All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for implementing Cloud Datastore query methods.
Abstract class of common Read and Query request settings.
Auto-configuration for AcceleratorTypesClient.
Provides default property values for AcceleratorTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for AccessApprovalAdminClient.
Provides default property values for AccessApproval client bean
Auto-configuration for AccessContextManagerClient.
Provides default property values for AccessContextManager client bean
Determines acknowledgement policy for incoming messages from Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
An extension of BasicAcknowledgeablePubsubMessage that exposes ack ID and subscription name of the message.
Auto-configuration for AddressesClient.
Provides default property values for Addresses client bean
Auto-configuration for AdvisoryNotificationsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AdvisoryNotificationsService client bean
An event published just after Spring Data Cloud Datastore performs a delete operation.
An event that is published after a delete operation.
This event is published immediately after a DML statement is executed.
An event published immediately after a read operation has finished.
An event published immediately after a read-by-query request.
This event is published immediately following a read-by-query operation on Cloud Spanner.
This event read operation on Cloud Spanner.
An event published immediately after a save operation to Cloud Datastore.
An event that is published after a save operation to Cloud Spanner.
Auto-configuration for AgentsClient.
Provides default property values for Agents client bean
Provides Google AlloyDB instance connectivity through Spring JDBC by providing only a database and instance connection URI.
Auto-configuration for AnalyticsHubServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AnalyticsHubService client bean
Auto-configuration for AnalyticsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AnalyticsService client bean
Auto-configuration for AnswerRecordsClient.
Provides default property values for AnswerRecords client bean
Auto-configuration for ApiGatewayServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ApiGatewayService client bean
Auto-configuration for ApiKeysClient.
Provides default property values for ApiKeys client bean
Jwt token validator for GCP App Engine (both Flexible and Standard) audience strings.
Auto-configuration for ApplicationsClient.
Provides default property values for Applications client bean
Auto-configuration for ArtifactRegistryClient.
Provides default property values for ArtifactRegistry client bean
Auto-configuration for AssetServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AssetService client bean
Auto-configuration for AssuredWorkloadsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AssuredWorkloadsService client bean
Interface to allow customized audience strings.
Jwt token validator for a custom audience claim.
Auto-configuration for AuthorizedCertificatesClient.
Provides default property values for AuthorizedCertificates client bean
Auto-configuration for AuthorizedDomainsClient.
Provides default property values for AuthorizedDomains client bean
Auto-configuration for AutoMlClient.
Provides default property values for AutoMl client bean
Auto-configuration for AutoscalersClient.
Provides default property values for Autoscalers client bean
Auto-configuration for AutoscalingPolicyServiceClient.
Provides default property values for AutoscalingPolicyService client bean
Auto-configuration for BackendBucketsClient.
Provides default property values for BackendBuckets client bean
Auto-configuration for BackendServicesClient.
Provides default property values for BackendServices client bean
Auto-configuration for BackupDRClient.
Provides default property values for BackupDR client bean
A PubsubMessage wrapper that allows it to be acknowledged.
Auto-configuration for BatchControllerClient.
Provides default property values for BatchController client bean
An event published just before Spring Data Cloud Datastore performs a delete operation.
An event that is published after a delete operation.
This event is published before a DML statement is executed.
An event published immediately before a save event to Cloud Datastore.
An event that is published just before a save operation is sent to Cloud Spanner.
Exception wrapping errors that occur with BigQuery.
A MessageHandler which handles sending and loading files to a BigQuery table.
Helper class for using BigQuery storage write API in exactly once delivery mode.
Defines operations for use with BigQuery.
Spring Integration Message headers used with Spring Cloud GCP BigQuery integration.
Helper class which simplifies common operations done in BigQuery.
Auto-configuration for BinauthzManagementServiceV1Client.
Provides default property values for BinauthzManagementServiceV1 client bean
Auto-configuration for BudgetServiceClient.
Provides default property values for BudgetService client bean
A supplier of objects that relies on another supplier and caches provided results.
The caching implementation of the PublisherFactory.
Auto-configuration for CatalogServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for CatalogServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CatalogService client bean
Provides default property values for CatalogService client bean
Auto-configuration for CertificateAuthorityServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CertificateAuthorityService client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudBillingClient.
Provides default property values for CloudBilling client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudCatalogClient.
Provides default property values for CloudCatalog client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudChannelReportsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CloudChannelReportsService client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudChannelServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CloudChannelService client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudControlsPartnerCoreClient.
Provides default property values for CloudControlsPartnerCore client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudControlsPartnerMonitoringClient.
Provides default property values for CloudControlsPartnerMonitoring client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudDeployClient.
Provides default property values for CloudDeploy client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudFilestoreManagerClient.
Provides default property values for CloudFilestoreManager client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudMemcacheClient.
Provides default property values for CloudMemcache client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudQuotasClient.
Provides default property values for CloudQuotas client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudRedisClient.
Provides default property values for CloudRedis client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudSchedulerClient.
Provides default property values for CloudScheduler client bean
Auto-configuration for CloudShellServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CloudShellService client bean
Provides Google Cloud SQL instance connectivity through Spring JDBC by providing only a database and instance connection name.
Implementations of this interface typically construct a JDBC URL for Cloud SQL from a GCP project ID and an instance connection name.
Auto-configuration for CloudTasksClient.
Provides default property values for CloudTasks client bean
Extracts trace IDs from HTTP requests using the x-cloud-trace-context header.
Provides Spring Beans for using Cloud Vision API.
Describes error conditions that can occur when interfacing with Cloud Vision APIs.
Additional settings for use with Cloud Vision APIs.
Spring Template offering convenience methods for interacting with the Cloud Vision APIs.
