (28f4df7)
- managedidentities: update the API (e7f0e4d)
- metastore: update the API (886136c)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (dcf0d4c)
- retail: update the API (a325f25)
- vmmigration: update the API (82eb241)
- workflows: update the API (33d0bdf)
- This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- dataproc: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- searchads360: This release has breaking changes.
- playintegrity: This release has breaking changes.
- places: This release has breaking changes.
- paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- notebooks: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessverifications: This release has breaking changes.
- gkeonprem: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbilling: This release has breaking changes.
- checks: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (3887e5f)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (f18316f)
- admob: update the API (d366fa5)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (69862b5)
- aiplatform: update the API (c1ba635)
- alertcenter: update the API (c323ec5)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c212bcf)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (7d76542)
- androidmanagement: update the API (a6d4009)
- androidpublisher: update the API (377819b)
- appengine: update the API (7150925)
- artifactregistry: update the API (e3ac97a)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (c4f607f)
- batch: update the API (6b95651)
- beyondcorp: update the API (d506eb3)
- bigquery: update the API (55da65e)
- billingbudgets: update the API (97aeef6)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (88285ef)
- chat: update the API (0d9d67d)
- checks: update the API (6e51323)
- chromemanagement: update the API (f272fb5)
- chromepolicy: update the API (8ad0e35)
- cloudasset: update the API (6640f27)
- cloudbilling: update the API (249620e)
- cloudchannel: update the API (b940b40)
- clouddeploy: update the API (a732b2c)
- clouddeploy: update the API (60775aa)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (86d065d)
- cloudtasks: update the API (abf169e)
- composer: update the API (9f5baba)
- composer: update the API (5014376)
- compute: update the API (c0d7188)
- connectors: update the API (edc8822)
- connectors: update the API (aca4b52)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (d7abdc8)
- containeranalysis: update the API (0533c16)
- container: update the API (5b77c6d)
- content: update the API (5b4e734)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (16be148)
- datacatalog: update the API (0052588)
- dataflow: update the API (a16fa60)
- dataform: update the API (aa38de7)
- datamigration: update the API (4e272d7)
- dataplex: update the API (1b8b506)
- dataproc: update the API (64e0c7a)
- dataproc: update the API (dc84163)
- datastream: update the API (52168de)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (f3ec8ef)
- dialogflow: update the API (c0653d0)
- discoveryengine: update the API (6cfd107)
- displayvideo: update the API (0a7b6d4)
- dlp: update the API (5925749)
- dns: update the API (376ebd2)
- documentai: update the API (3b23065)
- eventarc: update the API (72fc700)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (53b090f)
- firebasehosting: update the API (64cbaa6)
- firebasestorage: update the API (22bb1f7)
- firebase: update the API (db24c70)
- firestore: update the API (13d1762)
- games: update the API (30dc810)
- gkehub: update the API (9c0ed64)
- gkehub: update the API (5918dbd)
- gkeonprem: update the API (26188f7)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (5dfb9b5)
- gmail: update the API (e943c90)
- healthcare: update the API (2640490)
- iam: update the API (e35cf75)
- iam: update the API (d1e31cc)
- iap: update the API (c735eaf)
- jobs: update the API (441febc)
- logging: update the API (c43f8c0)
- manufacturers: update the API (2cdbd73)
- memcache: update the API (824d0cf)
- metastore: update the API (3a1ae5c)
- migrationcenter: update the API (a714be5)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (e51db62)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (65ba5d2)
- networkmanagement: update the API (4943f8a)
- networksecurity: update the API (7241b06)
- networkservices: update the API (fe7e04d)
- notebooks: update the API (e76ae49)
- osconfig: update the API (839a3fc)
- oslogin: update the API (81cd87f)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (56dbb81)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (31816cb)
- places: update the API (096c4a7)
- playintegrity: update the API (7f9fe21)
- policysimulator: update the API (75d74db)
- privateca: update the API (b9ee77c)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (db7f407)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (e774324)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (c7fcfc0)
- redis: update the API (4902a2d)
- regenerate index files (3be35ec)
- regenerate index files (7eb77f5)
- retail: update the API (ba147af)
- run the generator (#3355) (5504c86)
- run: update the API (8d67594)
- run: update the API (cf50ff6)
- sasportal: update the API (706a9c6)
- searchads360: update the API (62c9a90)
- securitycenter: update the API (39b4fe5)
- spanner: update the API (3d046d5)
- speech: update the API (b1e180b)
- sqladmin: update the API (2d1c8c4)
- storagetransfer: update the API (aedacc9)
- storage: update the API (2d54a76)
- testing: update the API (320730e)
- tpu: update the API (5cabdfa)
- transcoder: update the API (bcb1cd5)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (b6ac861)
- vision: update the API (4e50f7a)
- vmmigration: update the API (48fd628)
- vmmigration: update the API (1d3ba23)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (66d36c2)
- workflows: update the API (46b0b2b)
- workloadmanager: update the API (3c3362c)
- workstations: update the API (b8b63ef)
- youtube: update the API (43c5f61)
Bug Fixes
- alloydb: update the API (6147b06)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (31df609)
- analyticsdata: update the API (6d2e734)
- analyticshub: update the API (03ce6ef)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (5264dcf)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (0608613)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (739f4c0)
- batch: update the API (2960f5b)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (4a60c8c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (aeac248)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (1e2ed6a)
- calendar: update the API (8fdd6c4)
- certificatemanager: update the API (dcb4fd8)
- cloudbuild: update the API (8d999f5)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (1ec2280)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (0ad660b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (5f25dae)
- cloudsupport: update the API (f37e735)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (8aebb3f)
- dataform: update the API (1a91de3)
- datamigration: update the API (4acd892)
- datastore: update the API (ee0bd25)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (4c74af6)
- dfareporting: update the API (d4124d2)
- dlp: update the API (5809b2e)
- domains: update the API (ca2ddc0)
- drive: update the API (ce1bfe0)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (f2cd5c4)
- firestore: update the API (6ff716b)
- gkebackup: update the API (e4bcddf)
- gkeonprem: update the API (77c0ea4)
- language: update the API (b9c3e49)
- ml: update the API (1253597)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (fb250ff)
- networksecurity: update the API (942415b)
- orgpolicy: update the API (b06315a)
- playgrouping: update the API (a019599)
- rapidmigrationassessment: update the API (479ceef)
- realtimebidding: update the API (64cfc3b)
- recommender: update the API (3e76efd)
- serviceusage: update the API (e5db392)
- sheets: update the API (e11a68c)
- tagmanager: update the API (958b2be)
- vpcaccess: update the API (a16c068)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (122d68b)
- workflows: update the API (6c3af7d)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v7 (9491ec1)
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (ebfb777)
- aiplatform: update the API (146712c)
- androidpublisher: update the API (2d7c2b4)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (6547ea1)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (1f2e6eb)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7acf09f)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (c44aeaf)
- discoveryengine: update the API (bca2665)
- regenerate index files (751227d)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (336b645)
- serviceusage: update the API (6f08362)
- testing: update the API (9c06a45)
- vmmigration: update the API (75cbb15)
Bug Fixes
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (e4bfff0)
- content: update the API (6e9f31f)
- dns: update the API (2e49df0)
- eventarc: update the API (b7a0e5a)
- gameservices: update the API (8733a48)
- metastore: update the API (26f97a2)
- privateca: update the API (b50c176)
- recommendationengine: update the API (fd203b4)
- vision: update the API (2593341)
- vpcaccess: update the API (b740cac)
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (3bed127)
- appengine: update the API (a8d4c48)
- artifactregistry: update the API (2d1257d)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (f58a85a)
- beyondcorp: update the API (270693a)
- bigquery: update the API (b0bc1f1)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (2175fab)
- cloudbuild: update the API (2413746)
- composer: update the API (d2322c2)
- container: update the API (3ab84ca)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (73f5d69)
- dataform: update the API (1f0c739)
- dataproc: update the API (1fc81ab)
- dialogflow: update the API (6aba841)
- discoveryengine: update the API (57a6bdd)
- documentai: update the API (ae0e266)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (13f8c86)
- gkehub: update the API (7c7c561)
- healthcare: update the API (9dc7235)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (f15458e)
- migrationcenter: update the API (43d3a7e)
- monitoring: update the API (d6ab1de)
- networkmanagement: update the API (b00b4c3)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (fa9bc92)
- redis: update the API (633a71b)
- regenerate index files (1b979cb)
- run: update the API (2dc654e)
- vmmigration: update the API (433922a)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (37483a5)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (5d47fbd)
- analyticsdata: update the API (fcd31de)
- analyticshub: update the API (028a8f2)
- androidmanagement: update the API (b6e3344)
- apigateway: update the API (28a0c2b)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (f4b44ce)
- batch: update the API (c0f6c8e)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (238464d)
- chat: update the API (9bebe9d)
- cloudbilling: update the API (0a0d5e9)
- clouddeploy: update the API (8efff9d)
- cloudidentity: update the API (01762af)
- cloudkms: update the API (3499c39)
- cloudsearch: update the API (25771c7)
- cloudshell: update the API (dd761cd)
- connectors: update the API (2a03080)
- containeranalysis: update the API (4de5705)
- datacatalog: update the API (c823e38)
- datamigration: update the API (0b476bb)
- dataplex: update the API (07737a9)
- datastore: update the API (f5f7e0e)
- datastream: update the API (d1efe13)
- deps: update dependency @google-cloud/local-auth to v3 (b9e0f13)
- dlp: update the API (66720df)
- eventarc: update the API (2a475fa)
- file: update the API (16d1c38)
- firestore: update the API (25dd82f)
- iam: update the API (df42895)
- language: update the API (86d4072)
- logging: update the API (5ce9916)
- memcache: update the API (1c738c4)
- metastore: update the API (3045ac9)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (db2c560)
- networkservices: update the API (c2ca6b5)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (b5da2fb)
- osconfig: update the API (926f83d)
- policysimulator: update the API (337d6d9)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (cad4560)
- pubsublite: update the API (383264c)
- pubsub: update the API (6c41abf)
- recommender: update the API (b7e0460)
- sasportal: update the API (cd8a38c)
- script: update the API (09d1558)
- secretmanager: update the API (fe01e40)
- securitycenter: update the API (0d66358)
- servicecontrol: update the API (ceadea7)
- servicedirectory: update the API (c52f8c3)
- servicemanagement: update the API (c5c135d)
- sheets: update the API (19e06a7)
- speech: update the API (b75b27e)
- storagetransfer: update the API (29b6593)
- tpu: update the API (e396d7e)
- translate: update the API (5789f48)
- vault: update the API (6f14118)
- vision: update the API (8fd1995)
- vpcaccess: update the API (6641889)
- workflows: update the API (5e9374a)
- workstations: update the API (fefd54a)
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- workloadmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- smartdevicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicedirectory: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- gkeonprem: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- contactcenteraiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- checks: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- migate to Node 14
- admin: update the API (1bc7f53)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (8f479e1)
- analyticshub: update the API (427f865)
- androidmanagement: update the API (d885722)
- artifactregistry: update the API (d70a33e)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (321cff7)
- beyondcorp: update the API (ad95808)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (b290e4a)
- bigquery: update the API (3a1ca66)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (4f1fb0c)
- chat: update the API (c594a3b)
- checks: update the API (b9c4657)
- cloudbuild: update the API (1d791a8)
- clouddeploy: update the API (c733347)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (0255d75)
- compute: update the API (0237e76)
- connectors: update the API (cc40ccb)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (6778c8d)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a74b5e3)
- container: update the API (1f06a76)
- content: update the API (b5af676)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (ac9b754)
- datacatalog: update the API (747a4af)
- dataflow: update the API (a62940f)
- dataform: update the API (d1a0a72)
- datamigration: update the API (5037d65)
- dataplex: update the API (ef7bc25)
- dataproc: update the API (1c699db)
- datastore: update the API (80a30a0)
- datastream: update the API (2c1c784)
- dialogflow: update the API (bac62ef)
- discoveryengine: update the API (d8debb8)
- discovery: update the API (c82eebd)
- displayvideo: update the API (bbc4d65)
- documentai: update the API (8ac40a0)
- drivelabels: update the API (5ef5d03)
- drive: update the API (2432651)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (7c4888c)
- firebase: update the API (fdafcaa)
- firestore: update the API (7a14283)
- games: update the API (55fed7d)
- gkebackup: update the API (8d1ac26)
- gkehub: update the API (81d36c9)
- gkeonprem: update the API (7412e91)
- healthcare: update the API (1d0354c)
- migrationcenter: update the API (f4cb381)
- monitoring: update the API (f5bf72c)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (23894c5)
- networksecurity: update the API (d9f4f91)
- notebooks: update the API (9498d86)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (0ec83f3)
- osconfig: update the API (e1ca8d0)
- oslogin: update the API (cf32530)
- policysimulator: update the API (7c67951)
- pubsub: update the API (27c5439)
- regenerate index files (7e6a0e5)
- retail: update the API (4dcd52b)
- securitycenter: update the API (82cf038)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (da52b7e)
- servicecontrol: update the API (d246968)
- servicedirectory: update the API (70389d9)
- servicemanagement: update the API (6fdca08)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d4784d0)
- serviceusage: update the API (cf72cfd)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (cc5c86e)
- sqladmin: update the API (0c9f7b6)
- tagmanager: update the API (42c3b97)
- toolresults: update the API (d07c878)
- tpu: update the API (6109722)
- trafficdirector: update the API (d07ac95)
- vault: update the API (e1d2dc4)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (d8e2234)
- videointelligence: update the API (158ae35)
- vmmigration: update the API (3adbd55)
- workloadmanager: update the API (2f089aa)
- youtube: update the API (83aac2f)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (51e5811)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (a6a2a06)
- accessapproval: update the API (5194181)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (28aebba)
- acmedns: update the API (c6b1bcb)
- add headers to tests (d88a219)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (436e422)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (de73406)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (3363255)
- admob: update the API (d249550)
- adsensehost: update the API (0a088ff)
- adsense: update the API (e1f10f6)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (d8350ff)
- aiplatform: update the API (7feb2e8)
- alertcenter: update the API (a073124)
- analyticsdata: update the API (43bedd1)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (2d68b5a)
- analytics: update the API (64c4b07)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (ba02075)
- androidenterprise: update the API (93f7c0c)
- androidpublisher: update the API (8d35576)
- apigateway: update the API (fc58d33)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (b57542e)
- apikeys: update the API (18e475b)
- appengine: update the API (67a3448)
- appsactivity: update the API (f8ba6ee)
- area120tables: update the API (6ae8d8d)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (61d943b)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (269dae8)
- batch: update the API (7aa7cc7)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (bb288b1)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (4e77b1d)
- billingbudgets: update the API (0f799e6)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (deb6c10)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (b6bd10a)
- blogger: update the API (975da3e)
- books: update the API (4bef344)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (5b313f4)
- calendar: update the API (006efbc)
- certificatemanager: update the API (7d91857)
- chromemanagement: update the API (fd29c85)
- chromepolicy: update the API (f51e0db)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (fd7db9e)
- civicinfo: update the API (a1f55b2)
- classroom: update the API (7603333)
- cloudasset: update the API (1ffdfc2)
- cloudbilling: update the API (46cbf0e)
- cloudchannel: update the API (e563d83)
- clouddebugger: update the API (faad469)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (afa4dec)
- cloudidentity: update the API (2610c07)
- cloudiot: update the API (49105a6)
- cloudkms: update the API (208f1da)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (25cdd90)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (493ac8c)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (58070d7)
- cloudsearch: update the API (d732a80)
- cloudshell: update the API (f098eb8)
- cloudsupport: update the API (16514b9)
- cloudtasks: update the API (12a7fe1)
- cloudtrace: update the API (85adc52)
- composer: update the API (746d876)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (03a34b1)
- customsearch: update the API (13ef993)
- datafusion: update the API (d74fb78)
- datalabeling: update the API (ed7e0cb)
- datalineage: update the API (7be88ab)
- datapipelines: update the API (68131e2)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (7a36c72)
- dfareporting: update the API (f9c9934)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (ef3f085)
- dlp: update the API (75eb667)
- dns: update the API (6e63b36)
- docs: update the API (9cdab2d)
- domainsrdap: update the API (13b01b1)
- domains: update the API (884519b)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (73d0bed)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (fa8cb1f)
- driveactivity: update the API (13487f9)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (5fab60a)
- eventarc: update the API (d615c48)
- factchecktools: update the API (6f372f1)
- fcmdata: update the API (3b19295)
- fcm: update the API (e099c42)
- file: update the API (9bbf034)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (8da0eb4)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (4032b62)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (9d96aea)
- firebasehosting: update the API (c23f76b)
- firebaseml: update the API (048c48e)
- firebaserules: update the API (5e24b10)
- firebasestorage: update the API (ea95e22)
- fitness: update the API (7c544ff)
- forms: update the API (8ba614a)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (8d46262)
- gameservices: update the API (900a2fa)
- gamesManagement: update the API (7997150)
- genomics: update the API (c64bc84)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (3b25276)
- gmail: update the API (6ee8730)
- groupsmigration: update the API (e0c396e)
- groupssettings: update the API (8400a0e)
- homegraph: update the API (c77f44b)
- iamcredentials: update the API (b806bd9)
- iam: update the API (6ad470f)
- iap: update the API (8b998a0)
- ideahub: update the API (1540d50)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (4d7a874)
- ids: update the API (428dc29)
- indexing: update the API (782806a)
- integrations: update the API (96dd8fd)
- jobs: update the API (10826fa)
- kgsearch: update the API (9cee192)
- kmsinventory: update the API (9492458)
- language: update the API (585690a)
- libraryagent: update the API (9251716)
- licensing: update the API (c5271b5)
- lifesciences: update the API (145d7ce)
- localservices: update the API (db5b627)
- logging: update the API (df73435)
- managedidentities: update the API (1814dfa)
- manufacturers: update the API (c6c1398)
- memcache: update the API (05013bb)
- metastore: update the API (45b0b5d)
- ml: update the API (9e1be4a)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (6bc90e9)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (13ec9e0)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (565b3fa)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (006bd5a)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (78e33ee)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (bc8e5c7)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (0ca91b1)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (d5de2b9)
- networkmanagement: update the API (533642b)
- networkservices: update the API (8133c74)
- oauth2: update the API (5097e00)
- orgpolicy: update the API (4f1d852)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (fb574b4)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (ecff656)
- people: update the API (abebf9f)
- places: update the API (1582524)
- playablelocations: update the API (711c349)
- playcustomapp: update the API (d96f5b2)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (e05bcaf)
- playintegrity: update the API (7c9edd3)
- plus: update the API (ecac7a8)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (98148bf)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (36a5273)
- poly: update the API (807484d)
- privateca: update the API (b654769)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (b8c3705)
- publicca: update the API (f3361e6)
- pubsublite: update the API (87e148d)
- readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking: update the API (6eb57e9)
- realtimebidding: update the API (dbcfad2)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (3af6e62)
- recommendationengine: update the API (b5323d8)
- recommender: update the API (bf6eed9)
- redis: update the API (6879c13)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (911cd0a)
- reseller: update the API (e7ec5d3)
- resourcesettings: update the API (c2c0c9e)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (7866c3a)
- run: update the API (2ed76fe)
- safebrowsing: update the API (fe23d83)
- sasportal: update the API (ca33e9c)
- script: update the API (207587b)
- searchads360: update the API (8ed1df1)
- searchconsole: update the API (208d0a5)
- secretmanager: update the API (426f146)
- sheets: update the API (3333f83)
- siteVerification: update the API (760447c)
- slides: update the API (5e4d08c)
- sourcerepo: update the API (f803061)
- spanner: update the API (8fe5e93)
- speech: update the API (34b7185)
- sql: update the API (b29a348)
- storagetransfer: update the API (d4e4820)
- storage: update the API (20860bc)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (1c6bb94)
- sts: update the API (5765d2a)
- tasks: update the API (0eac80e)
- testing: update the API (fd787ed)
- texttospeech: update the API (9981feb)
- transcoder: update the API (851586c)
- translate: update the API (e11cc5e)
- travelimpactmodel: update the API (75a5352)
- vectortile: update the API (4d94932)
- versionhistory: update the API (bb2ceec)
- vision: update the API (afea669)
- vpcaccess: update the API (da58970)
- webfonts: update the API (f0a4421)
- webmasters: update the API (d4143d6)
- webrisk: update the API (d4cc69b)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (9960a3a)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (b3488ab)
- workflows: update the API (0b82237)
- workstations: update the API (a5f5488)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (203afe6)
- youtubereporting: update the API (48b6016)
Miscellaneous Chores
- gkeonprem: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsdata: update the API (7925c69)
- androidenterprise: update the API (ff76150)
- androidpublisher: update the API (2bab54c)
- appengine: update the API (62fca56)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (2579d7a)
- batch: update the API (7aedd6e)
- bigquery: update the API (c6dd02d)
- chat: update the API (8ca9926)
- checks: update the API (9495bd6)
- civicinfo: update the API (6215ccb)
- civicinfo: update the API (c862028)
- civicinfo: update the API (8b298c6)
- cloudbilling: update the API (fc84ce1)
- cloudsearch: update the API (a78da75)
- compute: update the API (71bb971)
- compute: update the API (1198b25)
- compute: update the API (f034a52)
- containeranalysis: update the API (82e111e)
- containeranalysis: update the API (99177cc)
- containeranalysis: update the API (9b0893e)
- container: update the API (86af29a)
- content: update the API (c3fa716)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (111735c)
- dataflow: update the API (f4c83e3)
- dataflow: update the API (39beb14)
- dataform: update the API (b1e325c)
- datamigration: update the API (0130eae)
- discovery: update the API (3f2ee9e)
- documentai: update the API (4d56755)
- firestore: update the API (a16969d)
- gkehub: update the API (76b107e)
- gkeonprem: update the API (fbacd1b)
- iam: update the API (2fc7bb4)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (9daa895)
- logging: update the API (8ac1e14)
- managedidentities: update the API (e18ae93)
- networkmanagement: update the API (362afe1)
- networksecurity: update the API (123044c)
- notebooks: update the API (b7d121e)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (27a81da)
- regenerate index files (46817cf)
- regenerate index files (c6ce6db)
- regenerate index files (4216892)
- securitycenter: update the API (1b502d3)
- serviceusage: update the API (cd64af0)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (dd15bc4)
- sqladmin: update the API (f7abe37)
- sqladmin: update the API (2f12d8b)
- tpu: update the API (7f57c82)
- translate: update the API (1838878)
- youtube: update the API (e561963)
Bug Fixes
- calendar: update the API (1c28b92)
- calendar: update the API (71b067c)
- cloudchannel: update the API (87cf3da)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (d726c93)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (7545969)
- displayvideo: update the API (4e93f2e)
- eventarc: update the API (10ada5b)
- gkebackup: update the API (1c6e68e)
- migrationcenter: update the API (be173bc)
- run: update the API (97423b5)
- spanner: update the API (aea9456)
- storage: update the API (fff6e17)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (9fb1ae5)
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: update the API (d4e697c)
- appengine: update the API (4a5432c)
- civicinfo: update the API (8bab2a7)
- cloudsearch: update the API (119fc3e)
- compute: update the API (207e449)
- connectors: update the API (ee504f3)
- containeranalysis: update the API (f5911f9)
- container: update the API (538a298)
- kmsinventory: update the API (07e1098)
- regenerate index files (d121ab4)
- securitycenter: update the API (17156a3)
Bug Fixes
- cloudchannel: update the API (3785827)
- recommender: update the API (1b049f9)
- workloadmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- streetviewpublish: This release has breaking changes.
- servicedirectory: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- eventarc: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudfunctions: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticshub: update the API (a96a028)
- androidmanagement: update the API (78e4619)
- androidpublisher: update the API (74a53db)
- appengine: update the API (dc12cb3)
- artifactregistry: update the API (6453bcb)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (384d4d3)
- beyondcorp: update the API (2a4a47e)
- bigquery: update the API (07b5544)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (09f7cdc)
- chat: update the API (dcd6b80)
- civicinfo: update the API (0e4ef06)
- cloudchannel: update the API (bf51115)
- clouddeploy: update the API (d0fa460)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (d67b7e0)
- cloudidentity: update the API (b0d84db)
- cloudkms: update the API (fc5cd5e)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (e0fcac4)
- cloudsupport: update the API (f7a0049)
- compute: update the API (4f48837)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (a0144d3)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (2f771a1)
- container: update the API (01536b8)
- content: update the API (d525309)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (db56aac)
- dataflow: update the API (6dfac7f)
- dataform: update the API (7f01980)
- datamigration: update the API (7737ccb)
- dataplex: update the API (3bc5dc4)
- dataproc: update the API (2aeca09)
- dialogflow: update the API (d06188d)
- discoveryengine: update the API (50cb1c5)
- displayvideo: update the API (49e989f)
- dlp: update the API (e219063)
- eventarc: update the API (d26305c)
- firestore: update the API (6abbf47)
- gkehub: update the API (ddee5cc)
- gkeonprem: update the API (6f2e709)
- gmail: update the API (45acd52)
- healthcare: update the API (4e4d479)
- iam: update the API (627861d)
- memcache: update the API (5809462)
- migrationcenter: update the API (78f701f)
- monitoring: update the API (44eaa69)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (10a8f57)
- networkservices: update the API (8ccae72)
- notebooks: update the API (9bf47da)
- orgpolicy: update the API (282f024)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (e6a79c7)
- regenerate index files (34bb2d6)
- retail: update the API (5192844)
- run: update the API (4c99358)
- sasportal: update the API (927d15d)
- searchads360: update the API (0a49ddb)
- servicedirectory: update the API (9112ec6)
- servicenetworking: update the API (a73423b)
- sqladmin: update the API (2c3384a)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (8695d8c)
- toolresults: update the API (a9b14b6)
- transcoder: update the API (e7f9955)
- workflows: update the API (0c65008)
- workloadmanager: update the API (c865871)
- workstations: update the API (cbc1349)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (b7ee40f)
- adsensehost: update the API (9ed15db)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (508d0e2)
- analyticsdata: update the API (764711b)
- analytics: update the API (93221e0)
- billingbudgets: update the API (fb08f9f)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (cb82254)
- calendar: update the API (903077e)
- checks: update the API (505b0c4)
- cloudasset: update the API (0aa488d)
- cloudbilling: update the API (3481584)
- datacatalog: update the API (5683969)
- datalineage: update the API (7bcbf45)
- datastream: update the API (76176e4)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (6d7f38f)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (8e00829)
- genomics: update the API (3ecd158)
- logging: update the API (85e96ea)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (ec6cf33)
- pubsub: update the API (e3f11a4)
- sheets: update the API (be72666)
- vault: update the API (69fe021)
- This release has breaking changes.
- verifiedaccess: This release has breaking changes.
- searchads360: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- migrationcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseappdistribution: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudfunctions: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticshub: This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (f219432)
- alertcenter: update the API (00c6191)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (5ca4cf8)
- analyticshub: update the API (7256196)
- artifactregistry: update the API (b866d65)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (21e35bc)
- batch: update the API (7e16398)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (30b2ede)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (1bc5f0e)
- bigquery: update the API (f7c8b3f)
- chromepolicy: update the API (15bdca3)
- civicinfo: update the API (8f6d8ba)
- cloudasset: update the API (79c3d66)
- cloudbuild: update the API (32ffdbe)
- cloudchannel: update the API (1df4297)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (1da75f3)
- compute: update the API (2d775ae)
- connectors: update the API (f2647c2)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (0bb5375)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (9d65016)
- containeranalysis: update the API (43cea20)
- container: update the API (29e552a)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (09ecb0f)
- datacatalog: update the API (37bbdea)
- datamigration: update the API (cee2042)
- dataplex: update the API (90c3611)
- dfareporting: update the API (c346e5b)
- dialogflow: update the API (7f93e4b)
- discoveryengine: update the API (563db09)
- documentai: update the API (cc885a7)
- drive: update the API (1188ac8)
- fcm: update the API (d465bc9)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (d8a5238)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (b156756)
- gkehub: update the API (0f84d42)
- healthcare: update the API (5d56c94)
- iam: update the API (4855bec)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (cee02ed)
- metastore: update the API (4cb1973)
- migrationcenter: update the API (0bc6da0)
- regenerate index files (804b5d2)
- retail: update the API (0b1405d)
- run the generator (#3226) (64731b3)
- run: update the API (80ce7a6)
- searchads360: update the API (e3c1633)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (7febb9c)
- servicenetworking: update the API (c153e1f)
- serviceusage: update the API (2f45541)
- spanner: update the API (599c09f)
- speech: update the API (c7aeaf0)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (aaafb85)
- webfonts: update the API (609207d)
- workstations: update the API (964330a)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (1b8a669)
- admin: update the API (c0d70d4)
- admob: update the API (dd535b8)
- androidmanagement: update the API (0679f9d)
- androidpublisher: update the API (9c14e76)
- appengine: update the API (8f35f5c)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (fdbdf02)
- chat: update the API (59f5617)
- clouddeploy: update the API (5882c41)
- cloudkms: update the API (f178eeb)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (184e05c)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (5958589)
- dataproc: update the API (d96a64e)
- displayvideo: update the API (f924f97)
- domains: update the API (379824b)
- eventarc: update the API (05a71b0)
- file: update the API (10e108a)
- firestore: update the API (1b4871a)
- gameservices: update the API (79c71fa)
- gkeonprem: update the API (3a46214)
- gmail: update the API (6ff8ff8)
- ids: update the API (b15c658)
- language: update the API (8bce098)
- logging: update the API (b21b6b2)
- memcache: update the API (e32a6eb)
- monitoring: update the API (5e49c51)
- networkmanagement: update the API (d7a1037)
- networksecurity: update the API (0ce116a)
- networkservices: update the API (a415460)
- notebooks: update the API (fc48da4)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (861429b)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (b765398)
- privateca: update the API (11d3f56)
- publicca: update the API (b363733)
- redis: update the API (712e4f2)
- securitycenter: update the API (6a94b4c)
- tpu: update the API (a602413)
- transcoder: update the API (e25a0c7)
- vmmigration: update the API (a3e3147)
- vpcaccess: update the API (09e293d)
- workflows: update the API (b925c23)
- This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- deps: roll back dependency googleapis to ^116.0.0 (#3219) (e769b1f)
- deps: update dependency googleapis to v117 (#3223) (f15a2cb)
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- webrisk: This release has breaking changes.
