Class | Description |
AffineTransform |
AffineTransform uses a 3x3 matrix with an implied last row of [ 0 0 1 ] to transform source
coordinates (x,y) into destination coordinates (x', y') according to: x' x = shear_y scale_y
translate_y 1 [ 1 ] After transformation, x' = scale_x * x + shear_x * y + translate_x; y' =
scale_y * y + shear_y * x + translate_y; This message is therefore composed of these six matrix
Autofit |
The autofit properties of a Shape.
AutoText |
A TextElement kind that represents auto text.
BatchUpdatePresentationRequest |
Request message for PresentationsService.BatchUpdatePresentation.
BatchUpdatePresentationResponse |
Response message from a batch update.
Bullet |
Describes the bullet of a paragraph.
ColorScheme |
The palette of predefined colors for a page.
ColorStop |
A color and position in a gradient band.
CreateImageRequest |
Creates an image.
CreateImageResponse |
The result of creating an image.
CreateLineRequest |
Creates a line.
CreateLineResponse |
The result of creating a line.
CreateParagraphBulletsRequest |
Creates bullets for all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given text index range.
CreateShapeRequest |
Creates a new shape.
CreateShapeResponse |
The result of creating a shape.
CreateSheetsChartRequest |
Creates an embedded Google Sheets chart.
CreateSheetsChartResponse |
The result of creating an embedded Google Sheets chart.
CreateSlideRequest |
Creates a slide.
CreateSlideResponse |
The result of creating a slide.
CreateTableRequest |
Creates a new table.
CreateTableResponse |
The result of creating a table.
CreateVideoRequest |
Creates a video.
CreateVideoResponse |
The result of creating a video.
CropProperties |
The crop properties of an object enclosed in a container.
DeleteObjectRequest |
Deletes an object, either pages or page elements, from the presentation.
DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest |
Deletes bullets from all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given text index range.
DeleteTableColumnRequest |
Deletes a column from a table.
DeleteTableRowRequest |
Deletes a row from a table.
DeleteTextRequest |
Deletes text from a shape or a table cell.
Dimension |
A magnitude in a single direction in the specified units.
DuplicateObjectRequest |
Duplicates a slide or page element.
DuplicateObjectResponse |
The response of duplicating an object.
Group |
A PageElement kind representing a joined collection of PageElements.
GroupObjectsRequest |
Groups objects to create an object group.
GroupObjectsResponse |
The result of grouping objects.
Image |
A PageElement kind representing an image.
ImageProperties |
The properties of the Image.
InsertTableColumnsRequest |
Inserts columns into a table.
InsertTableRowsRequest |
Inserts rows into a table.
InsertTextRequest |
Inserts text into a shape or a table cell.
LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping |
The user-specified ID mapping for a placeholder that will be created on a slide from a specified
LayoutProperties |
The properties of Page are only relevant for pages with page_type LAYOUT.
LayoutReference |
Slide layout reference.
Line |
A PageElement kind representing a non-connector line, straight connector, curved connector, or
bent connector.
LineConnection |
The properties for one end of a Line connection.
LineFill |
The fill of the line.
LineProperties |
The properties of the Line.
Link |
A hypertext link.
List |
A List describes the look and feel of bullets belonging to paragraphs associated with a list.
MasterProperties |
The properties of Page that are only relevant for pages with page_type MASTER.
MergeTableCellsRequest |
Merges cells in a Table.
NestingLevel |
Contains properties describing the look and feel of a list bullet at a given level of nesting.
NotesProperties |
The properties of Page that are only relevant for pages with page_type NOTES.
OpaqueColor |
A themeable solid color value.
OptionalColor |
A color that can either be fully opaque or fully transparent.
Outline |
The outline of a PageElement.
OutlineFill |
The fill of the outline.
Page |
A page in a presentation.
PageBackgroundFill |
The page background fill.
PageElement |
A visual element rendered on a page.
PageElementProperties |
Common properties for a page element.
PageProperties |
The properties of the Page.
ParagraphMarker |
A TextElement kind that represents the beginning of a new paragraph.
ParagraphStyle |
Styles that apply to a whole paragraph.
Placeholder |
The placeholder information that uniquely identifies a placeholder shape.
Presentation |
A Google Slides presentation.
Range |
Specifies a contiguous range of an indexed collection, such as characters in text.
Recolor |
A recolor effect applied on an image.
RefreshSheetsChartRequest |
Refreshes an embedded Google Sheets chart by replacing it with the latest version of the chart
from Google Sheets.
ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest |
Replaces all shapes that match the given criteria with the provided image.
ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse |
The result of replacing shapes with an image.
ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest |
Replaces all shapes that match the given criteria with the provided Google Sheets chart.
ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse |
The result of replacing shapes with a Google Sheets chart.
ReplaceAllTextRequest |
Replaces all instances of text matching a criteria with replace text.
ReplaceAllTextResponse |
The result of replacing text.
ReplaceImageRequest |
Replaces an existing image with a new image.
Request |
A single kind of update to apply to a presentation.
RerouteLineRequest |
Reroutes a line such that it's connected at the two closest connection sites on the connected
page elements.
Response |
A single response from an update.
RgbColor |
An RGB color.
Shadow |
The shadow properties of a page element.
Shape |
A PageElement kind representing a generic shape that does not have a more specific
ShapeBackgroundFill |
The shape background fill.
ShapeProperties |
The properties of a Shape.
SheetsChart |
A PageElement kind representing a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
SheetsChartProperties |
The properties of the SheetsChart.
Size |
A width and height.
SlideProperties |
The properties of Page that are only relevant for pages with page_type SLIDE.
SolidFill |
A solid color fill.
SpeakerSpotlight |
A PageElement kind representing a Speaker Spotlight.
SpeakerSpotlightProperties |
The properties of the SpeakerSpotlight.
StretchedPictureFill |
The stretched picture fill.
SubstringMatchCriteria |
A criteria that matches a specific string of text in a shape or table.
Table |
A PageElement kind representing a table.
TableBorderCell |
The properties of each border cell.
TableBorderFill |
The fill of the border.
TableBorderProperties |
The border styling properties of the TableBorderCell.
TableBorderRow |
Contents of each border row in a table.
TableCell |
Properties and contents of each table cell.
TableCellBackgroundFill |
The table cell background fill.
TableCellLocation |
A location of a single table cell within a table.
TableCellProperties |
The properties of the TableCell.
TableColumnProperties |
Properties of each column in a table.
TableRange |
A table range represents a reference to a subset of a table.
TableRow |
Properties and contents of each row in a table.
TableRowProperties |
Properties of each row in a table.
TextContent |
The general text content.
TextElement |
A TextElement describes the content of a range of indices in the text content of a Shape or
TextRun |
A TextElement kind that represents a run of text that all has the same styling.
TextStyle |
Represents the styling that can be applied to a TextRun.
ThemeColorPair |
A pair mapping a theme color type to the concrete color it represents.
Thumbnail |
The thumbnail of a page.
UngroupObjectsRequest |
Ungroups objects, such as groups.
UnmergeTableCellsRequest |
Unmerges cells in a Table.
UpdateImagePropertiesRequest |
Update the properties of an Image.
UpdateLineCategoryRequest |
Updates the category of a line.
UpdateLinePropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of a Line.
UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest |
Updates the alt text title and/or description of a page element.
UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest |
Updates the Z-order of page elements.
UpdatePageElementTransformRequest |
Updates the transform of a page element.
UpdatePagePropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of a Page.
UpdateParagraphStyleRequest |
Updates the styling for all of the paragraphs within a Shape or Table that overlap with the given
text index range.
UpdateShapePropertiesRequest |
Update the properties of a Shape.
UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of a Slide.
UpdateSlidesPositionRequest |
Updates the position of slides in the presentation.
UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of the table borders in a Table.
UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest |
Update the properties of a TableCell.
UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of a Table column.
UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest |
Updates the properties of a Table row.
UpdateTextStyleRequest |
Update the styling of text in a Shape or Table.
UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest |
Update the properties of a Video.
Video |
A PageElement kind representing a video.
VideoProperties |
The properties of the Video.
WeightedFontFamily |
Represents a font family and weight used to style a TextRun.
WordArt |
A PageElement kind representing word art.
WriteControl |
Provides control over how write requests are executed.
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