Auto-configuration for ClusterControllerClient.
Provides default property values for ClusterController client bean
Auto-configuration for ClusterManagerClient.
Provides default property values for ClusterManager client bean
Annotation for a SpannerPersistentProperty that allows specifying the column name instead of deriving it from the field's name.
The factory method CommitTimestamp.of(Class) should be used to resolve a specific value of a pointed class which is converted then to the Value.COMMIT_TIMESTAMP by CommitTimestamp.CommitTimestampDecorator.
A specific decorator of the "to timestamp" function that any custom converter should follow to support "CommitTimestamp" feature.
Auto-configuration for CompanyServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CompanyService client bean
Auto-configuration for CompletionServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for CompletionServiceClient.
Provides default property values for CompletionService client bean
Provides default property values for CompletionService client bean
Auto-configuration for CompletionClient.
Provides default property values for Completion client bean
Conditional that matches based on GCP environment in which the application currently runs.
Auto-configuration for ConfigClient.
Provides default property values for Config client bean
Auto-configuration for ConnectionServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for ConnectionServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ConnectionService client bean
Provides default property values for ConnectionService client bean
Auto-configuration for ContactCenterInsightsClient.
Provides default property values for ContactCenterInsights client bean
Auto-configuration for ContainerAnalysisClient.
Provides default property values for ContainerAnalysis client bean
Auto-configuration for ContentServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ContentService client bean
Auto-configuration for ContextsClient.
Provides default property values for Contexts client bean
Auto-configuration for Controller2Client.
Provides default property values for Controller2 client bean
Auto-configuration for ControlServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for ControlServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ControlService client bean
Provides default property values for ControlService client bean
Auto-configuration for ConversationalSearchServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ConversationalSearchService client bean
Auto-configuration for ConversationDatasetsClient.
Provides default property values for ConversationDatasets client bean
Auto-configuration for ConversationModelsClient.
Provides default property values for ConversationModels client bean
Auto-configuration for ConversationProfilesClient.
Provides default property values for ConversationProfiles client bean
Auto-configuration for ConversationsClient.
Provides default property values for Conversations client bean
Utility functions used in conversion operations.
An AcknowledgeablePubsubMessage that also contains the payload of the Pub/Sub message converted to the desired type T.
A BasicAcknowledgeablePubsubMessage that also contains the payload of the Pub/Sub message converted to the desired type T.
The primary class for writing entity objects to Spanner and creating entity objects from rows stored in Spanner.
The primary class for adding values from entity objects to Mutation.WriteBuilder for the purpose of creating mutations for Spanner.
Credentials configuration.
An interface meant to be implemented by configuration properties POJOs that store information about Google Cloud credentials.
Auto-configuration for DashboardsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DashboardsService client bean
A provider of DatabaseId that is used to determine the target Cloud Spanner databases on which to act.
Enum class containing MySQL and Postgresql constants.
Auto-configuration for DataCatalogClient.
Provides default property values for DataCatalog client bean
Auto-configuration for DataFusionClient.
Provides default property values for DataFusion client bean
Auto-configuration for DataMigrationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataMigrationService client bean
Auto-configuration for DataplexServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataplexService client bean
Auto-configuration for DataprocMetastoreFederationClient.
Provides default property values for DataprocMetastoreFederation client bean
Auto-configuration for DataprocMetastoreClient.
Provides default property values for DataprocMetastore client bean
Auto-configuration for DataScanServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataScanService client bean
Auto-configuration for DatasetServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DatasetService client bean
Auditing event listener that listens for BeforeSaveEvent.
Registers the annotations and classes for providing auditing support in Spring Data Cloud Datastore.
Value object to capture custom conversion.
Exceptions that are created by Spring Data Cloud Datastore.
An interface for converting objects to Datastore Entities and vice versa.
A simple implementation of a HealthIndicator returning status information for Google Cloud Datastore.
Auto-configuration for DatastoreHealthIndicator.
A key converter that parses Key JSON from REST requests.
A mapping context for Datastore that provides ways to create persistent entities and properties.
This interface is the return type for the bean that provides namespaces.
A class to manage Datastore-specific simple type conversions.
An interface of operations that can be done with Cloud Datastore.
A pageable implementation for Cloud Datastore that uses the cursor for efficient reads.
Persistent entity for Google Cloud Datastore.
Metadata class for entities stored in Datastore.
Holds ID type information about a Datastore persistent entity.
Persistent property for Google Cloud Datastore.
Persistent property metadata implementation for Datastore.
This interface is the return type for the bean that provides Cloud Datastore clients.
Query lookup strategy for Query Methods for Cloud Datastore.
A metadata class for Query Methods for Spring Data Cloud Datastore.
Encapsulates Cloud Datastore query options.
Enables autoconfiguration for EnableDatastoreRepositories.
Used to auto-configure Spring Data Cloud Datastore Repositories.
Registers annotation that enables the use of Datastore repositories.
A PagingAndSortingRepository that provides Datastore-specific functionality.
Holds configuration information for creating Datastore repositories and providing Datastore templates.
Repository factory for Datastore.
DatastoreRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I>
Factory bean for creating factories that create Datastore repositories.
Implementation of ObjectToKeyFactory where the key factories are provided by the Datastore Service.
Auto-configuration for DataStoreServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataStoreService client bean
An implementation of DatastoreOperations.
Cloud Datastore transaction manager.
A class to contain the transaction context.
Auto-configuration for DatastoreTransactionManager.
Auto-configuration for DatastreamClient.