- policysimulator: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- chromepolicy: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (6446297)
- admin: update the API (6b8e4b1)
- alertcenter: update the API (973ac4b)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (2e87e28)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (4356907)
- androidpublisher: update the API (47d1306)
- artifactregistry: update the API (ad43a67)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (52fbbbe)
- bigquery: update the API (d907c11)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (1af4bca)
- calendar: update the API (88df39d)
- chromepolicy: update the API (24b5a08)
- cloudbuild: update the API (d583809)
- cloudchannel: update the API (c73b70e)
- cloudidentity: update the API (16b7091)
- cloudkms: update the API (c5c28d5)
- cloudsearch: update the API (6d2f850)
- compute: update the API (46d36d1)
- containeranalysis: update the API (e97fbc7)
- container: update the API (cda42ae)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (d1e27e2)
- datacatalog: update the API (69a8263)
- dataform: update the API (da8ed54)
- dataplex: update the API (c5651da)
- datastream: update the API (446bb38)
- dfareporting: update the API (2093abd)
- discoveryengine: update the API (0df5992)
- documentai: update the API (2424047)
- drivelabels: update the API (58a402b)
- firestore: update the API (114895c)
- games: update the API (ffe3fdc)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (231f5a0)
- integrations: update the API (088235e)
- kmsinventory: update the API (2d8b144)
- metastore: update the API (210875d)
- networkmanagement: update the API (2f9ac0a)
- networksecurity: update the API (7177c51)
- notebooks: update the API (7f458bd)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (1d01a45)
- orgpolicy: update the API (11674bf)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (3927d0d)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (1cf7012)
- policysimulator: update the API (c25890d)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (2438967)
- realtimebidding: update the API (0ddf8b3)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (4a83ebb)
- regenerate index files (529b748)
- retail: update the API (556686b)
- run: update the API (8f38422)
- sasportal: update the API (99f5c5c)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (882713a)
- servicemanagement: update the API (d904538)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2b2e4ff)
- serviceusage: update the API (5fd4c7d)
- spanner: update the API (9c863f1)
- speech: update the API (ea2769d)
- sqladmin: update the API (34c6ad3)
- storagetransfer: update the API (e4b084d)
- tpu: update the API (e053547)
- translate: update the API (3a70438)
- vpcaccess: update the API (f12ebab)
- webrisk: update the API (afcce93)
- youtube: update the API (d83a4a7)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (0b6bf28)
- androidmanagement: update the API (e90a7a3)
- apigateway: update the API (eea3c28)
- appengine: update the API (ec95215)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (0094de1)
- batch: update the API (1ea58fc)
- beyondcorp: update the API (372446f)
- certificatemanager: update the API (e92229f)
- chat: update the API (c22dd30)
- chromemanagement: update the API (b11e7ce)
- classroom: update the API (7258c0c)
- cloudasset: update the API (3f7496c)
- clouddeploy: update the API (0e1e106)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (7b65334)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (805718e)
- composer: update the API (f789b9b)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (c255125)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (955d35a)
- content: update the API (5be5baa)
- datalineage: update the API (b51b08c)
- datamigration: update the API (6cb4d01)
- datastore: update the API (896e729)
- dialogflow: update the API (2fa5c22)
- displayvideo: update the API (5c7c0b6)
- drive: update the API (0cbaedf)
- eventarc: update the API (00e0313)
- file: update the API (d62ca9e)
- firebasehosting: update the API (e8d17f9)
- firebaseml: update the API (9d5492b)
- gameservices: update the API (81e6a8f)
- gkebackup: update the API (097a7cd)
- gkehub: update the API (edf3a2b)
- healthcare: update the API (94d6545)
- iap: update the API (4110425)
- logging: update the API (7cf1d19)
- migrationcenter: update the API (ba703bb)
- ml: update the API (56b9560)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (97b93b1)
- pubsublite: update the API (77d9919)
- redis: update the API (5b52e56)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (e70559c)
- securitycenter: update the API (2ba3b16)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (0e4aced)
- texttospeech: update the API (ab94b6d)
- transcoder: update the API (719e8a0)
- videointelligence: update the API (24df055)
- vision: update the API (298e504)
- vmmigration: update the API (d1dcdfe)
- workflows: update the API (a66c33a)
- workloadmanager: update the API (f0366b5)
- policysimulator: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (6961537)
- analyticshub: update the API (de69df8)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (1c825b3)
- bigquery: update the API (d4ac79b)
- chat: update the API (736eac5)
- chromemanagement: update the API (0682fa7)
- cloudchannel: update the API (46bc033)
- clouddeploy: update the API (31428ee)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (409da16)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (cbdd9a9)
- cloudsearch: update the API (e4665d4)
- compute: update the API (41643f5)
- connectors: update the API (bb05b56)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (31a324e)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (4fb70d1)
- containeranalysis: update the API (d7a4d6d)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (a43e4b5)
- dataform: update the API (7d85d70)
- datamigration: update the API (3e055d8)
- dataplex: update the API (8d8fb5e)
- dataproc: update the API (3cdb3e8)
- dialogflow: update the API (7383062)
- discoveryengine: update the API (4648959)
- drivelabels: update the API (41bc0b6)
- firestore: update the API (a4a12dd)
- gkehub: update the API (b1752ec)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (a7340e2)
- logging: update the API (2389778)
- managedidentities: update the API (ee0a9d8)
- metastore: update the API (57e8d91)
- networkservices: update the API (dee3be1)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (07b8a6e)
- policysimulator: update the API (dd29268)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (ce908ba)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (102953e)
- regenerate index files (b70dab8)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (b75873e)
- servicedirectory: update the API (6cb6dc1)
- servicemanagement: update the API (752c9b5)
- servicenetworking: update the API (8f395e7)
- serviceusage: update the API (48062ff)
- sqladmin: update the API (8663278)
- storage: update the API (e8e4184)
- tpu: update the API (e7fc1b1)
- transcoder: update the API (25667ce)
- vmmigration: update the API (98300af)
- workstations: update the API (e237a87)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (06494e7)
- acmedns: update the API (146f0f5)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (eb8978c)
- analyticsdata: update the API (afd58c8)
- batch: update the API (a065b8d)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (0e95215)
- cloudtasks: update the API (8d051f0)
- content: update the API (abad5ee)
- datacatalog: update the API (b01d234)
- datastream: update the API (c05182d)
- displayvideo: update the API (95253da)
- docs: update the API (5aad9fe)
- documentai: update the API (fc68928)
- drive: update the API (f75cf5d)
- gkebackup: update the API (24a1b83)
- healthcare: update the API (12cc950)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (40e0d28)
- publicca: update the API (de37fbe)
- pubsub: update the API (1c75ab5)
- readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking: update the API (67d1e07)
- run: update the API (a0e8711)
- sheets: update the API (073c5c4)
- slides: update the API (e835d6b)
- spanner: update the API (3d60838)
- translate: update the API (902f20e)
- vpcaccess: update the API (8537e09)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (1637808)
- This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- cloudfunctions: update the API (dd8be29)
- cloudtrace: update the API (0c7a479)
- datacatalog: update the API (f8337b1)
- dataplex: update the API (85a06ee)
- gmail: update the API (c6fa1dc)
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
- metastore: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- workstations: This release has breaking changes.
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- safebrowsing: This release has breaking changes.
- integrations: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudtasks: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- chromemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- baremetalsolution: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (374bc14)
- admob: update the API (fcf0cc7)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (d18d52e)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (88d7021)
- analyticshub: update the API (a9ca643)
- androidenterprise: update the API (bd0d5e5)
- androidpublisher: update the API (02fa6cc)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (3d95738)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (42d51d0)
- appengine: update the API (cfde2c1)
- artifactregistry: update the API (79b05b9)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (877f002)
- batch: update the API (439160e)
- batch: update the API (220be1b)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (da46f3f)
- bigquery: update the API (ad06a50)
- chat: update the API (c1f8549)
- chromemanagement: update the API (3368e8d)
- chromemanagement: update the API (76eea6c)
- chromepolicy: update the API (9c8277a)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (40f2c0d)
- cloudbilling: update the API (75ebaa2)
- cloudbuild: update the API (a264e2d)
- clouddeploy: update the API (1856ed8)
- cloudidentity: update the API (2b9fb69)
- cloudsearch: update the API (e743154)
- cloudsearch: update the API (ebe2a2b)
- cloudtasks: update the API (6c5644c)
- compute: update the API (3ef8cb9)
- connectors: update the API (7566473)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (2c79661)
- container: update the API (1d0f856)
- content: update the API (8cf1e31)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (6e89a88)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (cdc217d)
- datacatalog: update the API (76007c1)
- datacatalog: update the API (f2888f8)
- dataflow: update the API (ad81349)
- dataform: update the API (613aa91)
- datamigration: update the API (4970228)
- dataplex: update the API (f984c3b)
- dataproc: update the API (2ff0b3c)
- datastore: update the API (69b9f8c)
- dialogflow: update the API (94e663c)
- discoveryengine: update the API (f780df2)
- displayvideo: update the API (be41c17)
- documentai: update the API (24616b9)
- documentai: update the API (e213c75)
- file: update the API (3b7046b)
- firebasehosting: update the API (cd2ec9e)
- firebase: update the API (873a7d7)
- firebase: update the API (e1a3797)
- firestore: update the API (d9f11cf)
- gkehub: update the API (9e82b37)
- gkehub: update the API (53f583e)
- iam: update the API (b149229)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (72c533b)
- integrations: update the API (7607c9f)
- managedidentities: update the API (1a462c2)
- manufacturers: update the API (a927411)
- memcache: update the API (aa626fc)
- metastore: update the API (9c7891e)
- metastore: update the API (7be6208)
- monitoring: update the API (98e55c0)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (98381ce)
- notebooks: update the API (9daace9)
- orgpolicy: update the API (02f050b)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (9085b75)
- playintegrity: update the API (ab8a18a)
- privateca: update the API (06a61a7)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (d3c834b)
- pubsub: update the API (f102db0)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (a42a0c8)
- recommender: update the API (88f10a5)
- regenerate index files (93fc048)
- regenerate index files (31defea)
- retail: update the API (3374c58)
- retail: update the API (bb06d0c)
- run: update the API (8de6284)
- safebrowsing: update the API (ecb8989)
- sasportal: update the API (42804f6)
- servicecontrol: update the API (2af2ce1)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d632167)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (c9f2655)
- sts: update the API (b6e069b)
- testing: update the API (f7aa8c8)
- texttospeech: update the API (c772fc1)
- tpu: update the API (b92d702)
- translate: update the API (07babc3)
- vmmigration: update the API (99b557a)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (765ac58)
- workflows: update the API (1ed85b8)
- workstations: update the API (84b748e)
- workstations: update the API (cbe98ce)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (bfbd589)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (f3cc068)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (7021d81)
- alertcenter: update the API (e18c3b9)
- androidmanagement: update the API (080e682)
- androidpublisher: update the API (5c62a79)
- apigateway: update the API (df258eb)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (98dea74)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (93ef743)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (b41049e)
- bigquery: update the API (fd7c15c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (3dc3bf2)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (4681456)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (469c0d2)
- chat: update the API (7e53df7)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (4b307dc)
- classroom: update the API (55e7f4b)
- cloudasset: update the API (ed6c311)
- cloudasset: update the API (538cbab)
- cloudchannel: update the API (e4b1b2f)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (3e8cd4c)
- cloudiot: update the API (3e7b5ff)
- cloudkms: update the API (2df4942)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (e49d213)
- cloudsupport: update the API (9d69ef4)
- cloudtasks: update the API (083c4d1)
- cloudtrace: update the API (07342c6)
- cloudtrace: update the API (658ac0d)
- composer: update the API (2e95e28)
- connectors: update the API (ad16263)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (5cf0bbd)
- containeranalysis: update the API (baccc47)
- containeranalysis: update the API (43992e0)
- content: update the API (6b0614b)
- dataproc: update the API (19c4726)
- dlp: update the API (8b96a97)
- dns: update the API (60542d9)
- domains: update the API (5f33f78)
- driveactivity: update the API (2858e5a)
- drive: update the API (885131d)
- eventarc: update the API (116f6ff)
- eventarc: update the API (8f35984)
- firebasehosting: update the API (072eac4)
- gameservices: update the API (8a8cc4b)
- gmail: update the API (454caaf)
- healthcare: update the API (fa9914f)
- homegraph: update the API (2b517eb)
- iam: update the API (092031f)
- iap: update the API (01b97e9)
- ideahub: update the API (0a334ea)
- jobs: update the API (d26f462)
- kmsinventory: update the API (71a38e2)
- logging: update the API (d24bca1)
- memcache: update the API (d603fb9)
- ml: update the API (2ae0fb5)
- monitoring: update the API (9da4383)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (413722a)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (28f185b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (ed2ccaa)
- networksecurity: update the API (05ad966)
- networkservices: update the API (77405ce)
- orgpolicy: update the API (56f36f9)
- osconfig: update the API (3e34814)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (fdb70dc)
- people: update the API (fa1e010)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (68e00d3)
- pubsub: update the API (ae69416)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (5153504)
- run: update the API (27d36c8)
- searchads360: update the API (14426a0)
- secretmanager: update the API (7f66ecb)
- securitycenter: update the API (8e4017b)
- servicemanagement: update the API (bb1f964)
- sourcerepo: update the API (ba3d1d1)
- speech: update the API (f60d970)
- sts: update the API (df55772)
- toolresults: update the API (656c975)
- tpu: update the API (fe71ffb)
- vault: update the API (444f5cf)
- youtube: update the API (a275134)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- gamesConfiguration: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- drivelabels: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclicksearch: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- datapipelines: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- clouddeploy: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- batch: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (e53dcb3)
- admin: update the API (45c607b)
- alertcenter: update the API (13e1418)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (1746746)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (c59088d)
- androidenterprise: update the API (27be4ae)
- androidmanagement: update the API (9325719)
- androidpublisher: update the API (b029f60)
- appengine: update the API (4eda794)
- artifactregistry: update the API (d9c964a)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (33b3134)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (46529b9)
- batch: update the API (ad14866)
- bigquery: update the API (f6530f5)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (df769a8)
- blogger: update the API (45ac065)
- chat: update the API (f860117)
- chromemanagement: update the API (bf3db6d)
- cloudasset: update the API (3e4f6cc)
- cloudbilling: update the API (2245161)
- cloudbuild: update the API (b021cd2)
- cloudchannel: update the API (358fb6a)
- clouddeploy: update the API (54279dc)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (cb64f46)
- cloudidentity: update the API (a4a6e8f)
- cloudsearch: update the API (0be5246)
- cloudsupport: update the API (d11dd2d)
- composer: update the API (de07137)
- compute: update the API (1d35237)
- connectors: update the API (427a2e9)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (ae88467)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7b24a27)
- container: update the API (5d291fe)
- content: update the API (25d794f)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (9095fbb)
- datacatalog: update the API (24462a9)
- dataflow: update the API (79cc851)
- datafusion: update the API (d61459f)
- datamigration: update the API (4e784bb)
- datapipelines: update the API (8a5f379)
- dataplex: update the API (adecd36)
- dataproc: update the API (c162c9f)
- datastream: update the API (204a241)
- dialogflow: update the API (4ef3e2a)
- displayvideo: update the API (9c560c7)
- dlp: update the API (1f8f477)
- dns: update the API (9a0af73)
- documentai: update the API (70253fa)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (8df689c)
- drivelabels: update the API (8a44a60)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (ece3c0f)
- firebase: update the API (acf51c4)
- firestore: update the API (9e03117)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (430f30b)
- gkehub: update the API (9631123)
- gmail: update the API (d57935a)
- healthcare: update the API (efac2d5)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (455e253)
- ids: update the API (68c74ca)
- managedidentities: update the API (22a9959)
- metastore: update the API (1efc374)
- monitoring: update the API (2ba7efd)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (892c60b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (b65774b)
- networkmanagement: update the API (030eb11)
- networksecurity: update the API (0f806c8)
- notebooks: update the API (0817fbb)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (815869e)
- policysimulator: update the API (0db14b6)
- pubsublite: update the API (f034e2e)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (3a6221b)
- regenerate index files (a52d28e)
- retail: update the API (62e3a0a)
- run: update the API (5fd1b6f)
- securitycenter: update the API (e91ca7c)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (5e4ae4f)
- servicecontrol: update the API (9538cf3)
- servicemanagement: update the API (b08feb7)
- servicenetworking: update the API (dd8d2fd)
- serviceusage: update the API (6e3a798)
- spanner: update the API (60d14ce)
- speech: update the API (f62ffc3)
- sqladmin: update the API (8f82e66)
- storagetransfer: update the API (9d4dd70)
- sts: update the API (6329c89)
- tagmanager: update the API (0ba0d92)
- testing: update the API (2769006)
- texttospeech: update the API (dd9ccd4)
- tpu: update the API (230b8af)
- vmmigration: update the API (d9d2651)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (ae68b4f)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (7a92ccd)
- analyticsdata: update the API (fe8612e)
- analyticshub: update the API (fd01686)
- apikeys: update the API (9efff7d)
- beyondcorp: update the API (a4d053e)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (4146771)
- certificatemanager: update the API (d424221)
- chromepolicy: update the API (ef3650d)
- classroom: update the API (673688a)
- cloudkms: update the API (a68ee93)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (0b3b71f)
- cloudtasks: update the API (28bc4a2)
- dataform: update the API (c6a4e80)
- discoveryengine: update the API (fa0e785)
- domains: update the API (34f24ff)
- drive: update the API (01b0b7c)
- eventarc: update the API (6fca55a)
- fcm: update the API (3cf23bd)
- file: update the API (5fd0902)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (4c02127)
- gamesManagement: update the API (2a88da2)
- iap: update the API (24655d7)
- integrations: update the API (ea7517c)
- jobs: update the API (2869228)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (e944b6b)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (e5a00e6)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (8753a2e)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (013f9af)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (3f02d33)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (7689be1)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (b7a2506)
- playintegrity: update the API (e42dc69)
- sheets: update the API (16c9a82)
- siteVerification: update the API (c45f047)
- slides: update the API (78fbcbd)
- transcoder: update the API (14b4133)
- travelimpactmodel: update the API (4904f8a)
- workflows: update the API (4012755)
- workloadmanager: update the API (beb4054)
- workstations: update the API (c4f065a)
- youtube: update the API (b725d15)
Bug Fixes
- update camel case for youtube analytics to allow publishing (19a2150)
- build: This release has breaking changes.
- build: update deps make Node 12 minimum (#3096)
- build: run the generator (submodules now require Node 12) (#3073) (eda0707)
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessplaceactions: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- dlp: This release has breaking changes.
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudtasks: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
- chromepolicy: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- baremetalsolution: This release has breaking changes.
- assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticshub: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (7fc7f3b)
- analyticsdata: update the API (9e17589)
- analyticshub: update the API (fefba5f)
- androidpublisher: update the API (b5453fa)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (ba7d895)
- artifactregistry: update the API (41adc7c)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (8299911)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (86c86c6)
- bigquery: update the API (584cb90)
- chat: update the API (21b00d5)
- chromemanagement: update the API (70b92d6)
- chromepolicy: update the API (3cedef6)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (4819291)
- cloudbuild: update the API (ebb24ae)
- clouddeploy: update the API (97813ba)
- cloudidentity: update the API (fed4691)
- cloudsearch: update the API (8f89645)
- cloudsearch: update the API (c19ef78)
- cloudtasks: update the API (d649e11)
- compute: update the API (9af8aa4)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7603bb5)
- container: update the API (6832365)
- content: update the API (fc7133b)
- datacatalog: update the API (081b624)
- datamigration: update the API (8f3e8f6)
- dataproc: update the API (48beb07)
- datastream: update the API (8aa68de)
- dfareporting: update the API (b878f58)
- dialogflow: update the API (e21853e)
- dlp: update the API (d075fc5)
- dns: update the API (06d81a4)
- documentai: update the API (b8b4467)
- documentai: update the API (36ccfc0)
- firebase: update the API (32b4e93)
- firebase: update the API (91eb643)
- firestore: update the API (31f8f66)
- gkehub: update the API (d6b613f)
- gkehub: update the API (5dc946e)
- iap: update the API (2f10ed3)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (7df8a16)
- managedidentities: update the API (b0a7eb5)
- managedidentities: update the API (2cbdef5)
- manufacturers: update the API (21e916e)
- monitoring: update the API (899c529)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (40a0810)
- orgpolicy: update the API (b0cc83c)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (06d4ace)
- playintegrity: update the API (4f7675b)
- privateca: update the API (fadd124)
- realtimebidding: update the API (9d1418a)
- regenerate index files (7558b0b)
- regenerate index files (f841e13)
- retail: update the API (de2f51b)
- run: update the API (4b846eb)
- securitycenter: update the API (63030c4)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (6906817)
- servicenetworking: update the API (541cc3a)
- serviceusage: update the API (316d60b)
- spanner: update the API (72d2c09)
- speech: update the API (661ecdf)
- sqladmin: update the API (1ef5f7e)
- sqladmin: update the API (25af112)
- storagetransfer: update the API (2f866d5)
- testing: update the API (655d879)
- tpu: update the API (0f01b34)
- transcoder: update the API (e4ec36f)
- translate: update the API (dd397c0)
- vmmigration: update the API (a1ee3d7)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (3e91e2f)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (5b24104)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (8b4c6d6)
- accessapproval: update the API (d3ea8b1)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (573eba2)
- add hashes to requirements.txt (#1544) (#3053) (13d039d)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (fda5f58)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (c13881f)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (65d3a2e)
- admin: update the API (6e0931b)
- admob: update the API (c3a1829)
- adsensehost: update the API (5bedf1a)
- adsense: update the API (b5dc0a4)
- alertcenter: update the API (7a3df70)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (a00fdcf)
- analytics: update the API (091cafd)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (d1cbc8c)
- androidenterprise: update the API (e066c98)
- androidmanagement: update the API (502b725)
- apigateway: update the API (b27c648)
- apikeys: update the API (5dc73b0)
- appengine: update the API (71afd11)
- appengine: update the API (bb202c4)
- appsactivity: update the API (b51e768)
- area120tables: update the API (dd8770c)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (4fc00c2)
- beyondcorp: update the API (a2568ad)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (aa264ba)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (abcaa5b)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (b70d0c7)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (a4b691d)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (2e3f103)
- billingbudgets: update the API (891e034)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (1fcbffc)
- blogger: update the API (1f25ec1)
- books: update the API (01d79f4)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (021cb65)
- calendar: update the API (8ad950f)
- certificatemanager: update the API (2644a4c)
- civicinfo: update the API (d5b900e)
- classroom: update the API (4be851e)
- cloudasset: update the API (6d2b394)
- cloudbilling: update the API (364e5dc)
- cloudbilling: update the API (52fad78)
- cloudchannel: update the API (1a0d6c5)
- clouddebugger: update the API (a9a8394)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (2626c38)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (096faed)
- cloudiot: update the API (a5c7302)
- cloudkms: update the API (0c0b892)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (637772d)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (cd61c50)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (406a561)
- cloudshell: update the API (916d4cb)
- cloudsupport: update the API (43bbd5e)
- cloudtrace: update the API (87f58b7)
- composer: update the API (c515c29)
- connectors: update the API (ba904ff)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (23f5ee6)
- customsearch: update the API (eb55bc9)
- dataflow: update the API (1afce61)
- datafusion: update the API (391aa61)
- datalabeling: update the API (9836420)
- datapipelines: update the API (b23dfbf)
- dataplex: update the API (0a8b8cf)
- dataplex: update the API (4e56f02)
- datastore: update the API (7bab000)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (13a90fa)
- deps: require googleapis-common v6.x (9a80a59)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9 (#3063) (32e6060)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (4f1268b)
- discovery: update the API (67e0a3e)
- displayvideo: update the API (e1422a3)
- docs: update the API (2bbaa61)
- domainsrdap: update the API (c5a161c)
- domains: update the API (d7ba5cb)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (20c1114)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (4378265)
- driveactivity: update the API (9b5989d)
- drivelabels: update the API (1befe75)
- drive: update the API (e2ec6f2)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (a0e6258)
- eventarc: update the API (fd690e1)
- factchecktools: update the API (39cd6e9)
- fcmdata: update the API (3351a76)
- fcm: update the API (5967380)
- file: update the API (b296f90)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (e6613d7)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (c1fde10)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (c19cca9)
- firebasehosting: update the API (c04fe5e)
- firebaseml: update the API (b347077)
- firebaserules: update the API (8ec0818)
- firebasestorage: update the API (a0c2bf6)
- fitness: update the API (706123f)
- forms: update the API (bf35c3b)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (8b08a6c)
- gameservices: update the API (65ca917)
- gamesManagement: update the API (8dbdf14)
- games: update the API (04cf9df)
- genomics: update the API (db61976)
- gkebackup: update the API (4172896)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (b1f2392)
- gmail: update the API (704ac32)
- groupsmigration: update the API (af626aa)
- groupssettings: update the API (f04e7d2)
- healthcare: update the API (4409070)
- homegraph: update the API (48599d8)
- iamcredentials: update the API (8456abc)
- iam: update the API (7bf98a7)
- iap: update the API (9d7a13c)
- ideahub: update the API (09e0f4c)
- ids: update the API (3177fee)
- indexing: update the API (6085090)
- integrations: update the API (d52c426)
- jobs: update the API (04e6d89)
- kgsearch: update the API (6b51552)
- language: update the API (bf5a3a2)
- libraryagent: update the API (b738154)
- licensing: update the API (1d1223d)
- lifesciences: update the API (55171cb)
- localservices: update the API (666f965)
- logging: update the API (6420579)
- memcache: update the API (25fbacf)
- metastore: update the API (cd7d575)
- ml: update the API (40c9468)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (b21c4c1)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (28d0d2c)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (77207d8)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (031d8a9)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (42a6b3e)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (29db398)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (6e22f40)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (5301b54)
- networkmanagement: update the API (c7cdd80)
- networksecurity: update the API (8e2f722)
- networkservices: update the API (0fad326)
- networkservices: update the API (4d4e3f7)
- notebooks: update the API (f2f1b68)
- oauth2: update the API (b86ae01)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (ec356bd)
- osconfig: update the API (1d7a874)
- oslogin: update the API (899e17e)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (fd459c5)
- people: update the API (712168d)
- playablelocations: update the API (7b2e2e8)
- playcustomapp: update the API (c2307ec)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (4e27527)
- plus: update the API (4acc611)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (96abc5d)
- policysimulator: update the API (b6aa81c)
- policysimulator: update the API (daec4de)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (079e5ca)
- poly: update the API (79805b0)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (ea05525)
- pubsublite: update the API (2098976)
- pubsub: update the API (fadb363)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (a3cd345)
- recommendationengine: update the API (ec5ac33)
- recommender: update the API (bf42a86)
- redis: update the API (7197b4c)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (add5148)
- reseller: update the API (11508bf)
- resourcesettings: update the API (7cbb075)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (ba233e9)
- safebrowsing: update the API (f81230e)
- sasportal: update the API (6c2bd4f)
- script: update the API (d0747fe)
- searchconsole: update the API (661466b)
- secretmanager: update the API (4dfb174)
- servicecontrol: update the API (2776fc0)
- servicedirectory: update the API (0b5aded)
- servicemanagement: update the API (e2d198b)
- sheets: update the API (619e0bd)
- siteVerification: update the API (402c9c2)
- slides: update the API (d95868d)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (a8908a2)
- sourcerepo: update the API (23a02da)
- sql: update the API (ffe8763)
- storage: update the API (1f5402c)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (8406935)
- sts: update the API (e8c3e2e)
- tagmanager: update the API (518d047)
- tasks: update the API (de27e6c)
- texttospeech: update the API (cfe5346)
- toolresults: update the API (336ea81)
- trafficdirector: update the API (eb9e763)
- transcoder: update the API (184a92e)
- use google-gax v3.3.0 (9fe206b)
- vault: update the API (f81239e)
- vectortile: update the API (75378b6)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (97ba50f)
- versionhistory: update the API (d9e0ae1)
- videointelligence: update the API (cf6d6c2)
- vision: update the API (d28f1c9)
- vmmigration: update the API (f6f2c75)
- webfonts: update the API (7d2a810)
- webmasters: update the API (c68bd60)
- webrisk: update the API (f2eb8d6)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (463dc0c)
- workflows: update the API (88a2027)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (fbacc30)
- youtubereporting: update the API (5e6a838)
- youtube: update the API (33f7b09)
- This release has breaking changes.
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- tagmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- streetviewpublish: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- gameservices: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
- chromepolicy: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- certificatemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- baremetalsolution: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (5eb21d4)
- adsense: update the API (7499567)
- alertcenter: update the API (76670aa)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (74e5da3)
- androidenterprise: update the API (0fd13cc)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (1e2626e)
- artifactregistry: update the API (988385f)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (3f96123)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (cad750c)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (59c1f0d)
- beyondcorp: update the API (f60d356)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (97106c3)
- bigquery: update the API (c15f1a5)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (5c8b2a4)
- blogger: update the API (0263ede)
- certificatemanager: update the API (29dfc64)
- chat: update the API (5e04541)
- chromemanagement: update the API (dd36abc)
- chromepolicy: update the API (f663be8)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (2b37314)
- cloudidentity: update the API (ec8bfac)
- cloudsearch: update the API (227ccf2)
- cloudtasks: update the API (6dc6f4e)
- compute: update the API (937f7d2)
- connectors: update the API (b567e43)
- containeranalysis: update the API (db1b3cb)
- content: update the API (b62941b)
- datacatalog: update the API (538c36c)
- dataflow: update the API (e687662)
- dataplex: update the API (1e7707f)
- dataproc: update the API (1f546a0)
- datastream: update the API (f7598ff)
- dialogflow: update the API (6cdd24e)
- dlp: update the API (76d8bee)
- dns: update the API (c35513f)
- documentai: update the API (097d695)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (e7527cf)
- drive: update the API (34d83f5)
- firebase: update the API (2278ecf)
- gameservices: update the API (3ebb031)
- gkehub: update the API (3b007ca)
- healthcare: update the API (070b560)
- iap: update the API (6f7bc48)
- logging: update the API (8d229a2)
- manufacturers: update the API (41f0b21)
- monitoring: update the API (6f2630e)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (1b0fad2)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (83161c2)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (159077f)
- notebooks: update the API (79a6828)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (167c120)
- orgpolicy: update the API (e020490)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (a94b821)
- playintegrity: update the API (fae4590)
- regenerate index files (1a804b6)
- retail: update the API (c8c2162)
- run: update the API (02b0a5e)
- securitycenter: update the API (eec0bff)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (6f245c3)
- servicedirectory: update the API (1b8316a)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2ed5dec)
- serviceusage: update the API (97f5c44)
- spanner: update the API (3298ec0)
- sqladmin: update the API (0e8649b)
- storagetransfer: update the API (5146aaa)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (3540730)
- tagmanager: update the API (09cf42f)
- toolresults: update the API (5d78dad)
- translate: update the API (d987145)
- vision: update the API (98619dd)
- vmmigration: update the API (04fed01)
- youtube: update the API (959fbf0)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (4d7aea9)
- analyticshub: update the API (7c600e8)
- androidmanagement: update the API (9cbd2c8)
- androidpublisher: update the API (4fec03f)
- apigateway: update the API (a083eb4)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (f0aea4d)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (a8772ca)
- calendar: update the API (0b82a21)
- cloudasset: update the API (7e03943)
- cloudbuild: update the API (297349c)
- cloudchannel: update the API (45568a9)
- cloudkms: update the API (f2bda7e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (ac3e12c)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (feac320)
- composer: update the API (f5ecfd9)
- container: update the API (a12f945)
- datamigration: update the API (6e0dc28)
- datastore: update the API (3831760)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (1361dc8)
- displayvideo: update the API (c980c10)
- domains: update the API (7bc46bc)
- drivelabels: update the API (5456032)
- eventarc: update the API (6ecb005)
- file: update the API (3447f08)
- firebaserules: update the API (569ba92)
- firestore: update the API (8be59ce)
- gkebackup: update the API (60cfb9d)
- iam: update the API (a511a30)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (0dc8896)
- jobs: update the API (19cba08)
- language: update the API (14a7af4)
- memcache: update the API (f05c819)
- metastore: update the API (c27de6e)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (19ffc56)
- networksecurity: update the API (ca3a58c)
- networkservices: update the API (dfbd204)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (f9fa9c7)
- policysimulator: update the API (04de3cf)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (e3f8e67)
- privateca: update the API (8bb674c)
- pubsub: update the API (eb0645d)
- realtimebidding: update the API (62ef22a)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (1070a48)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (56261e7)
- servicemanagement: update the API (9b9d4d8)
- slides: update the API (bcb6e59)
- sourcerepo: update the API (68136a1)
- storage: update the API (5da5429)
- sts: update the API (f58c1c1)
- testing: update the API (d7a0e44)
- trafficdirector: update the API (2926adf)
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- recommendationengine: This release has breaking changes.
