Source code for

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""High-level wrapper for datastore queries.

The fundamental API here overloads the 6 comparison operators to represent
filters on property values, and supports AND and OR operations (implemented as
functions -- Python's 'and' and 'or' operators cannot be overloaded, and the
'&' and '|' operators have a priority that conflicts with the priority of
comparison operators).

For example::

    class Employee(Model):
        name = StringProperty()
        age = IntegerProperty()
        rank = IntegerProperty()

      def demographic(cls, min_age, max_age):
          return cls.query().filter(AND(cls.age >= min_age,
                                        cls.age <= max_age))

      def ranked(cls, rank):
          return cls.query(cls.rank == rank).order(cls.age)

    for emp in Employee.seniors(42, 5):
        print(, emp.age, emp.rank)

The 'in' operator cannot be overloaded, but is supported through the IN()
method. For example::

    Employee.query().filter(Employee.rank.IN([4, 5, 6]))

Sort orders are supported through the order() method; unary minus is
overloaded on the Property class to represent a descending order::

    Employee.query().order(, -Employee.age)

Besides using AND() and OR(), filters can also be combined by repeatedly
calling .filter()::

    query1 = Employee.query()  # A query that returns all employees
    query2 = query1.filter(Employee.age >= 30)  # Only those over 30
    query3 = query2.filter(Employee.age < 40)  # Only those in their 30s

A further shortcut is calling .filter() with multiple arguments; this implies

  query1 = Employee.query()  # A query that returns all employees
  query3 = query1.filter(Employee.age >= 30,
                         Employee.age < 40)  # Only those in their 30s

And finally you can also pass one or more filter expressions directly to the
.query() method::

  query3 = Employee.query(Employee.age >= 30,
                          Employee.age < 40)  # Only those in their 30s

Query objects are immutable, so these methods always return a new Query object;
the above calls to filter() do not affect query1. On the other hand, operations
that are effectively no-ops may return the original Query object.

Sort orders can also be combined this way, and .filter() and .order() calls may
be intermixed::

    query4 = query3.order(-Employee.age)
    query5 = query4.order(
    query6 = query5.filter(Employee.rank == 5)

Again, multiple .order() calls can be combined::

    query5 = query3.order(-Employee.age,

The simplest way to retrieve Query results is a for-loop::

    for emp in query3:
        print, emp.age

Some other methods to run a query and access its results::

    :meth:`Query.iter`() # Return an iterator; same as iter(q) but more
    :meth:`Query.fetch`(N) # Return a list of the first N results
    :meth:`Query.get`() # Return the first result
    :meth:`Query.count`(N) # Return the number of results, with a maximum of N
    :meth:`Query.fetch_page`(N, start_cursor=cursor) # Return (results, cursor,

All of the above methods take a standard set of additional query options,
in the form of keyword arguments such as keys_only=True. You can also pass
a QueryOptions object options=QueryOptions(...), but this is deprecated.

The most important query options are:

- keys_only: bool, if set the results are keys instead of entities.
- limit: int, limits the number of results returned.
- offset: int, skips this many results first.
- start_cursor: Cursor, start returning results after this position.
- end_cursor: Cursor, stop returning results after this position.

The following query options have been deprecated or are not supported in
datastore queries:

- batch_size: int, hint for the number of results returned per RPC.
- prefetch_size: int, hint for the number of results in the first RPC.
- produce_cursors: bool, return Cursor objects with the results.

All of the above methods except for iter() have asynchronous variants as well,
which return a Future; to get the operation's ultimate result, yield the Future
(when inside a tasklet) or call the Future's get_result() method (outside a

    :meth:`Query.fetch_page_async`(N, start_cursor=cursor)

Finally, there's an idiom to efficiently loop over the Query results in a
tasklet, properly yielding when appropriate::

    it = query1.iter()
    while (yield it.has_next_async()):
        emp =
        print(, emp.age)

import functools
import logging

from import context as context_module
from import exceptions
from import _options
from import tasklets
from import utils

__all__ = [

_EQ_OP = "="
_NE_OP = "!="
_IN_OP = "in"
_NOT_IN_OP = "not_in"
_LT_OP = "<"
_GT_OP = ">"
_OPS = frozenset([_EQ_OP, _NE_OP, _LT_OP, "<=", _GT_OP, ">=", _IN_OP, _NOT_IN_OP])