Provides default property values for Datastream client bean
Auto-configuration for DataTaxonomyServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataTaxonomyService client bean
Auto-configuration for DataTransferServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DataTransferService client bean
Auto-configuration for Debugger2Client.
Provides default property values for Debugger2 client bean
Provides default JDBC driver class name and constructs the JDBC URL for Cloud SQL v2 when running on local laptop, or in a VM-based environment (e.g., Google Compute Engine, Google Container Engine).
A CredentialsProvider implementation that wraps credentials based on user-provided properties and defaults.
A class for object to entity and entity to object conversions.
Environment-specific implementation determining whether the current GCP environment matches the passed in parameter.
A wrapper around the static MetadataConfig.
A project ID provider that wraps ServiceOptions.getDefaultProjectId().
The default PublisherFactory implementation.
The default SubscriberFactory implementation.
An event published when Spring Data Cloud Datastore performs a delete operation.
An event signaling a Cloud Spanner delete operation.
Auto-configuration for DeploymentResourcePoolServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DeploymentResourcePoolService client bean
Annotation for Datastore property that indicates it holds child entities that are linked to this entity by the Cloud Datastore Ancestor relationship.
Auto-configuration for DeviceManagerClient.
Provides default property values for DeviceManager client bean
Annotation for entities that are root superclasses of inheritance hierarchies of subclass entities.
Annotation for subclasses in an inheritance hierarchy that matches a value in a discrimination field in the parent class.
Auto-configuration for DisksClient.
Provides default property values for Disks client bean
Auto-configuration for DiskTypesClient.
Provides default property values for DiskTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for DlpServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DlpService client bean
Annotation for a class that represents a Firestore Document.
Represents the parsed OCR content for an document in the provided range of pages.
Template providing convenient operations for interfacing with Google Cloud Vision's Document OCR feature, which allows you to run OCR algorithms on documents (PDF or TIFF format) stored on Google Cloud Storage.
Auto-configuration for DocumentProcessorServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DocumentProcessorService client bean
Auto-configuration for DocumentServiceClient.
Provides default property values for DocumentService client bean
Auto-configuration for DocumentsClient.
Provides default property values for Documents client bean
Auto-configuration for DomainMappingsClient.
Provides default property values for DomainMappings client bean
Auto-configuration for DomainsClient.
Provides default property values for Domains client bean
Auto-configuration for EdgeContainerClient.
Provides default property values for EdgeContainer client bean
Auto-configuration for EdgeNetworkClient.
Provides default property values for EdgeNetwork client bean
Annotates properties that are embedded objects that can hold primary key components.
The various types of properties with respect to their storage as embedded entities.
Properties for configuring Cloud Datastore Emulator.
The annotation used to activate auditing functionality.
Annotation that enables the instantiation of Datastore repositories.
Annotation that enables Firestore's Query Method functionality.
The annotation used to activate auditing functionality.
Annotation that enables Spanner's Query Method functionality.
Auto-configuration for EncryptionSpecServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EncryptionSpecService client bean
Auto-configuration for EndpointServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EndpointService client bean
Auto-configuration for EngineServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EngineService client bean
Annotation for a class that indicates it is an entity stored in a Datastore Entity.
A PropertyValueProvider for Datastore entities.
Auto-configuration for EntityTypesClient.
Provides default property values for EntityTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for EnvironmentsClient.
Auto-configuration for EnvironmentsClient.
Provides default property values for Environments client bean
Provides default property values for Environments client bean
Auto-configuration for EssentialContactsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EssentialContactsService client bean
Auto-configuration for EvaluationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EvaluationService client bean
Auto-configuration for EventarcClient.
Provides default property values for Eventarc client bean
Auto-configuration for EventServiceClient.
Provides default property values for EventService client bean
An event holding a DML statement.
Auto-configuration for ExecutionsClient.
Provides default property values for Executions client bean
Auto-configuration for ExportServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ExportService client bean
Configuration for extended binding metadata.
Auto-configuration for ExternalVpnGatewaysClient.
Provides default property values for ExternalVpnGateways client bean
Auto-configuration for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService client bean
Auto-configuration for FeatureOnlineStoreServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FeatureOnlineStoreService client bean
Auto-configuration for FeatureRegistryServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FeatureRegistryService client bean
Auto-configuration for FeaturestoreOnlineServingServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService client bean
Auto-configuration for FeaturestoreServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FeaturestoreService client bean
Annotation for a property that allows specifying the field name instead of deriving it from the property's name.
Firebase Authentication application properties.
Decodes a Firebase token into a Jwt token.
Validates Firebase JWT tokens using the rules presented here at
An interface used for object mapping for Cloud Firestore.
Uses Firestore client library to provide object mapping functionality.
A mapping context for Firestore that provides ways to create persistent entities and properties.
Persistent entity for Google Cloud Firestore.
Metadata class for entities stored in Datastore.
A metadata holder for Firestore persistent entities.
Persistent property for Google Cloud Firestore.
Persistent property metadata implementation for Firestore.
The class that decides what type of Query Method to use.
A Metadata class for Spring Data Reactive Firestore QueryMethod.
An interface of operations that can be done with Cloud Firestore.
The Firestore repository type.
Automatically enables Firestore repositories support.
Support configuration class for Firestore repositories.
Registers the class of the Firestore repositories enabling annotation.
Configures the use of Firestore repositories.
FirestoreRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I>
The bean to create Firestore repository factories.
An implementation of FirestoreReactiveOperations.
Auto-configuration for ReactiveFirestoreTransactionManager.
Auto-configuration for FirewallPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for FirewallPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for FirewallClient.
Provides default property values for Firewall client bean
Auto-configuration for FirewallsClient.