- logging: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (367a68d)
- androidmanagement: update the API (ef4d735)
- artifactregistry: update the API (a3cc2fa)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (955c71a)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (b30fe51)
- beyondcorp: update the API (2dcae25)
- bigquery: update the API (70808fc)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (bcd2e5f)
- chat: update the API (9042820)
- chromemanagement: update the API (046cc15)
- cloudidentity: update the API (a14a010)
- cloudkms: update the API (8705597)
- cloudsearch: update the API (8de664a)
- compute: update the API (eebadb0)
- connectors: update the API (cb72ed3)
- container: update the API (dd0295f)
- content: update the API (f1ec013)
- dataproc: update the API (44991c9)
- domains: update the API (e5776ee)
- eventarc: update the API (a91cb20)
- firebase: update the API (fef33fd)
- firestore: update the API (0c1c456)
- gkehub: update the API (4a49991)
- logging: update the API (6c4915c)
- metastore: update the API (a3cebe1)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (3d4b5a8)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (cc85699)
- recommendationengine: update the API (2e1f4cd)
- recommender: update the API (5a2f7cc)
- regenerate index files (bb066c3)
- retail: update the API (1573ec8)
- sasportal: update the API (daa5c7f)
- secretmanager: update the API (6893ee8)
- securitycenter: update the API (ba1ba9d)
- servicedirectory: update the API (3d98c4b)
- servicemanagement: update the API (4f02984)
- sqladmin: update the API (bd2a039)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (70709c8)
- tpu: update the API (d97dba6)
- vmmigration: update the API (ae4d69b)
- youtube: update the API (332d214)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (38fdb2b)
- admin: update the API (85ded37)
- analyticsdata: update the API (501f99e)
- analyticshub: update the API (a828b29)
- blogger: update the API (523215e)
- certificatemanager: update the API (b2e2663)
- chromepolicy: update the API (1a04941)
- cloudasset: update the API (06813c1)
- cloudbuild: update the API (520713a)
- cloudchannel: update the API (6f967f0)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (4d093ea)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (01e032b)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (5e8f63b)
- composer: update the API (632108e)
- dialogflow: update the API (c033136)
- gkebackup: update the API (c038a4b)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (0de481f)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (8badfad)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (1608ccc)
- networksecurity: update the API (5cef5b0)
- run: update the API (92b5d49)
- sheets: update the API (47b9d1c)
- sts: update the API (45f39eb)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (b61d46f)
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: update the API (5f00350)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (07952e9)
- clouddeploy: update the API (f1c684f)
- compute: update the API (7c25354)
- dlp: update the API (5a629b0)
- documentai: update the API (ad3a5de)
- gkehub: update the API (444e072)
- metastore: update the API (4dd781e)
- networkservices: update the API (2e29e5b)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (aad0498)
- regenerate index files (4b7157d)
- regenerate index files (0d932f6)
- retail: update the API (ee83d19)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (26e1774)
- servicenetworking: update the API (89ffaa6)
- serviceusage: update the API (f6041db)
- transcoder: update the API (36262d9)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (63ef03f)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (627d9ee)
- accessapproval: update the API (75bcf8a)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (91051e8)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (c52a832)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (9aa1e87)
- admin: update the API (9aedbeb)
- admob: update the API (1c96dc8)
- adsensehost: update the API (e6e762c)
- adsense: update the API (d0027b8)
- alertcenter: update the API (422d029)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (7e23211)
- analyticsdata: update the API (71bf3c7)
- analyticshub: update the API (3e7c7c1)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (4b96dd5)
- analytics: update the API (b221f98)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (929f080)
- androidenterprise: update the API (d46e9b3)
- androidmanagement: update the API (135819b)
- androidpublisher: update the API (9288ea1)
- apigateway: update the API (c08e6fe)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (6ffb8a1)
- apikeys: update the API (7aad955)
- area120tables: update the API (28de568)
- artifactregistry: update the API (fcd0898)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (2d0a722)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (2274c4b)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (e57f162)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (8751ad6)
- beyondcorp: update the API (1acc660)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (875d30f)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (fd14b1f)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (a2c429e)
- bigquery: update the API (6fdcb25)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (892017a)
- billingbudgets: update the API (dd6a6e0)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (7ff9cdf)
- blogger: update the API (d9d44e6)
- books: update the API (743c2cc)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (b0ea9d5)
- calendar: update the API (89e21d0)
- certificatemanager: update the API (7a890af)
- chat: update the API (fbd48e8)
- chromemanagement: update the API (50f1d7d)
- chromepolicy: update the API (04eecb8)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (af0e78d)
- civicinfo: update the API (41413c9)
- classroom: update the API (68a1e39)
- cloudasset: update the API (1a876e6)
- cloudbilling: update the API (a9f9aad)
- cloudbuild: update the API (21d7a2f)
- cloudchannel: update the API (799dd4a)
- clouddebugger: update the API (2ec0bba)
- clouddeploy: update the API (c344c79)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (9e19af8)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (aa45050)
- cloudidentity: update the API (0203fd5)
- cloudiot: update the API (fe5346d)
- cloudkms: update the API (1ae4ff2)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (9b2e835)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (e64dc02)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ac6d463)
- cloudsearch: update the API (cea5797)
- cloudshell: update the API (1c39285)
- cloudsupport: update the API (fc8e5ee)
- cloudtasks: update the API (3394139)
- cloudtrace: update the API (acea145)
- composer: update the API (cf97810)
- connectors: update the API (ebd7c8b)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (c0d1d1e)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7d31cb3)
- container: update the API (1044cb3)
- content: update the API (8ef2d03)
- customsearch: update the API (ffe56e0)
- datacatalog: update the API (ea663c0)
- dataflow: update the API (b567cd9)
- datafusion: update the API (dd8a1a2)
- datalabeling: update the API (cc4ebea)
- datamigration: update the API (357b7f4)
- datapipelines: update the API (dc63cad)
- dataplex: update the API (de30f17)
- dataproc: update the API (129cfd2)
- datastore: update the API (dd511d8)
- datastream: update the API (8c38eba)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (8436684)
- dfareporting: update the API (c68f31b)
- dialogflow: update the API (69a2994)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (4412215)
- discovery: update the API (b554e11)
- displayvideo: update the API (fcb3965)
- dns: update the API (ffc1bcd)
- docs: update the API (8fdf542)
- domainsrdap: update the API (834a638)
- domains: update the API (32e8b88)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (84b864f)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (b7ee5a0)
- driveactivity: update the API (c709847)
- drive: update the API (f3f7670)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (edf332b)
- eventarc: update the API (ce1bb7c)
- factchecktools: update the API (db1ffaf)
- fcmdata: update the API (6da5de3)
- fcm: update the API (3ce1f9d)
- file: update the API (5d6a856)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (0e973de)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (d6bc3a9)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (75046d4)
- firebasehosting: update the API (5dfcaf2)
- firebaseml: update the API (d50d8ee)
- firebaserules: update the API (5e52f75)
- firebasestorage: update the API (dfd5880)
- firebase: update the API (a659323)
- firestore: update the API (e53b9c8)
- fitness: update the API (391dc49)
- forms: update the API (06c1b06)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (2cb7305)
- gameservices: update the API (ff44c7f)
- gamesManagement: update the API (82dc54e)
- games: update the API (8720aaa)
- genomics: update the API (6bcb8db)
- gkebackup: update the API (cff60e0)
- gkehub: update the API (2bd9ce2)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (5fa7b0b)
- gmail: update the API (92cc465)
- groupsmigration: update the API (04d4100)
- groupssettings: update the API (48401d8)
- healthcare: update the API (f058530)
- homegraph: update the API (44e6356)
- iamcredentials: update the API (00137c8)
- iam: update the API (5b2a9f6)
- iap: update the API (4ed9f3f)
- ideahub: update the API (2e607ad)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (94cc053)
- ids: update the API (084f350)
- indexing: update the API (de3c530)
- jobs: update the API (6add080)
- kgsearch: update the API (7bb488a)
- language: update the API (932f9cd)
- libraryagent: update the API (c875e94)
- licensing: update the API (5006d3a)
- lifesciences: update the API (2f95acc)
- localservices: update the API (67990b0)
- logging: update the API (4f7adf4)
- managedidentities: update the API (a37a7b0)
- manufacturers: update the API (4a101fe)
- memcache: update the API (edcca38)
- metastore: update the API (6565b19)
- ml: update the API (365cdcf)
- monitoring: update the API (be1c03a)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (9590d1e)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (e957478)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (d382ee1)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (61258b5)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (ea66b7c)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (0c745f8)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (ea704bf)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (3981389)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (cdf1173)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (313153e)
- networkmanagement: update the API (f2e2ae0)
- networksecurity: update the API (8f4e7e5)
- networksecurity: update the API (d311ec1)
- networkservices: update the API (7fae375)
- notebooks: update the API (845a24a)
- oauth2: update the API (06a767c)
- orgpolicy: update the API (629b8db)
- osconfig: update the API (cc7ba9e)
- oslogin: update the API (4c92435)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (52bf2d1)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (5d689cd)
- people: update the API (6ae8139)
- playcustomapp: update the API (df15062)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (13be9b3)
- playintegrity: update the API (ec97324)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (1bf6a1d)
- policysimulator: update the API (c2f88d5)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (0ff9f26)
- poly: update the API (1d80027)
- privateca: update the API (a25d8fc)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (3d9d7cf)
- pubsublite: update the API (78d282d)
- pubsub: update the API (686d4aa)
- realtimebidding: update the API (d4aaf9b)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (4d20240)
- recommendationengine: update the API (6ebd7c0)
- recommender: update the API (b987d9e)
- redis: update the API (1e3c787)
- reseller: update the API (803f4f7)
- resourcesettings: update the API (1c53cdc)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (2d91de2)
- run: update the API (c426924)
- safebrowsing: update the API (cf1cf6c)
- sasportal: update the API (e315f49)
- script: update the API (0e00cdc)
- searchconsole: update the API (29a1c14)
- secretmanager: update the API (4b59ae7)
- securitycenter: update the API (4b036a9)
- servicecontrol: update the API (7773788)
- servicedirectory: update the API (38bd1ab)
- servicemanagement: update the API (5218e92)
- servicenetworking: update the API (9e35144)
- sheets: update the API (f30497b)
- siteVerification: update the API (10102b6)
- slides: update the API (0c7355f)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (d66970f)
- sourcerepo: update the API (a8e24fb)
- spanner: update the API (2ae07b4)
- speech: update the API (edb698b)
- sqladmin: update the API (37fcf15)
- storagetransfer: update the API (6c6020d)
- storage: update the API (2aa119b)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (074b4eb)
- sts: update the API (0282563)
- tagmanager: update the API (39ce626)
- tasks: update the API (af5027b)
- testing: update the API (d78823f)
- texttospeech: update the API (055a24e)
- toolresults: update the API (a8d6d58)
- tpu: update the API (8ccd84a)
- trafficdirector: update the API (150e03d)
- transcoder: update the API (91b5e27)
- translate: update the API (10c70f7)
- vault: update the API (e5d8e82)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (60e41a2)
- versionhistory: update the API (8bf07e2)
- videointelligence: update the API (a66b8a9)
- vision: update the API (2939cfa)
- vmmigration: update the API (39ee227)
- webfonts: update the API (cb4805d)
- webrisk: update the API (faf31b0)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (3b291d1)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (3cabbe0)
- workflows: update the API (007bc1f)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (3f2573c)
- youtubereporting: update the API (63a8752)
- This release has breaking changes.
- update library to use Node 12
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- pubsub: This release has breaking changes.
- networkservices: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- datastream: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseappcheck: This release has breaking changes.
- datastream: This release has breaking changes.
- admob: update the API (8ab1e70)
- adsense: update the API (0cc949a)
- androidmanagement: update the API (be1cd44)
- artifactregistry: update the API (0095b13)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (04b0ae4)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (c837254)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (18ee5db)
- bigquery: update the API (754e918)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (a626ffc)
- certificatemanager: update the API (da30d64)
- chat: update the API (7d92020)
- civicinfo: update the API (ce252e7)
- cloudasset: update the API (13e6346)
- cloudchannel: update the API (8084791)
- clouddeploy: update the API (42210b2)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (e513f76)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (e90a71b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (f6795a1)
- compute: update the API (3069492)
- containeranalysis: update the API (9f2ef5a)
- container: update the API (3c1384a)
- content: update the API (0919741)
- dataflow: update the API (28dee3f)
- dataproc: update the API (87d7043)
- datastream: update the API (b60c35e)
- datastream: update the API (311cfa5)
- dialogflow: update the API (68a12bb)
- documentai: update the API (1c794fd)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (bcf340e)
- drive: update the API (39af9d1)
- file: update the API (9c7e170)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (c2c5034)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (ddc7a30)
- firestore: update the API (b0473eb)
- gkehub: update the API (458360d)
- healthcare: update the API (37d91bd)
- iam: update the API (4d232ad)
- logging: update the API (4886bb2)
- managedidentities: update the API (b859cf5)
- memcache: update the API (0756b38)
- metastore: update the API (54ca19b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (3072909)
- networkservices: update the API (0e83db8)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (202277e)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (de201b3)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (17d456c)
- pubsub: update the API (9ce9ad4)
- realtimebidding: update the API (8f8cf82)
- regenerate index files (88b9cdb)
- regenerate index files (43ae576)
- retail: update the API (5a40d76)
- retail: update the API (68537c4)
- run: update the API (77e7a57)
- securitycenter: update the API (8e9e0d7)
- servicemanagement: update the API (b85dcb2)
- servicenetworking: update the API (ebb9931)
- vault: update the API (f09934e)
- vmmigration: update the API (f8d2b32)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (a56b714)
- analyticsdata: update the API (26b196d)
- analyticshub: update the API (dfdf161)
- androidpublisher: update the API (3f6d9cf)
- androidpublisher: update the API (c4cf1e2)
- apigateway: update the API (2ba3f5b)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (2c18c2e)
- apikeys: update the API (4dd6691)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (e830c1d)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (b843a1d)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (88b8ad6)
- calendar: update the API (c522ddd)
- chromemanagement: update the API (c386f9d)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (d2fbe21)
- cloudasset: update the API (6a402e6)
- cloudbilling: update the API (c74adc3)
- cloudbuild: update the API (0f383bd)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (673cb41)
- cloudiot: update the API (19443d6)
- cloudkms: update the API (47b32c9)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (2617cfe)
- cloudtasks: update the API (05f7130)
- cloudtrace: update the API (d5fe501)
- connectors: update the API (b6de751)
- datacatalog: update the API (0e2d595)
- datamigration: update the API (26b87b7)
- datamigration: update the API (3563293)
- datastore: update the API (82a1486)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (88e7972)
- deps: update dependency nconf to ^0.12.0 (051cea3)
- displayvideo: update the API (96f4436)
- displayvideo: update the API (9f774df)
- eventarc: update the API (e8f4c94)
- extend timeout for test that timed out (#2955) (5c5bcd9)
- gameservices: update the API (1424cf8)
- gkebackup: update the API (b6a0beb)
- gkebackup: update the API (0a1f289)
- iap: update the API (2e591a1)
- iap: update the API (2cccd41)
- licensing: update the API (a91f789)
- metastore: update the API (000a70a)
- ml: update the API (5daa014)
- monitoring: update the API (a88375c)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (fcc600f)
- networkmanagement: update the API (96963f3)
- notebooks: update the API (30de958)
- people: update the API (034b55f)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (8dd4db4)
- policysimulator: update the API (5b4b30b)
- privateca: update the API (f0f674d)
- recommendationengine: update the API (775fce4)
- redis: update the API (b567d52)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (ed02d14)
- secretmanager: update the API (3e0c409)
- servicecontrol: update the API (1d439c5)
- servicedirectory: update the API (66b3885)
- servicemanagement: update the API (fc95696)
- sheets: update the API (0e0cd7d)
- slides: update the API (8d26226)
- sourcerepo: update the API (e500576)
- spanner: update the API (e0349de)
- speech: update the API (bc6d748)
- sts: update the API (32a5ce0)
- testing: update the API (b6eacf3)
- tpu: update the API (34de081)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (dc5e29a)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (0aac8bf)
- workflows: update the API (3cbd66c)
Build System
- update library to use Node 12 (68fd45a)
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessqanda: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- apikeys: This release has breaking changes.
- adsense: update the API (1b9a1ce)
- apikeys: update the API (0550909)
- appengine: update the API (3afd6a8)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (7e8df97)
- bigquery: update the API (30b6984)
- chat: update the API (318ea6e)
- chromemanagement: update the API (4860bd2)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (b0c0714)
- cloudidentity: update the API (e3521e3)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (ca91432)
- composer: update the API (e3ddd11)
- compute: update the API (82b88cb)
- content: update the API (4464054)
- dataplex: update the API (285cd97)
- dataproc: update the API (da05b4f)
- datastore: update the API (4a7e164)
- dlp: update the API (674d8ab)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (d5702f5)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (c68ff12)
- firestore: update the API (a1f99fd)
- forms: update the API (5e955b4)
- games: update the API (4498445)
- logging: update the API (9c3da4b)
- memcache: update the API (5a10327)
- monitoring: update the API (4c692cf)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (e802eae)
- regenerate index files (2611881)
- run: update the API (8c067c5)
- securitycenter: update the API (636ed43)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (7a746be)
- serviceusage: update the API (7c436c8)
- spanner: update the API (5c39acc)
- storage: update the API (fd2c342)
- vault: update the API (fa9fabb)
- vmmigration: update the API (47b4df3)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (092592e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (ba62d74)
- apigateway: update the API (116fdf5)
- artifactregistry: update the API (33becb7)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (f6176dc)
- calendar: update the API (5b9cf4e)
- certificatemanager: update the API (d4ace25)
- cloudbilling: update the API (576f889)
- clouddeploy: update the API (729edfe)
- cloudiot: update the API (9a13cc6)
- cloudkms: update the API (61c005f)
- cloudtasks: update the API (b3b393b)
- cloudtrace: update the API (b8bb545)
- datastream: update the API (82ab5af)
- dialogflow: update the API (5af3d3d)
- docs: update the API (4189154)
- documentai: update the API (c44ee55)
- eventarc: update the API (5a689bc)
- fcmdata: update the API (6e6cb9d)
- firebaserules: update the API (20d22bb)
- gameservices: update the API (dd77001)
- give
npm pack
time to truly finish (#2939) (150c9fc)
- gkebackup: update the API (7189b31)
- gkehub: update the API (2ee260b)
- gmail: update the API (f0098dd)
- iam: update the API (14ba1de)
- lifesciences: update the API (29e5a39)
- metastore: update the API (c33fb21)
- networkmanagement: update the API (2cb847f)
- policysimulator: update the API (3ae2b4a)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (8ec77dc)
- privateca: update the API (31d52de)
- pubsub: update the API (17deee5)
- redis: update the API (2686216)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (371b199)
- servicedirectory: update the API (4f3c754)
- servicemanagement: update the API (8a5087b)
- sourcerepo: update the API (13c4e9b)
- sts: update the API (3bf6a7d)
- transcoder: update the API (4d5bf3b)
- translate: update the API (f935066)
- workflows: update the API (e85f593)
- recommender: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- androidpublisher: update the API (27219e5)
- artifactregistry: update the API (5baadcd)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (a1efc45)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (92155c6)
- bigquery: update the API (00f3816)
- cloudbuild: update the API (6bbebc3)
- cloudsearch: update the API (5296afa)
- compute: update the API (91ac58a)
- datastream: update the API (58847ee)
- dialogflow: update the API (26ecf70)
- documentai: update the API (a30e7a5)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (0613fe3)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (7ceef82)
- healthcare: update the API (448c848)
- notebooks: update the API (f53f95e)
- recommender: update the API (11fa54b)
- regenerate index files (05c9049)
- retail: update the API (ddb95cd)
- servicecontrol: update the API (9b34122)
- sqladmin: update the API (6a10239)
- storagetransfer: update the API (976576e)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (101b5e1)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (794af8c)
- alertcenter: update the API (3bcbde4)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (0cd53ae)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (3a2a649)
- chromemanagement: update the API (c884d60)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (4f38de1)
- classroom: update the API (9e045c9)
- clouddeploy: update the API (47f851d)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (1f7fd81)
- content: update the API (d6c0495)
- datacatalog: update the API (d9e6b91)
- datamigration: update the API (6d1d258)
- datapipelines: update the API (a88f857)
- dataproc: update the API (a5da831)
- docs: update the API (644ab97)
- eventarc: update the API (4b509a6)
- genomics: update the API (1d98fce)
- gkehub: update the API (dd75f6b)
- homegraph: update the API (92801a6)
- jobs: update the API (621646b)
- manufacturers: update the API (5eee6d3)
- ml: update the API (e2b13cf)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (eb6513c)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (6d39698)
- osconfig: update the API (c42ee29)
- oslogin: update the API (c1c1be2)
- pubsublite: update the API (90fa939)
- run: update the API (8a6b80f)
- script: update the API (dadf716)
- slides: update the API (4c3e931)
- spanner: update the API (58cc75e)
- testing: update the API (740c4c8)
99.0.0 (2022-03-25)
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: update the API (12ffee2)
- content: update the API (00f0961)
- displayvideo: update the API (3f9cb6c)
- documentai: update the API (e6b21a4)
- firestore: update the API (12379bd)
- games: update the API (0844901)
- memcache: update the API (8dd9c74)
- recommender: update the API (4ff75fd)
- regenerate index files (5dbfa5d)
Bug Fixes
- analyticsdata: update the API (cc73d2b)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (ea2159e)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (8210c85)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (4f91d72)
- billingbudgets: update the API (976aa9f)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (8f10f6f)
- chat: update the API (a90c584)
- classroom: update the API (d8a6ad4)
- cloudasset: update the API (5aa2b4c)
- cloudchannel: update the API (a8c08e7)
- clouddebugger: update the API (e302ee7)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (a9baefe)
- cloudshell: update the API (3e93d43)
- container: update the API (451cfca)
- datastore: update the API (f9983a3)
- dlp: update the API (7dff547)
- firebasehosting: update the API (b01942e)
- firebasestorage: update the API (f52e5f4)
- forms: update the API (ebe44a6)
- ids: update the API (7b85b44)
- logging: update the API (ec9275b)
- monitoring: update the API (a209527)
- oslogin: update the API (43bd84d)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (aa6c9bc)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (b0aec7d)
- run: update the API (7b981bf)
- secretmanager: update the API (0363de6)
- vision: update the API (0722623)
98.0.0 (2022-03-23)
- firebaseappcheck: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c2f0c62)
- androidmanagement: update the API (2746c26)
- apikeys: update the API (b178d7a)
- artifactregistry: update the API (513c7b6)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (99b3a43)
- bigquery: update the API (3ee9ddf)
- chromepolicy: update the API (8e48333)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (41b8f38)
- cloudsearch: update the API (3dd2f8b)
- compute: update the API (7bfb605)
- container: update the API (4f97326)
- datafusion: update the API (3f7a41c)
- documentai: update the API (68c3908)
- eventarc: update the API (67a815e)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (b5bed5f)
- firestore: update the API (e70f84a)
- iam: update the API (0cb83ce)
- iap: update the API (1b8f710)
- logging: update the API (535ce82)
- memcache: update the API (3b024da)
- networkservices: update the API (39d45af)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (e42e038)
- regenerate index files (96633d1)
- retail: update the API (86dcbd4)
- sasportal: update the API (68f48f9)
- spanner: update the API (96f0437)
- testing: update the API (2570884)
- texttospeech: update the API (5baae8a)
- versionhistory: update the API (ffd2a9a)
- youtube: update the API (d6124e4)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (a07b775)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (30e042e)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (3df2359)
- adsense: update the API (4b2b074)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (43abc39)
- androidpublisher: update the API (9c6fc9f)
- area120tables: update the API (f46e40a)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (0a6a518)
- books: update the API (1fddbc0)
- cloudbuild: update the API (aa29661)
- cloudchannel: update the API (8f71321)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (dc7d010)
- datalabeling: update the API (8eaefbd)
- dialogflow: update the API (a82513f)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (d6f18f5)
- factchecktools: update the API (961c732)
- file: update the API (f551499)
- firebaseml: update the API (d549b8a)
- firebase: update the API (e717586)
- licensing: update the API (a89a46e)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (71ce1f2)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (1b59921)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (6990d06)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (5564943)
- orgpolicy: update the API (6b5504d)
- people: update the API (2f85a2e)
- privateca: update the API (aecc15b)
- realtimebidding: update the API (1ad5e6c)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (4a62baf)
- safebrowsing: update the API (eae6b15)
- securitycenter: update the API (a141394)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (72885ba)
- servicenetworking: update the API (301a70a)
- serviceusage: update the API (46e2709)
- sheets: update the API (abe90a4)
- sourcerepo: update the API (7e87df4)
- speech: update the API (967c203)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (fc6ce1f)
- vault: update the API (fd7a6ff)
- webrisk: update the API (7840092)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (68a3467)
- youtubereporting: update the API (e84e293)
97.0.0 (2022-03-14)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- recommender: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- baremetalsolution: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: update the API (90fc655)
- artifactregistry: update the API (98c1760)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (f8409b6)
- dataflow: update the API (0a73c7c)
- dialogflow: update the API (c1b962c)
- fcm: update the API (112b3da)
- gkehub: update the API (d5de1ea)
- healthcare: update the API (daa20c3)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (054c2b1)
- networkmanagement: update the API (5f4d144)
- notebooks: update the API (7b2d8a7)
- pubsub: update the API (4fa661f)
- recommender: update the API (d218dc2)
- regenerate index files (e3ef4f8)
- run: update the API (8fbf18e)
- sqladmin: update the API (b1ff1f0)
- vmmigration: update the API (d34e72c)
Bug Fixes
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (e34ca96)
- chat: update the API (cfd8a7e)
- cloudasset: update the API (3904f20)
- clouddeploy: update the API (621f559)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (e33c627)
- composer: update the API (a365c6b)
- datastream: update the API (ce944b3)
- dlp: update the API (f21c39a)
- documentai: update the API (4e3e1af)
- domains: update the API (6db08fb)
- forms: update the API (2031d3a)
- gmail: update the API (ddb0908)
- jobs: update the API (3820d87)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (b7b0b49)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (d03f91e)
- retail: update the API (7d3e0c1)
- storagetransfer: update the API (5cf3eba)
- testing: update the API (01c6e8f)
96.0.0 (2022-03-08)
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- tpu: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- gameservices: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- composer: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsupport: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (1408fcb)
- admin: update the API (0023d54)
- alertcenter: update the API (7904c52)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (a51b031)
- androidmanagement: update the API (3a5bbf2)
- artifactregistry: update the API (457a515)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (682c0d6)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (039a08f)
- bigquery: update the API (16e2a77)
- billingbudgets: update the API (b80deb1)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (a2a6aba)
- chat: update the API (d40e685)
- chromepolicy: update the API (c83cb95)
- cloudasset: update the API (d852a18)
- cloudbuild: update the API (d2cf9ff)
- cloudchannel: update the API (3319848)
- clouddeploy: update the API (e773621)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (b954770)
- cloudidentity: update the API (96e8178)
- cloudsearch: update the API (0f73240)
- cloudsupport: update the API (e448561)
- composer: update the API (54a2107)
- compute: update the API (595332b)
- containeranalysis: update the API (8c07747)
- container: update the API (f67ef07)
- content: update the API (c3d689d)
- datacatalog: update the API (a72e932)
- dataflow: update the API (7084071)
- datamigration: update the API (baf4612)
- dataproc: update the API (14229ad)
- dialogflow: update the API (607f101)
- displayvideo: update the API (9fd640b)
- documentai: update the API (f591b56)
- drive: update the API (f72115a)
- eventarc: update the API (aa98673)
- file: update the API (8e5fe31)
- firebase: update the API (2f4d79d)
- gameservices: update the API (b82694c)
- gkehub: update the API (f61d864)
- iam: update the API (177ace5)
- logging: update the API (73bfa02)
- managedidentities: update the API (907dd11)
- memcache: update the API (d1d710b)
- metastore: update the API (6c14196)
- monitoring: update the API (4c7d261)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (e712917)
- networkmanagement: update the API (b06debf)
- notebooks: update the API (068e899)
- policysimulator: update the API (1235b3b)
- privateca: update the API (db909f0)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (76195de)
- pubsub: update the API (e5e531c)
- recommender: update the API (d375f4b)
- regenerate index files (1ba7901)
- retail: update the API (c6e2d12)
- sasportal: update the API (052d199)
- securitycenter: update the API (9fd0dc8)
- servicecontrol: update the API (8c6dc65)
- servicemanagement: update the API (e19f363)
- storagetransfer: update the API (2661b09)
- storage: update the API (e0f07cd)
- tpu: update the API (5f76e8f)
- vault: update the API (762c73d)
- vmmigration: update the API (8f0c650)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (43e0358)
- admob: update the API (5080ab0)
- adsense: update the API (844ef06)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (60c9c0a)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (e20c36f)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (e7afd58)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (7009186)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (22f0a06)
- certificatemanager: update the API (dd7044d)
- chromemanagement: update the API (da7d160)
- classroom: update the API (31fbe5a)
- cloudkms: update the API (c3cd26e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (88d6340)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (717dc75)
- cloudtrace: update the API (22ca424)
- dataplex: update the API (39f5c08)
- dlp: update the API (dac7bf7)
- dns: update the API (0f8d2fc)
- fcmdata: update the API (1ddd7df)
- firebaserules: update the API (b6c7d28)
- firestore: update the API (2c2c62e)
- healthcare: update the API (07a628a)
- ids: update the API (45e7964)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (21d0a30)
- mybusinessbusinesscalls: update the API (6ae913e)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (437a853)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (08af6b3)
- osconfig: update the API (317ab04)
- people: update the API (fd481a0)
- playintegrity: update the API (998e66e)
- realtimebidding: update the API (4881cb9)
- redis: update the API (7594c4a)
- run: update the API (5ad168e)
- spanner: update the API (84e7d3d)
- speech: update the API (07bbfeb)
- sqladmin: update the API (12cf4d9)
- testing: update the API (1cb3e78)
- youtube: update the API (2121810)
95.0.0 (2022-02-04)
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- recaptchaenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- policysimulator: This release has breaking changes.
- orgpolicy: This release has breaking changes.
- firestore: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsupport: This release has breaking changes.
