- get(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations
Gets the latest version of the specified presentation.
- Get(String) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
Gets the latest version of the specified presentation.
- get(String, String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages
Gets the latest version of the specified page in the presentation.
- Get(String, String) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
Gets the latest version of the specified page in the presentation.
- get$Xgafv() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
V1 error format.
- getAbstractGoogleClient() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
OAuth access token.
- getAlignment() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The text alignment for this paragraph.
- getAlignment() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The alignment point of the shadow, that sets the origin for translate, scale and skew of the
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The alpha value of this color in the gradient band.
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The alpha of the shadow's color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- getAlpha() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
The fraction of this `color` that should be applied to the pixel.
- getAlt() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Data format for response.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The rotation angle of the crop window around its center, in radians.
- getApplyMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The apply mode of the transform update.
- getAutofit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The autofit properties of the shape.
- getAutofitType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The autofit type of the shape.
- getAutoPlay() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
Whether to enable video autoplay when the page is displayed in present mode.
- getAutoText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A TextElement representing a spot in the text that is dynamically replaced with content that
can change over time.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The background color of the text.
- getBaselineOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The text's vertical offset from its normal position.
- getBlue() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The blue component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- getBlurRadius() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The radius of the shadow blur.
- getBold() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is rendered as bold.
- getBorderPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The border position in the table range the updates should apply to.
- getBottomOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the bottom edge of the crop rectangle that is located above the original
bounding rectangle bottom edge, relative to the object's original height.
- getBrightness() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The brightness effect of the image.
- getBullet() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphMarker
The bullet for this paragraph.
- getBulletPreset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The kinds of bullet glyphs to be used.
- getBulletStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The paragraph specific text style applied to this bullet.
- getBulletStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NestingLevel
The style of a bullet at this level of nesting.
- getCallback() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- getCategory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The category of the line to be created.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The optional table cell location if the text to be modified is in a table cell.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The optional table cell location if the text to be modified is in a table cell.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableColumnRequest
The reference table cell location from which a column will be deleted.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableRowRequest
The reference table cell location from which a row will be deleted.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The optional table cell location if the text is to be deleted from a table cell.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The reference table cell location from which columns will be inserted.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The reference table cell location from which rows will be inserted.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The optional table cell location if the text is to be inserted into a table cell.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The location of the cell in the table containing the paragraph(s) to style.
- getCellLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The location of the cell in the table containing the text to style.
- getChartId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
- getChartId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
- getChartId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that is embedded.
- getChartImageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChartProperties
The properties of the embedded chart image.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Group
The collection of elements in the group.
- getChildrenObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
The object IDs of the objects to group.
- getColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The color of the gradient stop.
- getColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The shadow color value.
- getColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
The color value of the solid fill.
- getColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ThemeColorPair
The concrete color corresponding to the theme color type above.
- getColors() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorScheme
The ThemeColorType and corresponding concrete color pairs.
- getColorScheme() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageProperties
The color scheme of the page.
- getColumnIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellLocation
The 0-based column index.
- getColumnIndices() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The list of zero-based indices specifying which columns to update.
- getColumns() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
Number of columns in the table.
- getColumns() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Number of columns in the table.
- getColumnSpan() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
Column span of the cell.
- getColumnSpan() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The column span of the table range.
- getColumnWidth() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableColumnProperties
Width of a column.
- getConnectedObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineConnection
The object ID of the connected page element.
- getConnectionSiteIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineConnection
The index of the connection site on the connected page element.
- getContainsText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
If set, this request will replace all of the shapes that contain the given text.
- getContainsText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The criteria that the shapes must match in order to be replaced.
- getContainsText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
Finds text in a shape matching this substring.
- getContent() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The rendered content of this auto text, if available.
- getContent() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextRun
The text of this run.
- getContentAlignment() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The alignment of the content in the shape.
- getContentAlignment() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellProperties
The alignment of the content in the table cell.
- getContentUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
An URL to an image with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- getContentUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The URL of an image of the embedded chart, with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- getContentUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
Reading the content_url: An URL to a picture with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- getContentUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The content URL of the thumbnail image.
- getContrast() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The contrast effect of the image.
- getCreateImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates an image.
- getCreateImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating an image.
- getCreateLine() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a line.
- getCreateLine() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a line.
- getCreateParagraphBullets() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates bullets for paragraphs.
- getCreateShape() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new shape.
- getCreateShape() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a shape.
- getCreateSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates an embedded Google Sheets chart.
- getCreateSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a Google Sheets chart.
- getCreateSlide() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new slide.
- getCreateSlide() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a slide.
- getCreateTable() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new table.
- getCreateTable() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a table.
- getCreateVideo() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a video.
- getCreateVideo() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a video.
- getCropProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The crop properties of the image.
- getDashStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The dash style of the line.
- getDashStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The dash style of the outline.
- getDashStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The dash style of the border.
- getDeleteObject() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a page or page element from the presentation.
- getDeleteParagraphBullets() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes bullets from paragraphs.
- getDeleteTableColumn() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a column from a table.
- getDeleteTableRow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a row from a table.
- getDeleteText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes text from a shape or a table cell.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The description of the page element.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The updated alt text description of the page element.
- getDirection() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The text direction of this paragraph.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The human-readable name of the layout.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MasterProperties
The human-readable name of the master.
- getDuplicateObject() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Duplicates a slide or page element.
- getDuplicateObject() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of duplicating an object.
- getElementGroup() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A collection of page elements joined as a single unit.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
The element properties for the image.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The element properties for the line.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
The element properties for the shape.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The element properties for the chart.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
The element properties for the table.
- getElementProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The element properties for the video.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The time at which to end playback, measured in seconds from the beginning of the video.
- getEndArrow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The style of the arrow at the end of the line.
- getEndConnection() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The connection at the end of the line.
- getEndIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The optional zero-based index of the end of the collection.
- getEndIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
The zero-based end index of this text element, exclusive, in Unicode code units.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
- getFontFamily() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The font family of the text.
- getFontFamily() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WeightedFontFamily
The font family of the text.
- getFontScale() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The font scale applied to the shape.
- getFontSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The size of the text's font.
- getForegroundColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The color of the text itself.
- getGlyph() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The rendered bullet glyph for this paragraph.
- getGreen() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The green component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- getGroupObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
A user-supplied object ID for the group to be created.
- getGroupObjects() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Groups objects, such as page elements.
- getGroupObjects() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of grouping objects.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
The height of the object.
- getHeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The positive height in pixels of the thumbnail image.
- getHorizontalBorderRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of horizontal cell borders.
- getId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The video source's unique identifier for this video.
- getId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The video source's unique identifier for this video.
- getImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
An image page element.
- getImageObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The ID of the existing image that will be replaced.
- getImageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
The properties of the image.
- getImageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The image properties to update.