Provides default property values for Firewalls client bean
Auto-configuration for FleetRoutingClient.
Provides default property values for FleetRouting client bean
Auto-configuration for ForwardingRulesClient.
Provides default property values for ForwardingRules client bean
Auto-configuration for FulfillmentsClient.
Provides default property values for Fulfillments client bean
Auto-configuration for FunctionServiceClient.
Provides default property values for FunctionService client bean
Provides client objects for interfacing with BigQuery.
Properties for configuring BigQuery.
Converts GCP service broker metadata into Spring Cloud GCP configuration properties.
Google Cloud SQL properties.
Bootstrap auto configuration for Google Cloud Runtime Configurator Starter.
Base starter for Google Cloud Projects.
Provides Spring Data classes to use with Cloud Datastore.
If is set to true the emulator will be started as a local datastore server using the LocalDatastoreHelper.
Properties for configuring Cloud Datastore.
Enumeration of valid individual GCP environments.
Interface for determining whether the current GCP environment matches the passed in parameter.
Provides classes to use with Cloud Firestore.
Provides autoconfiguration to use the Firestore emulator if enabled.
Properties for configuring Cloud Datastore.
Autoconfiguration for GCP KMS which enables data encryption and decryption.
Settings for Stackdriver Metrics.
Functional interface to provide GCP project IDs.
Top-level auto-config settings.
Auto-config for Pub/Sub.
If is set, spring stream will connect to a running pub/sub emulator.
Google Cloud internal headers for Spring Messaging messages.
Properties for Pub/Sub.
Reactive Pub/Sub support autoconfiguration.
OAuth2 scopes for Google Cloud services integrated by Spring Cloud GCP.
Autoconfiguration for GCP Secret Manager.
Registers converters used by Spring Cloud GCP Secret Manager.
Provides Spring Data classes to use with Cloud Spanner.
Provides auto-configuration to use the Spanner emulator if enabled.
Settings for Spring Data Cloud Spanner.
Provides auto-detection for `project-id` and `credentials`.
An auto-configuration for Google GoogleStorageProtocolResolverSettings bean definition.
Settings for Storage.
Stackdriver Trace Properties.
The GcsAcceptModifiedAfterFileListFilter is a filter which accepts all files that were modified after a specified point in time.
The GcsDiscardRecentModifiedFileListFilter is a filter which excludes all files that were updated less than some specified amount of time ago.
An object that holds metadata information for a Cloud Storage file.
An inbound file synchronizer for Google Cloud Storage.
An inbound file sync message source for Google Cloud Storage.
A file message handler for Google Cloud Storage.
A filter for Google Cloud Storage.
A pattern file lister for Google Cloud Storage.
A remote file template for Google Cloud Storage.
A session implementation for Google Cloud Storage.
A session factory implementation for Google Cloud Storage.
A simple pattern file lister for Google Cloud Storage.
A streaming message source for Google Cloud Storage.
Auto-configuration for GenAiTuningServiceClient.
Provides default property values for GenAiTuningService client bean
Auto-configuration for GenerativeQuestionServiceClient.
Provides default property values for GenerativeQuestionService client bean
Auto-configuration for GeneratorsClient.
Provides default property values for Generators client bean
Auto-configuration for GkeHubClient.
Provides default property values for GkeHub client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalAddressesClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalAddresses client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalForwardingRulesClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalForwardingRules client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalOperationsClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalOperations client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalOrganizationOperationsClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalOrganizationOperations client bean
Auto-configuration for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient.
Provides default property values for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes client bean
Custom PropertySourceLocator for Google Cloud Runtime Configurator API.
Represents a Google Cloud Storage location provided by the user.
A ProtocolResolver implementation for the gs:// protocol.
Holds settings for use with the GoogleStorageResource.
Implements WritableResource for reading and writing objects in Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Query Method for GQL queries.
Auto-configuration for GroundedGenerationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for GroundedGenerationService client bean
Auto-configuration for GSuiteAddOnsClient.
Provides default property values for GSuiteAddOns client bean
Auto-configuration for HealthChecksClient.
Provides default property values for HealthChecks client bean
Health tracker for a Pub/Sub subscription.
Health tracker for a Pub/Sub subscription.
A registry for the HealthTracker health trackers created per ProjectSubscriptionName.
A registry for the HealthTracker health trackers created per ProjectSubscriptionName.
Auto-configuration for HubServiceClient.
Provides default property values for HubService client bean
Auto-configuration for IamCheckerClient.
Provides default property values for IamChecker client bean
Auto-configuration for IamCredentialsClient.
Provides default property values for IAMCredentials client bean
Auto-configuration for IAMClient.
Provides default property values for IAM client bean
Autoconfiguration for extracting pre-authenticated user identity from Google Cloud IAP header.
Cloud IAP Authentication properties.
Auto-configuration for IdentityAwareProxyAdminServiceClient.
Provides default property values for IdentityAwareProxyAdminService client bean
Auto-configuration for IdentityAwareProxyOAuthServiceClient.
Provides default property values for IdentityAwareProxyOAuthService client bean
Auto-configuration for IDSClient.
Provides default property values for IDS client bean
Auto-configuration for ImageFamilyViewsClient.
Provides default property values for ImageFamilyViews client bean
Auto-configuration for ImagesClient.
Provides default property values for Images client bean
Auto-configuration for ImageVersionsClient.
Provides default property values for ImageVersions client bean
Auto-configuration for IndexEndpointServiceClient.
Provides default property values for IndexEndpointService client bean
Auto-configuration for IndexServiceClient.
Provides default property values for IndexService client bean
Auto-configuration for InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsClient.
