Enum Report.Types.Metric
Reporting metrics.
Namespace: Google.Ads.AdManager .V1
Assembly: Google.Ads.AdManager.V1.dll
public enum Report.Types.Metric
Name | Description |
ActiveViewAverageViewableTime | Active View total average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable. |
ActiveViewEligibleImpressions | Total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability. |
ActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | The total number of impressions that were sampled and measured by active view. |
ActiveViewMeasurableImpressionsRate | The percentage of total impressions that were measurable by active view (out of all the total impressions sampled for active view). |
ActiveViewViewableImpressions | The total number of impressions viewed on the user's screen. |
ActiveViewViewableImpressionsRate | The percentage of total impressions viewed on the user's screen (out of the total impressions measurable by active view). |
AdExchangeActiveViewAverageViewableTime | Active View AdExchange average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable. |
AdExchangeActiveViewEligibleImpressions | Total number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were eligible to measure viewability. |
AdExchangeActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were sampled, and measurable by active view. |
AdExchangeActiveViewMeasurableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were measurable by active view (out of all Ad Exchange impressions sampled for active view). |
AdExchangeActiveViewViewableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen. |
AdExchangeActiveViewViewableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen (out of Ad Exchange impressions measurable by active view). |
AdExchangeAverageEcpm | The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation. |
AdExchangeClicks | Number of clicks delivered by the Ad Exchange. |
AdExchangeCtr | The ratio of impressions served by the Ad Exchange that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. Ad Exchange CTR is calculated as: (Ad Exchange clicks / Ad Exchange impressions). |
AdExchangeImpressions | Total impressions delivered by the Ad Exchange. |
AdExchangePercentClicks | Ratio of clicks delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered. |
AdExchangePercentImpressions | Ratio of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered. |
AdExchangePercentRevenue | Ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue. |
AdExchangePercentRevenueWithoutCpd | Ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue (excluding CPD). |
AdExchangeResponsesServed | The total number of times that an Ad Exchange ad is delivered. |
AdExchangeRevenue | Revenue generated from the Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in your network's currency and time zone. |
AdRequests | The total number of times that an ad request is sent to the ad server including dynamic allocation. |
AdServerActiveViewAverageViewableTime | Active View ad server average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable. |
AdServerActiveViewEligibleImpressions | Total number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability. |
AdServerActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were sampled, and measurable by active view. |
AdServerActiveViewMeasurableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server that were measurable by active view (out of all the ad server impressions sampled for active view). |
AdServerActiveViewViewableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen. |
AdServerActiveViewViewableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen (out of the ad server impressions measurable by active view). |
AdServerAverageEcpm | Average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. |
AdServerAverageEcpmWithoutCpd | Average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server, excluding CPD value. |
AdServerClicks | Total clicks served by the Google Ad Manager server. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new clicks to be recorded and added to the total displayed in reporting. |
AdServerCpdRevenue | CPD revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue. |
AdServerCtr | Ratio of impressions served by the Google Ad Manager server that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. The ad server CTR is calculated as: (Ad server clicks / Ad server impressions). |
AdServerImpressions | Total impressions delivered by the Ad Server. |
AdServerPercentClicks | Ratio of clicks delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total clicks delivered. |
AdServerPercentImpressions | Ratio of impressions delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total impressions delivered. |
AdServerPercentRevenue | Ratio of revenue generated by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total revenue. |
AdServerPercentRevenueWithoutCpd | Ratio of revenue generated by the Google Ad Manager server (excluding CPD) in relation to the total revenue. |
AdServerResponsesServed | The total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server. |
AdServerRevenue | All CPM, CPC, and CPD revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue. |
AdServerRevenueWithoutCpd | Revenue (excluding CPD) earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue. |
AdsenseActiveViewAverageViewableTime | Active View AdSense average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable. |
AdsenseActiveViewEligibleImpressions | Total number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were eligible to measure viewability. |
AdsenseActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were sampled, and measurable by active view. |
AdsenseActiveViewMeasurableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense that were measurable by active view (out of all AdSense impressions sampled for active view). |
AdsenseActiveViewViewableImpressions | The number of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen. |
AdsenseActiveViewViewableImpressionsRate | The percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen (out of AdSense impressions measurable by active view). |
AdsenseAverageEcpm | The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation. |