- getImageReplaceMethod() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The image replace method.
- getImageReplaceMethod() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The replacement method.
- getImageUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The image URL.
- getIndentEnd() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the end of the text,
based on the current text direction.
- getIndentFirstLine() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of indentation for the start of the first line of the paragraph.
- getIndentStart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the start of the text,
based on the current text direction.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The index of the placeholder.
- getInsertBelow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
Whether to insert new rows below the reference cell location.
- getInsertionIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
The optional zero-based index indicating where to insert the slides.
- getInsertionIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The index where the text will be inserted, in Unicode code units, based on TextElement indexes.
- getInsertionIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidesPositionRequest
The index where the slides should be inserted, based on the slide arrangement before the move
takes place.
- getInsertRight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
Whether to insert new columns to the right of the reference cell location.
- getInsertTableColumns() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts columns into a table.
- getInsertTableRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts rows into a table.
- getInsertText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts text into a shape or table cell.
- getIsSkipped() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
Whether the slide is skipped in the presentation mode.
- getItalic() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is italicized.
- getKey() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
API key.
- getLayoutId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutReference
Layout ID: the object ID of one of the layouts in the presentation.
- getLayoutObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The object ID of the layout that this slide is based on.
- getLayoutPlaceholder() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
The placeholder on a layout that will be applied to a slide.
- getLayoutPlaceholderObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
The object ID of the placeholder on a layout that will be applied to a slide.
- getLayoutProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Layout specific properties.
- getLayouts() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The layouts in the presentation.
- getLeftOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the left edge of the crop rectangle that is located to the right of the
original bounding rectangle left edge, relative to the object's original width.
- getLine() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A line page element.
- getLineCategory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The category of the line to be created.
- getLineCategory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The category of the line.
- getLineCategory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLineCategoryRequest
The line category to update to.
- getLineFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The fill of the line.
- getLineProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The properties of the line.
- getLineProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The line properties to update.
- getLineSpacing() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of space between lines, as a percentage of normal, where normal is represented as
- getLineSpacingReduction() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The line spacing reduction applied to the shape.
- getLineType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The type of the line.
- getLink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The hyperlink destination of the image.
- getLink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The hyperlink destination of the line.
- getLink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The hyperlink destination of the shape.
- getLink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The hyperlink destination of the text.
- getLinkingMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The mode with which the chart is linked to the source spreadsheet.
- getLinkingMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The mode with which the chart is linked to the source spreadsheet.
- getListId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The ID of the list this paragraph belongs to.
- getListId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.List
The ID of the list.
- getLists() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextContent
The bulleted lists contained in this text, keyed by list ID.
- getLocale() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The locale of the presentation, as an IETF BCP 47 language tag.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderCell
The location of the border within the border table.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The location of the cell within the table.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The starting location of the table range.
- getMagnitude() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension
The magnitude.
- getMasterObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The object ID of the master that this layout is based on.
- getMasterObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The object ID of the master that this slide is based on.
- getMasterProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Master specific properties.
- getMasters() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The slide masters in the presentation.
- getMatchCase() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria
Indicates whether the search should respect case: - `True`: the search is case sensitive.
- getMergeTableCells() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Merges cells in a Table.
- getMinRowHeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRowProperties
Minimum height of the row.
- getMute() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
Whether to mute the audio during video playback.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The name of the layout.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Recolor
The name of the recolor effect.
- getNestingLevel() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The nesting level of this paragraph in the list.
- getNestingLevel() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.List
A map of nesting levels to the properties of bullets at the associated level.
- getNotesMaster() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The notes master in the presentation.
- getNotesPage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The notes page that this slide is associated with.
- getNotesProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Notes specific properties.
- getNumber() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The number of columns to be inserted.
- getNumber() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The number of rows to be inserted.
- getOauthToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageResponse
The object ID of the created image.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineResponse
The object ID of the created line.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The object ID of the shape or table containing the text to add bullets to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeResponse
The object ID of the created shape.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartResponse
The object ID of the created chart.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideResponse
The object ID of the created slide.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableResponse
The object ID of the created table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoResponse
The object ID of the created video.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteObjectRequest
The object ID of the page or page element to delete.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The object ID of the shape or table containing the text to delete bullets from.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The object ID of the shape or table from which the text will be deleted.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectRequest
The ID of the object to duplicate.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectResponse
The ID of the new duplicate object.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsResponse
The object ID of the created group.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The object ID of the shape or table where the text will be inserted.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
A user-supplied object ID for the placeholder identified above that to be created onto a slide.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MergeTableCellsRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The object ID for this page.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The object ID for this page element.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RefreshSheetsChartRequest
The object ID of the chart to refresh.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RerouteLineRequest
The object ID of the line to reroute.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UnmergeTableCellsRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the image the updates are applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLineCategoryRequest
The object ID of the line the update is applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the line the update is applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The object ID of the page element the updates are applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The object ID of the page element to update.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the page the update is applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The object ID of the shape or table with the text to be styled.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the shape the updates are applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the slide the update is applied to.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The object ID of the shape or table with the text to be styled.
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the video the updates are applied to.
- getObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectRequest
The object being duplicated may contain other objects, for example when duplicating a slide or
a group page element.
- getObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UngroupObjectsRequest
The object IDs of the objects to ungroup.
- getOccurrencesChanged() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse
The number of shapes replaced with images.
- getOccurrencesChanged() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse
The number of shapes replaced with charts.
- getOccurrencesChanged() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextResponse
The number of occurrences changed by replacing all text.
- getOpaqueColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OptionalColor
If set, this will be used as an opaque color.
- getOperation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest
The Z-order operation to apply on the page elements.
- getOutline() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The outline of the image.
- getOutline() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The outline of the shape.
- getOutline() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
The outline of the Speaker Spotlight.
- getOutline() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The outline of the video.
- getOutlineFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The fill of the outline.
- getPageBackgroundFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageProperties
The background fill of the page.
- getPageElementObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest
The object IDs of the page elements to update.
- getPageElements() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The page elements rendered on the page.
- getPageObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the specific page in this presentation with this ID.
- getPageObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The object ID of the page where the element is located.
- getPageObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
The object ID of the page to retrieve.
- getPageObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The object ID of the page whose thumbnail to retrieve.
- getPageObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- getPageObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- getPageObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- getPageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The properties of the page.
- getPageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The page properties to update.
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The size of pages in the presentation.
- getPageType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The type of the page.
- getParagraphMarker() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A marker representing the beginning of a new paragraph.
- getParentObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The object ID of this shape's parent placeholder.
- getPlaceholder() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
Placeholders are page elements that inherit from corresponding placeholders on layouts and
- getPlaceholder() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
Placeholders are page elements that inherit from corresponding placeholders on layouts and
- getPlaceholderIdMappings() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
An optional list of object ID mappings from the placeholder(s) on the layout to the
placeholders that are created on the slide from the specified layout.
- getPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The relative position of the color stop in the gradient band measured in percentage.
- getPredefinedLayout() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutReference
Predefined layout.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The presentation the updates were applied to.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The ID of the presentation.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
The presentation to apply the updates to.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- getPresentationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- getPrettyPrint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
- getPropertyState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The outline property state.
- getPropertyState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- getPropertyState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The shadow property state.
- getPropertyState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- getPropertyState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- getQuotaUser() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications.
- getRecolor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The recolor effect of the image.
- getRecolorStops() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Recolor
The recolor effect is represented by a gradient, which is a list of color stops.
- getRed() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The red component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- getRefreshSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Refreshes a Google Sheets chart.
- getRelativeLink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to a slide in this presentation, addressed by its position.
- getRenderedText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WordArt
The text rendered as word art.
- getReplaceAllShapesWithImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all shapes matching some criteria with an image.
- getReplaceAllShapesWithImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing all shapes matching some criteria with an image.
- getReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all shapes matching some criteria with a Google Sheets chart.
- getReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing all shapes matching some criteria with a Google Sheets chart.
- getReplaceAllText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all instances of specified text.
- getReplaceAllText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing text.
- getReplaceImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces an existing image with a new image.
- getReplaceMethod() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The replace method.
- getReplaceText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
The text that will replace the matched text.
- getReplies() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The reply of the updates.
- getRequests() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest
A list of updates to apply to the presentation.
- getRequiredRevisionId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WriteControl
The revision ID of the presentation required for the write request.
- getRerouteLine() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Reroutes a line such that it's connected at the two closest connection sites on the connected
page elements.
- getRevisionId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Output only.
- getRevisionId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
Output only.
- getRgbColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OpaqueColor
An opaque RGB color.
- getRightOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the right edge of the crop rectangle that is located to the left of the
original bounding rectangle right edge, relative to the object's original width.
- getRotateWithShape() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
Whether the shadow should rotate with the shape.
- getRowHeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Height of a row.
- getRowIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellLocation
The 0-based row index.
- getRowIndices() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The list of zero-based indices specifying which rows to update.
- getRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
Number of rows in the table.
- getRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Number of rows in the table.
- getRowSpan() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
Row span of the cell.
- getRowSpan() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The row span of the table range.
- getScaleX() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate scaling element.
- getScaleY() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate scaling element.
- getShadow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The shadow of the image.
- getShadow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The shadow properties of the shape.
- getShadow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
The shadow of the Speaker Spotlight.
- getShape() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A generic shape.
- getShapeBackgroundFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The background fill of the shape.
- getShapeProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The properties of the shape.
- getShapeProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The shape properties to update.
- getShapeType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
The shape type.
- getShapeType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The type of the shape.
- getShearX() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate shearing element.
- getShearY() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate shearing element.
- getSheetsChart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
- getSheetsChartProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The properties of the Sheets chart.
- getSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The size of the page element.
- getSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The size of the element.
- getSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
The original size of the picture fill.
- getSlideIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the slide at this zero-based index in the presentation.
- getSlideLayoutReference() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
Layout reference of the slide to be inserted, based on the *current master*, which is one of
the following: - The master of the previous slide index.
- getSlideObjectIds() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidesPositionRequest
The IDs of the slides in the presentation that should be moved.
- getSlideProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Slide specific properties.
- getSlideProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The slide properties to update.
- getSlides() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The slides in the presentation.
- getSmallCaps() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is in small capital letters.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineFill
Solid color fill.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OutlineFill
Solid color fill.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderFill
Solid fill.
- getSolidFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The video source.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The video source.
- getSourceUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
The source URL is the URL used to insert the image.
- getSpaceAbove() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of extra space above the paragraph.
- getSpaceBelow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of extra space below the paragraph.
- getSpacingMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The spacing mode for the paragraph.
- getSpeakerNotesObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NotesProperties
The object ID of the shape on this notes page that contains the speaker notes for the
corresponding slide.
- getSpeakerSpotlight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A Speaker Spotlight.
- getSpeakerSpotlightProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlight
The properties of the Speaker Spotlight.
- getSpreadsheetId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the chart.
- getSpreadsheetId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the chart.
- getSpreadsheetId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart.
- getStart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The time at which to start playback, measured in seconds from the beginning of the video.
- getStartArrow() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The style of the arrow at the beginning of the line.
- getStartConnection() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The connection at the beginning of the line.
- getStartIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The optional zero-based index of the beginning of the collection.
- getStartIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
The zero-based start index of this text element, in Unicode code units.
- getStretchedPictureFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
Stretched picture fill.
- getStrikethrough() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is struck through.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The styling applied to this auto text.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphMarker
The paragraph's style
- getStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextRun
The styling applied to this run.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The paragraph's style.
- getStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The style(s) to set on the text.
- getTable() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A table page element.
- getTableBorderCells() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderRow
Properties of each border cell.
- getTableBorderFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The fill of the table border.
- getTableBorderProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderCell
The border properties.
- getTableBorderProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The table border properties to update.
- getTableCellBackgroundFill() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellProperties
The background fill of the table cell.
- getTableCellProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The properties of the table cell.
- getTableCellProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The table cell properties to update.
- getTableCells() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Properties and contents of each cell.
- getTableColumnProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The table column properties to update.
- getTableColumns() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of each column.
- getTableObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableColumnRequest
The table to delete columns from.
- getTableObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableRowRequest
The table to delete rows from.
- getTableObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The table to insert columns into.
- getTableObjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The table to insert rows into.
- getTableRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MergeTableCellsRequest
The table range specifying which cells of the table to merge.
- getTableRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UnmergeTableCellsRequest
The table range specifying which cells of the table to unmerge.
- getTableRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The table range representing the subset of the table to which the updates are applied.
- getTableRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The table range representing the subset of the table to which the updates are applied.
- getTableRowProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Properties of the row.
- getTableRowProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The table row properties to update.
- getTableRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties and contents of each row.
- getText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The text to be inserted.
- getText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The text content of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria
The text to search for in the shape or table.
- getText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The text content of the cell.
- getTextElements() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextContent
The text contents broken down into its component parts, including styling information.
- getTextRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The range of text to apply the bullet presets to, based on TextElement indexes.
- getTextRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The range of text to delete bullets from, based on TextElement indexes.
- getTextRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The range of text to delete, based on TextElement indexes.
- getTextRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The range of text containing the paragraph(s) to style.
- getTextRange() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The range of text to style.
- getTextRun() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A TextElement representing a run of text where all of the characters in the run have the same
- getThemeColor() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OpaqueColor
An opaque theme color.
- getThumbnail(String, String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages
Generates a thumbnail of the latest version of the specified page in the presentation and returns
a URL to the thumbnail image.
- GetThumbnail(String, String) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
Generates a thumbnail of the latest version of the specified page in the presentation and
returns a URL to the thumbnail image.
- getThumbnailPropertiesMimeType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The optional mime type of the thumbnail image.
- getThumbnailPropertiesThumbnailSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The optional thumbnail image size.
- getTitle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The title of the page element.
- getTitle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The title of the presentation.
- getTitle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The updated alt text title of the page element.
- getTopOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the top edge of the crop rectangle that is located below the original
bounding rectangle top edge, relative to the object's original height.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The transform of the page element.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The transform for the element.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
Transform that encodes the translate, scale, and skew of the shadow, relative to the alignment
- getTransform() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The input transform matrix used to update the page element.
- getTranslateX() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate translation element.
- getTranslateY() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate translation element.
- getTransparency() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The transparency effect of the image.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The type of this auto text.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The type of the placeholder.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The type of range.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The type of the shadow.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ThemeColorPair
The type of the theme color.
- getUnderline() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is underlined.
- getUngroupObjects() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Ungroups objects, such as groups.
- getUnit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The units for translate elements.
- getUnit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension
The units for magnitude.
- getUnmergeTableCells() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Unmerges cells in a Table.
- getUpdateImageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of an Image.
- getUpdateLineCategory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the category of a line.
- getUpdateLineProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Line.
- getUpdatePageElementAltText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the alt text title and/or description of a page element.
- getUpdatePageElementsZOrder() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the Z-order of page elements.
- getUpdatePageElementTransform() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the transform of a page element.
- getUpdatePageProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Page.
- getUpdateParagraphStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the styling of paragraphs within a Shape or Table.
- getUpdateShapeProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Shape.
- getUpdateSlideProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Slide
- getUpdateSlidesPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the position of a set of slides in the presentation.
- getUpdateTableBorderProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of the table borders in a Table.
- getUpdateTableCellProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a TableCell.
- getUpdateTableColumnProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Table column.
- getUpdateTableRowProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Table row.
- getUpdateTextStyle() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the styling of text within a Shape or Table.
- getUpdateVideoProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Video.
- getUploadProtocol() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Upload protocol for media (e.g.
- getUploadType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
The image URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the external web page at this URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The image URL.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
An URL to a video.
- getVerticalBorderRows() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of vertical cell borders.
- getVideo() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A video page element.
- getVideoProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The video properties to update.
- getVideoProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The properties of the video.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The thickness of the line.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The thickness of the outline.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The thickness of the border.
- getWeight() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WeightedFontFamily
The rendered weight of the text.
- getWeightedFontFamily() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The font family and rendered weight of the text.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
The width of the object.
- getWidth() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The positive width in pixels of the thumbnail image.
- getWordArt() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A word art page element.
- getWriteControl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest
Provides control over how write requests are executed.
- getWriteControl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The updated write control after applying the request.
- Group - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A PageElement kind representing a joined collection of PageElements.
- Group() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Group
- GroupObjectsRequest - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
Groups objects to create an object group.
- GroupObjectsRequest() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
- GroupObjectsResponse - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The result of grouping objects.
- GroupObjectsResponse() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorScheme
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteObjectRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableColumnRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableRowRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Group
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutReference
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineConnection
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.List
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MasterProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MergeTableCellsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NestingLevel
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NotesProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OpaqueColor
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OptionalColor
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OutlineFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphMarker
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Recolor
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RefreshSheetsChartRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RerouteLineRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChartProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlight
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderCell
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderRow
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellBackgroundFill
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableColumnProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRowProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextContent
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextRun
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ThemeColorPair
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UngroupObjectsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UnmergeTableCellsRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLineCategoryRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidesPositionRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WeightedFontFamily
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WordArt
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WriteControl
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
V1 error format.
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
OAuth access token.
- setAlignment(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The text alignment for this paragraph.
- setAlignment(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The alignment point of the shadow, that sets the origin for translate, scale and skew of the
- setAlpha(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The alpha value of this color in the gradient band.
- setAlpha(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The alpha of the shadow's color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- setAlpha(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
The fraction of this `color` that should be applied to the pixel.
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Data format for response.
- setAngle(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The rotation angle of the crop window around its center, in radians.
- setApplicationName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setApplyMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The apply mode of the transform update.
- setAutofit(Autofit) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The autofit properties of the shape.
- setAutofitType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The autofit type of the shape.
- setAutoPlay(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
Whether to enable video autoplay when the page is displayed in present mode.
- setAutoText(AutoText) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A TextElement representing a spot in the text that is dynamically replaced with content that
can change over time.
- setBackgroundColor(OptionalColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The background color of the text.
- setBaselineOffset(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The text's vertical offset from its normal position.
- setBatchPath(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setBlue(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The blue component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- setBlurRadius(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The radius of the shadow blur.
- setBold(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is rendered as bold.
- setBorderPosition(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The border position in the table range the updates should apply to.
- setBottomOffset(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the bottom edge of the crop rectangle that is located above the original
bounding rectangle bottom edge, relative to the object's original height.
- setBrightness(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The brightness effect of the image.
- setBullet(Bullet) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphMarker
The bullet for this paragraph.
- setBulletPreset(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The kinds of bullet glyphs to be used.
- setBulletStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The paragraph specific text style applied to this bullet.
- setBulletStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NestingLevel
The style of a bullet at this level of nesting.
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- setCategory(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The category of the line to be created.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The optional table cell location if the text to be modified is in a table cell.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The optional table cell location if the text to be modified is in a table cell.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableColumnRequest
The reference table cell location from which a column will be deleted.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableRowRequest
The reference table cell location from which a row will be deleted.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The optional table cell location if the text is to be deleted from a table cell.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The reference table cell location from which columns will be inserted.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The reference table cell location from which rows will be inserted.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The optional table cell location if the text is to be inserted into a table cell.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The location of the cell in the table containing the paragraph(s) to style.
- setCellLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The location of the cell in the table containing the text to style.
- setChartId(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
- setChartId(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
- setChartId(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that is embedded.
- setChartImageProperties(ImageProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChartProperties
The properties of the embedded chart image.
- setChildren(List<PageElement>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Group
The collection of elements in the group.
- setChildrenObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
The object IDs of the objects to group.
- setColor(OpaqueColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The color of the gradient stop.
- setColor(OpaqueColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The shadow color value.
- setColor(OpaqueColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
The color value of the solid fill.
- setColor(RgbColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ThemeColorPair
The concrete color corresponding to the theme color type above.
- setColors(List<ThemeColorPair>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorScheme
The ThemeColorType and corresponding concrete color pairs.
- setColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageProperties
The color scheme of the page.
- setColumnIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellLocation
The 0-based column index.
- setColumnIndices(List<Integer>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The list of zero-based indices specifying which columns to update.