Provides default property values for InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequests client bean
Auto-configuration for InstanceGroupManagersClient.
Provides default property values for InstanceGroupManagers client bean
Auto-configuration for InstanceGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for InstanceGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for InstanceSettingsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for InstanceSettingsService client bean
Auto-configuration for InstancesClient.
Auto-configuration for InstancesClient.
Provides default property values for Instances client bean
Provides default property values for Instances client bean
Auto-configuration for InstanceTemplatesClient.
Provides default property values for InstanceTemplates client bean
Auto-configuration for InstantSnapshotsClient.
Provides default property values for InstantSnapshots client bean
Auto-configuration for IntentsClient.
Provides default property values for Intents client bean
Auto-configuration for InterconnectAttachmentsClient.
Provides default property values for InterconnectAttachments client bean
Auto-configuration for InterconnectLocationsClient.
Provides default property values for InterconnectLocations client bean
Auto-configuration for InterconnectRemoteLocationsClient.
Provides default property values for InterconnectRemoteLocations client bean
Auto-configuration for InterconnectsClient.
Provides default property values for Interconnects client bean
Annotates properties that are collections of child entities.
A converter using Jackson JSON.
Auto-configuration for JobControllerClient.
Provides default property values for JobController client bean
Auto-configuration for JobServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for JobServiceClient.
Provides default property values for JobService client bean
Provides default property values for JobService client bean
This interface allows users to write additional JSON record the JSON log layout.
JsonWrapper to Map converter.
Utility class containing methods for transforming and manipulating Datastore keys.
The Spring Google Cloud KMS specific NestedRuntimeException.
Describes supported operations that one can perform on the KMS API.
Offers convenience methods for performing common operations on KMS including encrypting and decrypting text.
Auto-configuration for KnowledgeBasesClient.
Provides default property values for KnowledgeBases client bean
Auto-configuration for LanguageServiceClient.
Provides default property values for LanguageService client bean
Annotation for a class that indicates that a property is a collection of lazy loaded Datastore entities.
Auto-configuration for LicenseCodesClient.
Provides default property values for LicenseCodes client bean
Auto-configuration for LicensesClient.
Provides default property values for Licenses client bean
Auto-configuration for LineageClient.
Provides default property values for Lineage client bean
Auto-configuration for LlmUtilityServiceClient.
Provides default property values for LlmUtilityService client bean
This event read operation on Cloud Spanner.
A Google Cloud Java Logback LoggingAppender wrapper that configures it for Spring Cloud GCP.
MVC Adapter that adds the TraceIdLoggingWebMvcInterceptor.
Logging enhancer which adds Logstash markers to Logging API calls and JSON log entries.
Auto-configuration for LookupServiceClient.
Provides default property values for LookupService client bean
Auto-configuration for MachineImagesClient.
Provides default property values for MachineImages client bean
Auto-configuration for MachineTypesClient.
Provides default property values for MachineTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for ManagedIdentitiesServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ManagedIdentitiesService client bean
Utility for building an immutable, type-safe Map.
Map to JsonWrapper Converter.
Auto-configuration for MatchServiceClient.
Provides default property values for MatchService client bean
Interface for retrieving properties from Metadata Server.
Auto-configuration for MetadataServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for MetadataServiceClient.
Provides default property values for MetadataService client bean
Provides default property values for MetadataService client bean
Auto-configuration for MigrationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for MigrationService client bean
Auto-configuration for ModelGardenServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ModelGardenService client bean
Auto-configuration for ModelServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for ModelServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ModelService client bean
Provides default property values for ModelService client bean
An interface that allows multiple values to be bound for Cloud Spanner.
An event holding mutations that are submitted to Cloud Spanner.
Auto-configuration for NetworkAttachmentsClient.
Provides default property values for NetworkAttachments client bean
Auto-configuration for NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient.
Provides default property values for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices client bean
Auto-configuration for NetworkEndpointGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for NetworkEndpointGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for NetworkFirewallPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for NetworkFirewallPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for NetworkSecurityClient.
Provides default property values for NetworkSecurity client bean
Auto-configuration for NetworksClient.
Provides default property values for Networks client bean
Auto-configuration for NodeGroupControllerClient.
Provides default property values for NodeGroupController client bean
Auto-configuration for NodeGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for NodeGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for NodeTemplatesClient.
Provides default property values for NodeTemplates client bean
Auto-configuration for NodeTypesClient.
Provides default property values for NodeTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for NotebookServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for NotebookServiceClient.
Provides default property values for NotebookService client bean
Provides default property values for NotebookService client bean
Annotation for an entity's field that causes the field to be ignored by Spring Data Spanner.
An interface for creating Datastore Keys from objects and ID values.
Converter from a gRPC async calls to Reactor primitives (Mono, Flux).
Condition that determines which GCP environment the application is running on.
Auto-configuration for OrgPolicyClient.
Provides default property values for OrgPolicy client bean
Auto-configuration for OsConfigServiceClient.
Provides default property values for OsConfigService client bean
Auto-configuration for OsConfigZonalServiceClient.
Provides default property values for OsConfigZonalService client bean
Auto-configuration for OsLoginServiceClient.
Provides default property values for OsLoginService client bean
Auto-configuration for PacketMirroringsClient.
Provides default property values for PacketMirrorings client bean
Auto-configuration for ParticipantsClient.
Provides default property values for Participants client bean
Name-based query method for Cloud Datastore.
Implementation of a Spanner Query Method that handles all Part-tree / name-convention query methods.
Auto-configuration for PersistentResourceServiceClient.
Provides default property values for PersistentResourceService client bean
Auto-configuration for PipelineServiceClient.