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PropertyOrder(object): """The sort order for a property name, to be used when ordering the results of a query. Args: name (str): The name of the model property to use for ordering. reverse (bool): Whether to reverse the sort order (descending) or not (ascending). Default is False. """ def __init__(self, name, reverse=False): = name self.reverse = reverse def __repr__(self): return "PropertyOrder(name='{}', reverse={})".format(, self.reverse) def __neg__(self): reverse = not self.reverse return self.__class__(, reverse=reverse)
[docs]class RepeatedStructuredPropertyPredicate(object): """A predicate for querying repeated structured properties. Called by ``model.StructuredProperty._compare``. This is used to handle queries of the form:: Squad.query(Squad.members == Member(name="Joe", age=24, rank=5)) This query should find any squad with a member named "Joe" whose age is 24 and rank is 5. Datastore, on its own, can find all squads with a team member named Joe, or a team member whose age is 24, or whose rank is 5, but it can't be queried for all 3 in a single subentity. This predicate must be applied client side, therefore, to limit results to entities where all the keys match for a single subentity. Arguments: name (str): Name of the repeated structured property being queried (e.g. "members"). match_keys (list[str]): Property names to check on the subentities being queried (e.g. ["name", "age", "rank"]). entity_pb ( A partial entity protocol buffer containing the values that must match in a subentity of the repeated structured property. Should contain a value for each key in ``match_keys``. """ def __init__(self, name, match_keys, entity_pb): = name self.match_keys = match_keys self.match_values = [[key] for key in match_keys] def __call__(self, entity_pb): prop_pb = if prop_pb: subentities = prop_pb.array_value.values for subentity in subentities: properties = values = [properties.get(key) for key in self.match_keys] if values == self.match_values: return True else: # Backwards compatibility. Legacy NDB, rather than using # Datastore's ability to embed subentities natively, used dotted # property names. prefix = + "." subentities = () for prop_name, prop_pb in if not prop_name.startswith(prefix): continue subprop_name = prop_name.split(".", 1)[1] if not subentities: subentities = [ {subprop_name: value} for value in prop_pb.array_value.values ] else: for subentity, value in zip( subentities, prop_pb.array_value.values ): subentity[subprop_name] = value for subentity in subentities: values = [subentity.get(key) for key in self.match_keys] if values == self.match_values: return True return False
[docs]class ParameterizedThing(object): """Base class for :class:`Parameter` and :class:`ParameterizedFunction`. This exists purely for :func:`isinstance` checks. """ def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ne__(self, other): eq = self.__eq__(other) if eq is not NotImplemented: eq = not eq return eq
[docs]class Parameter(ParameterizedThing): """Represents a bound variable in a GQL query. ``Parameter(1)`` corresponds to a slot labeled ``:1`` in a GQL query. ``Parameter('something')`` corresponds to a slot labeled ``:something``. The value must be set (bound) separately. Args: key (Union[str, int]): The parameter key. Raises: TypeError: If the ``key`` is not a string or integer. """ def __init__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, (int, str)): raise TypeError( "Parameter key must be an integer or string, not {}".format(key) ) self._key = key def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__, self._key) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Parameter): return NotImplemented return self._key == other._key @property def key(self): """Retrieve the key.""" return self._key
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): """Resolve the current parameter from the parameter bindings. Args: bindings (dict): A mapping of parameter bindings. used (Dict[Union[str, int], bool]): A mapping of already used parameters. This will be modified if the current parameter is in ``bindings``. Returns: Any: The bound value for the current parameter. Raises: .BadArgumentError: If the current parameter is not in ``bindings``. """ key = self._key if key not in bindings: raise exceptions.BadArgumentError("Parameter :{} is not bound.".format(key)) value = bindings[key] used[key] = True return value
[docs]class ParameterizedFunction(ParameterizedThing): """Represents a GQL function with parameterized arguments. For example, ParameterizedFunction('key', [Parameter(1)]) stands for the GQL syntax KEY(:1). """ def __init__(self, func, values): self.func = func self.values = values from import _gql # avoid circular import _func = _gql.FUNCTIONS.get(func) if _func is None: raise ValueError("Unknown GQL function: {}".format(func)) self._func = _func def __repr__(self): return "ParameterizedFunction(%r, %r)" % (self.func, self.values) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ParameterizedFunction): return NotImplemented return self.func == other.func and self.values == other.values
[docs] def is_parameterized(self): for value in self.values: if isinstance(value, Parameter): return True return False
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): values = [] for value in self.values: if isinstance(value, Parameter): value = value.resolve(bindings, used) values.append(value) return self._func(values)
[docs]class Node(object): """Base class for filter expression tree nodes. Tree nodes are considered immutable, even though they can contain Parameter instances, which are not. In particular, two identical trees may be represented by the same Node object in different contexts. Raises: TypeError: Always, only subclasses are allowed. """ _multiquery = False def __new__(cls): if cls is Node: raise TypeError("Cannot instantiate Node, only a subclass.") return super(Node, cls).__new__(cls) def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ne__(self, other): # Python 2.7 requires this method to be implemented. eq = self.__eq__(other) if eq is not NotImplemented: eq = not eq return eq def __le__(self, unused_other): raise TypeError("Nodes cannot be ordered") def __lt__(self, unused_other): raise TypeError("Nodes cannot be ordered") def __ge__(self, unused_other): raise TypeError("Nodes cannot be ordered") def __gt__(self, unused_other): raise TypeError("Nodes cannot be ordered") def _to_filter(self, post=False): """Helper to convert to low-level filter. Raises: NotImplementedError: Always. This method is virtual. """ raise NotImplementedError def _post_filters(self): """Helper to extract post-filter nodes, if any. Returns: None: Always. Because this is the base implementation. """ return None
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): """Return a node with parameters replaced by the selected values. .. note:: Both ``bindings`` and ``used`` are unused by this base class implementation. Args: bindings (dict): A mapping of parameter bindings. used (Dict[Union[str, int], bool]): A mapping of already used parameters. This will be modified if the current parameter is in ``bindings``. Returns: Node: The current node. """ return self
[docs]class FalseNode(Node): """Tree node for an always-failing filter."""
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Equality check. An instance will always equal another :class:`FalseNode` instance. This is because they hold no state. """ if not isinstance(other, FalseNode): return NotImplemented return True