- billingbudgets: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (fa4850b)
- apikeys: update the API (8cf6c35)
- artifactregistry: update the API (262c844)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (97949b6)
- bigquery: update the API (186bfb9)
- billingbudgets: update the API (6941ad9)
- chat: update the API (5a30538)
- classroom: update the API (524132b)
- clouddeploy: update the API (06f48c3)
- cloudidentity: update the API (a8efab0)
- cloudkms: update the API (ea39990)
- cloudsupport: update the API (f528e50)
- compute: update the API (3dbd151)
- connectors: update the API (2b7942b)
- content: update the API (fd9c513)
- datapipelines: update the API (4d7548b)
- dataproc: update the API (0358223)
- datastore: update the API (2319b07)
- datastream: update the API (c4b5c6d)
- dialogflow: update the API (fed0b45)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (f91b206)
- displayvideo: update the API (c7f000e)
- dns: update the API (fe651f1)
- documentai: update the API (95555af)
- drive: update the API (8189354)
- eventarc: update the API (24623e8)
- firestore: update the API (5f17092)
- gkehub: update the API (d1ca450)
- healthcare: update the API (e45ad7a)
- logging: update the API (1e13163)
- metastore: update the API (c9a4210)
- monitoring: update the API (e28917b)
- notebooks: update the API (faafe22)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (853bf71)
- orgpolicy: update the API (3df5487)
- osconfig: update the API (e8a464a)
- policysimulator: update the API (8f9a12a)
- privateca: update the API (47296b3)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (0bfe0e3)
- redis: update the API (3c011f6)
- regenerate index files (208d25f)
- retail: update the API (b575a25)
- run: update the API (39a1091)
- sasportal: update the API (110ea0b)
- searchconsole: update the API (006f4cb)
- secretmanager: update the API (83dcd08)
- servicedirectory: update the API (e7b56e4)
- servicenetworking: update the API (68116d5)
- spanner: update the API (0fd40fc)
- sqladmin: update the API (4654b23)
- storagetransfer: update the API (a82aedb)
- vmmigration: update the API (d66f3bd)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (3ff80a9)
- admin: update the API (f82a927)
- adsense: update the API (745360d)
- androidpublisher: update the API (acb0391)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (88479be)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (ed0e03d)
- certificatemanager: update the API (7d0474e)
- chromemanagement: update the API (f6f6570)
- chromepolicy: update the API (1621ac9)
- cloudasset: update the API (04a7ffa)
- cloudchannel: update the API (21b2360)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (b66fe45)
- cloudsearch: update the API (859479b)
- container: update the API (6478eff)
- dlp: update the API (0551a9f)
- fcmdata: update the API (09ab682)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (fbce891)
- firebaserules: update the API (d6fc88e)
- iam: update the API (d0b595e)
- ids: update the API (126affd)
- manufacturers: update the API (e0d8ae7)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (5bb26dd)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (e597333)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (10fd170)
- networksecurity: update the API (98ffb5d)
- people: update the API (29c530f)
- realtimebidding: update the API (6c324d5)
- recommender: update the API (e5fa53c)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (77ef0e6)
- securitycenter: update the API (1ca8d77)
- servicecontrol: update the API (2ea5565)
- speech: update the API (1029169)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (02d591d)
- transcoder: update the API (d7d11b0)
94.0.0 (2022-01-17)
- texttospeech: This release has breaking changes.
- testing: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (1cd53c1)
- analyticsdata: update the API (a9e10bb)
- androidmanagement: update the API (9462e45)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (f221bea)
- cloudbuild: update the API (cf71057)
- compute: update the API (b8bfdd4)
- connectors: update the API (ddc1af1)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (061ba0f)
- container: update the API (01f672f)
- datacatalog: update the API (35809bc)
- dataproc: update the API (b51d551)
- dialogflow: update the API (a0058be)
- dns: update the API (b4b6d85)
- eventarc: update the API (2fc3956)
- healthcare: update the API (857af5e)
- networkservices: update the API (58c8636)
- notebooks: update the API (c0aa8d1)
- orgpolicy: update the API (00abeb4)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (37907a8)
- regenerate index files (70dc89d)
- run: update the API (c3a7add)
- script: update the API (68056b5)
- servicenetworking: update the API (3c459ab)
- testing: update the API (7d9ba88)
- texttospeech: update the API (febac1c)
Bug Fixes
- apikeys: update the API (1132a28)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (3672302)
- calendar: update the API (df46039)
- cloudkms: update the API (1d0d73e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (ac861db)
- datamigration: update the API (1f643b3)
- dfareporting: update the API (6360de3)
- displayvideo: update the API (d07e549)
- metastore: update the API (976334e)
- pubsub: update the API (6103c87)
- searchconsole: update the API (f12ab81)
- servicemanagement: update the API (d0bd6c7)
- vmmigration: update the API (aee71ac)
93.0.0 (2021-12-30)
- recaptchaenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- oslogin: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (650ed39)
- admin: update the API (544805a)
- alertcenter: update the API (970102e)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c29cc33)
- androidpublisher: update the API (0dead1b)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (498212e)
- bigquery: update the API (7ed568d)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (fb6d741)
- chat: update the API (97ff6fb)
- civicinfo: update the API (d3ddf0e)
- cloudasset: update the API (2507e94)
- clouddeploy: update the API (2f60545)
- cloudidentity: update the API (2909144)
- cloudkms: update the API (e3dd653)
- cloudsearch: update the API (861fd61)
- composer: update the API (8c26776)
- compute: update the API (a882286)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (7881846)
- containeranalysis: update the API (f8fcdb7)
- container: update the API (ea05b44)
- datacatalog: update the API (7f04125)
- datamigration: update the API (7988ede)
- dialogflow: update the API (189aaa4)
- displayvideo: update the API (267103a)
- dlp: update the API (3113678)
- dns: update the API (2b477fd)
- documentai: update the API (d5ccdba)
- gkehub: update the API (9250bd1)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (02d5fe8)
- networkservices: update the API (88aae62)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (3a48223)
- orgpolicy: update the API (447be25)
- osconfig: update the API (0beb3e3)
- oslogin: update the API (30eba5d)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (babdec3)
- pubsub: update the API (1fb6054)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (d83d848)
- redis: update the API (d342f52)
- regenerate index files (083b4b4)
- retail: update the API (e11dc02)
- securitycenter: update the API (204d5d2)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (5441e5d)
- serviceusage: update the API (cea697c)
- storagetransfer: update the API (c05ecc5)
- vmmigration: update the API (06311f6)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (2a770e6)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (8dd027d)
- adsense: update the API (e23d78c)
- analyticsdata: update the API (20e2f5f)
- androidmanagement: update the API (f2935a9)
- artifactregistry: update the API (f52886f)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (1cef3a2)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (dc5d30a)
- cloudbilling: update the API (2299d9f)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (1c6d9bf)
- cloudtasks: update the API (59c9009)
- connectors: update the API (8ac321f)
- content: update the API (bda875c)
- datapipelines: update the API (6f87463)
- drive: update the API (4e403d3)
- eventarc: update the API (f7d8111)
- iamcredentials: update the API (5ecd9c4)
- logging: update the API (7ee3ec1)
- monitoring: update the API (4ed1875)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (29d9c3e)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (1102512)
- recommendationengine: update the API (f5d69a1)
- recommender: update the API (f7fe51d)
- servicenetworking: update the API (8b05929)
- sourcerepo: update the API (a728a91)
- spanner: update the API (9a8b157)
- speech: update the API (ef0b1c0)
- sqladmin: update the API (72c841e)
- testing: update the API (9f13168)
- texttospeech: update the API (23ca179)
- transcoder: update the API (df5a3c1)
92.0.0 (2021-11-25)
- gameservices: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- composer: This release has breaking changes.
- androidmanagement: update the API (5501c3a)
- artifactregistry: update the API (1959959)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (fa0451e)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (91ef8e8)
- chat: update the API (3d6c7d1)
- chromemanagement: update the API (fb221b4)
- chromepolicy: update the API (d4d91b6)
- cloudasset: update the API (5fed525)
- cloudbuild: update the API (0046a9e)
- cloudbuild: update the API (73e1aae)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (8e708ef)
- composer: update the API (697d7eb)
- composer: update the API (a2d45c2)
- compute: update the API (ab61eda)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (f8af818)
- containeranalysis: update the API (b8a233e)
- container: update the API (96c59eb)
- datapipelines: update the API (0c9f45d)
- datastore: update the API (e4e5467)
- datastream: update the API (c2196ed)
- dialogflow: update the API (37bcac3)
- dlp: update the API (662f173)
- documentai: update the API (7853e26)
- drive: update the API (b361271)
- file: update the API (29f1afe)
- gameservices: update the API (c3f1576)
- gkehub: update the API (f5a54dc)
- healthcare: update the API (3d36c11)
- logging: update the API (02ec53d)
- metastore: update the API (6091bf0)
- ml: update the API (91ffb24)
- monitoring: update the API (c096b26)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (7f6525e)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (ab4d181)
- osconfig: update the API (fb058a6)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (094933f)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (c14bfb2)
- recommender: update the API (1d1cd06)
- regenerate index files (ff73fc9)
- regenerate index files (f59846a)
- securitycenter: update the API (db8d23c)
- speech: update the API (46ac5cb)
- sqladmin: update the API (3687772)
- storagetransfer: update the API (d4017b9)
- tpu: update the API (785c665)
- vmmigration: update the API (98e2572)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (d664794)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (dd59eb4)
- analyticsdata: update the API (ca9f0cf)
- androidmanagement: update the API (0441e07)
- apigateway: update the API (5b837d5)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (7b7d83d)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (d176028)
- calendar: update the API (2403fd2)
- cloudbilling: update the API (fed9831)
- clouddeploy: update the API (2c79584)
- cloudidentity: update the API (ab1876a)
- cloudiot: update the API (8722227)
- cloudkms: update the API (27f44c3)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (127e608)
- connectors: update the API (c79ccef)
- dataproc: update the API (37c7d5b)
- domains: update the API (5da4187)
- eventarc: update the API (b26e44e)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (18c9b30)
- gmail: update the API (607faf3)
- iam: update the API (60cc9e8)
- iap: update the API (d908ca9)
- managedidentities: update the API (ff2ad41)
- networkmanagement: update the API (0959069)
- networkservices: update the API (a482011)
- orgpolicy: update the API (7fdff9d)
- privateca: update the API (af71e76)
- privateca: update the API (99b1383)
- pubsub: update the API (cd78432)
- redis: update the API (b4bef56)
- retail: update the API (acd2bbb)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (fecc65d)
- run: update the API (1f5b2c1)
- secretmanager: update the API (fad42ad)
- securitycenter: update the API (0d2f9df)
- servicedirectory: update the API (07ed34b)
- servicemanagement: update the API (bd44ff8)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (5539850)
- sts: update the API (576ed9a)
- texttospeech: update the API (55234ef)
- webmasters: update the API (fb667e1)
91.0.0 (2021-11-08)
- vmmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
- ondemandscanning: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- gameservices: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (d044f75)
- androidmanagement: update the API (6e30ab7)
- appengine: update the API (7cfc9c3)
- artifactregistry: update the API (a535e56)
- bigquery: update the API (a7362f1)
- cloudidentity: update the API (e149bb4)
- composer: update the API (549f2f0)
- compute: update the API (93d1c00)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (b597f7b)
- container: update the API (9ce4b91)
- content: update the API (aa4e72d)
- datafusion: update the API (695a9fc)
- datastream: update the API (fcd7d25)
- dlp: update the API (356205f)
- dns: update the API (4d689a4)
- documentai: update the API (a10c0ef)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (2423456)
- gameservices: update the API (6944c4d)
- gkehub: update the API (546baf3)
- healthcare: update the API (77f4871)
- memcache: update the API (ce283de)
- monitoring: update the API (afb62eb)
- networkmanagement: update the API (72eeec1)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (0671272)
- osconfig: update the API (a088e57)
- oslogin: update the API (8052c22)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (2aea087)
- privateca: update the API (13dceb0)
- recommender: update the API (2f50124)
- redis: update the API (2254c4e)
- regenerate index files (c189f2c)
- retail: update the API (5f7627c)
- run: update the API (5c103ff)
- speech: update the API (3dd15a8)
- storagetransfer: update the API (165fd7f)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (9da3875)
- tagmanager: update the API (6bbe7de)
- translate: update the API (51b681b)
- vmmigration: update the API (46515fa)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (6438ba8)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (63febc7)
- chat: update the API (59add6a)
- classroom: update the API (521965f)
- cloudchannel: update the API (8284860)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (9bf6256)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (69a760f)
- cloudsupport: update the API (027d3a2)
- cloudtasks: update the API (3243d38)
- datamigration: update the API (4e9cfb7)
- datapipelines: update the API (58b1c83)
- dialogflow: update the API (79e4c88)
- ideahub: update the API (0ef9d25)
- jobs: update the API (0e62d47)
- logging: update the API (6aa1908)
- ml: update the API (1dd6c4d)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0f5f254)
- networkservices: update the API (b500de4)
- servicecontrol: update the API (d9d1bd1)
- sqladmin: update the API (9c8ac4e)
- vault: update the API (503571f)
90.0.0 (2021-10-28)
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- container: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (289459d)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (414400f)
- analyticsdata: update the API (ff24b61)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (9b76649)
- androidpublisher: update the API (05f3467)
- artifactregistry: update the API (3f5dc75)
- chat: update the API (c095dc9)
- chromemanagement: update the API (ec5251b)
- cloudkms: update the API (526f0f5)
- containeranalysis: update the API (6c50b72)
- container: update the API (a77807f)
- content: update the API (5284fc3)
- datacatalog: update the API (0186212)
- dataproc: update the API (2adba41)
- dialogflow: update the API (4fa493a)
- displayvideo: update the API (9515970)
- eventarc: update the API (41ed3f4)
- file: update the API (10f6e35)
- firestore: update the API (88fe7a6)
- gkehub: update the API (8ebb246)
- healthcare: update the API (d02e0d3)
- iam: update the API (76c7531)
- monitoring: update the API (7f8f02f)
- networkmanagement: update the API (48ddba8)
- notebooks: update the API (fcbe8bb)
- osconfig: update the API (dc9e7e1)
- oslogin: update the API (e370f31)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (378e606)
- playcustomapp: update the API (f2bb8d2)
- privateca: update the API (961bc59)
- regenerate index files (2677097)
- regenerate index files (8961002)
- retail: update the API (13c47b3)
- searchconsole: update the API (92d1a2d)
- securitycenter: update the API (2061186)
- speech: update the API (b21f48a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (54c78a1)
- storage: update the API (3e0cb69)
- texttospeech: update the API (6d31ccd)
- vmmigration: update the API (b06d54d)
Bug Fixes
- alertcenter: update the API (990a7c3)
- apigateway: update the API (531c46b)
- appengine: update the API (8fe9d2b)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (6870465)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (c9e45d5)
- chromepolicy: update the API (b111853)
- chromepolicy: update the API (2fc5102)
- cloudasset: update the API (d3fc792)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (bf4a976)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (6a1e478)
- cloudsearch: update the API (ece427e)
- cloudsearch: update the API (cb82cae)
- composer: update the API (fb2c943)
- containeranalysis: update the API (014bf74)
- content: update the API (cab77cb)
- datamigration: update the API (4a8f16a)
- datapipelines: update the API (e01e3e9)
- datastream: update the API (f118eb2)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (89c8737)
- dlp: update the API (c8e6057)
- domains: update the API (5f54674)
- drive: update the API (405ebc1)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (9904da9)
- iap: update the API (a4b8432)
- logging: update the API (b4fdc66)
- metastore: update the API (4d568a3)
- pubsub: update the API (418ac7e)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (f6e1f9c)
- reseller: update the API (f954db9)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (5d7c7ad)
- run: update the API (3d22c71)
- secretmanager: update the API (d0e1594)
- servicedirectory: update the API (bbbca0a)
- servicemanagement: update the API (61a8036)
- sourcerepo: update the API (1233dd7)
- spanner: update the API (cb19b2c)
- sqladmin: update the API (494dc78)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (a4233fa)
- sts: update the API (80b04eb)
- tpu: update the API (f9ca153)
- vectortile: update the API (f5dddfd)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (3598208)
89.0.0 (2021-10-18)
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: This release has breaking changes.
- logging: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (983f8ba)
- androidpublisher: update the API (2ef419e)
- appengine: update the API (70c3733)
- area120tables: update the API (d86574a)
- artifactregistry: update the API (7de8325)
- bigquery: update the API (0de2e24)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (8ef0acf)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (863c7f0)
- chromepolicy: update the API (f6162a3)
- cloudbuild: update the API (18fd64a)
- cloudsearch: update the API (7c220ea)
- compute: update the API (30bea18)
- container: update the API (ab6d3f7)
- content: update the API (3e942b4)
- dialogflow: update the API (6495352)
- dns: update the API (5fb88d6)
- documentai: update the API (58576db)
- domains: update the API (ba89daa)
- firebase: update the API (9629195)
- gkehub: update the API (7c7f873)
- healthcare: update the API (33297c0)
- iap: update the API (b95fd46)
- localservices: update the API (43de21d)
- logging: update the API (733a33b)
- managedidentities: update the API (4904a02)
- monitoring: update the API (7509670)
- networkservices: update the API (339e0d3)
- osconfig: update the API (2ff13e6)
- osconfig: update the API (a2c067c)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (6564211)
- realtimebidding: update the API (8bd83cf)
- redis: update the API (6821f71)
- regenerate index files (1a615ed)
- regenerate index files (81d5df4)
- regenerate index files (616d60c)
- retail: update the API (b194f40)
- servicenetworking: update the API (276ebcf)
- speech: update the API (64dedce)
- sqladmin: update the API (ea59c1d)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (c17e9b5)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (116d397)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (319a054)
- admin: update the API (aaca1cc)
- androidmanagement: update the API (d811b7a)
- artifactregistry: update the API (b78ad17)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (cd06f5a)
- chat: update the API (384ea45)
- cloudbilling: update the API (e62a4e5)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (07d29b1)
- cloudidentity: update the API (4eb6cd8)
- cloudiot: update the API (c79ed4a)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (bc2810e)
- cloudsearch: update the API (08d2494)
- composer: update the API (9b71a62)
- connectors: update the API (077ebc5)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (e183d2c)
- datacatalog: update the API (bec5704)
- datafusion: update the API (bed411b)
- dataproc: update the API (8c178ff)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (6d3a813)
- displayvideo: update the API (8fda446)
- displayvideo: update the API (59de68d)
- extend test timeout from 10 to 30 seconds (278d674)
- firestore: update the API (1d1dfcf)
- healthcare: update the API (96eec6e)
- networksecurity: update the API (70a318b)
- orgpolicy: update the API (a6b65ca)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (1af98a4)
- policysimulator: update the API (58100db)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (5888082)
- privateca: update the API (815b950)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (8ce4035)
- run: update the API (c08cf12)
- secretmanager: update the API (6d0a61f)
- securitycenter: update the API (5e58b4c)
- servicecontrol: update the API (589166d)
- servicemanagement: update the API (7e40942)
- sourcerepo: update the API (6ae8dd3)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (2559495)
- versionhistory: update the API (42db7be)
- vmmigration: update the API (4ab24ee)
88.2.0 (2021-09-30)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (d40e760)
88.1.0 (2021-09-29)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (59bf237)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (a4cb49a)
- regenerate index files (8c53448)
Bug Fixes
- cloudasset: update the API (d752ed2)
- documentai: update the API (5944ea1)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (ea58ffe)
88.0.0 (2021-09-28)
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (e224f2f)
- androidmanagement: update the API (146e12a)
- appengine: update the API (2a60ba3)
- area120tables: update the API (087c8de)
- bigquery: update the API (e89a3f3)
- composer: update the API (5b6e2f1)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (05860b0)
- containeranalysis: update the API (afcff68)
- content: update the API (6d3248f)
- content: update the API (2ff28d2)
- dataflow: update the API (7177926)
- dialogflow: update the API (4bf216b)
- firestore: update the API (18048b2)
- gkehub: update the API (c3d7862)
- monitoring: update the API (4141c3b)
- notebooks: update the API (a7f267b)
- osconfig: update the API (0ae3179)
- oslogin: update the API (bd0d94e)
- regenerate index files (a8d4da6)
- regenerate index files (bca1e94)
- retail: update the API (cb165ad)
- servicenetworking: update the API (cc21e38)
- storage: update the API (08a7f05)
- sts: update the API (e0e3806)
- youtube: update the API (af6f496)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (99d8f4e)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (6ea1024)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (0866098)
- cloudbuild: update the API (30c8c90)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (428fc2e)
- cloudidentity: update the API (4b022bc)
- composer: update the API (b75f36c)
- container: update the API (4fdb22c)
- container: update the API (0d5c5a4)
- customsearch: update the API (844b5a0)
- displayvideo: update the API (377c4c1)
- drive: update the API (07190eb)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (eb03efc)
- fitness: update the API (46263e5)
- gameservices: update the API (a7d3484)
- healthcare: update the API (b946c5c)
- iam: update the API (ef9a418)
- metastore: update the API (debeb46)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (8395bef)
- spanner: update the API (3dfd885)
- storagetransfer: update the API (42a0f34)
87.0.0 (2021-09-16)
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: update the API (7d6c909)
- healthcare: update the API (f75c5cc)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (8a0c2c4)
- regenerate index files (49f945c)
- run: update the API (4074c76)
Bug Fixes
- appengine: update the API (8ffd802)
- cloudasset: update the API (abeb116)
- sqladmin: update the API (ea7b0a2)
86.1.0 (2021-09-15)
- compute: update the API (5a1d98c)
- content: update the API (c1610af)
- dataflow: update the API (35c5b29)
- documentai: update the API (6a36b1e)
- pubsublite: update the API (9ba5722)
- regenerate index files (658eb91)
- sasportal: update the API (8676621)
Bug Fixes
86.0.0 (2021-09-14)
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- transcoder: This release has breaking changes.
- sts: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- ondemandscanning: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- ideahub: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- speech: This release has breaking changes.
- ideahub: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- firebasehosting: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- metastore: This release has breaking changes.
- firebasestorage: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- fix(accessapproval): update the API
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- container: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- fix(admin): update the API
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- firebase: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- genomics: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquerydatatransfer: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- homegraph: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- homegraph: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- stop ignoring YouTube, and re-generate with latest API (#2575)
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- tasks: This release has breaking changes.
- speech: This release has breaking changes.
- servicecontrol: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- safebrowsing: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- remotebuildexecution: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- jobs: This release has breaking changes.
- iap: This release has breaking changes.
- healthcare: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- firebasehosting: This release has breaking changes.
- eventarc: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- deploymentmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dataproc: This release has breaking changes.
- datamigration: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudresourcemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudkms: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryconnection: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- apigateway: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsdata: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (67a36a9)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (bb721b8)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (4a96b4a)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (b41120f)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (eb1c8b9)
- admin: update the API (663ec40)
- admin: update the API (66803e3)
- admin: update the API (b1f8dfa)
- admin: update the API (a7c0476)
- admob: update the API (820df0e)
- alertcenter: update the API (15d0e98)
- alertcenter: update the API (4420d33)
- alertcenter: update the API (3900be6)
- alertcenter: update the API (a7cc447)
- alertcenter: update the API (3a94fa6)
- alertcenter: update the API (5bf5f96)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (22b5043)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (791afe3)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (48da1a8)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (86e9ffc)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (eeacb30)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c3bb96a)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (ed8bd52)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (648a169)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (5fc76fa)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (0b64fcb)
- analyticsdata: update the API (661008a)
- analyticsdata: update the API (f140375)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (40c5d6e)
- androidenterprise: update the API (d355208)
- androidmanagement: update the API (69dd758)
- androidmanagement: update the API (cf4e79e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (8f50b1e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (374f455)
- androidpublisher: update the API (acd59ab)
- androidpublisher: update the API (a2ca59d)
- apigateway: update the API (a24313f)
- appengine: update the API (73797da)
- appengine: update the API (4f5c4c1)
- appengine: update the API (e536166)
- appengine: update the API (575e92c)
- appengine: update the API (08a1302)
- area120tables: update the API (075e1fc)
- area120tables: update the API (0afd1f2)
- artifactregistry: update the API (4249a7c)
- artifactregistry: update the API (e30edb8)
- artifactregistry: update the API (03eb786)
- artifactregistry: update the API (e19ef5d)
- artifactregistry: update the API (2f63583)
- artifactregistry: update the API (8a1f2f2)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (e5c1ec5)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (6804095)
- auth: adds support workload identity federation (#2517) (a10707c)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (2fbe18f)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (b3e4a5e)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (28bfee0)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (292a472)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (f58736c)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (d060bea)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (b3a028e)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (05435f1)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (424003f)
- bigquery: update the API (e782c6f)
- bigquery: update the API (1365be4)
- bigquery: update the API (164399e)
- bigquery: update the API (e9fba43)
- bigquery: update the API (53af9fb)
- bigquery: update the API (42b0221)
- bigquery: update the API (4f2a603)
- bigquery: update the API (f94262e)
- bigquery: update the API (6e1defd)
- bigquery: update the API (729bd3f)
- bigquery: update the API (91e811c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (f934747)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (f50cc04)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (9159143)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (7a1fc20)
- billingbudgets: update the API (5d64269)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (5ada8db)
- calendar: update the API (c25184f)
- chat: update the API (fb37e64)
- chat: update the API (d0ed00f)
- chat: update the API (fdef1fd)
- chat: update the API (2cba111)
- chromemanagement: update the API (775ddab)
- chromepolicy: update the API (cdcfe3a)
- chromepolicy: update the API (54ca661)
- cloudasset: update the API (b1f2094)
- cloudasset: update the API (e4acbe4)
- cloudasset: update the API (4e78123)
- cloudasset: update the API (862d0d0)
- cloudasset: update the API (3a8ac94)
- cloudasset: update the API (00218ca)
- cloudasset: update the API (d169994)
- cloudasset: update the API (038fd10)
- cloudasset: update the API (71978df)
- cloudbuild: update the API (598d82b)
- cloudbuild: update the API (3da6cda)
- cloudbuild: update the API (6708308)
- cloudbuild: update the API (208f744)
- cloudbuild: update the API (8b234ec)
- cloudbuild: update the API (760d16f)
- cloudbuild: update the API (063f5cc)
- cloudbuild: update the API (8a69c68)
- cloudchannel: update the API (44b314e)
- cloudchannel: update the API (dbd4c01)
- cloudchannel: update the API (b26036b)
- cloudchannel: update the API (49d85bf)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (122e236)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (9f57398)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (5dc7909)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (38dd3b3)
- cloudidentity: update the API (06a4788)
- cloudidentity: update the API (da24f0a)
- cloudidentity: update the API (802ba43)
- cloudkms: update the API (e4dd1aa)
- cloudkms: update the API (f65fce2)
- cloudkms: update the API (e5b272f)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (bedee05)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (f6845f2)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (0b73364)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ec0ae71)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (218597a)
- cloudsearch: update the API (445a261)
- cloudsearch: update the API (f7579e2)
- cloudsearch: update the API (93d4108)
- cloudtasks: update the API (1f2429f)
- composer: update the API (7f4dc01)
- composer: update the API (e20e215)
- composer: update the API (92c939f)
- composer: update the API (7b19168)
- composer: update the API (7f73c56)
- composer: update the API (dafe2c0)
- composer: update the API (2827aed)
- compute: update the API (58dd3be)
- compute: update the API (365a388)
- compute: update the API (a851a06)
- compute: update the API (a9544f0)
- compute: update the API (76744d0)
- compute: update the API (8a66357)
- compute: update the API (f15253c)
- compute: update the API (34ca22c)
- compute: update the API (4731515)
- compute: update the API (dd7fac0)
- compute: update the API (4cddc5e)
- compute: update the API (0d7e3fb)
- compute: update the API (cf44baa)
- containeranalysis: update the API (0ba0c22)
- containeranalysis: update the API (3e18ae3)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a0744ae)
- containeranalysis: update the API (4ba2d2c)
- containeranalysis: update the API (8cbc7cf)
- containeranalysis: update the API (13f0991)
- containeranalysis: update the API (2952194)
- container: update the API (32e8343)
- container: update the API (225ae58)
- container: update the API (39faa65)
- container: update the API (639c5b3)
- container: update the API (b2d721e)
- container: update the API (d78657a)
- container: update the API (ba41041)
- container: update the API (95d435a)
- container: update the API (94ea5df)
- container: update the API (5b680e5)
- container: update the API (e18215b)
- container: update the API (23b7424)
- container: update the API (3ea5ec0)
- container: update the API (6c36457)
- content: update the API (d594ce4)
- content: update the API (6446af1)
- content: update the API (cd4cb76)
- content: update the API (f977e27)
- content: update the API (684fab0)
- content: update the API (929da70)
- content: update the API (364279c)
- content: update the API (8d8f6d4)
- content: update the API (c69cd33)
- datacatalog: update the API (684552c)
- datacatalog: update the API (5f1fc90)
- datacatalog: update the API (d4c2e36)
- datacatalog: update the API (d96cc56)
- dataflow: update the API (cf45e79)
- dataflow: update the API (25915d9)
- dataflow: update the API (0a99c38)
- dataflow: update the API (3de2ec2)
- dataflow: update the API (fa626cd)
- dataflow: update the API (0ed2b79)
- dataflow: update the API (f5c0f97)
- dataflow: update the API (4da06b2)
- dataflow: update the API (4e54b04)
- datafusion: update the API (274e3ad)
- datafusion: update the API (1d19332)
- datafusion: update the API (be0f3dc)
- datafusion: update the API (eb6d9b9)
- datafusion: update the API (c56c33a)
- datamigration: update the API (75f543d)
- dataproc: update the API (2ccc1ca)
- dataproc: update the API (b35f9ce)
- dataproc: update the API (341fe51)
- dataproc: update the API (b8731e1)
- dataproc: update the API (ada2b8d)
- dataproc: update the API (831fb8d)
- dataproc: update the API (e721742)
- dataproc: update the API (3e6a848)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (667d700)
- dialogflow: update the API (5c90a5c)
- dialogflow: update the API (9bc6835)
- dialogflow: update the API (7dea0c9)
- dialogflow: update the API (19729c3)
- dialogflow: update the API (e19625b)
- dialogflow: update the API (cfc0878)
- dialogflow: update the API (31b0300)
- dialogflow: update the API (e44611c)
- dialogflow: update the API (aef756f)
- dialogflow: update the API (2fa72f5)
- dialogflow: update the API (f5f38af)
- dialogflow: update the API (22edb6e)
- discovery: update the API (a113b9a)
- displayvideo: update the API (249c889)
- displayvideo: update the API (3e79891)
- displayvideo: update the API (e91d58e)
- displayvideo: update the API (d7e76bd)
- displayvideo: update the API (9e69740)
- displayvideo: update the API (41f6d99)
- displayvideo: update the API (e109b39)
- displayvideo: update the API (3744004)
- dlp: update the API (bd7b97a)
- dlp: update the API (687d06f)
- dns: update the API (594fd07)
- dns: update the API (049c8ca)
- dns: update the API (77b0838)
- dns: update the API (1d3aa5e)
- dns: update the API (bfd683f)
- dns: update the API (b1deece)
- docs: update the API (4d84c10)
- docs: update the API (d854642)
- documentai: update the API (8d9ed89)
- documentai: update the API (9bd1b74)
- documentai: update the API (8fda61f)
- documentai: update the API (b130f1c)
- documentai: update the API (3a9a07d)
- documentai: update the API (e12692f)
- documentai: update the API (a7999d8)
- documentai: update the API (f14c088)
- documentai: update the API (a178a99)
- documentai: update the API (28d4608)
- documentai: update the API (45a2c46)
- documentai: update the API (e0ab15b)
- documentai: update the API (5b0d5ca)
- documentai: update the API (a49130e)
- documentai: update the API (03dc361)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (449c679)
- drive: update the API (97ef9ad)
- drive: update the API (ad8d08e)
- eventarc: update the API (05d16e6)
- eventarc: update the API (c9ebcdc)
- fcm: update the API (df9cd4a)
- file: update the API (c8afe04)
- file: update the API (e921f24)
- file: update the API (6ff61d3)
- file: update the API (18f9107)
- file: update the API (ad3e658)
- file: update the API (7548f6d)
- file: update the API (f52fc10)
- file: update the API (190d234)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (7b7fc1a)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (ecc3339)
- firebasehosting: update the API (7ae6118)
- firebasehosting: update the API (0857714)
- firebaseml: update the API (cdf364c)
- firebaserules: update the API (88b3642)
- firebasestorage: update the API (b477454)
- firebasestorage: update the API (e2a8067)
- firebasestorage: update the API (5ae6773)
- firebasestorage: update the API (8419967)
- firebase: update the API (2c86c6a)
- gameservices: update the API (08e6e4d)
- gameservices: update the API (036d4f4)
- gameservices: update the API (89266ca)
- games: update the API (74abb25)
- games: update the API (1a0a82a)
- games: update the API (94ec3fd)
- genomics: update the API (1e7a4ca)
- genomics: update the API (841467a)
- genomics: update the API (85a6cd7)
- genomics: update the API (547bcc9)
- gkehub: update the API (c735343)
- gkehub: update the API (1b1c37b)
- gkehub: update the API (ce2292e)
- gkehub: update the API (3cdb35a)
- gkehub: update the API (70d118d)
- gkehub: update the API (97d89ee)
- gkehub: update the API (f6fbf99)
- gkehub: update the API (f8efd27)
- gkehub: update the API (0a315ae)
- gkehub: update the API (e0475ff)
- healthcare: update the API (3729384)
- healthcare: update the API (a20450f)
- healthcare: update the API (bb1ec4a)
- healthcare: update the API (3416d2c)
- healthcare: update the API (5d0cd8e)