Provides default property values for PipelineService client bean
Auto-configuration for PoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for Policies client bean
Auto-configuration for PolicyBasedRoutingServiceClient.
Provides default property values for PolicyBasedRoutingService client bean
Auto-configuration for PolicyTagManagerSerializationClient.
Provides default property values for PolicyTagManagerSerialization client bean
Auto-configuration for PolicyTagManagerClient.
Provides default property values for PolicyTagManager client bean
Auto-configuration for PredictionServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for PredictionServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for PredictionServiceClient.
Provides default property values for PredictionService client bean
Provides default property values for PredictionService client bean
Provides default property values for PredictionService client bean
Annotation for a SpannerPersistentEntity that allows specifying the primary key columns and their order.
Auto-configuration for ProductServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ProductService client bean
Auto-configuration for ProfilerServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ProfilerService client bean
Auto-configuration for ProjectServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ProjectService client bean
Auto-configuration for ProjectsClient.
Provides default property values for Projects client bean
Auto-configuration for PublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient.
Provides default property values for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes client bean
Auto-configuration for PublicCertificateAuthorityServiceClient.
Provides default property values for PublicCertificateAuthorityService client bean
Auto-configuration for PublicDelegatedPrefixesClient.
Provides default property values for PublicDelegatedPrefixes client bean
A customizer of Publisher.Builder objects.
The publisher factory interface that can create publishers.
Pub/Sub specific implementation of AcknowledgmentCallback.
Pub/Sub admin utility that creates new topics and subscriptions on Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
Pub/Sub binder configuration.
Binder-specific properties for Pub/Sub.
Provisioning provider for Pub/Sub.
Properties common to consumers and producers.
Properties for Publisher or Subscriber specific configurations.
Batching settings.
flow control settings.
Health Check settings.
Publisher settings.
Retry settings.
Subscriber settings.
Consumer destination for Pub/Sub.
Consumer properties for Pub/Sub.
The Spring Google Cloud Pub/Sub specific PubSubException.
The Spring Google Cloud Pub/Sub specific NestedRuntimeException.
Extended binding properties for Pub/Sub.
Maps headers from PubsubMessages to Messages and vice-versa.
Default implementation of HealthIndicator for Pub/Sub.
Auto-configuration for PubSubHealthIndicator.
Properties for Pub/Sub Health Indicator.
Converts from GCP Pub/Sub message to Spring message and sends the Spring message to the attached channels.
Message channel binder for Pub/Sub.
An exception raised when conversion to or from a PubsubMessage fails.
Interface for converters that can convert POJOs to and from Pub/Sub messages.
Outbound channel adapter to publish messages to Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
Implement this callback to post-process a message that failed to publish to Cloud Pub/Sub.
Implement this callback to post-process a successfully published message.
A PubSub Synchronous pull implementation of AbstractMessageSource.
An abstraction for Google Cloud Pub/Sub for publish and subscribe / pull methods.
A producer destination for Pub/Sub.
Producer properties for Pub/Sub.
An abstraction for Google Cloud Pub/Sub publisher operations.
Default implementation of PubSubPublisherOperations.
A factory for procuring Flux instances backed by GCP Pub/Sub Subscriptions.
An abstraction for Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription / pulling operations.
Default implementation of PubSubSubscriberOperations.
Various utility methods for dealing with Pub/Sub subscriptions.
Default implementation of PubSubOperations.
Various utility methods for dealing with Pub/Sub topics.
Annotation to mark query methods in user-defined repositories that are supplied with Google Query Language custom queries.
Annotation used in user-defined repositories to provide SQL for custom Query Methods.
Builds connection string for Cloud SQL through Spring R2DBC by requiring only a database and instance connection name.
Auto-configuration for RankServiceClient.
Provides default property values for RankService client bean
Auto-configuration for ReachabilityServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ReachabilityService client bean
A factory for reactive Firestore repositories.
Firestore specific resource holder, ReactiveFirestoreTransactionManager binds instances of this class to the subscriber context.
Firestore-specific implementation of ReactiveTransactionManager.
An event published when entities are read from Cloud Datastore.
An interface for type conversions on read and on write.
Auto-configuration for RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.
Provides default property values for RecaptchaEnterpriseService client bean
Auto-configuration for RecommendationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for RecommendationService client bean
Auto-configuration for RecommenderClient.
Provides default property values for Recommender client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionAutoscalersClient.
Provides default property values for RegionAutoscalers client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionBackendServicesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionBackendServices client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionCommitmentsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionCommitments client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionDisksClient.
Provides default property values for RegionDisks client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionDiskTypesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionDiskTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionHealthCheckServicesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionHealthCheckServices client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionHealthChecksClient.
Provides default property values for RegionHealthChecks client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient.
Provides default property values for RegionInstanceGroupManagers client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionInstanceGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionInstanceGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionInstancesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionInstances client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionInstanceTemplatesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionInstanceTemplates client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionInstantSnapshotsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionInstantSnapshots client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionNotificationEndpointsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionNotificationEndpoints client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionOperationsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionOperations client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionSecurityPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionSecurityPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionSslCertificatesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionSslCertificates client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionSslPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionSslPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionsClient.
Provides default property values for Regions client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionTargetHttpProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionTargetHttpProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionTargetHttpsProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionTargetTcpProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionTargetTcpProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionUrlMapsClient.
Provides default property values for RegionUrlMaps client bean
Auto-configuration for RegionZonesClient.
Provides default property values for RegionZones client bean
Auto-configuration for RegistrationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for RegistrationService client bean
Auto-configuration for RepositoryManagerClient.