def _to_filter(self, post=False): """(Attempt to) convert to a low-level filter instance. Args: post (bool): Indicates if this is a post-filter node. Raises: .BadQueryError: If ``post`` is :data:`False`, because there's no point submitting a query that will never return anything. """ if post: return None raise exceptions.BadQueryError("Cannot convert FalseNode to predicate")
[docs]class ParameterNode(Node): """Tree node for a parameterized filter. Args: prop ( A property describing a value type. op (str): The comparison operator. One of ``=``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=`` or ``in``. param (ParameterizedThing): The parameter corresponding to the node. Raises: TypeError: If ``prop`` is not a :class:``. TypeError: If ``op`` is not one of the accepted operators. TypeError: If ``param`` is not a :class:`.Parameter` or :class:`.ParameterizedFunction`. """ def __new__(cls, prop, op, param): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model if not isinstance(prop, model.Property): raise TypeError("Expected a Property, got {!r}".format(prop)) if op not in _OPS: raise TypeError("Expected a valid operator, got {!r}".format(op)) if not isinstance(param, ParameterizedThing): raise TypeError("Expected a ParameterizedThing, got {!r}".format(param)) obj = super(ParameterNode, cls).__new__(cls) obj._prop = prop obj._op = op obj._param = param return obj
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """Private API used to specify ``__new__`` arguments when unpickling. .. note:: This method only applies if the ``pickle`` protocol is 2 or greater. Returns: Tuple[, str, ParameterizedThing]: A tuple containing the internal state: the property, operation and parameter. """ return self._prop, self._op, self._param
def __repr__(self): return "ParameterNode({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format( self._prop, self._op, self._param ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ParameterNode): return NotImplemented return ( self._prop._name == other._prop._name and self._op == other._op and self._param == other._param ) def _to_filter(self, post=False): """Helper to convert to low-level filter. Args: post (bool): Indicates if this is a post-filter node. Raises: .BadArgumentError: Always. This is because this node represents a parameter, i.e. no value exists to be filtered on. """ raise exceptions.BadArgumentError( "Parameter :{} is not bound.".format(self._param.key) )
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): """Return a node with parameters replaced by the selected values. Args: bindings (dict): A mapping of parameter bindings. used (Dict[Union[str, int], bool]): A mapping of already used parameters. Returns: Union[, \, \]: A node corresponding to the value substituted. """ value = self._param.resolve(bindings, used) if self._op == _IN_OP: return self._prop._IN(value) elif self._op == _NOT_IN_OP: return self._prop._NOT_IN(value) else: return self._prop._comparison(self._op, value)
[docs]class FilterNode(Node): """Tree node for a single filter expression. For example ``FilterNode("a", ">", 3)`` filters for entities where the value ``a`` is greater than ``3``. .. warning:: The constructor for this type may not always return a :class:`FilterNode`. For example: * The filter ``name in (value1, ..., valueN)`` is converted into ``(name = value1) OR ... OR (name = valueN)`` (also a :class:`DisjunctionNode`) * The filter ``name in ()`` (i.e. a property is among an empty list of values) is converted into a :class:`FalseNode` * The filter ``name in (value1,)`` (i.e. a list with one element) is converted into ``name = value1``, a related :class:`FilterNode` with a different ``opsymbol`` and ``value`` than what was passed to the constructor Args: name (str): The name of the property being filtered. opsymbol (str): The comparison operator. One of ``=``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=`` or ``in``. value (Any): The value to filter on / relative to. server_op (bool): Force the operator to use a server side filter. Raises: TypeError: If ``opsymbol`` is ``"in"`` but ``value`` is not a basic container (:class:`list`, :class:`tuple`, :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset`) """ _name = None _opsymbol = None _value = None def __new__(cls, name, opsymbol, value, server_op=False): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model if isinstance(value, model.Key): value = value._key if opsymbol == _IN_OP: if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): raise TypeError( "in expected a list, tuple or set of values; " "received {!r}".format(value) ) nodes = [FilterNode(name, _EQ_OP, sub_value) for sub_value in value] if not nodes: return FalseNode() if len(nodes) == 1: return nodes[0] if not server_op: return DisjunctionNode(*nodes) instance = super(FilterNode, cls).__new__(cls) instance._name = name instance._opsymbol = opsymbol instance._value = value return instance
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """Private API used to specify ``__new__`` arguments when unpickling. .. note:: This method only applies if the ``pickle`` protocol is 2 or greater. Returns: Tuple[str, str, Any]: A tuple containing the internal state: the name, ``opsymbol`` and value. """ return self._name, self._opsymbol, self._value
def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format( type(self).__name__, self._name, self._opsymbol, self._value ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FilterNode): return NotImplemented return ( self._name == other._name and self._opsymbol == other._opsymbol and self._value == other._value ) def _to_filter(self, post=False): """Helper to convert to low-level filter. Args: post (bool): Indicates if this is a post-filter node. Returns: Optional[query_pb2.PropertyFilter]: Returns :data:`None`, if this is a post-filter, otherwise returns the protocol buffer representation of the filter. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query if post: return None return _datastore_query.make_filter(self._name, self._opsymbol, self._value)
[docs]class PostFilterNode(Node): """Tree node representing an in-memory filtering operation. This is used to represent filters that cannot be executed by the datastore, for example a query for a structured value. Args: predicate (Callable[[Any], bool]): A filter predicate that takes a datastore entity (typically as a protobuf) and returns :data:`True` or :data:`False` if the entity matches the given filter. """ def __new__(cls, predicate): instance = super(PostFilterNode, cls).__new__(cls) instance.predicate = predicate return instance
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """Private API used to specify ``__new__`` arguments when unpickling. .. note:: This method only applies if the ``pickle`` protocol is 2 or greater. Returns: Tuple[Callable[[Any], bool],]: A tuple containing a single value, the ``predicate`` attached to this node. """ return (self.predicate,)
def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, self.predicate) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PostFilterNode): return NotImplemented return self is other or self.predicate == other.predicate def _to_filter(self, post=False): """Helper to convert to low-level filter. Args: post (bool): Indicates if this is a post-filter node. Returns: Tuple[Callable[[Any], bool], None]: If this is a post-filter, this returns the stored ``predicate``, otherwise it returns :data:`None`. """ if post: return self.predicate else: return None
