

The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and to consume messages from a subscription via the Pull method or by establishing a bi-directional stream using the StreamingPull method.


new SubscriberClient(optionsopt)

Construct an instance of SubscriberClient.

Name Type Attributes Description
options object <optional>

The configuration object. See the subsequent parameters for more details.

Name Type Attributes Description
credentials object <optional>

Credentials object.

Name Type Attributes Description
client_email string <optional>
private_key string <optional>
email string <optional>

Account email address. Required when using a .pem or .p12 keyFilename.

keyFilename string <optional>

Full path to the a .json, .pem, or .p12 key downloaded from the Google Developers Console. If you provide a path to a JSON file, the projectId option below is not necessary. NOTE: .pem and .p12 require you to specify as well.

port number <optional>

The port on which to connect to the remote host.

projectId string <optional>

The project ID from the Google Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID. If your app is running in an environment which supports Application Default Credentials, your project ID will be detected automatically.

promise function <optional>

Custom promise module to use instead of native Promises.

apiEndpoint string <optional>

The domain name of the API remote host.



(static) apiEndpoint

The DNS address for this API service - same as servicePath(), exists for compatibility reasons.


(static) port

The port for this API service.


(static) scopes

The scopes needed to make gRPC calls for every method defined in this service.


(static) servicePath

The DNS address for this API service.



acknowledge(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Acknowledges the messages associated with the ack_ids in the AcknowledgeRequest. The Pub/Sub system can remove the relevant messages from the subscription.

Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may succeed, but such a message may be redelivered later. Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an error.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription string

The subscription whose message is being acknowledged. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

ackIds Array.<string>

The acknowledgment ID for the messages being acknowledged that was returned by the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response. Must not be empty.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const ackIds = [];
const request = {
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  ackIds: ackIds,
client.acknowledge(request).catch(err => {

createSnapshot(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Creates a snapshot from the requested subscription. Snapshots are used in Seek operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

If the snapshot already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS. If the requested subscription doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND. If the backlog in the subscription is too old -- and the resulting snapshot would expire in less than 1 hour -- then FAILED_PRECONDITION is returned. See also the Snapshot.expire_time field. If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random name for this snapshot on the same project as the subscription, conforming to the resource name format. The generated name is populated in the returned Snapshot object. Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the request.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
name string

Optional user-provided name for this snapshot. If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random name for this snapshot on the same project as the subscription. Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name. See the resource name rules. Format is projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}.

subscription string

The subscription whose backlog the snapshot retains. Specifically, the created snapshot is guaranteed to retain: (a) The existing backlog on the subscription. More precisely, this is defined as the messages in the subscription's backlog that are unacknowledged upon the successful completion of the CreateSnapshot request; as well as: (b) Any messages published to the subscription's topic following the successful completion of the CreateSnapshot request. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

labels Object.<string, string> <optional>

See Creating and managing labels.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Snapshot.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedName = client.snapshotPath('[PROJECT]', '[SNAPSHOT]');
const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const request = {
  name: formattedName,
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

createSubscription(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Creates a subscription to a given topic. See the resource name rules. If the subscription already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS. If the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND.

If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random name for this subscription on the same project as the topic, conforming to the resource name format. The generated name is populated in the returned Subscription object. Note that for REST API requests, you must specify a name in the request.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
name string

The name of the subscription. It must have the format "projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}". {subscription} must start with a letter, and contain only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), dashes (-), underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (~), plus (+) or percent signs (%). It must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not start with "goog"

topic string

The name of the topic from which this subscription is receiving messages. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}. The value of this field will be _deleted-topic_ if the topic has been deleted.

pushConfig Object <optional>

If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field is used to configure it. An empty pushConfig signifies that the subscriber will pull and ack messages using API methods.

This object should have the same structure as PushConfig

ackDeadlineSeconds number <optional>

The approximate amount of time (on a best-effort basis) Pub/Sub waits for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt before resending the message. In the interval after the message is delivered and before it is acknowledged, it is considered to be outstanding. During that time period, the message will not be redelivered (on a best-effort basis).

For pull subscriptions, this value is used as the initial value for the ack deadline. To override this value for a given message, call ModifyAckDeadline with the corresponding ack_id if using non-streaming pull or send the ack_id in a StreamingModifyAckDeadlineRequest if using streaming pull. The minimum custom deadline you can specify is 10 seconds. The maximum custom deadline you can specify is 600 seconds (10 minutes). If this parameter is 0, a default value of 10 seconds is used.