Provides default property values for RepositoryManager client bean
Auto-configuration for ReservationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ReservationService client bean
Auto-configuration for ReservationsClient.
Provides default property values for Reservations client bean
Auto-configuration for ResourcePoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for ResourcePolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for ResourceSettingsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ResourceSettingsService client bean
Retry settings configuration.
Utility methods for retry settings.
Auto-configuration for RoutersClient.
Provides default property values for Routers client bean
Auto-configuration for RoutesClient.
Provides default property values for Routes client bean
An event published when entities are saved to Cloud Datastore.
An event that signals a save operation to Cloud Spanner.
Auto-configuration for ScheduleServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ScheduleService client bean
Auto-configuration for SchemaServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SchemaService client bean
Auto-configuration for SearchServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for SearchServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SearchService client bean
Provides default property values for SearchService client bean
Auto-configuration for SearchTuningServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SearchTuningService client bean
Describes supported operations that one can perform on the Secret Manager API.
A property source for Secret Manager which accesses the Secret Manager APIs when SecretManagerPropertySource.getProperty(java.lang.String) is called.
Offers convenience methods for performing common operations on Secret Manager including creating and reading secrets.
Auto-configuration for SecureSourceManagerClient.
Provides default property values for SecureSourceManager client bean
Auto-configuration for SecurityCenterManagementClient.
Provides default property values for SecurityCenterManagement client bean
Auto-configuration for SecurityCenterClient.
Provides default property values for SecurityCenter client bean
Auto-configuration for SecurityPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for SecurityPolicies client bean
Auto-configuration for SecurityPostureClient.
Provides default property values for SecurityPosture client bean
Provides an interface to customize thread name of subscription-specific ThreadPoolTaskScheduler
Auto-configuration for ServiceAttachmentsClient.
Provides default property values for ServiceAttachments client bean
Auto-configuration for ServiceControllerClient.
Provides default property values for ServiceController client bean
Auto-configuration for ServiceManagerClient.
Provides default property values for ServiceManager client bean
Auto-configuration for ServicesClient.
Provides default property values for Services client bean
Auto-configuration for ServiceUsageClient.
Provides default property values for ServiceUsage client bean
Auto-configuration for ServingConfigServiceClient.
Provides default property values for ServingConfigService client bean
Auto-configuration for SessionControllerClient.
Provides default property values for SessionController client bean
Auto-configuration for SessionEntityTypesClient.
Provides default property values for SessionEntityTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for SessionsClient.
Provides default property values for Sessions client bean
Auto-configuration for SessionTemplateControllerClient.
Provides default property values for SessionTemplateController client bean
Implementation of DatastoreRepository.
A simple PubSubMessageConverter that directly maps payloads of type byte[], ByteString, ByteBuffer, and String to Pub/Sub messages.
The default implementation of a SpannerRepository.
Auto-configuration for SiteSearchEngineServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SiteSearchEngineService client bean
Auto-configuration for SnapshotSettingsServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SnapshotSettingsService client bean
Auto-configuration for SnapshotsClient.
Provides default property values for Snapshots client bean
Auditing event listener that listens for BeforeSaveEvent.
Registers the annotations and classes for providing auditing support in Spring Data Cloud Spanner.
Provides the named bind marker strategy for Cloud Spanner.
Represents an persistent property just to represent Cloud Spanner primary keys, and does not correspond to actual properties of POJOs, as it might even be a composite, multi-column key.
Default commonly-used custom converters.
A custom type converter.
Template for performing many operations to a Spanner database including generating hierarchy schemas and creating and deleting tables.
Exceptions for Spring Data Cloud Spanner.
Interface for processors that can populate fields from Spanner Structs and write them to Spanner Mutations.
An entity writer that writes values from an entity to a sink.
Default implementation of HealthIndicator for Spanner.
Auto-configuration for SpannerHealthIndicator.
Properties for Spanner Health Indicator.
Settings for key converter used in REST repositories.
A mapping context for Cloud Spanner that provides ways to create persistent entities and properties.
Interface for a factory that creates Cloud Spanner mutation operation objects.
Factory that generates mutations for writing to Spanner.
Defines operations available to use with Spanner.
Encapsulates Cloud Spanner query options with sort and paging.
Cloud Spanner specific interface for a MutablePersistentEntity stored in a Cloud Spanner table.
Represents a Cloud Spanner table and its columns' mapping to fields within an entity type.
Holds a Spanner persistent entity and its key type.
Interface for a PersistentProperty of a SpannerPersistentEntity to be stored in a Google Cloud Spanner table.
Represents an implementation for SpannerPersistentProperty, which is a property of a SpannerPersistentEntity stored in a Cloud Spanner table.
Determines the type of the user's custom-defined Query Methods and instantiates their implementations.
A Query Method for Spanner.
Encapsulates Cloud Spanner query options.
The R2dbcDialect implementation which enables usage of Spring Data R2DBC with Cloud Spanner.
Provides the SpannerR2dbcDialect for Spring Data.
A custom converter used for reading from Spanner data types.
Encapsulates Cloud Spanner read options.
Enables autoconfiguration for EnableSpannerRepositories.
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to auto-configure Spring Data JPA Repositories.
A boilerplate class to register Spanner repositories.
A Spring Data repository for Cloud Spanner with specific features.
A boilerplate class configuring the instantiation of Spanner repositories.
A factory for instantiating Spanner repositories.
SpannerRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I>
Spanner Repository Factory Bean used to create factories that ultimately create repository implementations.
Contains functions related to the table schema of entities.
Executes Cloud Spanner query statements using PartTree parsed method definitions.
An implementation of SpannerOperations.
