

The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send messages to a topic.


new PublisherClient(optionsopt)

Construct an instance of PublisherClient.

Name Type Attributes Description
options object <optional>

The configuration object. See the subsequent parameters for more details.

Name Type Attributes Description
credentials object <optional>

Credentials object.

Name Type Attributes Description
client_email string <optional>
private_key string <optional>
email string <optional>

Account email address. Required when using a .pem or .p12 keyFilename.

keyFilename string <optional>

Full path to the a .json, .pem, or .p12 key downloaded from the Google Developers Console. If you provide a path to a JSON file, the projectId option below is not necessary. NOTE: .pem and .p12 require you to specify as well.

port number <optional>

The port on which to connect to the remote host.

projectId string <optional>

The project ID from the Google Developer's Console, e.g. 'grape-spaceship-123'. We will also check the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT for your project ID. If your app is running in an environment which supports Application Default Credentials, your project ID will be detected automatically.

promise function <optional>

Custom promise module to use instead of native Promises.

apiEndpoint string <optional>

The domain name of the API remote host.



(static) apiEndpoint

The DNS address for this API service - same as servicePath(), exists for compatibility reasons.


(static) port

The port for this API service.


(static) scopes

The scopes needed to make gRPC calls for every method defined in this service.


(static) servicePath

The DNS address for this API service.



createTopic(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Creates the given topic with the given name. See the resource name rules.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
name string

The name of the topic. It must have the format "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}". {topic} must start with a letter, and contain only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), dashes (-), underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (~), plus (+) or percent signs (%). It must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not start with "goog".

labels Object.<string, string> <optional>

See Creating and managing labels.

messageStoragePolicy Object <optional>

Policy constraining the set of Google Cloud Platform regions where messages published to the topic may be stored. If not present, then no constraints are in effect.

This object should have the same structure as MessageStoragePolicy

kmsKeyName string <optional>

The resource name of the Cloud KMS CryptoKey to be used to protect access to messages published on this topic.

The expected format is projects/* /locations/* /keyRings/* /cryptoKeys/*.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Topic.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedName = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
client.createTopic({name: formattedName})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

deleteTopic(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their topic field is set to _deleted-topic_.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
topic string

Name of the topic to delete. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
client.deleteTopic({topic: formattedTopic}).catch(err => {

getIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

options Object <optional>

OPTIONAL: A GetPolicyOptions object for specifying options to GetIamPolicy. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.

This object should have the same structure as GetPolicyOptions

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Policy.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
client.getIamPolicy({resource: formattedResource})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {


Return the project ID used by this class.

Name Type Description
callback function

the callback to be called with the current project Id.


getTopic(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Gets the configuration of a topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
topic string

The name of the topic to get. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Topic.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
client.getTopic({topic: formattedTopic})
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

listTopics(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Lists matching topics.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list topics. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is Array of Topic.

When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, it contains the result in a single response. If the response indicates the next page exists, the third parameter is set to be used for the next request object. The fourth parameter keeps the raw response object of an object representing ListTopicsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

// Iterate over all elements.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

client.listTopics({project: formattedProject})
  .then(responses => {
    const resources = responses[0];
    for (const resource of resources) {
      // doThingsWith(resource)
  .catch(err => {

// Or obtain the paged response.
const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');

const options = {autoPaginate: false};
const callback = responses => {
  // The actual resources in a response.
  const resources = responses[0];
  // The next request if the response shows that there are more responses.
  const nextRequest = responses[1];
  // The actual response object, if necessary.
  // const rawResponse = responses[2];
  for (const resource of resources) {
    // doThingsWith(resource);
  if (nextRequest) {
    // Fetch the next page.
    return client.listTopics(nextRequest, options).then(callback);
client.listTopics({project: formattedProject}, options)
  .catch(err => {

listTopicsStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to listTopics, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

This fetches the paged responses for listTopics continuously and invokes the callback registered for 'data' event for each element in the responses.

The returned object has 'end' method when no more elements are required.

autoPaginate option will be ignored.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
project string

The name of the project in which to list topics. Format is projects/{project-id}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedProject = client.projectPath('[PROJECT]');
client.listTopicsStream({project: formattedProject})
  .on('data', element => {
    // doThingsWith(element)
  }).on('error', err => {

listTopicSubscriptions(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Lists the names of the subscriptions on this topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
topic string

The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is Array of string.

When autoPaginate: false is specified through options, it contains the result in a single response. If the response indicates the next page exists, the third parameter is set to be used for the next request object. The fourth parameter keeps the raw response object of an object representing ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

// Iterate over all elements.
const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');

client.listTopicSubscriptions({topic: formattedTopic})
  .then(responses => {
    const resources = responses[0];
    for (const resource of resources) {
      // doThingsWith(resource)
  .catch(err => {

// Or obtain the paged response.
const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');

const options = {autoPaginate: false};
const callback = responses => {
  // The actual resources in a response.
  const resources = responses[0];
  // The next request if the response shows that there are more responses.
  const nextRequest = responses[1];
  // The actual response object, if necessary.
  // const rawResponse = responses[2];
  for (const resource of resources) {
    // doThingsWith(resource);
  if (nextRequest) {
    // Fetch the next page.
    return client.listTopicSubscriptions(nextRequest, options).then(callback);
client.listTopicSubscriptions({topic: formattedTopic}, options)
  .catch(err => {

listTopicSubscriptionsStream(request, optionsopt) → {Stream}

Equivalent to listTopicSubscriptions, but returns a NodeJS Stream object.

This fetches the paged responses for listTopicSubscriptions continuously and invokes the callback registered for 'data' event for each element in the responses.

The returned object has 'end' method when no more elements are required.

autoPaginate option will be ignored.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Attributes Description
topic string

The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

pageSize number <optional>

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
client.listTopicSubscriptionsStream({topic: formattedTopic})
  .on('data', element => {
    // doThingsWith(element)
  }).on('error', err => {

matchProjectFromProjectName(projectName) → {String}

Parse the projectName from a project resource.

Name Type Description
projectName String

A fully-qualified path representing a project resources.


matchProjectFromTopicName(topicName) → {String}

Parse the topicName from a topic resource.

Name Type Description
topicName String

A fully-qualified path representing a topic resources.


matchTopicFromTopicName(topicName) → {String}

Parse the topicName from a topic resource.

Name Type Description
topicName String

A fully-qualified path representing a topic resources.


projectPath(project) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified project resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String

publish(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
topic string

The messages in the request will be published on this topic. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

messages Array.<Object>

The messages to publish.

This object should have the same structure as PubsubMessage

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing PublishResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedTopic = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
const data = Buffer.from('');
const messagesElement = {
  data: data,
const messages = [messagesElement];
const request = {
  topic: formattedTopic,
  messages: messages,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

setIamPolicy(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

policy Object

REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.

This object should have the same structure as Policy

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Policy.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
const policy = {};
const request = {
  resource: formattedResource,
  policy: policy,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

testIamPermissions(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.

Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
resource string

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions Array.<string>

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing TestIamPermissionsResponse.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const formattedResource = client.topicPath('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]');
const permissions = [];
const request = {
  resource: formattedResource,
  permissions: permissions,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {

topicPath(project, topic) → {String}

Return a fully-qualified topic resource name string.

Name Type Description
project String
topic String

updateTopic(request, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Updates an existing topic. Note that certain properties of a topic are not modifiable.

Name Type Attributes Description
request Object

The request object that will be sent.

Name Type Description
topic Object

The updated topic object.

This object should have the same structure as Topic

updateMask Object

Indicates which fields in the provided topic to update. Must be specified and non-empty. Note that if update_mask contains "message_storage_policy" then the new value will be determined based on the policy configured at the project or organization level. The message_storage_policy must not be set in the topic provided above.

This object should have the same structure as FieldMask

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See gax.CallOptions for the details.

callback function <optional>

The function which will be called with the result of the API call.

The second parameter to the callback is an object representing Topic.

const pubsub = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');

const client = new pubsub.v1.PublisherClient({
  // optional auth parameters.

const topic = {};
const updateMask = {};
const request = {
  topic: topic,
  updateMask: updateMask,
  .then(responses => {
    const response = responses[0];
    // doThingsWith(response)
  .catch(err => {