class _BooleanClauses(object): """This type will be used for symbolically performing boolean operations. Internally, the state will track a symbolic expression like:: A or (B and C) or (A and D) as a list of the ``OR`` components:: [A, B and C, A and D] When ``combine_or=False``, it will track ``AND`` statements as a list, making the final simplified form of our example:: [[A], [B, C], [A, D]] Via :meth:`add_node`, we will ensure that new nodes will be correctly combined (via ``AND`` or ``OR``) with the current expression. Args: name (str): The name of the class that is tracking a boolean expression. combine_or (bool): Indicates if new nodes will be combined with the current boolean expression via ``AND`` or ``OR``. """ def __init__(self, name, combine_or): = name self.combine_or = combine_or if combine_or: # For ``OR()`` the parts are just nodes. self.or_parts = [] else: # For ``AND()`` the parts are "segments", i.e. node lists. self.or_parts = [[]] def add_node(self, node): """Update the current boolean expression. This uses the distributive law for sets to combine as follows: - ``(A or B or C or ...) or D`` -> ``A or B or C or ... or D`` - ``(A or B or C or ...) and D`` -> ``(A and D) or (B and D) or (C and D) or ...`` Args: node (Node): A node to add to the list of clauses. Raises: TypeError: If ``node`` is not a :class:`.Node`. """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise TypeError( "{}() expects Node instances as arguments; " "received a non-Node instance {!r}".format(, node) ) if self.combine_or: if isinstance(node, DisjunctionNode): # [S1 or ... or Sn] or [A1 or ... or Am] # -> S1 or ... Sn or A1 or ... or Am self.or_parts.extend(node._nodes) else: # [S1 or ... or Sn] or [A1] # -> S1 or ... or Sn or A1 self.or_parts.append(node) else: if isinstance(node, DisjunctionNode): # [S1 or ... or Sn] and [A1 or ... or Am] # -> [S1 and A1] or ... or [Sn and A1] or # ... or [Sn and Am] or ... or [Sn and Am] new_segments = [] for segment in self.or_parts: # ``segment`` represents ``Si`` for sub_node in node: # ``sub_node`` represents ``Aj`` new_segment = segment + [sub_node] new_segments.append(new_segment) # Replace wholesale. self.or_parts[:] = new_segments elif isinstance(node, ConjunctionNode): # [S1 or ... or Sn] and [A1 and ... and Am] # -> [S1 and A1 and ... and Am] or ... or # [Sn and A1 and ... and Am] for segment in self.or_parts: # ``segment`` represents ``Si`` segment.extend(node._nodes) else: # [S1 or ... or Sn] and [A1] # -> [S1 and A1] or ... or [Sn and A1] for segment in self.or_parts: segment.append(node)
[docs]class ConjunctionNode(Node): """Tree node representing a boolean ``AND`` operator on multiple nodes. .. warning:: The constructor for this type may not always return a :class:`ConjunctionNode`. For example: * If the passed in ``nodes`` has only one entry, that single node will be returned by the constructor * If the resulting boolean expression has an ``OR`` in it, then a :class:`DisjunctionNode` will be returned; e.g. ``AND(OR(A, B), C)`` becomes ``OR(AND(A, C), AND(B, C))`` Args: nodes (Tuple[Node, ...]): A list of nodes to be joined. Raises: TypeError: If ``nodes`` is empty. RuntimeError: If the ``nodes`` combine to an "empty" boolean expression. """ def __new__(cls, *nodes): if not nodes: raise TypeError("ConjunctionNode() requires at least one node.") elif len(nodes) == 1: return nodes[0] clauses = _BooleanClauses("ConjunctionNode", combine_or=False) for node in nodes: clauses.add_node(node) if not clauses.or_parts: # NOTE: The original implementation returned a ``FalseNode`` # here but as far as I can tell this code is unreachable. raise RuntimeError("Invalid boolean expression") if len(clauses.or_parts) > 1: return DisjunctionNode( *[ConjunctionNode(*segment) for segment in clauses.or_parts] ) instance = super(ConjunctionNode, cls).__new__(cls) instance._nodes = clauses.or_parts[0] return instance
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """Private API used to specify ``__new__`` arguments when unpickling. .. note:: This method only applies if the ``pickle`` protocol is 2 or greater. Returns: Tuple[Node, ...]: The list of stored nodes, converted to a :class:`tuple`. """ return tuple(self._nodes)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._nodes) def __repr__(self): all_nodes = ", ".join(map(str, self._nodes)) return "AND({})".format(all_nodes) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ConjunctionNode): return NotImplemented return self._nodes == other._nodes def _to_filter(self, post=False): """Helper to convert to low-level filter. Args: post (bool): Indicates if this is a post-filter node. Returns: Optional[Node]: The single or composite filter corresponding to the pre- or post-filter nodes stored. May return :data:`None`. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query filters = [] for node in self._nodes: if isinstance(node, PostFilterNode) == post: as_filter = node._to_filter(post=post) if as_filter: filters.append(as_filter) if not filters: return None if len(filters) == 1: return filters[0] if post: def composite_and_predicate(entity_pb): return all((filter(entity_pb) for filter in filters)) return composite_and_predicate return _datastore_query.make_composite_and_filter(filters) def _post_filters(self): """Helper to extract post-filter nodes, if any. Filters all of the stored nodes that are :class:`PostFilterNode`. Returns: Optional[Node]: One of the following: * :data:`None` if there are no post-filter nodes in this ``AND()`` clause * The single node if there is exactly one post-filter node, e.g. if the only node in ``AND(A, B, ...)`` that is a post-filter node is ``B`` * The current node if every stored node a post-filter node, e.g. if all nodes ``A, B, ...`` in ``AND(A, B, ...)`` are post-filter nodes * A **new** :class:`ConjunctionNode` containing the post-filter nodes, e.g. if only ``A, C`` are post-filter nodes in ``AND(A, B, C)``, then the returned node is ``AND(A, C)`` """ post_filters = [ node for node in self._nodes if isinstance(node, PostFilterNode) ] if not post_filters: return None if len(post_filters) == 1: return post_filters[0] if post_filters == self._nodes: return self return ConjunctionNode(*post_filters)
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): """Return a node with parameters replaced by the selected values. Args: bindings (dict): A mapping of parameter bindings. used (Dict[Union[str, int], bool]): A mapping of already used parameters. This will be modified for each parameter found in ``bindings``. Returns: Node: The current node, if all nodes are already resolved. Otherwise returns a modified :class:`ConjunctionNode` with each individual node resolved. """ resolved_nodes = [node.resolve(bindings, used) for node in self._nodes] if resolved_nodes == self._nodes: return self return ConjunctionNode(*resolved_nodes)
[docs]class DisjunctionNode(Node): """Tree node representing a boolean ``OR`` operator on multiple nodes. .. warning:: This constructor may not always return a :class:`DisjunctionNode`. If the passed in ``nodes`` has only one entry, that single node will be returned by the constructor. Args: nodes (Tuple[Node, ...]): A list of nodes to be joined. Raises: TypeError: If ``nodes`` is empty. """ _multiquery = True def __new__(cls, *nodes): if not nodes: raise TypeError("DisjunctionNode() requires at least one node") elif len(nodes) == 1: return nodes[0] instance = super(DisjunctionNode, cls).__new__(cls) instance._nodes = [] clauses = _BooleanClauses("DisjunctionNode", combine_or=True) for node in nodes: clauses.add_node(node) instance._nodes[:] = clauses.or_parts return instance