Spanner transaction manager.
A transaction object that holds the transaction context.
Auto-configuration for SpannerTransactionManager.
A utility class to map between common Java types and types to use with Spanner.
A custom converter for writing values from entities to types for Spanner.
Auto-configuration for SpecialistPoolServiceClient.
Provides default property values for SpecialistPoolService client bean
Auto-configuration for SpeechClient.
Provides default property values for Speech client bean
Returns the credentials that are written to a system property by the Cloud SQL starter.
A Query Method for Spanner using SQL strings.
Auto-configuration for SslCertificatesClient.
Provides default property values for SslCertificates client bean
Auto-configuration for SslPoliciesClient.
Provides default property values for SslPolicies client bean
This class provides the service context data for stackdriver error reporting.
This class provides a JSON layout for a Logback appender compatible to the Stackdriver log format.
This class configures a Web MVC interceptor to capture trace IDs for log correlation.
Config for Stackdriver Trace.
Constants for Stackdriver Trace.
Auto-configuration for StoragePoolsClient.
Provides default property values for StoragePools client bean
Auto-configuration for StoragePoolTypesClient.
Provides default property values for StoragePoolTypes client bean
Auto-configuration for StorageTransferServiceClient.
Provides default property values for StorageTransferService client bean
A convenience wrapper class around Struct to make reading columns easier without knowing their type.
Auto-configuration for SubnetworksClient.
Provides default property values for Subnetworks client bean
Interface used by the PubSubTemplate to create supporting objects for consuming messages from Pub/Sub subscriptions.
Auto-configuration for SystemPolicyV1Client.
Provides default property values for SystemPolicyV1 client bean
Annotation for a SpannerPersistentEntity that allows specifying a custom table name, instead of deriving it from the entity's class name.
Auto-configuration for TargetGrpcProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetGrpcProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetHttpProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetHttpProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetHttpsProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetHttpsProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetInstancesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetInstances client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetPoolsClient.
Provides default property values for TargetPools client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetSslProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetSslProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetTcpProxiesClient.
Provides default property values for TargetTcpProxies client bean
Auto-configuration for TargetVpnGatewaysClient.
Provides default property values for TargetVpnGateways client bean
Auto-configuration for TelcoAutomationClient.
Provides default property values for TelcoAutomation client bean
Auto-configuration for TenantServiceClient.
Provides default property values for TenantService client bean
Auto-configuration for TensorboardServiceClient.
Provides default property values for TensorboardService client bean
Auto-configuration for TetherClient.
Provides default property values for Tether client bean
Auto-configuration for TextToSpeechLongAudioSynthesizeClient.
Provides default property values for TextToSpeechLongAudioSynthesize client bean
Auto-configuration for TextToSpeechClient.
Provides default property values for TextToSpeech client bean
Auto-configuration for TpuClient.
Provides default property values for Tpu client bean
An extractor that can provide a trace ID from an HTTP request.
Adds the trace ID and span ID to the logging entry, in its correct format to be displayed in the Logs viewer.
HandlerInterceptor that extracts the request trace ID from the "x-cloud-trace-context" HTTP header and stores it in a thread-local using TraceIdLoggingEnhancer.setCurrentTraceId(java.lang.String).
Auto-configuration for TraceServiceClient.
Provides default property values for TraceService client bean
Auto-configuration for TranscoderServiceClient.
Provides default property values for TranscoderService client bean
Auto-configuration for TranslationServiceClient.
Provides default property values for TranslationService client bean
In order to support CustomConversions, this class applies 2-step conversions.
Annotation for Datastore property that indicates it should be excluded from indexes.
Marks a field to be used for update time.
Auto-configuration for UrlMapsClient.
Provides default property values for UrlMaps client bean
Provides the user-agent header to signal to the Google Cloud Client Libraries that requests originate from a Spring Integration.
Auto-configuration for UserEventServiceClient.
Auto-configuration for UserEventServiceClient.
Provides default property values for UserEventService client bean
Provides default property values for UserEventService client bean
Auto-configuration for ValidationHelperV1Client.
Provides default property values for ValidationHelperV1 client bean
Utility class containing functions for working with types related to Cloud Datastore.
Auto-configuration for VersionsClient.
Auto-configuration for VersionsClient.
Provides default property values for Versions client bean
Provides default property values for Versions client bean
Auto-configuration for VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.
Provides default property values for VideoIntelligenceService client bean
Auto-configuration for VideoStitcherServiceClient.
Provides default property values for VideoStitcherService client bean
Auto-configuration for VizierServiceClient.
Provides default property values for VizierService client bean
Auto-configuration for VmMigrationClient.
Provides default property values for VmMigration client bean
Auto-configuration for VpcAccessServiceClient.
Provides default property values for VpcAccessService client bean
Auto-configuration for VpnGatewaysClient.
Provides default property values for VpnGateways client bean
Auto-configuration for VpnTunnelsClient.
Provides default property values for VpnTunnels client bean
Auto-configuration for WebRiskServiceClient.
Provides default property values for WebRiskService client bean
Auto-configuration for WebSecurityScannerClient.
Provides default property values for WebSecurityScanner client bean
Where clause to add to the element Entity or target entity of a collection.
Auto-configuration for WorkflowsClient.
Provides default property values for Workflows client bean
Auto-configuration for WorkflowTemplateServiceClient.
Provides default property values for WorkflowTemplateService client bean
Auto-configuration for WorkstationsClient.
Provides default property values for Workstations client bean
Auto-configuration for ZoneOperationsClient.
Provides default property values for ZoneOperations client bean
Auto-configuration for ZonesClient.
Provides default property values for Zones client bean