As of January 1, 2020 this library no longer supports Python 2 on the latest released version. Library versions released prior to that date will continue to be available. For more information please visit Python 2 support on Google Cloud.

Source code for

# Copyright 2016 Google LLC All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Parent client for calling the Cloud Spanner API.

This is the base from which all interactions with the API occur.

In the hierarchy of API concepts

* a :class:`` owns an
* a :class:`` owns a
import grpc
import os
import warnings

from google.api_core.gapic_v1 import client_info
from google.auth.credentials import AnonymousCredentials
import google.api_core.client_options
from import ClientWithProject

from import DatabaseAdminClient
from import (
from import InstanceAdminClient
from import (
from import ListInstanceConfigsRequest
from import ListInstancesRequest
from import __version__
from import ExecuteSqlRequest
from import _merge_query_options
from import _metadata_with_prefix
from import Instance

_CLIENT_INFO = client_info.ClientInfo(client_library_version=__version__)
    "%s contains a http scheme. When used with a scheme it may cause gRPC's "
    "DNS resolver to endlessly attempt to resolve. %s is intended to be used "
    "without a scheme: ex %s=localhost:8080."
) % ((EMULATOR_ENV_VAR,) * 3)

def _get_spanner_emulator_host():
    return os.getenv(EMULATOR_ENV_VAR)

def _get_spanner_optimizer_version():
    return os.getenv(OPTIMIZER_VERSION_ENV_VAR, "")

def _get_spanner_optimizer_statistics_package():

[docs]class Client(ClientWithProject): """Client for interacting with Cloud Spanner API. .. note:: Since the Cloud Spanner API requires the gRPC transport, no ``_http`` argument is accepted by this class. :type project: :class:`str` or :func:`unicode <unicode>` :param project: (Optional) The ID of the project which owns the instances, tables and data. If not provided, will attempt to determine from the environment. :type credentials: :class:`Credentials <google.auth.credentials.Credentials>` or :data:`NoneType <types.NoneType>` :param credentials: (Optional) The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. If none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. :type client_info: :class:`~google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo` :param client_info: (Optional) The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own library or partner tool. :type client_options: :class:`~google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions` or :class:`dict` :param client_options: (Optional) Client options used to set user options on the client. API Endpoint should be set through client_options. :type query_options: :class:`` or :class:`dict` :param query_options: (Optional) Query optimizer configuration to use for the given query. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message :class:`` :type route_to_leader_enabled: boolean :param route_to_leader_enabled: (Optional) Default True. Set route_to_leader_enabled as False to disable leader aware routing. Disabling leader aware routing would route all requests in RW/PDML transactions to the closest region. :type directed_read_options: :class:`` or :class:`dict` :param directed_read_options: (Optional) Client options used to set the directed_read_options for all ReadRequests and ExecuteSqlRequests that indicates which replicas or regions should be used for non-transactional reads or queries. :raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if both ``read_only`` and ``admin`` are :data:`True` """ _instance_admin_api = None _database_admin_api = None _SET_PROJECT = True # Used by from_service_account_json() SCOPE = (SPANNER_ADMIN_SCOPE,) """The scopes required for Google Cloud Spanner.""" def __init__( self, project=None, credentials=None, client_info=_CLIENT_INFO, client_options=None, query_options=None, route_to_leader_enabled=True, directed_read_options=None, ): self._emulator_host = _get_spanner_emulator_host() if client_options and type(client_options) is dict: self._client_options = google.api_core.client_options.from_dict( client_options ) else: self._client_options = client_options if self._emulator_host: credentials = AnonymousCredentials() elif isinstance(credentials, AnonymousCredentials): self._emulator_host = self._client_options.api_endpoint # NOTE: This API has no use for the _http argument, but sending it # will have no impact since the _http() @property only lazily # creates a working HTTP object. super(Client, self).__init__( project=project, credentials=credentials, client_options=client_options, _http=None, ) self._client_info = client_info env_query_options = ExecuteSqlRequest.QueryOptions( optimizer_version=_get_spanner_optimizer_version(), optimizer_statistics_package=_get_spanner_optimizer_statistics_package(), ) # Environment flag config has higher precedence than application config. self._query_options = _merge_query_options(query_options, env_query_options) if self._emulator_host is not None and ( "http://" in self._emulator_host or "https://" in self._emulator_host ): warnings.warn(_EMULATOR_HOST_HTTP_SCHEME) self._route_to_leader_enabled = route_to_leader_enabled self._directed_read_options = directed_read_options @property def credentials(self): """Getter for client's credentials. :rtype: :class:`Credentials <google.auth.credentials.Credentials>` :returns: The credentials stored on the client. """ return self._credentials @property def project_name(self): """Project name to be used with Spanner APIs. .. note:: This property will not change if ``project`` does not, but the return value is not cached. The project name is of the form ``"projects/{project}"`` :rtype: str :returns: The project name to be used with the Cloud Spanner Admin API RPC service. """ return "projects/" + self.project @property def instance_admin_api(self): """Helper for session-related API calls.""" if self._instance_admin_api is None: if self._emulator_host is not None: transport = InstanceAdminGrpcTransport( channel=grpc.insecure_channel(target=self._emulator_host) ) self._instance_admin_api = InstanceAdminClient( client_info=self._client_info, client_options=self._client_options, transport=transport, ) else: self._instance_admin_api = InstanceAdminClient( credentials=self.credentials, client_info=self._client_info, client_options=self._client_options, ) return self._instance_admin_api @property def database_admin_api(self): """Helper for session-related API calls.""" if self._database_admin_api is None: if self._emulator_host is not None: transport = DatabaseAdminGrpcTransport( channel=grpc.insecure_channel(target=self._emulator_host) ) self._database_admin_api = DatabaseAdminClient( client_info=self._client_info, client_options=self._client_options, transport=transport, ) else: self._database_admin_api = DatabaseAdminClient( credentials=self.credentials, client_info=self._client_info, client_options=self._client_options, ) return self._database_admin_api @property def route_to_leader_enabled(self): """Getter for if read-write or pdml requests will be routed to leader. :rtype: boolean :returns: If read-write requests will be routed to leader. """ return self._route_to_leader_enabled @property def directed_read_options(self): """Getter for directed_read_options. :rtype: :class:`` or :class:`dict` :returns: The directed_read_options for the client. """ return self._directed_read_options
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy of this client. Copies the local data stored as simple types but does not copy the current state of any open connections with the Cloud Bigtable API. :rtype: :class:`.Client` :returns: A copy of the current client. """ return self.__class__(project=self.project, credentials=self._credentials)
[docs] def list_instance_configs(self, page_size=None): """List available instance configurations for the client's project. .. _RPC docs:\ google.spanner.admin.instance.v1#google.spanner.admin.\ instance.v1.InstanceAdmin.ListInstanceConfigs See `RPC docs`_. :type page_size: int :param page_size: Optional. The maximum number of configs in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API. :rtype: :class:`~google.api_core.page_iterator.Iterator` :returns: Iterator of :class:`` resources within the client's project. """ metadata = _metadata_with_prefix(self.project_name) request = ListInstanceConfigsRequest( parent=self.project_name, page_size=page_size ) page_iter = self.instance_admin_api.list_instance_configs( request=request, metadata=metadata ) return page_iter
[docs] def instance( self, instance_id, configuration_name=None, display_name=None, node_count=None, labels=None, processing_units=None, ): """Factory to create a instance associated with this client. :type instance_id: str :param instance_id: The ID of the instance. :type configuration_name: string :param configuration_name: (Optional) Name of the instance configuration used to set up the instance's cluster, in the form: ``projects/<project>/instanceConfigs/`` ``<config>``. **Required** for instances which do not yet exist. :type display_name: str :param display_name: (Optional) The display name for the instance in the Cloud Console UI. (Must be between 4 and 30 characters.) If this value is not set in the constructor, will fall back to the instance ID. :type node_count: int :param node_count: (Optional) The number of nodes in the instance's cluster; used to set up the instance's cluster. :type processing_units: int :param processing_units: (Optional) The number of processing units allocated to this instance. :type labels: dict (str -> str) or None :param labels: (Optional) User-assigned labels for this instance. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: an instance owned by this client. """ return Instance( instance_id, self, configuration_name, node_count, display_name, self._emulator_host, labels, processing_units, )
[docs] def list_instances(self, filter_="", page_size=None): """List instances for the client's project. See :type filter_: string :param filter_: (Optional) Filter to select instances listed. See the ``ListInstancesRequest`` docs above for examples. :type page_size: int :param page_size: Optional. The maximum number of instances in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API. :rtype: :class:`~google.api_core.page_iterator.Iterator` :returns: Iterator of :class:`` resources within the client's project. """ metadata = _metadata_with_prefix(self.project_name) request = ListInstancesRequest( parent=self.project_name, filter=filter_, page_size=page_size ) page_iter = self.instance_admin_api.list_instances( request=request, metadata=metadata ) return page_iter
@directed_read_options.setter def directed_read_options(self, directed_read_options): """Sets directed_read_options for the client :type directed_read_options: :class:`` or :class:`dict` :param directed_read_options: Client options used to set the directed_read_options for all ReadRequests and ExecuteSqlRequests that indicates which replicas or regions should be used for non-transactional reads or queries. """ self._directed_read_options = directed_read_options