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """Private API used to specify ``__new__`` arguments when unpickling. .. note:: This method only applies if the ``pickle`` protocol is 2 or greater. Returns: Tuple[Node, ...]: The list of stored nodes, converted to a :class:`tuple`. """ return tuple(self._nodes)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._nodes) def __repr__(self): all_nodes = ", ".join(map(str, self._nodes)) return "OR({})".format(all_nodes) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, DisjunctionNode): return NotImplemented return self._nodes == other._nodes
[docs] def resolve(self, bindings, used): """Return a node with parameters replaced by the selected values. Args: bindings (dict): A mapping of parameter bindings. used (Dict[Union[str, int], bool]): A mapping of already used parameters. This will be modified for each parameter found in ``bindings``. Returns: Node: The current node, if all nodes are already resolved. Otherwise returns a modified :class:`DisjunctionNode` with each individual node resolved. """ resolved_nodes = [node.resolve(bindings, used) for node in self._nodes] if resolved_nodes == self._nodes: return self return DisjunctionNode(*resolved_nodes)
# AND and OR are preferred aliases for these. AND = ConjunctionNode OR = DisjunctionNode def _query_options(wrapped): """A decorator for functions with query arguments for arguments. Many methods of :class:`Query` all take more or less the same arguments from which they need to create a :class:`QueryOptions` instance following the same somewhat complicated rules. This decorator wraps these methods with a function that does this processing for them and passes in a :class:`QueryOptions` instance using the ``_options`` argument to those functions, bypassing all of the other arguments. """ # If there are any positional arguments, get their names. # inspect.signature is not available in Python 2.7, so we use the # arguments obtained with inspect.getarspec, which come from the # positional decorator used with all query_options decorated methods. arg_names = getattr(wrapped, "_positional_names", []) positional = [arg for arg in arg_names if arg != "self"] # Provide dummy values for positional args to avoid TypeError dummy_args = [None for _ in positional] @functools.wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import context as context_module from import _datastore_api # Maybe we already did this (in the case of X calling X_async) if "_options" in kwargs: return wrapped(self, *dummy_args, _options=kwargs["_options"]) # Transfer any positional args to keyword args, so they're all in the # same structure. for name, value in zip(positional, args): if name in kwargs: raise TypeError( "{}() got multiple values for argument '{}'".format( wrapped.__name__, name ) ) kwargs[name] = value options = kwargs.pop("options", None) if options is not None: _log.warning( "Deprecation warning: passing 'options' to 'Query' methods is " "deprecated. Please pass arguments directly." ) projection = kwargs.get("projection") if projection: projection = _to_property_names(projection) _check_properties(self.kind, projection) kwargs["projection"] = projection if kwargs.get("keys_only"): if kwargs.get("projection"): raise TypeError("Cannot specify 'projection' with 'keys_only=True'") kwargs["projection"] = ["__key__"] del kwargs["keys_only"] if kwargs.get("transaction"): read_consistency = kwargs.pop( "read_consistency", kwargs.pop("read_policy", None) ) if read_consistency == _datastore_api.EVENTUAL: raise TypeError( "Can't use 'transaction' with 'read_policy=ndb.EVENTUAL'" ) # The 'page_size' arg for 'fetch_page' can just be translated to # 'limit' page_size = kwargs.pop("page_size", None) if page_size: kwargs["limit"] = page_size # Get arguments for QueryOptions attributes query_arguments = { name: self._option(name, kwargs.pop(name, None), options) for name in QueryOptions.slots() } # Any left over kwargs don't actually correspond to slots in # QueryOptions, but should be left to the QueryOptions constructor to # sort out. Some might be synonyms or shorthand for other options. query_arguments.update(kwargs) context = context_module.get_context() query_options = QueryOptions(context=context, **query_arguments) return wrapped(self, *dummy_args, _options=query_options) return wrapper
[docs]class QueryOptions(_options.ReadOptions): __slots__ = ( # Query options "kind", "ancestor", "filters", "order_by", "orders", "distinct_on", "group_by", "namespace", "project", "database", # Fetch options "keys_only", "limit", "offset", "start_cursor", "end_cursor", # Both (!?!) "projection", # Map only "callback", ) def __init__(self, config=None, context=None, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("batch_size"): raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError() if kwargs.get("prefetch_size"): raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError() if kwargs.get("pass_batch_into_callback"): raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError() if kwargs.get("merge_future"): raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError() if kwargs.pop("produce_cursors", None): _log.warning( "Deprecation warning: 'produce_cursors' is deprecated. " "Cursors are always produced when available. This option is " "ignored." ) super(QueryOptions, self).__init__(config=config, **kwargs) if context: if not self.project: self.project = context.client.project # We always use the client's database, for consistency with python-datastore self.database = context.client.database if self.namespace is None: if self.ancestor is None: self.namespace = context.get_namespace() else: self.namespace = self.ancestor.namespace()
[docs]class Query(object): """Query object. Args: kind (str): The kind of entities to be queried. filters (FilterNode): Node representing a filter expression tree. ancestor (key.Key): Entities returned will be descendants of `ancestor`. order_by (list[Union[str,]]): The model properties used to order query results. orders (list[Union[str,]]): Deprecated. Synonym for `order_by`. project (str): The project to perform the query in. Also known as the app, in Google App Engine. If not passed, uses the client's value. app (str): Deprecated. Synonym for `project`. namespace (str): The namespace to which to restrict results. If not passed, uses the client's value. projection (list[Union[str,]]): The fields to return as part of the query results. keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. distinct_on (list[str]): The field names used to group query results. group_by (list[str]): Deprecated. Synonym for distinct_on. default_options (QueryOptions): Deprecated. QueryOptions object. Prefer passing explicit keyword arguments to the relevant method directly. Raises: TypeError: If any of the arguments are invalid. """ def __init__( self, kind=None, filters=None, ancestor=None, order_by=None, orders=None, project=None, app=None, namespace=None, projection=None, distinct_on=None, group_by=None, limit=None, offset=None, keys_only=None, default_options=None, ): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model self.default_options = None if app: if project: raise TypeError( "Cannot use both app