- healthcare: update the API (4e7b936)
- homegraph: update the API (1f42f6b)
- homegraph: update the API (203da3f)
- homegraph: update the API (1b21eef)
- iam: update the API (270ccf5)
- iam: update the API (e5d84f5)
- iam: update the API (22468dc)
- iam: update the API (c4f0835)
- iap: update the API (a3cc690)
- iap: update the API (b77b50e)
- iap: update the API (55d82c8)
- ideahub: update the API (7a9d658)
- ideahub: update the API (622c8a0)
- ideahub: update the API (391f011)
- ideahub: update the API (2c0d821)
- ideahub: update the API (0cb0843)
- jobs: update the API (188ba95)
- jobs: update the API (b536975)
- lifesciences: update the API (bc8d80e)
- lifesciences: update the API (464da77)
- lifesciences: update the API (87c087d)
- localservices: update the API (e5b3c1b)
- localservices: update the API (b4b8b13)
- logging: update the API (35540e9)
- logging: update the API (98e3101)
- logging: update the API (8634afe)
- logging: update the API (ab28a04)
- managedidentities: update the API (ee544e2)
- managedidentities: update the API (63f65e7)
- managedidentities: update the API (497d5fc)
- managedidentities: update the API (52a0c5b)
- managedidentities: update the API (d5add54)
- managedidentities: update the API (a782697)
- managedidentities: update the API (1ca92c7)
- managedidentities: update the API (e6ab47b)
- managedidentities: update the API (65ecdd6)
- managedidentities: update the API (e44d0c3)
- manufacturers: update the API (1afb77f)
- manufacturers: update the API (f2c4c07)
- memcache: update the API (74b700e)
- memcache: update the API (10d8c27)
- memcache: update the API (f355a8f)
- memcache: update the API (982ba32)
- memcache: update the API (c5ec2a9)
- memcache: update the API (89f040f)
- metastore: update the API (414736e)
- metastore: update the API (3a83a79)
- metastore: update the API (4828acc)
- metastore: update the API (4390285)
- metastore: update the API (a33430a)
- metastore: update the API (0ed3ebf)
- metastore: update the API (40ee11e)
- metastore: update the API (854fe95)
- metastore: update the API (689689d)
- ml: update the API (cc9926c)
- ml: update the API (1c68f2b)
- ml: update the API (969931f)
- monitoring: update the API (51775d9)
- monitoring: update the API (107078d)
- monitoring: update the API (f19d16e)
- monitoring: update the API (61741ad)
- monitoring: update the API (5eef4fd)
- monitoring: update the API (5f6fea0)
- monitoring: update the API (77c862b)
- monitoring: update the API (02b7bf6)
- monitoring: update the API (b6bc475)
- monitoring: update the API (bc699a4)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (c4ec425)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (b48400f)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (5cdb555)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (1a694fb)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (7bbe5dd)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (6a7f47b)
- networkmanagement: update the API (2858db5)
- networkmanagement: update the API (34379f2)
- notebooks: update the API (7564282)
- notebooks: update the API (7e19c92)
- notebooks: update the API (5c35d08)
- notebooks: update the API (f9689bb)
- notebooks: update the API (34374c0)
- notebooks: update the API (cb79ed9)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (59d2293)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (8b1c4d4)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (d6b88ac)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (3c2bd4b)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (a3c219c)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (2e4b561)
- osconfig: update the API (5061c4a)
- osconfig: update the API (16b5c3a)
- osconfig: update the API (361615e)
- osconfig: update the API (ef2dbad)
- osconfig: update the API (4a4182b)
- osconfig: update the API (9037175)
- oslogin: update the API (9b845d3)
- oslogin: update the API (1d4e8c8)
- oslogin: update the API (87a9f5f)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (42ccffd)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (a535ae7)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (650fa4b)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (8bd0290)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (3162ab0)
- people: update the API (91443de)
- people: update the API (c262625)
- people: update the API (64eacb4)
- people: update the API (ac165ec)
- people: update the API (d520d39)
- privateca: update the API (8d6559f)
- privateca: update the API (805a519)
- privateca: update the API (0f6b740)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (105f319)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (bb09fd9)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (f038f3a)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (b4e554c)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (d16295c)
- pubsublite: update the API (1178e74)
- pubsublite: update the API (1ec199f)
- pubsublite: update the API (28da59f)
- pubsub: update the API (9a59693)
- pubsub: update the API (9ad3f75)
- realtimebidding: update the API (26eed6a)
- realtimebidding: update the API (7fd2e32)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (e41f984)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (837690a)
- recommender: update the API (18a2615)
- recommender: update the API (45ba0a0)
- recommender: update the API (6755126)
- recommender: update the API (cd17511)
- redis: update the API (2cea182)
- redis: update the API (f1803f1)
- regenerate index files (772cd14)
- regenerate index files (93bb1bd)
- regenerate index files (01bf480)
- regenerate index files (e67ca1a)
- regenerate index files (bdb8c47)
- regenerate index files (abae88b)
- regenerate index files (968e11b)
- regenerate index files (cef2092)
- regenerate index files (81d914d)
- regenerate index files (12c3fea)
- regenerate index files (625b1cb)
- regenerate index files (a62d42f)
- regenerate index files (72c6e89)
- regenerate index files (5d033ff)
- regenerate index files (2641a47)
- regenerate index files (2fa02d2)
- regenerate index files (3f4b69a)
- regenerate index files (72e5ca0)
- regenerate index files (8cbb8bc)
- regenerate index files (3ed458b)
- regenerate index files (41d16af)
- regenerate index files (282aa1b)
- regenerate index files (a3f0e26)
- regenerate index files (a616324)
- regenerate index files (0ae6099)
- regenerate index files (1e8f2ba)
- regenerate index files (6e4cb8c)
- regenerate index files (0e02f46)
- regenerate index files (05c2923)
- regenerate index files (d2ba497)
- regenerate index files (407a31a)
- regenerate index files (16523be)
- regenerate index files (1afade5)
- regenerate index files (eb3738c)
- regenerate index files (97ce2eb)
- regenerate index files (12c3469)
- regenerate index files (ae578b8)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (76890b7)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (715e847)
- reseller: update the API (a50f22f)
- reseller: update the API (ce4a444)
- retail: update the API (45eacd6)
- retail: update the API (4db37e7)
- retail: update the API (2cd9f1b)
- retail: update the API (a08e448)
- run the generator (#2548) (339726b)
- run the generator (#2627) (475f6e8)
- run the generator (#2667) (0e56eeb)
- run: update the API (526d16c)
- run: update the API (85045a9)
- run: update the API (28d5c19)
- safebrowsing: update the API (8d2dc33)
- sasportal: update the API (4eea524)
- sasportal: update the API (8033548)
- sasportal: update the API (462c595)
- searchconsole: update the API (7eae5b9)
- secretmanager: update the API (52a119c)
- secretmanager: update the API (924ef57)
- secretmanager: update the API (9ab1bed)
- secretmanager: update the API (75b7449)
- securitycenter: update the API (84deaf4)
- securitycenter: update the API (cdb345f)
- securitycenter: update the API (698a940)
- securitycenter: update the API (7c7d936)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (4b2765d)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (429b8c1)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (4b776b1)
- servicecontrol: update the API (3b4a00e)
- servicecontrol: update the API (9d3ea6e)
- servicedirectory: update the API (4bcb6b9)
- servicedirectory: update the API (c7376f2)
- servicemanagement: update the API (208fd15)
- servicemanagement: update the API (cd004ef)
- servicemanagement: update the API (1d1f32e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (755cf59)
- servicenetworking: update the API (6ad61f1)
- servicenetworking: update the API (ce8fd37)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d678d59)
- servicenetworking: update the API (14a1d35)
- servicenetworking: update the API (7c39c04)
- servicenetworking: update the API (63edb25)
- servicenetworking: update the API (1e7807e)
- serviceusage: update the API (819d548)
- serviceusage: update the API (d23fbcb)
- serviceusage: update the API (c3b183c)
- serviceusage: update the API (5d25614)
- serviceusage: update the API (9413125)
- sheets: update the API (d9b89cf)
- slides: update the API (7ef8314)
- slides: update the API (e942819)
- slides: update the API (5c23f85)
- slides: update the API (dec09a5)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (329db56)
- spanner: update the API (1f806f0)
- spanner: update the API (f8c1b32)
- spanner: update the API (939b883)
- spanner: update the API (e0af60f)
- spanner: update the API (0600e39)
- spanner: update the API (cc59431)
- spanner: update the API (9bb3633)
- spanner: update the API (6b9efab)
- spanner: update the API (585d0d7)
- spanner: update the API (1ee4da7)
- spanner: update the API (eaac5dc)
- speech: update the API (5ca4870)
- speech: update the API (5b5c4c9)
- speech: update the API (f04cb3c)
- speech: update the API (39db014)
- speech: update the API (4627438)
- sqladmin: update the API (e147dbf)
- sqladmin: update the API (41f9e3d)
- sqladmin: update the API (a428580)
- sqladmin: update the API (16172f4)
- sqladmin: update the API (c45e34e)
- sqladmin: update the API (75a6125)
- sqladmin: update the API (f3a174a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (128e339)
- storagetransfer: update the API (7c3156e)
- storagetransfer: update the API (cfb0a1c)
- storage: update the API (201e3fc)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (d1d2090)
- sts: update the API (b2fb940)
- sts: update the API (fdb995b)
- sts: update the API (d216ee6)
- tagmanager: update the API (46b414f)
- tagmanager: update the API (20a1dce)
- tagmanager: update the API (1d3de89)
- tasks: update the API (6785c7a)
- testing: update the API (bcb09dc)
- testing: update the API (69dc9af)
- toolresults: update the API (3dee17c)
- tpu: update the API (f61f41e)
- tpu: update the API (614632f)
- tpu: update the API (177dcea)
- transcoder: update the API (919008d)
- transcoder: update the API (c4b194a)
- translate: update the API (6dacf07)
- vault: update the API (7dde0a1)
- vectortile: update the API (d253b57)
- vectortile: update the API (b8120c9)
- videointelligence: update the API (34a4787)
- vision: update the API (889e8e3)
- webmasters: update the API (6430826)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (05f142f)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (264712a)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (a61291b)
- youtube: update the API (15a2ec9)
- youtube: update the API (697b595)
- youtube: update the API (536d432)
- youtube: update the API (2eb77c3)
- youtube: update the API (a200b36)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (44830b0)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (ca633ec)
- accessapproval: update the API (cf68f09)
- accessapproval: update the API (743a4a8)
- accessapproval: update the API (b26ec50)
- accessapproval: update the API (837758a)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (3a6ed0d)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (ffd3881)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (8657058)
- add basic typescript sample and emit additional types (#2561) (ed0e1ab)
- add comment (e949ef2)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (e3df28a)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (5381ee9)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (c882187)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (5e1a4c2)
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (a76ef9b)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (6381edd)
- admin: update the API (8f6f865)
- admin: update the API (d46c5ea)
- admin: update the API (41b92c7)
- admob: update the API (e9371a5)
- admob: update the API (cdee589)
- admob: update the API (4beda10)
- adsensehost: update the API (9399c3a)
- adsense: update the API (be16de0)
- adsense: update the API (be95a63)
- adsense: update the API (d022dd2)
- alertcenter: update the API (67ef034)
- alertcenter: update the API (bffebaf)
- alertcenter: update the API (d9b13c5)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (03b9007)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (3a5408a)
- analyticsdata: update the API (8500ce9)
- analyticsdata: update the API (a536e57)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (a546db5)
- analytics: update the API (7cfc580)
- analytics: update the API (00b6596)
- analytics: update the API (3731e4b)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (254bace)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (6cdc73e)
- androidenterprise: update the API (6c432d6)
- androidenterprise: update the API (92ee5ff)
- androidenterprise: update the API (0359d17)
- androidenterprise: update the API (45bc94e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (21b3518)
- androidmanagement: update the API (cc55a61)
- androidmanagement: update the API (95856ab)
- androidmanagement: update the API (d3807ca)
- androidpublisher: update the API (4a07b9b)
- androidpublisher: update the API (15796ba)
- androidpublisher: update the API (61e696f)
- androidpublisher: update the API (2037b30)
- androidpublisher: update the API (d5424b7)
- apigateway: update the API (5822b92)
- apigateway: update the API (68787ee)
- apigateway: update the API (71e9cf8)
- apigateway: update the API (5b357a8)
- apikeys: update the API (92179e4)
- apikeys: update the API (0c4296d)
- appengine: update the API (5cb00a5)
- appengine: update the API (7aba3d9)
- appengine: update the API (582831d)
- appsactivity: update the API (f80d407)
- area120tables: update the API (3edad83)
- artifactregistry: update the API (925a3c4)
- artifactregistry: update the API (50a58a0)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (23b607f)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (79189fc)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (53464e2)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (0159ae0)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (0da28ed)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (090133b)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (2d74011)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (2436a62)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (86e9ce6)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (f2eacb8)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (73fe3bb)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (e56406d)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (a359f25)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (96d0221)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (862b6b3)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (2a264ae)
- bigquery: update the API (bb66bdb)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (72bc9b9)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (e5ac195)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (4300adc)
- billingbudgets: update the API (8a784f6)
- billingbudgets: update the API (0b97998)
- billingbudgets: update the API (edc18e2)
- billingbudgets: update the API (3eca406)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (aed82fe)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (8d630aa)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (e34164d)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (3fd6fb9)
- blogger: update the API (7d18005)
- books: update the API (54f2a18)
- build: do not include source-map comment (#2608) (c909242)
- calendar: update the API (171f134)
- calendar: update the API (34af354)
- calendar: update the API (1fa6973)
- calendar: update the API (a810c47)
- calendar: update the API (4788cab)
- calendar: update the API (a16f819)
- chat: update the API (d11fa7e)
- chat: update the API (47f816c)
- chromemanagement: update the API (6af6289)
- chromemanagement: update the API (d9f0a98)
- chromemanagement: update the API (a609001)
- chromepolicy: update the API (cffe071)
- chromepolicy: update the API (53c82ae)
- chromepolicy: update the API (e7ee86c)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (a3e0424)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (12106a8)
- civicinfo: update the API (5a3e966)
- civicinfo: update the API (d2c140e)
- classroom: update the API (41daa86)
- classroom: update the API (d9b4382)
- classroom: update the API (1bc4cb0)
- cloudasset: update the API (9997acf)
- cloudasset: update the API (8c83846)
- cloudasset: update the API (07000ef)
- cloudasset: update the API (a2530d9)
- cloudasset: update the API (0f9d08c)
- cloudbilling: update the API (46fde34)
- cloudbilling: update the API (8e95d48)
- cloudbuild: update the API (0d6ec03)
- cloudbuild: update the API (276a2aa)
- cloudchannel: update the API (56d5c37)
- cloudchannel: update the API (8aaccf0)
- cloudchannel: update the API (1b0c4ec)
- cloudchannel: update the API (076baef)
- cloudchannel: update the API (cd69261)
- clouddebugger: update the API (e5ff539)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (a0ff324)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (4b4a2a6)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (66392e6)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (10627b2)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (74b8fef)
- cloudidentity: update the API (749d199)
- cloudidentity: update the API (4acaded)
- cloudidentity: update the API (30067aa)
- cloudidentity: update the API (f23c7ff)
- cloudidentity: update the API (eb66259)
- cloudiot: update the API (cd076ef)
- cloudiot: update the API (1ca468e)
- cloudiot: update the API (aee5d40)
- cloudiot: update the API (df9fe25)
- cloudkms: update the API (fc5f2ea)
- cloudkms: update the API (47f0c4f)
- cloudkms: update the API (df4753d)
- cloudkms: update the API (c27c303)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (338b861)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (fa227db)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (3f72c51)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (d0c0f2b)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (fa0eb54)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (c830d3e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (b28cd60)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (08a2594)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (3e6975a)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (f2917a6)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (2fe88c0)
- cloudsearch: update the API (a798a8b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (603a6ff)
- cloudsearch: update the API (ec2d5c5)
- cloudsearch: update the API (08635ee)
- cloudsearch: update the API (7cad30a)
- cloudshell: update the API (cb701be)
- cloudshell: update the API (038713f)
- cloudtasks: update the API (3280d85)
- cloudtasks: update the API (d163db0)
- cloudtasks: update the API (7da2213)
- cloudtasks: update the API (a539904)
- cloudtrace: update the API (c58f7e3)
- composer: update the API (579e6a1)
- composer: update the API (c01a0c0)
- composer: update the API (d893cfc)
- composer: update the API (196be22)
- composer: update the API (cc97f2b)
- compute: update the API (a9ee5c3)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (31f8ae7)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (4d0c173)
- containeranalysis: update the API (1215f1b)
- containeranalysis: update the API (f5e1d9a)
- container: update the API (41a397b)
- content: update the API (8f51db4)
- content: update the API (40ff1e8)
- content: update the API (cc7f85a)
- content: update the API (1fee5c2)
- customsearch: update the API (7f3701d)
- datacatalog: update the API (cec69c8)
- datacatalog: update the API (18c8d3e)
- datacatalog: update the API (be55afd)
- datacatalog: update the API (81db78d)
- dataflow: update the API (788af70)
- dataflow: update the API (b345a79)
- dataflow: update the API (2a55e7a)
- datafusion: update the API (4da8c1a)
- datafusion: update the API (936bcde)
- datalabeling: update the API (8d6f801)
- datalabeling: update the API (eb9bbe1)
- datalabeling: update the API (0718564)
- datamigration: update the API (ecfb778)
- datamigration: update the API (532cc41)
- datamigration: update the API (9899e49)
- datamigration: update the API (51b1531)
- datamigration: update the API (0d6e937)
- datamigration: update the API (b0734c6)
- dataproc: update the API (3dc2494)
- dataproc: update the API (57da069)
- datastore: update the API (bd66a85)
- datastore: update the API (ba3bdca)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (8746aa4)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (add0c4d)
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v5 (#2497) (fec087a)
- deps: update dependency open to v8 (#2532) (9b495b6)
- dfareporting: update the API (2eb6cb8)
- dfareporting: update the API (6257d45)
- dfareporting: update the API (b198f70)
- dfareporting: update the API (46f6530)
- dialogflow: update the API (8eb22fd)
- dialogflow: update the API (679acbf)
- dialogflow: update the API (cad65ce)
- dialogflow: update the API (becc64e)
- dialogflow: update the API (0050937)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (db8c268)
- discovery: update the API (d620dcf)
- displayvideo: update the API (1f676fd)
- displayvideo: update the API (8598777)
- displayvideo: update the API (1128d84)
- dlp: update the API (e07df72)
- dlp: update the API (b760331)
- dlp: update the API (3355cd7)
- dlp: update the API (1b76968)
- dlp: update the API (9d03c6e)
- dlp: update the API (8f980cd)
- dlp: update the API (23660c0)
- dns: update the API (6b2871d)
- docs: update the API (d7a259c)
- documentai: update the API (e7d8fe7)
- domainsrdap: update the API (6a42fe3)
- domains: update the API (8c25238)
- domains: update the API (5706d4d)
- domains: update the API (1c95b9d)
- domains: update the API (6840cd2)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (f73ecfa)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (f597df7)
- driveactivity: update the API (e11722f)
- drive: update the API (65f261d)
- drive: update the API (fc1e649)
- drive: update the API (ae63ae3)
- drive: update the API (4a9fed1)
- drive: update the API (e18c6f2)
- drive: update the API (1aab744)
- drive: update the API (a553bf7)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (7c67893)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (2486a7e)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (6fbf643)
- eventarc: update the API (805d762)
- eventarc: update the API (36d2e23)
- eventarc: update the API (e5f51ae)
- eventarc: update the API (a978477)
- eventarc: update the API (ebc2659)
- eventarc: update the API (3b5331a)
- factchecktools: update the API (1d3d758)
- fcmdata: update the API (fc66e4d)
- fcmdata: update the API (79a65a2)
- fcm: update the API (c4db46c)
- fcm: update the API (c46a796)
- file: update the API (a0b2285)
- file: update the API (f9fb270)
- file: update the API (1a1b171)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (60ef28d)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (86c7b64)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (1697660)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (43a93c2)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (c591f85)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (9f41198)
- firebasehosting: update the API (a17795f)
- firebaseml: update the API (c20060e)
- firebaserules: update the API (990099b)
- firebaserules: update the API (7d3eee3)
- firebaserules: update the API (4810143)
- firebaserules: update the API (6eac040)
- firebaserules: update the API (51b10c6)
- firebaserules: update the API (158f947)
- firebasestorage: update the API (ab26a88)
- firebase: update the API (914495a)
- firestore: update the API (7100923)
- firestore: update the API (e6a8539)
- firestore: update the API (c022674)
- firestore: update the API (615a6d6)
- firestore: update the API (5ead437)
- fitness: update the API (fc4185a)
- fitness: update the API (90867df)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (a5071af)
- gameservices: update the API (40a9812)
- gameservices: update the API (ade4f43)
- gameservices: update the API (c9200ac)
- gamesManagement: update the API (e993746)
- games: update the API (eb43682)
- genomics: update the API (af2ab5b)
- gkehub: update the API (e2ca45b)
- gkehub: update the API (b8b4603)
- gkehub: update the API (c13e342)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (70ecc47)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (0ed0d0c)
- gmail: update the API (e4ac07b)
- gmail: update the API (e85f5fb)
- gmail: update the API (86f29db)
- gmail: update the API (dfaefe0)
- gmail: update the API (a83b049)
- groupsmigration: update the API (40034e8)
- groupssettings: update the API (6f6d0a0)
- groupssettings: update the API (21b387d)
- healthcare: update the API (824a16e)
- healthcare: update the API (07b8472)
- healthcare: update the API (095313d)
- healthcare: update the API (ec9e726)
- healthcare: update the API (425e37d)
- healthcare: update the API (6e1f3be)
- homegraph: update the API (f693333)
- iamcredentials: update the API (6bf13c8)
- iamcredentials: update the API (a27aeb3)
- iam: update the API (146d5f3)
- iap: update the API (5e5422c)
- iap: update the API (ab365c4)
- iap: update the API (57c2a8b)
- iap: update the API (c88bfd5)
- ideahub: update the API (1f49344)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (87c5d37)
- indexing: update the API (122e085)
- jobs: update the API (2c5f89d)
- jobs: update the API (44f31af)
- jobs: update the API (7d640be)
- jobs: update the API (c3960c5)
- kgsearch: update the API (79ae34a)
- language: update the API (fd6123c)
- libraryagent: update the API (608f573)
- licensing: update the API (8a43c2f)
- lifesciences: update the API (8e4e27d)
- lifesciences: update the API (5bfe52f)
- lifesciences: update the API (c42ad4b)
- localservices: update the API (80fa035)
- logging: update the API (47b7f8c)
- logging: update the API (86c8b07)
- logging: update the API (00cdaf9)
- logging: update the API (f566def)
- logging: update the API (d504802)
- logging: update the API (cde6ff8)
- logging: update the API (0cd03ee)
- logging: update the API (2c45697)
- managedidentities: update the API (97439f0)
- managedidentities: update the API (e7e9490)
- manufacturers: update the API (6cec0b5)
- memcache: update the API (d1bf374)
- memcache: update the API (3f7f09b)
- memcache: update the API (f7c7feb)
- memcache: update the API (ad4f6fe)
- metastore: update the API (cca9bf3)
- metastore: update the API (5e010e5)
- metastore: update the API (08dff7b)
- metastore: update the API (46e7349)
- ml: update the API (12ae2ae)
- ml: update the API (8ea1e29)
- ml: update the API (a4d9659)
- ml: update the API (67edcd1)
- monitoring: update the API (31830e2)
- monitoring: update the API (d6e98b3)
- monitoring: update the API (5823a4c)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (b2e64bf)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (65243fa)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (626ca0f)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (976e4f4)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (0496a60)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (f399db6)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (d4f4a53)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (7db44cb)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (88f3ac3)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (4008600)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (9a9e608)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (e9a2c97)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (abf8282)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0f87e6a)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0b63b6b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (1c3ee52)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0d03595)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (06388b8)
- networkmanagement: update the API (db70a4c)
- networkmanagement: update the API (70c4996)
- networkmanagement: update the API (456a332)
- networkmanagement: update the API (b5c6b61)
- networksecurity: update the API (7b8a1e6)
- networksecurity: update the API (abb044e)
- networksecurity: update the API (b96d93f)
- networkservices: update the API (0d13cf9)
- networkservices: update the API (a7d3995)
- networkservices: update the API (26bd5d4)
- notebooks: update the API (93dc4c1)
- notebooks: update the API (238890b)
- notebooks: update the API (bb7aa7a)
- notebooks: update the API (2c1bdb9)
- notebooks: update the API (a57ca92)
- notebooks: update the API (475a63d)
- oauth2: update the API (1c155cb)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (c33afa2)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (69727cd)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (6291e90)
- orgpolicy: update the API (008b222)
- orgpolicy: update the API (57df6c9)
- osconfig: update the API (80b0098)
- osconfig: update the API (25f0074)
- osconfig: update the API (b659f08)
- oslogin: update the API (3a6294c)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (377d797)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (cb30e47)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (af7ee0d)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (907ad8e)
- people: update the API (da9c0dd)
- people: update the API (7983a9f)
- people: update the API (2e6d193)
- people: update the API (457f19e)
- people: update the API (3302216)
- people: update the API (539516d)
- people: update the API (805ee22)
- people: update the API (d9bf2cd)
- people: update the API (05e9676)
- people: update the API (4ae693c)
- people: update the API (a1eeb4e)
- playablelocations: update the API (c0ebd41)
- playablelocations: update the API (d10cbc9)
- playcustomapp: update the API (50e631d)
- plus: update the API (62419f1)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (791a1a8)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (fd93a93)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (d14aa04)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (a3120fb)
- policysimulator: update the API (2fa6185)
- policysimulator: update the API (3f816e4)
- policysimulator: update the API (25cd0d6)
- policysimulator: update the API (0df30e9)
- policysimulator: update the API (82bd37e)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (a7cd8ab)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (6103503)
- poly: update the API (75bc7b2)
- privateca: update the API (bd84452)
- privateca: update the API (8b0980b)
- privateca: update the API (4b19a97)
- privateca: update the API (6ec663b)
- privateca: update the API (d637893)
- privateca: update the API (e506eff)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (6fa01cc)
- pubsublite: update the API (34ee1cd)
- pubsub: update the API (2d61b28)
- pubsub: update the API (e2f55b2)
- pubsub: update the API (ece3a15)
- pubsub: update the API (1572543)
- pubsub: update the API (214fdae)
- realtimebidding: update the API (5effae3)
- realtimebidding: update the API (1b9c3cd)
- realtimebidding: update the API (97685f0)
- realtimebidding: update the API (0a62f96)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (acf1d14)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (c182fd6)
- recommendationengine: update the API (8bb9c8a)
- recommendationengine: update the API (0e259b2)
- recommendationengine: update the API (d5cbf6b)
- recommendationengine: update the API (ba531f5)
- recommendationengine: update the API (da4ff7a)
- recommendationengine: update the API (c8139c2)
- recommender: update the API (7779a02)
- recommender: update the API (53a4cfe)
- recommender: update the API (2fd1ce3)
- recommender: update the API (2c20c93)
- redis: update the API (e4afeb5)
- redis: update the API (9dff6c9)
- redis: update the API (86572fb)
- redis: update the API (e228546)
- redis: update the API (f590800)
- redis: update the API (f31d1c1)
- redis: update the API (afc680a)
- redis: update the API (a0d3466)
- redis: update the API (38b3d7a)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (44fa9aa)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (8dbf765)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (247de63)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (c4b864a)
- reseller: update the API (c12c75e)
- reseller: update the API (89e2fac)
- reseller: update the API (31d1483)
- reseller: update the API (f3ffc42)
- resourcesettings: update the API (c2bbcf6)
- resourcesettings: update the API (88549f2)
- resourcesettings: update the API (37bba3a)
- retail: update the API (1ff2dc2)
- retail: update the API (adf9b0a)
- retail: update the API (8b9139d)
- retail: update the API (06d77e3)
- retail: update the API (c972026)
- retail: update the API (a6cc2da)
- retail: update the API (5d22b00)
- retail: update the API (0bb90d0)
- retail: update the API (d635c0a)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (7c805e4)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (6508d35)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (ce361f2)
- run: update the API (b2f1e3a)
- run: update the API (35e9e3d)
- run: update the API (06e54a1)
- run: update the API (1f98b6b)
- run: update the API (14d23b6)
- run: update the API (995c285)
- run: update the API (696bfa5)
- run: update the API (c722399)
- run: update the API (b86feee)
- safebrowsing: update the API (e917163)
- samples: use people API for sample (#2528) (5b2f669)
- sasportal: update the API (108653a)
- sasportal: update the API (31a5a0c)
- script: update the API (f24f0f8)
- script: update the API (f73fca9)
- searchconsole: update the API (0df4267)
- searchconsole: update the API (389b72c)
- secretmanager: update the API (66dc2c5)
- secretmanager: update the API (8ee8924)
- secretmanager: update the API (3446148)
- secretmanager: update the API (84de4b9)
- securitycenter: update the API (ecf774e)
- securitycenter: update the API (f8df017)
- securitycenter: update the API (0d40c39)
- securitycenter: update the API (bd22472)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (7d16f25)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (1647612)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (b95673a)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (65627d0)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (8699387)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (887451f)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (e249b5e)
- servicecontrol: update the API (b171654)
- servicecontrol: update the API (fb9dfcc)
- servicecontrol: update the API (e12f54b)
- servicecontrol: update the API (c12f5f7)
- servicecontrol: update the API (285bfa9)
- servicecontrol: update the API (086d79e)
- servicecontrol: update the API (2d3a370)
- servicedirectory: update the API (fe0cf76)
- servicedirectory: update the API (fcaa701)
- servicedirectory: update the API (bc3496b)
- servicedirectory: update the API (a85ec55)
- servicedirectory: update the API (7b7b9e6)
- servicedirectory: update the API (163e333)
- servicemanagement: update the API (9e62e09)
- servicemanagement: update the API (4102206)
- servicemanagement: update the API (ac9bfdc)
- servicemanagement: update the API (d7984ec)
- servicemanagement: update the API (6415b6d)
- servicemanagement: update the API (1134cc9)
- servicemanagement: update the API (31bd6ba)
- servicenetworking: update the API (c17e356)
- servicenetworking: update the API (e84feac)
- servicenetworking: update the API (fdbffee)
- serviceusage: update the API (69605dd)
- serviceusage: update the API (5a48659)
- serviceusage: update the API (653aa00)
- serviceusage: update the API (30d2b08)
- serviceusage: update the API (d2ce5aa)
- serviceusage: update the API (cd4cd4b)
- serviceusage: update the API (83bab8c)
- sheets: update the API (82a5676)
- sheets: update the API (b95d407)
- sheets: update the API (3c5cc08)
- siteVerification: update the API (bd6c079)
- slides: update the API (b10274a)
- slides: update the API (77594fa)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (8642068)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (f2abbd4)
- sourcerepo: update the API (1412a86)
- spanner: update the API (f1234a7)
- spanner: update the API (c5433a8)
- spanner: update the API (fe0a7cc)
- spanner: update the API (dff0045)
- spanner: update the API (f08fac6)
- spanner: update the API (265463c)
- speech: update the API (20f7efb)
- speech: update the API (8ab7dc7)
- sqladmin: update the API (9d258dc)
- sqladmin: update the API (3ab53b0)
- sqladmin: update the API (df6ecb3)
- sqladmin: update the API (90cdd45)
- sql: update the API (ff40c9b)
- sql: update the API (7503de6)
- sql: update the API (a17c1e3)
- stop ignoring YouTube, and re-generate with latest API (#2575) (7a6967f)
- storagetransfer: update the API (a3fa0f2)
- storagetransfer: update the API (6d25615)
- storagetransfer: update the API (a09f4f3)
- storagetransfer: update the API (ef76c3d)
- storagetransfer: update the API (abe6998)
- storagetransfer: update the API (f3080e7)
- storagetransfer: update the API (fb803eb)
- storagetransfer: update the API (1543314)
- storage: update the API (17b2535)
- storage: update the API (7c8a240)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (f8cfe64)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (9f6705b)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (cd06041)
- sts: update the API (e48b124)
- sts: update the API (4b2e88a)
- sts: update the API (544cd44)
- sts: update the API (d3fbf32)
- sts: update the API (a30a8df)
- tagmanager: update the API (1ce6ff0)
- tagmanager: update the API (ec5d6cc)
- tasks: update the API (51d3136)
- temporary fix for flaky test related to mocha bug; (28e203d)
- testing: update the API (6c828a9)
- testing: update the API (41b1231)
- testing: update the API (2f1c50e)
- texttospeech: update the API (d8bfd68)
- texttospeech: update the API (0f9a766)
- texttospeech: update the API (536d98f)
- toolresults: update the API (97f399d)
- toolresults: update the API (381748c)
- tpu: update the API (ba8addf)
- tpu: update the API (c02fde8)
- tpu: update the API (6541ade)
- tpu: update the API (46140f6)
- tpu: update the API (f444491)
- trafficdirector: update the API (ebe707e)
- transcoder: update the API (060fb8f)
- transcoder: update the API (777a34d)
- transcoder: update the API (a81cb7e)
- transcoder: update the API (1ed99c1)
- translate: update the API (c85b1b9)
- translate: update the API (75fe3c4)
- translate: update the API (0e25f2f)
- translate: update the API (8097ede)
- upgrade webpack from 4 to 5 (#2524) (ecfd8bf)
- vault: update the API (84a3568)
- vault: update the API (f955fe9)
- vault: update the API (976867c)
- vault: update the API (2cf2a7c)
- vault: update the API (8b28e90)
- vectortile: update the API (ccc6289)
- vectortile: update the API (1d41d0e)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (c70964d)
- videointelligence: update the API (1152d6a)
- videointelligence: update the API (6c088bb)
- videointelligence: update the API (5db02ae)
- vision: update the API (b9f44c7)
- vision: update the API (b7d464c)
- vision: update the API (b5289c1)
- webfonts: update the API (8069f6f)
- webmasters: update the API (8f97238)
- webrisk: update the API (6c74a0b)
- webrisk: update the API (f0ed26a)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (4f764ab)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (6f7c5c6)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (b5069d1)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (e3a21da)
- workflows: update the API (c7f6435)
- workflows: update the API (8d9754f)
- workflows: update the API (4b133dc)
- workflows: update the API (e6ea7d9)
- workflows: update the API (6438c0f)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (1265f16)
- youtubereporting: update the API (1b4e2bb)
- youtube: update the API (ec501a5)
85.0.0 (2021-08-31)
- transcoder: This release has breaking changes.
