

Service for doing schema-related operations.


new SchemaServiceClient(optionsopt, gaxInstanceopt)

Construct an instance of SchemaServiceClient.

Name Type Attributes Description
options object <optional>

The configuration object. The options accepted by the constructor are described in detail in this document. The common options are:

Name Type Attributes Description
credentials object <optional>

Credentials object.

Name Type Attributes Description
client_email string <optional>
private_key string <optional>
email string <optional>

Account email address. Required when using a .pem or .p12 keyFilename.

keyFilename string <optional>

Full path to the a .json, .pem, or .p12 key downloaded from the Google Developers Console. If you provide a path to a JSON file, the projectId option below is not necessary. NOTE: .pem and .p12 require you to specify as well.

port number <optional>

The port on which to connect to the remote host.

projectId string <optional>

The project ID from the Google Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID. If your app is running in an environment which supports Application Default Credentials, your project ID will be detected automatically.

apiEndpoint string <optional>

The domain name of the API remote host.

clientConfig gax.ClientConfig <optional>

Client configuration override. Follows the structure of gapicConfig.

fallback boolean <optional>

Use HTTP/1.1 REST mode. For more information, please check the documentation.

gaxInstance gax <optional>

loaded instance of google-gax. Useful if you need to avoid loading the default gRPC version and want to use the fallback HTTP implementation. Load only fallback version and pass it to the constructor: const gax = require('google-gax/build/src/fallback'); // avoids loading google-gax with gRPC const client = new SchemaServiceClient({fallback: true}, gax);



The DNS address for this API service.


The DNS address for this API service - same as servicePath.


The port for this API service.


The scopes needed to make gRPC calls for every method defined in this service.


The DNS address for this API service.


close() → {Promise}

Terminate the gRPC channel and close the client.

The client will no longer be usable and all future behavior is undefined.

Type Description

A promise that resolves when the client is closed.

getIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

options Object <optional>

OPTIONAL: A GetPolicyOptions object for specifying options to GetIamPolicy. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.

This object should have the same structure as GetPolicyOptions.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Policy.

Type Description
  • The promise which resolves to an array. The first element of the array is an object representing Policy. The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.

getProjectId() → {Promise}

Return the project ID used by this class.

Type Description

A promise that resolves to string containing the project ID.

initialize() → {Promise}

Initialize the client. Performs asynchronous operations (such as authentication) and prepares the client. This function will be called automatically when any class method is called for the first time, but if you need to initialize it before calling an actual method, feel free to call initialize() directly.

You can await on this method if you want to make sure the client is initialized.

Type Description

A promise that resolves to an authenticated service stub.

listSchemaRevisionsAsync(request, optionsopt) → {Object}

Equivalent to listSchemaRevisions, but returns an iterable object.

for-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
name string

Required. The name of the schema to list revisions for.

view google.pubsub.v1.SchemaView

The set of Schema fields to return in the response. If not set, returns Schemas with name and type, but not definition. Set to FULL to retrieve all fields.

pageSize number

The maximum number of revisions to return per page.

pageToken string

The page token, received from a previous ListSchemaRevisions call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.

options object <optional>

Call options. See CallOptions for more details.

Type Description

An iterable Object that allows async iteration. When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing Schema. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page, so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results. Please see the documentation for more details and examples.

listSchemaRevisionsStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
name string

Required. The name of the schema to list revisions for.

view google.pubsub.v1.SchemaView

The set of Schema fields to return in the response. If not set, returns Schemas with name and type, but not definition. Set to FULL to retrieve all fields.

pageSize number

The maximum number of revisions to return per page.

pageToken string

The page token, received from a previous ListSchemaRevisions call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.

options object <optional>

Call options. See CallOptions for more details.

Type Description

An object stream which emits an object representing Schema on 'data' event. The client library will perform auto-pagination by default: it will call the API as many times as needed. Note that it can affect your quota. We recommend using listSchemaRevisionsAsync() method described below for async iteration which you can stop as needed. Please see the documentation for more details and examples.

listSchemasAsync(request, optionsopt) → {Object}

Equivalent to listSchemas, but returns an iterable object.

for-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which to list schemas. Format is projects/{project-id}.

view google.pubsub.v1.SchemaView

The set of Schema fields to return in the response. If not set, returns Schemas with name and type, but not definition. Set to FULL to retrieve all fields.

pageSize number

Maximum number of schemas to return.

pageToken string

The value returned by the last ListSchemasResponse; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ListSchemas call, and that the system should return the next page of data.

options object <optional>

Call options. See CallOptions for more details.

Type Description

An iterable Object that allows async iteration. When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing Schema. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page, so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results. Please see the documentation for more details and examples.

listSchemasStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which to list schemas. Format is projects/{project-id}.

view google.pubsub.v1.SchemaView

The set of Schema fields to return in the response. If not set, returns Schemas with name and type, but not definition. Set to FULL to retrieve all fields.

pageSize number

Maximum number of schemas to return.

pageToken string

The value returned by the last ListSchemasResponse; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ListSchemas call, and that the system should return the next page of data.

options object <optional>

Call options. See CallOptions for more details.

Type Description

An object stream which emits an object representing Schema on 'data' event. The client library will perform auto-pagination by default: it will call the API as many times as needed. Note that it can affect your quota. We recommend using listSchemasAsync() method described below for async iteration which you can stop as needed. Please see the documentation for more details and examples.

matchProjectFromProjectName(projectName) → {string}

Parse the project from Project resource.

Name Type Description
projectName string

A fully-qualified path representing Project resource.

Type Description

A string representing the project.

matchProjectFromProjectTopicName(projectTopicName) → {string}

Parse the project from ProjectTopic resource.

Name Type Description
projectTopicName string

A fully-qualified path representing project_topic resource.

Type Description

A string representing the project.

matchProjectFromSchemaName(schemaName) → {string}

Parse the project from Schema resource.

Name Type Description
schemaName string

A fully-qualified path representing Schema resource.

Type Description

A string representing the project.

matchProjectFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) → {string}

Parse the project from Snapshot resource.

Name Type Description
snapshotName string

A fully-qualified path representing Snapshot resource.

Type Description

A string representing the project.

matchProjectFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) → {string}

Parse the project from Subscription resource.

Name Type Description
subscriptionName string

A fully-qualified path representing Subscription resource.

Type Description

A string representing the project.

matchSchemaFromSchemaName(schemaName) → {string}

Parse the schema from Schema resource.

Name Type Description
schemaName string

A fully-qualified path representing Schema resource.

Type Description

A string representing the schema.

matchSnapshotFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) → {string}

Parse the snapshot from Snapshot resource.

Name Type Description
snapshotName string

A fully-qualified path representing Snapshot resource.

Type Description

A string representing the snapshot.

matchSubscriptionFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) → {string}

Parse the subscription from Subscription resource.

Name Type Description
subscriptionName string

A fully-qualified path representing Subscription resource.

Type Description

A string representing the subscription.

matchTopicFromProjectTopicName(projectTopicName) → {string}

Parse the topic from ProjectTopic resource.

Name Type Description
projectTopicName string

A fully-qualified path representing project_topic resource.

Type Description

A string representing the topic.

projectPath(project) → {string}

Return a fully-qualified project resource name string.

Name Type Description
project string
Type Description

Resource name string.

projectTopicPath(project, topic) → {string}

Return a fully-qualified projectTopic resource name string.

Name Type Description
project string
topic string
Type Description

Resource name string.

schemaPath(project, schema) → {string}

Return a fully-qualified schema resource name string.

Name Type Description
project string
schema string
Type Description

Resource name string.

setIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.

Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions Array.<string>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse.

Type Description
  • The promise which resolves to an array. The first element of the array is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse. The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.

snapshotPath(project, snapshot) → {string}

Return a fully-qualified snapshot resource name string.

Name Type Description
project string
snapshot string
Type Description

Resource name string.

subscriptionPath(project, subscription) → {string}

Return a fully-qualified subscription resource name string.

Name Type Description
project string
subscription string
Type Description

Resource name string.

testIamPermissions(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.

Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions Array.<string>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse.

Type Description
  • The promise which resolves to an array. The first element of the array is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse. The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.