and project, they are synonyms. app " "is deprecated." ) project = app if default_options is not None: _log.warning( "Deprecation warning: passing default_options to the Query" "constructor is deprecated. Please directly pass any " "arguments you want to use to the Query constructor or its " "methods." ) if not isinstance(default_options, QueryOptions): raise TypeError( "default_options must be QueryOptions or None; " "received {}".format(default_options) ) # Not sure why we're doing all this checking just for this one # option. if projection is not None: if getattr(default_options, "projection", None) is not None: raise TypeError( "cannot use projection keyword argument and " "default_options.projection at the same time" ) self.default_options = default_options kind = self._option("kind", kind) filters = self._option("filters", filters) ancestor = self._option("ancestor", ancestor) order_by = self._option("order_by", order_by) orders = self._option("orders", orders) project = self._option("project", project) app = self._option("app", app) namespace = self._option("namespace", namespace) projection = self._option("projection", projection) distinct_on = self._option("distinct_on", distinct_on) group_by = self._option("group_by", group_by) limit = self._option("limit", limit) offset = self._option("offset", offset) keys_only = self._option("keys_only", keys_only) # Except in the case of ancestor queries, we always use the client's database database = context_module.get_context().client.database or None if ancestor is not None: if isinstance(ancestor, ParameterizedThing): if isinstance(ancestor, ParameterizedFunction): if ancestor.func != "key": raise TypeError( "ancestor cannot be a GQL function" "other than Key" ) else: if not isinstance(ancestor, model.Key): raise TypeError( "ancestor must be a Key; " "received {}".format(ancestor) ) if not raise ValueError("ancestor cannot be an incomplete key") if project is not None: if project != raise TypeError("ancestor/project id mismatch") else: project = database = ancestor.database() if namespace is not None: # if namespace is the empty string, that means default # namespace, but after a put, if the ancestor is using # the default namespace, its namespace will be None, # so skip the test to avoid a false mismatch error. if namespace == "" and ancestor.namespace() is None: pass elif namespace != ancestor.namespace(): raise TypeError("ancestor/namespace mismatch") else: namespace = ancestor.namespace() if filters is not None: if not isinstance(filters, Node): raise TypeError( "filters must be a query Node or None; " "received {}".format(filters) ) if order_by is not None and orders is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use both orders and order_by, they are synonyms" "(orders is deprecated now)" ) if order_by is None: order_by = orders if order_by is not None: if not isinstance(order_by, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "order must be a list, a tuple or None; " "received {}".format(order_by) ) order_by = self._to_property_orders(order_by) self.kind = kind self.ancestor = ancestor self.filters = filters self.order_by = order_by self.project = project self.database = database self.namespace = namespace self.limit = limit self.offset = offset self.keys_only = keys_only self.projection = None if projection is not None: if not projection: raise TypeError("projection argument cannot be empty") if not isinstance(projection, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError( "projection must be a tuple, list or None; " "received {}".format(projection) ) projection = _to_property_names(projection) _check_properties(self.kind, projection) self.projection = tuple(projection) if distinct_on is not None and group_by is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use both group_by and distinct_on, they are synonyms. " "group_by is deprecated." ) if distinct_on is None: distinct_on = group_by self.distinct_on = None if distinct_on is not None: if not distinct_on: raise TypeError("distinct_on argument cannot be empty") if not isinstance(distinct_on, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError( "distinct_on must be a tuple, list or None; " "received {}".format(distinct_on) ) distinct_on = _to_property_names(distinct_on) _check_properties(self.kind, distinct_on) self.distinct_on = tuple(distinct_on) def __repr__(self): args = [] if self.project is not None: args.append("project=%r" % self.project) if self.namespace is not None: args.append("namespace=%r" % self.namespace) if self.kind is not None: args.append("kind=%r" % self.kind) if self.ancestor is not None: args.append("ancestor=%r" % self.ancestor) if self.filters is not None: args.append("filters=%r" % self.filters) if self.order_by is not None: args.append("order_by=%r" % self.order_by) if self.limit is not None: args.append("limit=%r" % self.limit) if self.offset is not None: args.append("offset=%r" % self.offset) if self.keys_only is not None: args.append("keys_only=%r" % self.keys_only) if self.projection: args.append("projection=%r" % (_to_property_names(self.projection))) if self.distinct_on: args.append("distinct_on=%r" % (_to_property_names(self.distinct_on))) if self.default_options is not None: args.append("default_options=%r" % self.default_options) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(args)) @property def is_distinct(self): """True if results are guaranteed to contain a unique set of property values. This happens when every property in distinct_on is also in projection. """ return bool( self.distinct_on and set(_to_property_names(self.distinct_on)) <= set(_to_property_names(self.projection)) )
[docs] def filter(self, *filters): """Return a new Query with additional filter(s) applied. Args: filters (list[Node]): One or more instances of Node. Returns: Query: A new query with the new filters applied. Raises: TypeError: If one of the filters is not a Node. """ if not filters: return self new_filters = [] if self.filters: new_filters.append(self.filters) for filter in filters: if not isinstance(filter, Node): raise TypeError( "Cannot filter a non-Node argument; received %r" % filter ) new_filters.append(filter) if len(new_filters) == 1: new_filters = new_filters[0] else: new_filters = ConjunctionNode(*new_filters) return self.__class__( kind=self.kind, ancestor=self.ancestor, filters=new_filters, order_by=self.order_by, project=self.project, namespace=self.namespace, default_options=self.default_options, projection=self.projection, distinct_on=self.distinct_on, limit=self.limit, offset=self.offset, keys_only=self.keys_only, )
[docs] def order(self, *props): """Return a new Query with additional sort order(s) applied. Args: props (list[Union[str,]]): One or more model properties to sort by. Returns: Query: A new query with the new order applied. """ if not props: return self property_orders = self._to_property_orders(props) order_by = self.order_by if order_by is None: order_by = property_orders else: order_by.extend(property_orders) return self.__class__( kind=self.kind, ancestor=self.ancestor, filters=self.filters, order_by=order_by, project=self.project, namespace=self.namespace, default_options=self.default_options, projection=self.projection, distinct_on=self.distinct_on, limit=self.limit, offset=self.offset, keys_only=self.keys_only, )
