Class: Google::Apis::JobsV3p1beta1::HistogramQuery

  • Object
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Core::Hashable, Core::JsonObjectSupport
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Input Only. The histogram request.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(**args) ⇒ HistogramQuery

Returns a new instance of HistogramQuery.

# File 'generated/google/apis/jobs_v3p1beta1/classes.rb', line 1052

def initialize(**args)

Instance Attribute Details


An expression specifies a histogram request against matching resources (for example, jobs) for searches. Expression syntax is a aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options. Available aggregation function calls are: * count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entity, for each distinct attribute value. * count(numeric_histogram_facet, list of buckets): Count the number of matching entity within each bucket. Data types:

  • Histogram facet: facet names with format a-zA-Z+. * String: string like "any string with backslash escape for quote(\")." * Number: whole number and floating point number like 10, -1 and -0.01. * List: list of elements with comma(,) separator surrounded by square brackets. For example, [1, 2, 3] and [" one", "two", "three"]. Built-in constants: * MIN (minimum number similar to java Double.MIN_VALUE) * MAX (maximum number similar to java Double.MAX_VALUE) Built-in functions: * bucket(start, end[, label]): bucket built-in function creates a bucket with range of start, end). Note that the end is exclusive. For example, bucket(1, MAX, "positive number") or bucket(1, 10). Job histogram facets: * company_id: histogram by [Job.distributor_company_id. * company_display_name: histogram by Job.company_display_name. * employment_type: histogram by Job.employment_types. For example, "FULL_TIME", "PART_TIME". * company_size: histogram by CompanySize, for example, "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "BIG".
  • publish_time_in_month: histogram by the Job.publish_time in months. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. * publish_time_in_year: histogram by the Job.publish_time in years. Must specify list of numeric buckets in spec. * degree_type: histogram by the Job.degree_type. For example, "Bachelors", " Masters". * job_level: histogram by the Job.job_level. For example, "Entry Level". * country: histogram by the country code of jobs. For example, "US", " FR". * admin1: histogram by the admin1 code of jobs, which is a global placeholder referring to the state, province, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the country level. For example, " CA", "IL". * city: histogram by a combination of the "city name, admin1 code". For example, "Mountain View, CA", "New York, NY". * admin1_country: histogram by a combination of the "admin1 code, country". For example, "CA, US", "IL, US" . * city_coordinate: histogram by the city center's GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude). For example, 37.4038522,-122.0987765. Since the coordinates of a city center can change, customers may need to refresh them periodically. * locale: histogram by the Job.language_code. For example, "en-US", "fr-FR". * language: histogram by the language subtag of the Job.language_code. For example, "en", "fr". * category: histogram by the JobCategory. For example, " COMPUTER_AND_IT", "HEALTHCARE". * base_compensation_unit: histogram by the CompensationUnit of base salary. For example, "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY". * base_compensation: histogram by the base salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. * annualized_base_compensation: histogram by the base annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. * annualized_total_compensation: histogram by the total annualized salary. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. * string_custom_attribute: histogram by string Job.custom_attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like string_custom_attribute["key1"].
  • numeric_custom_attribute: histogram by numeric Job.custom_attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notations like numeric_custom_attribute[" key1"]. Must specify list of numeric buckets to group results by. Example expressions: * count(admin1) * count(base_compensation, [bucket(1000, 10000), bucket(10000, 100000), bucket(100000, MAX)]) * count(string_custom_attribute[" some-string-custom-attribute"]) * count(numeric_custom_attribute["some-numeric- custom-attribute"], [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative"] ) Corresponds to the JSON property histogramQuery


  • (String)

# File 'generated/google/apis/jobs_v3p1beta1/classes.rb', line 1050

def histogram_query

Instance Method Details

#update!(**args) ⇒ Object

Update properties of this object

# File 'generated/google/apis/jobs_v3p1beta1/classes.rb', line 1057

def update!(**args)
  @histogram_query = args[:histogram_query] if args.key?(:histogram_query)