




constructor(options?: types.Options)
Defined in src/common.ts:85
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
options types.Options Yes


Default value : LOGGING_TRACE_KEY
Defined in src/common.ts:85
Type : types.StackdriverLog
Defined in src/common.ts:80


log(level: string, message: string, metadata: MetadataArg | undefined, callback: Callback)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
level string No
message string No
metadata MetadataArg | undefined No
callback Callback No
Returns : void
import * as util from 'util';
import * as types from './types/core';

const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');
import mapValues = require('lodash.mapvalues');

type Callback = (err: Error, apiResponse: {}) => void;

// Map of npm output levels to Stackdriver Logging levels.
  error: 3,
  warn: 4,
  info: 6,
  verbose: 7,
  debug: 7,
  silly: 7,

// Map of Stackdriver Logging levels.
  [key: number]: types.StackdriverLoggingLevelNames;
} = {
  0: 'emergency',
  1: 'alert',
  2: 'critical',
  3: 'error',
  4: 'warning',
  5: 'notice',
  6: 'info',
  7: 'debug',

 * Log entry data key to allow users to indicate a trace for the request.
export const LOGGING_TRACE_KEY = '';

 * Gets the current fully qualified trace ID when available from the
 * @google-cloud/trace-agent library in the LogEntry.trace field format of:
 * "projects/[PROJECT-ID]/traces/[TRACE-ID]".
function getCurrentTraceFromAgent(): string | null {
  const agent = global._google_trace_agent;
  if (!agent || !agent.getCurrentContextId || !agent.getWriterProjectId) {
    return null;

  const traceId = agent.getCurrentContextId();
  if (!traceId) {
    return null;

  const traceProjectId = agent.getWriterProjectId();
  if (!traceProjectId) {
    return null;

  return `projects/${traceProjectId}/traces/${traceId}`;

export class LoggingCommon {
  private inspectMetadata: boolean;
  private levels: {[name: string]: number};
  stackdriverLog: types.StackdriverLog; // TODO: add type for @google-cloud/logging
  private resource: types.MonitoredResource | undefined;
  private serviceContext: types.ServiceContext | undefined;
  private prefix: string | undefined;
  private labels: object | undefined;

  constructor(options?: types.Options) {
    options = Object.assign(
        scopes: [''],

    const logName = options.logName || 'winston_log';

    this.inspectMetadata = options.inspectMetadata === true;
    this.levels = options.levels || NPM_LEVEL_NAME_TO_CODE;
    this.stackdriverLog = new Logging(options).log(logName, {
      removeCircular: true,
    this.resource = options.resource;
    this.serviceContext = options.serviceContext;
    this.prefix = options.prefix;
    this.labels = options.labels;

    level: string,
    message: string,
    metadata: MetadataArg | undefined,
    callback: Callback
  ) {
    metadata = metadata || ({} as MetadataArg);
    message = message || '';
    const hasMetadata = Object.keys(metadata).length;

    if (this.levels[level] === undefined) {
      throw new Error('Unknown log level: ' + level);

    const levelCode = this.levels[level];
    const stackdriverLevel = STACKDRIVER_LOGGING_LEVEL_CODE_TO_NAME[levelCode];

    const data: types.StackdriverData = {};

    // Stackdriver Logs Viewer picks up the summary line from the `message`
    // property of the jsonPayload.
    // For error messages at severity 'error' and higher, Stackdriver
    // Error Reporting will pick up error messages if the full stack trace is
    // included in the textPayload or the message property of the jsonPayload.
    // We prefer to format messages as jsonPayload (by putting it as a message
    // property on an object) as that works is accepted by Error Reporting in
    // for more resource types.
    if (metadata.stack) {
      message += (message ? ' ' : '') + metadata.stack;
      data.serviceContext = this.serviceContext;

    data.message = this.prefix ? `[${this.prefix}] ` : '';
    data.message += message;

    const entryMetadata: types.StackdriverEntryMetadata = {
      resource: this.resource,

    // If the metadata contains a httpRequest property, promote it to the
    // entry metadata. This allows Stackdriver to use request log formatting.
    // Note that the httpRequest field must properly validate as HttpRequest
    // proto message, or the log entry would be rejected by the API. We no do
    // validation here.
    if (metadata.httpRequest) {
      entryMetadata.httpRequest = metadata.httpRequest;

    // If the metadata contains a timestamp property, promote it to the entry
    // metadata. As Winston 3 buffers logs when a transport (such as this one)
    // invokes its log callback asynchronously, a timestamp assigned at log time
    // is more accurate than one assigned in a transport.
    if (metadata.timestamp instanceof Date) {
      entryMetadata.timestamp = metadata.timestamp;

    // If the metadata contains a labels property, promote it to the entry
    // metadata.
    if (this.labels || metadata.labels) {
      entryMetadata.labels = !this.labels
        ? metadata.labels
        : Object.assign({}, this.labels, metadata.labels);

    const trace = metadata[LOGGING_TRACE_KEY] || getCurrentTraceFromAgent();
    if (trace) {
      entryMetadata.trace = trace;

    // we have tests that assert that metadata is always passed.
    // not sure if its correct but for now we always set it even if it has
    // nothing in it
    data.metadata = this.inspectMetadata
      ? mapValues(metadata, util.inspect)
      : metadata;

    if (hasMetadata) {
      // clean entryMetadata props
      delete data.metadata![LOGGING_TRACE_KEY];
      delete data.metadata!.httpRequest;
      delete data.metadata!.labels;
      delete data.metadata!.timestamp;

    const entry = this.stackdriverLog.entry(entryMetadata, data);
    this.stackdriverLog[stackdriverLevel](entry, callback);

type MetadataArg = {
  stack?: {};
   * set httpRequest to a http.clientRequest object to log it
  httpRequest?: types.HttpRequest;
  labels?: {};
  timestamp?: {};
} & {[key: string]: string | {}};

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    No results matching ""