[docs] def analyze(self): """Return a list giving the parameters required by a query. When a query is created using gql, any bound parameters are created as ParameterNode instances. This method returns the names of any such parameters. Returns: list[str]: required parameter names. """ class MockBindings(dict): def __contains__(self, key): self[key] = None return True bindings = MockBindings() used = {} ancestor = self.ancestor if isinstance(ancestor, ParameterizedThing): ancestor = ancestor.resolve(bindings, used) filters = self.filters if filters is not None: filters = filters.resolve(bindings, used) return sorted(used) # Returns only the keys.
[docs] def bind(self, *positional, **keyword): """Bind parameter values. Returns a new Query object. When a query is created using gql, any bound parameters are created as ParameterNode instances. This method receives values for both positional (:1, :2, etc.) or keyword (:something, :other, etc.) bound parameters, then sets the values accordingly. This mechanism allows easy reuse of a parameterized query, by passing the values to bind here. Args: positional (list[Any]): One or more positional values to bind. keyword (dict[Any]): One or more keyword values to bind. Returns: Query: A new query with the new bound parameter values. Raises: If one of the positional parameters is not used in the query. """ bindings = dict(keyword) for i, arg in enumerate(positional): bindings[i + 1] = arg used = {} ancestor = self.ancestor if isinstance(ancestor, ParameterizedThing): ancestor = ancestor.resolve(bindings, used) filters = self.filters if filters is not None: filters = filters.resolve(bindings, used) unused = [] for i, arg in enumerate(positional): if i + 1 not in used: unused.append(i + 1) if unused: raise exceptions.BadArgumentError( "Positional arguments %s were given but not used." % ", ".join(str(i) for i in unused) ) return self.__class__( kind=self.kind, ancestor=ancestor, filters=filters, order_by=self.order_by, project=self.project, namespace=self.namespace, default_options=self.default_options, projection=self.projection, distinct_on=self.distinct_on, limit=self.limit, offset=self.offset, keys_only=self.keys_only, )
def _to_property_orders(self, order_by): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model orders = [] for order in order_by: if isinstance(order, PropertyOrder): # if a negated property, will already be a PropertyOrder orders.append(order) elif isinstance(order, model.Property): # use the sign to turn it into a PropertyOrder orders.append(+order) elif isinstance(order, str): name = order reverse = False if order.startswith("-"): name = order[1:] reverse = True property_order = PropertyOrder(name, reverse=reverse) orders.append(property_order) else: raise TypeError("Order values must be properties or strings") return orders
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def fetch(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Run a query, fetching results. Args: keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. projection (list[Union[str,]]): The fields to return as part of the query results. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. Returns: List[Union[model.Model, key.Key]]: The query results. """ return self.fetch_async(_options=kwargs["_options"]).result()
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def fetch_async(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Run a query, asynchronously fetching the results. Args: keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. projection (list[Union[str,]]): The fields to return as part of the query results. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. Returns: tasklets.Future: Eventual result will be a List[model.Model] of the results. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query return _datastore_query.fetch(kwargs["_options"])
def _option(self, name, given, options=None): """Get given value or a provided default for an option. Precedence is given first to the `given` value, then any value passed in with `options`, then any value that is already set on this query, and, lastly, any default value in `default_options` if provided to the :class:`Query` constructor. This attempts to reconcile, in as rational a way possible, all the different ways of passing the same option to a query established by legacy NDB. Because of the absurd amount of complexity involved, `QueryOptions` is deprecated in favor of just passing arguments directly to the `Query` constructor or its methods. Args: name (str): Name of the option. given (Any): The given value for the option. options (Optional[QueryOptions]): An object containing option values. Returns: Any: Either the given value or a provided default. """ if given is not None: return given if options is not None: value = getattr(options, name, None) if value is not None: return value value = getattr(self, name, None) if value is not None: return value if self.default_options is not None: return getattr(self.default_options, name, None) return None
[docs] def run_to_queue(self, queue, conn, options=None, dsquery=None): """Run this query, putting entities into the given queue.""" raise exceptions.NoLongerImplementedError()
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, limit=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(1) def iter(self, **kwargs): """Get an iterator over query results. Args: keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. projection (list[str]): The fields to return as part of the query results. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. Returns: :class:`QueryIterator`: An iterator. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query return _datastore_query.iterate(kwargs["_options"])
__iter__ = iter
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, limit=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, pass_batch_into_callback=None, merge_future=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def map(self, callback, **kwargs): """Map a callback function or tasklet over the query results. Args: callback (Callable): A function or tasklet to be applied to each result; see below. keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. projection (list[str]): The fields to return as part of the query results. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. pass_batch_info_callback: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. merge_future: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. Callback signature: The callback is normally called with an entity as argument. However if keys_only=True is given, it is called with a Key. The callback can return whatever it wants. Returns: Any: When the query has run to completion and all callbacks have returned, map() returns a list of the results of all callbacks. """ return self.map_async(None, _options=kwargs["_options"]).result()
[docs] @tasklets.tasklet @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, limit=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, pass_batch_into_callback=None, merge_future=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def map_async(self, callback, **kwargs): """Map a callback function or tasklet over the query results. This is the asynchronous version of :meth:``. Returns: tasklets.Future: See :meth:`` for eventual result. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query _options = kwargs["_options"] callback = _options.callback futures = [] results = _datastore_query.iterate(_options) while (yield results.has_next_async()): result = mapped = callback(result) if not isinstance(mapped, tasklets.Future): future = tasklets.Future() future.set_result(mapped) mapped = future futures.append(mapped) if futures: mapped_results = yield futures else: mapped_results = () raise tasklets.Return(mapped_results)