For push delivery, this value is also used to set the request timeout for the call to the push endpoint.

If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message.

retainAckedMessages boolean <optional>

Indicates whether to retain acknowledged messages. If true, then messages are not expunged from the subscription's backlog, even if they are acknowledged, until they fall out of the message_retention_duration window. This must be true if you would like to Seek to a timestamp.

messageRetentionDuration Object <optional>

How long to retain unacknowledged messages in the subscription's backlog, from the moment a message is published. If retain_acked_messages is true, then this also configures the retention of acknowledged messages, and thus configures how far back in time a Seek can be done. Defaults to 7 days. Cannot be more than 7 days or less than 10 minutes.

This object should have the same structure as Duration

labels Object.<string, string> <optional>

See Creating and managing labels.

enableMessageOrdering boolean <optional>

If true, messages published with the same ordering_key in PubsubMessage will be delivered to the subscribers in the order in which they are received by the Pub/Sub system. Otherwise, they may be delivered in any order. EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is part of a closed alpha release. This API might be changed in backward-incompatible ways and is not recommended for production use. It is not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.

expirationPolicy Object <optional>

A policy that specifies the conditions for this subscription's expiration. A subscription is considered active as long as any connected subscriber is successfully consuming messages from the subscription or is issuing operations on the subscription. If expiration_policy is not set, a default policy with ttl of 31 days will be used. The minimum allowed value for expiration_policy.ttl is 1 day.

This object should have the same structure as ExpirationPolicy

deadLetterPolicy Object <optional>

A policy that specifies the conditions for dead lettering messages in this subscription. If dead_letter_policy is not set, dead lettering is disabled.

The Cloud Pub/Sub service account associated with this subscriptions's parent project (i.e., service-{project_number} must have permission to Acknowledge() messages on this subscription. EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is part of a closed alpha release. This API might be changed in backward-incompatible ways and is not recommended for production use. It is not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.

This object should have the same structure as DeadLetterPolicy

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Subscription.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedName = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
const request = {
  name: formattedName,
  topic: formattedTopic,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

deleteSnapshot(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Removes an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in Seek operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

When the snapshot is deleted, all messages retained in the snapshot are immediately dropped. After a snapshot is deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has no association with the old snapshot or its subscription, unless the same subscription is specified.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
snapshot string

The name of the snapshot to delete. Format is projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSnapshot = client.snapshotPath('[PROJECT]', '[SNAPSHOT]');
client.deleteSnapshot({snapshot: formattedSnapshot}).catch(err => {

deleteSubscription(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Deletes an existing subscription. All messages retained in the subscription are immediately dropped. Calls to Pull after deletion will return NOT_FOUND. After a subscription is deleted, a new one may be created with the same name, but the new one has no association with the old subscription or its topic unless the same topic is specified.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription string

The subscription to delete. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
client.deleteSubscription({subscription: formattedSubscription}).catch(err => {

getIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

options Object <optional>

OPTIONAL: A GetPolicyOptions object for specifying options to GetIamPolicy. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.

This object should have the same structure as GetPolicyOptions

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Policy.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
client.getIamPolicy({resource: formattedResource})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {


Return the project ID used by this class.

Name Type Description
callback function

the callback to be called with the current project Id.


getSubscription(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Gets the configuration details of a subscription.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription string

The name of the subscription to get. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Subscription.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
client.getSubscription({subscription: formattedSubscription})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

listSnapshots(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Lists the existing snapshots. Snapshots are used in Seek operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list snapshots. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is Array of Snapshot.

When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, it contains the result in a single response. If the response indicates the next page exists, the third parameter is set to be used for the next request object. The fourth parameter keeps the raw response object of an object representing ListSnapshotsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

// Iterate over all elements.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

client.listSnapshots({project: formattedProject})
  .then(responses => {
    const resources = responses[0];
    for (const resource of resources) {
      // doThingsWith(resource)
  .catch(err => {

// Or obtain the paged response.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

const options = {autoPaginate: false};
const callback = responses => {
  // The actual resources in a response.
  const resources = responses[0];
  // The next request if the response shows that there are more responses.
  const nextRequest = responses[1];
  // The actual response object, if necessary.
  // const rawResponse = responses[2];
  for (const resource of resources) {
    // doThingsWith(resource);
  if (nextRequest) {
    // Fetch the next page.
    return client.listSnapshots(nextRequest, options).then(callback);
client.listSnapshots({project: formattedProject}, options)
  .catch(err => {

listSnapshotsStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to listSnapshots, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

This fetches the paged responses for listSnapshots continuously and invokes the callback registered for 'data' event for each element in the responses.