AdsenseClicks | Number of clicks delivered by AdSense demand channel. |
AdsenseCtr | The ratio of impressions served by AdSense that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. The AdSense CTR is calculated as: (AdSense clicks / AdSense impressions). |
AdsenseImpressions | Total impressions delivered by AdSense. |
AdsensePercentClicks | Ratio of clicks delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered. |
AdsensePercentImpressions | Ratio of impressions delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered. |
AdsensePercentRevenue | Ratio of revenue generated by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue. |
AdsensePercentRevenueWithoutCpd | Ratio of revenue generated by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue (excluding CPD). |
AdsenseResponsesServed | The total number of times that an AdSense ad is delivered. |
AdsenseRevenue | Revenue generated from AdSense through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in the network's currency and time zone. |
AuctionsWon | Number of winning bids received from Open Bidding buyers, even when the winning bid is placed at the end of a mediation for mobile apps chain. |
AverageEcpm | eCPM averaged across the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, and Ad Exchange. |
AverageEcpmWithoutCpd | eCPM averaged across the Google Ad Manager server (excluding CPD), AdSense, and Ad Exchange. |
Bids | Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers, regardless of whether the returned bid competes in an auction. |
BidsInAuction | Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers that competed in the auction. |
Callouts | Number of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield group request. |
Clicks | The number of times a user clicked on an ad. |
CodeServedCount | The total number of times that the code for an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation. |
Ctr | For standard ads, your ad clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions expressed as a fraction. Ad CTR = Clicks / Ad impressions. |
GoogleSoldAuctionCoviewedImpressions | The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
GoogleSoldAuctionImpressions | The number of auction impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
GoogleSoldCoviewedImpressions | The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
GoogleSoldImpressions | The number of impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
GoogleSoldReservationCoviewedImpressions | The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
GoogleSoldReservationImpressions | The number of reservation impressions sold by Google in partner sales. |
Impressions | Total impressions from the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and yield group partners. |
PartnerSalesFillRate | The percent of filled requests to total ad requests in partner sales. |
PartnerSalesFilledPodRequests | The number of filled pod requests (filled by partner or Google) in partner sales. |
PartnerSalesPartnerMatchRate | The percent of partner filled requests to total ad requests in partner sales. |
PartnerSalesQueries | The number of queries eligible for partner sales. |
PartnerSalesUnfilledImpressions | The number of partner unfilled impressions in partner sales. If a pod request is not filled by partner but filled by Google, this metric will still count 1. |
PartnerSalesUnmatchedQueries | The number of partner unmatched queries in partner sales. If an ad request is not filled by partner but filled by Google, this metric will still count 1. |
PartnerSoldCodeServed | The number of code served sold by partner in partner sales. |
PartnerSoldCoviewedImpressions | The number of coviewed impressions sold by partner in partner sales. |
PartnerSoldImpressions | The number of impressions sold by partner in partner sales. |
ProgrammaticEligibleAdRequests | The total number of ad requests eligible for programmatic inventory, including Programmatic Guaranteed, Preferred Deals, backfill, and open auction. |
ProgrammaticMatchRate | The number of programmatic responses served divided by the number of programmatic eligible ad requests. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals. |
ProgrammaticResponsesServed | Total number of ad responses served from programmatic demand sources. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals. Differs from AD_EXCHANGE_RESPONSES_SERVED, which doesn't include Open Bidding ad requests. |
ResponsesServed | The total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation. |
Revenue | Total amount of CPM, CPC, and CPD revenue based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks. |
RevenueWithoutCpd | Total amount of revenue (excluding CPD) based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks. |
SuccessfulResponses | Number of times a yield group buyer successfully returned a bid in response to a yield group callout. |
UnfilledImpressions | The total number of missed impressions due to the ad servers' inability to find ads to serve including dynamic allocation. |
UnmatchedAdRequests | The total number of times that an ad is not returned by the ad server. |
Unspecified | Default value. This value is unused. |
UserMessagesOfferwallMessagesShown | Number of times an Offerwall message was shown to users. |
UserMessagesOfferwallSuccessfulEngagements | The number of messages where the user gained an entitlement. |
VideoInteractionAverageInteractionRate | The number of user interactions with a video, on average, such as pause, full screen, mute, etc. |
VideoInteractionCollapses | The number of times a user collapses a video, either to its original size or to a different size. |
VideoInteractionExpands | The number of times a user expands a video. |
VideoInteractionFullScreens | The number of times ad clip played in full screen mode. |
VideoInteractionMutes | The number of times video player was in mute state during play of ad clip. |
VideoInteractionPauses | The number of times user paused ad clip. |
VideoInteractionResumes | The number of times the user unpaused the video. |
VideoInteractionRewinds | The number of times a user rewinds the video. |
VideoInteractionUnmutes | The number of times a user unmutes the video. |
VideoInteractionVideoSkips | The number of times a skippable video is skipped. |
VideoRealTimeCreativeServes | The number of total creative serves in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError100Count | The number of errors of type 100 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError101Count | The number of errors of type 101 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError102Count | The number of errors of type 102 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError200Count | The number of errors of type 200 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError201Count | The number of errors of type 201 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError202Count | The number of errors of type 202 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError203Count | The number of errors of type 203 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError300Count | The number of errors of type 300 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError301Count | The number of errors of type 301 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError302Count | The number of errors of type 302 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError303Count | The number of errors of type 303 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError400Count | The number of errors of type 400 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError401Count | The number of errors of type 401 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError402Count | The number of errors of type 402 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError403Count | The number of errors of type 403 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError405Count | The number of errors of type 405 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError406Count | The number of errors of type 406 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError407Count | The number of errors of type 407 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError408Count | The number of errors of type 408 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError409Count | The number of errors of type 409 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError410Count | The number of errors of type 410 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError500Count | The number of errors of type 500 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError501Count | The number of errors of type 501 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError502Count | The number of errors of type 502 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError503Count | The number of errors of type 503 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError600Count | The number of errors of type 600 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError601Count | The number of errors of type 601 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError602Count | The number of errors of type 602 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError603Count | The number of errors of type 603 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError604Count | The number of errors of type 604 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError900Count | The number of errors of type 900 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeError901Count | The number of errors of type 901 in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeImpressions | The number of total impressions in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeMatchedQueries | The number of matched queries in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeTotalErrorCount | The number of all errors in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeTotalQueries | The number of total queries in video realtime reporting. |
VideoRealTimeUnmatchedQueries | The number of unmatched queries in video realtime reporting. |
VideoViewershipAutoPlays | Number of times that the publisher specified a video ad played automatically. |
VideoViewershipAverageViewRate | Average percentage of the video watched by users. |
VideoViewershipAverageViewTime | Average time(seconds) users watched the video. |
VideoViewershipClickToPlays | Number of times that the publisher specified a video ad was clicked to play. |
VideoViewershipCompletes | The number of times the video played to completion. |
VideoViewershipCompletionRate | Percentage of times the video played to the end. |
VideoViewershipEngagedViews | The number of engaged views: ad is viewed to completion or for 30s, whichever comes first. |
VideoViewershipFirstQuartiles | The number of times the video played to 25% of its length. |
VideoViewershipMidpoints | The number of times the video reached its midpoint during play. |
VideoViewershipSkipButtonsShown | The number of times a skip button is shown in video. |
VideoViewershipStarts | The number of impressions where the video was played. |
VideoViewershipThirdQuartiles | The number of times the video played to 75% of its length. |
VideoViewershipTotalErrorCount | The number of times an error occurred, such as a VAST redirect error, a video playback error, or an invalid response error. |
VideoViewershipTotalErrorRate | The percentage of video error count. |
VideoViewershipVideoLength | Duration of the video creative. |
VideoViewershipViewThroughRate | View-through rate represented as a percentage. |
YieldGroupEstimatedCpm | The estimated net rate for yield groups or individual yield group partners. |
YieldGroupEstimatedRevenue | Total net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded. |
YieldGroupImpressions | Number of matched yield group requests where a yield partner delivered their ad to publisher inventory. |
YieldGroupMediationFillRate | Yield group Mediation fill rate indicating how often a network fills an ad request. |
YieldGroupMediationMatchedQueries | Total requests where a Mediation chain was served. |
YieldGroupMediationPassbacks | The number of mediation chain passback across all channels. |
YieldGroupMediationThirdPartyEcpm | Revenue per thousand impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports. |