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(1) def get(self, **kwargs): """Get the first query result, if any. This is equivalent to calling ``q.fetch(1)`` and returning the first result, if any. Args: keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. projection (list[str]): The fields to return as part of the query results. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. Returns: Optional[Union[, key.Key]]: A single result, or :data:`None` if there are no results. """ return self.get_async(_options=kwargs["_options"]).result()
[docs] @tasklets.tasklet @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(1) def get_async(self, **kwargs): """Get the first query result, if any. This is the asynchronous version of :meth:`Query.get`. Returns: tasklets.Future: See :meth:`Query.get` for eventual result. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query options = kwargs["_options"].copy(limit=1) results = yield _datastore_query.fetch(options) if results: raise tasklets.Return(results[0])
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def count(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Count the number of query results, up to a limit. This returns the same result as ``len(q.fetch(limit))``. Note that you should pass a maximum value to limit the amount of work done by the query. Note: The legacy GAE version of NDB claims this is more efficient than just calling ``len(q.fetch(limit))``. Since Datastore does not provide API for ``count``, this version ends up performing the fetch underneath hood. We can specify ``keys_only`` to save some network traffic, making this call really equivalent to ``len(q.fetch(limit, keys_only=True))``. We can also avoid marshalling NDB key objects from the returned protocol buffers, but this is a minor savings--most applications that use NDB will have their performance bound by the Datastore backend, not the CPU. Generally, any claim of performance improvement using this versus the equivalent call to ``fetch`` is exaggerated, at best. Args: limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of query results to return. If not specified, there is no limit. projection (list[str]): The fields to return as part of the query results. offset (int): Number of query results to skip. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. Returns: Optional[Union[, key.Key]]: A single result, or :data:`None` if there are no results. """ return self.count_async(_options=kwargs["_options"]).result()
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( offset=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def count_async(self, limit=None, **kwargs): """Count the number of query results, up to a limit. This is the asynchronous version of :meth:`Query.count`. Returns: tasklets.Future: See :meth:`Query.count` for eventual result. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query return _datastore_query.count(kwargs["_options"])
[docs] @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def fetch_page(self, page_size, **kwargs): """Fetch a page of results. This is a specialized method for use by paging user interfaces. To fetch the next page, you pass the cursor returned by one call to the next call using the `start_cursor` argument. A common idiom is to pass the cursor to the client using :meth:`_datastore_query.Cursor.urlsafe` and to reconstruct that cursor on a subsequent request using the `urlsafe` argument to :class:`_datastore_query.Cursor`. NOTE: This method relies on cursors which are not available for queries that involve ``OR``, ``!=``, ``IN`` operators. This feature is not available for those queries. Args: page_size (int): The number of results per page. At most, this many keys_only (bool): Return keys instead of entities. projection (list[str]): The fields to return as part of the query results. batch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. prefetch_size: DEPRECATED: No longer implemented. produce_cursors: Ignored. Cursors always produced if available. start_cursor: Starting point for search. end_cursor: Endpoint point for search. timeout (Optional[int]): Override the gRPC timeout, in seconds. deadline (Optional[int]): DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``timeout``. read_consistency: If set then passes the explicit read consistency to the server. May not be set to ``ndb.EVENTUAL`` when a transaction is specified. read_policy: DEPRECATED: Synonym for ``read_consistency``. transaction (bytes): Transaction ID to use for query. Results will be consistent with Datastore state for that transaction. Implies ``read_policy=ndb.STRONG``. options (QueryOptions): DEPRECATED: An object containing options values for some of these arguments. results will be returned. Returns: Tuple[list, _datastore_query.Cursor, bool]: A tuple `(results, cursor, more)` where `results` is a list of query results, `cursor` is a cursor pointing just after the last result returned, and `more` indicates whether there are (likely) more results after that. """ return self.fetch_page_async(None, _options=kwargs["_options"]).result()
[docs] @tasklets.tasklet @_query_options @utils.keyword_only( keys_only=None, projection=None, batch_size=None, prefetch_size=None, produce_cursors=False, start_cursor=None, end_cursor=None, timeout=None, deadline=None, read_consistency=None, read_policy=None, transaction=None, options=None, _options=None, ) @utils.positional(2) def fetch_page_async(self, page_size, **kwargs): """Fetch a page of results. This is the asynchronous version of :meth:`Query.fetch_page`. Returns: tasklets.Future: See :meth:`Query.fetch_page` for eventual result. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _datastore_query _options = kwargs["_options"] if _options.filters: if _options.filters._multiquery: raise TypeError( "Can't use 'fetch_page' or 'fetch_page_async' with query " "that uses 'OR', '!=', or 'IN'." ) iterator = _datastore_query.iterate(_options, raw=True) results = [] cursor = None while (yield iterator.has_next_async()): result = results.append(result.entity()) cursor = result.cursor more = bool(results) and ( iterator._more_results_after_limit or iterator.probably_has_next() ) raise tasklets.Return(results, cursor, more)
[docs]def gql(query_string, *args, **kwds): """Parse a GQL query string. Args: query_string (str): Full GQL query, e.g. 'SELECT * FROM Kind WHERE prop = 1 ORDER BY prop2'. args: If present, used to call bind(). kwds: If present, used to call bind(). Returns: Query: a query instance. Raises: When bad gql is passed in. """ # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import _gql query = _gql.GQL(query_string).get_query() if args or kwds: query = query.bind(*args, **kwds) return query
def _to_property_names(properties): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model fixed = [] for prop in properties: if isinstance(prop, str): fixed.append(prop) elif isinstance(prop, model.Property): fixed.append(prop._name) else: raise TypeError( "Unexpected property {}; " "should be string or Property".format(prop) ) return fixed def _check_properties(kind, fixed, **kwargs): # Avoid circular import in Python 2.7 from import model modelclass = model.Model._kind_map.get(kind) if modelclass is not None: modelclass._check_properties(fixed, **kwargs)