
"use strict";
 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const precise_date_1 = require("@google-cloud/precise-date");
const projectify_1 = require("@google-cloud/projectify");
const promisify_1 = require("@google-cloud/promisify");
const events_1 = require("events");
const histogram_1 = require("./histogram");
const lease_manager_1 = require("./lease-manager");
const message_queues_1 = require("./message-queues");
const message_stream_1 = require("./message-stream");
 * Date object with nanosecond precision. Supports all standard Date arguments
 * in addition to several custom types.
 * @external PreciseDate
 * @see {@link|PreciseDate}
 * Message objects provide a simple interface for users to get message data and
 * acknowledge the message.
 * @example
 * subscription.on('message', message => {
 *   // {
 *   //   ackId: 'RUFeQBJMJAxESVMrQwsqWBFOBCEhPjA',
 *   //   attributes: {key: 'value'},
 *   //   data: Buffer.from('Hello, world!),
 *   //   id: '1551297743043',
 *   //   orderingKey: 'ordering-key',
 *   //   publishTime: new PreciseDate('2019-02-27T20:02:19.029534186Z'),
 *   //   received: 1551297743043,
 *   //   length: 13
 *   // }
 * });
class Message {
     * @hideconstructor
     * @param {Subscriber} sub The parent subscriber.
     * @param {object} message The raw message response.
    constructor(sub, { ackId, message }) {
         * This ID is used to acknowledge the message.
         * @name Message#ackId
         * @type {string}
        this.ackId = ackId;
         * Optional attributes for this message.
         * @name Message#attributes
         * @type {object}
        this.attributes = message.attributes || {};
         * The message data as a Buffer.
         * @name Message#data
         * @type {Buffer}
         */ =;
         * ID of the message, assigned by the server when the message is published.
         * Guaranteed to be unique within the topic.
         * @name Message#id
         * @type {string}
         */ = message.messageId;
         * Identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected.
         * If a `Subscription` has `enableMessageOrdering` set to `true`, messages
         * published with the same `orderingKey` value will be delivered to
         * subscribers in the order in which they are received by the Pub/Sub
         * system.
         * **EXPERIMENTAL:** This feature is part of a closed alpha release. This
         * API might be changed in backward-incompatible ways and is not recommended
         * for production use. It is not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.
         * @name Message#orderingKey
         * @type {string}
        this.orderingKey = message.orderingKey;
         * The time at which the message was published.
         * @name Message#publishTime
         * @type {external:PreciseDate}
        this.publishTime = new precise_date_1.PreciseDate(message.publishTime);
         * The time at which the message was recieved by the subscription.
         * @name Message#received
         * @type {number}
        this.received =;
        this._handled = false;
        this._length =;
        this._subscriber = sub;
     * The length of the message data.
     * @type {number}
    get length() {
        return this._length;
     * Acknowledges the message.
     * @example
     * subscription.on('message', message => {
     *   message.ack();
     * });
    ack() {
        if (!this._handled) {
            this._handled = true;
     * Modifies the ack deadline.
     * @param {number} deadline The number of seconds to extend the deadline.
     * @private
    modAck(deadline) {
        if (!this._handled) {
            this._subscriber.modAck(this, deadline);
     * Removes the message from our inventory and schedules it to be redelivered.
     * @example
     * subscription.on('message', message => {
     *   message.nack();
     * });
    nack() {
        if (!this._handled) {
            this._handled = true;
exports.Message = Message;
 * @typedef {object} SubscriberOptions
 * @property {number} [ackDeadline=10] Acknowledge deadline in seconds. If left
 *     unset the initial value will be 10 seconds, but it will evolve into the
 *     99th percentile time it takes to acknowledge a message.
 * @property {BatchOptions} [batching] Request batching options.
 * @property {FlowControlOptions} [flowControl] Flow control options.
 * @property {MessageStreamOptions} [streamingOptions] Streaming options.
 * Subscriber class is used to manage all message related functionality.
 * @private
 * @class
 * @param {Subscription} subscription The corresponding subscription.
 * @param {SubscriberOptions} options The subscriber options.
class Subscriber extends events_1.EventEmitter {
    constructor(subscription, options = {}) {
        this.ackDeadline = 10;
        this.isOpen = false;
        this._isUserSetDeadline = false;
        this._histogram = new histogram_1.Histogram({ min: 10, max: 600 });
        this._latencies = new histogram_1.Histogram();
        this._subscription = subscription;
     * The 99th percentile of request latencies.
     * @type {number}
     * @private
    get modAckLatency() {
        const latency = this._latencies.percentile(99);
        let bufferTime = 0;
        if (this._modAcks) {
            bufferTime = this._modAcks.maxMilliseconds;
        return latency * 1000 + bufferTime;
     * The full name of the Subscription.
     * @type {string}
     * @private
    get name() {
        if (!this._name) {
            const { name, projectId } = this._subscription;
            this._name = projectify_1.replaceProjectIdToken(name, projectId);
        return this._name;
     * Acknowledges the supplied message.
     * @param {Message} message The message to acknowledge.
     * @returns {Promise}
     * @private
    async ack(message) {
        if (!this._isUserSetDeadline) {
            const ackTimeSeconds = ( - message.received) / 1000;
            this.ackDeadline = this._histogram.percentile(99);
        await this._acks.onFlush();
     * Closes the subscriber. The returned promise will resolve once any pending
     * acks/modAcks are finished.
     * @returns {Promise}
     * @private
    async close() {
        if (!this.isOpen) {
        this.isOpen = false;
        await this._waitForFlush();
     * Gets the subscriber client instance.
     * @returns {Promise<object>}
     * @private
    async getClient() {
        const pubsub = this._subscription.pubsub;
        const [client] = await promisify_1.promisify(pubsub.getClient_).call(pubsub, {
            client: 'SubscriberClient',
        return client;
     * Modifies the acknowledge deadline for the provided message.
     * @param {Message} message The message to modify.
     * @param {number} deadline The deadline.
     * @returns {Promise}
     * @private
    async modAck(message, deadline) {
        const startTime =;
        this._modAcks.add(message, deadline);
        await this._modAcks.onFlush();
        const latency = ( - startTime) / 1000;
     * Modfies the acknowledge deadline for the provided message and then removes
     * it from our inventory.
     * @param {Message} message The message.
     * @return {Promise}
     * @private
    async nack(message) {
        await this.modAck(message, 0);
     * Starts pulling messages.
     * @private
    open() {
        const { batching, flowControl, streamingOptions } = this._options;
        this._acks = new message_queues_1.AckQueue(this, batching);
        this._modAcks = new message_queues_1.ModAckQueue(this, batching);
        this._inventory = new lease_manager_1.LeaseManager(this, flowControl);
        this._stream = new message_stream_1.MessageStream(this, streamingOptions);
            .on('error', err => this.emit('error', err))
            .on('data', (data) => this._onData(data))
            .once('close', () => this.close());
            .on('full', () => this._stream.pause())
            .on('free', () => this._stream.resume());
        this.isOpen = true;
     * Sets subscriber options.
     * @param {SubscriberOptions} options The options.
     * @private
    setOptions(options) {
        this._options = options;
        if (options.ackDeadline) {
            this.ackDeadline = options.ackDeadline;
            this._isUserSetDeadline = true;
        // in the event that the user has specified the maxMessages option, we want
        // to make sure that the maxStreams option isn't higher
        // it doesn't really make sense to open 5 streams if the user only wants
        // 1 message at a time.
        if (options.flowControl) {
            const { maxMessages = 100 } = options.flowControl;
            if (!options.streamingOptions) {
                options.streamingOptions = {};
            const { maxStreams = 5 } = options.streamingOptions;
            options.streamingOptions.maxStreams = Math.min(maxStreams, maxMessages);
     * Callback to be invoked when a new message is available.
     * New messages will be added to the subscribers inventory, which in turn will
     * automatically extend the messages ack deadline until either:
     *   a. the user acks/nacks it
     *   b. the maxExtension option is hit
     * If the message puts us at/over capacity, then we'll pause our message
     * stream until we've freed up some inventory space.
     * New messages must immediately issue a ModifyAckDeadline request
     * (aka receipt) to confirm with the backend that we did infact receive the
     * message and its ok to start ticking down on the deadline.
     * @private
    _onData({ receivedMessages }) {
        for (const data of receivedMessages) {
            const message = new Message(this, data);
            if (this.isOpen) {
            else {
     * Returns a promise that will resolve once all pending requests have settled.
     * @private
     * @returns {Promise}
    async _waitForFlush() {
        const promises = [];
        if (this._acks.numPendingRequests) {
        if (this._modAcks.numPendingRequests) {
        await Promise.all(promises);
exports.Subscriber = Subscriber;