- setColumns(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
Number of columns in the table.
- setColumns(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Number of columns in the table.
- setColumnSpan(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
Column span of the cell.
- setColumnSpan(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The column span of the table range.
- setColumnWidth(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableColumnProperties
Width of a column.
- setConnectedObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineConnection
The object ID of the connected page element.
- setConnectionSiteIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineConnection
The index of the connection site on the connected page element.
- setContainsText(SubstringMatchCriteria) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
If set, this request will replace all of the shapes that contain the given text.
- setContainsText(SubstringMatchCriteria) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The criteria that the shapes must match in order to be replaced.
- setContainsText(SubstringMatchCriteria) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
Finds text in a shape matching this substring.
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The rendered content of this auto text, if available.
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextRun
The text of this run.
- setContentAlignment(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The alignment of the content in the shape.
- setContentAlignment(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellProperties
The alignment of the content in the table cell.
- setContentUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
An URL to an image with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- setContentUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The URL of an image of the embedded chart, with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- setContentUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
Reading the content_url: An URL to a picture with a default lifetime of 30 minutes.
- setContentUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The content URL of the thumbnail image.
- setContrast(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The contrast effect of the image.
- setCreateImage(CreateImageRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates an image.
- setCreateImage(CreateImageResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating an image.
- setCreateLine(CreateLineRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a line.
- setCreateLine(CreateLineResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a line.
- setCreateParagraphBullets(CreateParagraphBulletsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates bullets for paragraphs.
- setCreateShape(CreateShapeRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new shape.
- setCreateShape(CreateShapeResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a shape.
- setCreateSheetsChart(CreateSheetsChartRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates an embedded Google Sheets chart.
- setCreateSheetsChart(CreateSheetsChartResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a Google Sheets chart.
- setCreateSlide(CreateSlideRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new slide.
- setCreateSlide(CreateSlideResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a slide.
- setCreateTable(CreateTableRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a new table.
- setCreateTable(CreateTableResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a table.
- setCreateVideo(CreateVideoRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Creates a video.
- setCreateVideo(CreateVideoResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of creating a video.
- setCropProperties(CropProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The crop properties of the image.
- setDashStyle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The dash style of the line.
- setDashStyle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The dash style of the outline.
- setDashStyle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The dash style of the border.
- setDeleteObject(DeleteObjectRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a page or page element from the presentation.
- setDeleteParagraphBullets(DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes bullets from paragraphs.
- setDeleteTableColumn(DeleteTableColumnRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a column from a table.
- setDeleteTableRow(DeleteTableRowRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes a row from a table.
- setDeleteText(DeleteTextRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Deletes text from a shape or a table cell.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The description of the page element.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The updated alt text description of the page element.
- setDirection(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The text direction of this paragraph.
- setDisableGZipContent(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The human-readable name of the layout.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MasterProperties
The human-readable name of the master.
- setDuplicateObject(DuplicateObjectRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Duplicates a slide or page element.
- setDuplicateObject(DuplicateObjectResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of duplicating an object.
- setElementGroup(Group) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A collection of page elements joined as a single unit.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
The element properties for the image.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The element properties for the line.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
The element properties for the shape.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The element properties for the chart.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
The element properties for the table.
- setElementProperties(PageElementProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The element properties for the video.
- setEnd(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The time at which to end playback, measured in seconds from the beginning of the video.
- setEndArrow(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The style of the arrow at the end of the line.
- setEndConnection(LineConnection) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The connection at the end of the line.
- setEndIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The optional zero-based index of the end of the collection.
- setEndIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
The zero-based end index of this text element, exclusive, in Unicode code units.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The fields that should be updated.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
- setFontFamily(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The font family of the text.
- setFontFamily(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WeightedFontFamily
The font family of the text.
- setFontScale(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The font scale applied to the shape.
- setFontSize(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The size of the text's font.
- setForegroundColor(OptionalColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The color of the text itself.
- setGlyph(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The rendered bullet glyph for this paragraph.
- setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(GoogleClientRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setGreen(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The green component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- setGroupObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsRequest
A user-supplied object ID for the group to be created.
- setGroupObjects(GroupObjectsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Groups objects, such as page elements.
- setGroupObjects(GroupObjectsResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of grouping objects.
- setHeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
The height of the object.
- setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The positive height in pixels of the thumbnail image.
- setHorizontalBorderRows(List<TableBorderRow>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of horizontal cell borders.
- setHttpRequestInitializer(HttpRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The video source's unique identifier for this video.
- setId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The video source's unique identifier for this video.
- setImage(Image) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
An image page element.
- setImageObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The ID of the existing image that will be replaced.
- setImageProperties(ImageProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
The properties of the image.
- setImageProperties(ImageProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The image properties to update.
- setImageReplaceMethod(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The image replace method.
- setImageReplaceMethod(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The replacement method.
- setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The image URL.
- setIndentEnd(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the end of the text,
based on the current text direction.
- setIndentFirstLine(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of indentation for the start of the first line of the paragraph.
- setIndentStart(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the start of the text,
based on the current text direction.
- setIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The index of the placeholder.
- setInsertBelow(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
Whether to insert new rows below the reference cell location.
- setInsertionIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
The optional zero-based index indicating where to insert the slides.
- setInsertionIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The index where the text will be inserted, in Unicode code units, based on TextElement indexes.
- setInsertionIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidesPositionRequest
The index where the slides should be inserted, based on the slide arrangement before the move
takes place.
- setInsertRight(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
Whether to insert new columns to the right of the reference cell location.
- setInsertTableColumns(InsertTableColumnsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts columns into a table.
- setInsertTableRows(InsertTableRowsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts rows into a table.
- setInsertText(InsertTextRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Inserts text into a shape or table cell.
- setIsSkipped(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
Whether the slide is skipped in the presentation mode.
- setItalic(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is italicized.
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
API key.
- setLayoutId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutReference
Layout ID: the object ID of one of the layouts in the presentation.
- setLayoutObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The object ID of the layout that this slide is based on.
- setLayoutPlaceholder(Placeholder) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
The placeholder on a layout that will be applied to a slide.
- setLayoutPlaceholderObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
The object ID of the placeholder on a layout that will be applied to a slide.
- setLayoutProperties(LayoutProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Layout specific properties.
- setLayouts(List<Page>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The layouts in the presentation.
- setLeftOffset(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the left edge of the crop rectangle that is located to the right of the
original bounding rectangle left edge, relative to the object's original width.
- setLine(Line) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A line page element.
- setLineCategory(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
The category of the line to be created.
- setLineCategory(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The category of the line.
- setLineCategory(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLineCategoryRequest
The line category to update to.
- setLineFill(LineFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The fill of the line.
- setLineProperties(LineProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The properties of the line.
- setLineProperties(LineProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The line properties to update.
- setLineSpacing(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of space between lines, as a percentage of normal, where normal is represented as
- setLineSpacingReduction(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Autofit
The line spacing reduction applied to the shape.
- setLineType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Line
The type of the line.
- setLink(Link) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The hyperlink destination of the image.
- setLink(Link) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The hyperlink destination of the line.
- setLink(Link) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The hyperlink destination of the shape.
- setLink(Link) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The hyperlink destination of the text.
- setLinkingMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The mode with which the chart is linked to the source spreadsheet.
- setLinkingMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The mode with which the chart is linked to the source spreadsheet.
- setListId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The ID of the list this paragraph belongs to.
- setListId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.List
The ID of the list.
- setLists(Map<String, List>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextContent
The bulleted lists contained in this text, keyed by list ID.
- setLocale(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The locale of the presentation, as an IETF BCP 47 language tag.
- setLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderCell
The location of the border within the border table.
- setLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The location of the cell within the table.
- setLocation(TableCellLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The starting location of the table range.
- setMagnitude(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension
The magnitude.
- setMasterObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The object ID of the master that this layout is based on.
- setMasterObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The object ID of the master that this slide is based on.
- setMasterProperties(MasterProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Master specific properties.
- setMasters(List<Page>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The slide masters in the presentation.
- setMatchCase(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria
Indicates whether the search should respect case: - `True`: the search is case sensitive.
- setMergeTableCells(MergeTableCellsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Merges cells in a Table.
- setMinRowHeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRowProperties
Minimum height of the row.
- setMute(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
Whether to mute the audio during video playback.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutProperties
The name of the layout.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Recolor
The name of the recolor effect.
- setNestingLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Bullet
The nesting level of this paragraph in the list.
- setNestingLevel(Map<String, NestingLevel>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.List
A map of nesting levels to the properties of bullets at the associated level.
- setNotesMaster(Page) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The notes master in the presentation.
- setNotesPage(Page) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
The notes page that this slide is associated with.
- setNotesProperties(NotesProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Notes specific properties.
- setNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The number of columns to be inserted.
- setNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The number of rows to be inserted.
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageResponse
The object ID of the created image.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateLineResponse
The object ID of the created line.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The object ID of the shape or table containing the text to add bullets to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeResponse
The object ID of the created shape.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartResponse
The object ID of the created chart.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideResponse
The object ID of the created slide.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableResponse
The object ID of the created table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
A user-supplied object ID.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoResponse
The object ID of the created video.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteObjectRequest
The object ID of the page or page element to delete.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The object ID of the shape or table containing the text to delete bullets from.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The object ID of the shape or table from which the text will be deleted.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectRequest
The ID of the object to duplicate.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectResponse
The ID of the new duplicate object.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.GroupObjectsResponse
The object ID of the created group.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The object ID of the shape or table where the text will be inserted.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping
A user-supplied object ID for the placeholder identified above that to be created onto a slide.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MergeTableCellsRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The object ID for this page.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The object ID for this page element.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RefreshSheetsChartRequest
The object ID of the chart to refresh.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RerouteLineRequest
The object ID of the line to reroute.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UnmergeTableCellsRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateImagePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the image the updates are applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLineCategoryRequest
The object ID of the line the update is applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateLinePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the line the update is applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The object ID of the page element the updates are applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The object ID of the page element to update.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the page the update is applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The object ID of the shape or table with the text to be styled.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the shape the updates are applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The object ID of the slide the update is applied to.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the table.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The object ID of the shape or table with the text to be styled.
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The object ID of the video the updates are applied to.
- setObjectIds(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DuplicateObjectRequest
The object being duplicated may contain other objects, for example when duplicating a slide or
a group page element.
- setObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UngroupObjectsRequest
The object IDs of the objects to ungroup.
- setOccurrencesChanged(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse
The number of shapes replaced with images.
- setOccurrencesChanged(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse
The number of shapes replaced with charts.
- setOccurrencesChanged(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextResponse
The number of occurrences changed by replacing all text.
- setOpaqueColor(OpaqueColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OptionalColor
If set, this will be used as an opaque color.
- setOperation(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest
The Z-order operation to apply on the page elements.
- setOutline(Outline) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The outline of the image.
- setOutline(Outline) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The outline of the shape.
- setOutline(Outline) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
The outline of the Speaker Spotlight.
- setOutline(Outline) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The outline of the video.
- setOutlineFill(OutlineFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The fill of the outline.
- setPageBackgroundFill(PageBackgroundFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageProperties
The background fill of the page.
- setPageElementObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest
The object IDs of the page elements to update.
- setPageElements(List<PageElement>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The page elements rendered on the page.
- setPageObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the specific page in this presentation with this ID.
- setPageObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The object ID of the page where the element is located.
- setPageObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
The object ID of the page to retrieve.
- setPageObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The object ID of the page whose thumbnail to retrieve.
- setPageObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- setPageObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- setPageObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
If non-empty, limits the matches to page elements only on the given pages.
- setPageProperties(PageProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The properties of the page.
- setPageProperties(PageProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePagePropertiesRequest
The page properties to update.
- setPageSize(Size) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The size of pages in the presentation.
- setPageType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
The type of the page.
- setParagraphMarker(ParagraphMarker) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A marker representing the beginning of a new paragraph.
- setParentObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The object ID of this shape's parent placeholder.
- setPlaceholder(Placeholder) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
Placeholders are page elements that inherit from corresponding placeholders on layouts and
- setPlaceholder(Placeholder) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
Placeholders are page elements that inherit from corresponding placeholders on layouts and
- setPlaceholderIdMappings(List<LayoutPlaceholderIdMapping>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
An optional list of object ID mappings from the placeholder(s) on the layout to the
placeholders that are created on the slide from the specified layout.
- setPosition(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ColorStop
The relative position of the color stop in the gradient band measured in percentage.
- setPredefinedLayout(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LayoutReference
Predefined layout.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The presentation the updates were applied to.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The ID of the presentation.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
The presentation to apply the updates to.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- setPresentationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The ID of the presentation to retrieve.
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
- setPropertyState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The outline property state.
- setPropertyState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- setPropertyState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The shadow property state.
- setPropertyState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- setPropertyState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellBackgroundFill
The background fill property state.
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications.
- setRecolor(Recolor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The recolor effect of the image.
- setRecolorStops(List<ColorStop>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Recolor
The recolor effect is represented by a gradient, which is a list of color stops.
- setRed(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.RgbColor
The red component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- setRefreshSheetsChart(RefreshSheetsChartRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Refreshes a Google Sheets chart.
- setRelativeLink(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to a slide in this presentation, addressed by its position.
- setRenderedText(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WordArt
The text rendered as word art.
- setReplaceAllShapesWithImage(ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all shapes matching some criteria with an image.
- setReplaceAllShapesWithImage(ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing all shapes matching some criteria with an image.
- setReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart(ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all shapes matching some criteria with a Google Sheets chart.
- setReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart(ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing all shapes matching some criteria with a Google Sheets chart.
- setReplaceAllText(ReplaceAllTextRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces all instances of specified text.
- setReplaceAllText(ReplaceAllTextResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response
The result of replacing text.
- setReplaceImage(ReplaceImageRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Replaces an existing image with a new image.
- setReplaceMethod(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest
The replace method.
- setReplaceText(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest
The text that will replace the matched text.
- setReplies(List<Response>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The reply of the updates.
- setRequestHeaders(HttpHeaders) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- setRequests(List<Request>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest
A list of updates to apply to the presentation.
- setRequiredRevisionId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WriteControl
The revision ID of the presentation required for the write request.
- setRerouteLine(RerouteLineRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Reroutes a line such that it's connected at the two closest connection sites on the connected
page elements.
- setRevisionId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Output only.
- setRevisionId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
Output only.
- setRgbColor(RgbColor) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OpaqueColor
An opaque RGB color.
- setRightOffset(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the right edge of the crop rectangle that is located to the left of the
original bounding rectangle right edge, relative to the object's original width.
- setRootUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setRotateWithShape(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
Whether the shadow should rotate with the shape.
- setRowHeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Height of a row.
- setRowIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellLocation
The 0-based row index.
- setRowIndices(List<Integer>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The list of zero-based indices specifying which rows to update.
- setRows(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateTableRequest
Number of rows in the table.
- setRows(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Number of rows in the table.
- setRowSpan(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
Row span of the cell.
- setRowSpan(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRange
The row span of the table range.
- setScaleX(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate scaling element.
- setScaleY(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate scaling element.
- setServicePath(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setShadow(Shadow) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The shadow of the image.
- setShadow(Shadow) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The shadow properties of the shape.
- setShadow(Shadow) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
The shadow of the Speaker Spotlight.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A generic shape.
- setShapeBackgroundFill(ShapeBackgroundFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
The background fill of the shape.
- setShapeProperties(ShapeProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The properties of the shape.
- setShapeProperties(ShapeProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateShapePropertiesRequest
The shape properties to update.
- setShapeType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateShapeRequest
The shape type.
- setShapeType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The type of the shape.
- setShearX(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate shearing element.
- setShearY(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate shearing element.
- setSheetsChart(SheetsChart) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
- setSheetsChartProperties(SheetsChartProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The properties of the Sheets chart.
- setSize(Size) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The size of the page element.
- setSize(Size) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The size of the element.
- setSize(Size) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
The original size of the picture fill.
- setSlideIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the slide at this zero-based index in the presentation.
- setSlideLayoutReference(LayoutReference) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSlideRequest
Layout reference of the slide to be inserted, based on the *current master*, which is one of
the following: - The master of the previous slide index.
- setSlideObjectIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidesPositionRequest
The IDs of the slides in the presentation that should be moved.
- setSlideProperties(SlideProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Page
Slide specific properties.
- setSlideProperties(SlideProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest
The slide properties to update.
- setSlides(List<Page>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The slides in the presentation.
- setSlidesRequestInitializer(SlidesRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setSmallCaps(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is in small capital letters.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineFill
Solid color fill.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OutlineFill
Solid color fill.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderFill
Solid fill.
- setSolidFill(SolidFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellBackgroundFill
Solid color fill.
- setSource(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateVideoRequest
The video source.
- setSource(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The video source.
- setSourceUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Image
The source URL is the URL used to insert the image.
- setSpaceAbove(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of extra space above the paragraph.
- setSpaceBelow(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The amount of extra space below the paragraph.
- setSpacingMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphStyle
The spacing mode for the paragraph.
- setSpeakerNotesObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.NotesProperties
The object ID of the shape on this notes page that contains the speaker notes for the
corresponding slide.
- setSpeakerSpotlight(SpeakerSpotlight) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A Speaker Spotlight.
- setSpeakerSpotlightProperties(SpeakerSpotlightProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlight
The properties of the Speaker Spotlight.
- setSpreadsheetId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the chart.
- setSpreadsheetId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the chart.
- setSpreadsheetId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart.
- setStart(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.VideoProperties
The time at which to start playback, measured in seconds from the beginning of the video.
- setStartArrow(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The style of the arrow at the beginning of the line.
- setStartConnection(LineConnection) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The connection at the beginning of the line.
- setStartIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The optional zero-based index of the beginning of the collection.
- setStartIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
The zero-based start index of this text element, in Unicode code units.
- setStretchedPictureFill(StretchedPictureFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageBackgroundFill
Stretched picture fill.
- setStrikethrough(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is struck through.
- setStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The styling applied to this auto text.
- setStyle(ParagraphStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ParagraphMarker
The paragraph's style
- setStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextRun
The styling applied to this run.
- setStyle(ParagraphStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The paragraph's style.
- setStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The style(s) to set on the text.
- setSuppressAllChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setSuppressPatternChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setSuppressRequiredParameterChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Builder
- setTable(Table) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A table page element.
- setTableBorderCells(List<TableBorderCell>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderRow
Properties of each border cell.
- setTableBorderFill(TableBorderFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The fill of the table border.
- setTableBorderProperties(TableBorderProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderCell
The border properties.
- setTableBorderProperties(TableBorderProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The table border properties to update.
- setTableCellBackgroundFill(TableCellBackgroundFill) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCellProperties
The background fill of the table cell.
- setTableCellProperties(TableCellProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The properties of the table cell.
- setTableCellProperties(TableCellProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The table cell properties to update.
- setTableCells(List<TableCell>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Properties and contents of each cell.
- setTableColumnProperties(TableColumnProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
The table column properties to update.
- setTableColumns(List<TableColumnProperties>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of each column.
- setTableObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableColumnRequest
The table to delete columns from.
- setTableObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTableRowRequest
The table to delete rows from.
- setTableObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableColumnsRequest
The table to insert columns into.
- setTableObjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTableRowsRequest
The table to insert rows into.
- setTableRange(TableRange) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.MergeTableCellsRequest
The table range specifying which cells of the table to merge.
- setTableRange(TableRange) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UnmergeTableCellsRequest
The table range specifying which cells of the table to unmerge.
- setTableRange(TableRange) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest
The table range representing the subset of the table to which the updates are applied.
- setTableRange(TableRange) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest
The table range representing the subset of the table to which the updates are applied.
- setTableRowProperties(TableRowProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableRow
Properties of the row.
- setTableRowProperties(TableRowProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest
The table row properties to update.
- setTableRows(List<TableRow>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties and contents of each row.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.InsertTextRequest
The text to be inserted.
- setText(TextContent) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
The text content of the shape.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria
The text to search for in the shape or table.
- setText(TextContent) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableCell
The text content of the cell.
- setTextElements(List<TextElement>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextContent
The text contents broken down into its component parts, including styling information.
- setTextRange(Range) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
The range of text to apply the bullet presets to, based on TextElement indexes.
- setTextRange(Range) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
The range of text to delete bullets from, based on TextElement indexes.
- setTextRange(Range) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.DeleteTextRequest
The range of text to delete, based on TextElement indexes.
- setTextRange(Range) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
The range of text containing the paragraph(s) to style.
- setTextRange(Range) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateTextStyleRequest
The range of text to style.
- setTextRun(TextRun) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextElement
A TextElement representing a run of text where all of the characters in the run have the same
- setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.OpaqueColor
An opaque theme color.
- setThumbnailPropertiesMimeType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The optional mime type of the thumbnail image.
- setThumbnailPropertiesThumbnailSize(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
The optional thumbnail image size.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The title of the page element.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Presentation
The title of the presentation.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest
The updated alt text title of the page element.
- setTopOffset(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CropProperties
The offset specifies the top edge of the crop rectangle that is located below the original
bounding rectangle top edge, relative to the object's original height.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
The transform of the page element.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElementProperties
The transform for the element.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
Transform that encodes the translate, scale, and skew of the shadow, relative to the alignment
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdatePageElementTransformRequest
The input transform matrix used to update the page element.
- setTranslateX(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The X coordinate translation element.
- setTranslateY(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The Y coordinate translation element.
- setTransparency(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ImageProperties
The transparency effect of the image.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AutoText
The type of this auto text.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Placeholder
The type of the placeholder.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Range
The type of range.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
The type of the shadow.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ThemeColorPair
The type of the theme color.
- setUnderline(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
Whether or not the text is underlined.
- setUngroupObjects(UngroupObjectsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Ungroups objects, such as groups.
- setUnit(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.AffineTransform
The units for translate elements.
- setUnit(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Dimension
The units for magnitude.
- setUnmergeTableCells(UnmergeTableCellsRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Unmerges cells in a Table.
- setUpdateImageProperties(UpdateImagePropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of an Image.
- setUpdateLineCategory(UpdateLineCategoryRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the category of a line.
- setUpdateLineProperties(UpdateLinePropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Line.
- setUpdatePageElementAltText(UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the alt text title and/or description of a page element.
- setUpdatePageElementsZOrder(UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the Z-order of page elements.
- setUpdatePageElementTransform(UpdatePageElementTransformRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the transform of a page element.
- setUpdatePageProperties(UpdatePagePropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Page.
- setUpdateParagraphStyle(UpdateParagraphStyleRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the styling of paragraphs within a Shape or Table.
- setUpdateShapeProperties(UpdateShapePropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Shape.
- setUpdateSlideProperties(UpdateSlidePropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Slide
- setUpdateSlidesPosition(UpdateSlidesPositionRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the position of a set of slides in the presentation.
- setUpdateTableBorderProperties(UpdateTableBorderPropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of the table borders in a Table.
- setUpdateTableCellProperties(UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a TableCell.
- setUpdateTableColumnProperties(UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Table column.
- setUpdateTableRowProperties(UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Table row.
- setUpdateTextStyle(UpdateTextStyleRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the styling of text within a Shape or Table.
- setUpdateVideoProperties(UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request
Updates the properties of a Video.
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Upload protocol for media (e.g.
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Create
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Get
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.CreateImageRequest
The image URL.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Link
If set, indicates this is a link to the external web page at this URL.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceImageRequest
The image URL.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
An URL to a video.
- setVerticalBorderRows(List<TableBorderRow>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Table
Properties of vertical cell borders.
- setVideo(Video) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A video page element.
- setVideoProperties(VideoProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest
The video properties to update.
- setVideoProperties(VideoProperties) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Video
The properties of the video.
- setWeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.LineProperties
The thickness of the line.
- setWeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Outline
The thickness of the outline.
- setWeight(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TableBorderProperties
The thickness of the border.
- setWeight(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.WeightedFontFamily
The rendered weight of the text.
- setWeightedFontFamily(WeightedFontFamily) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.TextStyle
The font family and rendered weight of the text.
- setWidth(Dimension) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
The width of the object.
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Thumbnail
The positive width in pixels of the thumbnail image.
- setWordArt(WordArt) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.PageElement
A word art page element.
- setWriteControl(WriteControl) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest
Provides control over how write requests are executed.
- setWriteControl(WriteControl) - Method in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse
The updated write control after applying the request.
- Shadow - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The shadow properties of a page element.
- Shadow() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shadow
- Shape - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A PageElement kind representing a generic shape that does not have a more specific
- Shape() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Shape
- ShapeBackgroundFill - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The shape background fill.
- ShapeBackgroundFill() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeBackgroundFill
- ShapeProperties - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The properties of a Shape.
- ShapeProperties() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ShapeProperties
- SheetsChart - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A PageElement kind representing a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
- SheetsChart() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChart
- SheetsChartProperties - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The properties of the SheetsChart.
- SheetsChartProperties() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SheetsChartProperties
- Size - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A width and height.
- Size() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Size
- SlideProperties - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The properties of Page that are only relevant for pages with page_type SLIDE.
- SlideProperties() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SlideProperties
- Slides - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
Service definition for Slides (v1).
- Slides(HttpTransport, JsonFactory, HttpRequestInitializer) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides
- Slides.Builder - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- Slides.Presentations - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
The "presentations" collection of methods.
- Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- Slides.Presentations.Create - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- Slides.Presentations.Get - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- Slides.Presentations.Pages - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
The "pages" collection of methods.
- Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
- SlidesRequest<T> - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
Slides request.
- SlidesRequest(Slides, String, String, Object, Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequest
- SlidesRequestInitializer - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
Slides request initializer for setting properties like key and userIp.
- SlidesRequestInitializer() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequestInitializer
- SlidesRequestInitializer(String) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequestInitializer
- SlidesRequestInitializer(String, String) - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesRequestInitializer
- SlidesScopes - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1
Available OAuth 2.0 scopes for use with the Google Slides API.
- SolidFill - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A solid color fill.
- SolidFill() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SolidFill
- SpeakerSpotlight - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A PageElement kind representing a Speaker Spotlight.
- SpeakerSpotlight() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlight
- SpeakerSpotlightProperties - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The properties of the SpeakerSpotlight.
- SpeakerSpotlightProperties() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SpeakerSpotlightProperties
- SPREADSHEETS - Static variable in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets.
- SPREADSHEETS_READONLY - Static variable in class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes
See all your Google Sheets spreadsheets.
- StretchedPictureFill - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
The stretched picture fill.
- StretchedPictureFill() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.StretchedPictureFill
- SubstringMatchCriteria - Class in com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model
A criteria that matches a specific string of text in a shape or table.
- SubstringMatchCriteria() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria