Class | Description |
About |
Information about the user, the user's Drive, and system capabilities.
About.DriveThemes |
Model definition for AboutDriveThemes.
About.StorageQuota |
The user's storage quota limits and usage.
About.TeamDriveThemes |
Model definition for AboutTeamDriveThemes.
AccessProposal |
The Access Proposal resource for outstanding access proposals on a file
AccessProposalRoleAndView |
A wrapper for the role and view of an access proposal.
App |
The `apps` resource provides a list of apps that a user has installed, with information about
each app's supported MIME types, file extensions, and other details.
AppIcons |
Model definition for AppIcons.
AppList |
A list of third-party applications which the user has installed or given access to Google Drive.
Change |
A change to a file or shared drive.
ChangeList |
A list of changes for a user.
Channel |
A notification channel used to watch for resource changes.
Comment |
A comment on a file.
Comment.QuotedFileContent |
The file content to which the comment refers, typically within the anchor region.
CommentList |
A list of comments on a file.
ContentRestriction |
A restriction for accessing the content of the file.
Drive |
Representation of a shared drive.
Drive.BackgroundImageFile |
An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for this shared drive is set.
Drive.Capabilities |
Output only.
Drive.Restrictions |
A set of restrictions that apply to this shared drive or items inside this shared drive.
DriveList |
A list of shared drives.
File |
The metadata for a file.
File.Capabilities |
Output only.
File.ContentHints |
Additional information about the content of the file.
File.ContentHints.Thumbnail |
A thumbnail for the file.
File.ImageMediaMetadata |
Output only.
File.ImageMediaMetadata.Location |
Output only.
File.LabelInfo |
Output only.
File.LinkShareMetadata |
Contains details about the link URLs that clients are using to refer to this item.
File.ShortcutDetails |
Shortcut file details.
File.VideoMediaMetadata |
Output only.
FileList |
A list of files.
GeneratedIds |
A list of generated file IDs which can be provided in create requests.
Label |
Representation of label and label fields.
LabelField |
Representation of field, which is a typed key-value pair.
LabelFieldModification |
A modification to a label's field.
LabelList |
A list of labels applied to a file.
LabelModification |
A modification to a label on a file.
ListAccessProposalsResponse |
The response to an Access Proposal list request.
ListOperationsResponse |
The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
ModifyLabelsRequest |
A request to modify the set of labels on a file.
ModifyLabelsResponse |
Response to a ModifyLabels request.
Operation |
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
Permission |
A permission for a file.
Permission.PermissionDetails |
Model definition for PermissionPermissionDetails.
Permission.TeamDrivePermissionDetails |
Model definition for PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails.
PermissionList |
A list of permissions for a file.
Reply |
A reply to a comment on a file.
ReplyList |
A list of replies to a comment on a file.
ResolveAccessProposalRequest |
Request message for resolving an AccessProposal on a file.
Revision |
The metadata for a revision to a file.
RevisionList |
A list of revisions of a file.
StartPageToken |
Model definition for StartPageToken.
Status |
The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming
environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
TeamDrive |
Deprecated: use the drive collection instead.
TeamDrive.BackgroundImageFile |
An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for this Team Drive is set.
TeamDrive.Capabilities |
Capabilities the current user has on this Team Drive.
TeamDrive.Restrictions |
A set of restrictions that apply to this Team Drive or items inside this Team Drive.
TeamDriveList |
A list of Team Drives.
User |
Information about a Drive user.
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