The returned object has 'end' method when no more elements are required.

autoPaginate option will be ignored.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list snapshots. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
client.listSnapshotsStream({project: formattedProject})
  .on('data', element => {
    // doThingsWith(element)
  }).on('error', err => {

listSubscriptions(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Lists matching subscriptions.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list subscriptions. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is Array of Subscription.

When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, it contains the result in a single response. If the response indicates the next page exists, the third parameter is set to be used for the next request object. The fourth parameter keeps the raw response object of an object representing ListSubscriptionsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

// Iterate over all elements.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

client.listSubscriptions({project: formattedProject})
  .then(responses => {
    const resources = responses[0];
    for (const resource of resources) {
      // doThingsWith(resource)
  .catch(err => {

// Or obtain the paged response.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

const options = {autoPaginate: false};
const callback = responses => {
  // The actual resources in a response.
  const resources = responses[0];
  // The next request if the response shows that there are more responses.
  const nextRequest = responses[1];
  // The actual response object, if necessary.
  // const rawResponse = responses[2];
  for (const resource of resources) {
    // doThingsWith(resource);
  if (nextRequest) {
    // Fetch the next page.
    return client.listSubscriptions(nextRequest, options).then(callback);
client.listSubscriptions({project: formattedProject}, options)
  .catch(err => {

listSubscriptionsStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to listSubscriptions, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

This fetches the paged responses for listSubscriptions continuously and invokes the callback registered for 'data' event for each element in the responses.

The returned object has 'end' method when no more elements are required.

autoPaginate option will be ignored.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list subscriptions. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
client.listSubscriptionsStream({project: formattedProject})
  .on('data', element => {
    // doThingsWith(element)
  }).on('error', err => {

matchProjectFromProjectName(projectName) → {String}

Parse the projectName from a project resource.

Name Type Description
projectName String

A fully-qualified path representing a project resources.


matchProjectFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) → {String}

Parse the snapshotName from a snapshot resource.

Name Type Description
snapshotName String

A fully-qualified path representing a snapshot resources.


matchProjectFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) → {String}

Parse the subscriptionName from a subscription resource.

Name Type Description
subscriptionName String

A fully-qualified path representing a subscription resources.


matchProjectFromTopicName(topicName) → {String}

Parse the topicName from a topic resource.

Name Type Description
topicName String

A fully-qualified path representing a topic resources.


matchSnapshotFromSnapshotName(snapshotName) → {String}

Parse the snapshotName from a snapshot resource.

Name Type Description
snapshotName String

A fully-qualified path representing a snapshot resources.


matchSubscriptionFromSubscriptionName(subscriptionName) → {String}

Parse the subscriptionName from a subscription resource.

Name Type Description
subscriptionName String

A fully-qualified path representing a subscription resources.


matchTopicFromTopicName(topicName) → {String}

Parse the topicName from a topic resource.

Name Type Description
topicName String

A fully-qualified path representing a topic resources.


modifyAckDeadline(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is useful to indicate that more time is needed to process a message by the subscriber, or to make the message available for redelivery if the processing was interrupted. Note that this does not modify the subscription-level ackDeadlineSeconds used for subsequent messages.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription string

The name of the subscription. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

ackIds Array.<string>

List of acknowledgment IDs.

ackDeadlineSeconds number

The new ack deadline with respect to the time this request was sent to the Pub/Sub system. For example, if the value is 10, the new ack deadline will expire 10 seconds after the ModifyAckDeadline call was made. Specifying zero might immediately make the message available for delivery to another subscriber client. This typically results in an increase in the rate of message redeliveries (that is, duplicates). The minimum deadline you can specify is 0 seconds. The maximum deadline you can specify is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const ackIds = [];
const ackDeadlineSeconds = 0;
const request = {
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  ackIds: ackIds,
  ackDeadlineSeconds: ackDeadlineSeconds,
client.modifyAckDeadline(request).catch(err => {

modifyPushConfig(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Modifies the PushConfig for a specified subscription.

This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one (signified by an empty PushConfig) or vice versa, or change the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription. Messages will accumulate for delivery continuously through the call regardless of changes to the PushConfig.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription string

The name of the subscription. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

pushConfig Object

The push configuration for future deliveries.

An empty pushConfig indicates that the Pub/Sub system should stop pushing messages from the given subscription and allow messages to be pulled and acknowledged - effectively pausing the subscription if Pull or StreamingPull is not called.

This object should have the same structure as PushConfig

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const pushConfig = {};
const request = {
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  pushConfig: pushConfig,
client.modifyPushConfig(request).catch(err => {

projectPath(project) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified project resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String

pull(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Pulls messages from the server. The server may return UNAVAILABLE if there are too many concurrent pull requests pending for the given subscription.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
subscription string

The subscription from which messages should be pulled. Format is projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub}.

maxMessages number

The maximum number of messages to return for this request. Must be a positive integer. The Pub/Sub system may return fewer than the number specified.

returnImmediately boolean <optional>

If this field set to true, the system will respond immediately even if it there are no messages available to return in the Pull response. Otherwise, the system may wait (for a bounded amount of time) until at least one message is available, rather than returning no messages.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing PullResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const maxMessages = 0;
const request = {
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  maxMessages: maxMessages,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

seek(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Seeks an existing subscription to a point in time or to a given snapshot, whichever is provided in the request. Snapshots are used in Seek operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot. Note that both the subscription and the snapshot must be on the same topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
subscription string

The subscription to affect.

time Object <optional>

The time to seek to. Messages retained in the subscription that were published before this time are marked as acknowledged, and messages retained in the subscription that were published after this time are marked as unacknowledged. Note that this operation affects only those messages retained in the subscription (configured by the combination of message_retention_duration and retain_acked_messages). For example, if time corresponds to a point before the message retention window (or to a point before the system's notion of the subscription creation time), only retained messages will be marked as unacknowledged, and already-expunged messages will not be restored.

This object should have the same structure as Timestamp

snapshot string <optional>

The snapshot to seek to. The snapshot's topic must be the same as that of the provided subscription. Format is projects/{project}/snapshots/{snap}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing SeekResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');{subscription: formattedSubscription})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

setIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

policy Object

REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.

This object should have the same structure as Policy

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Policy.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const policy = {};
const request = {
  resource: formattedResource,
  policy: policy,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

snapshotPath(project, snapshot) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified snapshot resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String
snapshot String

streamingPull(optionsopt) → {Stream}

Establishes a stream with the server, which sends messages down to the client. The client streams acknowledgements and ack deadline modifications back to the server. The server will close the stream and return the status on any error. The server may close the stream with status UNAVAILABLE to reassign server-side resources, in which case, the client should re-establish the stream. Flow control can be achieved by configuring the underlying RPC channel.

Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const stream = client.streamingPull().on('data', response => {
  // doThingsWith(response)
const formattedSubscription = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const streamAckDeadlineSeconds = 0;
const request = {
  subscription: formattedSubscription,
  streamAckDeadlineSeconds: streamAckDeadlineSeconds,
// Write request objects.

subscriptionPath(project, subscription) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified subscription resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String
subscription String

testIamPermissions(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.

Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions Array.<string>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.subscriptionPath('[PROJECT]', '[SUBSCRIPTION]');
const permissions = [];
const request = {
  resource: formattedResource,
  permissions: permissions,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

topicPath(project, topic) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified topic resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String
topic String

updateSnapshot(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Updates an existing snapshot. Snapshots are used in Seek operations, which allow you to manage message acknowledgments in bulk. That is, you can set the acknowledgment state of messages in an existing subscription to the state captured by a snapshot.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
snapshot Object

The updated snapshot object.

This object should have the same structure as Snapshot

updateMask Object

Indicates which fields in the provided snapshot to update. Must be specified and non-empty.

This object should have the same structure as FieldMask

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Snapshot.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const seconds = 123456;
const expireTime = {
  seconds: seconds,
const snapshot = {
  expireTime: expireTime,
const pathsElement = 'expire_time';
const paths = [pathsElement];
const updateMask = {
  paths: paths,
const request = {
  snapshot: snapshot,
  updateMask: updateMask,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

updateSubscription(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Updates an existing subscription. Note that certain properties of a subscription, such as its topic, are not modifiable.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
subscription Object

The updated subscription object.

This object should have the same structure as Subscription

updateMask Object

Indicates which fields in the provided subscription to update. Must be specified and non-empty.

This object should have the same structure as FieldMask

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Subscription.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.SubscriberClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const ackDeadlineSeconds = 42;
const subscription = {
  ackDeadlineSeconds: ackDeadlineSeconds,
const pathsElement = 'ack_deadline_seconds';
const paths = [pathsElement];
const updateMask = {
  paths: paths,
const request = {
  subscription: subscription,
  updateMask: updateMask,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {