Properties |
Methods |
Optional code |
Type : Status
Defined in src/googleError.ts:25
Optional domain |
Type : string
Defined in src/googleError.ts:30
Optional errorInfoMetadata |
Type : literal type
Defined in src/googleError.ts:31
Optional metadata |
Type : Metadata
Defined in src/googleError.ts:27
Optional note |
Type : string
Defined in src/googleError.ts:26
Optional reason |
Type : string
Defined in src/googleError.ts:29
Optional statusDetails |
Type : string | protobuf.Message<literal type>[]
Defined in src/googleError.ts:28
Static parseGRPCStatusDetails | ||||||
parseGRPCStatusDetails(err: GoogleError)
Defined in src/googleError.ts:35
Parameters :
Returns :
Static parseHttpError | ||||||
parseHttpError(json: any)
Defined in src/googleError.ts:64
Parameters :
Returns :
import {Status, rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode} from './status';
import * as protobuf from 'protobufjs';
import {Metadata} from './grpc';
import * as serializer from 'proto3-json-serializer';
import {defaultToObjectOptions} from './fallback';
import {JSONValue} from 'proto3-json-serializer';
export class GoogleError extends Error {
code?: Status;
note?: string;
metadata?: Metadata;
statusDetails?: string | protobuf.Message<{}>[];
reason?: string;
domain?: string;
errorInfoMetadata?: {[propName: string]: string};
// Parse details field in google.rpc.status wire over gRPC medatadata.
// Promote google.rpc.ErrorInfo if exist.
static parseGRPCStatusDetails(err: GoogleError): GoogleError {
const decoder = new GoogleErrorDecoder();
try {
if (err.metadata && err.metadata.get('grpc-status-details-bin')) {
const statusDetailsObj: GRPCStatusDetailsObject =
err.metadata.get('grpc-status-details-bin') as []
if (
statusDetailsObj &&
statusDetailsObj.details &&
statusDetailsObj.details.length > 0
) {
err.statusDetails = statusDetailsObj.details;
if (statusDetailsObj && statusDetailsObj.errorInfo) {
err.reason = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.reason;
err.domain = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.domain;
err.errorInfoMetadata = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.metadata;
} catch (decodeErr) {
// ignoring the error
return err;
// Parse http JSON error and promote google.rpc.ErrorInfo if exist.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
static parseHttpError(json: any): GoogleError {
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
json = json.find((obj: any) => {
return 'error' in obj;
// fallback logic.
// related issue:
// google error mapping:
// if input json doesn't have 'error' fields, wrap the whole object with 'error' field
if (!json['error']) {
json['error'] = {};
.filter(key => key !== 'error')
.forEach(key => {
json['error'][key] = json[key];
delete json[key];
const decoder = new GoogleErrorDecoder();
const proto3Error = decoder.decodeHTTPError(json['error']);
const error = Object.assign(
new GoogleError(json['error']['message']),
// Map Http Status Code to gRPC Status Code
if (json['error']['code']) {
error.code = rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode(json['error']['code']);
} else {
// If error code is absent, proto3 message default value is 0. We should
// keep error code as undefined.
delete error.code;
// Keep consistency with gRPC statusDetails fields. gRPC details has been occupied before.
// Rename "details" to "statusDetails".
if (error.details) {
try {
const statusDetailsObj: GRPCStatusDetailsObject =
if (
statusDetailsObj &&
statusDetailsObj.details &&
statusDetailsObj.details.length > 0
) {
error.statusDetails = statusDetailsObj.details;
if (statusDetailsObj && statusDetailsObj.errorInfo) {
error.reason = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.reason;
error.domain = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.domain;
// error.metadata has been occupied for gRPC metadata, so we use
// errorInfoMetadata to represent ErrorInfo' metadata field. Keep
// consistency with gRPC ErrorInfo metadata field name.
error.errorInfoMetadata = statusDetailsObj.errorInfo.metadata;
} catch (decodeErr) {
// ignoring the error
return error;
export type FallbackServiceError = FallbackStatusObject & Error;
interface FallbackStatusObject {
code: Status;
message: string;
statusDetails: Array<{}>;
reason?: string;
domain?: string;
errorInfoMetadata?: {string: string};
interface ProtobufAny {
type_url: string;
value: Uint8Array;
interface RpcStatus {
code: number;
message: string;
details: ProtobufAny[];
interface GRPCStatusDetailsObject {
details: protobuf.Message<{}>[];
errorInfo?: ErrorInfo;
interface ErrorInfo {
reason: string;
domain: string;
metadata: {string: string};
export class GoogleErrorDecoder {
root: protobuf.Root;
anyType: protobuf.Type;
statusType: protobuf.Type;
constructor() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const errorProtoJson = require('../../build/protos/status.json');
this.root = protobuf.Root.fromJSON(errorProtoJson);
this.anyType = this.root.lookupType('google.protobuf.Any');
this.statusType = this.root.lookupType('google.rpc.Status');
decodeProtobufAny(anyValue: ProtobufAny): protobuf.Message<{}> {
const match = anyValue.type_url.match(/^\/(.*)/);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown type encoded in google.protobuf.any: ${anyValue.type_url}`
const typeName = match[1];
const type = this.root.lookupType(typeName);
if (!type) {
throw new Error(`Cannot lookup type ${typeName}`);
return type.decode(anyValue.value);
// Decodes gRPC-fallback error which is an instance of google.rpc.Status.
decodeRpcStatus(buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer): FallbackStatusObject {
const uint8array = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const status = this.statusType.decode(uint8array) as unknown as RpcStatus;
// google.rpc.Status contains an array of google.protobuf.Any
// which need a special treatment
const details: Array<protobuf.Message> = [];
let errorInfo;
for (const detail of status.details) {
try {
const decodedDetail = this.decodeProtobufAny(detail);
if (detail.type_url === '') {
errorInfo = decodedDetail as unknown as ErrorInfo;
} catch (err) {
// cannot decode detail, likely because of the unknown type - just skip it
const result = {
code: status.code,
message: status.message,
statusDetails: details,
reason: errorInfo?.reason,
domain: errorInfo?.domain,
errorInfoMetadata: errorInfo?.metadata,
return result;
// Construct an Error from a StatusObject.
// Adapted from
callErrorFromStatus(status: FallbackStatusObject): FallbackServiceError {
status.message = `${status.code} ${Status[status.code]}: ${status.message}`;
return Object.assign(new GoogleError(status.message), status);
// Decodes gRPC-fallback error which is an instance of google.rpc.Status,
// and puts it into the object similar to gRPC ServiceError object.
decodeErrorFromBuffer(buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer): Error {
return this.callErrorFromStatus(this.decodeRpcStatus(buffer));
// Decodes gRPC metadata error details which is an instance of google.rpc.Status.
bufferArr: Buffer[] | ArrayBuffer[]
): GRPCStatusDetailsObject {
const details: protobuf.Message<{}>[] = [];
let errorInfo;
bufferArr.forEach(buffer => {
const uint8array = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const rpcStatus = this.statusType.decode(
) as unknown as RpcStatus;
for (const detail of rpcStatus.details) {
try {
const decodedDetail = this.decodeProtobufAny(detail);
if (detail.type_url === '') {
errorInfo = decodedDetail as unknown as ErrorInfo;
} catch (err) {
// cannot decode detail, likely because of the unknown type - just skip it
const result = {
return result;
// Decodes http error which is an instance of google.rpc.Status.
decodeHTTPError(json: JSONValue) {
const errorMessage = serializer.fromProto3JSON(this.statusType, json);
if (!errorMessage) {
throw new Error(
`Received error message ${json}, but failed to serialize as proto3 message`
return this.statusType.toObject(errorMessage, defaultToObjectOptions);
// Decodes http error details which is an instance of Array<google.protobuf.Any>.
rawDetails: Array<ProtobufAny>
): GRPCStatusDetailsObject {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const details: protobuf.Message<{}>[] = [];
let errorInfo;
for (const detail of rawDetails) {
try {
const decodedDetail = this.decodeProtobufAny(detail);
if (detail.type_url === '') {
errorInfo = decodedDetail as unknown as ErrorInfo;
} catch (err) {
// cannot decode detail, likely because of the unknown type - just skip it
return {details, errorInfo};