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# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Models and helper functions for access to a project's datastore metadata.

These entities cannot be created by users, but are created as the results of
__namespace__, __kind__, __property__ and __entity_group__ metadata queries
or gets.

A simplified API is also offered:

    :func:`get_namespaces`: A list of namespace names.

    :func:`get_kinds`: A list of kind names.

    :func:`get_properties_of_kind`: A list of property names
    for the given kind name.

    :func:`get_representations_of_kind`: A dict mapping
    property names to lists of representation ids.

    get_kinds(), get_properties_of_kind(), get_representations_of_kind()
    implicitly apply to the current namespace.

    get_namespaces(), get_kinds(), get_properties_of_kind(),
    get_representations_of_kind() have optional start and end arguments to
    limit the query to a range of names, such that start <= name < end.

from import exceptions
from import model
from import query as query_module

__all__ = [

class _BaseMetadata(model.Model):
    """Base class for all metadata models."""

    _use_cache = False
    _use_global_cache = False

    KIND_NAME = ""

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """override to prevent instantiation"""
        if cls is _BaseMetadata:
            raise TypeError("This base class cannot be instantiated")
        return super(_BaseMetadata, cls).__new__(cls)

    def _get_kind(cls):
        """Kind name override."""
        return cls.KIND_NAME

[docs]class Namespace(_BaseMetadata): """Model for __namespace__ metadata query results.""" KIND_NAME = "__namespace__" EMPTY_NAMESPACE_ID = 1 @property def namespace_name(self): """Return the namespace name specified by this entity's key. Returns: str: the namespace name. """ return self.key_to_namespace(self.key)
[docs] @classmethod def key_for_namespace(cls, namespace): """Return the Key for a namespace. Args: namespace (str): A string giving the namespace whose key is requested. Returns: key.Key: The Key for the namespace. """ if namespace is not None: return model.Key(cls.KIND_NAME, namespace) else: return model.Key(cls.KIND_NAME, cls.EMPTY_NAMESPACE_ID)
[docs] @classmethod def key_to_namespace(cls, key): """Return the namespace specified by a given __namespace__ key. Args: key (key.Key): key whose name is requested. Returns: str: The namespace specified by key. """ return key.string_id() or ""
[docs]class Kind(_BaseMetadata): """Model for __kind__ metadata query results.""" KIND_NAME = "__kind__" @property def kind_name(self): """Return the kind name specified by this entity's key. Returns: str: the kind name. """ return self.key_to_kind(self.key)
[docs] @classmethod def key_for_kind(cls, kind): """Return the __kind__ key for kind. Args: kind (str): kind whose key is requested. Returns: key.Key: key for kind. """ return model.Key(cls.KIND_NAME, kind)
[docs] @classmethod def key_to_kind(cls, key): """Return the kind specified by a given __kind__ key. Args: key (key.Key): key whose name is requested. Returns: str: The kind specified by key. """ return
[docs]class Property(_BaseMetadata): """Model for __property__ metadata query results.""" KIND_NAME = "__property__" @property def property_name(self): """Return the property name specified by this entity's key. Returns: str: the property name. """ return self.key_to_property(self.key) @property def kind_name(self): """Return the kind name specified by this entity's key. Returns: str: the kind name. """ return self.key_to_kind(self.key) property_representation = model.StringProperty(repeated=True)
[docs] @classmethod def key_for_kind(cls, kind): """Return the __property__ key for kind. Args: kind (str): kind whose key is requested. Returns: key.Key: The parent key for __property__ keys of kind. """ return model.Key(Kind.KIND_NAME, kind)
[docs] @classmethod def key_for_property(cls, kind, property): """Return the __property__ key for property of kind. Args: kind (str): kind whose key is requested. property (str): property whose key is requested. Returns: key.Key: The key for property of kind. """ return model.Key(Kind.KIND_NAME, kind, Property.KIND_NAME, property)
[docs] @classmethod def key_to_kind(cls, key): """Return the kind specified by a given __property__ key. Args: key (key.Key): key whose kind name is requested. Returns: str: The kind specified by key. """ if key.kind() == Kind.KIND_NAME: return else: return key.parent().id()
[docs] @classmethod def key_to_property(cls, key): """Return the property specified by a given __property__ key. Args: key (key.Key): key whose property name is requested. Returns: str: property specified by key, or None if the key specified only a kind. """ if key.kind() == Kind.KIND_NAME: return None else: return
[docs]class EntityGroup(object): """Model for __entity_group__ metadata. No longer supported by datastore.""" def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError()
[docs]def get_entity_group_version(*args, **kwargs): """Return the version of the entity group containing key. Raises: Always. This method is not supported anymore. """ raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError()
[docs]def get_kinds(start=None, end=None): """Return all kinds in the specified range, for the current namespace. Args: start (str): only return kinds >= start if start is not None. end (str): only return kinds < end if end is not None. Returns: List[str]: Kind names between the (optional) start and end values. """ # This is required for the query to find the model for __kind__ Kind._fix_up_properties() query = query_module.Query(kind=Kind._get_kind()) if start is not None and start != "": query = query.filter(Kind.key >= Kind.key_for_kind(start)) if end is not None: if end == "": return [] query = query.filter(Kind.key < Kind.key_for_kind(end)) results = query.fetch() return [result.kind_name for result in results]
[docs]def get_namespaces(start=None, end=None): """Return all namespaces in the specified range. Args: start (str): only return namespaces >= start if start is not None. end (str): only return namespaces < end if end is not None. Returns: List[str]: Namespace names between the (optional) start and end values. """ # This is required for the query to find the model for __namespace__ Namespace._fix_up_properties() query = query_module.Query(kind=Namespace._get_kind()) if start is not None: query = query.filter(Namespace.key >= Namespace.key_for_namespace(start)) if end is not None: query = query.filter(Namespace.key < Namespace.key_for_namespace(end)) results = query.fetch() return [result.namespace_name for result in results]
[docs]def get_properties_of_kind(kind, start=None, end=None): """Return all properties of kind in the specified range. NOTE: This function does not return unindexed properties. Args: kind (str): name of kind whose properties you want. start (str): only return properties >= start if start is not None. end (str): only return properties < end if end is not None. Returns: List[str]: Property names of kind between the (optional) start and end values. """ # This is required for the query to find the model for __property__ Property._fix_up_properties() query = query_module.Query( kind=Property._get_kind(), ancestor=Property.key_for_kind(kind) ) if start is not None and start != "": query = query.filter(Property.key >= Property.key_for_property(kind, start)) if end is not None: if end == "": return [] query = query.filter(Property.key < Property.key_for_property(kind, end)) results = query.fetch() return [prop.property_name for prop in results]
[docs]def get_representations_of_kind(kind, start=None, end=None): """Return all representations of properties of kind in the specified range. NOTE: This function does not return unindexed properties. Args: kind: name of kind whose properties you want. start: only return properties >= start if start is not None. end: only return properties < end if end is not None. Returns: dict: map of property names to their list of representations. """ # This is required for the query to find the model for __property__ Property._fix_up_properties() query = query_module.Query( kind=Property._get_kind(), ancestor=Property.key_for_kind(kind) ) if start is not None and start != "": query = query.filter(Property.key >= Property.key_for_property(kind, start)) if end is not None: if end == "": return {} query = query.filter(Property.key < Property.key_for_property(kind, end)) representations = {} results = query.fetch() for property in results: representations[property.property_name] = property.property_representation return representations