As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for google.api_core.path_template

# Copyright 2017 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Expand and validate URL path templates.

This module provides the :func:`expand` and :func:`validate` functions for
interacting with Google-style URL `path templates`_ which are commonly used
in Google APIs for `resource names`_.

.. _path templates:
.. _resource names:

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import deque
import copy
import functools
import re

# Regular expression for extracting variable parts from a path template.
# The variables can be expressed as:
# - "*": a single-segment positional variable, for example: "books/*"
# - "**": a multi-segment positional variable, for example: "shelf/**/book/*"
# - "{name}": a single-segment wildcard named variable, for example
#   "books/{name}"
# - "{name=*}: same as above.
# - "{name=**}": a multi-segment wildcard named variable, for example
#   "shelf/{name=**}"
# - "{name=/path/*/**}": a multi-segment named variable with a sub-template.
_VARIABLE_RE = re.compile(
    (  # Capture the entire variable expression
        (?P<positional>\*\*?)  # Match & capture * and ** positional variables.
        # Match & capture named variables {name}
            # Optionally match and capture the named variable's template.

# Segment expressions used for validating paths against a template.

def _expand_variable_match(positional_vars, named_vars, match):
    """Expand a matched variable with its value.

        positional_vars (list): A list of positional variables. This list will
            be modified.
        named_vars (dict): A dictionary of named variables.
        match (re.Match): A regular expression match.

        str: The expanded variable to replace the match.

        ValueError: If a positional or named variable is required by the
            template but not specified or if an unexpected template expression
            is encountered.
    positional ="positional")
    name ="name")
    if name is not None:
            return str(named_vars[name])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Named variable '{}' not specified and needed by template "
                "`{}` at position {}".format(name, match.string, match.start())
    elif positional is not None:
            return str(positional_vars.pop(0))
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Positional variable not specified and needed by template "
                "`{}` at position {}".format(match.string, match.start())
        raise ValueError("Unknown template expression {}".format(

[docs]def expand(tmpl, *args, **kwargs): """Expand a path template with the given variables. .. code-block:: python >>> expand('users/*/messages/*', 'me', '123') users/me/messages/123 >>> expand('/v1/{name=shelves/*/books/*}', name='shelves/1/books/3') /v1/shelves/1/books/3 Args: tmpl (str): The path template. args: The positional variables for the path. kwargs: The named variables for the path. Returns: str: The expanded path Raises: ValueError: If a positional or named variable is required by the template but not specified or if an unexpected template expression is encountered. """ replacer = functools.partial(_expand_variable_match, list(args), kwargs) return _VARIABLE_RE.sub(replacer, tmpl)
def _replace_variable_with_pattern(match): """Replace a variable match with a pattern that can be used to validate it. Args: match (re.Match): A regular expression match Returns: str: A regular expression pattern that can be used to validate the variable in an expanded path. Raises: ValueError: If an unexpected template expression is encountered. """ positional ="positional") name ="name") template ="template") if name is not None: if not template: return _SINGLE_SEGMENT_PATTERN.format(name) elif template == "**": return _MULTI_SEGMENT_PATTERN.format(name) else: return _generate_pattern_for_template(template) elif positional == "*": return _SINGLE_SEGMENT_PATTERN elif positional == "**": return _MULTI_SEGMENT_PATTERN else: raise ValueError("Unknown template expression {}".format( def _generate_pattern_for_template(tmpl): """Generate a pattern that can validate a path template. Args: tmpl (str): The path template Returns: str: A regular expression pattern that can be used to validate an expanded path template. """ return _VARIABLE_RE.sub(_replace_variable_with_pattern, tmpl)
[docs]def get_field(request, field): """Get the value of a field from a given dictionary. Args: request (dict | Message): A dictionary or a Message object. field (str): The key to the request in dot notation. Returns: The value of the field. """ parts = field.split(".") value = request for part in parts: if not isinstance(value, dict): value = getattr(value, part, None) else: value = value.get(part) if isinstance(value, dict): return return value
[docs]def delete_field(request, field): """Delete the value of a field from a given dictionary. Args: request (dict | Message): A dictionary object or a Message. field (str): The key to the request in dot notation. """ parts = deque(field.split(".")) while len(parts) > 1: part = parts.popleft() if not isinstance(request, dict): if hasattr(request, part): request = getattr(request, part, None) else: return else: request = request.get(part) part = parts.popleft() if not isinstance(request, dict): if hasattr(request, part): request.ClearField(part) else: return else: request.pop(part, None)
[docs]def validate(tmpl, path): """Validate a path against the path template. .. code-block:: python >>> validate('users/*/messages/*', 'users/me/messages/123') True >>> validate('users/*/messages/*', 'users/me/drafts/123') False >>> validate('/v1/{name=shelves/*/books/*}', /v1/shelves/1/books/3) True >>> validate('/v1/{name=shelves/*/books/*}', /v1/shelves/1/tapes/3) False Args: tmpl (str): The path template. path (str): The expanded path. Returns: bool: True if the path matches. """ pattern = _generate_pattern_for_template(tmpl) + "$" return True if re.match(pattern, path) is not None else False
[docs]def transcode(http_options, message=None, **request_kwargs): """Transcodes a grpc request pattern into a proper HTTP request following the rules outlined here, Args: http_options (list(dict)): A list of dicts which consist of these keys, 'method' (str): The http method 'uri' (str): The path template 'body' (str): The body field name (optional) (This is a simplified representation of the proto option `google.api.http`) message (Message) : A request object (optional) request_kwargs (dict) : A dict representing the request object Returns: dict: The transcoded request with these keys, 'method' (str) : The http method 'uri' (str) : The expanded uri 'body' (dict | Message) : A dict or a Message representing the body (optional) 'query_params' (dict | Message) : A dict or Message mapping query parameter variables and values Raises: ValueError: If the request does not match the given template. """ transcoded_value = message or request_kwargs bindings = [] for http_option in http_options: request = {} # Assign path uri_template = http_option["uri"] fields = [ ("name"),"template")) for m in _VARIABLE_RE.finditer(uri_template) ] bindings.append((uri_template, fields)) path_args = {field: get_field(transcoded_value, field) for field, _ in fields} request["uri"] = expand(uri_template, **path_args) if not validate(uri_template, request["uri"]) or not all(path_args.values()): continue # Remove fields used in uri path from request leftovers = copy.deepcopy(transcoded_value) for path_field, _ in fields: delete_field(leftovers, path_field) # Assign body and query params body = http_option.get("body") if body: if body == "*": request["body"] = leftovers if message: request["query_params"] = message.__class__() else: request["query_params"] = {} else: try: if message: request["body"] = getattr(leftovers, body) delete_field(leftovers, body) else: request["body"] = leftovers.pop(body) except (KeyError, AttributeError): continue request["query_params"] = leftovers else: request["query_params"] = leftovers request["method"] = http_option["method"] return request bindings_description = [ '\n\tURI: "{}"' "\n\tRequired request fields:\n\t\t{}".format( uri, "\n\t\t".join( [ 'field: "{}", pattern: "{}"'.format(n, p if p else "*") for n, p in fields ] ), ) for uri, fields in bindings ] raise ValueError( "Invalid request." "\nSome of the fields of the request message are either not initialized or " "initialized with an invalid value." "\nPlease make sure your request matches at least one accepted HTTP binding." "\nTo match a binding the request message must have all the required fields " "initialized with values matching their patterns as listed below:{}".format( "\n".join(bindings_description) ) )