- sts: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- ondemandscanning: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- ideahub: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (67a36a9)
- alertcenter: update the API (15d0e98)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (22b5043)
- analyticsdata: update the API (661008a)
- androidmanagement: update the API (69dd758)
- appengine: update the API (73797da)
- artifactregistry: update the API (4249a7c)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (b3e4a5e)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (292a472)
- bigquery: update the API (164399e)
- chat: update the API (fb37e64)
- cloudasset: update the API (e4acbe4)
- cloudbuild: update the API (598d82b)
- cloudchannel: update the API (44b314e)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (122e236)
- cloudidentity: update the API (06a4788)
- cloudkms: update the API (e4dd1aa)
- composer: update the API (7f4dc01)
- compute: update the API (365a388)
- containeranalysis: update the API (3e18ae3)
- container: update the API (39faa65)
- content: update the API (d594ce4)
- dataflow: update the API (0a99c38)
- dataproc: update the API (b35f9ce)
- dialogflow: update the API (5c90a5c)
- displayvideo: update the API (e91d58e)
- documentai: update the API (8fda61f)
- file: update the API (e921f24)
- gkehub: update the API (1b1c37b)
- iam: update the API (e5d84f5)
- ideahub: update the API (622c8a0)
- logging: update the API (35540e9)
- managedidentities: update the API (63f65e7)
- metastore: update the API (414736e)
- monitoring: update the API (107078d)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (1a694fb)
- notebooks: update the API (7564282)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (59d2293)
- osconfig: update the API (5061c4a)
- oslogin: update the API (9b845d3)
- people: update the API (91443de)
- pubsublite: update the API (1178e74)
- regenerate index files (e67ca1a)
- retail: update the API (45eacd6)
- securitycenter: update the API (84deaf4)
- servicenetworking: update the API (755cf59)
- slides: update the API (7ef8314)
- sqladmin: update the API (41f9e3d)
- sts: update the API (b2fb940)
- tagmanager: update the API (46b414f)
- transcoder: update the API (919008d)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (264712a)
- youtube: update the API (697b595)
Bug Fixes
- androidpublisher: update the API (15796ba)
- apigateway: update the API (68787ee)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (86e9ce6)
- billingbudgets: update the API (0b97998)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (8d630aa)
- calendar: update the API (34af354)
- chromepolicy: update the API (53c82ae)
- classroom: update the API (d9b4382)
- cloudbilling: update the API (8e95d48)
- cloudiot: update the API (1ca468e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (3f72c51)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (4d0c173)
- datacatalog: update the API (18c8d3e)
- datamigration: update the API (532cc41)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (add0c4d)
- eventarc: update the API (36d2e23)
- firebaserules: update the API (4810143)
- gameservices: update the API (ade4f43)
- healthcare: update the API (07b8472)
- iap: update the API (ab365c4)
- memcache: update the API (3f7f09b)
- ml: update the API (8ea1e29)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (976e4f4)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (abf8282)
- networkmanagement: update the API (70c4996)
- networksecurity: update the API (abb044e)
- networkservices: update the API (a7d3995)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (d14aa04)
- policysimulator: update the API (3f816e4)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (6103503)
- privateca: update the API (8b0980b)
- pubsub: update the API (ece3a15)
- redis: update the API (9dff6c9)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (6508d35)
- run: update the API (35e9e3d)
- secretmanager: update the API (8ee8924)
- servicedirectory: update the API (fcaa701)
- servicemanagement: update the API (4102206)
- spanner: update the API (c5433a8)
- testing: update the API (41b1231)
- tpu: update the API (c02fde8)
- vault: update the API (f955fe9)
- vectortile: update the API (1d41d0e)
- workflows: update the API (8d9754f)
84.0.0 (2021-08-06)
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- speech: This release has breaking changes.
- ideahub: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: update the API (4420d33)
- androidpublisher: update the API (acd59ab)
- appengine: update the API (4f5c4c1)
- chromemanagement: update the API (775ddab)
- chromepolicy: update the API (cdcfe3a)
- cloudasset: update the API (4e78123)
- cloudbuild: update the API (3da6cda)
- cloudkms: update the API (f65fce2)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ec0ae71)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a0744ae)
- content: update the API (6446af1)
- dialogflow: update the API (9bc6835)
- dns: update the API (594fd07)
- eventarc: update the API (05d16e6)
- fcm: update the API (df9cd4a)
- file: update the API (6ff61d3)
- iam: update the API (22468dc)
- ideahub: update the API (391f011)
- metastore: update the API (3a83a79)
- monitoring: update the API (f19d16e)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (8b1c4d4)
- osconfig: update the API (16b5c3a)
- pubsub: update the API (9a59693)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (837690a)
- recommender: update the API (18a2615)
- regenerate index files (bdb8c47)
- speech: update the API (5b5c4c9)
- sqladmin: update the API (a428580)
- storagetransfer: update the API (128e339)
- tagmanager: update the API (20a1dce)
Bug Fixes
- androidenterprise: update the API (92ee5ff)
- androidmanagement: update the API (cc55a61)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (79189fc)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (e56406d)
- cloudchannel: update the API (8aaccf0)
- composer: update the API (c01a0c0)
- datacatalog: update the API (be55afd)
- dlp: update the API (3355cd7)
- documentai: update the API (e7d8fe7)
- drive: update the API (fc1e649)
- firebaserules: update the API (6eac040)
- healthcare: update the API (095313d)
- iap: update the API (57c2a8b)
- jobs: update the API (2c5f89d)
- logging: update the API (86c8b07)
- ml: update the API (a4d9659)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (7db44cb)
- networkservices: update the API (26bd5d4)
- people: update the API (457f19e)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (a3120fb)
- privateca: update the API (4b19a97)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (8dbf765)
- run: update the API (06e54a1)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (1647612)
- servicenetworking: update the API (e84feac)
- serviceusage: update the API (5a48659)
- spanner: update the API (fe0a7cc)
- sts: update the API (4b2e88a)
- testing: update the API (2f1c50e)
- transcoder: update the API (777a34d)
83.0.0 (2021-07-24)
- firebasehosting: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (791afe3)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (40c5d6e)
- chat: update the API (d0ed00f)
- cloudasset: update the API (862d0d0)
- cloudbuild: update the API (6708308)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (9f57398)
- cloudsearch: update the API (445a261)
- compute: update the API (a851a06)
- container: update the API (639c5b3)
- content: update the API (cd4cb76)
- datacatalog: update the API (684552c)
- dataflow: update the API (3de2ec2)
- displayvideo: update the API (d7e76bd)
- dns: update the API (049c8ca)
- documentai: update the API (b130f1c)
- file: update the API (18f9107)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (7b7fc1a)
- firebasehosting: update the API (7ae6118)
- firebasestorage: update the API (b477454)
- gameservices: update the API (08e6e4d)
- gkehub: update the API (ce2292e)
- healthcare: update the API (a20450f)
- managedidentities: update the API (497d5fc)
- memcache: update the API (10d8c27)
- metastore: update the API (4828acc)
- ml: update the API (cc9926c)
- monitoring: update the API (61741ad)
- notebooks: update the API (7e19c92)
- people: update the API (c262625)
- recommender: update the API (45ba0a0)
- regenerate index files (abae88b)
- regenerate index files (968e11b)
- retail: update the API (4db37e7)
- retail: update the API (2cd9f1b)
- secretmanager: update the API (52a119c)
- securitycenter: update the API (cdb345f)
- slides: update the API (e942819)
- spanner: update the API (1f806f0)
- speech: update the API (f04cb3c)
- sqladmin: update the API (16172f4)
- testing: update the API (bcb09dc)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (d46c5ea)
- admob: update the API (cdee589)
- alertcenter: update the API (bffebaf)
- androidmanagement: update the API (95856ab)
- androidpublisher: update the API (61e696f)
- calendar: update the API (1fa6973)
- cloudidentity: update the API (30067aa)
- cloudkms: update the API (47f0c4f)
- drive: update the API (ae63ae3)
- eventarc: update the API (e5f51ae)
- fcmdata: update the API (79a65a2)
- firebaserules: update the API (51b10c6)
- firebaserules: update the API (158f947)
- logging: update the API (00cdaf9)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (88f3ac3)
- networkmanagement: update the API (456a332)
- networksecurity: update the API (b96d93f)
- notebooks: update the API (238890b)
- privateca: update the API (6ec663b)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (247de63)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (c4b864a)
- reseller: update the API (31d1483)
- run: update the API (1f98b6b)
- servicedirectory: update the API (bc3496b)
- servicemanagement: update the API (ac9bfdc)
- storagetransfer: update the API (6d25615)
82.0.0 (2021-07-10)
- metastore: This release has breaking changes.
Bug Fixes
- dataflow: update the API (788af70)
- recommendationengine: update the API (d5cbf6b)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (b95673a)
- serviceusage: update the API (653aa00)
81.0.0 (2021-07-08)
- firebasestorage: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: update the API (e30edb8)
- bigquery: update the API (e9fba43)
- docs: update the API (4d84c10)
- firebasestorage: update the API (e2a8067)
- metastore: update the API (a33430a)
- monitoring: update the API (5eef4fd)
- redis: update the API (2cea182)
- regenerate index files (81d914d)
- spanner: update the API (f8c1b32)
Bug Fixes
- assuredworkloads: update the API (53464e2)
- calendar: update the API (a810c47)
- datamigration: update the API (9899e49)
- dialogflow: update the API (cad65ce)
- retail: update the API (8b9139d)
- servicenetworking: update the API (fdbffee)
- slides: update the API (77594fa)
- storagetransfer: update the API (a09f4f3)
80.2.0 (2021-07-03)
- cloudbuild: update the API (208f744)
- datafusion: update the API (274e3ad)
- dataproc: update the API (341fe51)
- firebasestorage: update the API (5ae6773)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (8bd0290)
- regenerate index files (12c3fea)
Bug Fixes
- baremetalsolution: update the API (0da28ed)
- lifesciences: update the API (5bfe52f)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0b63b6b)
- redis: update the API (86572fb)
- resourcesettings: update the API (88549f2)
80.1.0 (2021-07-02)
- composer: update the API (92c939f)
- documentai: update the API (3a9a07d)
- logging: update the API (98e3101)
- monitoring: update the API (5f6fea0)
- regenerate index files (625b1cb)
- slides: update the API (5c23f85)
- storagetransfer: update the API (7c3156e)
Bug Fixes
- cloudchannel: update the API (1b0c4ec)
- cloudidentity: update the API (f23c7ff)
- dataflow: update the API (b345a79)
- drive: update the API (4a9fed1)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (1c3ee52)
- sts: update the API (544cd44)
80.0.0 (2021-06-30)
- fix(accessapproval): update the API
79.0.0 (2021-06-25)
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (663ec40)
- alertcenter: update the API (3900be6)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (48da1a8)
- documentai: update the API (e12692f)
- file: update the API (ad3e658)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (ecc3339)
- healthcare: update the API (bb1ec4a)
- ideahub: update the API (0cb0843)
- managedidentities: update the API (52a0c5b)
- ml: update the API (1c68f2b)
- monitoring: update the API (77c862b)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (7bbe5dd)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (bb09fd9)
- realtimebidding: update the API (26eed6a)
- regenerate index files (a62d42f)
- reseller: update the API (a50f22f)
- youtube: update the API (536d432)
Bug Fixes
- androidenterprise: update the API (0359d17)
- billingbudgets: update the API (edc18e2)
- cloudsearch: update the API (603a6ff)
- datacatalog: update the API (81db78d)
- dialogflow: update the API (becc64e)
- people: update the API (3302216)
- run: update the API (14d23b6)
- sql: update the API (7503de6)
- storagetransfer: update the API (ef76c3d)
- vault: update the API (976867c)
78.0.0 (2021-06-21)
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: update the API (8b234ec)
- container: update the API (b2d721e)
- managedidentities: update the API (d5add54)
- memcache: update the API (f355a8f)
- metastore: update the API (0ed3ebf)
- notebooks: update the API (5c35d08)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (d6b88ac)
- regenerate index files (72c6e89)
Bug Fixes
- jobs: update the API (44f31af)
- networkmanagement: update the API (b5c6b61)
- people: update the API (539516d)
- privateca: update the API (d637893)
- retail: update the API (06d77e3)
77.0.0 (2021-06-18)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (86e9ffc)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (eeacb30)
- androidmanagement: update the API (cf4e79e)
- appengine: update the API (e536166)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (f58736c)
- chat: update the API (fdef1fd)
- cloudasset: update the API (3a8ac94)
- cloudidentity: update the API (da24f0a)
- composer: update the API (7b19168)
- compute: update the API (a9544f0)
- compute: update the API (76744d0)
- container: update the API (d78657a)
- dialogflow: update the API (7dea0c9)
- documentai: update the API (a7999d8)
- drive: update the API (97ef9ad)
- firebaserules: update the API (88b3642)
- gkehub: update the API (3cdb35a)
- iap: update the API (a3cc690)
- managedidentities: update the API (a782697)
- managedidentities: update the API (1ca92c7)
- managedidentities: update the API (e6ab47b)
- memcache: update the API (982ba32)
- monitoring: update the API (02b7bf6)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (3162ab0)
- regenerate index files (5d033ff)
- regenerate index files (2641a47)
- regenerate index files (2fa02d2)
- run: update the API (526d16c)
- servicemanagement: update the API (208fd15)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (329db56)
- spanner: update the API (939b883)
- sts: update the API (fdb995b)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (5381ee9)
- appengine: update the API (7aba3d9)
- cloudasset: update the API (07000ef)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (d0c0f2b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (ec2d5c5)
- fcm: update the API (c46a796)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (c591f85)
- firestore: update the API (e6a8539)
- gmail: update the API (e85f5fb)
- healthcare: update the API (ec9e726)
- logging: update the API (f566def)
- notebooks: update the API (bb7aa7a)
- people: update the API (805ee22)
- recommender: update the API (53a4cfe)
- redis: update the API (e228546)
- resourcesettings: update the API (37bba3a)
- run: update the API (995c285)
- securitycenter: update the API (f8df017)
- servicecontrol: update the API (fb9dfcc)
- sqladmin: update the API (3ab53b0)
- sql: update the API (a17c1e3)
- storagetransfer: update the API (abe6998)
76.0.0 (2021-06-09)
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- container: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (c3bb96a)
- bigquery: update the API (53af9fb)
- bigquery: update the API (42b0221)
- compute: update the API (8a66357)
- containeranalysis: update the API (4ba2d2c)
- container: update the API (ba41041)
- container: update the API (95d435a)
- content: update the API (f977e27)
- dataflow: update the API (fa626cd)
- dataproc: update the API (b8731e1)
- dialogflow: update the API (19729c3)
- displayvideo: update the API (9e69740)
- documentai: update the API (f14c088)
- genomics: update the API (1e7a4ca)
- lifesciences: update the API (bc8d80e)
- metastore: update the API (40ee11e)
- metastore: update the API (854fe95)
- osconfig: update the API (361615e)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (42ccffd)
- privateca: update the API (8d6559f)
- regenerate index files (3f4b69a)
- regenerate index files (72e5ca0)
- regenerate index files (8cbb8bc)
- regenerate index files (3ed458b)
- sasportal: update the API (4eea524)
- sqladmin: update the API (c45e34e)
- youtube: update the API (2eb77c3)
Bug Fixes
- alertcenter: update the API (d9b13c5)
- androidpublisher: update the API (2037b30)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (72bc9b9)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (12106a8)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (fa0eb54)
- cloudtasks: update the API (d163db0)
- dlp: update the API (1b76968)
- gmail: update the API (86f29db)
- people: update the API (d9bf2cd)
- people: update the API (05e9676)
- retail: update the API (c972026)
- spanner: update the API (dff0045)
- spanner: update the API (f08fac6)
- texttospeech: update the API (0f9a766)
- tpu: update the API (6541ade)
75.0.0 (2021-06-02)
- fix(admin): update the API
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- firebase: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: update the API (f15253c)
- dialogflow: update the API (e19625b)
- documentai: update the API (a178a99)
- firebase: update the API (2c86c6a)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (f038f3a)
- regenerate index files (41d16af)
- run the generator (#2627) (475f6e8)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (4b2765d)
- servicecontrol: update the API (3b4a00e)
- servicemanagement: update the API (cd004ef)
- servicenetworking: update the API (6ad61f1)
- serviceusage: update the API (819d548)
Bug Fixes
- datamigration: update the API (51b1531)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (2486a7e)
- logging: update the API (d504802)
- recommender: update the API (2fd1ce3)
- translate: update the API (75fe3c4)
74.2.0 (2021-05-26)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (4a96b4a)
- composer: update the API (7f73c56)
- dialogflow: update the API (cfc0878)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (3c2bd4b)
- regenerate index files (282aa1b)
Bug Fixes
- content: update the API (40ff1e8)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (1697660)
- osconfig: update the API (25f0074)
- serviceusage: update the API (30d2b08)
- sts: update the API (d3fbf32)
74.1.0 (2021-05-25)
Bug Fixes
- artifactregistry: update the API (50a58a0)
- content: update the API (cc7f85a)
- jobs: update the API (7d640be)
74.0.0 (2021-05-23)
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- genomics: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (eb1c8b9)
- admin: update the API (66803e3)
- alertcenter: update the API (a7cc447)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (ed8bd52)
- androidenterprise: update the API (d355208)
- androidpublisher: update the API (a2ca59d)
- artifactregistry: update the API (03eb786)
- artifactregistry: update the API (e19ef5d)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (e5c1ec5)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (d060bea)
- bigquery: update the API (4f2a603)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (9159143)
- chromepolicy: update the API (54ca661)
- cloudasset: update the API (00218ca)
- cloudasset: update the API (d169994)
- cloudbuild: update the API (760d16f)
- cloudchannel: update the API (dbd4c01)
- compute: update the API (34ca22c)
- compute: update the API (4731515)
- container: update the API (94ea5df)
- container: update the API (5b680e5)
- content: update the API (684fab0)
- content: update the API (929da70)
- datacatalog: update the API (d4c2e36)
- dataflow: update the API (0ed2b79)
- dataproc: update the API (ada2b8d)
- dialogflow: update the API (31b0300)
- dialogflow: update the API (e44611c)
- dns: update the API (77b0838)
- dns: update the API (1d3aa5e)
- documentai: update the API (28d4608)
- documentai: update the API (45a2c46)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (449c679)
- drive: update the API (ad8d08e)
- file: update the API (7548f6d)
- firebasestorage: update the API (8419967)
- gameservices: update the API (036d4f4)
- genomics: update the API (841467a)
- gkehub: update the API (70d118d)
- gkehub: update the API (97d89ee)
- healthcare: update the API (3416d2c)
- healthcare: update the API (5d0cd8e)
- lifesciences: update the API (464da77)
- logging: update the API (8634afe)
- manufacturers: update the API (1afb77f)
- monitoring: update the API (b6bc475)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (c4ec425)
- networkmanagement: update the API (2858db5)
- osconfig: update the API (ef2dbad)
- oslogin: update the API (1d4e8c8)
- privateca: update the API (805a519)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (b4e554c)
- pubsublite: update the API (1ec199f)
- realtimebidding: update the API (7fd2e32)
- recommender: update the API (6755126)
- redis: update the API (f1803f1)
- regenerate index files (a616324)
- regenerate index files (0ae6099)
- regenerate index files (1e8f2ba)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (76890b7)
- retail: update the API (a08e448)
- secretmanager: update the API (924ef57)
- servicedirectory: update the API (4bcb6b9)
- servicedirectory: update the API (c7376f2)
- servicenetworking: update the API (ce8fd37)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d678d59)
- servicenetworking: update the API (14a1d35)
- spanner: update the API (0600e39)
- spanner: update the API (cc59431)
- sqladmin: update the API (75a6125)
- translate: update the API (6dacf07)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (b26ec50)
- accessapproval: update the API (837758a)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (ffd3881)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (c882187)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (5e1a4c2)
- admin: update the API (41b92c7)
- adsense: update the API (be95a63)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (3a5408a)
- analytics: update the API (00b6596)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (6cdc73e)
- androidenterprise: update the API (45bc94e)
- androidpublisher: update the API (d5424b7)
- apigateway: update the API (71e9cf8)
- appengine: update the API (582831d)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (090133b)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (f2eacb8)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (a359f25)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (2a264ae)
- bigquery: update the API (bb66bdb)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (e5ac195)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (e34164d)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (3fd6fb9)
- build: do not include source-map comment (#2608) (c909242)
- calendar: update the API (4788cab)
- calendar: update the API (a16f819)
- chromemanagement: update the API (d9f0a98)
- civicinfo: update the API (d2c140e)
- classroom: update the API (1bc4cb0)
- cloudasset: update the API (a2530d9)
- cloudchannel: update the API (076baef)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (4b4a2a6)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (74b8fef)
- cloudidentity: update the API (eb66259)
- cloudiot: update the API (aee5d40)
- cloudkms: update the API (df4753d)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (c830d3e)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (f2917a6)
- cloudsearch: update the API (08635ee)
- cloudtasks: update the API (7da2213)
- composer: update the API (d893cfc)
- composer: update the API (196be22)
- containeranalysis: update the API (f5e1d9a)
- dataflow: update the API (2a55e7a)
- datafusion: update the API (936bcde)
- datalabeling: update the API (eb9bbe1)
- datamigration: update the API (0d6e937)
- datamigration: update the API (b0734c6)
- dataproc: update the API (57da069)
- datastore: update the API (ba3bdca)
- dfareporting: update the API (6257d45)
- dfareporting: update the API (b198f70)
- displayvideo: update the API (1f676fd)
- dlp: update the API (9d03c6e)
- domains: update the API (5706d4d)
- eventarc: update the API (a978477)
- firestore: update the API (c022674)
- firestore: update the API (615a6d6)
- gkehub: update the API (b8b4603)
- gmail: update the API (dfaefe0)
- iamcredentials: update the API (a27aeb3)
- iam: update the API (146d5f3)
- iap: update the API (c88bfd5)
- logging: update the API (cde6ff8)
- managedidentities: update the API (97439f0)
- memcache: update the API (f7c7feb)
- metastore: update the API (5e010e5)
- ml: update the API (67edcd1)
- monitoring: update the API (31830e2)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (9a9e608)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (0d03595)
- notebooks: update the API (2c1bdb9)
- notebooks: update the API (a57ca92)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (69727cd)
- orgpolicy: update the API (57df6c9)
- osconfig: update the API (b659f08)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (af7ee0d)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (907ad8e)
- people: update the API (4ae693c)
- policysimulator: update the API (25cd0d6)
- privateca: update the API (e506eff)
- pubsub: update the API (1572543)
- realtimebidding: update the API (1b9c3cd)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (c182fd6)
- recommendationengine: update the API (ba531f5)
- redis: update the API (f590800)
- retail: update the API (a6cc2da)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (ce361f2)
- run: update the API (696bfa5)
- sasportal: update the API (31a5a0c)
- securitycenter: update the API (0d40c39)
- securitycenter: update the API (bd22472)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (65627d0)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (8699387)
- servicecontrol: update the API (e12f54b)
- servicecontrol: update the API (c12f5f7)
- servicedirectory: update the API (a85ec55)
- servicemanagement: update the API (d7984ec)
- serviceusage: update the API (d2ce5aa)
- serviceusage: update the API (cd4cd4b)
- sheets: update the API (b95d407)
- speech: update the API (20f7efb)
- sqladmin: update the API (df6ecb3)
- storagetransfer: update the API (f3080e7)
- storage: update the API (7c8a240)
- sts: update the API (a30a8df)
- tagmanager: update the API (ec5d6cc)
- toolresults: update the API (381748c)
- tpu: update the API (46140f6)
- transcoder: update the API (a81cb7e)
- vault: update the API (2cf2a7c)
- videointelligence: update the API (5db02ae)
- vision: update the API (b7d464c)
- vision: update the API (b5289c1)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (6f7c5c6)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (e3a21da)
- workflows: update the API (4b133dc)
73.0.0 (2021-04-23)
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquerydatatransfer: This release has breaking changes.
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (b41120f)
- artifactregistry: update the API (2f63583)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (28bfee0)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (b3a028e)
- container: update the API (e18215b)
- displayvideo: update the API (e109b39)
- documentai: update the API (e0ab15b)
- file: update the API (f52fc10)
- genomics: update the API (85a6cd7)
- logging: update the API (ab28a04)
- regenerate index files (6e4cb8c)
- serviceusage: update the API (d23fbcb)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (05f142f)
Bug Fixes
- chat: update the API (47f816c)
- dialogflow: update the API (0050937)
- drive: update the API (e18c6f2)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (6fbf643)
- gkehub: update the API (c13e342)
- playablelocations: update the API (d10cbc9)
- retail: update the API (5d22b00)
- secretmanager: update the API (3446148)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (9f6705b)
72.0.0 (2021-04-21)
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- youtube: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- homegraph: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- alertcenter: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (b1f8dfa)
- admob: update the API (820df0e)
- alertcenter: update the API (3a94fa6)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (648a169)
- androidmanagement: update the API (8f50b1e)
- appengine: update the API (575e92c)
- area120tables: update the API (075e1fc)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (6804095)
- bigquery: update the API (f94262e)
- cloudasset: update the API (038fd10)
- cloudbuild: update the API (063f5cc)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (5dc7909)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (f6845f2)
- cloudsearch: update the API (f7579e2)
- compute: update the API (dd7fac0)
- container: update the API (23b7424)
- content: update the API (364279c)
- dataflow: update the API (f5c0f97)
- dataproc: update the API (831fb8d)
- dialogflow: update the API (aef756f)
- discovery: update the API (a113b9a)
- documentai: update the API (5b0d5ca)
- gkehub: update the API (f6fbf99)
- homegraph: update the API (1f42f6b)
- iap: update the API (b77b50e)
- networkmanagement: update the API (34379f2)
- notebooks: update the API (f9689bb)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (a3c219c)
- osconfig: update the API (4a4182b)
- people: update the API (64eacb4)
- people: update the API (ac165ec)
- regenerate index files (0e02f46)
- regenerate index files (05c2923)
- run: update the API (85045a9)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (429b8c1)
- servicemanagement: update the API (1d1f32e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (7c39c04)
- serviceusage: update the API (c3b183c)
- serviceusage: update the API (5d25614)
- speech: update the API (39db014)
- youtube: update the API (a200b36)
Bug Fixes
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (8657058)
- adsense: update the API (d022dd2)
- apigateway: update the API (5b357a8)
- apikeys: update the API (0c4296d)
- billingbudgets: update the API (3eca406)
- cloudkms: update the API (c27c303)
- composer: update the API (cc97f2b)
- displayvideo: update the API (8598777)
- dlp: update the API (8f980cd)
- domains: update the API (1c95b9d)
- eventarc: update the API (ebc2659)
- file: update the API (f9fb270)
- gameservices: update the API (c9200ac)
- healthcare: update the API (425e37d)
- jobs: update the API (c3960c5)
- lifesciences: update the API (c42ad4b)
- logging: update the API (0cd03ee)
- memcache: update the API (ad4f6fe)
- metastore: update the API (08dff7b)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (f399db6)
- notebooks: update the API (475a63d)
- recommendationengine: update the API (da4ff7a)
- recommender: update the API (2c20c93)
- secretmanager: update the API (84de4b9)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (887451f)
- servicecontrol: update the API (285bfa9)
- servicedirectory: update the API (7b7b9e6)
- servicemanagement: update the API (6415b6d)
- spanner: update the API (265463c)
- storagetransfer: update the API (fb803eb)
- tpu: update the API (f444491)
- translate: update the API (0e25f2f)
- vault: update the API (8b28e90)
- workflows: update the API (e6ea7d9)
71.0.0 (2021-04-07)
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- homegraph: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryreservation: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: update the API (5fc76fa)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (05435f1)
- bigquery: update the API (6e1defd)
- cloudchannel: update the API (b26036b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (93d4108)
- compute: update the API (4cddc5e)
- compute: update the API (0d7e3fb)
- containeranalysis: update the API (8cbc7cf)
- containeranalysis: update the API (13f0991)
- container: update the API (3ea5ec0)
- content: update the API (8d8f6d4)
- dataflow: update the API (4da06b2)
- datafusion: update the API (1d19332)
- dataproc: update the API (e721742)
- dialogflow: update the API (2fa72f5)
- documentai: update the API (a49130e)
- games: update the API (74abb25)
- gkehub: update the API (f8efd27)
- homegraph: update the API (203da3f)
- localservices: update the API (e5b3c1b)
- memcache: update the API (c5ec2a9)
- metastore: update the API (689689d)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (b48400f)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (6a7f47b)
- notebooks: update the API (34374c0)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (2e4b561)
- oslogin: update the API (87a9f5f)
- regenerate index files (d2ba497)
- regenerate index files (407a31a)
- regenerate index files (16523be)
- securitycenter: update the API (698a940)
- servicenetworking: update the API (63edb25)
- sheets: update the API (d9b89cf)
- spanner: update the API (9bb3633)
- tpu: update the API (614632f)
- tpu: update the API (177dcea)
Bug Fixes
- analyticsdata: update the API (a536e57)
- androidmanagement: update the API (d3807ca)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (4300adc)
- cloudasset: update the API (0f9d08c)
- cloudbuild: update the API (276a2aa)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (b28cd60)
- content: update the API (1fee5c2)
- displayvideo: update the API (1128d84)
- dlp: update the API (23660c0)
- file: update the API (1a1b171)
- managedidentities: update the API (e7e9490)
- monitoring: update the API (d6e98b3)
- people: update the API (a1eeb4e)
- policysimulator: update the API (0df30e9)
- pubsub: update the API (214fdae)
- realtimebidding: update the API (97685f0)
- redis: update the API (f31d1c1)
- retail: update the API (0bb90d0)
- run: update the API (c722399)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (e249b5e)
- servicecontrol: update the API (086d79e)
- servicemanagement: update the API (1134cc9)
- serviceusage: update the API (83bab8c)
- speech: update the API (8ab7dc7)
- sqladmin: update the API (90cdd45)
- transcoder: update the API (1ed99c1)
70.0.0 (2021-04-01)
- stop ignoring YouTube, and re-generate with latest API (#2575)
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: update the API (7a1fc20)
- cloudchannel: update the API (49d85bf)
- datafusion: update the API (be0f3dc)
- gkehub: update the API (0a315ae)
- regenerate index files (1afade5)
- spanner: update the API (6b9efab)
Bug Fixes
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (08a2594)
- eventarc: update the API (3b5331a)
- firestore: update the API (5ead437)
- healthcare: update the API (6e1f3be)
- redis: update the API (afc680a)
- stop ignoring YouTube, and re-generate with latest API (#2575) (7a6967f)
69.0.0 (2021-03-25)
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: update the API (729bd3f)
- datafusion: update the API (eb6d9b9)
- gkehub: update the API (e0475ff)
- regenerate index files (eb3738c)
- reseller: update the API (ce4a444)
- secretmanager: update the API (9ab1bed)
- spanner: update the API (585d0d7)
Bug Fixes
- add basic typescript sample and emit additional types (#2561) (ed0e1ab)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (2fe88c0)
- cloudtasks: update the API (a539904)
- container: update the API (41a397b)
- redis: update the API (a0d3466)
- run: update the API (b86feee)
68.0.0 (2021-03-10)
- tasks: This release has breaking changes.
- speech: This release has breaking changes.
- servicecontrol: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- safebrowsing: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- remotebuildexecution: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- jobs: This release has breaking changes.
- iap: This release has breaking changes.
- healthcare: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- firebasehosting: This release has breaking changes.
- eventarc: This release has breaking changes.
- documentai: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- deploymentmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dataproc: This release has breaking changes.
- datamigration: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudresourcemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudkms: This release has breaking changes.
- bigqueryconnection: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- apigateway: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsdata: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (bb721b8)
- admin: update the API (a7c0476)
- alertcenter: update the API (5bf5f96)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (0b64fcb)
- analyticsdata: update the API (f140375)
- androidmanagement: update the API (374f455)
- apigateway: update the API (a24313f)
- appengine: update the API (08a1302)
- area120tables: update the API (0afd1f2)
- artifactregistry: update the API (8a1f2f2)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (2fbe18f)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (424003f)
- bigquery: update the API (91e811c)
- billingbudgets: update the API (5d64269)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (5ada8db)
- calendar: update the API (c25184f)
- chat: update the API (2cba111)
- cloudasset: update the API (71978df)
- cloudbuild: update the API (8a69c68)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (38dd3b3)
- cloudidentity: update the API (802ba43)
- cloudkms: update the API (e5b272f)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (0b73364)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (218597a)
- cloudtasks: update the API (1f2429f)
- composer: update the API (dafe2c0)
- compute: update the API (cf44baa)
- containeranalysis: update the API (2952194)
- container: update the API (6c36457)
- content: update the API (c69cd33)
- datacatalog: update the API (d96cc56)
- dataflow: update the API (4e54b04)
- datafusion: update the API (c56c33a)
- datamigration: update the API (75f543d)
- dataproc: update the API (3e6a848)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (667d700)
- dialogflow: update the API (f5f38af)
- displayvideo: update the API (3744004)
- dlp: update the API (687d06f)
- dns: update the API (bfd683f)
- docs: update the API (d854642)
- documentai: update the API (03dc361)
- eventarc: update the API (c9ebcdc)
- file: update the API (190d234)
- firebasehosting: update the API (0857714)
- firebaseml: update the API (cdf364c)
- gameservices: update the API (89266ca)
- games: update the API (1a0a82a)
- genomics: update the API (547bcc9)
- healthcare: update the API (4e7b936)
- homegraph: update the API (1b21eef)
- iam: update the API (c4f0835)
- iap: update the API (55d82c8)
- jobs: update the API (b536975)
- lifesciences: update the API (87c087d)
- localservices: update the API (b4b8b13)
- managedidentities: update the API (65ecdd6)
- manufacturers: update the API (f2c4c07)
- memcache: update the API (89f040f)
- ml: update the API (969931f)
- monitoring: update the API (bc699a4)
- notebooks: update the API (cb79ed9)
- osconfig: update the API (9037175)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (a535ae7)
- people: update the API (d520d39)
- privateca: update the API (0f6b740)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (d16295c)
- pubsublite: update the API (28da59f)
- pubsub: update the API (9ad3f75)
- recommender: update the API (cd17511)
- regenerate index files (97ce2eb)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (715e847)
- run: update the API (28d5c19)
- safebrowsing: update the API (8d2dc33)
- sasportal: update the API (462c595)
- searchconsole: update the API (7eae5b9)
- secretmanager: update the API (75b7449)
- securitycenter: update the API (7c7d936)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (4b776b1)
- servicecontrol: update the API (9d3ea6e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (1e7807e)
- serviceusage: update the API (9413125)
- slides: update the API (dec09a5)
- spanner: update the API (1ee4da7)
- speech: update the API (4627438)
- sqladmin: update the API (f3a174a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (cfb0a1c)
- storage: update the API (201e3fc)
- sts: update the API (d216ee6)
- tagmanager: update the API (1d3de89)
- tasks: update the API (6785c7a)
- testing: update the API (69dc9af)
- toolresults: update the API (3dee17c)
- transcoder: update the API (c4b194a)
- vectortile: update the API (d253b57)
- videointelligence: update the API (34a4787)
- vision: update the API (889e8e3)
- webmasters: update the API (6430826)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (a61291b)
Bug Fixes
- add comment (e949ef2)
- admob: update the API (4beda10)
- analytics: update the API (3731e4b)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (96d0221)
- chromemanagement: update the API (a609001)
- chromepolicy: update the API (e7ee86c)
- cloudchannel: update the API (cd69261)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (66392e6)
- cloudiot: update the API (df9fe25)
- cloudsearch: update the API (7cad30a)
- cloudshell: update the API (038713f)
- datalabeling: update the API (0718564)
- deps: update dependency open to v8 (#2532) (9b495b6)
- dfareporting: update the API (46f6530)
- domains: update the API (6840cd2)
- drive: update the API (1aab744)
- fitness: update the API (90867df)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (0ed0d0c)
- gmail: update the API (a83b049)
- groupssettings: update the API (21b387d)
- logging: update the API (2c45697)
- metastore: update the API (46e7349)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (65243fa)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (06388b8)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (6291e90)
- policysimulator: update the API (82bd37e)
- realtimebidding: update the API (0a62f96)
- recommendationengine: update the API (c8139c2)
- redis: update the API (38b3d7a)
- reseller: update the API (f3ffc42)
- retail: update the API (d635c0a)
- script: update the API (f73fca9)
- servicedirectory: update the API (163e333)
- servicemanagement: update the API (31bd6ba)
- sheets: update the API (3c5cc08)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (f2abbd4)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (cd06041)
- temporary fix for flaky test related to mocha bug; (28e203d)
- texttospeech: update the API (536d98f)
- translate: update the API (8097ede)
- webrisk: update the API (f0ed26a)
- workflows: update the API (6438c0f)
67.1.1 (2021-03-02)
Bug Fixes
67.1.0 (2021-02-17)
- auth: adds support workload identity federation (#2517) (a10707c)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v5 (#2497) (fec087a)
67.0.0 (2020-12-24)
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- reseller: This release has breaking changes.
- remotebuildexecution: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (12c3469)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (c137fa6)
- chat: update the API (7cca6bf)
- composer: update the API (2827aed)
- dialogflow: update the API (22edb6e)
- dns: update the API (b1deece)
- games: update the API (94ec3fd)
- managedidentities: update the API (e44d0c3)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (650fa4b)
- regenerate index files (ae578b8)
- area120tables: update the API (f37709e)
- displayvideo: update the API (b86208e)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (e97a056)
- reseller: update the API (d8f2f73)
- servicenetworking: update the API (ea6a9cd)
- sheets: update the API (6e61af3)
- spanner: update the API (eaac5dc)
- vault: update the API (7dde0a1)
- vectortile: update the API (b8120c9)
Bug Fixes
- analyticsadmin: update the API (e9535a8)
- analyticsdata: update the API (b7ef329)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (f8dd051)
- cloudbuild: update the API (5881845)
- dialogflow: update the API (08a540d)
- drive: update the API (a553bf7)
- drive: update the API (f5d6104)
- jobs: update the API (0d6e7be)
- managedidentities: update the API (92577ce)
- monitoring: update the API (5823a4c)
- servicecontrol: update the API (2d3a370)
- storagetransfer: update the API (1543314)
66.0.0 (2020-12-02)
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- servicedirectory: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- pubsub: This release has breaking changes.
- notebooks: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- ml: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- deploymentmanager: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- cloudtasks: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- cloudiot: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were changed:
- schemas.Application.description
- schemas.ApplicationsListResponse.description
- schemas.DataTransfer.description
- schemas.DataTransfersListResponse.description
- title
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.description
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.flatPath
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.httpMethod
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameterOrder
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.certificateRevocationListId.description
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.certificateRevocationListId.location
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.certificateRevocationListId.type
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.parent.description
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.parent.location
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.parent.pattern
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.parent.required
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.parent.type
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.requestId.description
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.requestId.location
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.parameters.requestId.type
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.path
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.request.$ref
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.response.$ref
- resources.projects.resources.locations.resources.certificateAuthorities.resources.certificateRevocationLists.methods.create.scopes
- games: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- binaryauthorization: This release has breaking changes.
The following keys were deleted:
- actions: switch to GitHub action for releases (#2458) (d473ac3)
- regenerate index files (eaa1128)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (92b94ae)
- admin: update the API (54a817b)
- analyticsdata: update the API (88fac76)
- androidmanagement: update the API (008eee9)
- appengine: update the API (5940274)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (5a07026)
- cloudiot: update the API (092044c)
- cloudtasks: update the API (44eaaf6)
- compute: update the API (ada555e)
- containeranalysis: update the API (25aeded)
- datacatalog: update the API (24a2a81)
- dataflow: update the API (2c4e03f)
- dataflow: update the API (6309919)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (106196e)
- dialogflow: update the API (e510c94)
- games: update the API (3f60e6b)
- games: update the API (53dde6a)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (b9b88aa)
- iam: update the API (564bb66)
- licensing: update the API (94decb8)
- lifesciences: update the API (2ababff)
- logging: update the API (94d1c14)
- ml: update the API (49df4fe)
- notebooks: update the API (d0de162)
- osconfig: update the API (94fe6d9)
- privateca: update the API (d697bd9)
- pubsub: update the API (621f122)
- securitycenter: update the API (07840ad)
- servicedirectory: update the API (6b0722f)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d7559e2)
- speech: update the API (10834c4)
- sqladmin: update the API (29f9992)
- regenerate index files (e3f88e5)
- storage: update the API (f5477a6)
Bug Fixes
- adexchangebuyer: update the API (ae890e0)
- admob: update the API (f6682b8)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (823e05f)
- analyticsdata: update the API (030ebba)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (886a952)
- androidenterprise: update the API (8017ae2)
- androidpublisher: update the API (110e16d)
- apigateway: update the API (5c20722)
- artifactregistry: update the API (30b8c42)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (7b8c35b)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (9a9c727)
- billingbudgets: update the API (b88a8fc)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (aed26d8)
- cloudasset: update the API (d5c6b27)
- cloudidentity: update the API (6c67605)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (09f308b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (ce9952f)
- content: update the API (2afcd21)
- content: update the API (f387900)
- datalabeling: update the API (28e3d3b)
- datastore: update the API (1995089)
- deps: update dependency nconf to ^0.11.0 (4dc31a6)
- dfareporting: update the API (eb2d0c9)
- displayvideo: update the API (061e8bb)
- dlp: update the API (f93c446)
- documentai: update the API (51b5d29)
- drive: update the API (b651135)
- factchecktools: update the API (465d588)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (b213fcb)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (5eeecad)
- firestore: update the API (6340d03)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (bbf8e22)
- gameservices: update the API (0529b89)
- healthcare: update the API (cc7103f)
- iap: update the API (a67a280)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (5523d57)
- libraryagent: update the API (a6db26a)
- localservices: update the API (7bb5e2c)
- monitoring: update the API (c871347)
- people: update the API (b639a17)
- playablelocations: update the API (b329ad0)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (7224d76)
- privateca: update the API (d70a1d7)
- recommendationengine: update the API (47959ea)
- recommender: update the API (6330721)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (b5f5e99)
- reseller: update the API (469b7b8)
- run: update the API (a21fd13)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (983c199)
- sheets: update the API (24334b3)
- siteVerification: update the API (4d8d935)
- slides: update the API (25b1b8b)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (4ffeff5)
- sts: update the API (49e6aa7)
- toolresults: update the API (6e00303)
- videointelligence: update the API (7ec56d5)
- vision: update the API (6c47d8a)
65.0.0 (2020-11-16)
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- switch to googleapis org for submodules (#2443)
- secretmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- securitycenter: This release has breaking changes.
- runtimeconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- policytroubleshooter: This release has breaking changes.
- healthcare: This release has breaking changes.
- domains: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticsdata: This release has breaking changes.
- spanner: This release has breaking changes.
- servicedirectory: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- dataproc: This release has breaking changes.
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudtasks: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudkms: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- ml: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudresourcemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (90db68e)
- admob: update the API (5a0b97a)
- analyticsdata: update the API (14c3fb7)
- androidenterprise: update the API (cec37ee)
- apigateway: update the API (ead281d)
- area120tables: update the API (236d533)
- artifactregistry: update the API (87d2089)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (34ee744)
- bigquery: update the API (632b137)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (89c2cf0)
- cloudasset: update the API (5995488)
- cloudkms: update the API (3539f67)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (b708ab7)
- cloudtasks: update the API (5ad7200)
- container: update the API (f6ef239)
- content: update the API (78e46e5)
- datacatalog: update the API (e559971)
- dataproc: update the API (db2591b)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (432e7f9)
- dialogflow: update the API (ca9c4b6)
- dialogflow: update the API (82d0dba)
- dns: update the API (9c8668b)
- domains: update the API (7d70cdc)
- eventarc: update the API (106d3a3)
- file: update the API (595a6ed)
- file: update the API (b9465c3)
- healthcare: update the API (15e1699)
- managedidentities: update the API (852059f)
- managedidentities: update the API (e6cd7e0)
- managedidentities: update the API (e7f2840)
- memcache: update the API (fea8b36)
- ml: update the API (41fc95d)
- networkmanagement: update the API (2939e5c)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (0517ae9)
- privateca: update the API (4660be5)
- realtimebidding: update the API (e36ba01)
- redis: update the API (6dce97d)
- redis: update the API (342b570)
- run: update the API (41ce818)
- run: update the API (f10e719)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (1a693a2)
- secretmanager: update the API (55e45df)
- securitycenter: update the API (a9cce23)
- servicedirectory: update the API (a7c51c3)
- servicemanagement: update the API (997750d)
- servicemanagement: update the API (d5e54c2)
- spanner: update the API (331bfb8)
- spanner: update the API (7d504fe)
- storagetransfer: update the API (e351dd2)
- regenerate index files (c9e365e)
- regenerate index files (d75cb1e)
- regenerate index files (5082f7d)
- switch to googleapis org for submodules (#2443) (392ce44)
- servicenetworking: update the API (9bb56c5)
- regenerate index files (b706742)
- regenerate index files (c8329fb)
- servicenetworking: update the API (3aa40a2)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (3d567d2)
- analyticsdata: update the API (d85b005)
- billingbudgets: update the API (4ce4618)
- cloudidentity: update the API (6130577)
- cloudidentity: update the API (fb961aa)
- content: update the API (0102cf4)
- displayvideo: update the API (a29648b)
- drive: update the API (f8b958c)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (b791c0e)
- gameservices: update the API (9b69f7e)
- gamesManagement: update the API (e330ff1)
- genomics: update the API (90a4da6)
- gmail: update the API (269a468)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (d764309)
- groupsmigration: update the API (d133f48)
- groupssettings: update the API (c69c48d)
- healthcare: update the API (a33105d)
- homegraph: update the API (9f87184)
- iam: update the API (140ec57)
- iamcredentials: update the API (46e68e6)
- iap: update the API (b488eeb)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (48c2b61)
- indexing: update the API (6bfb632)
- jobs: update the API (641a965)
- kgsearch: update the API (cac92c0)
- language: update the API (207789a)
- libraryagent: update the API (dba2b49)
- licensing: update the API (e314a0a)
- lifesciences: update the API (2b4185b)
- localservices: update the API (5c9a3fd)
- logging: update the API (3712ede)
- logging: update the API (bd7cd8c)
- manufacturers: update the API (243af05)
- ml: update the API (bf33531)
- monitoring: update the API (b29d9e4)
- networkmanagement: update the API (feb036e)
- notebooks: update the API (d1b1e2d)
- notebooks: update the API (1eb31e0)
- oauth2: update the API (36e64c0)
- osconfig: update the API (dca4ea2)
- oslogin: update the API (15dc3ab)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (c9b9e6f)
- people: update the API (db67240)
- people: update the API (3fa1deb)
- playablelocations: update the API (db6de0e)
- playcustomapp: update the API (84beddf)
- plus: update the API (b4ff82e)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (538a5d1)
- poly: update the API (4350bb8)
- privateca: update the API (eb3165b)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (0896127)
- pubsub: update the API (5e31d0a)
- pubsublite: update the API (8a846bb)
- realtimebidding: update the API (95bebbe)
- recommendationengine: update the API (a6f2e7f)
- recommender: update the API (d42ee26)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (25c4cad)
- reseller: update the API (9b8d40b)
- run: update the API (db6d610)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (9a786d3)
- safebrowsing: update the API (e535819)
- sasportal: update the API (0f902cc)
- script: update the API (96d6689)
- searchconsole: update the API (89a2b0f)
- secretmanager: update the API (580876c)
- securitycenter: update the API (5c40a0b)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (58b82b5)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (97ea611)
- servicecontrol: update the API (9ab3238)
- servicedirectory: update the API (3ff6030)
- servicemanagement: update the API (3b6530e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (49f6772)
- serviceusage: update the API (b4ec93e)
- serviceusage: update the API (da56c9f)
- sheets: update the API (a12b3fa)
- siteVerification: update the API (548c7cc)
- slides: update the API (d6bfad1)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (2381107)
- sourcerepo: update the API (ab277c0)
- speech: update the API (2355a12)
- sql: update the API (e646dbf)
- sqladmin: update the API (50cfd3f)
- storage: update the API (92c026e)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (a61adba)
- sts: update the API (1d9b809)
- tagmanager: update the API (c3d6554)
- tasks: update the API (d1f915a)
- testing: update the API (fc7c1da)
- texttospeech: update the API (c7f417b)
- toolresults: update the API (ef03494)
- tpu: update the API (5583524)
- trafficdirector: update the API (68df75c)
- transcoder: update the API (41701a3)
- transcoder: update the API (521a61c)
- translate: update the API (7ce94af)
- translate: update the API (a2c5da6)
- vault: update the API (de89827)
- vectortile: update the API (91f90bd)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (b7841c9)
- videointelligence: update the API (5ed8005)
- vision: update the API (6880149)
- webfonts: update the API (aeb9aca)
- webmasters: update the API (d47348d)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (00ed15c)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (87dda86)
- workflows: update the API (9a00054)
- youtube: update the API (afbc00e)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (f8ed35d)
- youtubereporting: update the API (1834013)
64.0.0 (2020-11-05)
- pubsub: This release has breaking changes.
- networkmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- iap: This release has breaking changes.
- apigateway: This release has breaking changes.
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- gameservices: This release has breaking changes.
- containeranalysis: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudiot: This release has breaking changes.
- binaryauthorization: This release has breaking changes.
- secretmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- runtimeconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- binaryauthorization: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (548b105)
- analyticsdata: update the API (ed11aea)
- apigateway: update the API (70a4b0f)
- apigateway: update the API (282d124)
- billingbudgets: update the API (74ea523)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (865ea76)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (eaa5338)
- cloudasset: update the API (a8eb8fd)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (eb35c55)
- cloudiot: update the API (0107c86)
- compute: update the API (4ee66cf)
- containeranalysis: update the API (c60e1f8)
- dialogflow: update the API (090495b)
- displayvideo: update the API (5ae804e)
- domains: update the API (caf1b69)
- gameservices: update the API (eb501ad)
- genomics: update the API (6f3af3c)
- healthcare: update the API (39490ef)
- iam: update the API (2c2c726)
- iap: update the API (a862a03)
- logging: update the API (88ddb0f)
- logging: update the API (3e59f67)
- networkmanagement: update the API (d84cac4)
- networkmanagement: update the API (8dd17e5)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (81d5d90)
- privateca: update the API (a0fb24f)
- pubsub: update the API (a5082e1)
- recommendationengine: update the API (b28c28b)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (87b262e)
- secretmanager: update the API (adda505)
- securitycenter: update the API (6e1df3a)
- sheets: update the API (79dfa69)
- regenerate index files (a7a18a3)
- regenerate index files (cbe09bf)
- servicecontrol: update the API (7b9be93)
- serviceusage: update the API (fbeecb3)
- toolresults: update the API (8a299d4)
Bug Fixes
- admin: update the API (a70bef6)
- admin: update the API (8c93090)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (4dcabfe)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (7a826a1)
- bigquery: update the API (72acde5)
- calendar: update the API (2e97d01)
- chat: update the API (18b4140)
- content: update the API (bd06032)
- datamigration: update the API (c8732d5)
- dfareporting: update the API (cb116e4)
- displayvideo: update the API (c936b10)
- drive: update the API (16ba23c)
- eventarc: update the API (82fb838)
- eventarc: update the API (8fed434)
- iamcredentials: update the API (d920c35)
- licensing: update the API (03d7098)
- privateca: update the API (31788c2)
- reseller: update the API (0a85f29)
- storage: update the API (dfcda50)
- storagetransfer: update the API (e51e1d3)
- vision: update the API (f14e76c)
63.0.0 (2020-10-29)
- deploymentmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (95e46e6)
- content: update the API (c03446b)
- datacatalog: update the API (9240bc7)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (e32d555)
Bug Fixes
- datalabeling: update the API (9b8b03a)
- eventarc: update the API (2028f1d)
- firebase: update the API (def1cb5)
- firebasehosting: update the API (998b9a5)
- reseller: update the API (b818e56)
- translate: update the API (c765672)
62.0.0 (2020-10-28)
- videointelligence: This release has breaking changes.
- smartdevicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- videointelligence: This release has breaking changes.
- smartdevicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- realtimebidding: This release has breaking changes.
- managedidentities: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- androidpublisher: This release has breaking changes.
- realtimebidding: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (b66e68b)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (97b0736)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (afa950d)
- admin: update the API (1184f50)
- analyticsdata: update the API (04fc2c3)
- androidpublisher: update the API (859a99b)
- bigquery: update the API (79625a8)
- books: update the API (4771835)
- chat: update the API (7c85b91)
- cloudshell: update the API (ae53887)
- compute: update the API (bb0ed96)
- compute: update the API (a5848ec)
- content: update the API (ece490b)
- dataflow: update the API (42830a2)
- dataproc: update the API (b8e9a1e)
- dialogflow: update the API (dd939eb)
- dialogflow: update the API (022e6b6)
- dns: update the API (88f18f7)
- dns: update the API (18ba27d)
- fitness: update the API (e592524)
- games: update the API (7d186d9)
- healthcare: update the API (e95ec1d)
- lifesciences: update the API (9917f7d)
- localservices: update the API (71fb007)
- logging: update the API (bf3e557)
- managedidentities: update the API (eb4b1e3)
- ml: update the API (f5d873c)
- monitoring: update the API (6b51bcd)
- monitoring: update the API (a6f7a9a)
- poly: update the API (f187e34)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (95a1f95)
- realtimebidding: update the API (7c2c1ac)
- realtimebidding: update the API (3f67c3e)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (7690730)
- sasportal: update the API (e39415d)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (00eb137)
- servicecontrol: update the API (13e1883)
- servicemanagement: update the API (3bf3039)
- servicenetworking: update the API (628fe5f)
- servicenetworking: update the API (6809a01)
- servicenetworking: update the API (bd9aae3)
- serviceusage: update the API (e047b67)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (380a946)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (44adeb0)
- sqladmin: update the API (f448cab)
- sqladmin: update the API (9ac4f68)
- storagetransfer: update the API (69bc8a5)
- storagetransfer: update the API (9653168)
- tagmanager: update the API (da24c53)
- videointelligence: update the API (b2c326f)
- regenerate index files (96e3a77)
- testing: update the API (b123d88)
- testing: update the API (394fdb4)
- tpu: update the API (9e02d17)
- videointelligence: update the API (0606da2)
- regenerate index files (394fc2f)
- vault: update the API (0218681)
- videointelligence: update the API (77ab989)
- regenerate index files (a28ddc4)
- videointelligence: update the API (00da575)
- regenerate index files (06817be)
- regenerate index files (8fd603f)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (30faddb)
- admin: update the API (266f586)
- analytics: update the API (c0df145)
- analyticsdata: update the API (0aff8af)
- analyticsdata: update the API (95109ff)
- androidpublisher: update the API (09d446f)
- area120tables: update the API (b8af9e8)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (eb655aa)
- cloudbuild: update the API (711370d)
- cloudbuild: update the API (077a891)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (973d18d)
- cloudsearch: update the API (4ef36bf)
- composer: update the API (1f4a154)
- content: update the API (7a38718)
- datacatalog: update the API (8addb9c)
- dataproc: update the API (bebff81)
- datastore: update the API (f6a9d11)
- displayvideo: update the API (081aed9)
- dlp: update the API (d65b977)
- domains: update the API (24bff51)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (e2e71a0)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (ef6f866)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (6a8e4fc)
- drive: update the API (a79448d)
- eventarc: update the API (c3190e9)
- firestore: update the API (0f4e9de)
- fitness: update the API (93478c3)
- gameservices: update the API (2b21cf2)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (c4a245a)
- healthcare: update the API (4c27d1a)
- iam: update the API (e3b6904)
- iamcredentials: update the API (8836f2f)
- licensing: update the API (dbc4913)
- licensing: update the API (b69694e)
- licensing: update the API (c1213b7)
- logging: update the API (5069b69)
- logging: update the API (e4aae18)
- memcache: update the API (a4968e3)
- oauth2: update the API (1b9b441)
- people: update the API (7d2eb7a)
- people: update the API (0c58bef)
- people: update the API (6f32921)
- people: update the API (9718714)
- playablelocations: update the API (f82fdc7)
- pubsub: update the API (61b30e0)
- recommender: update the API (d01d4e3)
- run: update the API (9739728)
- run: update the API (ebf9000)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (b9afcd7)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (bcc1d7e)
- serviceusage: update the API (0c2b20e)
- serviceusage: update the API (6e98df4)
- storagetransfer: update the API (7aeb081)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (dfbc9dd)
- sts: update the API (5ba201f)
- types: treat supportsMediaDownload return type as unknown (#2412) (ff795f0)
- webmasters: update the API (bbc6f18)
- workflows: update the API (2019de0)
- workflows: update the API (4e3b7e9)
- workflows: update the API (435c852)
- youtube: update the API (174af33)
61.0.0 (2020-10-05)
- videointelligence: This release has breaking changes.
- tagmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- storagetransfer: This release has breaking changes.
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- securitycenter: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- realtimebidding: This release has breaking changes.
- osconfig: This release has breaking changes.
- monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
- ml: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- licensing: This release has breaking changes.
- jobs: This release has breaking changes.
- healthcare: This release has breaking changes.
- genomics: This release has breaking changes.
- fitness: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- digitalassetlinks: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- dfareporting: This release has breaking changes.
- deploymentmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dataflow: This release has breaking changes.
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudasset: This release has breaking changes.
- chat: This release has breaking changes.
- calendar: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (799a348)
- calendar: update the API (c0648dd)
- chat: update the API (d3c5e3c)
- civicinfo: update the API (b93342d)
- classroom: update the API (f1c535f)
- cloudasset: update the API (73b1830)
- cloudbilling: update the API (30b19a7)
- cloudbuild: update the API (69095ff)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (52cc316)
- cloudidentity: update the API (02cbdfc)
- cloudiot: update the API (4cfa144)
- cloudkms: update the API (edbcc03)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (75040af)
- cloudsearch: update the API (4be1c43)
- cloudtasks: update the API (24162b8)
- compute: update the API (9b860c4)
- container: update the API (5c7f222)
- containeranalysis: update the API (b2b1bec)
- content: update the API (e70c638)
- datacatalog: update the API (14a8332)
- dataflow: update the API (6634789)
- datafusion: update the API (0afc693)
- dataproc: update the API (c92bdbe)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (9257e64)
- dfareporting: update the API (3860a61)
- dialogflow: update the API (8b67bb6)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (4980eb0)
- displayvideo: update the API (cf7db54)
- dlp: update the API (58da305)
- documentai: update the API (150fd17)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (9478e96)
- drive: update the API (de29160)
- firebasehosting: update the API (c36263f)
- firebaseml: update the API (5f527aa)
- fitness: update the API (48e3869)
- gameservices: update the API (7855e1e)
- genomics: update the API (f305e41)
- healthcare: update the API (309da03)
- homegraph: update the API (9cd500c)
- iam: update the API (8553527)
- iap: update the API (343b1d6)
- jobs: update the API (8a6b60c)
- licensing: update the API (1ec9e02)
- managedidentities: update the API (a836490)
- memcache: update the API (6d711c6)
- ml: update the API (e7ba0db)
- monitoring: update the API (8f45268)
- networkmanagement: update the API (58e9f8f)
- osconfig: update the API (47b89a3)
- oslogin: update the API (c027f96)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (852104c)
- pubsub: update the API (95c2737)
- pubsublite: update the API (f25084b)
- realtimebidding: update the API (e6a0e0c)
- redis: update the API (8d41677)
- run: update the API (8c63fcd)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (696dbaf)
- sasportal: update the API (325597f)
- searchconsole: update the API (51f38fa)
- secretmanager: update the API (585365d)
- securitycenter: update the API (ccf0a06)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (1e2655c)
- servicedirectory: update the API (b341b8e)
- servicemanagement: update the API (904c155)
- servicenetworking: update the API (18f9e9e)
- sheets: update the API (d4d9252)
- spanner: update the API (b98923c)
- speech: update the API (ba088d5)
- sqladmin: update the API (e85236f)
- storage: update the API (3b2528f)
- storagetransfer: update the API (d386644)
- tagmanager: update the API (fce300b)
- tasks: update the API (cfe8fb4)
- tpu: update the API (897a43d)
- vault: update the API (ad8d2ff)
- videointelligence: update the API (e0c3703)
Bug Fixes
- composer: update the API (deb11bd)
- discovery: update the API (b7fa3cc)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (1456405)
- file: update the API (91ba390)
- firebase: update the API (a4ac499)
- gmail: update the API (8508d05)
- groupssettings: update the API (e1a4c33)
- iamcredentials: update the API (04c571e)
- kgsearch: update the API (b94dd19)
- people: update the API (b37c65b)
- playcustomapp: update the API (e524554)
- plus: update the API (3b04001)
- recommender: update the API (9a1fb04)
- servicecontrol: update the API (0c1842f)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (aa00231)
- sourcerepo: update the API (7df6b77)
- sql: update the API (97684fb)
- sts: update the API (48cf35e)
- testing: update the API (0cde769)
- trafficdirector: update the API (9d69a65)
- translate: update the API (137acb1)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (fe02c05)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (829caa0)
- workflows: update the API (a9cb808)
60.0.1 (2020-09-22)
Bug Fixes
60.0.0 (2020-09-01)
- toolresults: This release has breaking changes.
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- groupsmigration: This release has breaking changes.
- firebaseml: This release has breaking changes.
- firebase: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- dfareporting: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
- calendar: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: This release has breaking changes.
- adexchangebuyer2: This release has breaking changes.
- delete blunderbuss (#2344) (9ee32ad)
- regenerate index files (dd0f540)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (d3865e9)
- admin: update the API (270eed6)
- androidmanagement: update the API (cf0f6a1)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (3cde8f6)
- calendar: update the API (cdf692a)
- cloudbilling: update the API (38dcbf9)
- cloudbuild: update the API (e6cabc2)
- cloudidentity: update the API (c52f6bf)
- cloudkms: update the API (ab161e7)
- composer: update the API (df760ef)
- compute: update the API (1318e3e)
- container: update the API (95e2090)
- dfareporting: update the API (3013cdd)
- dialogflow: update the API (ff39f29)
- displayvideo: update the API (b6a5172)
- documentai: update the API (d4a1cbb)
- file: update the API (0ba3f79)
- firebase: update the API (986aaf9)
- firebaseml: update the API (dcd0663)
- fitness: update the API (b10b005)
- groupsmigration: update the API (cc6fb96)
- healthcare: update the API (d339b28)
- memcache: update the API (99c414c)
- monitoring: update the API (aaca4ea)
- networkmanagement: update the API (784ca46)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (d97620e)
- sasportal: update the API (60d2b5c)
- servicenetworking: update the API (40b7818)
- serviceusage: update the API (710252a)
- sheets: update the API (5f9c7b3)
- testing: update the API (1978318)
- toolresults: update the API (2afd0a7)
- tpu: update the API (e195d9a)
- translate: update the API (8d36bd6)
- webfonts: update the API (bfb8899)
- run the generator (#2327) (dd6b8f5)
Bug Fixes
- failing tests (89ed4e4)
- failing tests (8d0e0b3)
- npm runlint (bdb29bb)
- androidpublisher: update the API (fc7fb9e)
- cloudasset: update the API (6bd56f9)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (fbcd73b)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (bdf1b91)
- gmail: update the API (ad82454)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (37d0f0b)
- iam: update the API (29b7117)
- iamcredentials: update the API (db5cc71)
- lifesciences: update the API (4118789)
- localservices: update the API (feba241)
- pubsublite: update the API (9a0510a)
- securitycenter: update the API (99139ed)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (84097df)
- servicecontrol: update the API (061d08c)
- siteVerification: update the API (b98ef47)
- tasks: update the API (65a1c7d)
- texttospeech: update the API (6bc9ba6)
59.0.0 (2020-08-11)
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- realtimebidding: This release has breaking changes.
- memcache: This release has breaking changes.
- datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (ae90a50)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (330dee0)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (32bddd1)
- admob: update the API (6aaf2d9)
- alertcenter: update the API (af9c91b)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (2c0a6b6)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (51aa72d)
- androidenterprise: update the API (b3f2a14)
- androidpublisher: update the API (828cd89)
- appengine: update the API (c801b30)
- billingbudgets: update the API (2056439)
- blogger: update the API (ee9878d)
- classroom: update the API (cdf4894)
- customsearch: update the API (9a57c25)
- datacatalog: update the API (abf359c)
- datafusion: update the API (6316d04)
- dataproc: update the API (e400b20)
- dfareporting: update the API (6420be9)
- dialogflow: update the API (1ec8d2b)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (9f0c8a2)
- drive: update the API (ee489cc)
- firebase: update the API (e43c59c)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (6538587)
- firebasehosting: update the API (9408f89)
- firebaseml: update the API (900d029)
- healthcare: update the API (a25ff32)
- managedidentities: update the API (120d84b)
- memcache: update the API (09f1d0c)
- monitoring: update the API (b1af31a)
- people: update the API (25508d0)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (5ef698d)
- regenerate index files (45d1479)
- regenerate index files (1caf086)
- regenerate index files (21a492b)
- run the generator (#2319) (2d578ca)
- serviceusage: update the API (e82f2f2)
- run the generator (#2320) (424ced7)
- safebrowsing: update the API (29960c6)
- run the generator (#2321) (701edf3)
- realtimebidding: update the API (ed6f4b3)
- realtimebidding: update the API (e0c047f)
- run: update the API (1cece79)
- sasportal: update the API (f8e2f34)
- securitycenter: update the API (401e676)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (73ad4be)
- servicenetworking: update the API (e6f3fd3)
- tagmanager: update the API (c79abcd)
- toolresults: update the API (3a32acd)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (277b193)
- adsense: update the API (e7a55af)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (ddbaa9c)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (92e314c)
- cloudasset: update the API (75c1cce)
- dns: update the API (b7bd09f)
- domainsrdap: update the API (e4c51c3)
- driveactivity: update the API (b8dbd25)
- factchecktools: update the API (75f29d8)
- fitness: update the API (7cfa445)
- gameservices: update the API (4023f99)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (65a4cfe)
- libraryagent: update the API (4ae1b93)
- logging: update the API (81b47e5)
- ml: update the API (d9c47dc)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (4a4624b)
- pubsublite: update the API (2c51891)
- recommendationengine: update the API (13bb576)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (2e78fca)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (7ee42d7)
- servicecontrol: update the API (d0322a8)
- sql: update the API (d4ff69c)
- storagetransfer: update the API (ea3c280)
- tpu: update the API (4a10b49)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (78b89c4)
- youtubereporting: update the API (736a8a3)
58.0.0 (2020-07-30)
- dataproc: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- genomics: This release has breaking changes.
- regenerate index files (2b252f5)
- regenerate index files (8e81bc3)
- tagmanager: update the API (54f05d4)
- regenerate index files (3ac0511)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (3e5e22a)
- compute: update the API (6cda6b2)
- container: update the API (3bb7746)
- dataproc: update the API (cd98eb3)
- dataproc: update the API (1f2e0b5)
- displayvideo: update the API (6a6a912)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (f8977f3)
- drive: update the API (b6a446a)
- firebase: update the API (c33cfcd)
- genomics: update the API (f52dd58)
- people: update the API (aff8960)
- pubsub: update the API (eda6668)
- servicemanagement: update the API (b1060ae)
Bug Fixes
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (3b61f8b)
- cloudsearch: update the API (1e7867a)
- content: update the API (05d5d97)
- dlp: update the API (45c0a74)
- firebase: update the API (9ad83a3)
- spanner: update the API (1ad236e)
57.0.0 (2020-07-27)
- sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- pubsub: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudfunctions: This release has breaking changes.
- bigquery: update the API (40573c6)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (6445eb8)
- dfareporting: update the API (58fb0df)
- displayvideo: update the API (244afe6)
- pubsub: update the API (f9a69a8)
- redis: update the API (39ca367)
- sasportal: update the API (09688c5)
- regenerate index files (cfbbf9c)
- regenerate index files (a619a9c)
Bug Fixes
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (932a461)
- customsearch: update the API (6e25475)
- dataflow: update the API (13c8527)
56.0.0 (2020-07-24)
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- toolresults: This release has breaking changes.
- sql: This release has breaking changes.
- prod_tt_sasportal: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- books: update the API (3b8f8e7)
- chat: update the API (3e584db)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (e31415f)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (78e233d)
- container: update the API (09522c5)
- content: update the API (6994cea)
- datacatalog: update the API (0522b96)
- dialogflow: update the API (faff33a)
- displayvideo: update the API (508f6f7)
- dns: update the API (29ecce8)
- firebaseml: update the API (a0834b5)
- games: update the API (63e7160)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (ee1894a)
- healthcare: update the API (c89f959)
- osconfig: update the API (bd53832)
- regenerate index files (bd0909c)
- regenerate index files (c4f9d37)
- people: update the API (e43a67b)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (9cc3327)
- pubsub: update the API (122fffb)
- redis: update the API (19469bb)
- redis: update the API (ff00073)
- sql: update the API (3274cfd)
- testing: update the API (fdebf10)
- toolresults: update the API (24a7247)
Bug Fixes
- admob: update the API (b0e685b)
- chat: update the API (4ee0fc1)
- cloudasset: update the API (043c8c5)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (657cc93)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (ab81b4d)
- dataproc: update the API (1747789)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (87547df)
- fcm: update the API (77f6b10)
- firebase: update the API (bfef3d7)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (2070ebc)
- gamesManagement: update the API (ac06340)
- gmail: update the API (9f021f4)
- ml: update the API (cdff9ac)
- monitoring: update the API (0b18bc5)
- monitoring: update the API (783aca9)
- run: update the API (374d759)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (188b437)
- servicecontrol: update the API (f625c90)
- servicenetworking: update the API (346a0d2)
- serviceusage: update the API (2093fce)
- vision: update the API (e4e2917)
- webfonts: update the API (e404e51)
55.0.0 (2020-07-17)
- doubleclicksearch: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: update the API (a26ca35)
- billingbudgets: update the API (e476479)
- datacatalog: update the API (c6406bf)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (8d5c13e)
- regenerate index files (8dd6865)
- regenerate index files (2037fce)
Bug Fixes
- admob: update the API (36ff967)
- appengine: update the API (fe79bcf)
- classroom: update the API (91b4aee)
- cloudbuild: update the API (c2212f0)
- cloudtrace: update the API (84f2be8)
- customsearch: update the API (ae136da)
- dataproc: update the API (060cec8)
- dataproc: update the API (c1dc387)
- displayvideo: update the API (f0da5ea)
- dlp: update the API (e6e9a36)
- gmail: update the API (f8670e9)
- iam: update the API (ca62f87)
- ml: update the API (6d58831)
- networkmanagement: update the API (6b31fbc)
- servicemanagement: update the API (3927a7a)
54.1.0 (2020-07-15)
Bug Fixes
- androidpublisher: update the API (ef6a188)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (33a768d)
- cloudtrace: update the API (dfd4140)
- content: update the API (c9d8e3d)
- datastore: update the API (e3fd2f7)
- displayvideo: update the API (c8b851d)
- dns: update the API (2df0278)
- drive: update the API (b746e24)
- memcache: update the API (feb2917)
- osconfig: update the API (b176e11)
- recommendationengine: update the API (02bf96c)
- searchconsole: update the API (f016b92)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (beb5b1a)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2da20f8)
- serviceusage: update the API (e765eb5)
- sheets: update the API (ae10fd4)
54.0.0 (2020-07-10)
- webfonts: This release has breaking changes.
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- playcustomapp: This release has breaking changes.
- groupssettings: This release has breaking changes.
- games: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- civicinfo: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (b58f001)
- androidpublisher: update the API (a39978c)
- artifactregistry: update the API (d3e6b4e)
- bigquery: update the API (801f29a)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (47b9da6)
- books: update the API (bbbed18)
- civicinfo: update the API (a164b5c)
- cloudasset: update the API (e74b3bf)
- cloudbilling: update the API (c174f6e)
- cloudbuild: update the API (9016438)
- cloudidentity: update the API (747850e)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (6394bec)
- compute: update the API (02cce0d)
- container: update the API (e221ff5)
- content: update the API (00012b6)
- dataproc: update the API (2ff7db7)
- dialogflow: update the API (e92b84e)
- displayvideo: update the API (8691bdd)
- dns: update the API (639a258)
- drive: update the API (4b468b7)
- playcustomapp: update the API (df4618d)
- regenerate index files (e15df98)
- fcm: update the API (1251fb8)
- games: update the API (c93cb30)
- groupssettings: update the API (81cd81d)
- healthcare: update the API (3083559)
- lifesciences: update the API (7feb073)
- managedidentities: update the API (48b16fe)
- ml: update the API (51eb5c5)
- monitoring: update the API (08334a3)
- people: update the API (3b82224)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (75b7e2d)
- recommender: update the API (8d1a4b8)
- run: update the API (5f57e3c)
- sasportal: update the API (355fe63)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (a1c8bac)
- servicecontrol: update the API (7c069fe)
- serviceusage: update the API (1d635b8)
- testing: update the API (29b315e)
- webfonts: update the API (1cb38af)
Bug Fixes
- accessapproval: update the API (cd856eb)
- admob: update the API (571c96a)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (265d4c0)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (309be47)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (68c4a0d)
- billingbudgets: update the API (9089b8f)
- chat: update the API (ed14465)
- classroom: update the API (3c73d57)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (ed135f3)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (54c8b57)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ed2f240)
- composer: update the API (07c95c0)
- containeranalysis: update the API (a2fdc43)
- dlp: update the API (c18496b)
- documentai: update the API (d09d2f3)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (8fbbc3f)
- firebase: update the API (6354956)
- firebasehosting: update the API (dce4929)
- gameservices: update the API (d23d5f1)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (7a88976)
- groupsmigration: update the API (414e50a)
- iam: update the API (653d902)
- iamcredentials: update the API (880c339)
- logging: update the API (b2a1eb1)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (fef4e3d)
- playablelocations: update the API (3c0a75c)
- pubsub: update the API (b7c4d93)
- realtimebidding: update the API (4295587)
- redis: update the API (6685609)
- remotebuildexecution: update the API (7853b30)
- safebrowsing: update the API (59295a6)
- securitycenter: update the API (1be3b58)
- servicemanagement: update the API (e2e63ad)
- servicenetworking: update the API (43840be)
- sheets: update the API (9c10fe8)
- spanner: update the API (5c7ecc5)
- storage: update the API (3c12d1a)
- vectortile: update the API (9a11146)
- vision: update the API (d100bc6)
53.0.0 (2020-07-09)
- run: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudasset: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- people: This release has breaking changes.
- gmail: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- fcm: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- books: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- androidpublisher: This release has breaking changes.
- dialogflow: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudresourcemanager: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: update the API (b9dd62a)
- androidenterprise: update the API (fe47e5f)
- add disclaimers for services with GAPICs/Veneers (#2242) (88cc4bd)
- enable experimental HTTP/2 support (#2246) (9a3150b)
- export bundled types for TypeScript (#2250) (62f8193)
- servicenetworking: update the API (092ebef)
- regenerate index files (7c3c305)
- regenerate index files (a67796a)
- regenerate index files (61cef87)
- regenerate index files (227078e)
- androidmanagement: update the API (dcc0e88)
- androidpublisher: update the API (bc6f3f8)
- androidpublisher: update the API (fa57e04)
- artifactregistry: update the API (6214dde)
- books: update the API (124978c)
- books: update the API (66842f3)
- cloudasset: update the API (423ea12)
- cloudbuild: update the API (4cba781)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (d60380a)
- cloudtasks: update the API (d5b01a7)
- compute: update the API (4590a48)
- compute: update the API (fc97385)
- container: update the API (b88e7de)
- content: update the API (71960a2)
- datafusion: update the API (b5ab2e1)
- dialogflow: update the API (979ad5a)
- displayvideo: update the API (b528060)
- displayvideo: update the API (5b9ce8e)
- fcm: update the API (7b137fa)
- file: update the API (15937c1)
- file: update the API (c3fb5e9)
- genomics: update the API (cb17c59)
- gmail: update the API (b6d3024)
- memcache: update the API (cca8a40)
- monitoring: update the API (ef6f4b2)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (dec6844)
- people: update the API (81cd993)
- people: update the API (ab1285e)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (8a3fbc3)
- pubsub: update the API (42a8ee5)
- pubsub: update the API (92ae41c)
- run: update the API (b49f12d)
- run: update the API (5e55acf)
- sasportal: update the API (12dcfcd)
- securitycenter: update the API (1d2a61a)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (a294350)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (7e785b1)
- servicemanagement: update the API (ccf2606)
- serviceusage: update the API (6914841)
- serviceusage: update the API (177d160)
- serviceusage: update the API (196fee9)
- sql: update the API (6ee5890)
- videointelligence: update the API (d1c3570)
Bug Fixes
- admob: update the API (4512da0)
- bigquery: update the API (cba7b81)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (44d4299)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (9acb1ae)
- cloudbuild: update the API (fb83f71)
- cloudkms: update the API (33fe343)
- cloudsearch: update the API (11e33e0)
- dataproc: update the API (d04d55a)
- deps: update dependency @google-cloud/local-auth to v1 (#2240) (26c64f5)
- dlp: update the API (6a06dfc)
- docs: fix inline jsdoc samples (#2224) (9ae4149)
- firebasehosting: update the API (dbd1c7d)
- fitness: update the API (9bee744)
- healthcare: update the API (63fb234)
- iam: update the API (2de643a)
- iamcredentials: update the API (83bd08d)
- memcache: update the API (f9195c5)
- osconfig: update the API (3c3c944)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (9d9db0f)
- recommender: update the API (98a816a)
- secretmanager: update the API (fc6a878)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (545a557)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (42a3f57)
- servicecontrol: update the API (0cb6a5e)
- servicenetworking: update the API (2468829)
- servicenetworking: update the API (9d9d7b4)
- serviceusage: update the API (1bda652)
- slides: update the API (a8fc1fb)
- storagetransfer: update the API (bf027a7)
- only generated docs (#2244) (f581297)
- testing: update the API (193c575)
- texttospeech: update the API (d179cd1)
- youtube: update the API (1910ca9)
- youtube: update the API (c1bdc70)
52.1.0 (2020-06-03)
Bug Fixes
- ensure params are not deleted from global options (#2190) (787e296)
- deps: update dependency googleapis to v52 (#2213) (78ff014)
52.0.0 (2020-06-01)
- This release has breaking changes.
- run the generator (#2104)
Bug Fixes
51.0.0 (2020-05-13)
- run the generator (#2096)
50.0.0 (2020-05-05)
- upgrade to gts@2 (#2062)
- run the generator (#2053)
Bug Fixes
Build System
49.0.0 (2020-04-15)
- regenerate the API (#2028)
- dep: deprecate node 8 (#2021)
Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Chores
48.0.0 (2020-03-11)
- removes toolresults_v1.
- regenerate all APIs (#1978)
- regenerate all APIs (#1978) (f0d4913)
- run the generator (adds: displayvideo, gamesConfiguration, managedidentities, networkmanagement) (#1989) (8bcb212)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency uuid to v7 (#1970) (fdf096e)
- allow an empty requestBody to be provided for APIs that support multipart post (#1988) (074f641)
47.0.0 (2020-01-16)
- run the generator (#1935)
46.0.0 (2019-12-09)
- run the generator (#1892)
Bug Fixes
45.0.0 (2019-11-06)
- run the generator (#1873)
Bug Fixes
44.0.0 (2019-10-12)
- accept null values in request bodies (#1824)
Bug Fixes
- example: sample exited before finishing write to disk (#1798) (26ac7d8)
- accept null values in request bodies (#1824) (de127eb)
43.0.0 (2019-09-06)
- This release has multiple breaking changes. The following APIs have been removed:
- appstate/v1
- compute/alpha
- run/v1beta1
In addition, the default rootUrl for the compute API has been switched from
The following APIs have been added:
- bigqueryreservation/v1
- bigqueryreservation/v1alpha2
- domainsrdap/v1
- homegraph/v1
- speech/v2beta
- translate/v3beta1
- verifiedaccess/v1
Bug Fixes
42.1.0 (2019-09-06)
Bug Fixes
42.0.0 (2019-07-31)
- auth: pulling in updated idempotent google-auth-library (#1769)
Bug Fixes
- deps: pull in version of gts that does not OOM error (#1780) (c09e6f4)
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v3 (#1774) (9607c02)
Code Refactoring
- auth: pulling in updated idempotent google-auth-library (#1769) (168ad6b)
41.0.1 (2019-07-16)
Bug Fixes
- docs: switch to link for reference docs (#1761) (a99d968)
41.0.0 (2019-07-11)
- options when instantiating clients now expect correct
format rather than failing vx_x
format (effects only TypeScript).
- auto generate libraries (#1759)
Bug Fixes
40.0.1 (2019-07-02)
Bug Fixes
40.0.0 (2019-05-13)
Bug Fixes
Build System
- This release has a few breaking changes.
- Node.js 8.x is now the minimum required version
- The healthcare/v1alpha API has been removed
- Uses google-auth-library 4.0
- upgrade engines field to >=8.10.0 (#1691)
04-03-2019 16:17 PDT
This release has a few hot new APIs:
- healthcare_v1beta1
- run_v1
- run_v1alpha1
- securitycenter_v1
- securitycenter_v1beta1
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1668)
Internal / Testing Changes
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.4.0
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/tmp to ^0.1.0
03-28-2019 16:17 PDT
This release has security fixes.. Versions 36.0.0 => 39.0.0 have a potential vulnerability where the scope of auth objects may be shared across different clients. This was addressed in #1660, and is part of this minor release. All clients should be updated to the latest version.
Bug Fixes
- fix: move context from namespace to class scope (#1660)
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1659)
Internal / Testing Changes
- fix: README should not be generated (#1657)
03-26-2019 22:05 PDT
This release had breaking changes. There have been a variety of TypeScript type changes. There have also been a variety of changes to the Google Plus API, and the OAuth2 API. Please take care!
There are also some sweet new APIs:
- cloudasset_v1
- cloudtasks_v2
- factchecktools_v1alpha1
- servicenetworking_v1
- websecurityscanner_v1beta
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1653)
- feat: run the generator (#1644)
- docs: remove the plus samples (#1654)
- docs: Update typo in (#1640)
- docs: fix typos in README files (#1642)
Internal / Testing Changes
- chore(deps): update dependency tmp to ^0.1.0 (#1652)
- chore: publish to npm using wombat (#1645)
- build: update npm token (#1641)
- chore(deps): update dependency hard-rejection to v2 (#1643)
- build: use per-repo publish token (#1638)
03-12-2019 14:00 PDT
Greetings y'all! This release has some new APIs, says goodbye to a few older ones, and fixes a bunch of doc issues. Enjoy!
BREAKING CHANGES: The following APIs have been deleted:
- appengine_v1beta4
- appengine_v1beta5
The following APIs have been added:
- accesscontextmanager_v1
- bigtableadmin_v1
- cloudprivatecatalog_v1beta1
- cloudprivatecatalogproducer_v1beta1
- healthcare_v1alpha2
- videointelligence_v1p3beta1
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1636)
- feat: run the generator (#1634)
Bug Fixes
- fix: remove @types/p-queue (#1627)
- fix: correct types param name for media mime-type (#1602)
- docs: fix npm install cmd in readme (#1635)
- docs: update contributing guide (#1615)
- docs: Remove "releasing" ToC from (#1607)
- docs: update CONTRIBUTING link (#1603)
- docs: update links in contrib guide (#1599)
- docs: Use people API instead of plus API
- docs: move to root (#1583)
Internal / Testing Changes
- chore(deps): update dependency p-queue to v4 (#1631)
- build: Add docuploader credentials to node publish jobs (#1630)
- build: use node10 to run samples-test, system-test etc (#1628)
- build: update release config (#1625)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/source-map-support to ^0.5.0 (#1626)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v6
- build: use linkinator for docs test (#1596)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/tmp to ^0.0.34 (#1597)
- build: create docs test npm scripts (#1592)
- build: test using @grpc/grpc-js in CI (#1589)
02-07-2019 14:55 PST
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1584)
This pulls in a few new APIs:
- dfareporting_v3_3
- healthcare_v1alpha
- videointelligence_v1p2beta1
Bug fixes
- fix: respect
in api versions (fix adsense API) (#1573)
- docs: add lint/fix example to contributing guide (#1581)
- docs(samples): Talent API Sample Revision & Test (#1546)
01-29-2019 13:33 PST
This release includes a new API for working with Google Docs. Enjoy!
- feat: run the generator (#1570)
01-28-2019 10:29 PST
This release has breaking changes. But it's also got a lot of good stuff too. Keep reading!
google-auth-library 3.0
The google-auth-library
module has been upgrade to 3.0
. This comes with it's own breaking changes, which are covered here.
gaxios upgrade
Previous versions of this library used the axios library as an underlying HTTP transport. In an effort to fix a variety of problems, this has been swapped out for an API compatible library: gaxios. While we've tried really hard to ensure compatibility with axios
, it's entirely possible there are subtle differences. If you run into trouble - just let us know!
Removed APIs
The replicapoolupdater_v1beta1
API has been removed.
New features
Webpack support
This library is now webpack-able! Samples and docs are still coming, but you should be able to bundle for the browser now.
New APIs
The following APIs have been introduced:
- file_v1
- bigtableadmin_v2
- cloudbuild_v1alpha1
- cloudidentity_v1
- cloudidentity_v1beta1
- containeranalysis_v1alpha1
- containeranalysis_v1beta1
- content_v2_1
- iap_v1
- libraryagent_v1
- remotebuildexecution_v1
- remotebuildexecution_v1alpha
- remotebuildexecution_v2
It includes the following changes:
- feat: run the generator (#1564)
- feat: run the generator (#1541)
- feat: webpack support for all APIs (#1554)
- feat: generating webpackable packages (#1547)
- docs: specify gaxios over axios (#1558)
- docs(samples): add people samples for get & create contacts (#1543)
- docs: fix typo in (#1549)
- docs: improve the compute sample in the README (#1537)
- docs(samples): rework the compute list vms sample (#1534)
- docs: correct the README (#1522)
- docs: use blogger to demonstrate key authentication (#1519)
- docs: fix the doc generator (#1489)
- fix(deps): update dependency googleapis-common to ^0.7.0 (#1560)
- fix(deps): update googleapis-common and google-auth-library (#1556)
Bug fixes
- fix(generator): convert method names to camelCase (#1552)
- fix(test): fix the revoke token test (#1532)
12-06-2018 17:35 PST
New APIs
- cloudscheduler_v1beta1
- driveactivity_v2
- pagespeedonline_v5
- speech_v1p1beta1
Removed APIs
- dfareporting_v3_0
- partners_v2
- speech_v1beta1
- feat: run the generator (#1474)
- feat: Add support for repeated fields (#1451)
Bug fixes
- docs: be more explicit about supported version of nodejs for docs (#1473)
- docs: add note about minimum Node.js version required (#1464)
- fix(samples): fix url parsing in sampleClient (#1462)
- docs: Added information to run the quickstart sample (#1460)
Internal / Testing Changes
- chore: always nyc report before calling codecov (#1482)
- chore: nyc ignore build/test by default (#1481)
- refactor: remove weird root binding (#1476)
- refactor: add dev dependencies to APIs (#1475)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.2.0 (#1465)
- fix(build): fix system key decryption (#1467)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/p-queue to v3 (#1449)
- chore: try to fix codecov (#1439)
- chore(deps): update dependency gts to ^0.9.0 (#1440)
- chore: update eslintignore config (#1438)
This release has breaking changes. Please take care with your upgrade!
Breaking changes
The following APIs have been deprecated and removed:
- content_v2sandbox
- dfareporting_v2_8
- serviceuser_v1
New APIs
The following new APIs have been added since the last release:
- accesscontextmanager_v1beta
- alertcenter_v1beta1
- cloudasset_v1beta1
- cloudsearch_v1
- firebasehosting_v1beta1
- servicenetworking_v1beta
Generator runs (adds and removes APIs above)
- feat: run the generator (#1430)
- feat: run the generator (#1384)
Bug fixes
- fix: generator missing standard parameters (#1390)
- Don't publish sourcemaps (#1364)
- fix(deps): update dependency googleapis-common to ^0.4.0 (#1426)
- fix: update gsuite admin samples (#1361)
- fix: use URL constructor in the samples (#1424)
Internal / Testing Changes
- chore: drop contributors from multiple places (#1428)
- fix: failing system test (#1429)
- chore: use latest npm on Windows (#1427)
- chore: update CircleCI config (#1423)
- chore: include build in eslintignore (#1420)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-node to v8 (#1415)
- chore: update issue templates (#1413)
- chore: remove old issue template (#1411)
- build: run tests on node11 (#1410)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ~3.1.0 (#1403)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v3 (#1404)
- chore(deps): update dependency nock to v10 (#1405)
- chores(build): do not collect sponge.xml from windows builds (#1406)
- chores(build): run codecov on continuous builds (#1401)
- chore: update new issue template (#1398)
- feat: Allow use of --discovery-url parameter (#1377)
- build: fix codecov uploading on Kokoro (#1389)
- Update kokoro config (#1372)
- Update CI config (#1368)
- Fix Windows Kokoro builds (#1365)
Welcome to the googleapis@34
🎊 This release has breaking changes, new features, and a bunch of bug fixes. Enjoy!
The following APIs have been removed:
- adexchangeseller/v1.1
- adexchangeseller/v1'
- adexchangeseller/v2.0
- sqladmin/v1beta3
The following APIs have been added:
- cloudtasks/v2beta3
- redis/v1
- file/v1beta1
- jobs/v3p1beta1
- videointelligence/v1p1beta1
- fix: upgrade to the latest google-auth-library (#1313)
- fix: add better error handling around sample client and redirect URIs (#1285)
- chore(deps): update dependency p-queue to v3 (#1310)
- chore(deps): update dependency nyc to v13 (#1307)
New Features
- feat: run the generator (#1359)
- feat: run the generator (#1326)
- feat: run the generator and synth (#1324)
- docs: add supported versions of node.js to the readme (#1355)
- docs: fix generator script path (#1345)
- docs: replace google/ with googleapis/ in URIs (#1342)
- docs: Fix error handling in batchGet sample (#1338)
- docs: Add statement of support to readme (#1333)
- docs: Remove reference docs (#1331)
Internal / Testing Changes
- Update the kokoro config (#1353)
- test: remove appveyor config (#1357)
- Do not generate libraries with synth (#1350)
- Enable prefer-const in the eslint config (#1347)
- Fix the sample tests (#1344)
- Make npm install timeout configurable (#1343)
- Enable no-var in eslint (#1340)
- Use prettier and eslint on samples (#1341)
- Fix samples tests (#1323)
- Use synth templating and update CI (#1321)
- Retry npm install in CI (#1320)
- Add for automating client library generation (#1306)